COLLEGE MOVE IN VLOG | harvard junior year 2021

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we are stopped at the railroad crossing but we just left the house it's a bit after 2 a.m and we're starting the drive from pennsylvania to massachusetts and hoping to make it there by morning here's dad and the car is all packed up [Music] oh [Music] baby [Music] all right here she is my little single i think it's really cute it looks a lot more like antique than i expected like lots of chips in the paint and scratches on the floor but i think it gives a character and i'm sweating profusely because we don't have an elevator or ac in this building and i've been carrying these up but most of it's here and i think i'm just so excited for it to come together i've been seeing some friends popping up from different places and i think my dad and i are gonna go to target to see if we can get some things to make this a little bit more comfortable and homey but here's the before i guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our very own this offense oh no maddie and her giant blueberry kyle and i are reunited we're actually neighbors so this came as no surprise but we're sitting here literally melting because how hot is it what's the temperature according to the weather app it's 79 oh wait that was way less dramatic than i expected it to be it feels really really hot we're gonna probably walk to cvs and buy fans a little trip down memory lane but i'm hanging my clothes this is the closet it's so deep like you could probably fit two or three closets in it and it's also really high which is kind of spooky but i hope it'll fit my plethora of clothes i literally brought the stuff is hanging this laundry basket that laundry basket trash bag trash bag suitcase that's it actually okay that's still a lot but i feel like it sounded like less in my head oh look at this this is so cute i like it it's so open have a rooftop view is it that's what it is it is so empty out here only juniors are moving in but i feel like nobody's here and all the halls are so empty it's kind of spooky [Music] kyle and i are on our cvs fan pilgrimage we're in the yard we have to walk back to the quad woe is me that is literally horrifying there are like thousands and thousands of these little bugs so we're going the other way i've been doing a lot of organizing and this is what i have going on with my utensils and dishes and stuff like that and then here i have all of my food all of which is like dry non-perishable stuff but then we just got a cauliflower mac and cheese bowl and some fruit bars in the freezer and some yogurt juices cream cheese iced tea in the fridge i'm really proud of myself also for organizing my makeup because we have this like super awkward drawer in the desk and i thought that every day when i'm doing my makeup i can just pull this out throw everything back because i know i'm terrible at organizing it while i'm using it in a rush but i feel like this is pretty convenient i also managed to put up all my jewelry on this little hanger i'm not sure if i'm gonna need to like supplement this with something else but for the time being i think it's pretty good i got all my little hoops and stuff up there and then necklaces and of course with the presence of covid i had to figure out my math situation so i have my like cuter fabric masks hanging on a little hook here and then anything that i need for when i'm just running out quickly on my to go hooks by the door but harvard also gave us just a pack of normal blue disposable face masks and i brought a pack of the pretty popular black ones most importantly i got all my clothes put away most of it's in this set of drawers that just everybody has but i did all my jeans like a skirt in the top leggings t-shirts pajamas and this is just a bunch of sweatshirts but i think i did a pretty good job with it and i'm happy that everything is finally put away and actually in here is the closet so i have everything hanging it's actually super super like tall and super deep so i have some like bags and a hat and whatever hanging in the closet all my clothes there drying rack and then in there i just have some extra toiletries and stuff and i'll probably put extra towels and sheets there and then of course my laundry basket and i'll have extra hangers there but i'm really proud of myself i honestly got a lot done super super quickly and i feel like i moved in much more quickly this year than last year sneak peek into the bathroom also this year i have a communal bathroom which is honestly what i wanted because it's such a pain to have to clean your own but it's pretty spacious they have like free stalls it's really clean it smells nice honestly nice little view of the street and then they have these like nice little like shower areas with like curtains like a little changing room which i know a lot of camera bathrooms do not have so we're definitely lucky in that regard kyle and i are headed to dinner right now at ihop and we just finished a big day of unpacking but the club lawn is so beautiful it's ihoppy hour kyle and i are at ihop and it was worth the walk let me tell you and i think we've discovered that this hop which is like literally like nobody's here is the hidden gem of harvard square because a three dollar pancake sundae cannot be beat in a college city we're in kyle's room right now checking it out it looks good we're very cool here compared to my room he's got box fan cute little bed with the headboard which is adorable we love it and this fan which is very powerful now i feel like i should get a fan like this and a printer i know where i'll be coming to print my things and he's stocked up on water and mini cokes for the century we're powered up and now it's game time i'm feeling the cold air and i know it's not the most environmentally friendly thing but i was about to absolutely lose my mind because i've been sweating buckets and we found the solution hello hello it has now officially been like two days i think since i moved in i've been working non-stop and i think i finally have the dorm at a place where it is fully livable and i'm very comfortable in it it's definitely cooled down a ton there was supposed to be a hurricane today but so far it's just been windy so fingers crossed it doesn't get much worse than that but pretty much everything is set there's still a couple things that i'm waiting on i'm gonna get a poster delivered in the mail i have to get a couple more storage containers but pretty much everything else is done i'm like really proud of how quickly that came together definitely with a lot of help from my parents and friends and everything so i'm really thankful for that but i feel like i can actually function normally here i can take showers i can go to sleep i can do work so can't complain about that for sure if anyone's interested in an actual room tour i can definitely do one once i figure out all the finishing touches but so far it's definitely a space i'm happy to call my own excited to live in and hoping will take me into a very happy successful relaxed academic year um but i think i'll probably end things off here move in it's pretty much done but definitely subscribe like and let me know if you're interested in seeing more back to school content vlogs anything you're interested in and definitely a room tour so let me know if you want to see that but thank you so much for watching have a good day and have a good back to school season if you're also moving into college going into another year of high school middle school wherever you're at in life [Music] you
Channel: Lena Lofgren
Views: 265,568
Rating: 4.9537039 out of 5
Keywords: Harvard, college, move in, move-in
Id: pFCi_EaGBG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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