Cold Weather/Snow Inflatable Tent Glamping/Camping, Wood Stove Heat at CCC Bridge

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here we go CCC bridge in kelasa Michigan we brought our new inflatable tent we're going to give it a shot this weekend can't wait yep pretty excited check it out there's the CCC Bridge there's a sign the state campground up here says sight's 8 to 31 there's not a soul here that we can see [Music] now [Music] there's the river down there Bridge kind of showing you into the campground here's the message board CCC Bridge our first time here so we've rode the area a lot haven't stayed this Campground yet you can see the river down there we'll be checking all this out soon it's a boat launch down to the river from the campground it's right here in the front parking lot nice we are at CCC Bridge Campground we decided on site 17 we're the only ones here it's a nice got a nice River View and it looks like it's a got enough space for our big tent we brought site 17 you see the river right behind it all right all right just took sight 17 in the big bin there we got our wood gas we're ready right off the O Trails there's the tent so Tina's wanting to set it up right there overlooking the river we kind of did all our looking up and everything to make sure there's no big branches there's the tent she's got it wrapped in a tarp the intent is she's just going to grab it and drag it 10 ft over and we're going to unfold it hook the pump up we'll we'll check all that out again all right Tina's taking the inflatable tent off she's just dragging it with the tarp she was hell bent on this so the thought was the way we put on the trailer keep it clean have the tarp kind of wrapped around it which worked as you can see the trailer kind of has an angle so I knew I'd be able to slide it off and be able to pull it on the tart by myself to get it where we needed it VOA now we're going to all right we're at the campsite field test let's see how long it takes the pump to fill up the tent going to time it again wait for you hear it right when she hears it we'll hit the start button there we go got the timer going so here we are site 17 CCC Bridge getting ready to use the inflatable tents that were right on the river really popular canoeing and kayaking and rafting spot there's stairs going down to the river there got some Woods in between us some of the SES are a little bigger the sight's a little on the bigger side but this was mostly smaller than a lot of the other videos we've done so we noticed we filled this tent up one time with the pump took just over 8 minutes that time it's a lot colder today so we'll see how that goes so our views which should be really nice coming off of this tent should be the river if you can see right in the background and so while it's filling up filling up the 8 or 10 minutes that it takes we're going to unload and stack on the tarp in front of it that's going to be our our front patio so Tina's got the is set up just the way she wants she's got the pump going her front patio set up and her whole thing was as it fills up you can carry the stuff out so you can have a much shorter setup time and we'll see how that goes we are at 6 minutes 30 seconds so what's funny is you look at the picnic table we've unloaded our car our truck whatever while the tent was putting itself up now Tina takes her shoes off and she kind of starts taking everything in let's see where we're at so it's at 3 and 1/2 lb of pressure and we set it to 6 and 1/2 just stopped hit stopped 10 minutes and 3 seconds 6 and 1 12 lbs of pressure tent kind of set itself up we just got to grab it and shift it a little bit nice thing is 10 minutes we got all our stuff out [Music] and we're going to get some steaks in here just in case we're hoping for some some snow again it's about 30° fah today so 10 minutes to fill it up now we're going to stake it down a bit and then get that stove going and get everything going steaks are pretty tough here they are they're nice they're tough they come and they're going in this ground really easy this only take a minute or two so we just about got all our stuff fin wasn't too bad got the air mattress going there's the back rooms getting there one thing we want to do cuz it's a little bit chilly out just get the stove going so we got it in first time we've had it in you can put this any way you want you can put this with the back facing the side like that or sideways if you'd like to cook we could sit over in here and in there is actually a lot of room on each side so let's light this thing up all right I put a tiny little fire starter in there hoping that would do it first time we've lit it in the tent you can kind of see there but this little torch man just gets it going so quick so I'm going to hold it on it here for a few seconds just to kind of see the updrafts already going out of the top can see there it's already going pretty good I'm going to turn it off already okay all right site 17 let's do a quick walk through nobody else at the campground right now we're right on the river plenty of trees so panning around right through those trees over this way there's a couple of stairs that go down to a deck you could put your chairs on and just enjoy the river River's got a beautiful sound fire pits picnic tables at every campsite there's our tent took just over 10 minutes to blow it up in 30 degre temps today 30 degree Fahrenheit that is Sun's C shining they're kind of showing we got our so this is the RBM Outdoors koala air7 we got the stove going in it for the first time and we had to leave the front door open we'll show you that more here in just a second so this Campground is really popular with everything on the water so with kayaking and canoeing and probably tubing you can see here and right through there that's the stairs going down to the deck little viewing deck put chairs on sure there's other things you can do this river is beautiful we're here early early in the season so we set up our tent to where our view is the river you're noticing the front door is open cuz we lit the wood stove for the first time it was 30° out at the time and it's warmed up since the sun's come out and we thought oh okay let's get this stove going and his so hot that we've we've already had to open it up it's nice in here woo I can feel the heat right when I step in yeah come on man so we put a fan up top I'm holding the door open just to let some of the heat out and this stove's damped down we don't have it blazing we got a little bit of wood ready got the fan on there so kind of showing you how we're setting up right now cup of coffee there's our back room and I'll show you our sign just to show you the back room it's warmed up just a smidge it's 44 outside 70° fah inside with the front door open there's a sign see there and then there's our views right out of our front window is the river we're enjoying a cup of coffee we're the only ones here at the whole Campground we're just showing there's our coffee pot the wine we at some games it's a big room back here it's beautiful en join a cup of coffee so we brought our coffee pot but Tina made our coffee on the wood stove hope that's showing very good the fan going the view of the river is just beautiful it's quiet and here we are just stepping right out of the tent and just there's the views you can just imagine people are off-roading here off-road friendly Campground paddle friendly I'm sure people are tubing kayaking canoeing you name it it's a very very nice Campground there's our site nice amount of woods in between not totally private cuz the trees are really tall so there's no undergrowth but just really nice and they're right on the river so then I was going to show you these stairs going right down to the river with a platform and actually a step down right here wow you can see that water is Crystal Clear see [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll go back on up the [Music] stairs you get lucky enough when you come you get right on the manast [Music] river let's go on in the tent see what Tina's got going on hey I'm making dinner just made our first first meal on the wood stove nothing fancy just hamburgers just hamburgers and Parfait strawberries and raspberries and all that kind of good stuff turn just got done eating Tina's doing a few dishes she was pretty excited about cooking on these cast iron pans was they Yellowstone she it's wet but all right so we're going into the tent a couple things we've noticed we we commented before that this the maybe the walls are a little thin and they are really holding heat they feel pretty durable so we're going to see what they do but they do seem right if they were any thicker the tent would be too heavy thing is with the stove look in there we're going to need to get a flange for around that that fits that a little snugger cuz it keeps the holes a bit big so if we do get some snow or we're going to be losing a lot of heat from that um it was perfectly centered a little bit ago and it's windy so it's very stable it's really working well and we just want to make sure that we can get that kind of a little bit more snug without losing so much through it so we're just sitting and relaxing enjoying the the fire in the stove and looking at the river watching the sunset if you've never camped in a hot tent or a warm tent whatever you want to call it with a wood burning stove I'd suggest at least do it once give it a try once so relaxing so we really got the fire going nice what we did I'm going to flip this light on we got a temperature sensor on the floor and one up top so we're going to see the difference Sun's starting to go down we're getting ready to relax for the night just kind of lay in here and enjoy the fire it's almost like having a fire outside and you're just enjoying it so just starting to cool down outside and if you see here 33° outside 93 up here we have not turned that fan on yet we got the fan going here on the stove and then when you go down low just to show you the difference in a tent it is 34 outside and 65 so hey what are you doing just getting some water going make some tea the windows and the skylights in this tent are amazing the wood stove's really kicking off a nice heat but we wanted to show you right here it's 27 outside 27° fah and 70° in this tent good night everybody we'll see you in the morning good morning just getting up got the garbage and cooler situated can hear the geese and the river flowing in the background we got the campground all to ourself last night we now have a night and a day with the wood stove so we kind of understand it a little better you can be able to show how the temperatures were and how it worked good morning here's your coffee and it's coffee time just sitting here enjoying the fire the views beautiful morning just drove from the campground to M72 so the whole way up Sunset Trail Southeast and it's 8.3 miles we decided to send me into town to get Shirley's Cafe carry out we got two big daddy breakfast so here's Shirley's Cafe they have excellent food and then over there is dingman's bar down the road there and we just came from the gas station time to run in and get our food well I got our two big daddy breakfast from Shirley's right off M72 probably in between kelasa and uh gring I'll try to scr some firewood somehow and get back to the campsite just got back from doing that Shirley's run heading back to the campsite so here we were talking about this before here's campsites 1 through 7 they're on the north side of the river so you can see the CCC Bridge Campground sign there's seven sites there 1 through 7even then you cross the bridge going just to the South and that's where the rest of the campground is you can see there through the windshield even though it is raining there is the river and you can kind of see there that's the rest of the campground so that's where we're going to go in now then the destination is on your it kind of shows it on the navigation so we just sitting here relaxing in the tent it's raining out there wasn't supposed to rain today but it's kind of nice it's really peaceful just kind of relaxing the fire blazing cuz it's a little chilly I just added a little wood to it cuz I was getting kind of cold but fireing back up now sitting here looking at the river listening to The rain that's really relaxing well we're eating breakfast we went to Shirley's I just did did a town run for some ice tried to get some extra wood it's a little too early in the season um we got two big daddy breakfast so good bread there we go looks like a ham and some sausage and some eggs we were lazy this morning we decided to just get carry out sometimes when you're out riding you just don't know what you're going to find some stairs down the manast river you see people hang out here and have fires different times it's nice we're just checking the campground out we're notice a few places where there's just some Scenic spots along the river so we saw this bench we got to go check this out that's really cool nice little bench to sit down nice hey yeah I know you there we go we're just up the river there's where our campsite is [Music] [Music] just kind of a lounging around day we did a little bit of riding just got done now we're sitting on a dock overlooking the manast [Music] river [Music] we're just relaxing hanging out at our campsite oo Dark One French wine cuz you don't always like to have a nice bottle of wine probably RI we'll just take them down back behind all the sights got some ropes hanging here looks like we got a rope swing right over the river see the other rope there doesn't have anything to hold on to there's two actually one does still have a grip and everything that is one big tree hanging way out on an angle you can see there just back behind some of the sights good on and off rain all weekend have pork chops some broccoli and onion turned out real good cooked it on the stove it actually turned out better than I thought it would I didn't really do a very good uh planning with recipes do whatever in there it's good it did it turned out really good or just sitting here eating dinner sipping some tea with it it's raining out if you listen you can hear it we sitting here watching the river we spent a lot of time watching the river this weekend it's highly unlikely that it'll happen but we were outside earlier and it was snowing barely but it was snowing maybe we might see some snow in the morning hopefully wake up to snow not likely but it's almost midnight I'm getting ready to go to bed it's 33° outside 66° inside that's Fahrenheit just put some wood on the fire 400 a.m. to the raining or you know icing you can hear that all night been consistent so far everything stayed nice and dry it's 31° outside and 56° in the T now we're just waking up had to throw some wood in so the very first thing we did was throw some wood in there cuz the fire was completely out and it was about 3 3 and 1/2 hours since the last time we put wood on so if you can see this it's 27° outside and 46 in in here right now and that was what the fire there wasn't even coals way to start it again and everything so we'll see what it is in a few minutes looks like we might have snow look at our skylights here Tina is still laying down Fire's kicked up nice it's time to take a step step outside and see what we got all right so she just done dipped it looks like we're getting some snow pretty cool of course we are going to be packing up here soon so whoa there we go but we're walking out to there's a river down there wow it's kind of funny cuz so you can see where the snow doesn't really stick as much around where the stove's at it did in the back where we were sleeping but the stove kicked out once it's kicked back out I'm assuming all this is going to melt off it hope we're the only ones in the campground still sure sure looks like it and sounds like it don't hear anybody [Music] tin is rolling up the windows we kept the vent open in the back of the tent last night even though it was getting cold seem to be just fine that's some really nice River views woke up did a little snowing we heard it rain and kind of ice all night we're the only ones in the campground we're getting ready to make some coffee for water from for the coffee from the car just a few feet from our tent we have this stairs with a little deck down there there's the steps that's one thing interesting about being able to cold weather Camp definitely don't have any bugs and no crowds beautiful this is walking back up from the river got the fire going and making coffee packing everything up what I wanted to show was some of the history let's see what we got the highest outside it got was 56 de Fahrenheit and it was 80 in here and this is we kept this level right about with where we would sleep so then we say the lowest it got to 24.8 De F and lowest that got in the tent during this few days was 42° the tent it did rain on us um it stayed dry it snowed on us it stayed warm no moisture got in and there's what we're packing up in now today absolutely beautiful stove worked fantastic made our coffee really fast now it should probably take us about a half hour to pack up so it took us about 45 minutes of kind of Muddy dirty work cuz it's maybe 28° F and it's snowing we had a challenge though of a hot stove not hot so it's not hot now so we got all the stuff packed up but the last thing we had to do is the stove got all the ash out put it into the fire pit it's all out and now we just got to pack this up and take the tent down Tina's giving it the wipe down get a little well our trip to CCC Bridge State Forest Campground in calcas has come to an end it was a blast the tent was amazing super romantic weekend this was a really good Campground keep this one in your in the back of your mind absolutely beautiful on the manast river not far far from town it was quiet we were the only ones here sure it's got a lot of buzz in when the weather's better yeah it was a great time campsite thanks for joining us thanks for joining us please remember to like And subscribe hope to see you on the trails
Channel: Dirty Jak & The Dusty Bean
Views: 7,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michigan Off Roading, ATV Riding, Outdoor Adventures, Trail Riding, Cold Weather Camping, Inflatable Tent Cold Weather, Inflatable Tent in Snow, Hot Stove in Tent, Wood Stove in Tent Cold Weather, CCC Bridge State Forest Campground, Tent Camping, Snow Tent Camping, Glamping, Luxury camping, Fairy lights in tent, Luxury Glamping, Inflatable Glamping
Id: SpDYvLyXoJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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