Columbo Solves a Made Up Crime | Columbo

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you good morning [Music] [Music] foreign thank God you're here Diane's missing again I called the police but I was concerned they might send someone else oh that's nice to hear sir sir Harry Matthews also called when Miss Hunter didn't show up at his office this morning for that meeting me once again the prime suspect I suppose oh no sir I'm sure you have a perfect alphabet thank God I last saw Diane just before I went out for a shopping spree well Diane Hunter was logged out of the main gate well that would have been just about the time you and all the girls were on your shopping spree so you'll have a perfect Alibi against her I am impressed by your quick grasp of the situation Lieutenant I was worried that you might jump to the wrong conclusion again and accuse me of Foul Play oh you don't have to worry about that sir even though I know that the woman Driving Miss Hunter's car last night was not presented what in her this is a videotape of the surveillance camera at the front gate there's no doubt about it that is diet don't you see something missing in that picture soon what's missing where's the bracelet I like the bracelet that matches yours sir where is it on that picture she forgot to wear it she probably left it at home well why would she do that so the last time she left she wore it all the way to Europe besides I just checked the jewelry box it's not there more importantly where is Diane oh you got me sir the only thing we have to go on is we found her car in the tollway Zone all maybe four blocks from where you and the girls were shopping so once again Diane's missing and I'm suspect the only thing I suspect sir is that you and Diane are setting me up to solve another Perfect Crime that never happened Columbus you think Diane and I are capable of such a diabolical scheme oh yes sir I'm sure of it you two left the spring of four screws that really had me convinced I don't know what you're talking about there was that terrific scene that emotional argument that you and Miss Hunter played for the benefit of her secretary knowing that it was being recorded and that you would overhear it and want to tell somebody about it there was the shot in the alley I got that one wrong I thought the double fired the shot into Miss Hunter but it was Miss hunter that fired the shot into the air so that they would hear it in the kitchen and then we would find your shell casing in the alley and then there was that coffee and cream thing Miss Hunter did for the cameras down at the airport that was a good clue what the real convincer that was those hairs that you planted in the back seat that proved there had to be a double and that the body had to be back here at the Chateau which of course it wasn't I told you that many times but you'll know I would have to bring in an army to search a place this size I gotta hand it to you you did it all beautifully and I really believed it of course if I hadn't neither with the Press and then you wouldn't have gotten all those headlines then a few million more people to buy your magazine which they did which course are Harry to up his price which is why Miss Hunter quote agreed to disappear she underestimated you didn't she said it never occurred to her that you were setting her up to be an accomplice to her own murder I still don't know what you're talking about the first time she disappeared was all play acting but this time you killed us there why why would I do that to get control of a magazine your Articles of Incorporation provide that if either party is incapacitated for 30 days or longer the other partner has sole power of attorney so even if the body is never found you've got control of the magazine that's nonsense about it no point in your mind you killed her you hid the body you send everybody off on a shopping spree so one of your nymphs could double as Diane without being missed probably that girl Tina who thinks you're going to marry her okay Colombo you think I killed her then you find the body start digging oh no sir you know that with all the bad publicity the police department got you know I can't tear this place apart again you put me in the position of the little boy who cried wolf I gotta hand it to you you committed the perfect crime there's no way I can convince you you're wrong is that you know why you can't no why you see that she's wearing Miss Hunter's mink coat now see this look at these fur coats all in bags and the lady in that convertible is wearing Miss Hunter's coat but where's the empty storage bag there's one missing where is it I give up where is it you'll know that better than anybody sir the bodies in the storage bag they keep it from smelling when it decomposes enough Colombo I've had it with you Union fantastic accusations now get the hell out of here I'm sorry sir I don't blame you for being angry Before I Go sir do you mind if I use your phone go ahead [Music] [Music] no worries sir it's a local call thank you sir sorry to bother you did you hear that [Music] foreign [Music] boxing [Music] I figured you left it on her body [Music] I got the number from the mobile phone company and you just saw me dial in my message [Music] just one more thing [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Columbo
Views: 31,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, Patrick Williams, Columbo Full Episodes
Id: zzn-mYxQg8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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