COCKY Pickup Artist Get REJECTED!

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yo what's going on guys so recently somebody had hit me up on instagram asking me if i could react to some sort of pickup artist boot camp for those of you guys that don't really know what a pickup artist is this is pretty much someone who sees themselves as a master of getting women a master of the art of seduction and they want to teach other men how to take these women on a one-way ticket to pound town with possibly a slight detour to relationship island in my opinion there's no formula to get every single woman out there in the wild there's not some specific thing you can say or do to get absolutely any chick to want you in fact it's my belief that within the first 10 seconds of trying to like cold call pick up a woman her face will tell you everything you need to know and you're gonna know if you should even pursue this any further sadly i feel like a lot of men out there really don't know when to get the hint they don't exactly know when they're starting to come off as creepy and that can be really really bad so i thought to kind of ease us into the world to pick up artists today we would react to this cringe compilation i think these guys are going to be failing to pick up some women so let's check this one out howdy what you studying um i test which one maybe from another life my name is glenn nice to meet you so [ __ ] awkward guys first of all the leather jacket he's wearing is an absolute fail i don't think anyone's gotten laid by wearing a leather jacket since the late 1980s i'm just waiting for him to break out into a song and dance like john travolta with his [ __ ] ass this [ __ ] really has the audacity to be out here looking like krillin and thinking he could be some sort of pickup master you said um oh it's math no m cats m cats medical school in michigan okay okay i mean yeah i thought it was like had something to do cat related oh my god i've never heard of mcats you're probably a lot smarter than me so that's probably why and like that self-deprecating humor and why is he talking like he's liam neeson in that one scene where he says if i find you i will kill you you're probably not smarter than me so that's probably why i will look for you i will find you and i will kill you it's like a mixture between that and bruce wayne dude you're not cool just be your genuine self and i feel like you would have a way better shot here the young woman is obviously uncomfortable she wants you to leave she's trying to study for her mcat a very important test and she doesn't need your bald shiny head ass bothering her it's just like harder than sats but kind of like g-master like outside really standardized okay so you're still in high school oh okay this guy is a [ __ ] idiot and you're going for chemistry he's like chemistry you know like what we have are you feeling that you know when she told him do i know you that was kind of like his cue to get the [ __ ] up out of there are you a student i am kind of not i kind of just like sneak into classes yeah his old ass ain't no student he's just walking around campus being a [ __ ] creep i am kind of not i kind of just like sneak into classes damn okay steve jobs the accent and the skirt i really do not hope that this guy really just bent down and like touched onto this girl's skirt or like rubbed her legs or anything like that on this random colombian street i'm very forward aren't i really you know forward like i say i'm very forward stop rubbing her hair like that you joe biden acting [ __ ] at this point in the conversation the girl was obviously uninterested and uncomfortable he obviously has her in this situation that she cannot escape it appears she's waiting in line to go into some sort of colombian pub and so he's gonna take full advantage of that apparently she has no friends around to pull her out of this cringy situation and so this guy is just going to try and work his magic colombian men are they very forward as well yes so they come and talk to you and they like this and they're like touching you like this is that what they do yeah i don't like that as long as you like the guy right it depends i mean if i was like this like hello oh my god you would be you wouldn't like it would you so in a matter of 30 seconds this guy has touched under her skirt and then put his head against her breast completely unprovoked it's obviously very uncomfortable but he just keeps going i guess to these pickup artists persistence is key [Applause] fail [ __ ] he ain't gonna be selling me seminars like this is it too soon to kiss each other yes because we don't know each other she's like i wouldn't kiss you if you were the last man on this planet and he just keeps going for it guys i'm very persistent aren't i this creepy [ __ ] deserves to get his ass whooped where's the colombian cartel when you need it hi you love london uh i do i'm daniel nice to meet you i like you why you look very like i'm attracted to you oh my god do you like me um i don't know you i don't know you either is this creepy um because it was very hard for me to talk to girls when i was growing up and like until very recently until i changed my diet and so now i have way less anxiety and i can like talk to anyone i want it's so fun she's like yeah but i don't want you to be talking to me i didn't know you could be this happy like talking to people you know yeah i have a feeling this [ __ ] just discovered adderall i like you so much like i'm getting like turned on the idea of walking up to a stranger that doesn't know anything about you they don't know you and sticking a camera in their face is on a skippy level of cringe my dick's getting hard right now no sorry this weird [ __ ] man because i say what's on my mind i don't over analyze things you know it's so i feel so free this is awesome this is so awesome well i i totally understand the the need to speak your mind and like the need to express yourself freely but there's a level of respect and appropriateness yeah what the [ __ ] with this guy it sounds more like he's trying to obtain a restraining order i mean i'm not breaking any laws i can record whatever i want unless they tell me not to i think that's what it is but do not do this to local women in your city guys and it appears we have our friend with a leather jacket he's back out here in these streets trying to pick up a couple of broads this time he has the jeepers creepers top hat and i think this [ __ ] actually has leather penny loafers on y'all from china yes cool cool how long you guys been here in the states not the penny loafers dog this guy couldn't pick up american women you know in his own language so now he's going for these women who barely understand what he's saying sorry but we have to go okay sorry yeah no absolutely have a great night well hey i do have to say at least he's not as persistent and quite as creepy as the other guys namaste [Applause] guys where you guys going already yeah the party hasn't even started yet where'd you guys go it was that bad not really we should get going absolutely good good night well at least he's a nice little simp right guys i'm telling you right now there's no like amazing magical formula to picking up women especially not every single woman i mean i would say that for the average person a good 80 percent of the opposite sex is not going to be interested in you romantically minimum and that other 20 percent is just like you might have a chance with based off of a bunch of other variables but to me when it comes to trying to enter some sort of romantic relationship and trying to get someone to be attracted to you honestly i feel like you should just be your genuine authentic self you should really know who you are and be comfortable in your own skin and i honestly do feel like that goes a long way i know it sounds a little bit corny but look at what we saw that guy on geek love do the other day simply by being himself not trying to be so cool not trying to act like he's so hard he really just knew who he was and he was comfortable with that and a lot of women found that very admirable i'm telling you guys though if you just keep being persistent like this and keep going and going and going you're gonna get arrested okay you're not gonna find love that way so later on this week hopefully we can look at some of these pickup artists like actual tricks actual things that trying to tell these men to do in order to pick up this massive amount of poon so that should be fun guys but for now i hope you're having a good weekend as always i do want to thank you guys for watching and subscribing today dropping a like on the video i encourage you to follow me on my social medias that's at jamari speaks on both twitter and instagram and as you guys know it's been your boy the tan superman and i'm out peace
Channel: JAMARI
Views: 403,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamari, jamari speaks, commentary, recap, episode, funny, comedy, dating advice, dating, relationship, pickup artist, how to get girls, how to get a girl to like you, how to approach a woman, pickup artist bootcamp, kiss, how to
Id: ZG_U96g8eFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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