Colonel Sanders Cafe and Museum Construction Update Corbin Kentucky + Sanders Park 2020

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welcome to corbin kentucky corbin now if you don't know what corbin is corbin is actually well the birthplace of kentucky fried chicken yes and today we're going to show you everything colonel sanders you ready ready let's do this [Music] [Music] today we're here in corbin kentucky and corbin has a rich history but one of the most notable is this is the birthplace of the famous kentucky fried chicken yes this is where colonel sanders got a start and it's safe to say that corbin's history has been shaped by the transportation industry uh of course used to be uh us 25 used to run through here and that was the main thoroughfare for years if you want to go from the north to south all the way from pretty much michigan to florida in the late 50s i-75 was built and it changed well this area forever of course i-75 pretty much missed downtown corbin by about three or four miles out that way an i-75 bypass downtown corbin it actually well bypassed one of the most famous restaurants kentucky fried chicken the birthplace fried chicken so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go over there's a nice actually a memorial two colonel sanders over here which i have never seen and then we're gonna head over to well where it all started yes the actual cafe is still here and you can go in and take a look at well some of colonel sanders personal things and some of the things he cooked with and we're going to get something to eat because we're hungry are you ready dawn ready let's do this right well there's the corbin train station there's a little pictorial of the train coming through corbin i noticed that the tracks over here are still active which means they still have trains coming through this area but over here is a it's a really cool old train it's actually quite big one of the bigger ones i have seen of course i love old old trains but what we're going to do is we're actually going to head over here to this little square over here there's something special over there we're here at sanders park a little memorial 2. well legend here in america or american culture this man here changed the way we look at chicken this chicken is sold all around the world and in some places it's more popular than here in the united states in this little town of kentucky well colonel sanders is immortalized we're here with the colonial sanders colonial sanders it's called colonel sanders chicken guys if you're in corbin you got to come hang out with the colonel himself will you tell me what your secret herbs and spices there's 11 of them isn't there this is actually a really handsome statue of colonel uh you're looking good you're looking good poke your eye out so in this park here they got a lot of little like just little pictorial like the history of colonel sanders where it began and um but really it's just a nice little square uh nothing more than just really the bronze statue of the colonel the early days of colonel sanders i'm not going to read all these you can always stop the video if you want to read it but pretty much he was very unsuccessful he was born september the 9th 1890 in henryville indiana and colonel wasn't successful at all his businesses in fact it wasn't until he reached really his 80s is when he became well finally successful he spent his whole life trying to perfect something and now we have his chicken over here this one says a quest for a dream the american dream i think every american and even folks around the world are looking for the american dream the bench here even look at that the colonel's on the bench don what do you think about that but yeah pretty much you can walk around and um just learn a little bit about his life about the the legacy of this kentucky colonel the colonel secret was 11 herbs and spices that gave his chicken a distinct taste that folks come from miles and miles away to get don art what are you doing are you are you trying to catch the chickens well the ground is painted like a a big tablecloth there's actually a couple nice benches you can sit sit at so what do you think about this little square it's neat yeah you got the kernel over there but all this colonel sanders talk and all this chicken talk is making me hungry making me hungry too so you know what that means right let's go get some chicken so just a short drive down this road here will take us to where it all began the colonel sanders kitchen where the 11 herbs and spices came together to make the iconic chicken the hollow ground where colonel himself walked and we're gonna get ourselves some good chicken goodness also dawn says that the chicken here is the best kentucky fried chicken at anywhere she says she just for some reason this one here is better than the rest right a lot of things have changed here at the original kentucky fried chicken this sign is actually new here but is one of the original signs back in its day with the rotating bucket of chicken but inside is actually closed at the moment because they're actually redoing the cafe and in the back here they've added a museum on so we're gonna have to go through the drive-through to get our our chicken the lobby is closed wow i do love that that sign that definitely brings back memories as a kid this is actually really cool they got a little little place now where you can come out stand get your your family your family photo you better believe it as soon as this place reopens we're going to be back in here to show you guys about this i didn't know they were doing this did you no also 25 is actually really really busy [Music] you can see that this here is the original building here and that was the original the original look then out here in the parking lot would have been its well the motor court yes there was actually a a hotel here at one time owned by the colonel himself but these days it's just a just a parking lot so we're gonna we're gonna get some chicken through the dry through it is actually noon uh and we haven't eaten anything all day and so yes it's it's good thing that they're redoing it sometimes you gotta like redo things in order to keep the history i imagine they're gonna tastefully redo the inside i'll put a link in the description below from the last time we visit before they redone all this it's actually really cool there's actually a part part of the original motels in there and they would show you what the rooms look like here and just a lot of colonel sanders um you know memorabilia his original kitchens in there things like that so you can see here is the new part of the building and then up there is the the original part where the drive-through window is now but looks like this will be the new drive-through window here well the old place is actually looking pretty good it's got a new fresh coat of paint and they'll probably bring back the the original sign i hung up on the front there and it's actually a pretty busy highway well we're used to eating in the car because of covid and of course here is the iconic uh box with the kernel himself on there of course we got chicken breast meal and a wing i think is what it is and um we're gonna i guess we're mutt banging and we are actually sitting right across the street we're actually looking at them uh redo it as at the moment and what did i get a chicken so we got of course chicken the mashed potatoes and we got ourselves a a biscuit and that's the iconic meal um of course these buttery buttery biscuits they melt in your mouth they really do [Music] and i got myself a pepsi to well wash it down with i'm wondering who invented the spork did the colonel invent the spork probably not but here it is guys the mashed potatoes and gravy that kernel the colonel made famous now everybody knows it's instant but there's just something about the instant potatoes that they have isn't it it's just gravy yeah it's just something about them you know it's instant you know that it's comes out of a box somewhere but right kind of got that mushy taste to it with the gravy right it's got a distinct flavor that flavor hasn't changed it's still the same flavor i remember as a kid the colonel got a lot of success from was a cheap dinner for the family to eat these days course 35 chickens probably anything but cheap right it's actually quite expensive um you know and they would give you like two great big tubs of these mashed potatoes and you would always have some left over when you put in the fridge the next morning you'd wake up and it would turn back into its powder state you remember that okay so here is my wing what do you think about that wing don it's a lonely looking wing it's this very like the colonel would not the colonel would not be proud of this wing if the colonel was here he'd be like that's not that'll mean yeah it's not a look at the size of this breast now i got gypped on the wing but the breasts breast looks pretty good look at that wow we're gonna bite into this uh well american classic here i often wonder the day when the colonel mixed up them spices and fried that chicken for the first time did he know that he had the best well the best chicken recipe out there and did he know that long after he was gone we're still enjoying his chicken and it it's just just amazing well they're right that was some good chicken and it is definitely finger licking good because it was pretty greasy actually i think i'm wearing it i think the colonel would be proud right don't you so today didn't go to plan the way i thought it would but we did learn that they're actually restoring this really cool historic place i'll put a link in description below so you guys can see our last video where we toured the inside of well this roadside gem and this vlog is still continued we're gonna have to come back in well a few months and show you guys what they've done but that's going to do it for today here in corbyn kentucky and if you like this vlog give it a thumbs up also please subscribe so you'll miss these upcoming well road trip adventures and we'll be back in the smokies in a few days and we'll see you next time ready see you next time bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: yankeeinthesouth
Views: 18,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SXkEvkRX0Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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