Coastal foraging, Picking & Cooking Mussels, foraging winkles, pepper dulse and sea beet

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come to a different spot today mission really to collect some muscles in my little time i'm allowed out really good spot here really quite clean muscles not a lot of barnacles on them as you can see they're just perfect size absolutely lovely only take five minutes to fit your dinner which is kind of cool but also there's some other interesting stuff around here and have a look under this rock in a sec in fact let's just pick that up now if we can i don't know if i've got the strength let's see oh load of brown crabs big shrimp nice sized brown crab there not a keeper but still pretty good big shrimp piece you can see him down here good size not as big as the other day but nevertheless still good enough to eat what i did find the other day was that it was a lot of eggs and it's probably not the right time of year i didn't notice the eggs unfortunately but you know still nice size that there's that crab again oh big corn there three edibles there's that rock thing and that big crab another crab so that's four eddies what's underneath here just a load of bee lit anemones and lemons i can't say it strawberry lemonade a couple of little porcelain crabs those two worms sliced my hand up on that the other day really quite badly actually put that back where it was all good another brown crab there just peeled actually a little bit soft good size brawns down here really good common plenties down there rocking super super slippery but good sized prawns there's that rockling i can get quite big the rocklings but i might collect some more prawns i don't know this one's full of eggs too i might leave it till next month or don't be killing off next year's generation but yeah loads of prawns that size down here easy to find get that brownie out i had so many um brown crabs down here but rarely sorry get up really are they big enough to eat that one i got the other davis board line should be 15 centimeters across the carapace it was just in and you rarely find it much bigger than that still great to see abundance of life out here beautiful beautiful place to be stoked to be out for me little walk here looks like there's some interesting stuff nice cracks in the rocks here in fact look there you go there's a nice brown crab in there i don't know if you can see that strawberry anemone and here what i thought was pepperdulse but i think this is irish moss weed something like that i can't be sure whereas this this is definitely here this is peppa dolls absolutely crazy taste to it i'm going to pick some of that put it in with me mussels later and this has got a as it says just it's like mustard crazy crazy taste you can dry that out sprinkle it on salad seafood whatever oh that's lovely we'll keep some of that we have quite a bit around here looks very similar these two but you can just tell the pepper dials it's a bit fatter broader leaf it would appear there's quite a bit around here so i'll just pick some of that i can hear something in there oh yeah another velvet i mean it's one thing i'm assured of is that i'm always going to get velvet swimming crabs around here i'm rarely going to find a big enough brown crap he's not even a keeper this one but there you go another velvet but they're beautiful but look at that it's a perfect hole nothing else in there you go back boy ah look man this is cool that's a proper hand line for a from a fishing boat i suppose nicely worn i'll keep that it's ideal for uh on the kayak putting the mackerel feathers out and stuff oh i'm stuck with that that's cool i can't believe how many cracking holes i found today and nothing's in them oh look that's a dahlia anemone oh look down the back there he was just saying wouldn't he that's a looks like a female brown crab small claws let's have a look yeah she is she's got a big v underneath that's where she keeps her eggs and you can generally tell the males have uh much larger claws than the females i mean that is probably not 15 centimeters across 13 or so still nice sized crab we'll put it back for another day but there you go just shows to prove easier to get in there with your hands sometimes less damage to the animals and you can feel that out and there it's just on top of that daily or an enemy go on girl becky go sweet oh that's something oh it's just lovely to be out searching around you think i might find something in here i can actually see in that corner there nice-sized velvet really nice-sized velvet oh he's a big boy he is commit violent angry militant keep finding these really really good holes but nothing in them one thing you can see there i just noticed is that i know the gopro is not really good at getting close but that there is a carry shell you know we find them on the beach here you know they're like a little trophy it's a traditional thing that families do down here sit on the beach and see how many little carry shells you can find they grow a little bit bigger than that it's rare that i see them alive so that's cool i've only ever found one real nice little colony living last summer but always lovely to see i'm gonna have to bring that back a bit i guess lovely ridge you can see how my fingers are sliced up from the other day but yeah lovely is it a living carry shell they normally have a little red proboscis at the end i think i can see one there beautiful little shell you know all around the world these grow different species of them but this is ours our little cutie once uses currency i believe carry shells anyway there we go i'll stick him back in there i can smell pepper dolls you can smell it here i guess that's some there and a bit more from your muscles you can actually smell it drying out in the heat of the day just sat here it's got a really unique smell it's really hard to explain but there we go you know in the muscle grounds here it's just nuts in it i'm just going to keep some muscles quickly put my glove on actually these are really easy to pull off beers are really cool as i say no barnacles cleaners anything i mean these are almost too big that's the size of a green lip muscle in new zealand what do i count out you know about 30 per person a few a few were always not going to open so you got like think about that so i reckon 25 is enough you're gonna take me for five minutes to keep my lunch really try not to pick everything out of there at the same spot we've got different starts to take one about eight now um i'm not picking the huge ones because i mean people talk about different months of the year to pick muscles i'm not sure about that i mean i pick them every month of the year i've never got sick here spots in the mouth of the estuary it gets flushed in and out by the tide lots of moving water lots of clean i'll take a couple from right in front of you here why not there you go look at them lovely clean muscles i won't even have to clean the barnacles off maybe take the beards out but i might show you that later more pepper dolls here look great free lunch and look how much there is enough for life i'm probably giving away my secrets here what i got there 15 or so i'll just go a little bit further over here [Applause] [Applause] so i reckon that's about it job done like that long do you like party dog walk whatever i've been out here for 45 minutes now looking around so i'm probably going to head home now to about my time but it's oh so tempted to stay longer but we ain't going to do that amazing absolutely amazing i love it stay safe peeps another thing around here there's a load of them and these are good sized buggers is this which is the hard top shell pretty sure the hard top shell some call it a painted top shell but i believe that's a different it's a winkle i suppose and apparently very tasty so i'm going to pick a couple of these there's loads around here try them out later i've never tried them before these are good sized ones it's a load more here mixed in with the muscles just put the bigger ones out i'm only gonna get a few there's a nice big one there there we go oh yeah okay and carry on she doesn't like stopping whole bath dog kiki so we'll put them in the pot later maybe cut them up by the mussels there's loads around here so i'm just walking uh up from the beach and this time of year especially we're in uh late april we see a lot of this growing this is sea spinach or sea beet as it's more commonly known as you can see the thrift is coming out this is the best time of year to be on the cliffs in cornwall most colorful time and these young juicy leaves here are really quite tasty so we might take some home and uh steam them up the one thing is that you kind of grow abundantly on the side of paths and so you've got to kind of try and avoid them anywhere where a dog might have had a wii but i reckon if i pick from this side of the fence that um we'll be all right although there is a big cliff here i can probably just lean over and chop a few off either way i'll wash them thoroughly when i get home is just to try out for the time being so we're going to try the pepper dust with the mussels when i cook them up later maybe we'll try a bit of this with tea later on tonight or tomorrow but as always if you've got a pair of scissors it's better than just ripping stuff up obviously just a bit more eco i suppose hopefully we haven't had a dog have a real long weed through this hedge there we go there we go i don't know if you can even see me there but there you go i'll just take those and cook them up later see what they taste like d beard these muscles you see how clean they are and there's not one barnacle on these this is so easy if i could probably do this with my hand just tear the beard out and that's pretty clean there we go not bad at all [Music] just discard that in there this one doesn't even have a beard on it a bit like me then least her suit man on the planet so yeah generally i mean these are so easy to do because just of how big they are and how established they are these beards are just easy to pull out once you've pulled the beard out these things will start dying you've got to cook them straight away if the beard's taken out a couple of barnacles on that i'll just scrape those off the french would keep those on no problem they love a bit of it there straight out you see that in fact the gopro is so bad at getting close you can't really see that but there the beard's out and that little bit of sinew that attaches it is right there okay so we'll just do that quickly won't take long or if if they're a little bit stubborn just get a short paring knife is that a paring knife it's a paring knife try and pull it out with that a little bit of pressure on doesn't matter they're still in there that's fine [Music] there we go simple as that so we'll get through those in no time at all and uh bish bosh so there we've got the uh found in the hitch very nice and the sea spinach sea beet and there are the hard top shell winkles they're going to go in the mussels and in the bag of doom [Music] a lovely truffle of the sea the pepper dolls there we go we're gonna mix up a concoction here so i've just chopped uh half an onion for myself clove of garlic and chopped up some of that nice parsley i found in the hedgerow there that's all i'm gonna need okay so here we go first things first let's whack the heat on get this puppy going just going to put a nice knob of butter in here and let that slowly melt in yes papa well this burner doesn't seem to be working very well seems to be a problem with that but just get that butter melting down and we're gonna put the shallots and onion into the pan just to soften up it doesn't sound like that it's working very well so what i'm going to do move the camera across this one works better [Music] that center burner wasn't working well so i've moved this across to this side where i know this works a bit better i'm just going to soften those onions off on a lower heat [Music] okay well i've kind of browned them instead of soften them what we're going to do now is put some uh white wine in there just got to get that open great now we're going to put a little bit of wine in and really turn the heat up let's hope that hasn't hope that hasn't uh steamed up the camera too much there we go whack the heat right up now we're gonna get that until it's bubbling away real nice i'm gonna put some black pepper in here won't need any salt just burning alcohol right so that is going for it now in with the mussels a good stir around the heat up no need for any more liquid there's enough sea water steel in those lovely little parcels lid on and wait for it well they've been going for a couple of minutes now i'm going to stick those hard top shells in because i think they're going to need just as much time get it steaming i'm going to leave that for like five minutes let the heat get up the muscles would have taken all the heat away from the pan when they went in so we'll leave that for five minutes get them really steaming away they're going to release all their juices and the sea water they've got stored in there we'll wait five minutes and we'll give it a good shake and then a couple minutes more and then i'm going to stick that nice sea spinach in there to steam away for the last part oh can't wait so let's have a look about five minutes up you can see these are starting to open i love it oh that smells so delicious i'm sticking the sea bead in now give it a couple of minutes more give them a good shake get all that mixed in keep the lid on keep the heat in that's the most important thing but i would say that we are pretty much there don't want that cb overcooked personally i like it with a little bit of something in it i'm going to take that off the heat you can see that most of the mussels in fact pretty much all of them are open now hopefully you can see that it's not too steamy taking that off the heat what i'm gonna do now is that a wee bit of cream not a lot chopped parsley and i decided to chop up some of the pepper dolls and sprinkle it in there for the bit of genoce this smells absolutely delicious i'm ready to go in the pot stir it all up try and get as much as the onion and garlic into the mussels and that parsley get them inside and there we are ready to go oh this looks great look at the size of those things okay off there and into here i'll just get this out there's loads left in the bottom of the pan there oh i can't wait for this forage dinner forest those chips forest sized buns from liddles and co-op but there we have it oh steaming beautiful cornish mussels let's have a look um with a nice glass 100 forest dinner unfortunately me tips are a bit overdone but not too much okay wrinkles are in there hopefully i've cut them long enough i hope so but look at this enormous i don't need that thing succulent beautiful cornish mussels and they are absolutely delicious perfect little delicious miniature vaginas my favorite yum bon appetit it would appear most of them are open if there are any that are not open don't bother even trying to open them this one for example i mean it is open and it looks pretty damn cooked to me if they're if they're shut tight don't even bother that's why i pick five extra 13 total 25 is going to be enough especially when they're this large but if there are any they're bound to be one or two that aren't don't even bother with them there's plenty here look at the size of these they are just enormous plump lovely april mussels mmm that was so delicious in fact i'm gonna find one of those wrinkles now the hard top shells see if i can't get in here this is a first for me so please excuse me if i get this wrong but oh well let's find another don't seem to get them out aha here we go i think the idea is to kind of like twist them out like that as you can see that hard thing i was talking about earlier the upper column which apparently used to be an instant beauty spot for victorian ladies stick it on let's try this i think i could have cut them for less time nevertheless tasted the sea all the same very delicious well yes as you can see they have been polished off there were a couple in here let me find them it hadn't opened there we go this for example if you can see it looks a little blemished in color well actually it doesn't look bad at all i'm going to eat it look this big old bugger hard to open still looks a good nick though i say there's nothing wrong with that just hadn't opened enough but still not closed shut no signs of it being dead i mean i'll risk it for a biscuit i've never got ill eating muscles and of course they do say do not pick muscles in a month in a month where there is an r or no r that's it no r in the name of the month which excludes therefore may june july august the summer months because of that the reason for it being is that in the summer months you'll get algal blooms the water heats up also most biovalve mollusks uh spawning at that time um but also they'll be getting fatter and plumper look it's april right now we've just had one of the driest hottest april's on record ever am i taking a risk i don't know the water's not being clear but i've eaten these three times in the last two weeks and they've been nothing but fantastic i've as i say i've never been ill never been ill eating mussels off the rocks where i pick them they're in the estuary they get flushed through twice a day they're not sandy they're not barnacly i'm amazed they're still there after all this time and winter storms oh look there's a runaway in there and this sea kale i might add is just delicious absolutely delicious and a little tinge also of that truffle of the sea the pepper dolls the soup is it's just you know you it's better than any restaurant this like any food you forage yourself it tastes so much sweeter when you take it home and cook it up i don't ever buy seafood from restaurants really i have a little rule if i can't catch it myself i'll buy it in a restaurant and luckily that list diminishes every year flat fish is on the target species this summer because i don't catch enough of those but what's the point it's on your doorstep it's that easy to get it and i'm going to show you how there it is thank you very much for watching i hope you've enjoyed if you have please like subscribe there's going to be more coming look at this free beautiful dinner just from the coastline glass of white wine and our keith floyd that's what he would have wanted and it's beautiful coastal soupy goodness it's absolutely delicious anyway you don't need to watch me eating anymore go out there do it yourself it's super easy it doesn't take
Channel: Forage-Fish-Food
Views: 350,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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