Coleman Powermate Generator Not Starting and Leaking Gas

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hey guys welcome back so today i brought home another coleman power made generator this one is 5 500 watts and it's powered by an 11 horse tecumseh engine uh this one was a yard sale find i was just driving home this morning followed the signs to the yard sale and got there a little bit late because the guy before me was driving away with a truckload of power equipment but tucked in the corner of the garage was this he was asking 200 bucks for it and i offered him 140 and he took me up on it so here it is anyway this may have been stored properly the tank is empty and dry and the person selling it said it ran fine the last time he used it which was two years ago so yeah maybe this will be easy anytime i say that i'm usually proven wrong now the obvious issue here that needs to be dealt with probably first are the tires both of them are off the bead and it makes it pretty hard to move around so let me get those on the bead we'll check a few basics and if everything checks out we'll bring it outside pull that cord and see what we get i'm just going to clean all the dirt off the tire in the rim uh i'm gonna check the oil the fuel valve was actually left on so the empty tank potentially is a bad thing if it all went into the crankcase so i put a tray here just in case yeah oil's good at least good enough to test with we'll change it later something else i like to do on stuff that's unknown to me or something that's been sitting for a while is check the governor arm make sure it's connected in this case it is and more commonly the throttle plate on the carburetor usually becomes gummed up and seized and the resting position is full throttle so if i were to just start this and this was seized the engine would race out of control and most likely blow if it's not shut off promptly anyway to test it's pretty easy you can just push the governor in this case this way should close the throttle yeah you can see that throttle is seized so that carburetor has to come off rookie so there is some fuel in the line and it smells old and you can tell here the varnish right there and there so the fuel valve was left on most likely some fuel came in and slowly flooded over now i'm not seeing signs of that in the oil it's properly filled if it was over full that would tell me this fuel in there but it's properly filled and the viscosity feels good so i think the oil is okay but i am going to drain it just to be safe while i do the carb and these studs are removable it uses a torx socket i believe this is an e5 it's the same size that you use to remove the studs on the 10 horse briggs and stratton you could also try double nutting it but there's really not a lot of thread here i don't think you could actually get two nuts on there okay this thing smells pretty bad so not expecting it to look too good not too bad actually i guess that's the one good thing about a plastic carb at least the bottom part is pretty much all plastic there's not a whole lot to go bad when there's bad fuel in there but the throttle plate yeah it's just varnished up so a few minutes in the ultrasonic that varnish will all be gone plus the body could use a cleaning i'm just going to run through everything with a wire and a brush and make sure it's clean that's the main jet and it's not completely clogged but that opening is pretty reduced so it would not have run very well it's kind of hard to tell but there is supposed to be a little o-ring between the main jet and to the body here and i'm not seeing it so uh yeah i it's kind of hard to see in there but i'm going to pick at that see if there's an o-ring in there if not i'll double check the parts diagram and most likely add an o-ring when i put the jet back in and there's the o-ring that's important to check sometimes they deteriorate this one's not too bad it's not swollen it is a little bit petrified but i do have new ones so i'll swap that out when i put it back together so so yep we're full i cleaned up pretty well and most importantly throttle plate works the way that it should so i'm going to start by reassembling the float bowl and starting with the main jet and a new o-ring so that's the new o-ring there here's the old one you can see it did swell up a bit but not enough to impact kind of the function of that main jet i'm going to use just a bit of wd-40 to wet the o-ring to get it to stick hopefully to the main jet while i slide it in and i usually shine a light in there to see if that jet is letting light through if that o-ring was misaligned you would not most likely you would not see the light i'm just going to test the function of the needle and see i like this it should allow air through and when up it should stop yeah and it's working i guess my only concern is that when it's open it just seems like it doesn't flow too quickly so potentially that seat is swollen and also when it closes you can see it doesn't go up too far it should be a touch higher and that is also a sign of potentially a swollen seat unfortunately i don't have any more right now so i'm going to run with it like this but i am going to order a new needle and see so okay that's mostly it i did lose the gasket coming off it tore so i do have a new one i'm just gonna get this one off okay let's try this thing out yeah before putting the car back on i do want to replace this fuel line it's not in terrible shape but it is starting to crack and it is petrified so it doesn't have too much life left in it and i actually just use a drill bit which might sound a bit odd but it helps kind of align the new and the old then i tape it up just a bit and pull it through yeah i'm just going to replace everything new filter new valve all the way up you need to be very careful getting this off it's only held in by this rubber bushing and if you just start pulling it you're going to pull it right out of the tank so unfortunately that bushing is shot and needs to be replaced so let me get the gas out of the tank we'll just run it off the test tank for now okay the fuel's out of the tank i'm just going to pull it off it's going to have to come off anyway to get that bushing replaced got the temporary fuel tank hooked up and it's been on for about two minutes carbs not leaking so we're off to a good start also have a light plugged in with the kilowatt so i'm gonna get this thing started and see where we're at it did take four or five pulls but it started and i had to turn the choke back on a bit for about a minute because it was surging yeah but after a minute turned it off we were producing power you know it was 129 volts unloaded which is what i'd expect on a generator like this without an avr and the hertz were a bit i mean they were normal but generally without load these are set to around 61 61 and a half this was at like 60 and a half maybe a little lower and even loaded up with 3 000 watts it held its speed very well it was still close to 60 hertz uh there was a bit of hunting under load and i think i can attribute that to the the governor set up you know this governor rod doesn't have a spring to hold things tight so i've had that issue a lot with these where they hunt a bit more than they should so i'm gonna add a spring just to help it out and then i'm gonna restart it and make sure everything's good running out of daylight quickly but this is the spring here that i'm gonna add to that linkage and i've done it before actually i'll link to that video up above but the idea is there's a little bit of slop between the governor arm and the throttle plate and as these things age it just gets worse so something like this you find on most engines to kind of negate that problem so this one isn't really surging a hunting bad but it is probably just a matter of time so i'm going to add this spring we'll start it back up just make sure we're good and bring everything back in well the sun is set still got a few minutes of light so that spring is installed not that you can see it but it's right there it actually slowed it down a bit i think i'm out of time it's getting pretty dark and i tried adjusting the speed but it's just it's just getting too dark so i'm going to bring this back inside get those parts ordered and we'll resume this in a minute this bushing here powermate lists as discontinued thankfully these are pretty common across generators that have plastic tanks so i ordered a six pack of bushings and i don't know for sure if this is going to fit but this fits a lot of different things so i'm hoping this will do it but let's get this out and see if i got the right part that was tough that was a bit more involved than i thought usually they're in such bad shape they just crumble and and pull right out but not so much the case this one actually is still pretty flexible anyway the new ones they measure at 33 64 which is 0.515 inches so i'm just going to double check the opening and make sure we're in the ballpark and we are so these new ones should work i'm just going to use motor oil to help this bushing good looks like that bushing fixed the issue so no more fuels leaking i just wanted to double check that before tightening the tank down and reconnecting that fuel line so we got the kit comes with both a needle and a seat so everything i need is down here in the bowl so there's no need to take the carb off removing the bowl is all you need to do so and to get the seat out you can use a pick if you got one a screw also works this is just a drywall screw and you just want to get it in enough to grab a few threads on that seat that came out very easily there's a smooth side and like a ribbed side the rib side goes down smooth side is up so it's much better it's nice and level you know before with the old seat it would only go up about maybe to there so yeah big improvement it's actually been about two weeks since i finished this thing up just haven't had a chance to get it out for one last test and uh well i think today's the day it's pretty cold out below freezing so i'm going to do a really cold cold start on this see how it runs make sure i didn't miss anything so okay well i can't exactly say it started on the first pull but at least it started and after about a minute i was able to turn the choke fully off the engine was running smooth generator heads making power loaded it up 1500 watts no issue so i think we're looking pretty good now we have a machine that's doing what it should and honestly i think the tires were the most difficult part on this that rubber was pretty petrified and getting it back on the bead i was a bit of a challenge but we're good now and uh i think i'm done so hope this video helped someone thanks for watching
Channel: James Condon
Views: 73,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coleman, Fixed, Flat Tire, Full Throttle, Generator, How to, Powermate, Running Fast, Small Engine, Stuck Throttle, Tank Leaking, Tecumseh, Throttle Plate, Troubleshooting, Will Not Start, PM0525500, OHM110, OHM110-222712C, 632709, B0794XKK54
Id: tzE9c9g-7es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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