come book shopping with me & reading burning god 💫 weekend reading vlog

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel into this new weekend reading vlog i'm so so excited for this video because i have some really really exciting plans the main one being going book shopping today so i'm planning on taking you guys book shopping with me i'm gonna go to waterstones in the middle of the city because world is actually now out of lockdown so we're allowed to go shopping and everything and i haven't been to waterstones since the lockdown ended so i'm definitely gonna go today and hopefully pick up some really exciting books and then i'm also planning on reading the entirety of the burning god by rong this weekend i'm not gonna lie i'm slightly scared about this because look how thick it is it's a very big book and there is a lot to read and i'm planning on reading it over these two days i think i can do it i'm pretty sure i can do it but i'm not making any promises but for now i'm saying i'm definitely gonna finish it by tomorrow evening maybe like 2 a.m on monday morning but we'll see hopefully i can get it done in this reading vlog and i'm just so so excited because if you didn't know this is my most anticipated release of the whole year because the poppy wars series and this is actually the third book in that series is pretty much my favorite series of all time it's this amazing asian inspired high fantasy series and it's very very graphic and gory and shocking and eye-opening because it is based on real life events from chinese military history so there are some really really horrifying things in here it's got like every single trigger warning so please be careful because every time i recommend this i'm trying to convince everyone to read it but then i have to remember at the same time that it is really quite a disturbing series so definitely be careful if that's not something you're interested in but i just think it is so beautifully made there is so much war and politics and just amazing intrigue like i'm so interested in this book and this world and the magic system as well is so cool it follows a girl called rin who's from the poorest part of her country and somehow she gets accepted into the most prestigious military academy in the whole country but what she finds out while she's there is that there is this act of shamanism where you can cool down the spirits of the gods and kind of let them possess your body and you can use their powers but it can kind of turn you mad and it is so so cool like the magic system with cooling down the gods and there's so many different gods and you find out all about them it's just so so interesting they actually do have to like take opiates though to cool down these gods so maybe that's another trigger warning like drug use but yes like i said it does have every single trigger warning so definitely be careful it's finally coming to an end now and i'm gonna have to finish this series and leave behind all my favorite characters it also has this kind of hate to love romance but it's very back and forth i don't know if you can even call it a romance but i love it a lot i have a feeling it's not going to end well because i just know everyone is devastated after finishing this book so i'm very very scared but we'll see what i think over the next few days i'll be regularly updating you with my thoughts on the book and how it's going and i just really really hope it's good and i'm i'm just so excited to start this my favorite character by the way is probably kate he's just the cutest and i'm just expecting him to die and i'm very very scared but i love him a lot he's just so wholesome but anyway i'm now gonna head off into cardiff central and show you guys around waterstones i'm so so excited it's going to be so christmasy and nice and i just really hope i find some really cool books that i can pick up i'm just so excited to show you around and i'm going to head off there now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone i'm now back from town it wasn't the best weather i'm not gonna lie it didn't rain but it was kind of on the verge it was really great and my hair clearly didn't like it so there's been a little bit of a change in my hair so please excuse the frizziness but anyway i'm very very happy because i picked up some very exciting reads in waterstones and because it was black friday weekend not only was it super super busy in town but they were doing double stamps and waterstones so you get a stamp for every 10 pound you spend and then once you get to 10 stamps you have a 10 pound voucher and i actually had a 10 ml vector so that was perfect gave me excuse to buy more books and then it was also double stamps so i got double the amount of stamps that you would normally get so i am very very happy with my purposes today and also look how cute the bag is i love it so much but anyway i will now show you what i got so two of the books i got i'm definitely going to be reading them next week the first one that i picked up was this stunning edition of how the king of el fame learned to hate stories by holly black and this is like kind of the fourth book in the cruel prince series which is one of my favorite series of all time but it's kind of i think it's a collection of short stories so it's not a proper fourth book in the series because it's a lot smaller as you can see it's tiny it's a baby but i am so so excited to read this everyone is absolutely loving it i've seen so many five star reviews of this book they did have the white version but i just had to get the black waterstones exclusive edition because i just think it is stunning and my lovely friend kendra i will link her channel up above but she had actually sent me last year the black edition of the cruel prince all the way from america from barnes and noble and i love it so so much so i just thought i had to get another one of the black editions especially when it's so easily available in my own country for once so yes i'm so so excited to read this next week for tis the seasonathon i just had so many amazing things about it and i'm really really excited to see more of cardin's backstory and his perspective and what he thinks of jude i'm expecting some very fluffy cute romance maybe seeing him in the human world i would love that a lot but i'm very very excited so this might be my first read of next week for the tis the seasonathon and i can't wait and then the other book that i bought today to re-fit is the seasonathon is these violent delights by chloe gong and i think you know i can't tell i thought at first it was fake but i don't know has chloe going actually sign this if it is that is amazing if i have a signed edition but i can't tell if that's just part of the book let me know if you know because that would be really cool if she's actually signed this but i'm not going to get excited because it just could be part of the book i don't know but anyway i've heard the most amazing things about this book so i'm so so excited to get to it next week it is a romeo and juliet retelling set in 1920 shanghai sounds so so cool they're from rival gangs and they're forced to put their differences aside and work together and i think it's going to be a lot of enemies to lovers in this which i love to see i love a bit of a retelling like they are so fun especially when it has a spin on it like being set in shanghai and i just can't wait to read this i've heard really really great things about it recently and i'm just so so excited it is also stunning like look at the cover i just think that this is a gorgeous gorgeous book and i'm very very happy i managed to pick this up today so i'm so excited to read this and then the next two i'm hoping to also read at some point during december because they're both gonna be quite easy reads so the first one is saga volume four and i'm really really looking forward to this i absolutely love the saga series it's just such an amazing sci-fi graphic novel series and the art style is just stunning it is so cool to read i just love the story it is really really fun and funny and a little bit crude so it's more kind of an adult graphic novel i wouldn't read this if you're kind of uncomfortable with a lot of swearing and nudity and lots of kind of crude violence and gore and stuff so yeah steer clear of that if that's not your thing but if you're completely fine with that i would definitely recommend this because it's such a fun funny series and i love it so so much sci-fi is just like one of my favorite genres ever i'm pretty sure i say this about every genre in the world but i promise sci-fi is like in my top five so yeah i'm very very much looking forward to reading saga volume four i can't wait to get back into this world see all the characters again see this star cross romance again and see how that kid is growing up it's so cool i definitely recommend giving this series a try especially if you haven't really read any graphic novels before i'd say this will be a really fun start and then finally i picked up the third book and the cutest series ever and that is heartstopper volume three i'm so happy i have this now i can't wait to read this i think i'm gonna do a reread of the series soon so i'm gonna read volumes one two and three and is four out yet i've seen the cover for four but i can't remember if it's actually out it might not be out for a little bit but yes i can't wait to read this this is just the cutest series ever the art style is so adorable as well i love it a lot i love the characters it is an mm romance and it explores coming to terms with your own sexuality and what it means to fall in love with someone it's just so cute it's like a coming-of-age story as well it's everything and i love it a lot so i'm really really excited to do a reread of this series and then read volume three i can just tell it's going to be the cutest experience ever so i'm very very much looking forward to that all right so those are the books that i picked up from waterstones today and i got double points for them so i'm over the moon and i'm just so so excited to get to these very very soon starting next week but now that i have gone book shopping i now have time to just relax a bit and obviously get on with my read of this weekend so i'm going to be making a start with the burning gourd and like i said before i am absolutely terrified i am expecting pretty much everyone to die and everything to end miserably and badly for all the characters because it would just be classic rf khan like she's an amazing author but she loves to make us miserable so i'm terrified and i'm not expecting good things but i'm expecting great things in terms of the story and the writing and the characters and everything just i don't think it's gonna end well but yes i hopefully will be able to finish this all this weekend fingers crossed it's a lot to read but because i love this series i'm pretty confident i'll be able to do it so i'm gonna get started with that now and i will update you soon with my thoughts of how it's going [Music] do [Music] [Music] all right it's 11 p.m now and this afternoon and evening i've mainly just been chilling out reading my book and i also watch trek two with my housemates because obviously that is an elite film especially out with the shrimp films that is like the best shrek film but anyway i had a lovely time doing lots of reading and lots of shrek watching and i don't know actually quite how i've done it but somehow i am over halfway through the bernie god so i am on chapter 20 which is 344 pages in that was way more actually than i planned to do today i was planning to get to like at least 250 but between 250 and 300 so i'm very very proud of myself for getting over halfway now because there is about 620 pages i want to say in this book so i'm over halfway i'm definitely on track to finish it tomorrow and i'm just absolutely in love i genuinely think that if i hadn't gone to town this morning and gone book shopping and stuff i would have probably finished this today not because i'm some super fast reader but because it's such a good book i genuinely just can't stop reading it i just can't i can't put it down i just want to constantly know what's happening what's gonna happen it really keeps you so tense and you just wanna know what's gonna happen all the time the characters are so well written the best thing about our main character rin is how morally gracious like i genuinely find myself questioning whether she's an actual villain because she does all these awful awful things and you kind of excuse it because she's the main character and she's doing it for the greater good but isn't that just what villains do like is she actually a villain if she is technically a villain then it's really interesting actually reading from a villain's perspective but i really love her as a character and i honestly back her in all her decisions because she knows best she's she's just the best i love her a lot and obviously kate is the cutest i really want to see some more of nezha throughout i just love this book so so much and like i said earlier i'm very scared of the ending but i'm just enjoying my read so so much right now i just can't wait i need to finish it as soon as possible even if that ending will ruin me i just need to know what happens right now and i'm actually really looking forward as well to finding out some more stuff about the backstory of like the spilly island and what happened with that because there's a lot of stuff that still hasn't been revealed and because this is the final book i'm hoping it will be wrapped up in this it's being hinted that it will be wrapped up so yes there are lots of things i'm very very excited to find out and i'm gonna have to keep reading it tonight i'm probably gonna end up going to bed at like two or three because i'm in a very bad sleeping pattern at the moment i go to bed at like around two every night and then i wake up at around 12 which is really bad i know like two or three should not be my normal bedtime but it just is but it does give me more time to read so am i really gonna be complaining about that no so i'm just gonna be reading i think for the rest of the night because it's just so good i can't put it down and then i will hopefully be finishing it off tomorrow i'm just so so excited because it is absolutely a stunning book i'm definitely expecting this to be a five stars it's a hundred percent of five stars so far i just think the writing the plot the characters everything is amazing also one more thing from my shopping trip this morning i forgot to show you guys what i got apart from the books i just want to show these because i got the cutest little earrings from a shop called tiger there were only one pound each imagine so yeah i'm gonna be wearing these very christmassy earrings my favorite ones are these ones which are that little bow gift tag things i don't know how you describe it but you know the little puffy things that you put on presents i love it and then i've got some little candy canes here as well so definitely expect to see me wearing these throughout my christmas vlogs and stuff because i just can't wait to get more festive and feel all the christmas vibes i loved going on town today and seeing all the decorations and stuff it was so fun waterstones had a bit of decoration it wasn't as much as i was hoping for but it was still really cute so yes i'm just loving the christmas vibes and now we are almost in december i'm definitely allowed to celebrate properly now so i'm very very much looking forward to that but anyway time to get back into the world of the burning god and please let me find out some more of what's going on because there are so many things i want to find out and i need to find them out right now so i'm just going to read for the next few hours i think i will update you tomorrow with my progress hopefully i'll have made some decent progress and i will hopefully be finishing it tomorrow but we'll see i'll update you then [Music] so [Music] so [Music] morning everyone is sunday today i've just woken up it's just after 12. and it turns out that yesterday's predictions were right i ended up staying up till 3am yesterday reading the burning god and i've made some really really good progress actually so i'm now on chapter 28 which is page 495 so there's literally just over 100 pages left i can't believe i'm almost at the end of this book i'm absolutely terrified the closer it gets the more scared i am because i just feel like everything's just gonna go from zero to 100 well not even zero everything's really tense right now i think it's gonna go from a hundred to a thousand in the last bit of this book and i'm very very very much looking forward to that but also terrified as you can see from my face i don't even know what to think it's just so addicting it's really interesting all this military stuff like the whole book is basically them doing different wars which i guess if you're not really interested in that this book would be pretty long for you i don't think you should read it if you're not interested in like military kind of strategy and stuff and how those wars and battles would take place because that's pretty much this entire book so far there's not much else going on but i would really recommend it if you're normally into fantasies and you love that sort of military war politics aspect so yes i'm gonna try and finish this now i'm tense i'm ready and i will update you very very soon with my thoughts on the last bit but i'm not expecting happy things i think i'm also going to start watching the queen's gambit today i'm not sure if any of you guys watch it but i've been hearing so much about it recently so i thought it's finally about time that i give it a try because i've finished the haunting of blind mana as you may know if you've been watching my vlogs i've been ranting about that non-stop but anyway i absolutely love that series so now i'm in a bit of a mourning stage so i haven't been watching anything else on netflix but i think it's time to move on and start a new series so i'm going to try the queen's gambit and i'm very much excited also to now start watching some christmas movies because now i feel like it's been black friday and stuff we can get on with really getting festive so i'm going to watch some christmas movies as well in the next few weeks let me know of any good recommendations because the ones i've watched are all a bit cheesy but i kind of love them at the same time and i'd love to know some new ones i'm going to do some re-watches as well this year like the classics like elf i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of a fan of the christmas calendar i know a lot of people thought it was really cheesy but i loved it a lot so yeah stuff like that i'm gonna do a re-watch of this year and i can't wait so please let me know with any christmasy recommendations because i'd love to watch a lot of christmasy films throughout december but anyway i'm going to get on now with reading burning god and i will be updating you very soon because i have a feeling i will be flying through these last 100 pages we'll see what i think and i'll let you know very soon all right so it's 5 p.m now and i finished the burning guard i had to watch a few episodes of the queen's gambit after to calm myself down which is really good actually but anyway i was pretty emotional i'm not gonna lie i was tearing up and i was not feeling great for a little bit so that definitely cheered me up but yes burning god is finished now and i'm just i'm still kind of in shock i don't think it's sunk in the ending i don't think i've really accepted it as real i knew that the ending was going to be devastating and this whole book is just a tragedy but it's just still horrible to read but it was just such a stunning book honestly and it just had that five-star feeling and i think it's so hard to find a five-star book for me because even though like some of my recent reads i absolutely loved like from blood and ash and cemetery boys they were very solid 4.5 stars for me i wasn't sure if they were five stars but really it seems that the only time i'm certain that a book is five stars is when it has this beautiful amazing complex magic system and everything is just so interesting and there's loads of politics and war and everything and amazing fantasy i just find it harder to get that from like a y a for example but with an adult fantasy like this oh my gosh it blows me away i'm just stunned by this book it was amazing definitely a five star read definitely one of my favorite series of all time if not my favorite it's just a horrifying beautiful tragic series and i couldn't recommend it more so i think everyone really needs to read this i'm just still in shock though like that ending broke my heart like it took me a long time to compose myself and just calm down just chill out and watch a nice series about chess and now i'm finally ready to talk this whole series is just tragic and beautiful and eye-opening and if it ended all happy rainbows it wouldn't be right so yes even though i'm devastated by this ending i'm very happy it ended the way it did because it was just necessary and yes i can't even think straight i'm worried that this book is going to put me in a book slump because it was so good but i'm not gonna let it next week i'm gonna read all four of the books i'm planning to read for tis this seasonathon so it's gonna be a very busy but fun and productive week and i can't wait i'm gonna get over this book eventually but i don't think i'm gonna start a book for the rest of the day i'm just still reeling i don't think i'd be able to might even have to reread the last chapter a few times just to let it properly sink in and actually accept what's happened but i'm devastated it was just amazing and i would say it actually did show the perspective of a villain so that's something you're interested in definitely read this because i wasn't sure before but i'd say from this book i'd definitely say that rin makes these awful choices that only a villain would really make if you were some amazing hero you wouldn't do half the stuff she does but she does it because it's necessary and she believes it's necessary so yes amazing book from the perspective of a very morally great if not just evil character who i absolutely love love all the supporting characters love the world love the magic system love the politics love everything everyone please read this book even though it's gonna break your heart please so i think i'm just gonna relax for the rest of the evening watch some more of queen's gambit to calm myself down maybe like i said we read the last chapters of the book but i don't know i'm ready to go through that again to be honest i might just have to live in denial but still a phenomenal series so i'm gonna end the reading vlog here i hope you enjoyed seeing me going book shopping this weekend and my progress on burning god and i really hope it's encouraged some of you to read the series if you haven't considered it before because it's so worth it and i love it so so much all right so thank you for watching this weekend reading vlog and i will see you next week with my tis the seasonathon reading vlogs and i'm so so excited so i'll see you then thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: mia rose
Views: 3,950
Rating: 4.9594593 out of 5
Id: V5EXu2ZRk9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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