Why Was Selena Quintanilla-Pérez Murdered? | Selena & Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them | Oxygen

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early afternoon morning Friday I was dispatched sent out to the location where the shooting occurred I was on the outside perimeter that had been set up by uniformed officers there were swad officers around the pickup truck with one or two of the hostage negotiators I was the primary hostage and crisis negotiator on scene and team leader I got the call via pager responded to it park at across the street on scene within about 15 minutes or so there's a red truck sitting out there in the parking lot the driver of this truck is a woman and she's got a gun and she's threatening suicide as I'm walking across the street I'm just kind of like mesmerized by the hundreds if not thousand people or so that surrounded this hotel media is everywhere and that's never happened before that I'm aware of in Corpus chrisy there was a lot of commotion the network came and I I was there doing uh live chats and uh this was big for Corpus christic and and Corpus is a small [Music] City we started our investigation that night once a crime scene is under control that's what investigators will come in just start talking to people asking questions if they were here what did they see what do they know went from witness to witness to witness trying to put put the story together of what [Music] happened we know what happened here at the doorway was that the shooting happened right here on the threshold we know that because there was no blood on the inside of the of the room all the blood was located here and on the wall or on the door here I'm not sure that any Witnesses said they heard an argument but they definitely heard the gunshot and then a young woman ran out of that room Selena is running away across this little grassy area she drops her briefcase and some folders now the folks over here here are watching all this and they testified that they saw Yolanda salivar come out of the door with her gun and pointed outstretched at Selena according to our best witness Yolanda comes out and she points the gun at Selena Selena's gone by this time running she brings the gun down and she says Abraham and Marcel met when Abraham was stationed at Fort Lewis Washington he was in the service up there and it it was an area of Eastern Washington was an area with a pretty significant Mexican-American population Abraham's family uh was from Corpus Christie he grew up in Corpus uh they were a Catholic Family until Abraham was a teenager when his dad began to follow the Jehovah's Witnesses and it was around this time that Abraham became very enthralled with music to the point uh he became successful as a musician he joined a dwop group in high school called losos and actually when losos started performing and making records 45s and getting played on the radio in Corpus Abraham Abe was the business guy in the group and Loos were very successful first singing dwop music in English emulating uh uh blacks on the east coast of the United States where dwop is very popular after returning to Corpus and marrying Marcella the band losos continued but it was a different Marketplace and they discovered the Mexican-American audience and the first generation Mexican immigrant audience that they used to play for no longer wanted to hear English language of dwop they wanted to hear their songs in Spanish so losos in order to survive had to retool and readapt and basically these were Mexican-American kids who had grown up very much in an English language world had to learn how to sing Spanish and learn traditional Mexican music to feed their audience and ultimately that proved uh not very economically successful and the band fell apart so Abraham had to get a real job and he followed his family to Lake Jackson which is near the town of Freeport on the Texas coast and Freeport was the headquarters for Dow Chemical in this part of the country it was a chemical refinery and Abraham got work there so he could provide for his family and worked hard hard enough and long enough that he could start realizing what his dream was which his frustrations with music and his life of success was one thing but he had three kids who were very talented especially his youngest daughter Selena he thought she had something she had that thing in her that he felt he had in him and that was music so AB worked hard for several years at D chemical saved up his money and in 198 opened up papagayo's restaurant with a friend of his who put in resources and uh they they basically built a restaurant out of nothing and opened up a Mexican restaurant and a community lacked a Mexican restaurant and it also featured entertainment and that's where six-year-old Selena made her performing debut in front of an audience and so this was basically the start of what became her career the restaurant closed after 9 months there was no money in it but in those 9 months Abraham had not only created a restaurant but an entertainment center it wasn't just his kids who performed but it was people in the community and he kept it pretty active but simultaneously he kept promoting Selena he enrolled her in talent contests Star Search competitions and even though they were basically struggling economically he started keeping on to the sidea so Abe was bringing up his kids play music and to succeed in a way that he [Music] didn't Yolanda and Selena had traveled to Monteray in the past uh frequently trying to work on getting a fashion line [Music] started looks like plain tickets let me say although Abraham you know tried to to fire Yolanda at that March 9th meeting Selena and Yolanda continued their business relationship their friendship they continued still seeing each other and we know this because we've got the plane tickets oh so look at look at here it's the International Airport of Houston IAH to mon okay and this was on March 17th okay there's two tickets one's Yas the other one Selenas so they both flew on the same flight on March 17th from Houston to mon so how interesting is that yeah if she was embezzling money and they had that conversation during that meeting why would she fly with her to another country yeah why continue why continue correct why why continue that relationship yes I had quit with her I had sent her my letter of resignation and she wouldn't accept it she was you will not quit who's going to handle my my businesses in Monteray cuz in Monteray the business was already blooming and um she said you will not leave me with all of this I can't handle all this remember you place your loyalty to me and she convinced me to go Abraham he started noticing that Selena was occupying a lot of her time to her businesses he started getting angry about that because it was conflicting with her recording her career as a singer that was his baby he wanted to control her time wanted to control her whereabouts and she was not going to have none of that so he kept asking me what is she doing where is she at and I could I couldn't tell him because I was more loyal to her than to him and when I would not anger started coming my way what this man has done to me incredible Larry uhuh it is he last two TI in my car put your bullet in my car my friend Father she says a lot of things over the course of the tapes that sometimes don't make much sense that are clearly being said when she's in a heightened emotional state when she's literally hysterical and so when the alleged threats from Abraham start coming in it is hard to take it at face value in the context of everything else I would have a very hard time believing that her allegations were true during final arguments we had placed a picture of Selena right above the jury so that they would not forget who we're talking about like an angel floating above the jury and about 5 minutes of my argument about 5 minutes I was talking to Selen I wasn't talking to the jury in fact I don't know if anybody who's ever tried a case under understands you get caught up in the case where you forget everything else sometimes you're so wrapped on the jury you're just talking to the jury nobody else in this case I was talking to Selena I was having a conversation with Selena telling her how I wish those doors in the courtroom would open up and she would walk in with her smile lighting up the whole room and we would all go home happy and after I talked to her for a little while I turned around and I was brought back down to earth saw all these people in the courtroom there was 250 people in the courtroom and and the jury and I remembered I'm trying a case so after talking to Selena hoping she would return if those doors in the back would open and she would walk in smiling and I said that's never going to happen never and there's one person responsible only one single person and that's when I point to Yolanda that person is responsible for you Selena not being here not being able to make us all happy again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Oxygen
Views: 60,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Selena Quintanilla Perez, Yolanda Saldivar, true crime show, true crime documentary, oxygen, crime documentary, selena, selena murder, selena and yolanda, Why Was Selena Murdered? | Selena and Yolanda | Oxygen, selena perez murder, yolanda saldivar defense, celebrity murder, celebrity murder case, public murder case, 90s crime, selena murder case, yolanda saldivar and selena, documentary, gritty documentary, murder case, oxygen true crime special, true crime special documentary
Id: 7A_geO-fCM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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