MAY Bullet Journal Setup 2021 PLAN WITH ME Yemen 4k

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Hi guys and welcome back to the channel if you are new here I'm Torryn and I'm going to be setting up my bullet journal for the month of May and this time my theme is going to be Yemen so I'm going to research the country and set it up inspired by Yemen video So if you saw the video where I made the choices for the.. three country choices for May you'll see that I pulled out Yemen and I really had no idea about country itself as I didn't know at all what I would explore so it made it quite interesting and fun to research because everything was new to me so I will try and share what I found what I discovered along the way and will get started with the set up so a little background on the country itself the position the location of Yemen is in the Southern Arabian Peninsula so Western Asia and it's about the same size as Oman which is right next door which I have actually done a previous set up of Oman in last October so I thought that I'd find something similar being as though so close together but once again I'm amazed by the differences between each country even though the places are next to each other they just have their unique identities so I will try and describe some of it's uniqueness to you today so starting with what I chose for the cover I found these amazing trees that are only found in an island called Socotra which is off of the coast of Yemen and it still considered part of Yemen and on this island is just like this natural paradise full of wildlife and flora and fauna that is just unique to this one island and there are these trees that are just incredible they look like this what I'm painting they are called dragon blood trees and they just look alien they don't look like they're from Earth I think and that's how they've been described as well because they're just so unique so all the branches just come underneath and they just so thickly dense with these branches and then there's just these spiky bush like leaves on top and they just look really bizarre and the reason they called dragon blood trees as well is the sap is red so you'll only find these on Socotra along with some other very unusual species as well that are endemic to Socotra like the cucumber tree I'll put an image of that here because I didn't end up getting that into the spread itself but yeah I was just so taken aback by these bizarre looking umbrella trees that I thought they should have front and center position here on the cover page literally in the center so I just thought it would be very cool to see these in real life so I thought I would plan this spread as if I were travelling through Yemen and I've landed on Socotra island and I've just been absolutely astonished by these trees so I'm just resting beneath them looking up and questioning probably all of the questions we asked about the world and where do the things come from and how did these get here because yeah I think they would bring up all sorts of questions for you cause how can they just be in this one spot why is no other tree looking like this it just boggles the mind now I'm using Gouache for this cover page I have been loving using Gouache lately and my last Finland cover was using the same products so it's all the products are always listed down in the description if you're ever interested in what I'm using but I was really happy with the colors that I could create using the Gouache I wanted this really sort of burnt earthy terracotta color to represent that sort of Rocky Sandy desert vibe in the base and then I've got a lovely pale blue which I had to go for a few times to get the right kind of blue I really wanted a nice pastel almost lilac touch to it that just felt very soft and inviting so I really like how these three colours are working together on the cover page and then I've drawn my.. to get the position for my girl I normally need a reference for when I'm drawing people in general so I just prefer working from a reference and I couldn't find, in fact I didn't even bother looking for one in that position because I knew it would be impossible finding girl looking up and with feet out so I just sat on the ground took a photo with my phone and used myself as a reference to get the right position and that made my life a lot easier to be honest so I'll do that in the future as well but I just drew myself with just outlines i like to leave her uncolored it just kind of adds another dimension to the artwork I think it makes it a bit more illustrative and then so I thought I would do the same with a chameleon so this guy is a Socotran chameleon which sadly is a near threatened species of chameleon on Socotra but I wanted to illustrate him because he is endemic and I really love chameleons in general I think they're very cool so I thought I would illustrate him in a similar way to the girl and just keep him blank with just the lines so just using a little bit of stippling and hatching to create some dimension there but I really like how that turned out and sort of made it a little bit quirky I think now once I was happy with my illustration I decided to.. don't worry I scanned it in first because this part is always scary for many people and then I cut it in half and put it in my journal but just so you know I do spend a lot of time on the cover of pages but I'm perfectly happy cutting them up and sticking them into my journal because the journal is something I'm going to keep forever anyway so by having that in there it's a real nice thing to look back on and see how you've improved on your skills and just remember good times of when you were you know painting that that time I really like it so it doesn't phase me about putting the originals into this book I know that I'm going to keep it forever so it's good so yeah once I cut it in half I felt like it needed just a little something and I do love my gold put a little bit of washing tape down the left-hand side and put the M up the top corner for May and as you'll notice here in the final shot I have also made dividers for this month so I will talk those out as I go but yeah I basically cut down about 5 or 6 dot sections grid sections and cut in about 4 sections and then just did that all the way down for about 6 pages and then that gives me the tabs that I can easily click to throughout the month and now we're moving on to the second page is my calendar so the calendar spread I like to do the national animal of the country that I'm studying and national animal I was super excited with for Yemen it's actually the Arabian leopard and 1. I love leopards I love all the wildcats so I was super excited to be able to draw this guy I also love the color choices because it kind of keeps everything in that kind of keeps everything in that real earthy vibe so I what I did was I just use a little tiny bit of my gouache mixed in with a little bit of water and I just added that over the top of my sketch of the leopard and then after that was dry went in with the detail using my fineliners unfortunately these guys are also critically endangered so it's kind of nice to be able to celebrate them by putting them into the journal and hopefully for me they won't be forgotten on this page I also included some illustrations of a particular plant now this plant is called Qat traditionally this was used for medicinal purposes but also recreationally and it has increased in the Recreation side of things a lot it's leaves are chewed and that gives you a euphoric effect and it's a stimulant drug basically so it's grown a lot in Yemen and unfortunately it uses a lot of the water to grow this plant and then because so much of the population chew the plant and need it to sort of survive as they are addicted to it it means that there's less water and less food for everybody thats actually pushing the country into very close to famine so yes unfortunate and if you want to read more about this country and I'll leave some links to some articles that I found and discovered so yes I'm really unfortunate about the country but I'm trying to keep it as light as possible because yeah we don't get upset but yeah if you do want to learn more about the effects this is having on the country I'll leave some things down in the description box but now I'm moving away from that I am also using my gold pen to make this spread come to life I've kept it very simple in the black and white and I've gone for an Arabic style font as well which I think always is nice to tie in style to each country I feel like I can I can relate the country to a font in a particular way so I've tried to do that Arabic style font throughout and then also down the bottom I thought I would write the words Arabian Felix which is actually the Latin name for Yemen and it means happy or flourishing Arabia and that's because of its beautiful rich soils that were discovered early on so that's why it got it's Latin name Arabia Felix and just a side note the cat could be called Felix, he is Felix the Arabian leopard yes now each of the tabs I'm trying to tie it in with the theme on that particular page but I also kind of want it to not be too bold that it takes away from the cover page so I'm just keeping that in mind each time so this one I just did some gold leopard spots on to a black background and those two colours are on the front on each spread so the next page is the page where I do my needs and wants list so this I do every month because it helps me to really filtered down whether I want something necessary or something that I would just love to have so I like to keep these separate and to be honest I don't I haven't been filling them out a lot lately I guess that's because my needs and wants are just diminishing and it maybe is helping me to become more of a minimalist which I do like to sort of follow that kind of general guide so I thought I would use a product that's quite famous within Yemen culture and that is the Yemenite silversmithing so these products are basically silver jewelry that was created by the Jewish silversmiths from roughly the 18th to the 20th century because of the unique detail that they had like the filigree and precise details on everything I thought they looked really beautiful and thought it would be perfect for on this needs and wants page because jewellery? when do you ever really need it? but it's lovely to have isn't it and so I thought I would put that on here so I've just found a couple of pieces that I really liked and then I didn't really copy those I just sort of use them as inspiration and then just created a couple of pieces that would work with those boxes where I'm going to put my needs and wants and then I'm keeping it quite the simple I'm only using my pigma micron liner and then just a touch of colour at the end type it into the meal planner which is on the opposite side of the page now just starting to talk about the meal plan because I found this fact super interesting and if you are a coffee drinker out there I think you'll find it interesting too it turns out the national flower for Yemen is Coffea Arabica which is actually the very first coffee to be cultivated it was started here in Yemen just amazing I feel like there's a fact about coffee and every place that I visit so I found that really interesting that coffee can all be pinpointed back to this place that we all knew nothing about really and yes so Yemen you can thank for your coffee your mid morning coffee now if you don't know I'm not a coffee drinker myself but I really do want to become one I like the idea of going to have a coffee so if I do ever order something I will order a mocha which is like a blend of chocolate with coffee and it seems to get me able to finish it but another interesting fact about Yemen is that mocha is actually the port city of where coffee trade began around somewhere in the 1400 so that beans that came from the port city of Mocha we're now called mocha beans and I think that these beans were actually like sweeter in flavour and and then when they were getting shipped everywhere going into all of the European countries it was only natural that they would get likened to chocolate which was also big in trade at the time so this mocha bean naturally just eventually took on a chocolate flavour and I think that's why we now get chocolate and coffee mix together in like a pretend faux mocha bean from Yemen so yeah who would have thought that your local coffee place where you probably go lots to get your coffee all originated from this little old Yemen so I was very interested by that and I thought I would make that the central piece of my meal planner setup page so I've just drawn the leaves of the coffea arabica I cant say that quickly Coffea Arabica beans and leaves and berries that come from the National plant as well so I just felt like I needed to add some color to this spread so I just used the coffee sort of brown colour and then a green and then later on actually come back to this and realise that I just wanted something more on there it just feels a little bit bland so I added a little bit more color I put in like a berry-colored for those berries down the bottom from the plant itself and then just tied that in on the silver side so in hindsight probably didn't need to but I just keep going and I just keep adding the color and then I left it and now I'm moving on to my favourite spread of each setup it's where I get to do a little bit of a portrait and that's what about these setups because I get to practice everything I get landscapes buildings, plants, animals and I get to do people as well so it kind of covers all bases for your art skills and that's one of the reasons why I like to put so much time into these cos it's helping with my practice so yeah the person I chose to do for my mind map page Ooh and if you're not aware my mind that is just a fancy word for brain dump this is where I put all the thoughts that I have throughout the month or something that doesn't have a spot to go I'll write this on this page so I like to keep one side free and then the other side is going to be a portrait so the lady that I chose for this portrait is a lady called Tawakkol Karman she is a journalist and a human rights activist that's actually won the Nobel Peace Prize back in 2011 she was also the youngest at the time and the very first Arab woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize all I've read is good things about this lady and her work in trying to get women and children into a better position within Yemen and really around the world she just dreams of equality and really pushes for peace and yeah what better thing is there than dedicate your life to trying to help others and for everyone to have a fair chance so I was very inspired by that and really wanted to show her in this spread for my mind map now I am not a very political person and I'm not a religious person at all so I always try and steer clear of those subjects on my channel but I do feel it would be ignorant to not mention the conflict thats happening in Yemen right now and has been since 2015 I won't go into too much detail if you want to read more about it in the description box I'll leave a link to what's happening over there but unfortunately the poor country is really really in a bad way there is war going on there are close to famine people are dying left right centre and it was really upsetting actually reading into a lot of it but so all I can't do much from my my little home here in Perth but what I can do is just try and contribute a little bit so I've decided to try and help the efforts but this lady Tawakkol Karman and lots of others are trying to help with Yemen by just donating the proceeds that I or the money that I get from this video from you guys watching it I'm just going to donate that to UNICEF because yeah the children are really suffering over there and yeah it was just quite upsetting to look at so if I can do some small part I will so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to donate the proceeds of this video to UNICEF and if anyone else wants to donate after they've done research on the country and just how dire this situation is if you feel like donating as well I'll leave a link down there but yeah so I just felt like I couldn't ignore the fact that there's a really serious situation going on over there and although I'm talking about the best aspects of it I just felt bad to ignore that so that's why I thought id mention it here so if you want to help feel free I will do my best and give the little amount that I will earn from this video to them just to help in some way and now I will move on to happier topics and try and focus on the beauty that is found in Yemen and my weekly will also focus on some of the aesthetic beauty of it I mean this country is beautiful so yeah I'll try and focus on some of that in my weeklies and for now we will keep moving on with the set up ok so now I am using some washi tape to decorate this page I used prismacolor pencils to do the face and I like to do that as realistic as I can so I worked on that and then what I did with the hijab is I've decided to do that make it look like a fabric so I'm using some Washi tape to form the fabric of the hijab and then I go away with my exacto knife my little cutting tool and go around the edge but my advice is to go softly I must have been distracted at the time because they ended up pressing too hard and actually cut through into the page which was very upsetting and I was like oh my god how am I going to fix that, its ok, I basically, if this happens to you if you ever do this how I fixed it it was just using clear sticky tape over the top and then just running a knife along that clear sticky tape just really close by the the cut itself and then it's sort of hides that as much as possible so if you see a little bit of shinyness down in that right hand side that's what that is that was my little accident but yeah it's not too bad so then I continue with the Washi tape running at all the way around and cutting it where it needs to show the shape of the hijab and then around her face and then to blended in to make it look more like it was an actual fabric what I did was just use my prismacolor pencils to show where the folds in the fabric are and I think that made it seemed a little bit less stuck on because right now it looks really flat and you're not quite sure what it is but by adding those folds of fabric in with the prismacolor pencil it works great to make it look more like it was actually a piece of fabric over her so yeah I'm really happy with that I might try and do that more often and if I if I get the chance to do it more on clothing I think it looks really cool and now to really bring some impact to this page I thought it would look nice having a background-color so I went fo r black and I think this really just made it pop out so just on the left-hand side I coloured it all in using just a black marker water-based of course because any alcohol based markers do go through the paper of pretty much anything so yeah this the water makes marker and I tried to go over it a couple of times to try and get rid of any streakiness and then we were finally left with a nice and bold black area and then I use my favorite gold pen to write the words Mind Map and then I think I got distracted again and just kept adding so I added some background leaves in the reflective of what was in the Washi tape and there's some dots and sparkles and then I'm adding the divider in on the other side using that same washi tape as like a little TAB just to tie it all together And now moving on to the next page which is my Goodliness spread this is where I track all my good habits and I usually keep one side free ready for the little mini calendars of where I can cross things off and then on the left-hand side I decided to draw an amazing place called Dar al-Hajar and it's that means stone house or rock Palace and this is actually an old Palace from back in the 1920s I think it was built and it sits on top of another structure that was built in 1786 and it was in the royal family for all these years but it's now a museum and I just thought it was such a cool building I don't even know how someone would build something like this where its just thought of nestled on top of a boulder almost its just yeah really impressive what I do love about what I've seen in the imagery of Yemen is the architecture it's really interesting like all the stone work is usually that that sort of Rustic Stone and then there's these beautiful detailed white like white cornices around everything I don't know what they called but like the framing of the windows and yeah just like these details in the in the work it almost makes me think of like gingerbread house or something like it's white icing on top of gingerbread bricks yeah I'm sure there's a proper architectural term for it but I am not sure what that is but I really liked it and I was tempted to do this page in colour for that reason so you could see the white sections but I'm sure I will find an image to put on screen for you to have a quick look at what I'm talking about yeah but it just makes me think of gingerbread tasty rustic treats with nice white Icing I really love drawing like architecture especially in fineliners in my bullet journal I find it really quite effortless and sort of just relaxing because there's not a lot of trying to get a realism from it so you don't need to worry too much and you can just kind of draw lines here and there and it just gives the effect of like the buildings look that you're trying to capture and then I found on this one I always love to include a little bit of gold to try and separate the natural elements out from the architectural so I did the there's a cactus a lot around this particular place, the Dar al-Hajar so I chose to do some cactuses in front or cacti in front in gold and then just a few little shrubs in the background as well and I just think that always makes a piece look more interesting to me and like I said I used to build these calendars by hand but now I actually just have have them on the computer and I can just quickly print them out and it just saves a lot of hassle for that part of the trackers is because it is a lot of numbers to write so I just printed that out and stuck it in on the right hand side and then I think my mind just ran away with me and I was just playing around and I started doing some patterns around like a border around that print out not sure if I'm in love with it but I just kept going cos it was fun and I was just like hoping it would end up nice I'm not hugely in love with it works but yeah gold makes everything better anyway so just did some gold flecks around some little Stardust the word goodliness and now my habits are ready to track now to the final page of The Monthly set up which is my week one where I dedicate spaces for each day and then plan out my daily to-do lists my agenda for each day every day so this one is sort of similar to what I just mentioned in the previous spread about the architecture in Yemen so the capital city of Yemen is a place called Sana'a and Sana'as buildings like I said remind me of gingerbread but one of the distinctive features of the architecture which makes it so stunning is these Windows there stained glass windows called Qamariya windows think I said that but they're all these beautiful arched windows that go on top of pretty much every other standard window that just really makes the building looks so interesting and just unique the word Qamariya actually comes from the word Qamar which means moon the idea is that they want the moon's beauty to be reflected on the inside of the home and with these dancing lights from all the multi coloured facets of glass it would really make that affect inside and apparently if you walk the streets at dusk in Sana'a you'll actually feel like it's a Fairy Tale because of all the coloured lights falling down onto the walls and just around you on the street so it sounds pretty magical to me so I thought I could try and reflect that in these pages by making the windows the boxes where I do my checklist for my agenda and things like that so on this first page I'm creating a pattern and the actual shape of a window and then using just my pigma micron to try and carve out those ornate and geometric sort of patterns that they do with the stained glass that was actually tricky to do because obviously it relies on symmetry and that's always hard to do when you're just winging it so I just did my best and then tried to color in areas of the glass and the pieces just where I felt it needed some colour so it definitely needed colour to reflect that whole stained glass idea but I didn't want it to be too strong of a colour and to vibrant so I chose a nice Metallic gold of course A nice metallic reddish sort of colour that I had kind of turn down a little bit more pinky then I would have liked and then I thought which in hindsight I wish I did this differently I thought I would add some Washi tape to this page as well just to add some colour and some vibrance to it cos it was looking a little bit flat so I added some Washi tape in areas just to make it pop and in hindsight I really wish I had done this as the stained glass so actually use just one chunk of Washi tape up in that arched area and then cut around it that would have saved a lot of time of drawing the symmetrical shapes within there so if you happen to want to try this at home and your bullet journal I recommend using one of your if you have a washi tape that has like ornate patterns on it it's already done for you like the one I'm using would've been ideal just to do the actual stained glass from the Washi tape so that would be a little cheat if you wanted to try to try this at home and then the last thing I do on this page which is new for me is I recently ordered a stamp from No Issue and I'll leave a link to their website down at description box but I really love it it's a stamp that's got like a soy-based ink and it's made from wood and then you can just upload your own design for it and I thought I would create a little stamp that allows me to keep track of my water intake so if you guys been watching me for a while you know that my habit trackers are ridiculous and I cannot for the life of me drink 8 glasses of water a day or two liters of water a day I find it so hard to do I just don't remember to drink so I thought what if I had a little tracker on every single day that I colour in when I drink each glass of water so I'm going to try this out so I had this stamp made and I'm going to stamp that on each day of the week and then I designed it so that like little ice the little ice blocks in the glass are representative of a glass each day so you're so there's eight glasses in one day I'm going to colour and Ice Cube each time I drink a glass of water I hope that makes sense and I really hope it's going to help me to get hydrated and yes stop just feeding my body nothing but tea I'm just really stoked to be able to use this stamp because it feels really good and this is the point where I actually realise that I wrote the dates in wrong and this is not the first time it's happened I don't know why I can't get these first dates right in my setups so now I have to fix it so it didn't work out too bad but I just use a bit of Washi tape and a bit of magic white pen to fix it all up and I just want to take this opportunity while I'm flipping back through the setup to thank my patreon subscribers they are a huge support for me and really mean that I can continue to do these videos for my channel so I really appreciate their support and so thanking my newest patrons Rene, Debbie, Becca, Stephanie, Wendy, Tilly, Ane, Cathy and Michaela thank you guys so much for your support it means the world to me I hope I pronounce all your names correctly and if anyone else would like to join the gang over on Patreon please check out the link down in the description box and you can sign up to get more behind the scenes content bullet journal theme printables and artwork and then I've also started some tutorials as well so you can sign up for as little as $2 a month and it really helps to support the channel and my work so thank you and thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed learning about Yemen and come back next week for the weekly set up where we'll discover a little bit more and I'll also reveal the country options for June so I'll catch you then have a great week and I'll see you soon bye X
Channel: Torryn Marie
Views: 5,867
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bullet journal, plan with me, bujo, setup, travel, art, calligraphy, may bullet journal setup, 2021 bullet journal setup, bullet journal 2021, planner, 2021 bullet journal, may 2021 bullet journal, plan with me 2021, bullet journal may 2021, bujo 2021, may bullet journal 2021, plan with me may 2021, journaling, may bullet journal, productivity, minimalist, journal, journal with me, art journal, 2021 planner, planning, bullet journey, 2021, bullet journal setup, bullet journal ideas, yemen
Id: YQlxDGmW1yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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