Getting Lost in Shibuya Tokyo Japan

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as always Tokyo is as busy as ever um I would like to go this way this is the skyline of shibia skyline of Shibuya different from what it used to be game is called dot that's the name of this new place and you can make your own combinations of soup noodles and there are 500 different combos hey guys welcome back to another video greetings from Shibuya so we never ever come to Shibuya except for like on the rare occasion and um you know one reason why we don't come too often is because it's super crowded and they're always doing construction so we get lost all the time but anyway I thought it would be kind of fun to get lost with you guys first I want to kind of like point out some things that are kind of new that's so that's always been there this is the should be a scramble Square so this is one of the newer buildings maybe that thing over there that's miyashita Park complex so that's brand new that wasn't here before the pandemic anyway uh let's go walking and get lost so we actually got off here this is uh should be a station but the Metro exit and um I don't know what exit this is East exit I think it's the East exit underground square and this is where they're still doing construction this is the shibia Jr station and the Hachiko is on that side but we're gonna Walk This Way today and explore a little bit I wonder when all this construction is gonna finish 2027 to 2027. okay I guess that's like four more years it's not too bad okay so that's there's a concert hall in there uh you know this building right here where they have the uh shibia Sky we we don't really know much about this building we really should Explore More it's just yeah should be at the place we don't really come that often these are bus stops that go to nearby areas like Le pongi and akasaka across over here to the other side that's that's the direction where the shibia scramble Crossing is we're going to end the video with that as always Tokyo is as busy as ever um I would like to go this way here's uh one more look at uh should be a scrambled Square I think um there's Office Buildings up there that's where Google is as well it's a new Google headquarters every time I see a lint store you know the Lindt chocolate store like the one right here on the corner reminds me of our trip to Germany the lint store yeah what so she said they have the best chocolate this way this way it's gonna go this way well your mother loved well you your family loved the chocolates from Lynn to say but my family said your family your family loves the chocolate from Lind okay so we're walking towards miyashita Park and uh we're like uh stay on the ground floor today I think I'll save miesh the park for another day because I do want to introduce a couple of things inside this building next time oh anyway I do feel a lot better thank you so much guys so this is the entrance to miyashta park this opened up during the pandemic so this is kind of new so if you guys haven't been back to Tokyo since the pandemic uh definitely check this place out lots of cool stores here here on the first floor it's a whole bunch of eateries this is part of the complex they made it look old it's actually new but it's they made it look retro and you can eat food from all over Japan like Regional cuisine and here let me show you a map here yokocho and yeah these are all the individual uh restaurants here like Okinawan food Kyushu food Etc is a place selling food from Kyushu area like gyoza it's kind of cool looking uh we came here before to eat once when they first opened we weren't too impressed with the food that we had but I feel like we should give them another chance what do you guys think because this place is quite popular especially on the weekends you see a whole bunch of people here I mean this place is super packed on Friday Saturday nights uh this is lamb skewers from uncle where Hong Kong Hong Kong really okay so they have like Hong Kong Hong Kong style food oh it says Yokohama so Chinese food from Yokohama you can enjoy here as well this is Kanto so the Kanto region food Seafood bowls anyway yeah I mean the vibe is really fun and festive okay one last look at this yokocho here yeah it doesn't look like it right now because it's like 3 P.M right now but during meal times especially at dinner this place is pretty packed okay so let's continue let's continue with our walk so this is the brand new shibia and I purposely want to show you this area because I'm gonna show you a little bit of old Shibuya right after this because it's right next door when I was younger like in my 20s when I first arrived in Tokyo I used to come to this area along this part of Shibuya these are the escalators that take you to this uh miyashta Park complex okay we're gonna um bypass this area today but yeah one of my favorite Thai restaurants used to be in this area and I don't know I guess because I live nearby Shibuya my my gym used to be in Shibuya so I used to come to shibia often like four times a week I guess four or five times a week okay you can also use these stairs to go up to the minister Park complex anyway we're gonna go this way okay sorry we're gonna kind of backtrack go up here so I guess I am going to walk through the park to get to the old area okay so the park is actually on the very top floor oh how you doing yeah why stairs why not it's a nice hike so here are welcome to miasta park guys so this is kind of nice because yeah it's like a park up here on the roof it's actually a pretty big Park this is a Starbucks a building in front of us that is a hotel called sequence from there you can actually see the trains go by okay I'm gonna go this way yeah okay yeah so this is the Skylander should be a Skyline of Shibuya different from what it used to be from here you can sit here and watch the trains go by I think can you see the trains from here I wonder the roof of the trains yeah oh you can sit here okay I see so you can kind of see the trains from here not quite though hmm do you know what trains go by here okay that's the amount of line up there are some vending machines there so you can get something to drink and like I said a lot of places to sit a little grassy area lots of grass to make you feel like you're in a real Park and it's completely safe so don't worry at all weekends you'll see people utilizing this uh man-made Beach this is for like a beach volleyball this is a fee based so you do have to pay for it pay to use it there's also a skateboard park down there there's a couple of food trucks here where I can get drinks you can get a beer and a high ball here some cookies and here you can get uh they're close today but tapioca drinks like boba boba drinks and then right here this is the rock climbing place and the bouldering wall and then here you have the skateboard park I think this is fee based as well yeah it's a like how much is it okay so it's 1 000 Yen for every two hours or 480 Yen for um children unless you are a Shibuya resident it's half off you know my friends when I was going to school I had some friends that would skateboard not roller skates I could roller skate but I never learned how to skateboard oh I just couldn't get the hang of it how about you guys did you guys roller skate or skateboard when you were younger maybe you you still skateboard these days I don't know how one keeps balance on these things okay and that is the end of the park so to get out all you have to do is go down these escalators and they're gonna check out the old area which is actually right over there so we have arrived at the first floor so we came down this way the old area is down this way I know many of you guys already know about this area you guys heard of champagne yokocho in Shinjuku so this is a number of Shibuya obviously most of these places are still closed because these are mostly bars I heard um the bars here are quite friendly though so yeah you can check it out here these are all individually owned bars like Detroit is a tiny bar like that's one bar here located right next to the train train tracks so some people might consider it noisy others might say it's very atmospheric so it depends depends what do you think and this place is kind of new uh this place is uh offering uh munja and for some reason monja is super popular in Japan and we don't know why in Tokyo I don't know why we don't know why I I absolutely don't know why they start popping up all over the place I don't know I don't understand maybe it's because we're not huge fans of muncha okay we're gonna turn right here promise we will cross the shibia crossing we're walking under the train tracks right now you visit Tokyo I know you're a repeat visitor you probably have your favorite spots in Tokyo where is your favorite spot would it be Shibuya would it be Shinjuku Ginza or more stamachi areas like asakusa where is your favorite place to stay in Tokyo let me know that's the I think that's the appeal of Tokyo you know having all these places with a completely different vibe and that's part of the appeal of Tokyo so here we are at the uh the scramble Crossing of Shibuya that's a super popular Starbucks where you see mostly foreigners sitting up there admiring this scene here [Music] I get it though when I first came to Tokyo when I was younger I was surprised at how no one bumps into each other you know in this crosswalk but now I'm so used to it I don't really think twice about it yeah so this is this should be across the egg Vanessa station by the way okay and then we're gonna walk through here they said I was going to end the video of this crosswalk but instead we're just gonna walk maybe just one more block into now call it a day so this is probably one of the most uh um popular areas in Shibuya for the young people Shiba is uh shibia is geared towards the younger crowd however things are changing a little bit maybe because of the Aging population I don't know but uh yeah like the new department store at the station their their target audience isn't very young people the target audience is a little older so I think these are changing a bit hey this is a brand new uh gachapon store so yeah just keep going down the street and you will find shops and shops and shops and shops okay so we're gonna make a detour we're gonna turn right here because it's super crowdy here and we're gonna walk towards uh the the one of the main streets and then we're gonna check out this new noodle shop that we heard about I have no idea what kind of noodle shop it is but I heard it's really unique by the way guys please if you have any suggestions or places that you'd like me to check out on this video or Topix video please leave it down in the comments uh that would help me decide what to film next time um if you know like a hidden spot here in Tokyo that would be great too okay noodle shop this is Loft so it's not here I think it's one more Street down this way so this is should be a center guy so this is also Sevilla Center guy okay all right I think this used to be kokoichi but now it's a Ramen Shop I don't know I don't know once again just like the Harajuku area really come to shibia that often but you know I think it's time we revisit these places like Shibuya and Harajuku just because personally we like quiet quieter areas of Tokyo but I'm sure there are some things that are worth visiting here okay I think maybe it's this street on my right I believe is a new new noodle shop is located here I think it's the street [Music] um is it is it this tree uh yeah I I think it is the street yeah okay so let's let the cars go first [Music] okay let's cross I may be wrong but we'll see this is the ever popular ichina Ramen this is Spain Spain Hill I believe yeah they call this Spain I don't know why does it look like Spain to you okay I found it I found it yeah this tree has a lot of Food Shops too okay here we are this is it this is it right here I think it's called soup noodle is that no no the name is called dot that's the name of this new place and you can um make your own uh combinations of soup noodles and there are 500 different combos you can choose like spicy and fall you can do like garlic tonkotsu and Hong Kong Noodles Etc you um create these noodles by mixing up the Dots here one dot two dot or three dots anyway and then you usually these machines to order oh how interesting okay here this is how to order select the dot one two or three select the noodle ready and then cashless only oh interesting yeah this is the the soup base yeah oh the choose one or two or three right or you can mix it mix it yeah but anyway I feel like we should come here to do a proper video next time yeah because it looks quite interesting and all the uh order with the machine it's so interesting all right guys I'm going to end the video here I definitely want to come back to this noodle shop I think it's really cool the concept is cool so if that sounds interesting to you I would like to know your thoughts on it if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe for more videos like this one and see you guys on the next one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Shinichi's World
Views: 16,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shinichi, tabieats, shinichis world, shibuya, tokyo japan, tokyo 2023, shibuya walk, walking tokyo, tokyo japan 2023, city walk tokyo
Id: _TIngG7fn00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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