Cobb Accessport for Dummies: A MUST for Any Car! (What You Should Monitor)

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because when you overboost you might run lean and cause damage to your engine etc it doesn't let you close it when you have something plugged into it so you're like oh dude like what am I supposed to do and it's like don't worry there's a solution [Music] this is an access port v3 it's a very flexible and easy to use ECU upgrade solution for your Ford subaru etc you can check out all the cars that's available for on their website but these things are amazing for running aftermarket tunes on your car and monitoring very important diagnostics of how your engine is running whether your daily driving it or taking it to the track because when you have a modified car it's SuperDuper important to make sure everything's running right and if you decide to push to the limit so you make sure nothing's wrong and you will not damage your engine now mine does have a black faceplate so when you see photos you will see it with a greyface play on most advertisements and photos online on their website and anywhere else you'll see these so I just have the black faceplate on that it comes with that's a little more sleek and something that I like better enter your year make and model into edge Auto Sport calm and once you receive it in the mail it comes in a box that looks like this inside the box it comes with a carrying case a box of accessories the accessport itself the tray that it sits in and magnetizes to cable with the side that goes in the access port and an obd2 also listed below is this suction cup mount you will see me using in this video and I love these things they're super cheap make sure you order this on phy amazon as well and it'll get to your house in one to two days before we get into the what and why I want to show you how to mount your access port hide the cable and make it look as clean as possible you've got your cobb accessport mounted on the suction cup mount you place it where your heart desires now the issue is getting the cord dialed so you don't see it much and another thing you'll notice is right when you got it this might have already happened to you you have your obd2 plug you plug it in and you go oh wow I can't close this because the how this is designed the lid it doesn't let you close it when you have something plugged into it so you're like oh dude like what am I supposed to do and it's like don't worry there's a solution but keep watching with to that in a sec I want to show you how to pull this off next pulling this off is easier than you think we're gonna go ahead and loosen these seals right here kind of move them out of the way if you want we're gonna take a plastic tool that's out of a kit for removing door panels which is super awesome link in the description to the door panel removal kit I'm going to go ahead and pry on it right here I'm gonna get my finger on under it kind of hold it if you go on top and then pull it out slowly these things are super tough has metal clips in it this is something that you definitely won't break and it goes in back in flush just like it was originally pull on it comes off real easy here's our lid for obd2 we open it up and this is what we were looking at now we're gonna take our blue tool and if you notice there's two tabs on each side of here we're gonna go ahead and push that in oops sorry about that push the other side in and boom it goes back in there and that is what we want you'll see here why in a second most people instead of doing this would just cut this off and then now you have this big hole but now we can leave this closed and it looks oh um the move now is to pull this back down you're going to need to stick your fingers through there go ahead and feed your obd2 side through here you know reach I'm not going to show you on camera it's pretty straightforward they're gonna finagle your hand in here hopefully it's not too big I'm gonna use your hand down low to support the white obd2 port and you're gonna go ahead and plug it in now boom you plugged it in and the cord is out of the way and we can plug this in and now it just sits in there and then we're gonna go ahead and push our extra cord through you can even toss a zip tie on this if you wanted but I'm gonna leave this loose for times sake since we're making this video I'm gonna go ahead up here tuck it in this corner right here it'll hold there I'm gonna plug it in to my access port boom okay I want to adjust the amount of cord that I want I'm gonna leave a little bit of slack you never know when someone might yank on it something scary grab your plastic clip move this little molding out of the way make sure everything's pressed up in there it's in there deep enough sometimes you'll finagle with it boom plugged in all good to go wires hidden and now if you have these this seal overlapping it's cuz you're not pushing the bottom one down far enough they fit perfect in there accessport is mounted let's talk about what we want to monitor and why number one top left corner we got the boost gauge who doesn't need another boost gauge they're fun to watch but we need it because we want to make sure we're not over boosting and the second reason we want to make sure we're hitting the target boosts not going over it now when you get a tune from a tuner they're gonna say this is your target psi and then it's pretty much saying that's your max for that tune for maybe the fuel or the area or the elevation you're at all things considered to make it simple just make sure you don't go over that number because you do not want to over boost because when you over boost you might run lean and cause damage to your engine etc now Allen agile sport did inform me that these ECU's are have a torque targeting strategy so the boost can vary depending on when it hits that torque target or load target in warmer weather it requires a higher boost level and colder weather it requires a lower boost level to hit that torque or load target also he did inform me that this is a pretty in-depth tuning platform and there are a bunch of tables so if you guys are familiar with tuning I guess there's more tables than normal we won't dive into it in this video but just throwing it out there we'll get more in depth with it maybe later on in a different video the second thing we need is the AFR air to fuel ratio it has a maximum minimum but that tells you nothing when it max it maxes out at shift points and deceleration so when your D selling it's gonna be max lean and when you're at it is just people that you know if someone posts a screenshot online and you have you know old is this number look good you know it doesn't really matter because these maximum and minimums don't tell you anything it's all about at idle it's supposed to be making around around fourteen point seven and part throttle cruising also around fourteen point seven it's gonna fluctuate depending on how much throttle you give it and a wide open throttle where the car seems to be the happiest it should be around mid Elevens for gasoline and ethanol closer to twelve so pretty much when it comes down to all I need to know is that idle it needs to be fourteen point seven cruising down the freeway depending on you know if you have an incline if it's if it's just flat it's probably gonna be right around fourteen point seven as well and a wide open throttle it needs to be in the 11s and then on ethanol closer to twelve fourteen point seven eleven twelve that's all I gotta know and that's something you got to look at while you're a wide open throw to make sure that you're good so I just check it every now and then number three octane adjust ratio Oh AR is acronym on your access port it is basically telling you how much the car likes to fuel that's in it the o AR starts life at a value of zero and it is allowed to learn in two directions on the quality of fuel and knock sensor feedback are often well the OE R will adjust towards negative one when these are suboptimal the O AR will adjust towards positive one negative one better fuel positive one bad fuel dead set middle zero your chillin just let it learn see what happens number four charge air temps it's C eighty on the access support this is the air going through you out of your turbo through your front mount intercooler and back into your engine that temperature is very important now the more you rag on your car the more it's gonna go up but you can watch where it's at above the ambient temperatures so if you know it's a couple degrees above ambient temperature you're in good shape but you need to pay attention to after a poll on the freeway let's say in third gear you pull all the way through the RPMs and then when you let off now look where your charge temps are they're super high and it went up forty fifty degrees we got to figure something out to get that down and you really gotta take it easy in your car because I asked Allen so what is too hot he said 150 degrees is too hot for him to be driving the car hard make sure it cools down chill out figure it out so if your ambient temperatures are low outside and it's a cold night you have more of a higher ceiling to work with to what's getting hotter and hotter and hotter so ragging you on your car and 120 degree heat your ambient temperatures already 120 your charge times are gonna be you know 130 plus probably so then you're already gonna hit that 150 just jacking around on the road so you don't want to beat up in a car unless it's a nice temperature outside and your ambient temperature is something that you can work with number five coolant temp you just want to make sure your car is running good it's not running hot this is basically a dummy proof if your car's hot stop ragging on it the majority of bad things I happen to an engine happens when it's hot like that's only when major issues happen is when it's hot so just watch your coolant I make sure it hovers around what it normally does and you should be good number six is a little more in-depth I'm gonna redo my notes from Allen but then you make something clear all engines knock and they make these motors that are smaller or pushing oughta boost and make the most power at the knock threshold so it hits the point where too much knock is too much knock and it's not safe but there's a little bit and you got to ride that line so the ECU has the knock sensors to get you to push that limit of the timing so as you know you're driving the car it's going to be adding timing until it hits that knock threshold so you're monitoring the ignition correction that Alan told us to monitor in cylinders 1 & 3 because if it's adding timing adding timing and it held holds it at a certain point of positive timing all good but if all of a sudden you're driving it's adding it's adding and then it drops four degrees that means something happened where there was a huge knock picked up on the sensors and it basically had to pull timing in an event of detonation or knock to make it easy you do not want to see any drops during a pull of your ignition correction so when you're doing polls just monitor that here and there and make sure that when you're on the gas hard and second for a second third gear fourth whatever that you don't have the ignition correction dropping and if you do bring that attention to your tuner that is all six things that you should be monitoring on your access port on your modified Focus ST to have a peace of mind and knowing what you should be watching out for so you can contact your tuner so if you're running a map and you choose the running off-the-shelf map you know what to look for it's very good to be aware of these things on the car so that you do not damage your engine and you can make it last as long as possible huge shout out to Alan at edge Autosport for having a massive conversation being explaining a bunch of things that I can go into later much passed the information in this video so hit that subscribe button if you don't want to miss out on more information that you need to know about building cars building confidence in the garage we were all about that on this channel going from car model the car model right now we're doing the Focus ST nor having a great time with it I did just get a catless downpipe in the mail so that's gonna be super fun I'm excited to do that and then we were entering the territory of getting a custom tune and I will show you how that whole entire process works with edge Autosport don't forget about these shirts on karma speed comm I got the new originals blacks and they're like my uniform everyday they're heavy weight shirts they fit really good and I know you guys will dig I'm so go over to Karma speed comm order sure if you find this information valuable it's hands down the best way to support the channel and it means so much to me and I appreciate all you guys hitting that subscribe button lately and if you haven't already I mean you might miss out on some information now you wish you knew
Channel: Cameron Alford
Views: 84,209
Rating: 4.9451766 out of 5
Keywords: cameron, alford, phoenix, arizona, cars, cars247, focus st, how to, cobb tuning, ford performance, ford focus st, cobb accessport, 2016 focus st, cobb stage 1, do it yourself, torque & tech, focus rs, focus st exhaust, focus st straight pipe, focus st big turbo, focus st mods, focus st bov, focus st review, OAR, AFR, Boost, Ignition Correction, coolant temp, octane adjust ratio, air to fuel ratio, tuning, accessport settings, ford focus
Id: bsTh3DUW40o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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