E-Tuning on Ford Focus ST Simplified!

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I rarely say this but you want to watch this whole entire video it can get boring you might not care about it right now but three months a year tomorrow whatever you're gonna be glad you watched it if you have any sort of interest in turbocharged four-cylinder engines or anything tuning related it's gonna simplify things and make it simpler and you will definitely build to help yourself or your friends out we are going to tackle from A to Z the entire a tuning process I've never done this in my life I don't wanted to share it with you guys so if you want to know what's in store how it works you have a good telltale because normally you just hear it got any tune and it's done and I like it it's like okay well what's it like in between how long it the way blah blah blah blah blah you know is there you know how does data logging work who said it we're gonna go through every step of the way so I appreciate you stopping by my name is Cameron and I'm all about building confidence in the garage that is the mission for the channel and for karma speed that channel brand that you'll see in the garage in places like that it's all about learning everything we want to know before buying a specific sports car model that we're working on so once we have it working on in the garage and if you guys have it in the garage already DIY doing everything modification wise yourself because I believe that everything is about huh every learning everything new is all about having a good teacher and luckily my dad was like a super good teacher and I had a really good experience learning these things growing up whether it was sports are working on stuff I just want to pass that positivity on to you guys into the world through cars because that's what I'm passionate about because sometimes a difference between having a good experience and I was having a good teacher and I think that's like in sit it's gonna change your perspective on everything and that channel is all about simplifying that making it comfortable and giving you the confidence that you and your buddies can go have some fun in the garage so with that being said let's dive right into it so the first thing you're gonna do if you got a Fiesta ST Focus ST a Focus RS and EcoBoost Mustang a mazdaspeed3 or a WRX subaru you can go to edit sport comm type in a tune in the search bar and you'll pop up and you'll see the page I'm looking at right now you will see all the tunes are 225 bucks super reasonable super good price very easy to do so you add it to cart purchase it you get an email I've never opened this email yet this is all new to me I want to give it make sure it's the same experience as you guys have so at the top is from Alan Jackson who is the tuner I've had a two-hour conversation with on the phone I wanted to ask him bunch of questions learn a bunch of things he gave me a ton of time so I could pass knowledge on to you guys so if you saw the cobb accessport video on the channel about how that works and installing it and bla bla bla bla bla we have a ton of valuable information of what you should be monitoring and that's all from Alan Alan's a Cobb Pro certified tuner amazing guy very genuine either out in Denver Colorado I appreciate them so so much and I'm excited to work with him on teaching you guys all this and also he's gone to Texas to the whole Cobb for a certified tuner deal he's learned face-to-face with them so if you can trust him as much as anyone else online to get a good comfortable tune that it was running that would make your car run better faster and safer let's dive right in this email though we got a Focus ST II tuned for a stock turbo which is information you'll fill out when you do purchase it on the website so thank you for purchasing Andy tune through edge model support is important you read the following so that you're best prepared for the eternam process listed below are a few things we need from you vehicle you're making model vehicle mileage cobb accessport serial number sticker screenshot of the access port info and the AP manager and the AP manager is the software that you have on your computer that when you plug your access port on your computer you can import to the acts to support the tune that he sends you and then you're gonna be unplugging it from your computer on and off from here and there so if you don't have a computer you might have to find one a buddy that you can borrow it or something like that and you need to install access port manager up from the cob website and then he also says we need the type of fuel or fuels to be used so here I'm gonna do 91 and ether T I believe is what I have down the street so if you have 93 or you know whatever you have in your city you can let him know and then also he needs a Moslems list all the power related mods below so we can start to prepare a base map accordingly so you tell them what mods you have he dials in a base map he thinks would be appropriate and then you're gonna put that on the car and data log a tune which we'll get to in a little bit when we get there and it's also says please detail what the vehicle is to be used for track Street both et cetera as well as your goals with the vehicle power numbers he needs to know what you're looking for I'm Jin Tom yo I want a reliable car I can take out of town that's a little faster that's fun leave it at that let's let Alan just work his magic with that please be sure to check over the mechanical configuration of your car you need to make sure that the car is ready for tuning but firming that yourself that all electrical grounds are present connected all sensors are functioning as they should and there are no boost leaks or pre turbo intake leaks that could hamper or even halt a tuning process mechanical issues will show up in the tuning process and since we are not present to help diagnose will be unable to help you find a fix issues with your car we were only able to give you in a general idea of what might be wrong based off what we can see in your data logs so now the data logs are it's recording all the stats of all the sensors are reading the entire time that you record so when you send it to him he's basically just looking at what the what information that all the sensors in the car are recording and then he looks at that and makes it tuned based off that once this is form is returned we will send you a base map and instructions for data logging after the first map has been sent to you you will be unable to request a refund you have 30 days to complete the tuning process so this will take less than a month we should get you know data locks back within 24 to 48 hours as of right now it depends on how busy Allen is but he said most of time I can get it back to you the next day or the day after and then the bottom says thanks Allen I'm gonna go ahead and fill out the information 2016 Ford Focus ST I got 50,000 miles I'm gonna send up my AP serial number sticker screenshot of my info on export manager and the fuels I'm using and my mods list which currently is a is a catless downpipe mbrp cap pack and a cane and intake filter and that's pretty much it for now I'm gonna be getting a CPE from an intercooler soon which is gonna be a huge power gain but we can have a retune later for that so next we'll be getting back the email with the first base map from Allen what's up guys I'm Allen thatch out of sport and I'm going to be doing Cameron's eat hoon so I've got an email from him and check it out and see if you got all the information we need to start not very heavily modified this car yet but I'm sure it's going to get there so we first put together the basemap now I already have map files set up and ready to go so I just have to tailor it a little bit for his mods and then we'll be able to send it to him and get started let's check the welcome email he filled out all the information that I asked for ap serial numbers that caught the vehicle info and the mod list and I used that to put a base map together and just melt them the map file with a list of instructions and parameters that I want to see monitored in the data log so now he's gonna get this and he's gonna upload the map with AP manager and go over that with you I'm sure and then hopefully be sending me a data log here shortly we're gonna be starting on 91 octane and then he's also got access to e85 so we'll be doing any 30 blend as well back to you Cameron already got my base map back from Allen here's the email we got to take the next step thanks for filling out the requested info here's your base map please follow the instructions advice below and attach your data logs in response to this email there's a lot of information this email we're about to go over a lot of info but you guys gonna learn a lot and then it's gonna be awesome so just hang on tight it might get boring but you're gonna know a lot that you didn't know on how this works and maybe some things that just are technical to get started you will need to use the AP manager to upload an attached to your access port from there you can flash the map to your car as you would a regular OTS map once you have the map flash to your car please go in and make sure that only the following parameters are set up for data logging you can do this by going to the gauge screen clicking the up button and selecting setup and slash configure data logging you need to be recording actual AFR air flow mass boost pressure actual we need to make sure that only the following parameters are selected you also need to make sure that you are not watching any other parameters that are not on this list on the AP monitor screen as that takes up the usable data space listed below will be a few things that you should be watching while logging once you have these parameters and only these parameters selected you can take a data log data log third gear wide open throttle log wot wide open throttle for a wide open throttle log you will need to be cruising in third gear at about 2500 rpm hit the center button on the AP and wait till it says logging once it says logging you will need to put the gas pedal to the floor make sure it is all the way to the floor because it is not the log will be useless and you'll have to repeat it once you have floored it and are going wide open throttle you'll need to continue through 6000 rpm before you lift off after you've passed 6000 rpm and lift it off the gas you can stop the log things to watch I suggest watching the following parameters on your axle support screen actually afar you should be I'm gonna leave this on the screen get some screen shot there's so much information you guys can read this in detail we won't drag you through all this but it's a lot of the things I talked about in the accessport video which I'll have a little info card in the screen you can go check that out and then come back and then finish this video so we're watching AFR boost ignition correction cylinders 3 & 4 octane adjust ratio learns charge air attempts and he says thank again for purchasing at 18 please let us know if you have any questions or issues alright so now I'm going to get the base map which is a dot PTM file I'm gonna put out my export manager put it on my Nexus port that I have right here and let's go catch some speed [Music] in the car radio rock let's turn the ignition on let's let our accessport wake up and they go over to our tune we're gonna change map I'm gonna go to edge autoStore cameron a dual fuel eat hoon let's check the information base Matt continue attending my ECU off let this do its thing ready to start it should struggle for a sec but that's normal when you flash it before we get started we want to go into the settings they're gonna go the green arrow on the actual support we're gonna go to configure data logging and then you're gonna see all these things I don't look like a listing cent they keep scrolling keep scrolling keeps me like he's really keeps going and then you're gonna see actually if are and this is where you can get on the list or the email so you actually FR need boost fresh charge air fuel rail pressure FRP actual technician timing corrections are currently no unchecking things that i see are not necessary as i go down this place another thing to keep in mind is this car does have slots so if you watch the attack over here ever hit cancel while my careers control is off cruise control off hit cancel and yet plus you're gonna have your slot jump from one two or three when i'm pressing one is performance on ninety-one two is economy three is our ethanol someone makes you run one hit cancel again and it goes away i wouldn't go and rip your car obviously right away you want to make sure your oil temp is where it needs to be which i've been idling so long getting that set up like you guys will be so it should be plenty warm all right we're logging foot to the floor all the way to 6,000 [Music] stop blogging Dadda logs are done gonna go home go on AP manager accessport manager grab the files from the data logs and sending data log files to Allen via email he's going to open them and we're actually gonna send you guys over to the edge Autosport headquarters and see what Allen thinks about these data logs to make the next steps to get this thing tuned so it's over to you owl so I just going through responding to etudes this morning and I've got Cameron's first set of data logs here ready to go ready to look at and the first thing that I noticed about his data logs is there are some ignition Corrections on all cylinders which that tells me the fuel quality and his area is probably a little bit poor at least more so than I was expecting so the first thing I want to do is pull a little bit of timing out maybe add a little bit of fuel and clean up those Corrections and then so that's going to be the first revision that I sent him is gonna be making some changes to ignition timing boost is actually where I want it given his current intercooler setup which he's going on the stock intercooler looks like it's starting at about a hundred degrees so it's already probably pretty heat soaked and we are going up to 153 degrees at the top of the pole that's a pretty decent change though I've definitely seen worse on the stock intercooler but uh yeah so with this car I'm gonna pull some spark advance back and then I'm going to give it a little bit more fuel and we'll get that revision off the camera and get another data log back from him and go from there three data logs two to three dialogues is fine the only time it becomes a problem is like if you're just sending me all the data logs and your access port says here you figure it out then I've had to have that have that happen a few times and that's at that point I'm gonna tell you to take more data logs because I don't have time to sit and go through 10 20 logs to find the ones that are the right one so it's best to make sure that you only send the ones that you just did and if it helps you can actually clear them out and delete them off the accessport when you're done to save them on your computer but delete them off the accessport that way you always know like the ones that are in there now are the ones that you just took the 91 octane is done car runs great I'll be going in a detail later about that in the next video about how it runs does it run different bla bla bla but we are going on to the e30 portion of the tuning process out completely the same but I want to feel you I don't see me email banter back and forth between me now and so you know what it's like sends me based map I sent him data log he says that looks much better I pulled to spark advance timing a little bit back because your fuel quality is low like he mentioned earlier I sent him another data log he said ok 91 is pretty close to finish send me another one cool a set of another one and then he said the corrections the fuel Corrections look really good on this one it this looks good we'll use this as the final one send me another third gear pull set him another third gear pull and then he says alright we're ready to go car runs great I think the car runs great I could notice it and IV says alright we're ready for the e30 and you want to download an app called 85 mix I found an 85 calculator I'm gonna throw on the screen screen recording from the app store I'm super simple and I didn't know that that that this was the thing I was kind of worried about like oh do I go two gallons of e85 you don't have to worry about that you just use a calculator plug all the info in it's super straightforward and the nice to drive around 15 to 20 minutes and switch to map slot 3 and take a third gear wide open throttle Pole and do the same thing so as far as the tuning process being simplified we are ready to rock you guys understand I understand it's been a pleasure with edge Autosport I really appreciate them make sure you hit that there's YouTube channel in the description because they're posting a lot of rad content about you know tuning and there's a lot of focused content they have like a drag car like a Focus ST drag car so it is a focus they have a lot of great videos on the platform as well Subaru stuff you name it go check it out edge Autosport they're awesome guys their shout out to Alan I appreciate it Charles thank you so much for the help with the video work JP is always so if you guys want a reliable comfortable faster tune these are your guys hit them up e to knit super reasonable I think I'm more excited for you guys to get your cars tuned than you are I'm ready for you guys to go because my car runs better I really like it I don't have to worry about anything and he did have to make some adjustments for the fuel quality so it's SuperDuper important for the longevity of your motor I know a lot of Mazda speed people have had problems that you know when I used to have that car and the Focus ST like a shelf Matt blows up it's like don't even trip just go get a custom Pro tune from edge auto sport and I'd call it a day so very last thing I asked Alan I totally forgot about huge elevation changes and massive temperature changes for different seasons or if you're road-tripping and you're at the top of the mountains in Colorado or you're at the low sea level in California he said you should always be more careful in extreme conditions it's super if it's super hot or super cold you should probably be taking it easier on the car anyway same with large elevation changes there are tables in the map that are designed to compensate for temps and altitude but it's just best to be cautious when in extreme conditions that being said it should still run fine under those various extremes but if you notice anything weird it's always best to make sure your tuner is aware of it oh so much get information I wish I had this video and I had a mazdaspeed3 when I started this channel when I had where are zero as far as knowledge goes and my brain and I hope you guys find this valuable I really appreciate it we're on the road to a hundred thousand by the end of the year let's hit that subscribe button let's get there baby let's go I appreciate it please
Channel: Cameron Alford
Views: 39,461
Rating: 4.9398999 out of 5
Keywords: cameron, alford, phoenix, arizona, cars, cars247, how to, ecoboost, ford focus, focus RS, Fiesta st, mazdaspeed3, mustang, e-tuning, e tuner, subaru wrx, fa20, edge autosport, how to tune a car yourself, how to tune cars
Id: lTCrdv2bM_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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