COLLEGE MOVE IN 2021!! YALE FRESHMAN YEAR (australian student!!) | VLOG!

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[Music] i am so excited for today's vlog oh my gosh i'm so excited for what's happening in today's video because today i am moving back into college if you guys are following my vlogs last semester you will know that i started the semester studying in australia i was studying remotely with a 12 hour time difference and i could only get to yale halfway through the semester and so it was moving just wasn't the same but today i'm going to be moving in at the same time as everyone else and i'm i just i'm really really excited to be going back so i'm currently staying in a family member's apartment in new york city so in a minute i'm going to trek oh my gosh i have so much stuff to take back it's a bit of an issue and i have to oh okay so right now like right now i need to leave um i have to walk to penn station and then i'm catching a train from penn station in new york city to union station in new haven and then i have to walk for half an hour it's like no it's going to be longer because last time i was oh no it's like it's going like a half an hour to 40 minute walk with all of the all of my luggage which i'll show you in a minute by myself it's possibly snowing as well because the maximum temperature today was like negative six or something so so yeah that's the plan anyway train to new haven and then a 30 minute walk to yale and then i'm so happy okay so this is my stuff this is my suitcase you know when you like eat so much food and you're so full you feel like you're gonna burst if my suitcase was a person it's literally like i had to sit on it to close it then we have this backpack very heavy very heavy and then we have this backpack very heavy and that little bag and then that is what i'm wearing and i have to carry this all the way through new york city walking to penn station and then 30 to 40 minute walk at the other end and then probably up like four flights of stairs once i get to college anyway i really need to leave now i'm not gonna be able to film too much like of me walking because i'm gonna be carrying all this stuff but you guys will see the journey so let's go [Applause] [Music] okay so i've made it to the train station it was a long walk because i had to go through penn station and into this like moy i put it on the screen i don't know how to pronounce that attention please this is the last call for amtrak anyways i'm just waiting for my like boarding track to be announced it'll be announced in like 10 minutes and then hopefully i get on the train i'm really doubting my ability to do the half an hour walk to yale right now i might have to get an uber i just don't want to because that's like going to cost money but i just walked for like 15 minutes and my shoulders and back are like dying and this is like it's really and i'm gonna have to cross roads i have this massive suitcase they have to like bring up and down the curbs and stuff so [Music] guys i arrived i'm so happy because oh my gosh that was a journey and i can't believe i'm finally here it feels like i'm back home like it's it's weird how quickly a place like i was only here for like a couple of months but it feels like home already and as soon as i got back to new haven and now i'm back here it just feels like i'm home but do you know what i'm most happy about my stuff my all of my six boxes and the suitcase in the corner because i have two suitcases i so much actually don't it's not that much i mean okay so one two three four five six boxes i mean some of them are not that big like okay that one's big but and then that suitcase so they were all stored at yale over winter break and i was really stressed that yale was gonna because i like just left them in my room and it was a bit anyway it's a it's a long story basically they just got left in my room um when i left last semester and i was concerned about whether they would actually get into my room because they've got like all of my bed sheets oh my gosh remember the if you're watching my vlogs when i first came to yale last semester they basically i didn't get my stuff and i had no bed sheets no pillows and stuff so my whole life is just in those boxes and so i was really concerned that they weren't going to be here and i opened the door to this room and i came in they were and i was like ah and all right so on to the important stuff room tour so we have my many belongings some of this is stuff that yale gave me which i'll go through in a minute this is a double room so it's meant for two people but because of covert there's only one person in it so that's me so we have two of like everything here we have two desks which is really nice oh we have the chairs guys you know we love these chairs um and then we have one bed there and one bed there one cupboard there and one covered there as you can see it's like a really weird shaped room and the reason for that is because my college at yale is called morse college and in morris college apparently none of the walls meet at 90 degrees it's like this weird architectural thing like they designed it so that none of the walls meet at 90 degree angles so you know like in normal rooms how you have like square rooms in the corners just 90 degrees apparently apparently but that wall is 90 degrees anyway i don't know but like that's why all of the rooms are weird shapes my room last semester was less weird than this this is like it's like a um what's that shape um trapezium it's like a trapezium and this is the view that we are dealing with for this semester there is the famous lipstick statue um oh my gosh and it's it looks okay it looks like a nice day that is snow on the ground it is negative 10 degrees celsius negative 10 degrees celsius in new haven today in the middle of the day that's like the high the highest temperature today i think was negative nine i got out i got out of the train station it was warm in the train station i walk out the doors and literally my fingers like just froze like immediately i was it was so cold because it was cold in new york but it was like negative two or three or something you know bearable but this is the coldest temperature that i've ever been in i think it is the car wow milestones have been reached today okay so on arrival i got tested for covert so hopefully i get my result back tomorrow or sunday today's friday so either saturday or sunday i'll get my result back but until i do i'm quarantining in this room so yao has given me some food so i will show you what food i've got and i quarantined in here for one to two days until my test comes back and then i have to quarantine inc in this college so i'm not allowed to leave the gates of college and my college is really small i'm not allowed to leave for two weeks so it's like a two-week quarantine which is perfectly reasonable i think that's really good so yeah let me show you what food i got i haven't even i haven't even seen it yet oh my gosh okay so they've given me this water bottle a stainless steel yellow thank you that's kind of cool look at that wow oh my gosh okay so we've got our water supply some sparkling water we've got a blackberry and a grapefruit i'm so confused wait i'll show you okay so this is like the bottom of the bag and there's like a couple of pens or something which is nice and there's these like sticker things which is nice but then there's these random little like okay so we got the crockery and the cutlery and these are all of the snacks i think this is just meant to last me two days and then we have some meals so we have this vegan bolognese sandwich okay oh that bread looks kind of vibey salad and we have another salad and we have more snacks oh we've got some some is that hummus oh my gosh pretzels and hummus wow um and we have some baby carrots we have some oh my gosh we've got berries we've got grapes and pony bears um okay oh we've got some no not some hard-boiled eggs oh my gosh we do have oh how much do they think i i mean i do eat a lot but i okay we've got some we've got the beverages here some um juices some oh actually no maybe this is oh because this would be breakfast yeah breakfast stuff so i've got this milk i am lactose intolerant but that's okay we won't be needing that i am and i won't be able to have this either am i lactose intolerant though that's the question i don't know and we've got maybe i'll just have them anyway you know i think i will two yogurts two cheddar cheeses and some oh this would be for the salad okay go off yeah like i'm pretty sure this is just meant to last me like two days also i received this so this is my ppe kit hand sanitizer very very useful obviously we have ourselves a digital thermometer oh this is like i had one of these last semester oh yes i love these oh yes i love these wet wipes sanitization what what sanitization wipe wipes okay um yes my my my one of these wow i'll show you so we have like id cards um at yale and i got one of these last semester it's like a lanyard thing to keep it in and this is my one from last semester but it's like totally like broken because i was using it so much so now i have a new one and it says returning to yale on it get more face masks okay so you know these face masks that i'm like always wearing because these ones are really just these are so comfortable disinfecting wipes that's what i was trying that was the word i was trying to say okay i've just come to the realization that it is really cold in this room oh this is the thing that i don't know how to work see this little thing going along there that is like a heating slash cooling system but i don't know how to work it i just left my one in my room last semester it was just on the same heat the whole the whole semester um because i just didn't know what to do with it oh that is so hard oh my gosh and put my fairy lights up again oh my gosh if you haven't been watching my videos i had two rooms last semester even though i was only here for like two months long story you can go back and watch my videos if you're interested but my second room did not have any lights like i didn't have any lights it did have lamp and the lamp was really dim and so when it was night it was just like really dark anyway we are back in morse college and moore's college has lights so these lights are like above the two beds which is really handy because then i can read at night not that i ever read but you know i have the option but it's a light are there then do i have a lamp and it doesn't say lamp that is really unfortunate for me because there's no like lights above these desks i am gonna have to buy a lamp oh that's such a shame and now i'm thinking back to my first room old semester because my first room sorry my first room last semester was in maus and my second room was on old campus and the old campus room didn't have a light but it had a lamp and my morse room did have a light but it didn't have a lamp but it didn't need a lamp because there was a light like right above the desk um so it was really good lighting on the desk but now there is not or i could move i could move no actually no that would not work i mean it would but i like to have my desk by the window wow i'm very fussy aren't i i should just buy a lamp now the question is which bed do i sleep in i'm feeling this one at that door is like the common error because we actually have a common room this semester yay my last suite didn't have a con room so if i sleep over here then i'll be like further away from like possible noise you know what i mean and also because the light will come in through that window so it will come directly onto that bed whereas around here i'll be like shielded from the light when it comes in in the morning because the curtain or blind thing oh remember my blind that was broken last semester okay well now i have to unpack which is really unfortunate for me because again if you're watching my vlog if you watch my vlog where i oh it was like my finals week vlog i think and then it was the like traveling to the caribbean vlog anyway i left at the end of last semester in such a rush it was the and this is this is saying something it was the biggest rush i've ever been in in my life and so i was just shoving things into boxes i was just showing things in anywhere i was just like i there is no rhyme or reason to what is in which box whatsoever so i'm really concerned it's literally it's so big this must weigh like 50 kilograms if you remember tips with tear from last semester if you can always have scissors handy because you need them to open things oh oh my oh the fairy lights oh my god [Music] okay so i just finished my zoom core i figured out how to work the heater it's really easy i just haven't this is embarrassing so you literally just turn this and that's cold and then it goes all the way up to hot this is the current um vibe oh my gosh oh um because i was in such a rush when i was packing at the end of last semester i don't know if the sheets my bed sheets are clean or dirty i do have two sets and i'm pretty sure i know the white ones are clean but i think the gray ones they were the ones that came off my bed and i didn't wash them before i left because i was like such [Music] okay so a lot of that not all of it a lot of that is closed that's like a rug that's a pillow there's some other stuff in there but most of those clothes and i think all of that is closed but i think my plan of action is which i really don't want to do but i think i need to put all of my clothes away first because once they're all away then i'll be able to see what storage space i have left over because this room has a lot less storage than my very first room yeah oh i think my dad's calling me oh no he's calling me in five minutes um hi dad if you're watching i know you're watching hi i'm not really sure where i'm gonna store i mean i have enough room like i have enough room but just not enough like cupboards and drawers and stuff but i might just have to like shove some stuff just like on that bed kind of permanently i don't know in order to make that decision i need to like have put all my clothes away so i can see what i'm working with salad vibes i've decided i'm no longer going to be lactose intolerant i'm definitely intolerant to something in my diet like i 100 am multiple things in my diet but i'm not sure what but i'm just gonna have this yo anyway i do actually need to go to a dietitian and figure it out because it's really um impacting severely on my life but for now i'm gonna eat the yogurt and i have my honey that i brought also i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but i don't like i'm not a fan of chobani especially their greek yogurt i don't like it like it's really mmm i'm so tired i don't actually i do know why i didn't have a good slight also and also i'm just really tired all the time apparently oh my gosh my eyes do look tired tell me my eyes don't look tired they do [Music] nobody i was gonna say good morning but then i realized it's already the afternoon so this morning i've basically just been unpacking i'm really slow at doing most things in life actually apart from running i'm pretty slow and i have been very slow at unpacking but one thing i'm struggling with is this room does not have very much storage at all like okay so pretend there was two people in here you have that one cupboard for storage like that one wardrobe basically like i could pretty much fit all of my clothes in one of those wardrobes and then there's no more storage anywhere else in the room you just have this desk which has no storage it has this one like it has this one pull out tray but that's all other than that it's just a desk and a bed and the bed has no storage under it it has no storage whatsoever like you can put boxes and stuff under it but there's no like that's that's all there is so you have the bed one like this one half of this cupboard and the desk and that's it like so i'm just really struggling like even though this is a two-person room and i'm one person i like have filled the cupboards and now i have like all this stuff on that bed over there like so much stuff i'm gonna have to store like all of my stuff just on that bed permanently anyway i have a zoom meeting that i need to go to right now it's already started so oh my computer's on seven percent we have relocated to the floor so that i can um charge my laptop and go on my meeting at the same time the question is where do i put my fairy lights and i think the answer is there oh that's unfortunate on the walls somewhere here like because that would then be above my bed the other option is like there but then that's right where kind of like this the light comes in from the window so they wouldn't be as effective and honestly obviously like the fairy lights look good they're aesthetic and whatever but the thing that i like most about them is i don't need a lamp at night i can just like have my fairy lights on and like do whatever i want to do in bed because the fairy lights are like enough light so i feel like i kind of need to have them over my bed so that they can have that effect like the yale banner could go there and the fairy lights could go like that so i still have all of this stuff here to layer up and sort out oh oh and then all of this stuff on the desk and then the bed is just the bed like that's fine that's just pillows and blankets and stuff wait room to room oh they didn't no what okay so this is like a fan thing but this isn't mine like it was in my room and my at old camps when i arrived at my room on old campus last semester it was just in the room and i just like left it there i didn't like touch it the whole time but i left all of my boxes and suitcase in that room and they all got moved to this room for me and they've moved the fan as well so maybe i think it's mine but it's not i'm pretty sure it's like yales like it's a yale fan that just came in the room oh no and then i've got they're like labeled as mine i've also got my fake plants do i put them on top of the cupboard wait let's see how that looks oh no no that looks so stupid you're crazy for saying i should slow down but maybe i'm escaping the love we i think i'm gonna try and put some photos up so i'm gonna put some photos on the lights like i had them last semester but i have 83 photos um so obviously last semester i just had some like up on the wall as well on like the string okay so an issue has arisen i'm missing some photos because i looked back at my dorm tour video from last semester this is the perk of like filming your whole life is whenever i need to like check like what something look like in my old room or if i need to check i don't know anything i have like all this footage of my life for the past like almost four years like three and a half years anyway so i checked back on my dorm tour video and i was looking at where all my photos were and which ones were where and i was looking at the ones that were on the lights and i'm going to put the same ones back on the lights because i know like that they fit and they look good or whatever and none of them are in my pile of photos and i put the pile of photos away specifically so i was like the ones that were on the string were here and then the ones that you know i put them in groups like in the pile i didn't just like mess them up maybe i'll go i'll go back and check my video where i was like packing everything i'll go back and check like the order that i unpacked them in okay so i take down my desk string photos and then after that i take down those string photos and then oh wait so then it's the next day that i take down the other photos isn't it oh it is it's the next morning so maybe i put them in a different spot but where i found them they were just in another plastic bag randomly i don't i don't know why i did that but yay okay i'm gonna put them up on the fairy [Music] lights [Music] i have another zoom meeting it's currently 4 30. um this one is a morse college covert rules zoo meeting so this kind of bed section is mostly done um and now we have like this big wall there above the very messy desks um that is looking very blank but i think i need to like clear the desks first so i can have a clear desk clear mind clear space to see like i'm not sure i might like put up like a little um term planner kind of thing on the wall i also have my like mini yale banner that i can put up there i have so many more photos as well that i might like try and put along the top because i've kind of done a couple like along the top up there and i was thinking of doing more like along the top up there as well but firstly i think i need to kind of like put everything else away because i was procrastinating from unpacking by decorating but now i'm kind of over decorating so i'm going to procrastinate from decorating by unpacking um which is actually quite productive way to do things um anyway so i've got all this stuff that i need to sort out and then all this stuff i need sort out and then all of this stuff that i need to sort out it is also another beautiful negative 10 degrees celsius day today but like it's such there's like just snow just chilling there on the ground chilling ha ha um yeah so that's a baby golden hour just going on out there let's feel the temperature oh oh oh that is fresh so yeah we've got toiletries like moisturizer magnesium peels melatonin because i have insomnia hair dryer perfume extra moisturizer hair brush et cetera i haven't obviously figured all of this out and then lots of in here is going to be like electronic stuff so this is like a little microphone thing that i got for my youtube that's a backup thing that's my sprocket and this whole thing will be filled it will be filled um right now because i'm going to fill it with all the stuff on there but yeah so i've got like a little bit of storage in there for stuff other than clothes but apart from that that's that's it good morning guys i just woke up and i really need to wash my hair so just ignore this but i just got my covered test result back from friday so my on arrival cover tester came back negative which is good so that means i can now leave my room and go into the rest of the college which isn't that big it's literally like you can see this is all it is like that's all it is there's a little path that goes a little bit to like there and that's all like there's a gate over there gate there gate there and get there so it's not that much but what it does mean is that i can go to the dining hall and get myself some breakfast so that's what we're gonna do it's also currently negative 10 degrees and i am wearing a hoodie oh no i just forgot the complication guys i've lost my room key i don't know where it is i lost it last night so whenever i've been like going to the bathroom i've just been like leaving my door open and we only have one room key and our doors lock automatically when we close them so i can't just like go out and close and then come back in because it'll be locked i just looked everywhere and it's not anywhere i'm really confused and annoyed i'm just gonna have to go and leave my door open i love that for me i lost on the second day i was here second day so i just got back from getting breakfast and all was going well i left my door propped open with a slide and so that was all good then i walk out of my suite and the door closes and i'm like i need my key to get back into my suite as well and i i just closed and i was like no but anyway it was fine i just texted my suite mates and two of them came to open the door for me which was really nice i really need to find this key i've looked everywhere on my desk it's definitely not anywhere on my desk and it's not in any pockets like i've checked all of the pockets that i was wearing and i know the last time i had it i was walking back from the bathroom and i was just holding it [Music] i found my room case so i went through absolutely everything in my room because i was like putting everything away and everything is pretty much away now like this behind me looks kind of messy but that's all like meant to be there anything's that little pile of clothes there which is just what i was wearing yesterday but everything else is actually all organized my whole desk area is organized my bed is all organized and so i like went through everything and my key was nowhere and so i was like well the only place it can be is my bed because i've looked absolutely everywhere else and i'd looked on this rug on the floor by my bed i've gone through all of that stuff that's on the rug so then i was like looking in my pillows and then i like lifted up my doona and my sheet and like shook them and the key fell out so i obviously put the key back down on my bed which i thought might have happened and i had a little bit of a look last night but obviously i didn't look hard enough so yeah i slept with my key in my bed the whole night now that my room is basically organized i need to go and look all because my classes start tomorrow like we start tomorrow um the semester starts and i haven't looked at any of my classes and if i need to do any like work for them before they start guys for some reason it appears that i'm in two spanish classes and they're both with different teachers and i don't know what to do guys i'm reading through the spanish syllabus and it's in spanish like i can't read it because it's in spanish like it's showing us what we're doing every single week but it's all in spanish like oh no i don't how what what oh somebody please send help before our first class on monday i would suggest you read the syllabus thoroughly so you can familiarize yourselves with the content of the course we're going on to another zoom meeting okay so apparently there's an impending storm coming tomorrow you guys will have to watch my next vlog the vlog of my first week of classes at yale if you want to see the storm that's apparently coming for me and on that note i think i'm gonna end this video here because i've kind of moved in now um and sorry that i'm ending it looking like this i know i look really bad but tomorrow i will look better and tomorrow i'm going to be starting my next vlog which will be my first week of classes at yale and it's shopping week so i get to like go to different classes see which ones i like so you will see all of that in my next vlog so if you do want to see that video make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel down below that would mean the absolute world to me and i would love to have you a part of this community uh thank you so much for watching this video i really hope you've enjoyed it and i will see you in my next one bye today is the first day of classes at yale it's the first day of our semester somebody please send help okay so [Music] [Applause] [Music] obviously i'm really really just feeling really anxious at the moment one of my suite mates has just tested positive for covert you
Channel: Tia Chitty
Views: 292,040
Rating: 4.9286919 out of 5
Keywords: college move in, college move in vlog, college move in freshman, college move in freshman year, college, move in, moving into college, college move in yale, college move in harvard, freshman, freshman year, australian, college move in australian, yale college move in, yale college dorm tour, move in vlog, moving into college vlog, college move in day, college move in day 2021, college move in vlog 2021, yale university, college move in 2021, tia chitty, yale, yale college, uni
Id: wiXGchQ1D9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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