Coffee and Crime Time: The Search For Summer Wells

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she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the window pain she ripples through the blinds and leaves me in a daze it's in the way her body moves me the way she grabs me and intoxicates until the signal's in my mind forget to you should put operate pressure in your fragile skull i take my pleasure from my alcohol she'll never give you enough hello everybody welcome back to my channel and thank you for joining me for another coffee and crime time today we're talking about the disappearance of a five-year-old girl summer wells was last seen at her home in hawkins county tennessee on tuesday june 15th and despite an expansive manhunt for her no sign of summer has been found and over two weeks later she's still missing now many people have requested that i talk about summer but once again i did want to wait to see if new information would come out at the time the request started coming in it was a pretty new and evolving case summer's mother can display hadn't even spoken publicly yet and there were a lot of rumors and speculation online so i really wanted to wait and see what would develop and i'm glad i did because a bunch of other stuff has come out just this past week but before we jump right in let's have a word from the sponsor of today's video native you all know i love natives products i'm not shy about saying that i do and talking about them the body wash the sunscreen the deodorants i love them all and i also love the native offers their same great deodorant formula in a much more sustainable package native's plastic free deodorant packaging is made with paper board and they're committed to sourcing from responsibly managed forest but just because the packaging looks different it doesn't mean that the deodorant inside is different it's still aluminum paraben and sulfate free it's still vegan and cruelty free it's still made with the same familiar ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter and a few swipes under the arms before you start your day still does the trick these deodorants are non-sticky they dry fast which makes perfect for when you're on the go and you don't have time to wait for your deodorant to dry because you want to put a shirt on and you don't want to have deodorant marks on the shirt and then native deodorants wear all day no matter how hot it is no matter what activity you're doing they last all day and with a wide range of scents to choose from and new limited edition and sensitive scents being released all the time natives deodorants are the perfect way to keep you smelling fresh all summer long no matter how hot it gets and actually really love the plastic free packaging because it's smaller and more compact it's easier to like fit into my cupboards under the sink and they're easy to throw into my purse if i'm on the go or into my carry-on if i'm traveling because you know i like to be considerate of the other people around me on the plane alright and being an anxious flyer as i am i tend to get a little dewy when that big metal bird is flying up in the air with me in it you know sweaty sweaty nervous sweaty so just to show you the difference these are the plastic free deodorants and then this is the plastic packaging so they're much more compact like you can fit two of the plastic free where you can fit one of the plastic and they are super easy to use you just pull up and then push up and there you are the three cents that i have to show you are lilac and white tea which is just a very light floral scent i love this one i've kind of been holding on to it because i think it's limited edition i also have tangerine and citrus blossom it's got some citrus notes which i love and citrus and herbal musk which is probably my favorite and you can see it's been used way more than the other ones because it smells really really clean and delicious but also kind of spicy you know and i can smell it throughout the day when i'm moving and i'm like yeah girl yeah you go on being your spicy self you know it doesn't matter if i'm exercising or spending the day outside with the kids native deodorants keep me smelling so good no matter what scent i'm using and at the end of the day that's really the thing you know you can't go wrong no matter what scent you choose they all smell really good three plastic free deodorants are normally 39 but if you use my link and the code stephanie h 10 you'll get them for 29 that's 25 off so once again click the link in the description box use my code stephanieh10 to get three plastic free deodorants for just 29 thank you so much to native for sponsoring this video and just for being a great company and let's dive in and just in case anybody asks and i know that there will be people because you always notice you notice every little thing about me i appreciate you guys actually it's kind of sweet but this is a it's a burn it's a burn for my curling iron just like the one i had on my neck a couple months ago that everyone said was a hickey with my curling iron it's like a curling rod i love it i love it but i'm not super good at life so what happens is i'm clumsy i'm accident prone and probably one out of every three times i curl my hair i burn myself this one is real bad she's angry oh she's angry but don't worry she's she's getting better you know my husband's actually super grossed out by this burn because every time i like take off my gauze and show it to him and i'm like hey does this look better he's like no no cover it back up cover it back up just a burn all right not a not a hickey i don't think that this is an erogenous zone but then again it possibly could be which has now given me an idea all right summer wells this case has been developing at an extremely fast rate and full disclosure this is another one of those cases where the internet has gone wild wondering if little summer's parents may have been involved in her disappearance but it's not just the online message boards and the facebook pages there have also been what i would consider legitimate news networks that have commented about this case and they've stated that the story of summer's disappearance doesn't make a ton of sense if it went down exactly the way her mother candace bly has claimed it did because her mother was the one that was home when summer went missing so we're going to discuss that aspect of this case as well simply because i do have to admit there are some question marks i don't know how i feel about this case but i don't have a gut instinct where i would say oh i 100 million percent believe that the parents are not involved i do get those instincts sometimes and i'm not saying that they're right you know people are going to be like what do you think you're sherlock holmes with your instinct no i wish but i kind of prefer moriarty myself but no i don't think my gut instinct is like the end-all be-all but i do have to say that it has been right in certain situations and my gut here is all over the place and i mean if you think about it according to the statistics it may not be so far-fetched that summer's parents could possibly be involved even though i personally do not want to believe that you know i don't want to believe that summer's parents could know exactly where she is because they have now been very vocal and they've talked a lot um i don't want to believe it but i never do i never do even people like chris watts and t stouck don't you think that i would rather those people have not harmed their children or their step children but we do know that there are people out there who do do this lori vallo t stouck chris watts casey anthony allegedly when these current cases are happening it's really hard to look at a pair of grieving parents and even think much less suggest out loud that they could be responsible but it would be i think irresponsible reporting to ignore that possibility in this case we've gone over these statistics in other cases dealing with missing children but as a refresher let's go over them again on average fewer than 350 individuals under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the united states per year since 2010. so the stranger abduction is what we think is the most common because when we watch movies and tv shows and stuff that's what's usually happening and as a parent it's terrifying because you wouldn't hurt your own child but you know there's people out there who would so it's very easy to kind of think that stranger abductions are far more likely when they're actually not now 350 it still sounds like a lot and it's definitely 350 too many but when you look at the actual number of children that are reported missing a year it's in the hundreds of thousands so that leaves stranger abductions making up only one percent of those hundreds of thousands ninety-five percent of kids end up coming home after running away or being lost and 99.8 percent of them are found and brought home alive the national center for missing and exploited children says that abductions by strangers are the rarest type of missing child case and they're more likely to attempt to snatch a child on their way to or from school so if a stranger is going to abduct your child that's the most likely place it would happen now let's look at the stats for family abductions which i don't think we have ever gone over in a video before researchers estimate that 875 000 children a year either abducted or kidnapped by a relative mothers and female family members are responsible for the majority of these i think it was something like 60 percent children who have been abducted or kidnapped are more likely to come from low-income households and have separated or estranged parents into parent families an estimated nine children out of one thousand experience this uh family abduction as opposed to 84 out of 1 000 in one parent households and by no means is this me shaming one parent households in any way okay i feel like i have to put a disclaimer on everything because y'all like to pop off in the comments not all of you most of you are amazing but y'all like to pop off in the comments there's just always gonna be those people that are like oh two family parent households aren't any better than one family parent households you know that's for you to argue i'm just telling you the numbers and the statistics and i was a one parent household for a long time so i know they both have their advantages and their takeaways and things that make them easier and less easy so let's talk about summer who she was and what happened on the day she went missing her full name is summer moon utah wells and she's the only daughter of don wells and candace bly and summer has three older brothers they all live together in a 750 square foot home near the center of an 11 acre wooded area now the home itself and i think this is very important the geography of the home the location of the home it's important to this whole case so the home is situated on a hill the surroundings are very wild and rural the house is pretty isolated located at 110 ben hill road in the beech creek community in rogersville tennessee rogersville is a very small town they only have about 4 400 people living there it's an out of the way place the nearest mall is about a 30 minute drive knoxville tennessee which i would say is one of the most you know big well-known cities in tennessee that's about a 90-minute drive away and those who live in rogersville say that it has this very small town feel where everyone knows your business but their community and at the end of the day they all have each other's back now you'll also notice from some of the pictures you've seen of summer and some that i'm going to show you in this video summer appears to have had longer blonde hair at certain times in her life and also very short blonde hair kind of almost as if it was shaved or close cropped in some other pictures at different points in her life her parents have explained that summer was kind of a tomboy she liked playing the mud she liked to be outside and she wanted to shave her head so she could look like her mother candace who had shaved her head and her three older brothers who also had very you know short haircuts she was a tomboy i shaved my head she wanted to have her head shaved like me and the boys did she tried to save her head she tried in the back i think you can see it in some of the pictures and it was getting out of control so she we decided to shave her head off and let it grow back long and she shaved her head to to so she wouldn't feel bad and uh but but it didn't bother at this point a lot of people have brought up this haircut or this shaved hat on summer i personally don't find it to be super suspicious or like this huge red flag you know kids especially at five they just want to emulate what they see um bella is four she'll be five in january but she's always telling me um can i wear that makeup like i'm putting on blue eyeshadow and she's like i want that makeup so i completely get that summer would want to emulate what she saw around her and if she liked being outside a lot it gets hot in tennessee maybe it was just an easier haircut to have so i don't at all think that that's suspicious on its own summer wasn't just a tomboy who didn't mind getting dirty though she also loved to dance and have her father twirl her around her parents said that she loved princesses and her favorite movie was frozen and she really really wanted to be elsa she loves to dance she she would always want me she says daddy hold my hand so i can twirl and she would she would just like to twirl and twirl and twirl until my arm got tired you know but and you know i put out there that one can't uh one of summer's favorite songs was uh godzilla and they say you know and they're jumping all over me about past tense was you know well i'm sorry about that it's just she also liked the song um by a new breed it was called house my house she sung that a lot of times when i played on the tv she loved to dance she liked to think of herself as a princess and uh you know and all that like all young girls do and she loved frozen she loved to be that elsa and i think she really loved to be in church because she felt a lot of love there and i think you can't explain what that love is but you feel it and you know it you know when you're young and she felt that there and she loved everybody in that church her she loves everybody in that church i should rephrase that because they'll tear that apart as past tense and i apologize again for that i hope she gets to come home you know and i hope she gets to be with our church family again our best friend in that church was robin she loved her to death yeah she looked up to when women that were you come to that church she went looking for robin that was her favorite person any woman that was professional that's pretty yeah she looked up to those kind of women she you know they were uh the word i'm looking for i can't think of it but she looked up to him she gave him a run for the money every day should give them a run for their money and there was times you know we would be you know that our boys like don't do this and don't do that next thing you know the stick would come up and just whop them you know like summer don't do that summer was the boss of the family yeah she's she typical girl when they get online she'd put them in line she'd do her best she'd love to play in the mud and the water and swing on her swing and enjoy dirt when i was when i run the lawnmower around she she would run behind me when the boys run their bikes around she as fast as that little bike could go she would be behind them running and keeping up with them no problem you know she loved to run she just loved to run and uh she could pull herself up on that swing her full body weight with her two hands and she could do that no but none of the other boys can do that but she can was she at school yet no she was going this year this was supposed to be her first year we did all the what i took care of everything she i had her already took on wall of her shots and registered in the school for ready for this year on tuesday june 15th summer was at home with her mother and grandmother summer's grandmother is also named candace and summer's grandmother who is her maternal grandmother on her mother's side she also lived on the property in a separate structure because i believe that this whole 11 acres belongs to them because when i checked the property records to see how big the house was or when it was built etc etc it looked like they bought that land without a house on it and then they they put a house on it on this day summer's three older brothers were home as well and her father don was at work i'm going to let candace bly explain to you what happened that day in her words me and my mother and her were planting flowers and we went in after we got done washing our hands and she got a piece of candy from grandma and she wanted to go back over and see her brothers and i said okay and i walked her all the way over to the porch and i watched her walk into the kitchen where the boys were watching tv and i told the boys i said watch summer i'll be back and within two minutes i came back and i asked the boys where their sister was and they said she went downstairs mom to play with her toys in the playroom i said okay and i yelled downstairs for a couple times and i didn't get no answer which was unusual because usually she always answers me and so i went down there to check and she was nowhere in sight she was just gone i was at work and i got a frantic call from my wife and i said hang up and call 9-1-1 and i called 9-1-1 and i come from work and drove home as fast as i possibly could and drove to the bottom of our property and i seen my boys here walking around and my neighbors all looking and searching and i knew right then that she was gone but she don't never leave the property by herself anyway okay so that's that's a lot that's a lot to unpack now the tennessee bureau investigation henceforth known in this video is the tbi they said that a family member called and reported summer missing at around 6 30 p.m and she was last seen wearing a pink shirt and gray shorts and she would probably be barefoot so we heard candace's version of events and don's version of events the 911 call has not been released but the dispatch call so when dispatch calls the police to tell them where to respond to an incident we have that and it tells kind of a different residence on your story reference to a missing four-year-old the parents have called in advice but the mother had went for a walk came home now they can't find her they've been yelling for she's been gone for about 10 minutes now we are under the impression from candace that she could not find summer after not having eyes on her for just a few minutes and after looking for her for a while and yelling her name with no response candace called her husband don at work and then he called the police and he told them that his wife had been out for a walk or a run and when she got back summer was gone now candace in her initial statement says nothing about this walk and later when she does an extended interview she's asked about this dispatch call like why did your husband say you were on a walk and candace was like no that's not what happened i do not go for walks around the property because i'm scared of the bears and the snakes and the coyotes i don't go on walks around here or runs because i'm scared of the bears and snakes and even the coyotes that are around here in the initial statement in the initial retelling of that day candace mentioned also nothing about going for a walk she just said they were planting flowers summer wanted to hang out with their brothers candace brought her there came back a few minutes later summer was gone this could just be a miscommunication however you know when candace initially called don she just found out her daughter was gone maybe she was panicking or yelling or not able to communicate clearly because of her heightened state of anxiety and her husband don misunderstood what she was trying to say therefore giving inaccurate information to the dispatcher there are also a lot of people who think it's suspicious that candace called her husband at work before she called the police i personally don't at first when i was just giving it a curse review i was like yeah it's kind of shady but then i put myself in her shoes and i thought about it and i was like okay if i can't find my kid for 10 minutes i'm going to be freaking out but i do rely on my husband a lot to sometimes bring me down when i'm you know off the wall or overreacting so i understand that she may have called him just to be like you know did you come and pick her up is there something i don't know was a friend supposed to come today was a family member taking summer for the day am i overreacting or should i call the police and then at that point down says he told her to hang up and call the police but then he also said that he hung up and called the police so i don't know if they both called the police or what's going on with that so it doesn't seem super suspicious to me that candace would call down before calling the police because i think that in in certain circumstances i probably would have too just to check and make sure there wasn't something i was missing now the dispatcher also told police that don was at work when he called her he called 9-1-1 he got this dispatcher and he told her that he was at work but he was on his way home she mentions that don works an hour away from where he lived yet in his interview later don wells claimed he made it back to the house before anybody arrived so before the police got there and obviously that one is hard to explain since the dispatcher says to police that at the time of the 9-1-1 call summer had been missing for only about 10 minutes and the police then responded to that address right away now apparently don wells works in a town called jonesboro tennessee i don't know exactly where he works in that town but putting the town into gps and navigating to ben hill road where he and the wells family lived shows that it's about a 39 minute drive probably more at 6 30 because you know people leaving work going out to dinner whatever so it would be very tough for don to have gotten home from work before the police showed up but that's what he says happened now i kind of looked on the facebook pages and like the reddit pages and stuff to see if this had been explained because like i've said before you know people give these web sleuths and these people in these forums like a bad rep but some of them really know their they're very up to date on the case they pay attention to it they put the clues together it's very impressive so i kind of looked down there and i didn't find anything specific to say that this sort of time discrepancy had been cleared up but if you know more about it or if i'm reading it wrong let me know okay so there's a few videos that were taken of summer on the day she went missing that have been going around online and everybody's speculating about them so i am going to talk about them the first one is this tick tock video that candice bly posted on her tic tac account around 12 34 p.m on june 15th so here's the story about how this video came to be taken candace said that her mother remember also named candace had knee surgery on the morning of the 15th so candace brought her mother to the knee surgery and then afterwards they had to pick up a prescription from walgreens so they go to walgreens but the prescriptions gonna take you know 20 minutes or so to fill so while they're waiting candace decided to go across the street there's a park there called warrior path state park and there's like a little swimming hole and candace said you know it was hot while they were waiting for the prescription she thought why don't i let summer swim there was somebody else that was with them besides candace and summer's grandmother candace there was a 15 year old boy now we don't know his name candace did say it in an interview but it was blacked out or like beeped out so you couldn't hear the name she was saying because he's a minor and i'm going to play you a clip from the interview where the reporter asks her about this and the reporter says you know were you alone and candace says something like yes when we got home we were alone so she it kind of seems like she was avoiding the question of whether this 15 year old boy was with them candace said that the boy was with them because he was having problems with his grandmother and he thinks she's a and then it's beeped out again i think that she said but then you know she's telling the reporter like i'm sorry you know that's what he calls her that's what he said we were waiting on my mother's prescription from the drug store at walgreens on fort henry and morela moreland drive and warriors were straight across so we just figured i'd take her over there to go swimming for a little bit while we waited on my mom's prescription we weren't even there but 20 minutes and so then summer came back here with you later that afternoon right yes okay and so was there anybody else with you no not when we came home now was anybody else swimming with you people i think had questions um one to go with because he didn't want to be around his grandmother because as he would call it she's a i'm sorry that's what he said and i said okay well i gotta go pick up mom from the hospital and then we gotta go do walgreens and then i'll take you home well we had to wait for mom's prescription at walgreens so we just went up the warriors there was all kinds of trash everywhere at warriors when we showed up and i went somewhere out to play and we just stood there for about 15 20 minutes and then we all got back in the truck and we got mom's prescription and i took him home [Music] and then we came home about how many hours like was that before she was reported missing you know i really can't tell you all the time details because time gets away from you when you're trying to enjoy yourself is there anything else you wanted to address about the tick tock or any rumors or things you've seen about that are on that topic i don't really have no more than that so this 15 year old boy we really don't know who he is what his relationship is to candace and her family but he was with them that day now later uh this this guy went to this area specifically to kind of like look around and see if there was any evidence i believe left over from what had happened with summer that day or if there was anything there that would indicate where she was and he found a black garbage bag full of like alcoholic beverages and so then there was rumors and speculation going around online that candace had purchased this alcohol or these alcoholic beverages i think they were like wine spritzers or something for herself and the 15 year old boy this has never been confirmed but people have gone on her facebook and found posts that she's made where she says mommy needs her medicine while she's holding an alcoholic beverage to kind of make the leap that candace would provide alcohol to this underage kid candace says in the interview she doesn't directly address the rumors or the speculations or the fact that this guy went there and took this video of this garbage bag but she says when we got there there was all kinds of trash all over already so she's definitely trying to let people know that whatever that guy found that didn't belong to us so after leaving walgreens apparently they went to the grocery store and then they dropped this boy off at home around 2 30 and this is a timeline that candace herself gave then there's another video a video that apparently was accidentally taken in the car on the way home after dropping the boy off by candace's mother and it's just a very short video of summer asleep in the back seat and she's kind of got her arms around like some milk jugs or something and a lot of people speculated online and in these message boards that at this point summer was already dead i don't think that she still got her arm up no oh that's what i was trying to catch but just for the record i get why it's a potential theory or whatever it's twisted and dark is all hell i i don't believe that she is people have mentioned that her eyes are like not completely closed kids sleep like that my daughter sleeps like that sometimes her eyes are so wide open when she's sleeping it literally scares the out of me but what this video and the tick tock video do is give us a better timeline of that day because later candace would say that she didn't remember exactly how much time passed between when they got home from the swimming hole and when summer disappeared but here we can clearly see there is a sort of timeline they were swimming around 12 30 they dropped the 15 year old boy off around 2 30 and then this video was accidentally taken at 309 on their way home so we know that she would have had to have disappeared within just a couple of hours of being home we know that summer was reported missing around 6 30. we know she got home sometime after like 3 10. so that just gives about three and a half hours between when she gets home from swimming at warrior path state park and when she disappears so once the 911 call came in investigators responded to the home of summer wells and a massive manhunt began that would last far longer than anyone involved expected it to an amber alert was issued and later that night it was upgraded to an endangered child alert a command post was set up at the mount carmel freewall baptist church which was pretty close to summer's home and this is the area that they would focus searching in around summer's home around 60 to 80 people participated in the initial search which started that tuesday night the tbi stated that the circumstances surrounding summer's disappearance were unclear and they didn't have any potential suspects or vehicles that they wanted the public to look out for but when they did have that if and when they would update the public but since it was an ongoing investigation they could not release any details the tbi requested that residents in the ben hill area check their home security surveillance cameras and trail cameras for any sign of the missing five-year-old girl and they also encouraged people to check out buildings sheds or any other possible spaces on or around their properties where little summer may have gone into looking for shelter the search on tuesday for summer lasted well until after dark but they found nothing the next day wednesday june 15th the first press conference about summer's case was held by the tbi public information officer leslie erhart and the hawkins county sheriff ronnie lawson sheriff lawson said that there were more than 100 people from 19 different agencies searching for summer and he told the public that they didn't need to help search for summer because the police and law enforcement they had that part covered with like the professionals but law enforcement would just like the public to keep their eyes and ears open the sheriff also explained that the search thus far had been difficult due to the rough terrain and the lack of cell phone service and this is because where summer disappeared from where her home is it's a very hilly area so if you're someone who lives in a kind of remote area where there's like lots of hills and valleys you'll understand that cell phone service is inconsistent at best but this made communication between different people and different agencies who were searching pretty much non-existent sheriff lawson said quote we can't hardly communicate at all on our radios and cell phones are out of the question end quote incident commander captain tim coop informed the media that at t had brought in cell signal boosters in an attempt to increase reception but it really wasn't working it was still very spotty besides not being able to communicate via cell phone the radios that the local police had to use were at least 20 years old and the county had purchased a new radio system just the week before summer went missing but they were still waiting for it to be installed on top of a hawkins county mountain which clearly is not going to help the search for summer at this point hawkins county mayor jim lee said that he expects the new system to be installed within a few weeks robbie swafford of the spartanburg search and rescue team said that the search was extremely challenging with the steep and dense terrain along with the intense heat in the later parts of the afternoon add to that communication difficulties it was just really hard going during the june 16th press conference we the public were told that it was too early to determine whether or not foul play was involved with summer's disappearance but they did say that summer's family had been cooperative by 10 04 pm that evening the investigation had received 30 tips but summer was still missing on thursday june 17th another press conference was held and tbi officer leslie erhardt referred to the search for summer as quote outside the norm once again it was repeated that the circumstances surrounding summer's disappearance were unclear but if law enforcement the tbi they did come across information that indicated she'd been taken or kidnapped and law enforcement then had a description of a suspect or vehicle they would update the public immediately at the time this press conference was given ground crews had covered a one-mile radius around summer's house and they hoped to have covered two miles by that end of day here's what we can tell you numerous residents and individuals associated with the family have been interviewed surveillance video and photos have been reviewed as well as other potential digital evidence we're still working to identify everyone in the area on the afternoon that summer went missing one of you asked us in a previous briefing the standard amount of time it takes for a case like this to be resolved while every case is different this one is definitely outside of the norm typically in an investigation like this one we have some idea of where the case is headed and what might have happened within a few days in this situation despite doing everything within our power and exploring all avenues the circumstances leading to summer's disappearance remain unclear i understand the lack of answers frustrates you in the public but trust me no one is more frustrated than we are if we develop information that will lead to locating summer we will share that with you first thing first and foremost i know there's a lot of social media going on out there a lot of detectives going on but they're absolutely useless unless these people that's 100 percent positive cause 1-800 tbi fine that means nothing we're monitoring all social media and everything that you all put out from people that you all interviewed and i'm sure you'd have to work very hard to find somebody that we hadn't talked to they may not tell you and we also did a roadblock which helped at the same time that she was reporting missing to see if we come in contact with somebody that's been working that we could see obviously there's nothing came out of that but it's just another tool that we've used to make this happen the rugged mountainous terrain continues to cause problems this has slowed search operations down in these areas but please be rest assured while incurring these conditions we are still searching with an aggressive approach with extreme attention to detail this these terrains and conditions have exhausted crews both physically and mentally we are still utilizing local and regional resources but have had to call upon and utilize resources for middle and west tennessee along with out-of-state resources to bring a fresh set of eyes and rested bodies into the search operations this same day summer's father don wells who was not ready to go on camera gave his first official statement to newschannel 11 saying quote she would never leave our hill and i think someone snuck up on her and grabbed her i don't think she's in the area because the dog goes down the road and that's the end of the trail but i don't know that for a fact the way she just disappeared she would never do that end quote so we have law enforcement and the tbi saying that they don't have evidence that summer was snatched by someone but her father and later her mother would insist that this is exactly what they believe happened to their daughter and they'd felt that way since the very moment they'd found out she was gone on friday june 18th summer had been missing for three days she's five years old but the officials were still saying at that point that there was no evidence that she'd been kidnapped or abducted which has been driving me crazy by the way because where else do you think she is like in my opinion clearly we have foul play here clearly something's not right this is not a case of a little girl just wandering off and getting lost because you've been searching for days you would have found her by now at 2 30 pm a third press conference was held during which we discovered we the public that more resources had been brought in for the search including a dive team and the search had now expanded to more than 100 people from 41 different agencies searchers had covered 688 acres and received 85 tips tbi officer leslie erhardt urged the public to stop sharing speculation and rumors on social media and she said that all avenues were being explored sheriff ronnie lawson said that no search warrants had been issued into every search they had conducted so far had been done with the permission of the property owner now i think in this situation he's probably talking about not only the wells property but neighbors and things like that who they probably went onto their property and said hey we want to just check and see if summer might be here do you mind if we search and the people who lived at the house has said yes sure search we do know that there was police officers and a police presence outside of the wells home but according to the sheriff there have been no search warrants executed so we don't really know what they're doing but we do know that they said they're going through like electronic evidence and stuff like that so maybe they did take the computers and the cell phones of the family we don't really know they haven't released that at 7pm that evening a vigil was held for summer at the rogersville first methodist church summer's mother candace who had thus far stayed out of the public eye did not attend but don wells and one of his sons did attend and don spoke to reporters outside the church thanking the police and the public for their help we're trying to think lead our brains out we've covered everything that we can think of already investigators say they have followed up on 85 tips so far wells says he is overwhelmed by the massive numbers of personnel on site we just really appreciate everybody trying to help that they have law enforcement and all these volunteers that are here never seen anything like this in my entire life on saturday the entire wells family attended a service at the kingsport 7th day adventist church this was their usual church that they usually went to service at both don and candace were there with their three sons and afterwards donwell spoke about this experience you know their first time going to church as a family without summer he said quote they had a vigil for summer and they had all types of pictures up on the screen summer went around that whole church and visited everybody and so when we first went in there we both broke down of course me and my wife both broke down and we had to go outside they've been very supportive of course everybody has just missing summer i wish she could be here the thoughts of her not being able to be there with the people she loves so much it's heartbreaking end quote don also commented on the amount of negative social media attention his wife candace had been facing saying quote there's some pretty negative stuff online my wife can't help but be on there because she's looking for clues she can't help it this negativity is tearing her apart that's why she doesn't want to do any interviews because she's afraid they'll lash out at her even more they're calling her boswell something but i can't remember what it was just all kinds of negative stuff end quote okay so some stuff to unpack there and i want to be fair and tell you my thought process when don said that candace was online and on these message boards the ones that are talking about her daughter's disappearance i initially was like ugh i probably wouldn't do that because i know how vicious people can get online especially in cases like this where a child's missing and there's suspicions of the parents like i know and i feel like that would just break me however thinking about it more if she was looking for clues as to maybe who had her daughter or if somebody knew something i could understand that i guess i don't know let me know in the comments what you think if this was you if you were in candace bly's position would you be going on these facebook groups and stuff to find clues or see what people were saying would that be something you would do i i can't settle one way or the other it's kind of one of those situations where you'd have to be in it to know how you would react also i mean if you think about it i'm not saying whether candace is a good person or a bad person or an innocent person or a guilty person but if you think about it she was kind of right to avoid doing interviews because when she did do interviews that's exactly what happened people picked apart what she said and have just analyzed her interviews an incredible amount so that's exactly what happened but if she's responsible in any way for what happened to summer i guess that's a good thing because that's kind of how chris watts got caught that's how we all figured out that he was full of it because his interviews it was so obvious that he was lying and it was so obvious that his story changed and he was talking about his kids in the past tense and there was just so many red flags in in his interviews so maybe she avoided the spotlight and the cameras because she didn't want that to happen but then she was like well i gotta go on or it's gonna seem suspicious that i'm not talking who knows now what people seem to be calling candace online is megan boswell megan boswell's the mother of evelyn boswell the 15 month old baby girl who disappeared from sullivan county tennessee in december of 2019. now obviously and to be completely fair two candice bly and don wells these are very different cases i think the fact that sullivan county is just an hour from hawkins county where summer lived maybe that gave people in the area a sense of deja vu but really to be fair evelyn was last seen in december of 2019 but she wasn't reported missing by anyone in her family until the following february which is why tennessee has just passed a new law called evelyn's law that will require parents to report their child's disappearance within 24 hours of determining them to be missing and this applies to children younger than 12. i think this law is a great start personally but in my opinion 24 hours is still way too long it's not 24 hours from when the child goes missing but from when it's discovered by like their parents that they're missing and why now would anyone need 24 hours to report their under 12 year old child missing it should be like an hour max right and from the timeline we have it seems that summer wells was reported missing within minutes of her disappearance so it's not really the same kind of case at all but as we know with evelyn boswell she was later found dead and her mother has been charged with this so i think that that's where the comparison also came in which is unfair because we don't know yet what candace has done or hasn't done or is involved with or isn't involved with okay so during the same time period i think was either that day or uh the next day when don was talking about the negative online comments he made a statement about how his other children are dealing with their little sister being gone he said quote they're handling it better for some odd reason that i don't understand my oldest boy he'll say from time to time that he misses his sister your mind has a way of forgetting every now and then i find myself doing it too then it comes flooding all back of course i might get away from it for 15 to 25 seconds but it will all come back that's the first thought in my mind when i wake up end quote okay i know i'm gonna get for saying this because i always tell people to reserve your opinion and your judgment until more information comes out but this whole statement just did not sit well with me and sometimes i have to share with you guys what my gut feeling is what i'm feeling because i don't know if it's legitimate i don't know i don't know but you guys tell me so later candace would be asked this question how the boys were handling it she gave a very different answer she said they cried all the time it was just devastating for them so maybe the boys just feel more comfortable sharing that kind of emotion around their mother i don't know also don says that your mind is a way of forgetting things but then it comes flooding back but this isn't two weeks or two months or two years after summer has vanished he said this just after a couple of days and i just don't understand or see how after only a couple of days not knowing whether your five-year-old daughter is alive or dead not knowing who she's with or what they could be possibly doing to her every minute that she's not in front of you how your brain could let you forget that for even 15 seconds i don't know since i've started looking into summer's case it's been hard for me to stop thinking about her throughout the day i didn't even know her but just the fact that there's this little five-year-old girl out there missing and we don't know where she is and i just have these visions in my head like is she crying is she cold is she alone is someone hurting her is she being fed is she starving what's happening it just constantly like haunts me so i don't know how don wells could forget for even 15 seconds or let his brain let him forget i don't know let me know what you think in the comments am i am i going overboard here am i reading into this too much it's very possible don wells went on to repeat something that he says a lot that he doesn't believe his daughter is still in the area that law enforcement was searching which is the general area around their home he said quote i just appreciate everybody for their efforts because i know they're trying hard they're not stopping but i just feel that she's not in the area and they know that they still have to search end quote okay once again your five-year-old daughter is gone you believe with all your heart and soul that she's been taken by someone but the police are only searching in the general area of her house your house which you state repeatedly that summer is no longer in this area you say you know it the police know it but you understand that they have to search there anyways if my kid was gone and i knew in my heart that she'd been taken and i knew law enforcement knew she'd been taken but they weren't out there looking for her they were spending all their time and resources searching an area that she hasn't been in since the day she went missing i would not be like thanking them or be like oh i understand why you have to search here you know gotta follow protocol and just search here even though we all know she's not here i would not be that like chill and understanding i'd be screaming from the rooftops that they need to expand their search you know i'd be livid that as every minute every hour every day passed my daughter was getting further away and police were still looking around my house now it does seem to me as if don wells would prefer if law enforcement not be searching around the area from which summer went missing um so there's you know a couple of reasons for this theoretically he could genuinely know in his bones that summer got kidnapped and so there was no chance she would be there around around the house or he could be trying to get law enforcement out of that area for a reason you know um like send them in a different direction like she's not here you guys have searched she's not here go someplace else maybe summer is in that area and maybe don knows it so he doesn't want her to be found that's just speculation though that's the only two reasons i could really figure out why don would continue to vocalize and verbalize that summer was not where the police were looking but then don would also not throw an absolute fit that the police kept looking there that's the only reasons i can think of it by saturday the tbi had gotten 113 tips and after the usual day search concluded rescue workers were called back after dark and they could be seen with flashlights out in a field into the early morning hours of sunday while a helicopter flew overhead also searching for summer the tbi said that they'd responded to this area near beech creek road near the wells home while following up on a lead but they'd found nothing speaking about this search don wells told reporters quote they received some sort of tip and we seen blue lights up and down beach creek and the helicopter flew into like 4 a.m looking around so we were up until 4 am being hopeful that they'd found something but there's nothing they've been all through there with a fine-toothed comb several times over she's not in the area end quote so once again he's saying that she's not in the area by sunday 35 agencies from tennessee georgia ohio virginia alabama and north carolina had joined in on the search for summer and by the end of the day the total acres searched since tuesday the day she went missing was 2 400 acres don wells went back to work the next day monday and he told the times news that he believed summer had been taken by a trafficking ring who'd found her on facebook and then tracked her down tuesday june 22nd marked one week since summer had vanished more law enforcement agencies became involved more acres were searched there's still no sign of the five-year-old girl now a lot of stuff happened around this one week anniversary because at this point many people were becoming suspicious as to why no sign of summer had showed up yet she was five she'd allegedly only been out of her mother's site for a few minutes how far could she have gotten on her own there's also the issue of the location of the wells home in a very rural out of the way area up on a hill the family continued to say that summer had been abducted at the same time that the tbi was saying there was no evidence to support that and i i mean i guess it does seem like a kidnapping would be the most likely scenario since she was so young she really couldn't have gotten far wandering off by herself the searchers had been scouring the area for a week calling her name and if she'd been lost or hiding somewhere because she was scared she would have been found she would have come out but the kidnapping theory it seems a little bit more far-fetched when you take in the location of the wells house there was no sign of forced entry at the house and both don and candace had said that summer would never leave the hill that their house was on by herself i think candace said like she usually wouldn't go any further than her swing in an interview don said he thinks someone pulled up in a car and grabbed summer from outside the house and then ran back down to the car tossed her in and drove away well we knew i knew right away that she was abducted you know i knew that right away and that's what i told them from the beginning but they have to they have to go through their you know not forget the word investigation i have to do one step at a time i guess but i'm sorry that they had to spend so many man hours in these woods and everything i've seen them limping and everything else you know and i feel for them but i just wish there was a way that neighbors could search neighbors houses and then if they're not willing you know get a search warrant or something but there's just no way you can search every single house you know in the eastern united states or whatever that she's my biggest fear is you know her being tormented or locked in a dungeon or basement or something because she loves she loved to be outside all the time and that's that was her unfortunately her you know her downfalls a lot of times we'd the boys would be inside and we'd be like where's summer why'd you leave her out there alone you know go get summer now you know and that's happened over and over again and uh we'd come out and she would always be close by but we was always coming she had to be outside she was an outdoor person she would love to be outside you know and i just i'm so afraid that she's locked away she's such a loving heart and everything and i'm afraid that she won't be able to you know i'm blocked away where she can't be outside or play with a puppy or anything love nature you know you know and it's it's that's my greatest fear that she's not able to do any of these things anymore or or that she could possibly you know i i don't want to think she's dead but it's a possibility this house is isolated okay it's not near a main road it's up on a hill it's a real tough pill to swell that someone was driving around you know saw this little girl like a crime of opportunity and then randomly said like oh let me take her the opportunity for some random person to just be in the area and see summer it's very slim there's really no reason anybody would be driving around that area there's not any stores there's very few residences even it's like very spread out why would somebody just be driving around that area now we're going about 45 miles an hour and you'll see how what the terrain looks like and how far it is to the ben hill road area where summer wells was missing and where the uh rescue efforts are taking place at the end of beach creek road here we come we're okay we're approaching ben hill road see the sign there and you can see that over this mound here this is this is the that's it unless summer was specifically targeted by someone who knew her knew where she lived and went there specifically to take her but if someone drove up to the house summer's mother grandmother should have heard something they should have heard a car engine doors opening closing maybe some sort of struggle summer yelling some are screaming even if the guy had his hand over her mouth you know maybe she'd be muffled but you would still hear some sort of like disturbance and technically if the person didn't just drive up the hill and then you know park in the wells like driveway they would have had to park at the bottom of the hill and then run up the hill in plain view and then grab summer and run back down the hill with her once again in plain view while this five-year-old is like kicking and screaming and trying to get away unless they knocked her out or drugged her or something but was there enough time for that because according to candace it was just two minutes couple minutes between when she left summer with her brothers and when she came back to find out where summer was in summer was nowhere to be seen just a couple of minutes a court tv segment mirrored these feelings that i had and that others have saying that the story just doesn't really make sense all right answer describe i saw some aerials there i've got a flavor for it but you're much closer to all this describe the home the neighborhood i mean because i'm trying to get in my mind how someone could get to that home to abduct this girl and get away without anyone necessarily from the home or notice or see how would you describe the area access to the home etc this area here is very mountainous it's very rural as you heard the incident commander mentioned earlier it is definitely a tough terrain for these crews to be searching in it's also very hot here that area where summer lives her home is kind of far off from the road i'd say it's maybe half a mile to three quarters of a mile off of the main road in the beach creek area and her home does sit up on a hill it is fairly difficult to get up to i agree with you there um they would have to would they have to know where that home is or are you going to casually drive by that home or would you have to target that home and say okay i know there's a home up there and then there's some kids i'm going to park my car here i'm going to go to that home i mean if you drove can you drive the car all the way up to the house um with and would would people in the house not be able to see it i mean this is the part that i'm not quite putting together because it seems like it's so remote to me but i haven't been there it is very far back off of the road i in my opinion you do probably need a reason to go up to this house it's not just a place that you would drive up and vin hill road is also not really a road that you would drive up to either um however the tennessee bureau of investigation has not identified that this could be an abduction yet they just continue to say that the circumstances surrounding what happened to summer are unclear they're just like you said a lot of unknowns but this area is kind of far back and the home is up on a hill so you would most definitely have to have a reason to go up there all right jennifer shen if we're talking about uh an abduction i guess one of the challenges that we heard from ansley is is cell service right one way we often kind of try to figure out whose cell phone is pinging off the towers who is in the area and it creates leads sometimes for investigators can be tough to do that in this one huh jennifer it will be tough to do that and it looks like in this case you really need to find her to find evidence there just doesn't seem to be any evidence of any kind and uh you know i agree it's a it's pretty remote and for someone to have gone there and taken her specifically then you you wonder if that person had been watching her if that was um you know something that had been planned because it's not something you would just sort of drive by and it's a moment of opportunity sort of abduction if that's what happened right and and and again this is what the parents are saying they believe happened that there was some sort of an abduction she's five years old i mean and it seemed like mom said within a few minutes they realized something was going on here i how far is a five-year-old going to be able to get i mean so you know you go to the mall the kids they kind of dart off we we've seen that happen this is rough terrain though jennifer yeah it is it's kind of surprising to me that they could lose her in two minutes um so you wonder how long it it it was maybe it seemed like two minutes maybe it's a little bit longer and the terrain is rough and um you know it would be scary for a five-year-old to be out there alone in that so you know with all those people searching and using the kind of search techniques that they are i if she was there it seems like they would have found her so that is that is certainly concerning summer's parents have also both referred to her in the past tense multiple times which has always been a red flag in these situations i don't want to read too much into it but you know they definitely have and they're aware that they have because at one point don was talking and he referred to summer in the past tense and then he was like oh let me rephrase that because i don't want to refer to her in the past tense because everybody's like getting on my case about that one one of summer's favorite songs was uh godzilla and they say you know and they're jumping all over me about past tense was you know well i'm sorry about that it's just she also liked the song um by a new breed she loved to dance i think she really loved to be in church because she felt a lot of love there and she loved everybody in that church ever she loves everybody in that church i should rephrase that because they'll tear that apart as past tense and i apologize again for that she loves to play in the mud and the water and swing on her swing and we was always coming up she had to be outside she was an outdoor person maybe we won't never see her again you know so i start thinking in past tense sorry but i'm trying to keep hope up i'm trying to keep my prayers up and all that it was also on tuesday that after speculation about their involvement don wells let the media know that his wife had gone to the district's attorney's office that day and taken a lie detector test with the fbi which she had passed the tbi was asked to confirm this and they responded that it was no secret the tbi has a polygraph unit but they would not be discussing specifics so they didn't confirm or deny whether candice fly had taken a lie detector test or whether she had passed it by this time though information about the pasts of both don and candace had been uncovered causing a whole new level of speculation and i mean it is kind of crazy like everything that came out kind of all not at once but one right after the other it was like new discovery new discovery new discovery and each time you were like whoa that that doesn't look good don wells has been convicted of multiple felonies and has served prison time for convictions involving drugs and burglary in arkansas utah and texas in the late 90s and the early 2000s he was also cited for several parole violations now don said that while he was in prison he found god and he started studying the bible in an attempt to change because he wanted to be a better person however he was arrested again in october of 2020. this was after his wife candace accused him of domestic assault the police responded to the home on ben hill and they found don in his vehicle in the driveway reeking of alcohol and there was also an illegal pistol in the glove compartment something he was not allowed to have because he was a convicted felon don was arrested and charged with domestic assault and possession of a handgun while under the influence the police talked to candace bly and she told them that her husband came home drunk and saw a man in the house thinking that candace was cheating on him don began to argue with this man and with his wife who he ended up pushing to the ground causing her to become injured the next day candace filed for an order of protection against don stating that her husband would often get drunk and throw things that he was physically and mentally abusive that she was afraid for her children and for herself she also says in this that her mother who she mentions lives on the property is also scared of don and like what he's capable of bly filed an order of protection against wells the following day writing quote i am afraid of being hurt he is abusive physically and mentally toward me i am afraid for my children and myself four days later on the day of dawn's hearing candace dismissed this order of protection and the domestic assault charge was dropped when asked about his past don wells told wjhl that quote it's in the past and we'll leave it there end quote don said that he and candace had worked it out and she had apologized to him she had apologized to him he said candace went to the d.a and the judge and told them she'd made a mistake and that was the end of it i was in utah so we she was thinking one thing and i was thinking another you know and but once once we got to talk and figure things out you know we smoothed it all out i mean it was just we weren't on the same page a lack of communication because we were fighting of course you know people are going to tell the police whatever to get their way you know we've worked it out she's apologized to me candace bly also has a record in wisconsin where she pleaded guilty in 2003 to charges of disorderly conduct and domestic abuse it's unclear who the abuse victim or victims were that's not included in these records but that's not all don wells also has an older son 34 year old donald wesley wells who is a convicted sex offender in arkansas donald pleaded guilty to sexual indecency with a child in 2007. now don wells also spoke about this saying the crime his son was convicted of sounds a lot worse than it is and if he had been arrested in tennessee it would only be considered statutory rape because there was only an 18 month difference between his son donald and the girl that donald had apparently had sex with um i have a hard time seeing only statutory rape but those were his words um i think that there's probably a little more to it that we don't know because i believe the police actually had to like track donald wells down where he was hiding at his parents house if i read that properly to like bring him in so he seemed to be hiding from this charge so apparently donald wells was 19 and the girl that he slept with was 18 months younger so that's why don senior he's like it's not a big deal but i mean did she like call and report it did she say that she'd been raped what's going on here because i don't know why they would pursue donald jr so hard if you know there was just an 18-month difference and it had been consensual and this girl didn't have an issue with it i don't know as far as big don's criminal charges in utah he was not so open when talking about them he said quote i don't really want to talk about all that stuff utah is a whole different ballgame than tennessee that's the mormon state i call it the state that's just how i feel end quote i mean okay i don't even know what to say about that like it's funny it's funny it's funny playing words but it's also like kind of rude so i don't know how to feel about that when asked about the specific charges he had faced don responded quote i've had several charges over the years end quote so these specific charges in utah were third degree felonies for theft burglary and forgery a second-degree felony for theft by receiving stolen property and a misdemeanor for revocation and suspension on top of that five-year-old summer wells was not the first member of her family to disappear candace's sister rosemarie bly was last seen in saint croix wisconsin leaving her house on august 21 2009 so rosemarie bly was just about 21 at this time she was newly married she was supposed to be meeting her cousin at a bar in cushing that's about five miles away from her house but she never made it there five days later her car was found 30 miles away from her house abandoned in a tractor-trailer parking lot she left home with very little money no credit cards she's never been seen again now reportedly rosemary and her husband had been having issues for three weeks leading up to her disappearance he'd filed for divorce he was trying to get a court order to prevent her from coming back and taking their two children i don't know if these were their two children or if they were his children i'm not sure that's not clear but before she disappeared police had responded to the couple's home for a domestic dispute at which point rosemary's husband accused her of slapping him and she claimed that he had put her in a headlock and banged her head on the ground since then rosemarie's husband has passed a polygraph test and i guess he's not considered a suspect in her disappearance but no one knows where rosemary is authorities have stated that there's no known connection between summer's disappearance and her aunt's disappearance and aunt that she never even met because rosemary went missing before summer was even born but this just in because i have google alerts set up and this just came up today all right so this was posted just a couple of hours ago and it says summerwell's dad says he's haunted by her aunt's decades-old disappearance oh summer and her aunt rosemary kind of look alike all right so this article says more than a decade before five-year-old summer wells seemingly vanished without a trace her aunt also went missing and was never found and now summer's dad says the disappearance of rose bligh haunts him when he thinks about his daughter so this is what don wells told wjhl quote when you see cases like that that's why i lose hope in summer i want to keep hope but sometimes i just lose hope and i think well maybe we'll never see her again end quote so i'm sorry maybe this guy's just not good at communicating his emotions but that statement just gives me chills cases like that are why i lose hope in summer once again this came out today okay so it's been about two and a half weeks and summer's been gone not two years not two months two and a half weeks and he's already telling the reporters that he loses hope sometimes i just lose hope and think well maybe we'll never see her again it's like the the whole stages of grief he's just flown through those and he's already reached acceptance within two and a half weeks of his five-year-old daughter just vanishing without a trace and he has no idea where she is so yeah there's that there is one potential lead however that the tbi has released in connection with summer's disappearance they have identified a red pickup truck that i guess had been seen in the area of beach creek road and ben hill road in the late afternoon or early evening of monday june 14th or tuesday june 15th so that's the day summer went missing the truck was described as a late 90s model or early 2000s model maroon a red toyota tacoma with a full bed ladder rack along with white buckets in the truck bed the tbi was very clear when they said that this person in the truck or whoever's driving this truck is not considered a person of interest or a suspect it's just somebody that they would like to find and talk to who may have been in the area on this day and who could be a potential witness with information that might help search for summer after almost two weeks of non-stop searches officials began to scale back search efforts the command center was demobilized but they say that they have multiple crews still on standby in case they're needed for two weeks there were 1150 people searching and they logged 13 000 hours so that's all the people looking for her that's all the hours they covered multiple multiple acres since summer was reported missing captain tim coop of the churchill rescue squad said quote just because we may not be seen as such a large presence in and throughout the area rest assured that we have not quit and we won't quit until we find summer wells end quote yet still the tb high and law enforcement maintain that the cause of salmer's disappearance is unclear and they have not officially ruled it an abduction or said that like foul play was involved and this is just driving me crazy because this five-year-old girl is gone for two weeks for two weeks she may have wandered off but she couldn't have gotten far because she's five so if the police were on the scene and searching by tuesday night and summer had wandered off into like the fields or the woods and she just was hiding you know or trying to find her way back home all these people out there looking they would have been yelling her name and she would have come out and said here i am the fact that they didn't find her yet pretty much shows that something's afoot right some sort of foul play is happening tips are continuing to come in the last time i checked they had over 700 of them but as far as we know they are no closer to finding summer if you actually go on like the tbi's website it literally says like this many tips they've led to nothing the tbi has asked the public to stop sending in tips in the form of rumors or conspiracy theories or speculation the tbi claims that these tips are bogging down the tip line and they are baseless um personally i don't know how the tbi would know that they were baseless unless they like checked into them but i guess that's kind of the point they have to follow every tip they get so when they get these kind of off-the-wall ones and they have to like pursue it it wastes time and energy and resources that could be devoted to finding summer and so on that same vein like i agree um just people online who think that the parents are involved and who like they're probably sending this milk jug video to the police and saying like look don't you think she looks dead the police are probably a little annoyed by that so don't do that like it's fine to speculate and to come up with your own theories but try not to interrupt the the investigation unless you think you have something that's really uh gonna help but like conspiracy theories about her parents i'm sure the tbi and the police already know that candace blyte and don wells are like huge persons of interest at least online so i'm sure that they've you know already pursued that or they're looking into it or they are continuing to talk to them and maybe try to get more information so the only reason i could think to call the police with these tips about the parents is if you thought that maybe the police hadn't considered that a possibility or considered that avenue and i think they have i mean personally i just can't figure out what i think about this case you know i looked at candace splice tic tac um she's been posting there for a couple of months she posted pictures and videos of her kids you know there's the one of summer swimming there's this really cute one of summer playing in the rain and like jumping in the mud and in my opinion from what i can tell on tic tac and i know that's not like you don't have to tell me guys i know you're gonna be like that's not what really is happening behind closers like i know but from what i can tell on tic tac candice does really seem to love her kids very much and she seems you know attentive and you know they have their own dynamics they have their own thing going like they got their own relationships but i didn't see anything that felt negligent about her or like abusive about her in those tic tacs or really from any pictures i've seen i don't know i don't really buy that this was a complete stranger who abducted summer that's probably the lowest on my theory list and if it was a complete stranger it must have been someone who had been watching her for a while so they would know exactly where to find her and like her routine and they would know where she liked to play outside etc dr alex dal carmen a criminologist and law enforcement expert believes that there could still be a chance the summer just wandered off he said quote we've seen cases where the area has been reviewed and reviewed by many volunteers in law enforcement and they end up finding a body or the missing person in the most obvious of places within a certain grid so i would be the last person to dismiss a geographic area because of the fact that it's already been reviewed or seen by law enforcement end quote and honestly i really hope he's right i really hope that's the case but as the days and weeks go by it's seeming much less likely that summer simply wandered off and much less likely that she'll be found alive thank you guys so much for being here pray for summer if you pray think of her if you don't pray send a lot of love out but if you do have tips that are legitimate and you have something that can help the case here's who you can contact so if you have credible information to report call 1 800 tbi find i will place that up on the screen it's 1-800 tbi find and hopefully one way or the other we will soon find out what happened to five-year-old summer rolls but i have been thinking about her and i've been worrying about her every day since uh since she went missing it's just really tough to like go about my life and like i'm watching the kids swim and i'm laughing and then it'll just like come back that you know this little five-year-old girl is not with her family and she's probably not swimming and having a great time and laughing she's probably scared or being hurt you know it's just it's hard so i hope that she comes home one way or the other i hope she's okay but like i said it's just seeming less likely we all know that the first 48 hours are the most important they didn't find her she's either not even in the state anymore or she's somewhere in that wilderness and if that's the case you know she's not alive but let me know what you guys think about this case in the comment section let me know your theories let me know you think about some of mine i'm really looking forward to discussing this with you guys and at the end of the day i just hope the best comes for summer and her family and i really hope that her parents aren't involved like i definitely don't want them to be my gut says they know more my gut says that it was more than a couple of minutes that summer was out of her mother's view and maybe candace doesn't want to say that because she doesn't want to seem negligent or get in trouble for not paying attention or have it blamed on her but until we know the exact time that this happened until we know like the actual time limit that summer was out of her mother's sight it's going to be really difficult to figure out what actually happened so i think that kind of needs to come first i definitely think that summer was out of her mother's site for more than a couple minutes because all of this happening her wandering off she wouldn't get far in two minutes her being kidnapped by some random stranger who just happened to be driving by that would take longer than two minutes because this dude if he's a dude or whatever he could be a woman who knows but this dude wouldn't know the area he wouldn't be familiar of how to get around he wouldn't be uh familiar with the terrain and if it was somebody who knew her that kidnapped her it would have to be very well thought out very well planned for it to go down so quietly within like a two minute time period and then to be completely gone off that hill and like driving away by the time they realized she was missing so let me know what you guys think thank you so much for being here thank you to my patrons who hold me down and uh keep me calm and i will see you very soon stay kind stay beautiful stay safe [Music] is [Music] [Music] i got blood blood on the [Music] [Music] blood stream the strings
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 760,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kvTh0maxduc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 23sec (4763 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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