Coding with Apple Vision Pro!

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all righty so this is the video that I've really been wanting to make because this video will really highlight what I really love about the Apple Vision Pro and what I think makes it leagues above the other headsets that are out there at least in terms of my productivity and the way that I would use these headsets I know that a lot of people complain about the fact that you know there's a lack of multiple screens you can't have multiple Mac desktops up they also seem to complain about the fact that you can't really move a window out of your Mac screen into virtual reality but in my opinion the things that they're saying are kind of a moot point once you really just fiddle with the settings and understand how at least I think Apple intends for people to use this because with my setup I have such a large screen that is just for my Mac that I have space everything that I would want on there I can have my programming environment I can have multiple terminals up I can have like an API client up and I have space for like my music app and more stuff and not just that obviously because the Apple Vision Pro has apps built into it and yes that ecosystem is very small right now but it will grow over time I can have things like I don't know for example my git issues from GitHub on the left side in a tab on Apple Vision Safari and then on the right side I could have a different Safari for example things that I want to Google about whatever I'm programming or I could have it be an app that's a different terminal that's built into the Apple Vision Pro so that you know I can do that and have a separate client for whatever I want to test I think that there's a lot to get into and so I think that honestly it's time to just get started all right so first things first obviously I have my MacBook in front of me so there's a button that shows up above my screen that says connect so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit that and my physical screen will turn black and then it'll render a virtual version of my MacBook screen in front of me me now here's where the first thing I think goes wrong for a lot of people a lot of people will leave this this virtual display in the default resolution of the MacBook screen and I think that's a mistake you see what I've actually done here is if I make this a little bigger and I go into my system preferences what you will notice is that when I go down to the display section and I show all resolutions the first thing you'll notice is that I'm actually not using one of the default resolutions I'm using the 5120 x 2880 resolution this is what gives me so many pixels and this gives me what you see here where yes the top bar is a little small but I now have a lot of space to work with just to kind of demonstrate how this works here's an example I'm going to pull up my vs code and obviously this is not the normal size the normal size is this yes it's a little small but that's the whole point of scaling in apps it allows me to just hit command plus and now from pretty much any reasonable distance from this screen this text is readable and I can obviously do whatever editing I need using the keyboard the physical keyboard of the MacBook the other thing that I really like to to do is now that I've got my thing in 5K I just make this screen as big as I can because now everything is right here in front of me and even with my vs code up and it being really big I still have so much space to work with I can fit my terminals here I can have my music up here I can have an API client up here if I really want and I still have yet more space in this corner another really cool thing is that yes I know there are apps that are built in for the Vision Pro so all I have to do is just click the digital Crown pull up my home menu and for example go to Safari with Safari up now I can just move my Safari over to the side and now you can see I've got my git repo up here and that's all I need because now I can go into the issues and I have every single issue that is on this repo up and I can tell which ones are assigned to me they all have their labels and this isn't a nice nice compact format another one of the real apps that I really like is an app called terus so as you can see I have an app here called terus if I open terus you can see that I can pull up an SSH SFTP whatever I want to a machine and if I connect to it it acts like a normal SSH prompt here's where it really becomes crazy I can actually control this using my keyboard on my Mac so as you can see I'm typing here with my physical Mac keyboard but it's showing up on here so I don't have to worry at all about for example the virtual keyboard which we all know is kind of unusable unfortunately now I'm sure you might be like okay well that's all fine and dandy but what does your normal work actually look like like what is my workflow and here I actually have it in front of me what I normally do is I actually scale my environment all the way up now I personally actually really like the yosity environment so this is what I've chosen as basically my default and what I do is I have this up and I have a safari to my right usually with whatever I need to Google for example how to use the gorm library to delete records and on my left I have as I mentioned before my GitHub with my issues or the commit log whatever I need at the moment in the center screen this is just as I mentioned the 5K as big as it can be Mac virtual display in the center at the bottom I usually have my IDE so in this case it's vscodium I then usually have whatever terminals I need to use to the right and to the left and then I have my music in the top left corner hi editor Aiden here I will note that my music app which is title has not been ported to Apple Vision Pro yet but once it is my plan is to actually stream music directly from my Apple Vision Pro to my airpods Pro with what I've supposedly heard is supposed to be lossless audio and right above I have the API client if I need it so right now I'm using it because I'm doing API work all right well that's enough of me kind of just showing off what I do but I think the really interesting part is to actually kind of show you it in action so what's going to come up next is just a series of clips from me actually working on this project that you see here and doing all of my deployments and my testing and solving issues and looking up stuff and hopefully that gives you a nice glance into how this kind of workflow actually really works well for me all all right and quickly before we actually just start looking at the clips of me programming I just thought it would be interesting to show you guys a clip that my dad took um that it kind of shows really how big the Mac virtual screen can be and just how much space you really have because I feel like a lot of people underestimate that and they always seem to say ooh there's not enough space you know on the Mac screen to get everything I want done but I really don't subscribe to that and I think that this kind of shows why oh and one last thing that I actually forgot to mention previously I found out that if you put your laptop or keyboard whatever you're using on your lap it actually makes the experience much more enjoyable because you always know where your keyboard is and it makes it a lot easier even if you have the environment fully enabled the way that I do can you in space put out your hands to approximately where you think you're where you think the size of the screen is like there and what what are the extents of the screen I got to go back to even show that yeah that's ridiculous right yeah that's how big my screen is in VR and it's set to what 5K 5K Max size so this first clip here is me debugging my project because I had realized that something was wrong I checked the database and a bunch of data was left in a state that it shouldn't have been given that I just restarted the program after realizing that something else was probably wrong I actually checked the file system and realized that I was completely out of storage once again because my log files were way too [Music] big after fixing the storage problem once again I realized that it also encountered some other bugs and so I pulled up the repository on GitHub using the Apple Vision Pro Safari in order to go look at my issues to see if they'd been documented already at this point I realized that my configuration for log rotate which I had tried and clearly failed to implement properly was broken so I wrote down what I had already tried in a git issue and then I Googled the log rotate documentation using my other copy of Apple Vision Safari and kind of realized that I was being really stupid and as it turns out having conflicting configuration settings is a really bad idea who could have ever guessed that that would be the case I also documented a new bug that I had found with my code after perusing through the database while trying to figure out what was originally wrong with my system to begin with at this point it was pretty late and I was actually going to go eat dinner so I just restarted the program to regenerate the database because I figured that by the time that I was back it would either be completely broken and I'd have to fix it or I could you know just let it fully regenerate the database overnight and all would be good so the next thing I did is I essentially just created a new issue for a fix that somebody had wanted and then I just wrote a commit detailing what I had fixed in this programming session and I figured that would be good enough I will note that actually not once during this entire programming session did I ever actually take off the Apple Vision Pro I had it on the whole time and it was actually really easy to kind of just lock in and get my work done and that's all I got hope you enjoy thanks for watching I hope that this gives you a very good idea as to how I think that the Apple Vision Pro should be used for programming and why I think that this has significantly improved my experience in general because I can take this device on the go travel anywhere and in virtual reality I'll have this massive screen that otherwise I couldn't imagine possibly carrying with me because in the past what I've done is I've actually carried around three of these 4K OLED screens that are roughly maybe this big and yes it's a nice solution but it's very bulky the the the fact that I have to carry so many cables and so much weight in terms of the screens was definitely very limiting and also the fact that I can't really use that with something like my MacBook because my MacBook doesn't really have the performance to be able to power that many screen simultaneously and and just in general having multiple screens multiple small screens at least in my opinion is not nearly as usable as having just one giant one and that's what I think this really improves obviously you know if you're in a stationary environment you've got like an office space that's dedicated you could always get like one of those you know one of those massive 60 plus in 8k OLED TVs and yes those are amazing there's no about that but there's just something about being able to travel with something that works so similarly that I think that you can't really beat anyways that's all I got thanks for watching and have a good one I'll see yall next [Music] time [Music] n
Channel: Aidan Lok
Views: 8,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -zxLakiWVzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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