Combine Face and Body Animations - Metahumans in Unreal Engine 5 .1

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hello and welcome today I want to show you how to fix head rotation issues when combining body animation with facial mocap animation inside Unreal Engine 5 sequencer [Music] okay so what we have here is a facial animation that includes head rotation [Music] now the problem is when I combine this with a body animation I lose this head rotation I can show you an example of this now let me add our body and an animation this is just simply a retargeted idle animation let me stretch it out to the end if for some reason your head becomes detached in sequencer we can simply come over to World settings and first let's say it's a movie pipeline game mode and then just hit play and you will find that your head reattaches so it's nothing to worry about you're not doing anything wrong it's just a quirk in the engine when you're using separate facial and body animations and if we look at this animation now the head rotation has been lost as it's now been driven by the body today this is what I want to achieve I want to combine the body and the facial animations but keep the head rotation of the facial animations sometimes this may not be desirable so I want to fix this in a controllable way that we can switch on and off whenever we desire okay so to begin I select my meta human and I'm going to open up its blueprint there is nothing different about this blueprint it is just what comes with the character I'm going to select the character's head and come over to the anim class and I'm going to select the folder icon and find my anim blueprint and open it up in my case my anime blueprint is the one from reillusion but that is not important this section will be the same as yours find the cash pose and oh it should be next to these teeth controls here or something similar and then it should go into the arc AR kit head rotation there will be this lead blend per bone node here this is what is important to us today animation coming out of this node and create a new cached pose and we're going to name this face pose and it's just going to be for the facial animation like so and a drag out of this node into that pose now we need to apply that pose here so we use cash pose and we find the face pose and I put that into this node into the blend poses zero and I hit compile and that's it so basically what we have now is the exact same functionality as before we've just separated the phase pose what I want to do now is I want to select our lead blend per bone and the two input nodes and I'm going to Ctrl C and Ctrl V to copy and paste [Music] next in order to control this we're going to have to have a way to switch between these nodes and I'm going to find a blend by bull so you can type blend and boo and there it is blend poses by boo I'm going to drag out of the first layered blend and put it pull it into true and the second goes into false then I'm going to take the output of this new node and put it into the local to component in the arc it head rotation next I want to drag off the pin here the active value and promote to variable I'm going to come over to my variables I'm going to rename this to something useful able head rotation and then we're going to make this Boolean public so we can access it outside this blueprint [Music] and compile and if we select this Boolean [Music] and we just come down to its default value for a moment and I check and uncheck you can see what is happening we switch between these lead blend per bone nodes whenever we enable this Boolean okay with that explained select the top lead blend per bone and set it to blend mask we'll have this new option for blend masks we're going to have to create a blend mask here in order to do that go to preview scene and hit the folder icon and find your face mesh for your meta human here is mine and then from here click the icon for the skeleton and that should take you to face archetype skeleton from the skeleton hierarchy click the Cog icon go to blend profiles and add blend mask we're going to give this a useful name like metahuman head and then select root right click and recursively set blend scales to zero that will set all the values to zero scroll down and find head and set this to one [Music] and that's it we've created a blend mask hit save foreign [Music] we go back to our animation blueprint with the node selected again go to the blend masks and set the your new blend mask in this case metahuman head in blend masks hit compile and save all [Music] in your meta human blueprint go to the event graph create an event tick [Music] select the face and drag it in drag off the face and find get an instance drag out of this and find your animation blueprint Casto and in my case it's named slightly different here it is foreign tic to cast drag off of this node and we want to find set enable head rotation the variable we created connect these nodes then go to the enable head rotation pin drag off and promote variable and set it to public I'm going to now select all these nodes and I'm going to comment so create a comment from selection and I'm going to name this head rotation switch hit compile foreign enable head rotation and I'm going to expose the cinematics this step isn't needed but I want to be able to control this from sequencer [Music] the over here in your meta human blueprint there is a new value enable head rotation and when you select it it will enable the head rotation foreign because we expose this cinematics we can click on our track for our meta human BP and this will place the value in sequencer here it is and now we can keyframe this value so you can switch it on and off from within sequencer because again sometimes you may not want the head rotation from the facial animation and there we go if you would like to support the channel you can go to the link in the description and buy me a coffee from buy me a alternatively you can click the thanks button underneath this video and help that way more tutorials are on the way but for now could you please hit the like And subscribe button and comment below with any questions I will see you in the next one foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: Jobutsu
Views: 22,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UnrealEngine, Character Creator, Actorcore, Iclone, Daz Studio, Metahuman, Mixamo, Quixel, retargeting, Blender, Unreal Engine, UE, tutorial, howto, how to
Id: MtAEN9aVp_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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