SharePoint Tutorial - How to roll up documents from multiple sites with Highlighted Content webpart

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foreign this video we're going to talk about content Roll-Ups one of the most common internet requirements that I typically go across anyway so if we set the scene okay so you probably have an internet okay and your internet will typically contain a SharePoint Hub site that we have here and your Hub site will typically be the home site um it'll be where your landing page is now most often you've got a number of additional SharePoint sites which are associated to your home site and these will typically represent departments within your company now each of these departments maintains its own content okay so this is all the stuff that's specific to them that they want to publish on the internet and most often there's a team of certain types of content in this case let's say it's policies okay so everyone has their own policies and this starts to lead us into the requirement okay so on the one hand we've got one set of users which are the site owners and site members okay so they're the ones who manage and maintain the content and they like this setup okay because they each are in control of their own site so nobody can edit anyone else's site without permission explicitly being granted so that's good in that sense okay but from another user's perspective which is our end user they don't really care about the SharePoint structure okay as far as they're concerned they've come here and they want to see the company policies and they don't want to have to delve down into each site to root them out and locate them so they typically just want to get to the policies now and this is the Crux of our requirement okay so from an end user's point of view they'd ideally like to land on the home site navigate to a page called our policies for example and then they'd see all of the policies appear in one location so they don't have to go finding them the policies come to them okay so that's what I mean by a roller and this setup is pretty good right because this keeps our site owners or site members happy because they maintain control of their sites and their content but the end user you know you can just access it in one place so Best of Both Worlds and this is really what we'd like to do and what I'm going to show you how to build so there's four main steps to do this the first step is we need to create a set of tags okay that can be used across sites so it's very easy to create a metadata column within a site but to create a set of tags that can be used universally across sites but maintained in one location we need to go into the SharePoint admin Center into an area called the term store once we create our set of tags we need to find a way to get them onto our sites and into our document libraries okay and to do that we'll create something called a content type so a content type is a definition of a piece of content right and all that means is that we can say something is a company document for example and anything that is a company document needs to be tagged with say the type of document that it is so in our case it would be policy which we take from our tax so don't worry if you're not totally with me at the moment I'm going to show you some practice in a few minutes but once we've created our set of tags and we've got a way to get them tags into our document Library via our content type then we simply need to tag any content we feel is appropriate so anything that is a policy will tag it as a policy so that's great right that tells SharePoint this document is a policy so then when we turn around and ask SharePoint to say hey show me all the policies across all Sites it has a definite to latch onto then the last step is we need to create that roll up page now this is very simple and straightforward okay we've done the hard work when we get to step four so we're going to use a highlighter content web part and that's basically an aggregator okay it's a webpack that we can tell to get us content from specific locations based on specific tags or metadata in our case we're going to ask it to find us the policies so for simple enough steps let's get to it and I'll show you exactly how I did it but first let me show you the example of it working in practice okay so this is our internet homepage okay so for context we're here okay we're at the Hub site of our internet okay what we're interested in is the fact that our internet has a bunch of other sites associated with it okay so we've got our Innovation site here and we've got our human resources site here okay and on each of them sites they have their policies okay so these are the Innovation policies stored and maintained here and likewise for our human resources site they have their policies stored and maintained here and like we were saying Arnold he doesn't want to come and go to each of these sites individually and browse the policies what we want to allow him to do is come to the internet homepage and have clear sign posting where all the policies are okay so if we land it here and I'm Arnold I can go to our policies here for example or I could get it straight from the global navigation okay so if we click it we land on this this is our roll of page right this is the secret sauce right here so Arnold lands here okay and he sees our policies and we've got a couple of different things going on here we've got re recent policy updates so what this is doing is showing me any document across any of the sites that's been recently updated and is tagged as a policy will appear here but then Arnold can come down here and he can say all policies by the pyramid so he can go to human resources and he can see all of the policies that are in here for human resources so it's the exact same policies that we have here we're just showing them in here on the page but the beauty of it is we can come to Innovation here and these are all the Innovation policies so they're actually stored maintained on the Innovation site but we're rolling them up onto a single page and likewise we have all the same for finance and we have the policies for legal and we have the policies for I.T okay so from an end user's perspective very handy right I came to one location and I'm seeing all of the policies across all of the sites in one location and the even better thing right if it gets better if it's possible is that say the human resources site added a policy or add a policy or remove a policy they just have to do it here where they're used to doing it where they store them this page here is going to take care of itself the way the web part works is it's basically a window into where the policies actually live so it's going to take care of itself so you build this page once you can set it and forget it as long as the policies are maintained within the sites this will always be up to date you don't have to edit it at all after you first build it so that's the magic that's the beauty how do we actually build it well let's go back and follow our four steps okay let's remind yourself of step one we need to create this set of tags that we can use across all Sites so as I mentioned we do this within the terms or that is in the SharePoint admin Center so if I go into the SharePoint admin Center here I see over on the left hand side I see an area called content Services okay now there's two items in here we're going to visit both of them one is the term store and the other is the content type Gallery more on that in step two so the term store this is where we build up what's called taxonomy within SharePoint and basically all that is is a fancy word for a place that we can organize sets of tags that we can use in lots of different places but in our case to tag documents with so what we need to do is create one of these things in here these are called term groups okay and they're just categories of tags so I've created one in here that I use in this video called Academy 365 term group and within that term group I've got two term sets so a subcategory of tags one is departments and one is document types so my departments is my finance heyjor Innovation it and legal and the second one is the document types so these are plans policies presentations and reports so what this means is I've created a set of tags here so I can potentially tag any document being relevant to a specific department or being relevant as a specific document type okay so that's perfect now if you want to do this all you need to do is come up to here to where it says taxonomy you click these three dots here and you add a term group and then you just build out the hierarchy so if I said this was test group hit enter we have it here and then I click the dots and now I add a term set so my subcategory so this might be locations and then when I have my term set then I can add terms to it so one might be Dublin so another one might be London etc etc you get that the idea so that's what that is there I've created these already so the next thing we want to do is step two so again let's remind ourselves so now we want to make the tags available on our sites and we need to create a content type to do that so coming back over to the SharePoint admin Center we come down to our content type Gallery so if I come in here these are basically all the different content types that SharePoint has it there's loads of them in here don't worry about them you're going to create a new one so I created one called Academy 365 documents and just to show you what's inside a content type as I said before it's the definition of a type of content so I can say a document is an academy 365 document and when it gets assigned a content type we can Define what metadata it now must be tagged with so I've said that anything I say is an academy 365 document I'm going to tag it with metadata of the document type and the department now if you see here the type of column is manage metadata and that basically means that when document inside the library is an academy 365 document I want to say what type of document it is and the choices I have come from the term store which is our managed metadata so I'll be referencing our document types in that column and our departments in the other one so that's what a content type is okay again don't let it confuse you all it means is we're declaring a document that's been a specific type and when I do that there's certain types of metadata columns that are available for me to fill in for that content okay so I'll show you quickly how to set up a content type so I'm going to create a new content type I'm going to call this 365 doc two dash delete right so I forget to delete it otherwise I can create a new category or use an existing category I'll just leave it in custom content types the pair and category okay we're dealing with documents okay we know we're going to be tagging documents so I'm going to come down I'm going to say document content types and then the content type is going to be document straightforward as that and click create once we do that we'll get here and this is where we just add in the site column so again if I wanted to say add from existing site columns or create a new site column I'll create a new one and I'll say this one is going to be type of document and I'm going to say it's in custom columns and I'll say it's a managed metadata column I'm going to select the term set and I'll come in here and say it will be document types and that means that all of these tags will be available so I click save and I click save again and now this content type has this metadata column attached to it so I can tag content with it so hopefully that's not confusing when you're going to see it in action in the third step and in the fourth step you'll be 100 to be grand so let's get to our third step so third step is tag our content as policy so when we come back to our actual Internet site and I'll say come to Innovation you see here that I have a column in here called content type and I have Academy 365 document and if I select the document and I click information and I'll just show you and edit all you'll see here that the content type is Academy 365 and because I've said it's this content type it's going to give me these columns that I put in the here but if I change this to just plain document then columns are gone okay so that's that's really what we've done we'll say cancel here so that's what it looks like when we have our library with all our policies on the content type here and everything's tagged but you know you don't have that yet so let's say we'll go to site contents and I'm going to say new document library and we'll say delete me again so I remember create so now we're in here okay so this is default right so I'll show you how to add the content type so go to add column and I go to the very bottom and I say add content type and I'll say next and then it will say choose and now I have my Academy 365 document now if you just literally created your content type and then you've come here you might see it straight away SharePoint can take a little bit of time to catch up so maybe give it an hour and come back to it and but it will eventually be here so I'm going to select this and I'm going to say apply and it's adding One content type so we've added one in here so then if I want to you know create a new document for within here I've got an option for document or myacademy 365 document right well in most cases people are going to upload content so I'm going to upload something and show you what that looks like a little just drag and drop a document in here and we see it in here like this and if I select it and I go to information I see here that the content type by default is document but if I change it to Academy 365 document now I get to tag it with the columns that I said I wanted so document type in this case I will say is policy again these are coming from the set of terms that we created in step one and I'll say the department is innovation again common from our current set now you might be saying well that's great I tagged there but I don't see the columns here well we just need to add them so we're going to add column I'm going to show or hide columns I'm going to say I want to add in this one this one and it can be handy to see the content type apply so now we see that these are in here for some reason this isn't in here so what we can do is we can go in here and we can say the department was Innovation fly click anywhere outside and then it'll save and then you're good to go so that's pretty much what we have okay and that means that I've told SharePoint this document is a policy so when I ask you to pull me back policies make sure you pull this one back so so once you have this set up in your document Library so we've added the content type we've shown the columns we've shown the content type column you just add in your documents okay and then you start tagging them as you know whatever you want them to be whether it was a policy or a plan whatever is appropriate tag it and then that will allow us to roll that content up anywhere else so you're going to set that up on all your different sites won't take too long promise uh add your content and then it can be tagged you know as relevant and then we can get to the last step of actually rolling it up so I'm going to show you that one now okay so we're on to step four now so that's where we want to actually roll up the content onto this policies page okay so we're going to show you how we build this so over here we have our landing page so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say new and I'm going to say page I'm going to say blank and say create page so I'm going to call this our policies too okay um and then you know we won't focus too much on the header okay keep it plain ground keep it out of the way so first thing we want to do is have this section up here so what we do is we will say We'll edit this and we'll set it to one third left and we'll just take this content here which is just text and we'll copy it and pop it in here and then we can just put in a people web part if we want just for who's in charge or you know who you can contact if to something up with the policies so we'll say policy manager or something like that and we'll put in myself okay so now we get into the good bit right so we want to roll up our most recent policies okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say add new and I'm going to go for the highlighter content webpacks that's going to be the star of the show today so we're going to say most recent policies so let's say this didn't open up right so when we have this web part here we need to edit the settings go at the moment okay it's really just going to pull in everything right from across the Hub so we need to change what we're telling it to pull in so we're going to say the source okay so where we want to pull content from this is fine all sites in the hub because we know all our departments are associated to the hub so that is fine okay you come down to filter okay and this is where we say we want to filter on a managed property because remember we have managed metadata so when we come in here all we need to do is we need to find the column okay that we have our document type metadata stored in so I'm just going to say a365 you basically want to type in a portion of the column name that you created okay so that's going to be this and I'm going to say I have a365 document type okay so if you remember from over here a365 document had a column called a365 document type and that's what I'm picking here so when you come in here so we've selected this and Insight policy okay so I'm typing in the tag I want to focus on now you'll see here it's not pulling through anything yet right and the reason for that is because we've said equals here we need this to say contains okay and that's going to work then it's going to pull through all of the policies that we want so we have this in here and then we can look at the sort byte now it's already been sorted by most recent so the most recently modified so that's fine we can leave that as is and then we can come down here and we have a couple of different options for layout okay so this is the grid layout I can have a list layout where I could just see it like this or I could have a carousel or a compact but I like film strip in this so people can kind of see the three layers and then they can scroll to the right to see more okay and then we can say how many policies to show at a time so how many are we going to have in this Carousel by default it's going to show eight for me that's fine but I could make this more or make it less if I wanted to so that's the first part done okay this is pulling true from all of the sites the most recently modified documents tagged as policy so Step One is done so I'll come back over here so we have the reference and I've just given this then edit section I've given it a kind of a slightly gray background so then we want to have another section on the page where we're going to have all the individual Department sites policies okay so to do that at least to do it the way I've done it we can have one column here and again I'm going to take this text here and I'm going to comb here and I'm going to say add a text web part and I'm just being clear to people that you know you're seeing the most recent stuff up here but if you want to dig into each department this is where you'll go for that so I'm here and I'm just going to give this section a background color to separate it from the top so pink is my team color so we'll go with that I'm just going to turn the comments off and now I can start building out these sections here okay so where I show all the human resource not reports policies okay apologies so over here I'm going to say add new I'm going to say one column and I want to make this section expandable and collapsible because we're going to have a lot of content here and I don't want it to be obscured okay so I want it collapsible so people can at a glance see what's here and then dig into whatever they wanted so over here when I add in my section we have the options over here so I'm going to leave it on one column and I'm going to say make this section collapsible I'm going to toggle that to on so then I just give it a name so the first section we're going to have is human resources and then I'm going to set the default to collapse so when the page loads it's going to be collapsing so when I'm here I get to add webpacks within this collapsible section so I'm going to come down here and again it's going to be the highlight the content web part so slightly different settings in this one okay we don't now want to pull from all sites in the hub because we're being specific to the HR site so we're going to change this to select sites and then I'm going to select my human resources site so whatever else I set in here it's only going to apply to content that lives on this site so then I can come down here again and now we're getting into familiar territory I'm going to go to manage property I'm going to type in part of the column I want to focus on and then I'm going to pick it here from document type change this to contains and I'm going to say policy so now I have all of my Human Resources policies shown right here and now at this stage I'm going to leave it on grid because I want to show them all you could leave it on list and you might find that easier to read but I like grid and you know we can expand this now I'm going to set this to 99 say okay so that means that you know it's going to show up to 99 HR policies in here and if we end up adding that much overtime and if there's more than 99 we'll be able to click see all and it'll show me every single one of them that's pretty much all we need to do in here I'm just going to call this policies where I made the mistake and I call this one reports so it's actually policies so that's what we have in here and that's all good so you just want to repeat that for all the different sites now the quickest and handliest way to do that really is to come over here and just say duplicate section so now I can come down and say the next one is innovation so I'll just edit this section heading here to innovation and then all I have to do is make a slight change to the web part in here okay so I'll select it and rather than the human resources site I want to change it to Innovation and it's pulling me all the policies in here including the one I just added there a few minutes ago so you just repeat that down the page I will kind of stagger the background color of these sections just so when it's in this kind of a accordion kind of setup you see that there's a slight background they're alternating different colors it's only a slight touch but I think it's nice so we do that and that's all we do okay we build that down the page for as many departments you have I also ended up putting a link in here to go directly to the HR site if that's something you want to do just say add web part and we'll just add in a button so we get that here I'll align it to the right and then I can say go to Innovation and then I'll put in the link to the Innovation site and that's really all you have to do in that so when you've done that and you're happy you click publish and now we have our rolled up site page which is brilliant Okay so we've you know fulfilled their Arnold's wish and he gets all his policies in one place so that's a quick example of how you can set up this single page which is pulling content from multiple sites I hope you found it useful and you can use this for lots of things so we focus on policies right all the content I tagged on policies but we could easily do it for something like report so I have another page over here which is a reporting dashboard and this would all be the content that I've tagged as reports across all of my sites and it's the exact same thing in here okay I see all the human resources reports they're all in here so again you know a simple concept okay but you can use it multiple times to roll up lots of different content and this creates a much nicer user experience for people in that they don't always have to dig into the individual sites to find the content where you have commonality and the type of content you can roll it up and give people one destination to go to so there you go so if you have any questions please leave them below or any comments or feedback or how you might do it differently I'd love to love to see them and love to hear them if you found this useful please like And subscribe I really appreciate that until the next one see ya foreign
Channel: Academy 365
Views: 6,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, SharePoint Online, SharePoint Tutorial, Video in SharePoint, SharePoint Userexperience, Metadata in SharePoint, Managed Metadata, Highlighted Content Webpart, Content Roll Up, Intranet Policies, SharePoint Term Store, SharePoint Content Types
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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