Combine the SharePoint Highlighted Content Web Part and Meta Data to create topic pages

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good day there everyone Daniel Anderson here now you are a site owner and a Content producer in your SharePoint site collection you're creating lots of different types of content really engaging uh pages and news and events and even documents but how do you make all of that easily findable by people that are coming to your site that's what we're going to focus on today we're going to create a page we're going to create some topics we're going to create some columns and we're going to bring all of this together to make it nice and easy for the users that are coming to your site going to make it easy for them to find uh all the information that they're looking for around a particular topic so the topic we're going to tackle is Christmas let's dive in so you can see I'm in a SharePoint communication site now we've created a few different bits of of information or content here we've got some events through our event calendar uh and I'll just jump into site contents just to give you a little bit of context of what we've got so we've got site pages in here and then as part of our site Pages we've got a couple of different things that we've created so we created a page for our Christmas party The 12 Days of Christmas and also just another page here about our Christmas party then we've also got some documents right so I'll just jump into the document Library we're creating some uh some collateral around our Christmas party as well we might have a menu and things like that then we might also have some news all right so we want to make it nice and easy for the people coming to our site just to go to a single place where they can find everything about that topic so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create what we call a site column and then we're going to use that site column across two different libraries across the site Pages library and then also across the documents Library as well so to create a site column we go into um we go into the site information and then we go into uh um more uh all site settings and then under the web designer galleries we want to create this site column so when we create a site column we can reuse that column across the entire site any list any library or the site Pages uh Library as well so we're going to create a column called topic all right because it's going to hold more than just a single term so let's call this one topic and we'll make a choice column here and then in our choices uh we'll also create actually a new group let's just call this uh demo group we'll underscore it so it sits at the top of our list let's enter a few choices we'll go Christmas um we'll go it helps if I spell it correctly so we'll go Christmas we'll go Easter uh we'll go uh policy we'll go procedure that'll do us for now all right so we've got a few different topics that we can choose from we'll give it a drop down we won't give it a default value and we'll click okay so now we've created this column now we need to implement that column so now we're going to go to site contents and this particular column I want to use in the document Library so I'm going to go to the settings of the document library and then I'm going to add from existing site columns so here in our specific little group here I've got topic and I'm going to add that to the document Library so we're good to go there now the next uh part we're going to do is we're going to add this to also the site Pages Library so in the settings of site Pages again I'm going to add um from an existing site column and then I'm going to choose our little group and I'm going to add that topic column to the site Pages Library so now we've got two places where we can uh apply a topic to a piece of content so now if I just jump back into s site contents I'll go into site pages and here what I'm going to do is you can see that I've got the topic column added here I'm going to select these um these two actually let's go these three and we're going to edit the properties of this and we're going to assign this the topic of Christmas all right so we'll tag these as Christmas so these ones are good to go so those three now we'll do a similar thing when we go into the document Library so we'll go to site contents we'll go to documents and then this document here I want to give this a topic of Christmas as well all right so we'll go Christmas and then that will be um uh classified or tagged there with the value of Christmas so that'll automatically update and then we'll be good to go all right or it's locked there we go because I've got it open here so I'm just going to close this and then we'll add that and then we should be good there we are so it is now been applied that topic of Christmas now the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new news article so let's go a new News Post now we'll go for a let's go for a new topic page all right so we'll actually no let's go for a new um let's go new News Post and let's just go new blank news all right so we'll go new blank news we'll create the post now we'll give this a title of all about Christmas and we'll go all about Christmas at our at Koso all right so now we've got uh a page let's add an image and title let's just quickly grab a Christmas image here we'll go to stock images we'll search for Christmas and then we'll find a nice Christmas image and then we've got that page so now I'm going to post that uh post that article all right I'm not going to worry about sending it via email so now we've got a a nice news page with a title and it's got this keyw of Christmas in it so that's important to note all right so just make note of that title now again in the events I've added a category that's called Christmas right so with the events if I go to site contents and then I go to the events list here and I go to the settings of the event list you can see that we've got a category column so when I click on this category column you can see that we can add and change and remove different categories so when we create an event we can select a certain category all right now how do we tie all of this together so we've created a site column we've added that to the site Pages library and to the document Library so now when we add content we can choose a topic for a page a news article or even a document we've created some news articles and also we've got a now we've got a category uh called Christmas that when we create an event we can select that category now you'll see this uh event here has already been um selected Christmas has already been selected as the category there it is there so that one has already been created so let's now create a page all right so now I'll jump back onto the homepage let's tile this together I'm going to create a page and let's just go a blank page and let's all let's just create change this to image and title we'll find a nice uh another Christmas image we'll pop that into the header and then we'll create our our content page all right so I'm just going to um I might just delete this now let's split this section into a 13 third right because what I want to have is I want to have the ev anything in the Christmas category of events I want to have on the left on the on the right hand side so you can see at the by default where we're bringing in all of the events but with the events web part we can choose the different category so I'm just going to say I only want to show events from the Christmas category uh let's call give this a title so we'll go Christmas events now on the left hand side here I'm going to use the highlighted content web part now you can see here we've got a few different options for us in the source I want to say the pages library on this site so that's going to bring in all the pages from that library but I don't want all the pages so I want to filter out the pages that relate to Christmas so I can go to page properties and I can select a property here so I can say show me um any page where the topic equals Christmas okay so then I've now got three pages that that we CL that we tagged and classified with the topic Christmas all right so let's just call this one content pages and the next thing we're going to do they might be some documents right so I'm going to again I'm going to add the highlighted content web part another instance of it but this time I'm going to choose uh a document library on this site and it's going to with a documents and again our document Library might have lots of different documents in it so I'm going to choose the uh topic column and when as long as the topic column equals Christmas then show me those documents so there's one document there all right so now I'm going to publish this page all of a sudden we've now got this page when I give it a title all about Christmas at Koso so I'm going to publish this page and now what we've got we've got Pages we've got events and we've got documents so just to show that we're um we're doing the right thing here especially around the documents I'm just going to open up the document library and I'm going to bring across a few other different documents that have not been t tagged with the word or the topic of Christmas so let me just drag across these documents here we can see that they're uploading and they are now uploaded you'll see that there's no topic here so now I'm just going to jump into site contents going to jump into site pages and now what we're going to do is this one here this will show us um that page that we just created and you'll notice that there's no documents here the documents that I've just just uploaded don't uh appear here because they haven't been tagged with the word Christmas okay but how do we get people to this page this is our page we want to highlight this page so I'm going to go and copy this URL I'm going to go to home and I want to put it in this tile so here I'm going to edit this page I'm going to edit now you can see that we've got uh this set to one tile what we might do is go to three tiles and I'm going to select a link all right now I'm going to go to the site I'm going to go to site pages and this time I'm going to select our page that we've just created and you can see that it's bringing in that page in the tile in the highlighted content web part and now if I re publish this page and I click on all about Christmas at Koso you can see now that I'm taken to this topic page with all these web parts that I've just crafted and created really really quickly that brings all of that content around that particular topic together in one single location it's a page we can link to that from anywhere it doesn't even have to be on this site we can just provide a link maybe it's in your Global navigation of your internet or a tile or a quick link or something like that in a central location uh where lots of people access we can now um direct people to this page where it now contains everything that they need to know about that particular topic all right so so that is a way that you can get all of your um created content noticed across your organization and really make it easy for people to find um information in a single location so I hope that brings you some value today thanks for watching and I will see you in the next Edition
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 1,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hCgA0VlEKtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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