Creating Custom Characters With Genesis 9 - In The Studio With Daz 3D

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] good afternoon everyone good morning and perhaps even good evening thank you so much for dropping by and joining me for another exciting episode of in the studio with Das 3D wonderful to see so many of you Mr web saw for example and Mr hectix I've also seen changing chick in the audience Alan art my basically what do we call it we call it the case Body essentially we have the same workstation very cool V3 lion my goodness there's so many of you thank you so much for dropping by um it's I'm basically very open to uh to suggestions of what we want to do today I had planned on showing you how to make custom characters with the new genesis 9 figure but in so doing that's also going to bring up a lot of other questions as to what's Genesis 9 all about and you know some of the questions that I didn't get to answer in the big Genesis 9 reveal stream so I'm very happy for you to um to just drop them in the chat and we will go and fit them out so that we can answer them while we while we go on my moderators today are of course Mr Brian AKA zero Kelvin there's also Mr dragonate and there's also Miss Julia who will be assisting me today with some exciting Paul so while we do all this uh bringing up um making our custom characters inside of that studio I want to show you a little bit of a workflow and I want you to make some decisions as to where do we want to go with the character like you know do we want to make a man or a woman and we'll start there and then do we want to make them kind of shorter or taller do we want to make them slightly Fuller or slightly thinner and you get to decide so we'll see we'll see how it goes there's some interesting questions already in the chat there by hectakes and by 3D Loki will I also show stuff about ERC freezing and all that that's a little bit of an in-depth topic that in case you didn't know what that means in the chat um yeah see freezing is this thing in which when you hammer and chisel away at a Genesis figure outside of that studio and you go and turn them into something completely different could be humanoid could be something you know very far away from humanoid and then import that as a morph Target into that studio so that you have a slider that dials up your shape on the Genesis figure you have to kind of adjust the rigging and all that this is an in-depth technique that I'm not going to be covering today I'm going to be focusing on how to make custom characters with the the morph tiles that you'll be able to buy as add-on packages so just as a reminder of how we did this in in with the Genesis 8 and previous generation figures we usually had the base figure which was free and then there's also products that are usually called something along the lines of head and body shapes and then on top of that there's also going to be custom characters available and just so that we're all on the same page here that we all know what this what this means is all these products will essentially make dials available on the figure that when you dial them up your Genesis bass figure changes into this other form so like as an example Michael 8 or Victoria 8 on our new case now Victoria 9 they're going to be a dial that will dial in a custom character on to the Genesis shape but so that's a custom character but then there's a ton of other dials that are available as part of the head and body morphs and those introduce many many other sliders into your figure and that lets you make things like you know the fingers more light or the face kind of slightly Slimmer and the body's slightly taller or you know make the victim more of voluptuous or more partly or more stocky and there's a ton of these sliders and I don't think we've really covered them in depth or how to how to deal with them and this is what this stream is all about so let's go and let's let's in fact let's get let's get going and show you and show you something that's happening on my screen I hope it's the right thing some error messages are popping up that's not what I had expected Mr Jeremy how you doing are you still in the UK Jeremy's usually from Singapore but he's visited his mom in the UK so I don't know what time zone you're on right now so and what I'll be doing in a moment once once that studio comes comes and stop finishes load finishes loading my scene here I'll split my viewport into two viewports and I'll have a look at the front in one viewport and at the side in another and then we'll go through these things on the parameters tab so I'll use the parameters tab but you can also use the shapings tab it's essentially the same dials broken out and if you want to follow along with Genesis 8 you're more than welcome to do that you don't have access to Genesis 9 just yet but be assured it is coming at you very soon so mid to late October is what I hear I don't think we know an exact date yet but watch out for those emails from Des and I'm hoping they're gonna they're gonna let you have it as soon as James Bond type male character with a new morph okay it is hectics absolutely it is missing files probably something uninstalled something not quite not quite here I wanted to show you the the render I made for this for this thumbnail here that's not a good start is it this is hey biscuits how you doing there we go that's cool it's just one text you're missing that's that's fine Okay so I have I've used this scene which is stonemason's latest set which is called Wonderland and I have worked on this just so that I can that I can put some other bits and pieces together and I thought hey I'm going to go and show our characters in the uh just inside this set so here's Victoria nine and this is here my My Little Robot here and this is also the cat because stonemason set is really inspired me oh it's I thought I feel like is inspired by the Stray game I don't know if you've seen that but it looks absolutely beautiful let me just go over here into IRA and just show you the scene show you what he's done there Wonderland is called it's a really really nice set and I'll go and wander around it just as soon as this is already here come on let's do this yeah so very inspired it looks like the stress set and I thought well I'm gonna go and put some some of our characters in here this is a little dark and that's probably because foreign that's probably because I've dialed down the environment intensity a little bit so let's make that a little a little brighter here it's not it's not really about the lighting it's just about Stone Mason set and my characters I think they're over here if I were to switch them on but yeah this is what it looks like and uh it's it's really nice it's it's a kind of a cyberpunk type scene that you can walk through and just be be be merry and have all these like exciting shots yeah lighting I should have really prepared that I totally didn't there's the the Japanese and Chinese inspired thing so this is where it says Wonderland up here let's go close this down Stone Mason big big shout out to Mr stonemason if you haven't got this set already then pick it up it's it's really cool his lighting looks much better than mine mine's really all about the this section here where currently there's nothing there and that's where my three custom characters are let me just go and switch them on and then I show you what I've done there so these are them and I've rendered them independent from the background so I've rendered the characters as well as the background and then I composited that in Photoshop so I could balance out the lighting a little bit this is as soon as it comes out this is the same figure this is all Genesis 9 and it's just uh all kinds of different shapes that I've put on there I should really just show you the render rather than the the IRA preview here let's take the vignette out that might look a little better yeah let me just show you the render that I've made here yeah let's go let's go I'll show you the render so the what I've what I wanted to really show you is the workflow as and how did I put this together so aside from the set I've made each of these guys independently in their a pause and hammered and chiseled away at them until I was happy and then I saved those out as a scene set so just the character and then I could apply pose to that scene set as a character save that out and then just drag that into the scene and I do this three times and then I have three completely different characters and this is the kind of process that we're going to go through today and if you don't have Genesis 9 you can't follow along with Genesis 8 but not all sliders will be available so it'll be kind of an interesting just an interesting workflow study really let me go and switch this off boot up a brand new scene and then we can get started while that studio is working on this I might go and show you the elements of that of that render so there is oh you hear this is one this one I've made up the other two characters here so in the same in the same set so that looks much much nicer much more Moody so I'll see what I what I want to turn this into maybe a little story about Victoria not having eyebrows yet or something I'll see so then we have we have this was the background here that was that completely blurry doesn't really look like anything fancy but the cool thing is if you bring that into Photoshop you can make it brighter or darker you can adjust the colors and all that and then on top of that we have the people and these are just the people this guy is also character in the background and you just blend those things together and you know that's kind of cool so Genesis 9 Builds on what Genesis 8 was but adds so much more in regards to the sliders here so if you wanted to follow me along I have a completely empty scene I have nothing in here and I'm going to start with the regular gray character here so in Genesis 8 that's just uh that's just called the um the death load I believe in Genesis 9 we have two one death load doesn't have eyes or the mouth and one has the eyes and the mouth like here that other otherwise be just empty halls and that is important when you want to do something with the character like uh sculpt on them usually when this was attached here like the eyes and the mouth there used to be um there used to be there they are they used to be attached to the inside of the figure and this has changed because now when you morph this shape you don't distort the eye so they can be left intact so that's that's a that's a big plus that's a big Advantage also the cool thing is that when you subdivide the figure now we only really subdivide the outside of the figure where we want the additional polygons we don't really want to subdivide the eyes or the teeth especially when you go into things like subdivision level three or four you know you don't really want that if this is too bright for you I'm working in filament here if this is too bright for you compared to what this looks in Ira then go and create yourself a filament draw options node over here except the defaults that just comes in as a as a new node and if you select that and head over to the parameters tab then you can go on to the environments Tab and then you set down the environment intensity scale so that it looks pretty much like what the IRA render would look like with the same hdri set this to something like 8000 and then it doesn't quite burn out quite so much foreign I'm going to use the parameters Tab and I've put it in so that the whole list of malls will be on the left hand side that's important because I think by default it's kind of down here where my face is and it's a very small section in the default layout and that's not really suitable for going through all the values that we're gonna that we're gonna need so you can just go and drag these around so I think by default that is kind of here and there's something else going on here I think the scene Taps above it and you only have this kind of space for the parameter step so just left click and drag that out and put that on the left hand side on the right hand side I have my scene tab open right now I'll select Genesis 9 in the top here I'm going to go and close this down so I have more screen real estate okay now I'll go ahead and switch my viewport into like a side by side view like so and now I can go and adjust these independently from one another you can use the orthographic views here so you can have either a front view if you want here and then you have a side view here in which you adjust things that's how I like to work you can also go and set up your own cameras for this so if you're partial to particular focal length you can just go and create a camera from this and then set that focal length we might do that on the second character but for now let's just go and get started here so with the Genesis figure in the scene tab still selected I now see it from the side and from the front and here I'll be able to kind of move around so what I like doing is start with the basic body shape first and then we'll focus in on the details like the face and maybe the fingers and all that but for now we need to first of all we need to start deciding and I think you're going to be a big part of the decision making process are we going to make a woman or are we going to make a man you let me know Julia if you could pop a poll out that would be great and then we can let the audience decide it's a new feature we're testing out on on YouTube today Drew says woman of course Mr Chris is here how's it going the cool cat himself says a man for the change so yeah let's go and see what um you know what what the audience decide if we get the polls working let's see while that's underway let me just go and show you kind of basic details here about uh where we're gonna go and delve into so we have or under the Genesis 9 figure we have these all these kinds of tabs here we have a general tab we have an actor tab we have display we have pulse controls we've got tools and we've got utilities so now that has changed this is the same as on this was the same on on on all Genesis figure Generations so just that we're all on the same page here all these things here if you open them up this will filter this list down so if I go to the very top here Genesis 9 I would see literally every slider that's available in the whole list and that is you know a lot of Sliders but that's that's difficult to to find the one you want so the the best thing that you can do if you're looking for something specific and you're not entirely sure where that is you can just go search for it up here that's a search field so if you're thinking well I want to rotate my character but I don't exactly know where that is just type in rotate or rot will be fine and everything that contains this string will will be shown so in my case it's X rotate y rotate and Z rotate those are the transforms but then we also have things like asymmetry nose rotate left and nose rotate right so those are new genesis 9 sliders and once again so the Genesis 9 figure is going to be for free and then there'll be additional morph packages that you'll be able to buy that will contain these sliders and in addition to that there's going to be custom characters available like Victoria 9 for example so that's how to find a slider but you can also go and Whittle these menus down here so sometimes when you're on something like let's say on something like dark gray and I I search for rot here and I'm thinking hey nothing comes up I know Jay showed us and there were like several things that are coming up what's going on the light things here that's where search results are in the orange one is where you're on and the dark ones they do not contain whatever's up here so that's something good to keep in mind I'll go and take this out here and go back to this list here in general here so we have under General we have transforms and if I click that then essentially I only see these things here so on the general I'd see them as well as a lot of other stuff but then if I go and click on transforms and I'll basically Whittle my list down it's called a filter really and transforms opens up so there's also the just the transforms XYZ translate that's where the figure is in 3D space rotation is you know what this is rotated as scaled is what it's scaled as then we have other things here but those aren't really used none of these are used for custom character creation this is really used for moving the figure into the position in your scene that it needs to be we want to make sure that is on zero right now while we build our custom character and then we can close General down and have a look at these other two things there's actor and there's pose controls there's also display this has something to do with how your object appears in the scene there's tools and utilities we're not talking about that we're going to have a look at actor and pulse controls so both of these contain a number of morph dials and they are they're designed for two different aspects of working with your characters so actor contains all the sliders that relate to how your character changes shape but usually you set them up and you leave them as they are and then your character maybe in a scene and then he or she interacts with other people with the scene with props and all that and that's where the pose controls come in so post controls this is these are things like you know move your arms around and move your head around stuff like that um there's also things like uh torso changes like on a on a per situation basis but um when we make our character we don't usually touch the post controls but because they're kind of reserved to be overwritten on a per incident basis while you have your character in the scene so we do most of our work here in the actor tab an actor if I open that up is divided into many other subcategories so much like before if you click actor you see this massive list of literally everything that's in here well now we have arms at the back and the chest and we have a clothing adjusting this is this is for particular items of clothing we're not really talking about that we've got the feet full body hands head so you can then go and make particular changes to these top parts of your character so for now let's have a look under people and see what's there so other people you have another subcategory I've got female and male and then you have just you know bass up here so this is a change that we can imply on the Genesis figure we can turn the figure into a female this is essentially dialing this up is equivalent to loading in the Genesis 8 female well now we have one unified figure and we can turn this into a man or a thing or a woman so that's female and that's the meal so that's a good starting point uh but this is also the category where all your custom characters will live in so like Victoria 9 for example so you use the same body and you dial in as much or as little of whatever change you want with these morph dials oh my goodness we have 134 votes that is quite impressive So currently in the lead is a woman with 62 percent okay let's go and do that then let's let's go build ourselves a woman thank you so much for voting I really appreciate that what happens Patrick good question what happens if you have a man and a woman at 100 at the same time why don't we try it out what do you think is going to happen it's like you haven't done anything so if I dial in the female and then I dial in the mail then I have the androgynous body again it says if nothing happens so um that's one thing to keep in mind as we deal with morph dials it's the universe ends very good very good so um what we want to keep in mind with all these stars that we're going to go through you probably want to use complementary dials so you don't want to make a person overweight with one slider and then make them emaciated with another slider because that would work against one another you want to use sliders that complement one another so you if you if you're sticking with like a thin athletic body then you know go light on the body mass don't make them thin and then crank up the body mass because those two moth targets would work against one another and that's not going to look great I'm going to dial out the mail leave the female and this is if you have a lot of character on on Genesis 8 installed already you find a lot of tiles in here and you can mix and match you can blend character shapes into one another so if I wanted to use not just my my female or not just Victoria as an example I could go ahead and use 50 of Victoria and I can use 50 of the Genesis female thereby creating a different shape or you can use more or less so you can use the female and Victoria together and thereby kind of you know accentuating her female figures almost looks like a like a manga figure now so those kind of complement one another so that's how you can blend your own characters together from uh from the slide as you you may have let's start with the base female and then and then keep going what else we can do with the body shape so that's under people but then if we close that down and if we go to full body we see a whole other host of things that we can play with once again long list open that up and then have a look under bass bass is something that's meant to be used both on the mail as well as a female body shape if you're using those in conjunction but then we have some that are specifically designed for females and females so while you can dial in a body partly morph a male morph on the female figure you can do it it's just not going to look all that great so for that you can see some of the proportions are just wrong and so you're not really meant to do that you can of course and you're free to do anything you like but this isn't this isn't looking as as nice as if I were to dial in the the female designed shapes on the female base shape so if I go over to to the female one and I go use a body pair figure portions here are much more what uh what a female body would look like rather than the the male features and vice versa if you had the if you had a male figure there and you were to dial in some of the female full body moths they might not look great but the good news is you can experiment and see whatever whatever you like under base then we have morphs that work for either body shape or designed to be working with either body shape so emaciate it uh that's when you when you haven't eaten a lot or there's Fitness this also dials up these other two morphs here as a controller so there's Fitness and then we have Fitness mass and fitness detail but you can also go and dial those out so if you want them to be kind of toned but not quite have as much body mass you can go and or muscle mass rather you can go and dial that out so you don't have to leave that like that all you heavy so that's kind of that's probably designed to work maybe with together with a pair figure if you have somebody who's heavy and has a pair figure or who's heavy as well as velocious so kind of keeps the keeps the boy proportions there lies lies I think the the funniest explanation of what life actually is is if you lie then you look good in a sweater I think I thought that was quite funny and then there's muscular yeah look at that bodybuilder but you can use them all together so you could say a little bit of muscularity don't dial them all up to 100 that just creates a monster but you know blend them in like you know maybe you have something like 40 muscularity and then you also have Fitness in here like on top of one another but if you now dial in emaciated that's just not gonna work that's just two morph targets working against one another so if you have a reference that you want to work from that's also cool or just dial around and twiddle until you see something that you like if you ever wanted to reset a slider you can alt left click on the slider if you do that it sets itself back to the default which is usually zero there's older body this is kind of nice so you now have an older body morph directly built into the figure that's kind of cool you see these are muscle tissue sagging there it's very cool and it's this this all comes with the base Genesis figure this is what I find so amazing this is thin thin is something other than emaciated you can really see how you can go to town with that this must have been a ton of work making all these sliders body mass this is uh in the middle here so you can set this to positive or negative so you can also take away from the mass the idea here is that if you had somebody who's emaciated already and then you want to reduce something like the body mass and you could you know really go to town on on extremes and you can see how beautiful this works it's not just on the face or just on the body it's literally everywhere so it's really really cool yeah so hours and hours of fun very cool very cool so that's kind of the basic body shape but then um these on the bottom here the orange sliders they are kind of they're more interesting and these are new in Genesis 9 and these are proportional height proportion larger and proportions smaller so the beauty about these sliders is that if you had a character and you wanted to make them taller you wouldn't scale them up but you wouldn't do is go on the general and go over to scale and then just make the body larger or smaller because this doesn't change the proportions so this is now not a child this is the same basic female character at 50 size so this is not a child this is sometimes what what goes wrong when you create characters and you want to change their their height a little bit if you head over to if you use these sliders you'll see that some of the proportions are changing so if you make them taller you see that like the trunk and the legs change independently from one another that is pretty neat so this is still not a child but it's you know it's it's proportionally making characters a little bit larger or or smaller much like this one here proportion larger see what happens to the hips there it doesn't increase the size of the head I mean it does but marginally sore and same with smaller this is kind of my favorite here if you if you look at these body proportions they're now like little person if you think um Topsy this is exactly what what the what those recent characters would look like but now you've got this built in to the Genesis figure so very very cool so then tell me my friends do we want to make just as a Rough Guide do we want to make a tall character or a small character or a medium-sized character because this is what we can now do tall character small character or medium-sized character [ __ ] exactly exactly hectics Anthony absolutely this is this is really cool and I think on the on the larger proportions as well if you wanted to make somebody like shock then you know you would use this slider I don't actually know what happens when you go to the to the Very extreme but there you go make your own made your own giant so I don't know what happens on the face here I'm not sure if that's meant to happen but this is now your your giant character essentially so from giant to little person it's it's built into the figure so I think 200 even though you can dial in I'm not sure if that's if that's meant to be used I think it's just there as an exaggerational possibility these are also keep in mind I'm working with a pre-release figure here this is all currently finalized so I think maybe 200 is probably 100 is probably supposed to be the limit here so use at your own use that your own Peril is I think is the word I'm looking for while Julia makes that poll again about do we want to make a tall person small person or medium-sized person let's have a look what else is in here so these are the these are the full body um sliders here but um once you've once you've settled on that there's also other things that you can do like you could go into the waste and then you can play around with all these other sliders so this would now uh not so much change the the body in its entirety but it would go and change things about the body that you know whatever it says it along so anything in the waist would be in this area here so if you're looking for something there here's the proportional torso length this is something this is a slider that would have been referenced in one of the earlier ones that we have had there so you're probably not meant to play around with this but if you want to do that and if you're if you're making an alien character or not you know to go right ahead kind of cool there's also other things so in the waist we see we see things like uh like the navel if you if you need if your character needs a belly button you can see that here if this list is too long or too confusing for you just type in what you're looking for so in case of belly button the belly button doesn't come up so it's called the navel so you search for Naval as an example and then you have all these Naval options in Naval depths HD Naval HD Naval Hollow HD a naval horizontal Naval out Naval size Naval vertical and you know they all play with this and this brings up another interesting thing that I wanted to bring to your attention before we carry on anything that mentions HD that means it's morph that works on a higher subdivision level than the character might currently be dialed into so as a result if you were to go and dial in uh Naval HD is already dialed in but if you say Naval depths HD and you zoom in really closely here you can see that it it almost looks like this there's you know rough edges here that that doesn't that doesn't look smooth on the outside and is because our character currently is set to a lower subdivision resolution in the viewport than it is for the final render if ever you needed to check that head over to under parameters tab with your character selected on the mesh resolution you can see this here resolution level you see something that usually says high resolution but you can also set it to base resolution and that now sets this to no subdivision in the viewport whatsoever so as a result we can if we look really closely we've seen even more exaggerated kind of diamond shape and that's because the the naval morph that I've just dialed up there is really only defined as a HD more so it's it kicks in at a higher subdivision level so you can see here that this year the view sub D level is kind of what we see So currently we see nothing currently we're looking at the base resolution but usually this is set to high resolution and you can see how this changes here and this is now set division level one so that's one level of subdivision if I set this to zero then we're essentially back at base resolution so once usually in the viewport but on the render we're using two more levels of subdivision and just to bring home what that means that when you set when you increase the level of subdivision by one you essentially quadrupling the polygon count and you imply more geometry than is actually there and this is great to imply more detail so you have something that looks a little bit edgy like this but if you subdivide either face then you have something that's approximating a curve more and the more you do that the higher the subdivision level uh will appear so in my render I see something better than here but if I wanted to preview this in the viewport I can increase this number and it'll take your computer a little bit more time to calculate all these additional polygons so I'll go and set this to 2 as a result my render sub D level now increases also and you can see this is much smoother now compared to the previous one that's that but you can also set it to even something even higher so let me set this to three takes my computer a little bit longer to work on this and once it's set up look at that how beautiful that navel is you can set the render sub D level down again if you wanted to have that not at five because your computer might not be able to handle it you can set that to three but if ever you see something that you want to preview in HD in the viewport you need to increase this so you might see something that you think hey that looks terrible I don't want that on my figure you need to set it to the to a higher subdivision level to to basically be able to see that as a result though and this is why I'm going on about this if you do that then be aware that sliding these things in and out might take your computer a little bit more time so anything that your computer now has to work like uh eight times harder than before mine's kind of doing it it's kind of cool but it's not as fluid anymore as it was before let me go back to enable and show you some of the other things so this Naval Hollow HD hello navel I like it Naval horizontal HD different belly button shapes Isn't that cool it's just so rad the stuff that you can do you can have an LT of course LT belly button is that cool or what I love it once again don't mix an algae within any it's not going to really work Naval size if you needed to have a larger belly button totally possible maybe a deep large navel Brian's already working on a product that's called belly button fluff by the way and my favorite Naval vertical HD how exciting so if you think about this level of detail it's been applied to the whole figure so that the belly button is just one example but you can literally see this attention to detail literally everywhere on the whole figure which is why I absolutely love the the Genesis 9 figure there's just so much stuff you can play with it okay it looks like we had 128 volts and the clear favorite here was 42 ahead is literally the medium-sized figure so we will go and go with that we're going to go and leave the kind of figure um height as it is and just see what else we can do that aside from the belly button just to make my computer a little bit more responsive here I might go and turn this back to the default sub D level of one and if ever we do have a HD morph I can then go and preview it with a with a higher subdivision level here I'm thinking so we have a woman we have a medium size so what else can we do then here we can go and maybe make a little muscular so tiny bit muscular and a little voluptuous let's do that and perhaps also a little heavy and we said we're going to leave the proportional dials intact I might just make a tiny bit just smaller just 10 or so but it's just you know that might that might fit in nicely with the with the figure I have this open in two viewports so that you can keep an eye on what does this look like from one side as well as the other let's see we're happy with that and we'll go on to well we have the naval size here of course so we make the navel slightly deeper and a little bit Hollow perhaps and maybe a little bit more vertical like we've seen that will work out well let's see if we're happy with the body for now and literally you can have you can spend hours and hours with this let's have a look at the face and see how we can shape that I'll move in closer onto the face in both viewports here because this is kind of the exciting part now where you can really add the personality of your characters in there so again where you had all these things the face is part of the head so let's have a look under head and open that up and again we have a ton of Sliders here we have the bass sliders which can do things like foreign height once again subtlety is the key Cranium size and especially if you're working from reference these are things that you can just endlessly have fun with Cranium slope that is something you can't actually see this from the front but if you look here on the side I imagine you combine those with one another socranium slope and then add some size here proportionally head size is another one of those proportional sliders so if you wanted her to have kind of a chibi head you know if that is what you what you want your figure to look like maybe you're making a bobble head type figure you can do that so it's a stylistic thing that that can be useful and it kind of looks weird when it goes back when you think hang on a minute hours and hours of fun so as I said these are also some of these features let's say many of these features are also available in the Genesis 8 figure but they've all been completely overhauled when it comes to just attention to detail and also how things work under the hood skull above here with crazy stuff so you know insane amount of of control you have here this is the skull size and the skull width you can see that on the on the outside here it's funny and this is just a head base I'll go leave that on here I think the skull size maybe I'll go turn that down a little as well but I'll I'll exaggerate it just a tad because then so this is just the the head base because then we go on to the ears as an example and yes this is something that brings up a very interesting um feature of Genesis 9. these are the asymmetry morphs we'll we'll touch on those more as we go through this but what we've done so far is essentially applying a morph on both sides of the figure but you some aspects have been tweaked those are these orange sliders here that you can have something more on one side than on the other so perhaps I'll show you this before we go back to the es I might show you this on the face foreign so we've got these sliders here at the top here asymmetry face heart left and right then we have face round left and right and we have face Square left and right and those are it's essentially one morph that's been split into two so here if you imagine face heart would bulge out this part of the head on either side but separately so left does this and then right does the other side it's very subtle but together they would form kind of a heart but you don't have to do both at the same time you can just do one at a time and then round is the same thing slightly further down and then square is that at the bottom so it's like this is hard this is round and this is square essentially and you can be very very all right granular about what you apply so maybe on one side you've got this you've got this slightly chiseled chin here but then on the other side you might have that so this is like a really subtle asymmetry but it really gives personality to the figure and yeah that's that's how asymmetry works and you don't have to use it but you can and if you use a just very subtly I mean nobody is literally splitting mirrored all the way in the middle foreign so before this you had to really export the character out into something like zbrush or into blender and then really go to town on these small features but it's super easy to screw things up completely especially if you don't if you don't know that much about human anatomy if you don't know much that much about the sculpting that program that you're using so this is why I find this really cool because for people like me who just doodle around and go oh that looks cool that's just that's just really cool I like that so I'll just add this little asymmetry here and here and a little bit here so it's it's lopsided but that's you know that's that's kind of what I want face angle while we're at the face here face angle that is this this is now symmetric move so all the orange ones so far those are asymmetric morphs and if you want to look at all of them anything that is asymmetric in the figure select the actor tab here and just type a Sim and then you'll see a whole list of anything and everything that's asymmetric so you have the face roundness that we've already had we've got the asymmetric ears we've got asymmetric brow height and cheek height and jaw horizontal balance I mean you know crazy stuff that is that is asymmetry on a whole new level I asymmetric I so ice we're going to deal with later but this is only adjusting the kind of the almond shape of the right eye there or of her left eye rather yeah so that's how you can find them or click the actor Tab and then just search for a Sim likewise anything else if we're thinking hey I'd like to work on the eyes now but I don't really know where this is here you just go and select actor and then whoops and then you type I or Izu and then you have everything that that that has i in it so I uh also contains I position eyelids and stuff we just go eyes then you have the you have the list kind of you know slightly further down I can't wait for you guys to get your hands on this because there's just so much funky stuff to explore cheekbones another thing cheeks cheeks place so asymmetric cheek size asymmetric very cool jaw horizontal balance oh yeah we've had that already that's nice shift that around to maybe like 30 percent cheek crease steps so many of these are really just just very very subtle but yeah if we make a slightly older character then we're going to go and emphasize that a little cheeks lower size my goodness it just changes the personality of of your figure completely doesn't it cheek middle diagonal bisect does that do anything oh you're there okay that adds adds a little bit of age in there as well and after that also the the other kind of um age morph that we had there make the whole character age a little bit foreign realism through inaccuracy yes absolutely indeed yes changeling said it best in DJ so the these these dials say they're tied to the actual figure so even though some of them are named the same in Genesis 9 as they were in Genesis 8. they are completely different dials on a completely different geometry and what you have for Genesis 8 isn't transferable to Genesis 9 as such so that that doesn't um that that doesn't happen yes good point Thank You chick make her older I think so too I think so too what's that so this is kind of I don't really know where the old slider is but I have a feeling I can find out by going to actor and then I just type old and we'll see body older face older eyelid fold inner toward thickness my goodness this is cool so let's go and make the face older is this a HD move I can't tell yes and we're also totally going to have a look at the mouth sticky morph when we come to posing older I can see it if you look at the profile here even more than when you look at it from the front and then if ever something has the right tendency but you think ah I wish this could go higher than 100 you can make that happen by trying to it's not designed to be used that way but if you wanted to make this 200 older and you wanted to see what that looks like you can try to press that little gear icon here this works on every slider no matter if it's no matter where you are on that studio you click on the slider here head over to parameter settings and then you see like a lot of stuff about the whoops what else what I was demonstrating is this little gear icon here you click on that I'm so sorry you head over to parameter settings and then this dialog comes up and this gives you the properties of this one slider here so this is where the color is defined for example or where the location is defined so you can go and either take off the limits altogether by unticking that or what I'd recommend is you leave limits in place and just increase the limits to something you'd want to try out so maybe thousands of it too much but maybe I'll try like 500 make my new limit 500. and then you test out until when this looks just about okay and when it starts going really wonky you can just you know memorize that limit so left click and drag and make it even older you see this is turning it into monster Grandma you know you don't want to do that you don't want to do that but something slightly higher than 100 is probably going to work up to about here maybe 150 just about yeah don't don't do it don't do too much you can see all these features being exaggerated there yes very easy to create monsters I'm gonna go put this back actually um I'm gonna put this back there we go and I'll put this bar maybe make it 150 here tops no not 1500 just 150. yeah I think 100 50 we can live with monster grammar yes like G9 is melting ouch yes absolutely instantly you're gonna love it you're gonna absolutely love it what would thousand five hundred look like Nate let's have a look just for you okay don't look don't look this program is disturbing I hope children aren't watching let's put it back to 150 this never happened well we'll edit that bit out later face order but this was just the face so um to make that also go hand in hand with the body now we had another slider here which was make the body older like body over let's see what that does and that we've already seen that in the beginning that leaves the face alone and only changes the body proportions to something a little older so it's you know while products like zevils growing up morphs would take this to the next level we now have this kind of built-in on the Genesis 9 figure which is just absolutely awesome I can't wait to see what else creators are going to come up with here and it's just so wonderful to have that in one figure and once again male or female you know clothing will follow this one figure that's that's just that's just insanely awesome what happens if we make the body older by a little bit more so if we go and turn that to 500 that's probably also going to be too much but you can't exaggerate this a little more probably I wouldn't though I wouldn't do let's go let's go with 100 here 100 is good I just took changing changing chicks Q here to make her older are we all okay with that yeah right I think well okay we can make a younger Cab in a minute but this is this is nice so far let's go back to the face so it's literally so now that you're that you got the principle down you just you just keep going and and keep working on the on the character so face that was basically the just the bass face and now we have things like eyes and and all that's a face here we go this is now base and now we have the browse I haven't attached any eyebrows so this would accentuate it partly the reason why I didn't do that is because the eyebrows aren't exactly ready but I have a pre-release version of Victorious test eyebrows here this is partly why the figure hasn't been released yet we haven't we did they're just not there yet so I'll go and use Victoria 9's eyebrows here it takes a second for them to pop into place ding there we go so yeah we're getting there characters coming together let's see what's in the what's in the browse section so brow above depth inner that's where that is alter Arch brow sharpen so that's literally the the part on the anatomy the sorry the part on the skull brow skin Slack and that of course has an effect on where your real eyebrows are maybe bring it slightly lower I remember that when we had the when the Wii was new Julie and I had great fun playing with with these types of features in a very simplistic way so Nintendo give you this option to make a me it's kind of this digital representation of yourself like an avatar type thing and you have so they're really small cartoony figures but some of the basic features are the size of your nose where where in the face the nose is like how high it is how high and how tall the ears are where your mouth is where your eyebrows are and just changing those um those attributes really dramatically change the look and feel of your character bro brow whole size making a little little evil here by making that come out it's also that has a width amazing is it how that changes the personality combine them that and that or make it narrow as well insane forehead whole flat oh yes good stuff so this reminds me very much of the meta mixer features but as basically as morph dials forehead whole round this kind of works with the other slider here for that whole thing powers are fun I'm telling you if we're happy with the Brows cheeks part off the face asymmetric cheek size left and right what shall we call her see this is this is that other asymmetric thing again pulse that out Buzz that out other side out draw horizontal balance it doesn't have to be a hundred percent you know it could just be a little like you know let's make it make it just not 100 symmetric like take it down to like 20 or so foreign make sure the G is in there right Jeremy I'm glad you're enjoying it I thought I'll just give you the grand tour of all these bits and pieces cheek middle diagonal bisect where was that oh that's here okay gotcha cheek middle round cheek middle size cheek sink oh yes see what that looks like oh yeah look at that cheek size also especially on the side here on the profile that is that is very cool cheek Slack sometimes you just have to play with the slider and see where that actually comes out and we haven't even applied the textures yet that's another thing and do remember you can it's it's easy to spend many hours in here and totally get lost Shin cleft oh my really yes oops Isn't that cool it's in depth you have cleft and you can make it deeper or less deep oh my God chin height yes oh baby fantastic Magda Jade Winona schedule she has a she has a last name now as well look at that Ainsley thank you alphys yes coming up ears is basically this there's just so much that we can do jaw plus else anything jaw slack is anything that we need to do with the oh yeah with the jaw that accentuates the oldness here your whole height that's just that's just beautiful so that's a jaw let's have a look at the ears did you say ears they're a little bit there let's just do the face let's just take care of the eyes while we're in the face section has taken the eyes next and then we'll do ears definitely definitely there are two types of elf ears that you can have so I'll tell you that much so there's bass and then there's eyelashes which has base as well I think some some of these categories so they've been renamed so base is something I think under the Genesis 8 figure this used to be called real world sometimes thank you exactly x201 and it doesn't get old either I've played with this like days already and it doesn't get old nor have I remembered every slide either so Greta I like it except let's call her Greta Greta even better than Magda so once again eyelids crease height left those are very very subtle but you know just know that they're there uh eyes angle left this is kind of cool you can adjust the twist of each eye separately and again you can you can exaggerate that as well if you want to make alien figures you can totally do that but you know you don't have to also works the other way so minus a thousand would also do that whoops right just don't be don't be surprised if you go over the limits and things seemingly don't really work anymore so I'm gonna go and stay just below 100 here like that there there's also a way I think to move the eyes closer together oh yeah there's the position that's the other thing that I was going to look for here the eye position depth left this is like how far the eye comes out but there's also the height of each eye and that is kind of kind of nice so there was some Brian told me the story about a colleague not a colleague it's a somebody who went and came and sold insurance plans I think and he told me well the guy had eyes that was so low in his face that I couldn't focus on anything else anymore and I think I made a render about this guy and I put him into the into the thing uh where is it is I called him the 401K guy if I uploaded him already yes I have this is him the 401K guy so this is also Genesis 9 and I've just used the eye height to make the whole thing just just you know come down in the head but if you compare this against say Victoria nine you wouldn't really you wouldn't really know it seems so I made him kind of short and stocky I also tried out some auto fit from a Genesis 8 uh just just a regular straight out of it and it worked quite well so yeah really really cool to see the amount of detail that you can put into a character just with these dials oh okay yeah I haven't actually met him good point more Square Face so those are the eyes is anything else that I should show in here changing chick anything that you saw there's so much stuff in the eye section here but uh it's already five o'clock so I'd rather finish off one character let's go to the ears quick pull then do we want there's so many right I know it's crazy we haven't even talked about posing yet um but then just another quick poll then would we like our character to have elf ears yes or no let me know guys because I'm gonna show you what the es section can bring to the party that's actually not part of the face that's in ears and we haven't talked about mouth yet so we'll do that in a sec but yeah elf yes so there's first of all that's the asymmetry thing so you can change the height or like the the attributes about is independently flap out different types of flapping out independently and then there's the position here position really makes a big difference we may have to adjust this later when we have when we have hair on them so usually it's not that extreme with people but it is Extreme and you think has ever had this feeling that when you had your hair cut and you think I don't think that's that's the same height and you think no it is it's just that your ears are not on the same height so one ear is slightly offset and this is what you can now do with that so it doesn't have to be um don't go into 100 for everything but but add a little bit of variation just like this you know just like 10 15 percent that just I think that just triggers in in the viewer nope this isn't this isn't artificial I think healthier cat ear regular or large oh wow okay exciting bunch of choices there thank you Julia very cool cat ears I don't even know if we have cat ears we see if we have to sculpt them ourselves yes absolutely like liner says GA clothes work fairly well on the Genesis 9 figure and I'll tell you why the way so there's there's been there's been a bunch of changes under the hood for Content creators in the Genesis 9 figure and one of these is how we transfer rigging from an unrigged object into it so that it can become follower clothing that's a fairly complicated process that's available as part of the transfer utility inside that studio and that looks at a donor figure and says hey you raked you're the Genesis figure you're like an unricked just solid obj and we want to transfer the rigging from from the Genesis figure into the clothing item and hopefully it'll work and that's always been a little bit of a problem so it worked well in principle but then when you add custom character morphs and stuff like that there's always things that when a morph doesn't exist in the follower clothing their Studio tries its best to make it follow the body shape but often it gets it wrong and the like one of those most popular examples is that when you change the breast size then often there's a really ugly curve underneath the clothing on the breast and that's because that studio doesn't really know the shape you're dialing up and that leads to these issues and usually you can do something against it you can take the clothing bin out into an external modeling application smooth this out but clothing creators spend a ton of time and a ton of work having to do this so that follower clothing looks okay I much can be alleviated with defaults but still to make a clothing item probably fit you have to spend a ton of time as a clothing Creator and it's it's it's tedious work and it's it's it's work that prevents clothing creators from creating clothing and what's happened here in the Genesis 9 figure is that though that mechanism has been greatly overhauled and greatly increased or expanded into something that will make both Auto follow clothing as well as custom created clothing work much better on the figures without so much additional work so we'll look at that a little bit later of how to how to do this as part of Auto fitting uh we are currently at 86 volts and we have LPS I suppose Alfie as it is then 37 regular 20 large 10 no cat ears thank God for that I don't think we have carriers so we have two types of alpha so we have ear elf that is this that's like a little bit of elfishness a little bit of elfishness but we also have Elf ear long in fact we should call that spookiers very cool so if you imagine when this in conjunction with that you have whole new types of ears hope that was right I'm just looking at the left here yeah there we go sweet and do that on the right so this is now it's it's fairly subtle but it is asymmetric so quite nice is are those maybe a little large should we take those ears down a little what do you think foreign did you know do you know what um interesting fact you see this on older people certain things on the human body don't ever stop growing and one of those is hands and feet they do become larger and also ears they also become larger I don't know if noses are also affected but those things they seem to be slowly you know slowly growing over time this is why when you shake your grandpa's hand you think he has ginormous hands and it's it's correct if the Hebrew he hasn't always had those large ones but one of those noses are affected plasma thank you for letting me know I had thought about that do we have as is this good for the healthier discussion this is okay right let's see what we can do with the nose nose is just a super exciting uh topic I don't even know where it is let's have a look because there are some fascinating nose Styles in here they're in the face okay this is just to just to bring this back anything that's light contains that search result so it'll be in head in phase and under face we have in fact knows perfect so there's an old nose menu in here good stuff oh my oh my this is this is long isn't it I'll just go through some of these nose tip size bigger or smaller very cool nose tip height I'm telling you septum width you know what the septum is is that's the septum this this little thing here Isn't that cool septum height also my goodness there's also stuff that I didn't even know existed like the philthrum if we wanted to make that a little bit more pronounced is that how you say that philthrum I didn't even know that's how you spell that it's the filtering angle but you see how it changes the personality of the character it's insane yeah philthrum fill from baby Bridge width oh my God so um once you get your hands on Genesis 9 oh look at that interesting there's gonna be a product a two one or two products available I don't know if they're gonna make it one product or if it's gonna be split into two products I think it's gonna be one and it's gonna be called something along the lines of character Essentials um something along those lines it hasn't been released yet but there's essentially along the lines of head and body shapes and you need to have those products for all these sliders to appear so if you install the Genesis 9 figure those one won't be in here but when you buy those products then you can go and and play with those with all those attributes and we want to know what you can come up with it's fine if it's a clay render it's fine if it has skin textures and all that but we want to see those renders please send them over on the social media and hashtag it within the studio we'd love to see also Dash Studio either one of them will work fine we'd love to see what they are and just see what you guys what you guys can come up with no space angle oh yes good stuff that nose flesh size base flesh oh yes does Grandma have a have a big nose Greta or does she have a smaller nose I can't tell oh she has elf ears maybe she needs a large nose as well you know space size so I don't know is that is that a good nose Bridge bump it's you just you just can't stop playing with this old ladies have big noses fact there we go we've just added that extra step to that yes good point changing chick so there are a couple of products just in case you have seen them on the store they're about seven thousand dollars each and those are for merchants you can use these sliders and then create your own custom character out of it and then sell that character but for that and this is true if you have shaders or textures or whatever if ever you see this this buzzword Merchant Resource that means when you buy this and they usually hire highly higher priced when you buy this then you can sell output that you make with it so like a texture Merchant Resource kit would mean you can use these textures to make your own textures for other stuff and in this case there is a Merchant Resource set available for head and body shapes on the desktop if you buy that you can create characters with this and then sell them this is specifically good for Pas and they are so expensive because they contain the Merchant Resource license for consumers they'll be a very similar product available at a much much lower price and that does not give you the right to resell anything that you make with these malls just so that you understand the uh the um the difference there we're good with the notes that's good let's let's go let's go and see what we can do with the mouse because you know there's the neck neck proportion length oh it came with a with a jowly chin here I might go and get rid of that a little later neck taper oh there we go maybe that's already my my slider that I'm that I'm looking for here the neck taper slider well taper neck a taper neck B oh look at that good stuff trap size oh yeah and neck Mass oh okay yeah maybe Greta has kind of a slightly thinner neck and also get rid of the Jolly bit here without impacting that too much yeah I think that's that's kind of nice I might leave that as it is here Greta's head Greta happens to have alpheus that's just that's just how the cookie crumbles oh yeah proportion neck length we've seen that already hours of fun this isn't this isn't easy to calculate under the hood I mean um on one hand it looks funny when she does this but look at how natural this is at every position of the slider so if you were to do this in a modeling program you would use proportional editing and make sure these polygons here would stretch out kind of proportionally but there comes a point where something just looks off really really easy and quickly and it's just it's just marvelous that that doesn't seem to happen here thank you so that's our custom character so far and we haven't even played with the mouse yet I'm looking forward to that this was the default and I think I had it something like that I can't decide now what do you think shorter neck or slightly longer neck I can't decide let me know shorter neck or longer neck see what you like and we can adjust this later I'm going to leave it on zero but you know let's see if we can we can come up with a with something some Michael says shorter gx21 says giraffe Dragon it says no neck at all I see that's just that's why you should this this would be no neck at all I don't know 1500 neck length look at that uh this program is not suitable to be watched by children I'll just go and switch the limits off shall I okay Mike this is for you 1500. there comes a point where it no longer looks good out your room I'm gonna pour myself another cup of coffee while we debate should we have a longer neck or a shorter neck so I'm I think I'm erring on the side of a shorter neck here [Music] I will I will switch the limits back on use limits now while you guys tell me how long that neck should be let's go and have a look at the mouth because Mouse has exciting things to offer as well and bear in mind with this is without skin texture so the whole texturing side we're going to cover that in a moment we'll just bring this tune in for another 10 minutes come on this was neck and this was I think also under face did we have the mouth yes it's a mouth base and then we have the lips in particular those are two types of categories here very cool biscuits likes the quadruple XL neck we we could do Nico a pencil neck that's right yes we should need we are we don't have medium in the pole good point good good point and then there are the teeth liners thank you for reminding me I really appreciate that because it's really easy to get lost in these things uh I might I might bring the lighting a little bit more even from the from the facing if ever you need to do that and you're working with filament I'm using the um the general hdri that comes with Das the with that story The Ruins and I'd like to turn it around just so that she doesn't have the shadow on the side that I'm just going to turn this around if ever you need to do that and you don't see an environment options tab here create yourself one under create environment options node leave the default and then it's here give you also this generates itself automatically if we switch the viewport over to Ira and then back but in case you don't want to do that you can just go and add yourself one in here so under Dome here I'm just going to go and twiddle with the Dome y orientation and then this is the effect that we have here to visualize this a little better what I'm doing here is this equivalent of holding down shift right click and drag in substance painter if you're familiar with that feature if you like that feature and if you want it in that studio this is basically what I'm doing here to visualize that you can draw the Dome also replace the hdri altogether and then you see what what actually happens here so the the whole lighting Dome orientation changes so I don't want to make it completely blown I just make it just just like this here and I'll switch the Dome off and then we go back into Grandma's Grandma's head here so back under actor and we had head and was it on the face we had the mouth there we go foreign volts and we want a shorter neck okay so I'll go make that a little shorter here that's that's uh do that before we before we get going here cheek that's that's not it here neck neck is here slightly shorter well not not that short slightly shorter yeah thinking maybe minus 30. let's do that there okay thank you for your votes guys I appreciate that I demand a recount so um that was Nick did I say mouth bass so asymmetric once again with the asymmetry thing asymmetric mouth angle left all right and this is in addition to expression so expressions or post styles that be independent from this so this is literally what your character would look like in a resting position mouth mid curve left that is this here I might leave the asymmetry alone here or maybe I'll just I'll just do this like 10 here that's cool mouth above size inner oh my as this this little part above the lips here and then outer the attention to detail unbelievable mouth depth and height so those are those are the bigger ones it's almost like you need different colors for the ones that have a bigger impact and separate them out from from stuff that from stuff that is really just like fine tune adjustment see how the what personality change that makes just the height of a mouth much like the height of the nose I think we haven't played with that yet either they're like the height of the nose yeah very very different say like I'm I'm kind of I'm looking both I'm looking at both of these I'm thinking 40 might be nice mouth realism is set to one or like a hundred percent but you can also turn that off I think this is for cartoony type figures mouth size foreign you overdo it and it looks crazy but you you blend in a little bit of that I gotta tell you one day I would love to speak to somebody who makes these morphs I don't know who does this or how how long they've been working on this mouth width look at that you can make the mouth a little smaller notice how you don't see anything in the profile but when you look at it from the front I I remember getting lost in these sliders before but I don't think I've ever had like that an amazing attention to detail here teeth teeth next teeth next before we have a look at lips teeth we can really only judge when we have Greta open her mouth and I might actually just call her Greta just so that I remember that name Greta was was Greta the name that we that we decided on so to open the mouth there's a morph in here and I'll just go and search for it it has to do with jaws jaw open a jaw open wide and you just type that in jaw and you have a look where that is and here it is jaw no actually sorry that's not that's not under the actor this is now a pause control dial that I'll add up and you can see that the actor has some jaw things in here but also pulse controls so in here there's jaw clench and Chin compression these those are pauses you're meant to change those on a per image basis but then jaw open wide does this oh yeah we see a little bit of distortion here because of all these stacked more so we might want to be careful with that if I can figure out what that was I can also dial that dial that down there's two of them one's jaw open and once jaw open wide and these are kind of fused while I also notice it's not just the jaw that opens here so there's other stuff that happens look at the ears especially in the profile look at how the ears actually deform the whole head which is what happens in real life it says all those attentions to details sometimes when you don't do it then you see something is wrong so I'm just going to open her mouth really wide just so that we can have a look at the teeth because the teeth are just they're just great there's also the tongue as well let's not forget the tongue as well so I'll leave that open here and I'll go back into the actors category under mouth we're at the bottom we have teeth let me just go on say teeth so that we just filter this out a little bit so teeth and notice what happens here on the teeth now teeth Center Gap upper just the upper row of teeth get a little bit of a gap like happens on on older people I remember when I was younger I never really understood dental floss because I just couldn't even put it into in between my teeth now that I'm an old person um I use it every day teeth individual taper if you don't want to see this with the mouth open you can just go and this is another great great thing now you can just go and click the eyeball icon on the figure and then that just leaves the the mouth here he has a teeth taper that's what that does teeth individual width and that is kind of what an old person would have and you know if I sometimes when I see these uh these these morphs that blue jaunty makes amazing when you look at the teeth every figure has a different kind of you know different different types of teeth and individual teeth are slightly rotated and might overlap and whatnot and those are this is this is really what makes a makes a good custom character and the moment they smile and you see the teeth when when they're perfect we think uncanny valley if they're not like you know teeth irregular foreign yeah teeth regular and irregular it's all built into the figure no additional product needed to give that extra variety and I have no doubt that over time content creators will PAs will come up with all kinds of other things of what you can do with the teeth teeth length lower this is not so much the length of the teeth but more like the gum length the gum line as it recedes over time as you get older and you have that on the upper as well so you probably if she's an older lady she'd probably have maybe slightly regular teeth exposed gum lines and also maybe the teeth would kind of taper and then there's the Gap as well what else we've got teeth size lower sometimes you just need larger teeth or smaller teeth that's the teeth and we're sticking to it let's bring the rest of Greta back and take a look at take a look at no that's that's it right no nose height there's something about no space height did we did we play with that how high the noise let me just go and put her mouth back together here jaw pause controls let's go close your mouth again go back to the nose height here base height higher nose or lower nose let me know nose higher in the face or lower in the face this is very high this would be very low this makes it look more like a you know character living out there by herself in the woods was this more like the friendly neighborhood grandma noses grow longer with age so we need to have a nose H slider septum height or whatever spells that then with the tip height nose Wing height my God no swing lower height I don't think we've ever had that much control over noses placement of nose exactly yes fangs or maybe we can bring in the the crawl wings from the crow bundle did you see that that was released I think yesterday or the day before yeah maybe we can bring that in that's a good outfit for her nose bass height so um once again the this was the medium one and then this is the higher nose and this is the lower nose and anything in between I'm almost thinking we need a kind of a lower nose but that's just me I'll let you guys decide uh while we work on the nose height let me show you something I should have really done that while we had the jaw posing thing this is something that changeling chick brought to my attention there's a new funky slider here that is also asymmetric and it has to do with the lips so I'm going to go and open her mouth up a little bit just like that and um yeah let's go and do that I just want to make the the focal length not quite as scary I should really do that with a custom camera you get the drift you get the drift so there is a morph here which is called mouth sticky and I'm just going to go and look for it and it this is not part of how you build a character but this is how you would pose a character but while we're talking about mouth and face this is something I just thought was so cool I wanted to show you this so sometimes when your lips stick together on one side but not on the other like this that you know things things can happen and this is set with a mouth sticky power slider and you have these values here that is mouth sticky control left and right and if you if you crank one of these up like the left side you can see that part of the mouth on one side is sticking together it's insane and you can adjust that as you see fit on either sides of the asymmetric as well you can reduce the sticky power and you can do that for the left and the right independently isn't that fantastic there's also something for the center here so mouth sticky upper Center and then there's the lower Center so you could kind of do this and it I think it's being it's being Guided by by this as well sticky power Isn't that cool it's just I don't even know how who comes up with these ideas but now that you mentioned it you think yeah where's the slide up in all this time maybe you're speaking from one side of your mouth like there's a there's an American actor who does that what's his name again he wasn't in um aside from Humphrey Bogart and Peter Falk that's another guy what's his name he was in here's in Frasier as Daphne's fiancee what's his name he speaks from the from the corner of his mouth Saul rubenek that's who I mean sticky power slider perfect for those peanut butter eaters absolutely yes Sylvester Stallone that's not that James Cagney not who I mean no no it's um it's a soul Ruby neck that's him Saul rubenek for him it would be perfect so we want a medium placement of the nose do we okay let's do that 49 of you say medium and then the the next lower value was with uh 32 was low gotcha Joe Pesci does it too you're right absolutely I think people some people do it without noticing it and they don't do it deliberately it's just you know it's just this is what happens in people foreign [Music] so thank you so much for bringing that to my attention it's one of those sliders that I hadn't that I hadn't seen yeah so sticky power controls the power of all of these and use in moderation for those peanut butter eaters absolutely insane I will bring I will correct the no do I need to correct the nose I think we're we're good on the nose aren't we foreign height base height this is medium this is slightly lower this is really low yeah if I look at the profile I think we're good here let's are we are we good with the character so far because then let's move on to skin textures and we'll talk a little bit about um we'll give us something to to wear and make a funky render out of her I'm thinking J also saved your scene have you thought about that let's save our scene I'll go and make a new folder here on my desktop custom character characters and I'll go and map this into my ever-growing library here on the dash Studio formats app base directory and I'm doing that so I can keep all these scenes and maybe any related items grouped together if I do that at the very bottom custom characters comes up if ever you needed to move any of these things up or down so these are all custom libraries here Genesis 9 beta product base figures Japanese alley these are all custom libraries I have here if ever you needed to move the location of those around you can head over here to preferences no not preferences it's into uh somewhere serious uh where was that again content directory manager that's what that was and then in here under dash Studio formats these are all my libraries here if I if I wanted to move them around if I wanted to have custom characters a different position you can select them from here then move top that's at the very top move to the bottom that's at the very bottom or you can just move them up one or two I'll leave them at the bottom here just you know just to let you know how that goes because I think keeping scenes in order and kind of management of how you do that is is always a it's always a good um idea so if we had this as say we make three custom characters I don't think we're gonna do that today but just to get you the principle I would probably go and create another subfolder in here and we're going to call that one Greta here's Greta and since I'm not gonna uh distribute her or anything I just want to keep her as it is this way I can go and just save her as a scene subset and that'll save all the attributes about my character without any other parameters in my scene so if I say subset I'll just go and say Greta V1 and here that studio tells me or asks me what would you like to save which aspects of the scene would you like to save and I'm going to just tick Greta and nothing else then I know this is my custom character and anything selected underneath it like the eyebrows and whatever clothing she would be wearing and if I do that I can bring this character into another scene like say an environment that I'm working on and that's kind of nice and I'm going to go and keep doing that if I now go and give her clothing and and skin textures and all that and then I can go and use this character in other scenes without having to worry about is this a character preset and has have things not been saved and whatnot this is by far the easiest way to save a character with skin as well as clothing as well as poses so I suppose first let's give her something to wear um I don't really know if I have something appropriate here I'm not sure if a bikini is going to be it's going to be the right outfit perhaps not well she could just wear something like um ashes deforce collection number one I'm thinking maybe the whole thing or just just a jumper here let's do that just the jumper so notice this is now clothing made for Genesis 8 and even though it has defaults on it I might not worry about default so much but just to let you know what the trousers would fit on the Genesis 9 object and also to talk a little bit more about how the new figure handles these things um there's this this autofit menu you're already familiar with it comes up when you try to fit clothing from a previous generation on the current generation and this can happen even with clothing or going all the way back I think to um to the original Genesis figure so we have Genesis 8 male eight female three male and female two male and female all the original uh Genesis figure which was also uh based on one mesh so you had the male and the female and everything else on one mesh on the original Genesis figure so in my case this was made for Genesis 8 female but then Watch What Happens Next this is kind of cool um and that studio couldn't really could never inferred as well as it can with the Genesis 9 figure you go to what type of item is this and this also is a little bit vague and now we have currently in this beta version of that studio that I'm using we have these fitting templates here and I can now pick one that best describes the item of clothing and I believe Mata made this and the plan is to expand these into other items so now we have like Footwear or gloves so mine are kind of tight fitting trousers here so I'm thinking this is going to be a bodysuit tight template but sometimes you have a little bit like you know wider dresses and now we have a dress long tight or loose template for example and those are great for that and so this is this these same templates are also used when you have an unricked obj and you want to rig it for use inside that studio the same clothing templates are being used and they work really really well so I'm going to use bodysuit type template hit accept and then that studio does some you know calculations here under the hood and now Greta wears pants that were really not made for Genesis 9 but I really can't complain I mean they do they do look really well they they look they look great thank you Asha let's go give her something like the jumper I don't know if she you can use the whole load all that'll that'll put all the clothing items on her that were that are in the set I might just use it separately if you do use a and once again tight if you use something like this then multiple items of clothing would be loaded like in our case like four and it means that you're being asked this question four times once per clothing item this is another example that can happen and it will happen and you can either go and fix this in an external editor or what I'm going to do I'm going to select that clothing item which is the top and there's default of course as well I think I don't know if the unders undershirt is is default but the easiest way to get rid of this is to add a smoothing modifier so with the item selected edit object geometry add smoothing modifier so this is a kind of an easy fix to do that the following nodes were unable to have smoothing modifier added wine and why is that then does it maybe have one already that could be it does perfect so in that case when it's already on there then we can just go and increase that like to 10 see what happens nope 10 wasn't good iterations like that not 92 hours more like saying 10 that sort of thing and if that doesn't work you're gonna have to go and yeah that doesn't work maybe generic works better you know it also doesn't work okay fine in that case we'll have to look into what adjustment morphs we have here often there's something like um like expand or foreign we don't have that visible to me now either expect all there it is expand everything there we go but if you're using if this is a default garment it'll just it'll just even itself out so I'm hoping that over time we're going to have a new library of clothing for Genesis 9. yeah so like this thing in the middle here another option that you could consider just to just to show you what is possible if you needed to make yourself and expand all kind of dial similarly to what we had before edits oops edit object geometry and you can go and add yourself a push modifier that's another kind of magic tool if you add that in here you can give it a name so push modify we can we just call it expand or if we wanted to but that's an arbitrary label that once it's on here you now have where is it or is it not a general sorry General mesh offset expander this is my thing now and it's set to one by default so zero is that and you can go and dial this in or out I just just in case you ever come across an item of clothing that doesn't have expandable you can apply it this way but careful it could be that clothing May expand in places that you don't want it to do that like the straps here but we're good we're good so just you know just just something else to keep in mind there's always ways to adjust it you just need to know where that is so now that she's got something to wear let's go through the the um the skin texture details that we have and also talk a little bit about what does 8K skin detail mean I'm gonna go over here to the Genesis starter Essentials Genesis 9 starter Essentials and I'll head over to the materials section and under eye Ray I'm going to go over to skin so we have four skin types of keyword yes mesh Grabber will also work if you have mesh Grabber then you can also just make fine adjustments with mesh grab absolutely yes oh smoothing was off man where you can thank you so much for letting me know that just quickly returning to the expand all set it to zero go back to the mesh smoothing which was set to off switch it on everybody's happy it's free you can with the Eagle Eye thank you very good and default settings here as well yeah of course Asia would have put that on the door so there fixed multiple ways thank you where you can probably very spot it very well spotted so with um Genesis 9 we now have with the bass figure so this is not an additional product that you have to buy with the base figure we have four types of skin for the male and the female character they range from Caucasian into Asian over to African-American and to Hispanic and let's just see what Greta looks like with any of these and those once I apply them they only apply themselves currently in the beta version that I have to just the skin so the eyes and the eyelashes and the inner mouth they are not affected by that so I'll go and make that a little bit less blown out maybe six thousand okay well five was actually that's pretty much 5000 was pretty cool so you have to currently in my beta version I have to apply those all separately I'm sure that's going to be a hierarchical material preset that'll take care of that so I'm gonna have to go to the mouth mouth has separate things are two types of mouth skin details we'll just use number one I don't think I've ever tried number two we'll look at the mouth more closely then we need to have the eyes so eyes selected eyes are in here um she could have Like These Eyes here I like those that's a good kind of iris color that might not work with every skin color though so we could keep it more you know more generic with brown or something like this if you do have a particular eye color that you prefer do let me know the janky neck yes we're going to fix the janky neck blindness thank you [Music] um tears while I have it here I don't know if the material is applied on that that looks a little wonky in filament eyebrows have things already eyes mouth we need the eyelashes bats for Lashes and we have we have a ton of stuff you saw under color I can just go and make them make them black but that only defines the color so now we need to add the style to it and we can do something like cartoony and now we have the opacity map applied there or I can say curly and that's just in the plus the opacity map how that applies eyelashes dense dense too messy yeah messy I can see that I can see Messi working natural short yeah short eyelashes eyelashes sparse interesting and anything else sparse lower man too much Choice how about um dense I like it dance and perhaps we also need to find some hair for her I think we have all the materials covered now let's see if we can find some hair do I have a hair and then we're going to have a look at the other skin materials here would she have an updo like that or like a Lindy here the shapes oh that's not going to work on um on Genesis 9 I don't think the baseball cap here I don't think it's going to work either this might work the curls curly hair that might be that might be fun I don't know we can try it we'll see what it looks like she's going to be gardening up to she's a practical lady let's do that actually let's do up to I'm I'm with Abdu Mohican I'll go and say cancel and then auto fit doesn't do anything and that looks scary because it's kind of at the front of the face and stuff once that studio comes back this is a little bit of a heavy hair as well let me go on to remove that let's do the up too I like the up to idea up do up to this one here Rose Noel Abdu foreign and we're looking at a Genesis 8 female hair product and this isn't really defined so I can just say none and over time I think we're going to get more templates as well there was even talk that PAs will be able to um to amend them if you need something specific like fugazi and I were talking about this um welcome by the way I've seen you in the chat earlier there John John was saying earlier that he wishes there would be a template that would make uh like the Victoria 3 style mono boob come out so that might improve the fit on tighter fitting clothing around the breast area very clever idea maybe we can have that happen I I don't think she's a blonde to be brutally honest Let's uh let's make a more like a it could be redhead yeah just for preview purposes make it brown or black actually she's an older lady make it gray already there we go perfect she's practical I like it let's see if I can bring in let me style up a natural pose on her also save her out has a scene subset now I'm going to save her with and just Greta clothed I'm going to go and save her with all these bits and pieces out here I'll bring in a little light set and then we can talk about natural polls and then just uh just uh talk about the differences between the 8K and the regular 4K Skin Map here I think there's I hear there's been some confusion about this and many of you are worried can Genesis 9 actually render on my graphics card and it's Victoria nine and what not two memory hungry I want to alleviate some of those fears because I didn't totally didn't think about this um on the Genesis reveal stream I believe and he's going to get the lights right now while it's working we're going to talk through that I have saved out the natural G9 pose and pauses they'll be coming out of course on release day and many more over time oops um was it like maybe like minus ten whoops no that's not it minus 37 minus 30 is too much I was making it make it 25 that's probably probably nothing here also make a 25 this and natural-ish pause so we're gonna we're gonna leave with that she does have choose that's that's okay that's cool that's our custom character very nice so I'm light set maybe something by K1 is going to work perhaps since it is coming up to Halloween we can use this one here this is this is really dramatic let's make it not quite that dramatic maybe this one here processing hdri let's see what she looks like let's see if we needed to tweak the to there we go that's nice that's maybe it's just a little bit uh bright but snazzy render out of the box gotta say I might just make it a little a little less blown out to get it to get it to be more more dramatic and nice sweet yeah okay I like it I like it it's it's good it's good it's good the way it is let me go and bring in a camera here quickly and then on it I'll just make the um the focal length a little bit more palatable like 120 just so that the foreshortening isn't quite as bad and this is our first custom character sweet I'm gonna go and make a duplicate of that duplicate edits perhaps J edit edit it's under edit duplicate node this camera is going to be camera mid shot and this one is going to be camera close and then if I switch over to that I'll go and have a little portrait of here okay we're good with the hair let's let's say we're good with the hair let's render that out and then look at her in you know in in large let's say 2000 or two not twenty five thousand two thousand by two thousand and I'll do this at a thousand with a thousand iterations I'm going to use the denoiser I'll save my scene of course full scene this time so that the lighting gets saved as well I mean everything and they will let it render and then we'll talk about additional things that we can do there to make the figure pop but we haven't given her an expression yet and you know but you get the you get the picture that's just a ton of time you can invest into that so what I've done is I've applied the regular maps that come with Genesis and they are um the diffuse textures are 4K Maps so exactly like what we have on most Genesis 8 characters so the the diffuse textures as such that hasn't actually changed they're still 4K by 4K albeit the placement of them has changed but there's now an additional map that isn't that is optional to apply so it's not and we do we do need to change the the janky neck here we'll do that we'll do that in a second but there is an additional map that we can apply if we wish and that is the 8K detail map and that is the one that is basically a detail normal that is applied in addition to everything else that we have on the Genesis figure and that's the same for Victoria as well as the the base Genesis figures we have one for the male skin and one for the female skin and that is an 8K map and that is so large because anything smaller than that isn't really showing up the amount of normal detail that we want so while you can reduce it it has been shown and I haven't looked into this myself but it's been shown that um that that doesn't have that wow effect that the 8K map has so if you render the character like that like I have right now it doesn't take any more processing power or vram on your card then you currently use with Genesis 8 and 8.1 characters if you apply the additional normal detail map the 8K map it'll cost you just over 80 megabytes of additional vram so it's really not that much and I've tested this out on my four gigabyte vram GTX 970 I can render a Victoria 9 out with no problem including hair and clothing so that's you know I just I just wanted to mention that it's it's not actually that big a deal but the wow factor in regards to details that you see is phenomenal and I haven't applied it here but we're going to do a comparison render with this skin with the detail with the AK detail enabled and without it just now just a thousand iterations doesn't take all too long yes absolutely Linus I've got a lot of questions about this and so my GTX 970 has four gigabytes of new RAM and I think Victoria 9 with hair and clothing not an environment but with an hdri fairly beefy one took about two and a half gigabytes so it's just over two gigabytes so if you have a three gigabyte card that is kind of happy with that studio right now then you will be able to use the the um the um the Genesis 9 as well as Victoria with the additional 8K detail custom characters I'm going to go and put this into here renders and let's call this one Greta skin one I'll just call it SD it's not SD isn't good isn't good uh regular there we go has that I haven't run d4s I might do that after the after the show just wanted to show you where to apply this additional detail and then we're going to do renders with um with essentially with all these uh with all these skin colors and skin Shades and you can decide which one your favorite is so um in this is back on the figures with your Genesis figure selected on the starter Essentials under materials under Ira under skin you have these two things here so this here is the Genesis 9 feminine detail normals for for about feminine and this one is for the male figure so these are you can apply either one of them I'm going to apply these and I'll show you where this actually shows up so it's on the surfaces tab on Greta under skin there is a new uh channel here which is an under base it's called detail there we go that's that's where that is detail and this is essentially what that enables so when that is off this is now the map isn't loaded when you render it when this is on this is essentially what I've enabled by loading that preset we can see that the the detail normal map is about to be loaded so we can see there's a preview but yeah this is where that is and this is also how you can uh apply more or less detail on there so yeah this is where that's where that map is being loaded in there and if you follow that path usually kind of pops up it doesn't don't do that um when you follow that path and examine it it's an actual 8K map so I'll render her out with the details and then we can go and compare that in Photoshop and you can see the the difference so it is it's applied on the whole body so the detail is going to be literally on every piece of her outer skin and it makes a huge huge difference while this is rendering she's a modern elf that's right exactly and also we haven't even discussed Expressions here I think I kind of covered that on the in the Genesis 9 reveal stream let me just see if what the questions are that we've got in here thanks to my moderators Leo de grants sold pre-ordered well thank you so much that is really really good to hear Leo wonderful wonderful to hear that is just so cool audience questions there's so many by the way if I don't get around to answering any of these questions they don't actually disappear so we do keep track of this list and if there is something that requires a little bit of a more in-depth explanation watch out for the dash YouTube channel I'm gonna start making some shorter uploads for the channel starting in October so that if you do have questions and you want something explained then do let us know I can take care of that and then just make a video and upload that to the dash Channel it would be my pleasure and my privilege and says what is our 3DS wrap uh that's been kind of answered in the um in the comments our 3DS wrap is a wrapping software that lets you wrap one geometry around another geometry like this essentially and it's designed that if you had two shapes like two characters they have different topology you want one topology to become that of the other and that is what our 3DS wrap can do and so I've actually done a little experiment that I've uploaded here to Art station I've taken the Lilith 7 character from Genesis 3. that I'll say 8K detail there we go see if we can see it or if we need to zoom in more there I've wrapped the with that program I've wrapped lilith7 around Genesis 9 and this here is a result and do I have full body shots yes I do I do so this is the Genesis 9 topology the Genesis 9 figure and I've used our 3DS rap to to use my genus to use lilith7 as a donor figure rap Genesis 9 around it and these were the results and I have to say it worked extremely well and this is where I had to use this ERC freeze that somebody some of you have been um asking about that yeah I'm showing you I'm explaining some of the process here and I think further at the bottom these are also it's a good example of the four skin Shades that we have this is Lilith 9 Alpha in their studio and this is what the rap program looks like so this is the Genesis 9 base figure and this is the completely different topology on lilith7 and you tell the program this is the source this is the destination and it then goes and wraps this around that and you give it some parameters make some adjustments and then the next thing you know is you have something like a different character and that's completely custom I've covered that in a little series on the dash Channel let me see if we can open Photoshop here quickly and look at both these renders side by side and then see if we want to make them slightly larger see what happens will there be backward compatibility to Genesis 8 characters in clothing uh David that is a good question not for the morphs that I've shown here so some of these morphs will exist in some shape or form in Genesis 8 but they're going to be it's it's a different figure so as such if you bought say I don't know Lilith not so much Lilith but like Victoria eight you can't dial her in on Victorian nine that would be different product and scripts load files into stack and and that's that's here it is under here it is in here and then there is that see what the difference is those two in the same stack and here we can go into and zoom in a little bit so clothing on the other hand has this Auto fitting mechanism that I've shown and um that works relatively that works well so this is it at a hundred percent and this is the AK with the AK detail and this is without the AK detail it looks like we may have to render it a little bit longer so this is the regular material as it comes in and it looks very similar to the um Genesis 8.1 realism here on the skin but if you render this longer then more detail will come out here so I think maybe a thousand iterations was just not enough for me to get that detail out let me go and uh and do that though after the show I'll render this out with like 5 000 or even 8 000 iterations but I'll make some more renders with her it looks almost blurry here doesn't she so that is just the render engine needs whoops needs just needs more time to to bring out that detail here so that's why it looks a little smudgy if you let that render more then you get these these these really nice pause so I'm gonna go and make a three thousand three thousand by three thousand vendors or maybe even four thousand by four thousand vendors of this that we've done there and then I'll go and upload that let's go and just uh while we do that use a different skin here this was the feminine skin number one let me go and use the second one on here I think the eyebrows are probably a little bit too light for that let me go and make them a little um darker eyebrows is brown and darker so let me go and make that just slightly darker there and and also I'll leave that but I'll go and make that maybe like you know four thousand and go let that render out see if there's any more questions and and all these sliders that I've shown come in the base Genesis nine figure no that is not the case there are some sliders that will be in the Genesis figure like if you think about Expressions it's exactly what it was on previous figure Generations you'll have a few in the base figure and you'll have many more as a separate product to purchase so uh like for Expressions I think you have six or eight that come for free with the base figure but then you have like 50 more that would come with the head and body shapes that is how that works how are they handling the uh uh attachments uh Michael uh yes the attachments the genitals are in fact handled exactly like on the Genesis 8 figure uh we had some releases in which you had these fluid gender figures like catty and that those figures came with both male and female genitals so it's the same principle on the Genesis 9 figure that you have one base figure and you have a male and a female attachment from what I've seen foreign do we know if measure metrics will be updated for Genesis 9 I don't know to be honest that is something I can't tell you maybe but I'm not entirely sure blue games can we go by height in regards to can we have 100 150 centimeter tall woman I think this would kind of relate to the measure metrics if that were to be updated to work with Genesis 9 which at this point I don't know usually what I do is I export my objects into blender and tell me Tell blender tell me how tall it is but that's not going to help you if you wanted to have something exactly 150 centimeters so that's probably where measure metrics would be better uh Ray are these most built in or are they part of the head and body Moss yes they are indeed part of the head and body mass what I've shown you here can you import meshes into blender Alpha demonius yes you can you can just this nothing has changed there you can export the obj straight into blender and and work on it there you can try the bridge but if you want to use the more manual way you can do that too or you can use something like diffiomorphic that is also a way to exchange your character foreign [Music] good question let's have a look at it in just a second once this is rendered out a few more iterations and now I can see more of the more of the micro detail coming out so I'm just over a thousand iterations it's 3 1300 iterations and now I can see the skin detail coming out here so for the reference renders that I'll make I'll post this on on YouTube and on my desk gallery and on the art station page you can you can go and have a look at the full size render so this is going to take a little bit of time to render and then you can compare them yourself can we get wrinkles with morphs for medium or aged characters so I think uh Green Dragon those are probably products that maybe Zevo has in the works so there are basic older shapes as I've shown you here but like um the extreme attention to detail with things like the like what Zevo has I don't think that's included in any of those morphs not as far as I've seen it but there was your man I'm sure he's working on it Alan Riley when you create a custom character do you still create and save the head and body morph separately um if I were to work on my own things for my own renders I probably wouldn't but if you were to sell this then I would suggest you do that there is the Pas have a tool for that so you can just go and have one um one one slider that dials in both the head and the body shape with one thing Pas have a tool to split that out and for those of us who are not a PA you can get a product from the dash store called Head splitter there's a video on my channel in which I've explained how to use it that's a really simple tool that can do a lot more but the um but it's really good at splitting the head from the body and basically just creates uh two additional new sliders one just for the head one for the body so that's that's really easy if you're thinking of Distributing your characters then I would strongly recommend you um you you you you give the user the option to have a head and body separately from one another simply because it's more practical sometimes you want to blend in a body shape without that affecting your head so that is why I would I would um recommend you do that what is my pixel filter radius at I don't even know what that is I'm so sorry that is something I don't know uh please explain it to me question though but for Genesis 8 male sorry Genesis 9 males does Genesis 9 offer more or include realistic looking morph dials for genital bulge I don't know fed I haven't looked at that it's possible I don't really know I've not looked at the genitals too closely I'm afraid turn off the denoting yes that's that's also a possibility yeah thanks change that's that's a good one I just I like the denoiser and then just keep rendering it so the denoiser isn't a replacement for render time but for real good detail you just have to let it render I like using the noise that doesn't make a picture better or worse it's just it's it just might get you converged result you're looking for um faster so like this has now been rendering like six minutes just coming up to 3000 iterations and I think it's getting it's getting nicer yeah as you can see down here already I hope this is coming out on the stream this is kind of the 8K detail and you can tone that down so it's it's happening all over the body yeah I think four or five thousand iterations is probably a good good thing animate as far as I know Michael will work uh it'll depend on some of the any blocks that you'll get with it but yes as far as I can see animate does work the the few antiblocks that I have tested out I can't tell you if there will be uh sample animations converted as any blocks with the new figure I don't know that but animate will will work it literally just looks at the bones of the figure which have changed so that the bone naming conventions have changed which is why pauses from Genesis 8 aren't going to work out of the box with Genesis 9. but there'll be tons of new post sets out for Genesis 9 specifically and the man Friday and River soft are also working on products that will convert Genesis 8 pauses on the Fly uh I mean did you try to apply G8 preset on G9 that's not going to work it's just going to ignore you because the the slide as it references are are not coming in foreign that is really nice thank you so much he says on Twitch thank you so much watching you work with it absolutely sold me on the pre-order that is really good to hear I'm really glad you like it really glad you like it is there any kiwi is there any older skin textures with the um with the tour this color I don't know what you mean I'm afraid you're very welcome so I'll go I'll go ahead and render these out um in this detail let me go and save this out skin two 8K detail and then we can go and compare this is kind of a slightly uncool comparison here now but whoops skin detail if I go and switch this off and let it go and just render it again with the same amount of iterations then I can go and oops bring that into here so skin color is now going to be different but if it's just the detail we're concerned about did I do this correctly I didn't die so different skin complexion with a key detail without so if we make a fair render comparison later you'll be able to see this I might go and do a split like that so you can see the you can see the difference and I might also go and include Victoria 9 in this and we will go and get rid of this Jolly bit here maybe that's something we should do where do you think that is lioness you brought it to our attention foreign the neck area probably is isn't it GPU agnostic and M1 optimized would be fantastic wouldn't it wouldn't it just wouldn't adjust I hear your body oh lioness that is really nice to hear so so nice discoloring that all the folks have do you know I don't think there is kiwi and thank you for clarifying that so the male and female come with these four types of um skin Shades uh just out of the base package for free and the micro normals detail also comes in it um the 8K detail map also for free in the base package but then there'll be other characters available with other skin tones and other skin complexions but I think from what I understand um the the high-res normal details map will also work on other characters so character creators don't have to supply their own they can just either reference the one that does give us or you can just add it from the base package if you wanted to see that or if you wanted to play with the values or something you can do that you can do that yeah so it's probably a PA thing I would imagine as well plasma did I leave anything out I might just go quickly stop the render here stop continue in a second just get rid of the Jolly thing actually no we're gonna have to if we're getting rid of the Jolly thing we need to go and uh just uh just see if we can do that Linus what do you think this is is this in the in the um in the neck area I'll also make a shot from here so I'll make a full body shot as well so we can see our character from from all angles here let's see under actor I suppose anything about neck oh we got the neck Mass proportion length is it taper I might not be the neck what we got this is another thing I wanted to show you you can go to currently used if you've forgotten what is currently active on your character and then this is anything that you dial the value in that isn't zero so I can probably figure out what it was it's not the teeth there's nose probably not that mass neck foreign it was not that taper neck I don't think that was it either Naval is probably unrelated I look out left and right that wasn't that's unrelated as well the nipples get done changeling [ __ ] nipples and other HD details like the belly button by the way just in case you're wondering those are all done with with HD morphs it's another big important change if you look at the topology of the figure you'll see that it's all just base quads here and um especially around the around the whoops around the breasts I'm gonna do this here like why [ __ ] yes I can if I go and take off your top oh there we go you can see that there's there's really no room for nipple type geometry in the figure but this is same for the navel yet we do see a navel here and the the magic behind this is HD morphs and with HD morphs you can have a much more even topology that doesn't influence other parts of the body and still get as much detail in it as you need so that's how that's done and they are nipple morphs and breast adjustment morphs in here as well so as soon as you get your hands on the figure you can play as much as you like just thought I'd show that yeah so that is um that's that's the magic behind many of the additional details there oh is it the older face at 150 that could be that could be where is it yes maybe I've overdone it on the face here the 150 that could well be it yes well well spotted yes see magicness not cool now we have a younger version of the same woman just with one slider isn't that insane that's insane this is what she used to look like back in the day when she was butter young fairy and we gave her that Jolly chin at 150 yeah we shouldn't have done that thank you changing absolutely if we do that at 100 then she has that tendency but it's not all that annoying so yeah so 100 let's do that let's do that yes that is correct indeed yes that is the only if you ever wanted to create your own HD detail you're gonna have to become a dash PA and if you are thinking of becoming one there is a at the bottom of the page there is a link that'll that you can follow and that lets you send over some renders and ideas for products you don't have to send the product but send very very good looking renders of your product to das and they will consider you uh into you know welcoming you into the club that's always looking for great new talent and if you are one of those talented people then please get in touch with Das and don't hide your um don't hide your talent and then you can get access to the HD morph detail as well as many many other benefits I think I have talked about pretty much everything we've we've done this can you believe it it's nearly two and a half hours isn't that crazy absolutely amazing I'm gonna go run defaults on this I'm gonna go and render out your four different versions and hey this was so much fun we should do this again with the male character and have exactly the same thing maybe we can do this on a twitch session sometime in the afternoon I'd love to do that my friends thank you so much for dropping by if you do have any questions I'm going to leave the chat open for a while go do leave them in there I'll be around for another few minutes and we'll go and grab the questions out maybe I can make videos out of anything that interests you and you know we're gonna get your burning questions answered currently there's no set date as far as I know for Genesis 9 but it will be with you very very soon mid to late October is what I've been hearing and it is already kind of mid-october next week so maybe a week after that maybe a week after that watch out for those dads as emails and I'm sure they're going to let you know have a wonderful rest of Saturday I'll I'll see you next month for another exciting stream on the dash YouTube channel I'm also going to see you in about two weeks in the Das plus stream if you're not a dash plus subscriber consider becoming one you get two exciting discount codes a month for das Originals as well as PA products you get a flat rate 30 discount off all the dance Originals which is really really cool you get a ton of other benefits including an additional live stream with me in about two weeks so my friends have a wonderful rest of the day and I will see you very soon also pre-order Victoria 9. [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Daz 3D
Views: 28,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz3d, Daz Studio, Daz 3d, 3dArt, 3dSoftware, FreeSoftware
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 30sec (9810 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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