COLD NIGHT IN A BIKE CAMPER by the Mississippi River!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] it's hard to believe that this little stream is the mighty Mississippi River we're in Mississippi Headwater State Forest in Minnesota only a few miles from Lake itasa where this River begins it's over 2,000 mile Journey South into the Gulf of Mexico I decided to bring out our bike cabin to have as small footprint as possible mainly because we are deep in the woods here and uh we're here to enjoy this incredible place for the day Ellie no uh-uh stay good dog thank you wow it's so crazy to me that this is the Mississippi just love it you know something so big so iconic as such humble beginnings [Music] [Music] dear God thank you for this food thank you for this amazing Camp helped us to be a safe safe fun and productive day amen having a little bit of hot soup here for lunch uh just something quick and easy this is a Southwest style soup it's got tomato carrots corn beans I'm sure there's some other stuff in there as well I had it a few weeks back and I really liked it and I got to say this Camp is amazing you know we got that picnic table over there to cook on we got a nice fire ring and this bench here looking out over this view it's incredible well figure it's about time we heat up this cabin going to light a fire and maybe make a little bit of apple cider while we just kick back a little bit that's [Music] looks like our fire could use a little work and thankfully I've got a new little tool here this is a pocket Bellows and what it's going to allow me to do is get some air into the fire in places that are like impossible for me to get to look at that that's pretty [Music] awesome man this is incredible scouting some firewood options as you can see there's just tons of down wood everywhere so we should should have all the wood that we could ever want wow wow this tree is old this is a nice piece about half a tree we'll definitely take this with us got ourselves another one all this Pine Burns really really easy it's not you know the hottest burn and it doesn't last that long but uh for a bonfire this is going to be great [Music] oh [Music] for [Music] [Music] in for [Music] it is cold out here and we're actually starting to get the tiniest little bit of of a snow flurry can see the storm clouds coming in and uh now they're here it's nothing big I mean it's like the tiniest a little bit but you can definitely feel that wind it's cold but I think I'm going to feed Ellie and uh cook dinner now so that we're able to get into the cabin and get warm whenever we need to [Music] dear God thank you for warm food and a warm cabin well he made it just before dark it's funny because the meat is piping hot but the veggies and everything else is like ice cold cuz it's been sitting in the cooler out here [Music] wow got cold really really quickly out there oh let's get this fire started again sounds like it's sleeing raining or something I don't know let's [Music] see yeah it's like sleeing what do you think I'll I think I'm happy to be in here I've got a new sleeping bag and that was not planned I was uh making my way out here and I realized that I forgot my sleeping bag at home so I had to go buy this one it's a 20 Dee bag by Coleman um normally I would want to have a Zer degree bag right now but the temperatures are going to be in the mid 20s so I think I should be perfectly fine in this but uh it's just going to be interesting to see what it's like I haven't used a new you know sleeping bag in a very long time got to say I like the looks of it has a little pocket for your phone right there which is key because if you don't put it in there it'll actually die from being so cold so I don't know I like it as you can see Ellie is already ConEd out and so uh I think it's time for me to shut off the lights you want to go outside if Go Party come on no you want a cuddle first a okay oh what a sweet dog good morning good good morning well it's about 6:30 dir uh the sleeping bag was great kept me warm all night I actually got great sleep which is rare out here um so yeah I feel good there you go good girl Ellie's used to eating first thing in the morning and I left her food out here so I got to go get it all right here's her food where's her Bowl where did I put her Bowl where did we put your bowl where's your bowl is it in here there it is all right come on back in come on come on all right good girl hopefully this didn't freeze or something really should have done this outside oh well all right put it right down there good doggy [Music] so in case you missed last week's video this is coffee that uh a viewer sent me it's called because coffee I think it's from down in Georgia and they actually roasted it themselves which is so cool and so nice of them to send it to me and I really like it forget which one I'm brewing right now but they sent me all dark roasts cuz I told them I love I love dark roast so let's get this [Music] going so I've had a lot of you guys asking about carbon monoxide with the camp stove in here as well as the wood wood stove I've had this little carbon monoxide reader that actually tells you the the levels with me but I just finally also installed a uh full-on detector and to be safe whenever I cook now or anything I'm also cracking the window so as you can see uh there's plenty of ventilation here just want to take a moment and really appreciate this space here it's it's quite remarkable honestly I've gotten so used to camping in it but um how cool is it to have an enclosed cabin like this that has a bed in it uh a wood stove for heat reliable heat I mean this thing keeps us toasty in here be able to make our coffee and enjoy that and it's remarkable and it's taking us to some pretty incredible places certainly very grateful for it oh wow looks like there's a little Trail here that leads down towards the river Ellie do not no you have to be careful I'm watching you just don't want you to go in the ice okay okay wow pretty incredible that this water right here that ran right by our cabin will make its way South for over 2,000 miles going through major cities one of them being New Orleans and ending up in the Gulf of Mexico pretty incredible and then there's Ali sweet dog good girl I love trumpeter swans we see them all over the place especially at our family cabin up here uh and they always announce their presence you'll you'll hear them honking and you kind of have a minute to look and then you can usually spot them and uh it's always cool when you do well L hate to say it but it's time to get out of here we got to pack up it's never fun having to pack up and go but um you know it's what makes it so that we're able to do this you know most of my trips are just day and nights out here and that's because I have a family and uh it's important for me to be home as much as possible and I'm so grateful that uh we share this passion you know and uh that I'm able to do this for a living it's just something I'm so incredibly grateful [Music] for all right guys that's going to do for the video thank you as always for watching and just another awesome spot how cool was it to be right here perched above the Mississippi River only a few miles from where it begins I want to thank all of you for watching but give a special shout out to our patrons who donate to this channel it means the world to us but with that it's time to get out of here we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Tiny Cabin Life
Views: 3,210,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, bike camper, bicycle camper, tiniest cabin, smallest cabin build, bike tows rv, bike towing a camper, camping on my bike, bike camping, camping in the woods, tiny cabin, micro house, tiny house, tiniest house ever, small spaces, camping, off grid camping, cabin life, camping with dogs, bicycle camper trailer, golden retriever, bicycle camper build, ebike camping, remote camping, forest camping, cold weather camping, winter camping, snow, snowfall, winter
Id: D_f815vf7Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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