college dorm move-in vlog + apartment tour // unpacking, decorating, + settling in

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[Music] so [Music] hello everyone i've spent the majority of this morning just painting and doing vinyl cleanup stuff it's crazy today's my last full day living here i don't want to sound cheesy like overly cheesy i'm sad here's to new beginnings yay [Music] before we jump into the moving process i'd like to give some context to why i'm moving and who i'm living with this year so as sophomores we're required to live on campus and my friend rachel is an r.a and got placed in junior housing so we ended up being able to secure this apartment-style dorm that has a private bathroom a kitchen a living room a dining room it's so nice and i kind of found all four of my roommates through the ethnic and cultural clubs that we overlap in so we're all asian we're all vibing i love them so much and i can't wait for you guys to meet them and let's jump on into the moving oh process don't hurt the walls [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i was like like i know i was like oh ho ho east coast tornado such a joke but i genuinely thought there was i was gonna be whipped up in the tornado if any like d to your car is my dream it's a subaru [Music] ah [Music] okay [Music] this is how you get b-roll oh look it's what you are bottom she's so cute i just picked up my key you also haven't eaten anything except for coffee i'm so hungry too and we're going to move in everything one by one i am so small i'm gonna be so sweaty i'm gonna be so tired can i fit here no it'll be really hard to get out oh yeah okay these people park like you will not fit you don't have special awareness this morning you're like i yes i do but that one we were coming from the opposite way meaning you don't have good spatial awareness no i do i do i promise i swears i swears okay here oh yeah [Music] so [Music] hi we're almost there [Music] caleb where'd you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] kayla's moved in and she's like having a lot of fun because this place is definitely a little bit bigger than my studio and there's new people new pieces of furniture for her to roam around on and it's really good because only three of my roommates well two of my roommates are moved in right now so she's not too overwhelmed so wow moving in ah i have moved in to different places moved from different places so many times in my life and so i'm really used to the rhythm of getting together moving it out really fast pace being stressed but i have never been through a life experience like that that was so stressful i it's just insane how difficult it is to move to the area of campus that i'm on especially with all the apartment stuff i have so it's been nuts my my legs are a war zone i'm not sure you can tell but there's so many bug bites but it's okay it's been good i went to some pre-orientation things i'm a part of this morning it was really fun to be in person now i have a little break before i have choir so i am going to try to do my best to assemble the bookshelf let's go [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] look at me [Music] look at me [Music] look at me [Music] okay hello everyone it is now day two day three i have not really gotten much done uh this is my pre-orientation shirt stuff i barely decorate it because i don't have the right frame for my bed to be lofted wait until that comes until i put anything else [Music] go [Music] how you liking the new digs kayla do we get the kayla sit of approval do we get the kayla's set of approval we do [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] so hi eddie hello this is a very rough tour of my apartment and to be honest it's kind of not the most organized because i live with four girls and we're all just like i'm running all over the place but it's looking pretty good from where it started i'll be showing you guys the common area the living room kitchen dining room a little bit of my room i won't be going into my roommates rooms because that's invasive and a little bit weird so i respect their privacy at the front door where it's christmas year around really i just like the way it lights up wow it reminds me of my hometown even though i live in a desert i do hail from the evergreen state i actually just had it for my old apartment and i just stuck it here um you'll learn that everything in this apartment is just stuff for my old apartment and i kind of just like ah copy and paste this is the front entryway here's the shoe rack you know when you walk in after a long day at the library and you see a bunch of white shoes you just know like someone's hosting an asian dinner and like here we have a little command hook system that i hung up mirror right here that i'm a little bit too short for i think annika one of my roommates like the perfect height because she's like six foot my tote bag my keys and my umbrella and then all the way down directly facing the front door is our coat closet this is the kitchen which is not where women belong but i often find myself in because the dining room food gets really bland after around a week this is a sink i'm not gonna explain how it happened but the garbage disposal doesn't work anymore and we've been trying to fix it and luckily it does drain now it's the drying rack this is the stove a lot of dishes are mine some of my roommates also brought their own dishes but i pretty much sponsored the entire thing our drinking stuff medicine tupperware yeah tree items and then the fridge is so cute i am i originally had boobies drawn around these magnets you can kind of imagine what that would look like but someone changed it to a frog and that's a lot cuter the fridge i have this tub of clove garlic from h mart that makes me really happy freezer this is the dining table to be honest we've also used this area for studying because our rooms are really small so my roommates ended up putting some of their desks out here to make more space for storage and existing like walking around we have semi dying flowers right here they still look good they still look vibrant i think we're making it a goal to have fresh flowers in our apartment always we have this chair i'm not sure if you remember from my other vlogs but kayla will nap here while other people are on their laptops because she likes reflecting other people's behavior and instead of doing work she'll just like sleep and be a lazy cat because it's all cats this is a trash can oh that's chris's home those are bags we're recycling and then as we move this way this is kayla's ship she has her own square footage she is currently waiting right here because she gets food in approximately 40 minutes by the way my roommates love kayla they get along so well she's already so well bonded with my direct roommate this is a where's waldo photo if you're approximately 5'4 i won't lie waldo is really easy to find this is one of the desks that my roommates moved out and there is really just storage then we have self-facing windows all my plants kind of just chill on the silk maggie my roommates plant and that aloe over there is lauren's plant there's some more happy plants at my desk area so i had to keep my pc outside because it took forever for me to get the proper bed frame to go off my bed plan is is that i'm able to connect my switch here and then we can like play games on here or someone can use the computer if they need to for writing assignments and stuff there's a little floor cushion right by the computer area where kayla sleeps sometimes then we have our ode to the cats chairs let's face it the head of the household is actually kayla and then this is the main living room area which i'm so proud of it honestly just kind of does look like my apartment which i guess is fine my roommates really like it they were happy someone just kind of did all the decorating for them we have typical tick-tock lights that go around artwork a georgetown banner right here is really comfy if someone needs to crash they can't because there's a pillow there's a big-ass costco blanket and then the coffee table has our university publications they're recent prints right here and in the middle we have games and also a little duck basket of candy if you're you have a sweet tooth this is another chair oh wow and then we have my giant ass shelf which holds mostly my i won't lie and it's slightly tilted because i built it wrong because i didn't have instructions this time around but i don't think it's a hazard you think so jazzy got me this for christmas last year i don't think she knew that i made pikachu in smash but i do and it also is this is up smash this is me to all the noobs what else is cool about this shelf there's a potato jazzy also got me this it's a little planter that has a hedgehog we have kk slider the man the myth the legend we have no clothes you put coins in it do you think this music's copyrighted i don't know yeah right here we have my philadelphia beautiful she is getting so long and so big i'm so proud and up here we have a pride flag i need to get the updated pride flag right here is our asian wall we do love late night ramen in this household spirited away poster two fans so you might recognize dragon poster grave the fireflies my sexy sexy cleaning supplies actually the swifter is annika's give the dyson some name suggestions in the comments below um i think it is a she thing that is the living room that's it uh it's a big vibe i think it's really cute so let's transition down the hallway okay so it's a bit dark so you can either turn on the sign that says hi or this one this is the air conditioning and heater that we don't have access to which is lovely this is the bathroom i hung up this print today and it's like really nice that we have a private bathroom and i'm really lucky as a sophomore i have a private bathroom i'm not going to show an in-depth tour because it's a it's a bathroom i guess all i have to say is that this like door jammed all the time so when you need to go to the bathroom you can't just like open it you have to go like you don't need to show the toilet chris i don't know i don't know what you want i don't know what people want to see and then this is my door for privacy reasons i won't be showing your side of the room though like i i i promise you i love maggie first thing you see is my cork board of pins oh it's so dark ah there is like a my hero academia sanrio collaboration poster that my friend david got me at the poster fair and then here is my wall length mirror this is where i look at my outfit this is a collage right here uh stuff didn't like how much white space there was against my closet door so i thought this would be a really cute idea and my closet is really messy but this is all i get to see and like i have a lot of laundry so it's just uh it's really bad it also doesn't close all the way anymore because i have too much stuff on my bed frame i hang my backpack and then tote bags that i use on a daily see the vibe is that this is a separate little nook that i get to exist without having to see anyone else because i really want to have a really good desk area and i think i got it it's really cute [Music] this is my desk area i have my laptop with my laptop stand this is all the stuff i usually use for editing i have like my mic stuff my ipad this is the cutest desk mat i got it from etsy up here we have a bunch of so this is my mask hair accessories basket accumulation of school supplies and then right here i have my bakugo figurine one of my vlogging cameras right here are ah this is so bad i'm so sorry um right here i have two polaroids of chris i have my voting stickers oh this chicken doesn't turn on anymore i'm so sad i charged it with the wrong volt charger so it charged with too many volts and it just kind of killed it this is a chicken nugget now is that bad to say it's right [Music] to the right we have my makeup station along with oikawa's right there a bit of self-care with the yellow sun chapstick some jewelry can turn out this little light and there's one of my merch posters right there by the way you can shop that in the link in the bio and then we scoop down here where i would put my ipad if i need two screens while i'm doing work in the background i just have this really lovely collage ah it makes me so happy when i look at it because the colors melt together so well it's just a bunch of really beautiful artwork people i love and anime boys i love down here on the table we have an ella fitzgerald record which has my favorite song of all time on it you have a mushroom painting a little cat that holds my air pods a printer my lego flowers and my booty vase some cameras this is the instax fujifilm mini 11 above the fridge that's the polaroid one step two the fridge i load the fridge i need to get some sodas for the fridge or something but it currently just has a bunch of lychee cups jelly cups i have another little knitted mushroom container i hold some pins my friend devi got this for me for christmas i'm not sure if you can tell i have like a affinity for mushrooms well this matches my my my cardigan perfectly this snake plant is the only plant i trust to keep in here because it doesn't need a lot of light so it kind of just chills next to the fridge see what like there's my headphones right here i have this vine sticking out so i remember the duck my head i've hit my head against so many times trying to go under or out so i'm just like ah i can't hit my head yay okay and then up here we have my bed it's not the cutest be honest i never make my bed it's impossible to make my bed from up there i don't think i'm actually allowed to have my bed lofted in this specific type of dorm room but [Music] georgetown this is free this is free advertisement i'm doing for you and i'm paying you so i can still sit up and not hit my head on the ceiling in the bed because i'm just a small human being i decorate it with a bunch of vines because i really hate waking up to the brick i like seeing the vines first gives me an artificial sense of zen you're wondering when where's your ladder this is my ladder so i just kind of climb up like so and then i'm on the bed i'm thinking about how much of a downgrade this must be from living in an apartment so as you can see i live in a jungle nothing has changed my mushroom blanket makes me so happy i'm using my same orange comforter along with all of my stuffed animals they're still here i have potato i have peyton i have gouda you just turn it on [Music] and look how bright it goes [Music] that's the end of this tour i hope you enjoy it else do i say chris's arms are getting tired i'm actually i hope to see you guys in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: linh truong
Views: 663,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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