He Ruined His Career in 60 Seconds

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to truly understand the story of the video I have for you guys today we have to go back to August of 2016 when a then 17 year old Kelvin Pena would record this video in the backyard of his wooded area Texas home I just want to show everybody how I'm spending my day am I in crackers with my pet deer his name money I want everybody to meet him I got you bro eat up man it's my best friend right there his name money we play basketball whenever we board outside we be lit out here man we let the woods this shouldn't regular man who got a pet deer let me know Kelvin might not have known it at the time but in that moment he said his Destiny to become one of the biggest what-ifs in Internet history that simple clip of him feeding the deer living by his house that he would call money would take the Internet by a storm and it seemed like almost overnight the Persona of brother nature was born [Music] bro what's up some Pringles bro some Pringles for you money soon every single day Calvin would be spending his time outside with his new Deer family feeding them anything from strawberries to Fruity Pebbles and as more deer approached his house day by day he would start giving them all names even calling them his dear Squad like the whole deer Squad don't be out here I got Bambi over here I got Canela over there I got money right there what's your name Lola come on Lola eat that that's good that's all good but it's just a happy old deer family out here man but the most important deer he would call Canela see this Canela right here she's fearless eat that Apple man I said good Canela she Fearless man she Fearless people online would take an extra liking to the friendship between Canela and Kelvin they started calling him the deer whisperer and he knew that the more content that he was making with that specific deer the more popular his videos would become across social media and the more good that he could do for others what's up what's up oh yeah oh yeah on her ass boy we have Bibi out here hooping keep in mind even though this was only about seven years ago the internet was a much more simple place and short videos like this with virtually no production value could gain humans of followers overnight soon brother nature would attract the attention of local news outlets and other blogs who were reposting his content he would even gain Fame in his local community and they would even start showing his Clips on ESPN and the friendship is lasting as long as the food is lasting they're going to turn on him one day it is going to be really really hot because when you're out of mood you are the food well I want to be that guy's friend but if you're going to fit me McDonald's and crackers and cheats and all that that's a good deal I want to go out there and live in the woods you know waiting for the guy to come out with the food you know I mean the first one online in the coming months with his name heating up in these internet streets brother nature would try and expand his brand by incorporating other animals into his content Pringles on Deck what's up what's up Duck Squad yup come on come on Geraldo eat that that's that good yup day after day he would continue to document these interactions and even start to coin the phrase Everybody Eats he started going pretty viral at this time even buying himself a new car and meeting up with other celebrities On The Rise soon he was doing more work in his community and really building up this image of a very charitable person whomini felt in have a bad or arrogant bone in his body you see it man it just started off with me recruiting the deer Squad making sure they swell every day but now I'm trying make a change in the world I'm trying to show everybody that it's okay to give back and I have a mission on raising 180 meals this Thanksgiving for single parent families this is something I would say is common for people who spend a lot of time publicly caring for Animals As it allows the viewer to kind of create their own image in their head about whoever is doing this in only a few months he had built up quite the Rapport and presence online becoming a legitimate content creator with a lot of eyes on his page he would even make a featured film at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival about his relationship with these animals and this film is about how I had multiple videos of me getting near my backyard for just three days over a year after going viral and gaining millions of followers he started doing radio interviews linking up with some of the most popular YouTubers and rappers and seemed virtually Unstoppable as he would be on the high of his life this time last year I was sent down in my room I was looking at my life I went up to my pops and I was like forget my job pops I'm Gonna Be My Own Boss this summer I was blessed with a buck coming into my backyard I named the money and look where we at now baby I'm following my dreams and while the dearest never turns on him like that ESPN anchor said I mean the Friendship is lasting as long as the food is lasting that statement right there would be quite prophetic once the food Runs Out you are the food and in kelvin's case it would really be like once the gimmick ran out and he would show the worlds his true colors he would get eaten alive by a whole another Beast the court of public opinion as the digital footprint that he would leave behind would be destined to end his career and he is not the only one who should be worried about the digital footprint that we all leave behind on a daily basis anyone on the internet can find private information like your full legal name your phone number your email and even your home address this leaves individuals at risk of financial fraud dark web leaks and even identity theft that's why I use an app called Aura to protect myself there today's video sponsor and it or they pretty much have every Internet safety tool that you'll ever need inside one application after signing up or will identify 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link at the top of the description or even scan the QR code that's displayed right here on the screen once again thank you Aura for sponsoring today's video you could say that this is when Kelvin really started buying into his own hype he kept traveling doing charity work and overall was seen as a great marketing asset for any business involved with helping animals with many opportunities coming his way he was flying all over the world to expand this Empire that he was creating that now people just reach out to you and offer you opportunities to work with animals because they know that you're able to reach a lot of people yes so you're able to directly do like what you exactly what you want to do exactly because animals are one of those Universal things that almost everyone loves so to see this Hispanic dude slide in and potentially serve as like a new age Steve irwin-esque figure was very possible for him this would have obviously led to a life of Fame and Fortune had he been able to go down that path at this point he had spent three years building his brands in reputation he had long left behind those Texas deer he had become not only wealthy but was also achieving Fame on a main stream level and overall had built himself up a massive brand it was at this time he would also start dating very popular Beauty Guru Daisy Marquez and it was like it was all the perfect storm for Success until it wasn't in December of 2019 Calvin would take a trip to Miami for a beach cleanup event and sometime during that weekend he would step into a pizza shop and change the trajectory of his life and career forever first this tweet came out and went viral I just beat the dog [ __ ] out of brother nature in La sandwichetti including a video of this random guy beating the brakes off of brother nature in the street this would send the internet into a frenzy after a few hours in much public speculation brother nature would then chime in on Twitter to say I know there's a video out of me getting jumped everyone in the pizza shop literally just watched with their phones out and did nothing oh well essentially painting himself as the victim in this whole situation and so far for a while people sympathize with their animal loving hero but after this keemstar interview the story would quickly change He's already calling the guys from La Sona are already calling last call he's insisting that they let him sit there not on the bar because I guess he felt too good to sit in the bar or something kept on arguing with the guy about it the guy tells him hey can you do me a favor and leave you're causing a destruct A disruption so he comes up to me and he literally gets right in my face like on the side of my face because I'm sitting towards the bar so he's to my right he gets right in my face and goes yo give me your phone right now I don't know what he did he takes a picture of us and he goes oh you two are dead men that before he before any of the before any of this he goes he comes back and he appoints at me he goes oh come outside [ __ ] I open the door and I asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted to fight me he said oh I wanna I wanna one-on-one with you he uh he goes he puts his setup we fought I go inside to continue eating my sandwich while I'm getting the video he I hear that like he comes in running through the door and hits my cousin so that was fairly close so when he does that I grab him I grab him by the by a thing then he tries to hit me he and I he goes to the floor and I kick him two times so according to this guy not only did Calvin instigate the physical altercation himself he also acted like a spoiled brat and demanded to eat at this restaurant that was already closing thinking that he was someone special above all of that the video of him calling these guys a Dead Man surfaced online dead man dead man you see Calvin was intoxicated looking back he describes this trip as if he had been drinking every day that he was in Miami and hanging out with a bunch of various women partying and stuff like that so like the whole week I was kind of I was pretty lit that night specifically and I will kind of just go with wherever it was convenient for me to just like kind of move on to up and up which is which is [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying because I remember my brother looked at me he's like he didn't want to leave me by myself and I'm like nah bro don't worry about it I'm gonna catch up with you later he had already gotten embarrassed by these guys at the pizza shop and he came back for more sucker punching one of them after they refused to delete videos of him being entitled this of course led to a further beat down and once all the smoke cleared and people saw the situation for what it really was that's pretty much all it took to destroy his entire reputation that he had built up as this animal loving nice guy at the time I'm like I couldn't believe it you know what I'm saying like even when it's happening like you know right I couldn't believe it I'm like what the [ __ ] like this is crazy you know I should have never reacted you know what I'm saying I was drunk and I was by myself like I shouldn't have reacted like me personally like and I did and that's it and people would never let him live this down the backlash against him was immediate and permanent as the phrase we ain't forget would be the only comment under every single one of his posts and at that point it was nothing but a downward spiral for this guy in terms of damn near every facet of his life his Fame dwindled he lost the money-making opportunities he ruins his reputation and would quickly fall to irrelevance even today almost four years removed from that incident people still pester him with these we ain't forget comments on every social platform he gets around five percent of the interactions that he used to on all of his pages and to add even more fuel to the fire the beauty Guru that he was previously dating exposed him two years later for being an absolute Maniac breaking into her house and harassing her family hello family moment time we're chilling and I started getting blown up by my ex he's like I'm talking we're about to go to bed I go upstairs to go sleep with my cousin wait were you there no no oh I don't think you were there anyways my brother my sister there whatever and he decides to break into the side door pushes my sister and my brother with the couch he was [ __ ] Hulk or something broken knocked over the tables it wouldn't leave us alone with harassing us and that was not the first time he broke into yeah this guy is still somewhat doing his thing kinda playing with animals but really no one cares he describes himself as retired but damn he could have been so much more and I'm telling you guys being the next person who essentially was the face of helping animals with such a lucrative role just begging to be filled he could have definitely been one of the biggest in the game dominating with apps like Tick Tock soaring in popularity and this is why I feel like brother nature is one of the biggest what-ifs in internet history
Channel: JAMARI
Views: 553,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamari, jamari speaks, commentary, recap, documentary, video essay, career
Id: ej9ZywxXEsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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