Cold Justice: Debra Hamilton Crime Scene 360 Video | Oxygen

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on October 31st 2017 in Hannah Wyoming investigators were called to the home of Deborah Hamilton who was unresponsive in her recliner some initially believed that she had died from an overdose after taking a closer look investigators thought the placement of Deborah's body was questionable it seemed as if she had been repositioned after she died you can explore the crime scene in this video using your mouse on your desktop or laptop computer or by tilting your mobile phone around to see more see if you can identify what looked odd to the investigators let me give you a hint sometimes it's what is it out of place that can be the biggest clue first the victims hair was parted neatly down the center as if it had been smooth after her body was adjusted in the recliner her necklace was perfectly centered on her neck and the victims hands were neatly folded and her legs were crossed at the ankles there was little sign of trauma investigators did not find any livor mortis or lividity endeavours ankles when the heart stops beating gravity pulls blood to the lowest point in the body this process is called lividity which looks like bruising if Deborah had been dead for hours blood would have gathered where her ankles were touching [Music] in addition the remote control was placed oddly under her left shoulder but Deborah was right-handed while looking into the case investigators found that someone close to the victim also died under mysterious circumstances in 2003 you can find that video on the cold justice YouTube or Facebook page to find out more about what made investigators question if this was an accidental overdose tuned into oxygen every Saturday at six five central
Channel: Oxygen
Views: 336,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cold Justice, johnny bonds, steve spingola, aaron sam, tonya rider, cold justice full episodes, kelly siegler, cold cases, criminal investigation, true crime, Debra Hamilton, Crime Scene 360 Video, Crime Scene, arbon County, Law Enforcement, mysterious deaths, watch cold justice, cold justice episodes, 360 Video, crime documentary, cold justice oxygen, homicide investigator, crime scene investigation, Cold Justice 360, debra hamilton, debra hamilton crime scene
Id: GgmOqJMUjsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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