CO-OP Darkest Dungeon [Part 18] - Darkest Dungeons & Dragons

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whatever I guess it looks fine so whatever we'll just roll with it [ __ ] it I'm mad hi guys its what I'm gonna call up darkest dungeon please be kind to John today he's having a [ __ ] time yeah I could get some can we get some bits or resub Zoar something in here yeah like John happy hope I can see them OBS is only showing it sin oh and Jake right now oh well you need to see yeah yeah the best assuming the worst part of this dream you know what I mean for contrast yeah who's the worst you obviously you [ __ ] idiot a little bit I was gonna chat decide make it like a battle royale team sent over the team Jake thanks thanks Jake for continuing to show up to these streams have I ever been mean to Jake though yeah nice craving you've always been quite nice except for the times that you sexually harassed me but other than that has been fantastic great anymore it's gone over you it's like new but this new like smoky voice jake has me going sounds like you're gonna like ask me if I do you want a Tootsie Pop or something like that like I'm into it man I'm used to my other save file where I've everything and I look at this it's like oh yeah I was watching you stream this and I was like [ __ ] John does a lot more [ __ ] than we do yeah well it's like you know a hundred weeks later do we want toss Becky into the to pray oh [ __ ] she's gonna go pray pray to Starbucks yeah no I can I can I can stress Euler Starbucks can you play science true and I wanna play her I miss her Starbucks I love you please make the pumpkin spice latte a drink you can get all year round I'm my dear Taylor Swift - please smite my enemies let's go against the alluring siren in the cove or week ago oh my god we could go into famine a profit and the ruins what is that relic trinket that's a revenant only trinket it's part we have a collection we have a Leonardo DiCaprio anyway oh I don't think so hey you want another yeah Wow price price price price you guys hear that - yeah it plays like eight times Oh weirds here with a Reese up for 18 months Wow that's my first second touch baby I guess I weird I hope you're feeling okay weapon of the first one did she lose it I don't know like misplace is somewhere in a store yeah she just sat down somewhere I realize when I first met lose it it could be wow that's dark we're kind of dark here on darkest dungeon but not that eight all right um so we want to do boss boss boss with us die maybe sure let's do it boss we do get more experience from the cove oh let's do the siren do we okay the only one that's all weird looking upstream your exposures too high in your color saturation is not high enough let me try to fake my color saturation is almost at the top I'm trying to fix it then your exposures do high wait don't do it don't do anything don't change it stop it there I keep having people coming to my stream who haven't watch me for months and they're like sinner you look better did you change it's like no I bought a better webcam okay oh I got uh the Kiowas gonna be here on Monday wait wait on the industry standard isn't the c920 anymore awesome logitech just released a webcam that does 4k in like 1080p at 60 frames a second the Brio yeah the Bri oh [ __ ] but it's like toner bucks yeah of course oh yeah I'm gonna try the key Oh cuz that's that ring laconic so I can get rid of all these lights that would be fantastic Zhora borealis thanks for the tip I hope I didn't miss any other ones someone didn't play for some reason wow your computer is just handling this so well it's I don't think it's really built to be screen sharing with three other people while simultaneously streaming and having like eight different apps open but alright then it's been built wrong yeah it's they should all be able so specifically handle this this is coming for the person that can't stream left 4 dead 2 at 1080p there's too much for my little computer so not a number thanks for the bits appreciate it number 2 mess yeah so Simeon Craven and it's playing Becky and I'm playing John stores what's this correct okay sure whose beef you play again beefy boy that's oh yeah that's the thrall I could play him instead of the Jester damn he's ripped as [ __ ] I'll tell him I haven't said beefy boy also uh looks like he's we're like uh like cricket pads almost on his arms in that rate so no well Ikey learning [ __ ] like off the shoulder look he got going on I really I really wish we had that character that had all the phantasm oh [ __ ] I want to try them out oh yeah somebody swap for you could go with um grave robber or or I don't know I guess it depends on what Jake's playing [ __ ] I don't know plug-in I don't know I'll be a healer I guess I mean Becky can heal quite well I think no no you're all right fine huh we're doing a boss fight right we are okay oh well then actually double stacking on healers might be good if I take bonus do you know if this boss that's true do you know if his boss is impervious to stun I have no idea cool off the top of my head this is the siren which we've played again before but this is a level 3 version [ __ ] I mean I'm looking at like my groups like most of my guys are actually level fours [ __ ] so you get you can bring them in yeah yeah any higher than that I'd be like someone else before it's fine oh all right you're supposed to bring 3 & 4 into I guess I'll bring my Juicy J manners that makes my heart feel weird when you placed animals like a knife that's not kanpai it's bonus to let's what if it's true search by character class or restriction camera do we have any artists that do have any occultist uh trinkets I want to say that helps 4d buffs I guess I could take Wow me wow that one oh wait Wham okay excellently I could check the thing that allows me to have more move resist or I could sacrifice my ability to do damage anymore protected because sometimes things like to blow you up at the back and it gets a bit dicey quickly somebody says that beefy boy has some negative thing on him yeah it's just soft it doesn't also somebody doesn't have an uncanny resemblance to John [ __ ] you I could do that either anything wrong with that I'd be proud to be one so I've got a [ __ ] ginger not know there's anything nothing wrong with that was that no did they look like se don't ever [ __ ] call me one again do you ever said that G word again we don't use the G word on this stream this is still the best one but I'm gonna change out for a little bit - oh you're gonna go Paul ropes today Wow how are they meet John on YouTube I found him cool anger I sniffed him out are you implying that I'm on Grindr Jake no I didn't say that I'm gonna take brawler's Club I refreshed my head my GPS location on Grindr there John was like I said hey yeah I was on hahaha I can't do Grindr somebody says hello to me and I'm like burn the sick Phil throw in the bin how many I don't know what's the contact me uh-huh I think I will go with turf ring now that's gonna lower my damage nevermind yeah how did it go with turf Frank now yeah box nailed me stress oh you don't worry about a baby and jakers you got a mmm you gotta add some trinkets okay the man in arms one cuz why not can't do that one right I mean you can but it won't catch Chris cuz they were boring as [ __ ] yeah I think everybody in chat can agree that yeah I usually do the eye patch and the protecting her that tough ring whatever it's worth tough um are there gonna be well know that that's a lot less dodge never mind there's not gonna be much humans it's mostly gonna be eldritch in the cove he's [ __ ] around with the mouse not me that's all time I'm a good image I wanna tweet at the stream okay oh yeah I do too but I did for my soul text you want I guess or or should I shower frame from that because of the damage can't really known curtain I said camp I sorry the man-at-arms isn't really known for damage it's mostly just the repost thing yeah okay he's mister tank and this doesn't really affect the repost I mean it does I mean it's gonna lower the damage with the repost but the thing about it is like you're being targeted but also striking back rather than just being targeted yeah alright and then oh Carvin already has his I'm already good I'm good okay why were those on her well that one increases healing skills this one is for blight which you have some blight skills yeah when I transform them get weird you have you have one really and they have one that does damage against plight yeah yeah alright let's go alright guys let's do it hey guys we're playing darkest dungeon suicide forest oh hey guys it's John yeah huh yeah three two one okay have input that's why I did the countdown to indicate that input oh here uh was on time limit well that's going it is it a bad job it in indicating that John with the countdown you know it wasn't good what did you think it was counting down to you should know you should have been more clear set up what what is this place the cove shut up tell me you shut up not you're just saying in general oh yeah okay same general malign we're all sick got it from John over there yeah John's the only one that's not sick right now I've been sick in a while I'd like to keep it that way yeah that's not gonna [ __ ] happen yeah what's the bail oh that's the that's the resolve XP and damage in the code Oh from the pool for the town event so the boss is either to the east or the south I think it's the East probably so do we want a head straight there sure yeah sure let's do it let's go [Music] he wants to hear how's it obviously say that every five minutes stream where we'll say it some more let's go let's go save house here we go we're safe room Cantina say Freddy what's it [ __ ] announcing thing let's go she's just Christ look at this Raleigh's so big he's actually like covering up camp ice lately oh no he's a big boy he's a beauty boy wait till I can repost you dicks [Laughter] [Music] I think it's punchy hand yeah punch him you that'll hurt him alive I get repost oh cool oh I can't pies been to replace no then we could both do it yeah that's true that's true so that's that that's half the team just fighting back that's actually really good yeah oh I can't you get just yeah at least stressed healed I could have stressed healed somebody else no that's fine no I was good you did it for me well repost Bill Blass go there we go I'm sorry miss with this the other curse I'm not sure which one would be better I like going with the Dodge one myself it's nice because it strike partly this guy I want the next one this dude's great [ __ ] you it's not muted I'm not messing with it I'm sorry we spent like 15 minutes trying to get it to work we just turn the game up for a little bit it's fine I'm fine with that I can handle this tough break of yours we're always yelling anyways so doesn't matter yeah oh um oh [ __ ] can I use stress heal myself I think we should stay a how about some screen background music let's just get a male on what what is what is scream background music scream oh they mean what scream oh that stuff you listen to me world please define scream Arriba so what it's one idiot scream into a microphone Wow that doesn't sound at all like what I listen to I think it is though dummy cure you or cure me sure can I do so I see all myself you guys ready I'll heal myself pretty sure scream oh stuff like Hawthorne Heights well that's the first time I've ever heard the the healing yeah same because we can't hear lesson oh yeah I think we should turn off the game music and just make our own sounds okay here I'll make the background sounds like that for three and a half hours yeah yep I can do it I can do it we're [ __ ] pages chain on his back - he's like Bane from Batman nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask sorry I just wanted to fix that mmm he's wound up come back I just couldn't but notice that it wasn't being fixed just can't help but notice here actually it's sufferable hey these are files - that's a postulant overall and debuffed oh oh oh those two front guys blow up right yeah they do most become boomers look at my skull whoa man G goes through the nights Niels remix of it like the sound like a doom soundtrack throttling grab oh wait does John does your character do you like extra damage against marked um I don't think so goddamnit maybe he does yeah I know he does extra damage against bleed look at this Rawls Bailey no r1 yeah our throats better than their for all to be honest yeah wait this guy's called a Thrall yeah it's like thralls granddad it's carefully dug him up he's got yeah waiter Thanks MP I'm not sure that would actually cure my stress in fact it would probably contribute to it a little bit hmm well I heard is like see me at you [Music] like we're in the middle of a fight stop it yeah yeah okay wow he's almost dead are you yelling at them yeah like are you yelling it so you yelling at that guy killed him yeah he died via yelling boom miss Becker musics I actually kind of liked it I like that version John's version better damage that's a pull and it doesn't do damage okay then here I wish it did damage but that's what makes the Lamia kind of balanced though so she can't do any damage until she transforms yeah yeah that makes sense Jake oh [ __ ] wake yeah huh let's talk in that's not kanpai that's you dog how is your page oh hey another page so how many pages are we at is there a way to tell seventy-three we're gonna look and the thing we do have extra pages right now because we have extra classes and some of them some of the craters added lore Oh delightful no so that's why there's extra pages I didn't I didn't know that I thought there's finally just like please get this out of the way no all right we'll get them someday call of the deep Wow look how cool he is Jake sounds pretty sick hey I'm sure he appreciates that [Laughter] keep it up wriggles I was like I was thinking like Jake sounds pretty when he is sick that's what I heard my mind I see take damage from my yelling is not like being in the front huh no nope mm-hmm and if I transform it's fine but then I'd stress you all out you guys have a preference for which one I hit one of them okay cool thing off front probably the jellyfish and then the old man in the back is number one I think [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] some hot so I could have pulled I got a pulled 50 me McDonald's I forgot about I could have forgot about that's bad hot soup wow that bleed 3 damage per round pounds that's 15 damage oh oh wait does my heel doesn't cure bleed does it oh it does okay I just there you fine as long as you as long as you have repost on then you're good you can bodyguard me if you want to I could I could do that you don't have to I'm Becky I can I can handle it possible for me to do that thing what I fine I'll do it I'll do it thanks brah I have health that's that is true correct I notice how like Jake is the tank he has no stress he's at full HP for the first time and he was like [ __ ] yeah no I was saying [ __ ] because the guys my [ __ ] to damage that's why never mind my explanation that that's why I can even heal from up here huh yeah huh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's dead great now I get 75 percent protection gonna give me a nice bar like a turkey ah [ __ ] my reposes god damn it good jorb your poles a lot better than my fold my pool kind of sucks my pole is pretty good my poles the best Wow what's your pool show it to us yeah we whip your pullout thanks big guy damn you didn't pull brah I mean I can I can pull for you if you want me to know thank you sing a gay thing at you tossing a gay so we're at an impasse this is their way to see which pages are durable versus just dumb lure may they're out there all lor there's 61 of them and boobies do we stop getting these once we get them all yes we do okay okay we just got we got some extra ones because we have the new new classes Jake money-hungry as always once the Emerald well isn't that what Onix anyway is Lasky I didn't realize that these were new pages added from the yeah so I think we can actually digital appraisers now I don't give a [ __ ] about the lore yeah yeah yeah I guys don't give it I don't give a [ __ ] about it like do you want to be monticello or hey John that does suck all right there we go I'm gonna do this yeah remove yep there we go there we go okay yeah that's kind of dumb or I mean I it's nice they like to get like their own Lauren Shay like I don't give a [ __ ] I don't know that yeah that's you can go back to though yeah that's true oh okay all right now okay listen cor a [ __ ] and also makes a famous place at school cool bye bye Felicia Christ Jake like you just look over the street when I've just slumped over my chair lifeless whoa that was my dying burp this thrall guy is amazing I want him so bad to play as him he's pretty fun he punches him in the face whoa Jack I missed should make fun of them hey you [ __ ] jab stream and John's this thing is awesome see no stream huh say no stream Wow all right if you if you come hither it does extra damage against blinded but you will move forward three so it just depends do I have come hither yeah it's that claw one we're sorry slipper I don't I said come hither yeah god damn pretty good this is a lot of damage he's saying what can you help me okay thank you to healers so yeah thank you for not slitting my throat I appreciate it Oh what's your stone resist I'll hit you hey you move me to the back that's fine no it's not yeah this we'll see about that wow I look I love repost on anybody that's great I love it I can't use trample I want some people coming from my stream yeah that's what I want to see there you go oh man great I could heal myself yeah I think we're gonna you're welcome [Music] thank god she's actually beautiful huh she was so ugly women need to be physically attractive in order to be have worth [Laughter] some people believe that yeah these characters apparently these jokers they're being female characters and Rainbow six siege is Osterley disgusting yeah really [ __ ] game also women exist overhead [ __ ] nerds nerds that's [ __ ] they're all there they're figments of all has a suction that's great I love it act cool feel pretty confident that that scouts women do not exist you know Oh hmm should we remove the last letter page yes yeah about this 500 gold I wanna use a torch leave a torch I mean we might as well cuz what about us to the yeah the onyx can go first yeah well I'm just saying I don't think we're gonna need torches so I think it would be better to get rid of those alright well you use one just max it out we need we need to adjust the top lifted I mean with just the white purpose is the part muscle here oh that's me no okay yeah oh we got a hunger check everything's following apart Oh direction or snacks I'm here Oh hot she was an American couple day have hot cheetos and UK they're like not really sold over here you have to order them especially they sell like hot cheetos but like the kind of big puffy ones then girl dude yeah III got on a big jalapeno cheetos kick after the party a couple months back cuz I was when I was first introduced to them and now I very much join them are they're gonna say like now I can't stand them no you hate yourself like disgusted of them I like them more than hot cheetos which i don't know they're similar in taste but this is a really interesting conversation sure about hot cheetos talking about food is like how you get places in twitch believe me it really is chic come on come on Jake food you're not getting well Jake today you can go [ __ ] yourself everything you say Jake us it's like slight moan effort it makes it sound like you're being really loose all the time and you can go [ __ ] yourself yourself I really like hot cheetos with jalapenos in them helping your flavored Cheetos is difference really nicely yeah great kill me you did all right the jurors and Sharples it's already being used Oh interesting yeah I got missed liftin do you keep before being in America the snacks are so different they really are there's no takis over here either oh no so I kinda have Hot Cheetos and takis good oh you punched the [ __ ] out of that crab yeah well [ __ ] hey you [ __ ] these things at the back are we gonna piss me off yeah ooh kill this one damn I'm a pain I'm paying pain yeah somebody healed me she doesn't have a repost ability Craven not this one no sadly interesting this is what I'm like if she did three that do yeah I can see her like smacking back with her mirror though interesting yeah backhand with the mirror hey I'm not in as much pain how come they don't attack me they ain't attacked me I'm BP boy because I wouldn't fight that guy I'd fight the one-eyed guy I mean to be honest I would probably attack me occultist every single turn yeah but frickin nerd mind you're brilliant the [ __ ] I got crap yeah just oh no in the face get him yeah gave him four damage that's right [ __ ] you buddy you did it I know what did you say not often Thanks this is a useful character but her heels don't really do that much it's just kind of in the middle for healing I use the last skeleton key Wow um a lot of things should we eat the food we could eat for food how much how much more of the dungeon do we have to go through a lot I mean we only have to go through one more room and that's the boss okay are we for sure that's the boss pretty sure I mean if it's not I'll be surprised it's the furthest one away I'm just thinking about hunger Hunger checks but I mean if we're pretty confident then yes we can eat for food and solve enough for a feast wants to eat it I'm thinking craving should eat it I feel like milk you I feel like Milton Wadhams from office space everybody just like to like takes what I say out of context loosely know what is it all right now we want to camp right yeah sure and feast of course yes more food food and now we got to figure out what we want to use don't all mine suck huh don't know my can suck really bad all right great they're not bad did we just dump it use for them didn't quite are pretty bad soothing presence is really good if we were stressed out but we're not oh yeah sure [ __ ] up so now wow wow Jake regret let's see so Jake ah you've got a lot of buffs that we can use use them the thrall Wow what was so mortified my stress that's it's more -45 stress to me and you all get 10 stress and then this one I get 45 stress and you will get minus 25 stress interesting Wow I know right um I can give myself 25% damage for four battles but one of you guys has to take 25 stress and suffer 25% HP damage hmm all right give the HP damage to two tasty jakers yeah punching bag yeah we have 2 healers here so wings like no yeah no that's great yeah let us hurt you gonna kill you well we join you finally got the dream you just [ __ ] punch Jake cranes big face it feels good right this one I feels good Jake do you wanna use one of these you got maintain equipment which is pretty good that gave you damage and protection all right yeah all right cool yeah that's really good too if we have enough points for it all right yeah I love take tax and coal you ever have any of you guys ever seen a Van Wilder no yes okay Craven do you remember like it with the frat boys there was that one dude who like had all his bones broken and he was in that like body cast yeah I feel like the guy in the body cast right now you're just like splayed out like completely like stiff like this people are just like just burning their [ __ ] cigarettes coming anyway and throw a trash at me yeah like stacking [ __ ] on you yeah I feel like right now I'm so sorry who wants to encourage Jake slash get him wound care I will okay do you want to encourage we want to encourage him or wound care yeah let's do one care okay see look that's like almost like no HP gone from him and now John's all beefy as [ __ ] yeah look at that cool we didn't even get thanked yeah clear you were kind of stressed though yeah that's okay okay yeah you can get the [ __ ] over it that's what that game should have been called wow it's like revealing the entire dungeon oh my god all right Wow okay okay let's go oops Wow okay big dead whale Wow so I didn't realize this until after we were already in it but we should have brought some holy water oh well for what because she's gonna charm one of us Oh but as long as we focus her down I think we'll be okay well apparently sit ups changing his clothes in the middle of the fight hold on y'all look stylish - no yeah no [ __ ] [Music] okay well we'll get it we'll get him back soon - - its ally not not good I don't like this yeah well we didn't get a chance to use the holy water to be fair soon feliu I brought it that would have happened I'm thinking maybe using on this one right here which I do that so something to think about with reposts here is if you use it and then the charmed hero attacks you we end up hurting ourselves it's just yeah but you're hurting me anyway and you like just hurt me in the well don't double hurt in the camp and now I'm supposed to care about your health you're right let's just kill the thrall yes is killing me fine yeah he's the newest guy anyway so it's fine I'm saying like I'm supposed to have empathy for your character but it's not it's not supposed to go both ways you guys ever noticed that Jake takes things way too seriously sometimes I'm just saying I think that's interesting is all yeah thanks everybody you didn't attacked you on their thing is interesting why are you I'm 17 you certainly not like it I can't even he'll [ __ ] burn mmm I just got on I could heal from that fault yeah I can I can transform I might as well I mean yeah yeah all right we've got like really low stress at the moment yeah I don't know I just don't want to [ __ ] you okay you can stun us both it I think you've got a double stun trade is it this one yeah yeah I think you can if you could stun both of us then I wouldn't attack anybody and you could I mean you hurt me a little bit but wow you just hurt John Craven what's that all about I don't think that was the wrong with you it was I think used hiss I use this mmm maybe I didn't know I I think I hit a yeah I kissed all over you did it again good yeah I did I didn't mean to piss on you so bra that's all right actually seeing hiss on I've had better turns yeah Wow can we have the throw back please I'd like to do some punching it not on Jake yeah yeah not on Jake I can't what's the stunt is this [ __ ] I've done that boss I'd go for the boss if you could yeah hey who's got stun John ah that's good I'm sorry guys do you think he has I imagine it being like very effeminate and high ah like it's gonna like echo cuz it's like that cage in front so you be like like that dark message ah I was born in it was born no I was gonna use my charge attack oh sorry hello the mess are you let's try feel again for fun to say Oh Oh No [ __ ] you I was about to heal him - okay I think the role would probably send something a little bit like this kind of high-pitched and maybe a little like away at the same time that's why I just said okay wait a little bit like literally what just said oh my god so Jake is bobbing the wide mouth can you Sophia yeah wait didn't the other ability wasn't that able to hit the bad guy yeah or whatever it would have hit all of you though that's fine no it's not see I'm a team player John I'm willing to take some damage if it means that that guy Jake Finn let's see just threw a [ __ ] fit oh my let's kill it yeah I just said that I thought was interesting that we've got to do it both ways let's kill Jake [ __ ] tempting right now oh oh here we go uh uh is windows dependent run no it's permanently turned off I figured out how to do it I'm so I got some pretty crazy tell me do tease here yeah I'm gonna I probably get a chance to heal some now giving a rid of um pressure crash either love okay thanks a lot oh my god I can punch her now yeah get punching punch her right in the [ __ ] face oh that's right and got bleed on her alright can you take like the occultist now or some [ __ ] plow well I'm just saying like you know take you to get there gonna take Jake again Wow hey why not [ __ ] it you're on glavish I wish that the debuff that can make people do less damage it would it be more way more useful yeah oh thank you there we go oh right Jake's in love with oh no he's bodyguarding it chase got a little crush well crush crush excuse me what's happening what stop I'm not touching it hmm so what should I do here just start Gila well yeah we have a lot of d buffs so I'm like we can't we might as well just heal up here because she's bodyguard in anyway so we just be hitting Jake yeah I'm Jake stress is getting so high there's a stressed boy yeah he's freaking out no I don't know she should take me like what is it what is what's gonna happen if she takes me you'll heal her or something oh yeah or you might you might transform I'm not sure what the AI will do oh it's all equal oh I can actually you won't fix that I didn't see the blood thingy [ __ ] t-rex oh my god to round around Jesus [ __ ] just kill my character I don't give a [ __ ] let's kill him don't say it's a bird no oh oh yeah now definitely kill him just do it's fine no warning yeah that's fine wait you're only at a hundred stress that's fine you're fine you're fine I can I can fix that as long as you don't take you again I can fix it like no right here show me this I can fix you I can fix the or eight no just just get up squirming I can fix me stop I just no stop no stop taking the [ __ ] boys take me I'm useless I have all the wrong skills [ __ ] um can I stun I might be able to stun her I would try it if you could or stun trace on John well [ __ ] never mind that's fine as long as I'm back in the last spot I can oh my god do not section my queen I don't please don't do this it's just three I think we're attacking John's not gonna die well no God he every post on yeah just move back I guess no I can't do anything yeah yeah you start healing I think you're better healing I'm gonna switch my forms and try to start stunning okay man all my skills are incorrect for this fight well John's trying to [ __ ] BEC me yeah took a swing okay it's a no repost so just attack them yeah wow I'm being guarded by her why not that thing that's we're gonna attack later look you apparently 30 minutes we might actually meet us get that boss down to half health at least I'm using like the least damaging move right now okay leave me back here I could charge in Jake please stun no I tried to stun the boss yourself you charming thing send one of them I wonder stone the boss so I could do the terming thing we don't always know what we want Kraven that's absurd bonus thinking okay is we're gonna be here a while that's rather rich coming from you come god damn [ __ ] man I think we should try to take the boss down as fast as we can right now I agree yes take me Oh no but I'm in this for like this I can't use okay I'll live with my turn if you want I'll just move forward one know how were cells because couldn't do anything else hey well since I can't do a thinker I Specter you sure you don't owe me did you repost like just in case she attacked us right it would be get we'd be doing some damage yeah it's just yes like at this rate we're not doing a lot of damage we've got it down almost halfway yeah right wash cravings done man yeah I know she's she's turning back okay hello which pass yeah that's it oh yeah okay she's faking she might heal and get rid that bleed though she's infiltrating okay but we talk to Oh guys miss yes here we go I love that move oh it just went for me yeah cuz he's paranoid yeah oh oh my god this is what we do this is really helping good I love it I love it okay we've got her down pretty low 24 HP I think we go all-out attack here hello and we're all in our brawling good slots for us - yeah oh I love check oh yeah I may have been a waste I don't know no like you got rid of my horse oh that's good what a dumbass this ancient siren queen read a book [ __ ] go take a [ __ ] oh no hey glamour yeah yeah okay we got this we got this character right in the [ __ ] face why was it passing you fumbled show Blade animate oh I'm sorry I missed for the first time in the dungeon why did you do that how many times have you missed why on the boss wife all done his time oh you're right I should have controlled it better press the button harder admitting it it's like a it's like a legends goon it's a lifetime two hits right sake just hit you Kraven yeah that's payback for you now no this is jigs character hold on sorry Han no he's still got we still gotta kill this thing Oh Jake why'd you miss because I [ __ ] [ __ ] why you miss Jake interested me I still I it's fine we're friends it's fine now we're even John or even yeah beside the world works yes think the downtrodden just continually get it trodden into the mud and the rich get away with everything welcome welcome to class privilege check it have you got it we could cure that give me your money yes that's me like a new commercial going around and like yeah in like Walgreens and CVS there are some like that are you two privileged do you like your life you start from white or class privilege donate here oh no Jake my god I cannot I can't get Jake out of your head I can get him out of a hundred here okay here please Jake there we go there we go you lose that passive since I fixed him I'll take you yeah they don't ever lose it though once they have it they have it they know my chick tax where's all the repast oh no bonus - I'm amazing Wow do my own cohorts conspire with the enemy sounds like Jake oh right yeah just kill me I don't care just kill me everything sucks mom everything sucks just kill me do we want this do you want this occultist ringing Oh scrappy yeah I get rid of the Oh we should just get rid of the food and the torches and the torch yeah and there's slave and we got a funeral crucifix 25 Hey look at how rich hey Trish yeah well actually Eldridge is also the most common type period so that's valuable well I'm sorry so it's it's nice I get upgrade to a building Oh what do we want I headed straight for the guild I'll be honest okay you want the most we want the most expensive one right yeah maybe furnace at this point well does it count for Oh cats for these two yeah we could get set a lot available heroes yeah cuz I know that one's really expensive let's do it classes don't mean we do I thought I saw something on the woods and the way here okay there's something in the woods on the way here faster sorry how do we want another occultist I'm good level three occult oh yeah we already a bonus I know but here's the other one we have another one right also how is becky ready level 5 cuz we almost you're like three dungeons in a row let's see I'm getting six tonight that's awesome so we have bonus two and then we have that's the only I call this we have cuz I think the rest of the night yeah I don't I don't I don't want him I would like to take him because I like vehicle I also like it I call just are you John yeah I like I like running to occultist parties as well very fun to occult is to Hellion is my favorite team I want the next punchy boy he looks fun um I'll shine aim him I wish I was bonus Wow P oh I you whitey what here uh P oh I uit p oh i uit point what that point it you're [ __ ] it up yeah guys stop [ __ ] I would I name in that I was looking at the keyboard oh I see no I'll call me Luke [ __ ] off no stay off ah I see it's like how they get a second okay there we go okay no no no why not no no wait I got that one I got a better one I got a better one are you gonna call it a cultist and this is the cult stand I could tell the moment you were like I have an idea oh boy here uh put Becky away it's her she's to go away for a long time Becky needs to go to the Covenant she's been a bad girl yeah go pray hey bonus you go meditate bonus hey bonus I don't Captain Falcon they're pretty stressed oh they don't want to do anything oh they'll look at this they're not allowed to visit the brothel they will only visit the brothel so hmm I guess we just can't take them yet maybe oh well we get we could get rid of one of those I'm thinking yeah oh yeah those only visit the brothel needs to go let's see it's 1,600 I'm fine with that yeah yeah the the falconers fun Wow absolute garble what a great selection cool uh anything we want to upgrade though let's see and when you start upgrading these right we do we really do right let me get a second slot and the cloister yeah yeah like let's do the transept and penance hall or whatever let's upgrade those see we have enough for one more treatment costs for the penance all maybe cuz that one's more expensive anyway sure yeah yeah we need to get these upgraded we've been kind of leaving them alone a little bit I think we need to increase the size of our roster yet what does that one do increases the size of the roster to 45 but we've already got a lemma oh yeah yeah we're fine yeah we might be able to yeah we can upgrade the furnace let's do that be good okay I'll make things a little cheaper yeah actually kind of running low in gold right now yeah I mean we're okay ten thousands fine we have a lot of pages though so we're like Jake just he wants to be filthy rich apparently Jake we didn't know all right we didn't know we did be fair but you calmed down a little bit I was like what's this dead rat that immune to death by crimson curse it's a it's a cell to be honest we could we could set and for like three thousand how much are how much is the red barrier very rare which is that worth well I think it's like twenty seven fifty usually midsummer cold that's sneeze it don't sneeze I think reason I out snooze that it I would sneezes at that I called you crazy just sell reason yeah crazy mister crazy I can't like nobody said that before I don't know yeah do we want to go against the fulminating profit shut the [ __ ] up Jake [Laughter] he says like one thing everybody like shut the [ __ ] up Jake if we go against the fulminating prophet I would advocate that Craven played dick mugger or somebody does cuz we having a body guard against the boss would be great I would love I would love please dick Nagar I thought he was dead to us since the the Raven girls so much better well no cuz he he has a buddy guard so he'll always be always have a unique function - so raven I would kind of like to place the bounty hunter firstly but you go as a mark team oh my god [Applause] let me see then doesn't the doesn't adjuster do I get played by a Colt Stan oh there you go I'm still not okay with the name but yeah you're right wait no he can mark you can mark so now what levels your um is your [ __ ] your jester four or five I think now let's see you're just Sir John see you John sang the he could mark I thought he was saying like I'm a narc I'm a narc I was like I'm in a bad guys so okay that will call himself a cult Stan would be a narc or like an occult kind of thing in case I'm in a cult Stan I'm gonna cult Stan I'm so love it I love it it's so fleek right yep so sir Coulter trill is [ __ ] yeah oh I thought the Jester did no oh you could I was gonna say you could play the falconer but they just went in you can play grave robber are we getting our asses kicked in the boss no she does more damage to March yes she has thrown dagger that's the only mark cool sir Bab thanks for subscribing oh yeah Jake pick your pick your things oh by the way [ __ ] you what what's a reference tree I think your feet are too big for these shoes I think your feet are too big for a camera where she says oh oh yeah I mean yeah so no I think we reference shoes about once a week there on this stream or the dead inside stream I think it happens about once a day and once a week Wow Jake over there you only have like ten jokes we can do it's like we disciple through every week Oh which do you want Kirk raisin crazy Georgia thing you want to be able to do trivia this Sunday we'll see okay now be in your house yeah I don't know why not you're like I can't think of a reason I can't I thought I think of like we think of an excuse Johnny getting some work done getting some work done we mean uh shut up uh what enemies were fighting here we're fighting against mostly undead and human I'm sorry unholy and human there's like a ability yeah that one you lose a lot of Dodge but you gain 25 or something this to you then this one yeah with this was it you lose a lot of Dodge but so I'm a [ __ ] I'm just gonna say when hell master bodyguards something he gains like 20 Dodge so you really effectively just be gaining damage just human actually yeah that actually sounds pretty good okay um yeah craisins are a real thing I'm sorry I haven't eaten anything to apologize for eating apologize for living update me on the stream how dare you I think I'm gonna do this the bleed stone cuz he can do the AoE or like line bleed right yeah but when you stream as much as I do John you work as hard as I do oh hey guys I'm talking into my megaphone I could pause the recording at any time oh how easy what are we doing right now sooner I believe for its streaming for 3 hours Oh oh yeah this is my only stream every week it's this one yeah alright ok what's this one Alex please resist yeah alright so no I kept getting confused as well like wait one of them had 20 bleed thing right I need to go to turn to work it well actually I'm going to use before I start clipping Oh have you put back in this Jesus yeah go though yeah good we checked the hound master as well make sure that he's upgraded I think he is but oh yeah well double check starboard Lakes up Creek sword and dagger sure go for whatever I'll try and take things that won't make me move around a lot I think toxin trickery cuz like this we're going against the Prophet so dodge will be very valuable just a thought you don't have to take it obviously but maybe poison darts as well getting a little bit low in the money but it's not my fault we can sell some trinkets we've got some crappy ones we could solve for like a thousand each okay those look like good abilities oh wait [ __ ] not you yeah love enough melee between Jake and I car wait no I am occultist between Jake and Craven so this makes me really hungry but that crit chance is really nice yeah no I was getting chance I think that's like Auto pick that trinket personally hmm 5% crate is huge yeah even like 3% is good mm-hm just take the one that allows me to blight more or this one which I love for some bizarre reason the random head it gives you a lot of damage that's stress though stress you can always buy a dog pet my dog pet my dog didn't fat my dog guys I'm a dog did you have a dog now I'll take this to be a little bit more safe just in case a purse damn 13 speed I'm gonna be speedy boy I'm an old cheap use cheat engine oh you got any miss into a hitch I like that one a lot that's a really good one actually yeah um oh I miss nope I didn't know actually that's your gun I did miss actually I hate you for all the damage what's happening the only thing yeah we're gonna have to oh yeah no go for it we need so we can still drink yes we got some trinkets yeah I should sell we got but I'll let you sell I'll let you take for that okay well I'm sure it's quite obvious what we want to send like sell this dodge stone you want to sell a bleed charm we saw the Warriors cap i can i can here Jake immediately here's brains like firing up like what so in the best week Jake is true l to be a complete douchebag it's great he basically just switches off for this always time let's say Marge a house are there any Hellion items we can resell not Haley and doesn't deserve I wish this abomination trinket we're never gonna use the abomination again Wow okay okay Wow 750 gold that's a lot what is that for that's would be abomination abomination what does it do we don't have an abomination right yeah we do we have multiple we have Jake fans well with more than that don't we we haven't two of them yeah we have Jake fans and into one right no Anton went away okay wandered off yeah Anton had believed for a while yeah I was just joking by the way if we ever wanted to use the abomination again we would use this yeah that would be pretty important yeah I came from the last time you use one though there's the get a point like are we ever gonna years early on it's like the highwayman like are we ever used are we ever gonna use Craven again yes we are we'll just we'll just limit myself down to three characters sounds good again Jake takes it seriously Jake is he's getting butthurt Emily so yeah I'm great me boss yeah let's get that lets check the whole party really quick just make sure I think the ones that you use are upgrade yet the ones that you use are a little for yeah I bar to guard the attack and then we're all fully upgraded yeah I think we're all we've all got our stuff I'm okay weapons armor though we're good right yeah yeah cool we called seriously Jake another name he won't use what wouldn't what shouldn't it just be serious Jake why would it be seriously Jake cause you're seriously Jake Jake it's been you yeah Jake yes Jake by the suffixes you're like he's like he's the epitome of Jake that sounds like that sounds like a Disney show from like 2004 iCarly seriously Jake yeah seriously jakers I can see Jake like trying to draw the Mickey Mouse head with the one who would they complete like oh my god life was expression on my face yeah just beautiful like my parents will he have this money is he like going around my parents use this money to feed their heroin addiction yeah they're getting a divorce you wanna bring with us maybe like [ __ ] bandages which places this the ruins so we'll get bled a little bit I can't think of light us though to be honest let's see um holy water is good uh medical herbs are good I don't see a thing about bandages though I mean like we're gonna get like blood just curry oh okay yeah all right all right all right cool Jake you know I you were playing Mass Effect oliday yep is that David cage game it's rich in story right even heard of that what I was gonna say what do you like about the rich narrative yeah sorry I need to interrupt the joke wait was that a sincere question I'm curious as well because I've actually never played Mass Effect um it's hard to really put like a finger on it it's like I guess the thing okay here's the main thing this sidequests [ __ ] matter like that they don't just throw a bunch of random [ __ ] at you just like to fill out a pad out the hours like each one feels especially mass spec two feeds into the main story with every single thing you do how do I do that oh oh it's on the map all right yeah we gotta go I want a trilogy because Andromeda yeah all right I'm controlling now by the way oh Craven's going for it guys there we have Bucks crave it open box should should Craven open it yeah a grave robber or craven craven opener control alright boom do it did it oh uh what is this so we might find heirlooms in there if we just open it right oh no no I think we can use if we get a but Oh be use the shovel we get negative quirk oh don't do that I think we could just try to open it we can get stuff but yeah we've we've a 50-50 chance barehanded so boo sentimental gifts trinkets and baubles well hang on a second sorry we're forgetting something really important here what what's up oh all right hands off they're talking about the torso I I [ __ ] up chat I'm gonna fix it really quick OOP there we go Craven [ __ ] up chat hey [ __ ] chat up Craven me up tonight Wow I'm gonna just real quick use a torch okay sorry here's all the hounds Harry I'm sorry who's Harry oh yeah the end hole the skeletons don't bleed forgot about that only the humans do haha oh oh I'm a cult Stan that's me let's see you can put the dog treat and an oyster into cold apparently and get a buff that's cool I like that really that's funny I did not know that yeah my mark didn't go through apparently oh wow he's just crazy you do have son ring and Brawlers gloves yeah that's a lot of extra damage yeah Jake I feel so bad for you like something been smoking for like 50 years my abdomen really hurts yeah get a workout bra yeah I'm gonna go for this one yeah it was the best one we should all match guys we're pretty close we're pretty close to matching yeah let's do it it's just uh look you fight you need some red ah I mean he and Cento kind of match actually yeah oh yeah the muted redder okay yeah I got that yeah quad oh I think we match about as much as we're gonna get let's see you should be let's choose color the dog I think you can actually uh can I get that mug him mid-fight now yeah you can okay yeah I thinking change this color dog what's this okay should I just go and kill this one so we don't have to deal with that yeah yeah let's go I do this do what yeah there you go yeah you're gonna is like a uh let's see here's where's one oh my god how many what yeah I added a palette extender mod huh I kind of like the bright red head at the end like the old say no one that one yeah I like that one yeah go for it the gray dog I agree I don't we look we look like a team now look like a [ __ ] it's all the Reds and everything my puppies gonna guard you pray oh thank you I do need to heal myself we're all playing classes like I saw all playing classes I was about sighs I guess just sinto and I are playing classes we're not used to yeah I'm used to playing the bounty hunter four times over in time and it hasn't been very successful has it well yeah there we go that's that ROG buff and lacquer fly practice maybe would be more successful same here let's try you'll need to watch a bigmouth on Netflix it's [ __ ] hot John and I tried to watch it got boobs hey it's my puberty and it's it's [ __ ] funny whenever I see like commercials for it I just I think like a little bit more like a mixture weirdly enough of like beavis and butt-head and like a little bit of life is strange in there okay yeah I can see that yeah no I character I'm a stereotype no like oh yeah there's a gay kid maad but like he's [ __ ] mean though I love them oh that's good all right he's a [ __ ] wait wait okay suit of armor I think this might give a buff who wants to it what you get don't see it don't see it I don't want to see it Dodger problem it's a plus George Wow yeah that's good though that's mostly when we need it it feels very controlling welcome I used to stack of books now I always skip Joe's control I was looking for Jake Jake looks terrible as I've looked over really quick looking for him I want to see Jake looking terrible all right I got senior said go for it Cinna [Music] I'm gonna wait weakening curse doesn't mark anymore it does no let's see all the wonder it marks mm-hmm I thought they both marks how long is that they used to both mark I swear Wow oh [ __ ] maybe I'm yeah that's where business history maybe I'm just full of [ __ ] yeah hey that was fire I was asleep didn't this just to be five and people were like no it's always been six so it's like okay [ __ ] idiot fYI I did mark that guy and your first attack does a lot more damage against marked 90% damage good to know thank you we're the Marquis latest fire again John well I mean I I'd like to play it again I just don't know when hmm that's fair are you thinking of maybe streaming um [ __ ] deep sky derelicts yeah I might want to try that darkest dungeon yeah I wanna beat darkest dungeon first but it's taking forever holy [ __ ] i streamed it for three hours last night trying to get an invite to go into the courtyard to beat the final boss I just didn't get one and so it was like three hours of just champion level around garbage yeah I love this game poop God is so [ __ ] long mister I'm oh yeah radiant well the mode we're playing on it helps it a little bit mmm yeah can you imagine if we just stuck with the normal mode that we did originally [ __ ] I know I don't really need to hit him but I'm going to do anyway to show off please do cuz the Lancer sucks ass hole yeah he's an [ __ ] he's an [ __ ] kiss my ass oh wow my stress is high what the [ __ ] that's one of the eleven jokes that we have Castle my [ __ ] that's excuse pet my dog yeah singing Paramore pet my dog Jake shut up can loser yeah you know you know that crap oh [ __ ] Craven's afk is one spaced out so I realized this guy's guarded but since it will Tran yeah well but will it add like the marked attack as well I don't know I don't think it transfers effects should try it I don't think I'm shot up I think I mean it was a crit so it's hard to tell yeah but that did a lot of damage okay you miss I thought I said crusty ax plate there's like a bit pissed off huh it's got so much protection this little shrimp what the club needs to [ __ ] off mm-hm he doesn't even have a midriff she's got like a nothing rich yeah Oh destroyed destroyed [ __ ] oh um alliterated Jesus Christ oh oh oh delete your account uninstall party FM read the [ __ ] man Jake ha ha ha ha I like that one Jake give it frozen at all this stream there's not moving very much so you should try to conserve his energy we want them to just we skip the blood right because we have a building making two a week now yeah so true won't open this yeah [ __ ] yeah I do let's pop it open send the last person in we just use a scoffer stress I might give you stress heal right no not this one they're all chest is always good if use a skeleton key on it oh my god let's get rid of this citrine let's get rid of the please don't is that let's see we could lose one torch for cress it means it would be one did nothing but let's get lit please it's lit brah oh no lit fam Oh No someone give Jake with this little Hara by RL for some reason I find that orderly sweet oh no it's twitching maggots that's all the green eyes boy what's a twig twitching slipping off fans be sure I made that joke before dammit yeah maybe add it to the pile of jokes you've already made ya know this likes sixteen seventeen eighteen darkest dungeon eighteen eighteen yeah yeah we're running out material fast no soon will just be the four of us sitting in silence like mouth a gape you get [ __ ] crazy viewers on Twitch apparently apparently oh my god let's try it for like the next round yeah it's a phenomenon I was watching a getting over at montage earlier this thing I'll die so do whatever you can heal yourself whatever and it was like twitch streamers reacting to like a fall and there was this one guy who I recognized he usually has like 10,000 viewers and he didn't react he didn't say anything he just kind of stared at the screen yeah just like watched up you're not my mom I I guess that's what you gotta do to get 10,000 viewers to just not react to anything it's like something insane happens guys just like oh and like and watch the stream before and but I've watched them play hearthstone before and they just like nothing happens just you so John you gotta you gotta let the audience get immersed into the game yeah keep your [ __ ] mouth shut you gotta give the audience so little that they feel like they have to fill in the blanks themselves and then they feel like they're involved I see that's how it works that's it so we're just really we're just vessels yeah for the audience to become their own stars right ah ha ha got it all right I'm doing it from now on Cravens doing an excellent job right now I would [ __ ] light Coen subscribe my god camera froze your sight we all got to do it ok I'm laughing too much I forgot my system yeah I keep going though so I can't stop laughing [Music] that's what don't like though the light oh I would have done more damage and I need to explain anything they just say like random [ __ ] Jake you ruined it that's for say nice guys we're not getting enough donations today stay the [ __ ] up no say anything oh hey I think you heard the vets [Music] can't do it [ __ ] hard man I give up I give up I wish I had like a lame graph a live line graph of like your viewers right now John know it like just spikes way up oh my god this guy's doing nothing I love it this guy I love him do nothing guy I love him I so great I wear the one time he did something incredible the other allocates I mean I guess I guess why it seems like they do nothing is cuz they stream for like eight thousand hours a day and so after a while they just don't react but come on well no but like if you go back to their archives at the very beginning they'll just kind of like to do that you'd like to hear their fan in the background just like the click click click and all right guys starting with the stream hey everybody here's this game here we go it and then click lick lick lick lick lick thank you if you're up and we just got a thousand bits thanks for the bits position no yeah yeah okay yeah thanks for the bits man oh hey man thanks John that was [ __ ] perfect like so accurate oh hey welcome to the sub Club yeah it's always like these people hey man welcome welcome to the family welcome to the family have a good one sorry south or west south all right it's isn't gonna be to the far west or far south so I use a torch oh hey weep fans thanks for the thousand dollars thousand dollars sub you know it's it's tier five and if they've upgraded the team okay the the elusive tier five yeah oh yes one HP left can I mark you're doing it perfectly Craven oh no I don't know what to do cool I don't need are we still doing this thing that's what I was doing as I like the viewers are increasing so it's just like let me see real quick oh wow you're right actually going up okay okay guys keep it up I know it's actually quite difficult to not give any shits but apparently whereas yeah let's just [ __ ] off that's fine yeah I'm gonna cool no I got hit nice boom you know this reminds me up big love about Warcraft like my face I was making there was that card back to my chair with like my microphone like right in front of me I have a thick mustache was wrong with my mustache try 89 thank you for the tip this is the scintillating content I come here for see it's working guys they're looking workings [ __ ] [ __ ] it's working yes excellent I do nothing yet they pay yes should we get rid of these pedestal herbs yeah yeah yeah mmm what about what about the Ruby whatever Ruby's worth a lot of money I guess no fate I guess cool cool room rat you guys want to go north or south yeah I don't care wait wait wait wait wait oh thanks for the stuff but this is actually harder than it is difficult there must be like there's a talent to it there's like a craft to not like giving a [ __ ] thanks for thanks for this job thanks baby get your mic closer to your face like it's got to cover like 30 percent of your face thanks guys guys what I do that's what I do absolutely I was Ava's gold like Lauren let's just sleep it it's fine [ __ ] it no thanks for the bits hey thanks for the bits thanks we've been 69 appreciate it great appreciate it bro hey brah things so much for join the family we should camp camp cool we're gonna go south first I'll go back went wait wait here we go we're gonna feast right there we go okay it wants but somebody want but my dog sure okay well would play some overwatch overwatch yeah sure I want some pub G somebody else please take over I'll know what I'm doing all right I guess we have to go the war room all right yeah that's good let's go the warm really quick what'd I miss I fell asleep I'm looking at my phone what's happening I think there might say something but uh never mind we'll go back to silence hey let's check the viewers really quick have they gone up would you get what you guys wants to up I accidentally encourage somebody with no stress all right welcome to The Wolf Pack myself actually was really relaxing we go back to doing that just stream here we have a sleeping stream John plays darkest dungeon therapy dog instead of like a facecam for John's just like a sleep cam just Jay snoring you guys like turn the lights off in your room so we can hear you storing in the background it's just me playing darkness just like male music on playing and we wake up groggily what's that scream Oh careful now uh uh do we even have we have a skeleton cute videos here yeah sure let's do it all right cool I think it hard to switch back to normal mode thing I know I think yeah whatever I like took me I feel myself in the groove after a while yeah I stopped blinking after a while so like my eyes got really dry you look dead yo I thought your camera froze for a second you first honey I got into a trance though it was amazing so if we destroy the pews we get extra gold yeah yeah we're gonna bust that wood gotta bust up that wood oh no it's gonna attack me see it's got the red it's got the red ray over me so I'm gonna need you to bodyguard me okay the world thank you thank you so much this community that we built it together together yeah statement the excitement is killed Jake hey we've reached we just reached 253 viewers I've never I've never dad before I hope I did that right yeah I hope that was correct Jacquizz caption I love it all right I'm scared I'm gonna elbow my desk when I try and dab and be like oh you're like a Bourdon crack as I do Oh buddy God please you don't have to but it'd be nice cuz I'm gonna get hit and hopefully when you're with me you this all genuine question can y'all whistle sometimes right now sometimes I can yeah a little bit okay I can't I can't whistle right now Jake whistle I can't no it's just it's just air coming out right now just try just try I tried multiple times do it again all my god I gave you a zero he'll thanks thank you whistle fires Jake yeah booth girl for me Oh No you're a twitch streamer okay you [ __ ] dance for people's entertainment dad I'm glad that I Barty guard did you well you ever hi you had a dodge buff I don't know now we're both gonna get hit that whistling got my dog all excited oh oh we're both gonna get hit huh are you dodged well we could you're wrong John just laying nice no dogs doing yeah yeah that's good between Sabbath both were hands that's good one elbow do one well this one's too sweaty hey him sweats one of my left hand is that weird do that I didn't know I was a thing my table had problems with weight is that something you won't promise yeah I can't stop with my weekend really yeah I got both I could do them equally as well my left hands a little weaker I got it though oh great bit oh oh hey everybody look at that he just got y'all all the way up for the heal right now for the health this community I love AB Twitter everybody help tab Oh help tab all right hey John thanks for the he'll know I'm problem buddy I can't read the problem bro the pews don't bleed Dada da da da da here's some eyeballs well well struck I like a girl who can strike well hmm okay so I can't bleed them well I can still do him how dare you [ __ ] it Oh dog treats yeah I completely oh I'd forgot I had treats for him we need to stop hanging out because we keep having the exact same idea the exact same time it's getting weird yeah it's that co-op darkest dungeon hivemind oh sorry so it's me and Jake so ah [ __ ] I gave him the weakening curse so he's weaker I was no way he's hitting right about this spot don't worry hey you're gonna hey what's your bet you're at plus 34 of Dodge you're at 55 Dodge you're good yeah I think I'm good yeah um I'm actually don't need to bodyguard you yeah bodyguards in oh no okay good have a treat yeah but yeah hey you've earned it you've earned it treat yourself treat yo'self yourself 20:18 I've got my eye on you oh no oh no it's done me Oh goddamn it what there's two left of this it was just like very close to being [ __ ] it doesn't matter yeah but it did yeah five chance of that happening Wow thought keep missing touch my mouth look at these eyeballs how you see what you did there one of us is trying to bleed him right oh I didn't know that was part of the plan maybe we can just mark him and destroy him afterward okay yes so no they give us stuff right yeah that's gold yeah we want to do the points yeah another thing after we're done with the piece here we go just there you go you bled on my best coat that on my pew pew oh thank you you kill me you get a chance yeah when I get unstuck no problem no product forget about it Oh yours this today you're fine anywhere repast um that was that's not good owl that's really not good please don't kill my dog blast Susan kill my dog okay you're fine for this round I owe you damn no but like I have the thing on me now yeah I know you've got a dodge debuff or a Dutch buff though oh that's good all right 3:9 see it's not a for short thing but no it's fine it's fine don't worry I'm just kind of freaking a little bit do you still want me to go after the Hugh there were the pew you do whatever you want yeah killed pew nope didn't you do whatever you want sugar please don't oh damn baby thank God hey baby I think you can you can you take out the pew here know like your wins oh yeah actually never mind yeah look your wounds Oh doggy wait they lick my dog oh no oh [ __ ] it's only gonna hit mr. Carvin Jesus I switch yeah can I switch yeah yeah please switch here hit me instead I'm so [ __ ] if you believe Craven and do it okay thank God although actually I probably should have healed Jake yeah because Craven can heal himself yep what is the best meme of 2017 none of them none of them are funny they all suck sorry completely like the blinking man or the touchier touch his head man like him wow you actually hit me sorry oh Jesus the attack the boss I'm gonna do the bleeding attack next else can you use food during a battle no no no right there you go work now he's bleeding so there you go speaking of bleeding oh yes oh say no please don't die oh sweet [ __ ] Jesus oh my god I would say no die gravis using reverse psychology if anyone's gonna die here it's Meeks I'm stunned about to get hit oh oh I thought said it was Bonin the entire time I'm sorry mmm-hmm I thought use my potion here sorry John thinking to be alive John sorry John Kirk please don't otherwise I die God would you [ __ ] tie already could mark him - well I mean somebody else could mark him I do the most damage I've been dealing you guys I'll mark him if I can no I think take someone that has no mark so you want me to skip pattern of damage just to mark them not at this point we should kill him now yeah yeah we should kill him yeah should I change spot with Craven here yeah used to be other way [ __ ] that's fine we want good tell you what what a crit though fact good enough nice nice here yeah not quite he's got a good here I could kill him there we go and we got three pews so it's 2,500 gold each blueprint yeah oh hi guys no yeah we went out is that supposed to be just like any board still gets like 20,000 replace the bandages or something well let's say anyway well I mean we're not are we going in village now yes I don't really matter so there's all your attractive guy which one sandwich once more yeah that's that's it I think Oh actually there let's go let's return we've done it guys all right we got the rat carcass - yay can't wait to sell alright Fingal phobia fango phobia what's that fear of you're afraid of holes great what was the what was it called you fango phobia it's when you're afraid of things then goes that is the obvious joke true that's what you get when you come to the darkest dungeon stream very true oh you're better jokes go [ __ ] yourself I'm gonna get some water so I'm I'm gonna go get I'm just hurting drugs good I like him I'm prone to investigating the dark arts cause weird [ __ ] wow this does not change the color like at all holy [ __ ] it's called Hendri nice was it called Hendri injury ooh mr. sin oh yes what's your favorite Mass Effect character my favorite Mass Effect character is gay okay yes right I like Garris I also like tally hmm all right I feel like that's maybe a bit boring what is oh we're talking about Mass Effect oh yeah what you never play Mass Effect [ __ ] is wrong with you I have played Mass Effect actually thank you thank you thank you but thanks nice try yeah hi I played a little bit with the Enigma last week he's not a sovereign he's he's just kind of fun he's like a weird kind of glass cannon support cuz it's weird like he can buff the party a lot and also he can do a [ __ ] ton of damage but he doesn't have a lot of attacks like damaging right so he has like Mystic bolt which can do a lot if he's buffed well I mean I guess he has attacks but like I feel like his buffs are better okay I like to buff I'm good for that esoteric barrier - that sure so he's gonna either slot two or three okay cool cool cool cool cool what am I gonna call now Hendry I think anything's better than Hendry they just a daddy - Henry yes Henry how about mystic Stan join them please I know what I hate you before they come see you Bioware Stan while we're shipping headcanon yahweh's Stan yeah we trash oh my god yeah there we go hey hey you become what you hate does anyone want to play seer I think a pledge if you complain you don't have to get rid of your current characters we have ten slots nope no no buts well no earlier when we were talking about well what no [ __ ] it oh my god wow you really are a ten doesn't do streamer right now yeah because they all do that - they're all like that's the only noise they ever make is burping okay well I kind of want to take this here but then I'd be taking two heroes this stream duo under on it so yeah no I said nobody wants to see er I mean I I want this year so no up shop [ __ ] it I'll take this here yeah sure I'll take her okay do you want to name her this is always the worst part they bid oh uh wiebe fan 69 stop no let me do it no stop let me do it let let me do it let me do it let me do it [ __ ] nailed it nailed it let's go no I feel like we've gone from really seriously Chon the name where characters are just being like [ __ ] stupid bollocks well we've got our our a team still alive that's true you forgot oh is we've been 69 you Jake that your third alt yes yes it is yes we be jakers look at these dead-end Aquarians we don't care about you yeah great absolute trash did you call yourself jakers da weed 2005 internet name jakers da we but not what the he's all tuckered out oh my god he's got the same thing is not allowed to visit the brothel will only visit the Bravo Jesus and we've got to get that removed my occult stand by every time you say the word stand like my hate words stand by I hate it that's why I know I'm getting old that's cool rage towards a certain word I'm sorry I would say yes on on Twitter like with yaa it's like nails on chalkboard yeah same and I'm gay I hear all the time I still like a big bear I'm like yeah Queen I'm like shut the [ __ ] up yeah Queens know what I hate Queen I hate when people refer to somebody as a queen kW een clean or King I've never heard that one that's the necromancers caller so you get trophies when you beat the final form of a boss and this is a level 5 necromancer necromancer Lord let's do it you guys want to do it sure let's spill some tea Queen lays it slay when do you slay all day if we get them from the wagon they're fully upgraded they're all right ok so if we're doing the champion level dungeon we gotta do like what happened children that was Anna for once hands hands we're off so yeah we're doing the champion Keeler yet so I could do my yes get it was camp I not Craven Wow okay should we just renamed ourselves at this point you want to rename camp I Craven oh I like em pike okay okay don't worry name me I want to be John just you don't own me I'm not one of your many toys pathetic to learn that from one of your David cage games no I just don't have a three-year-old word you sound like the anti-hero that's going to school with the main character just like stop like good stuff that they like you get that more your David cage games nerd [ __ ] nerd here's the G I'm gonna play me me trash but I don't know if this is the time that's really I would give somebody five dollars now if they know what song that's from what song what that song that was just singing I mean before I like or no movies that I'm referencing then give them $5 I don't know [ __ ] vertigo Tea Party thanks for the raid thanks the raid Priscilla Queen of the desert I don't [ __ ] know is it Yas Queen yeah it's Yas Queen yes I mean II chronicles yeah I'm wearing Thea okay we need to get some healing on the go we do Jake said he would play healer so you won't play your vessel Jake no I changed my mind like that song yeah let's do it hey Becky she's pretty good six that's awesome yeah I do need to have a character hi Becky hi Becky play Becky you always leave oneth housing a level six cuz it's been sent there's been two bonus bonus even they died against the Baron from stress we can [ __ ] yeah what yeah like an [ __ ] yeah I took over really hang on alright alright uh hold on you win what are you doing this is Craven you are correct email me a bro are you doing a giveaway on John stream I am ok ok so that's mine thank whatever oh let's try to keep the stress items to a minimum cuz champion little dungeons are very stress heavy are they very stress heavy John yes they are ok yeah I just wanted to amplify that information Wow where did you hear that word John amplify is it from one of your [ __ ] persona 5 games or some [ __ ] persona 5 [ __ ] Gotham there we go yeah you definitely got me high five right Cinna thank you put putting into that nonsense belongs you where you belong and where do I belong Jake trash nailed it really cooled off when you're sick it's a shame about the rest of it trash what the memes right I like your mean place yeah like that was great speaking of uh speaking of great and meme did you guys see the a slender man trailer no no oh man I have no wish to see it oh man I'm done it looked it looks awesome all right let's give Jake this one you're saying that I own this one no I really want to see it yeah I just read a let's go where you did oh I want to change one of my skills poor Jake I'm fine I could change med dungeon because we're on thingy mode right um I think we can you can do it on any mode you can change your abilities alright just not just on the middle of fight fair yeah middle of a fight let's see bonus let's give those to you the baby and I need to upgrade right yes we're doing a champion level boss suite and let's see everybody's flip graded except for you so word reconstruction oh sorry oh we're kind of broke mmm we can sell some trinkets yeah let's sell like the debuff charm for example I can place all those cloak glows bleed stone I don't think we overuse it these cloaks we never use them yeah yeah we um sell both those probably I mean they get plus two speed but like come on you really bring you back egg shells again yes they are I can't believe it but yeah they are yeah ninety TV shows will not die you know there was an right oh yeah right shark is a life yeah yeah or is the full house thing still no existence no I was yeah they they already did season 2 season 3 they confirmed after that though it's ugly I'm thinking of Girl Meets World that got canceled yeah that got canceled no no the Netflix one the fuller house fuller house yeah yeah that's getting a season 3 maybe not season 4 hopefully not I watched the first episode and I was like that was fine alright bye I didn't watching as the new was gonna be bad but uh was a big part of my childhood for some reason okay I like both my parents loved it so I ended up watching a lot of it Jake's changing us out even though or zombies you know yeah there we go a woman and had opinions like yeah I always got Roseann and Rosie O'Donnell mixed up when I was a kid not the same oh not quite the same no are you serious I don't know sure the UK no Roseanne listen what the [ __ ] you know oh no baby so Roseanne is about Roseanne Barr she was a stand-up comic in the early 90s maybe early eighties but she got eventually got her own sitcom on and me see yeah something like that that ran throughout the 90s it was like way popular John Goodman isn't it yeah John Goodman was in it yeah that was he was Dan O'Donnell's name actual name is Rosanna O'Donnell yes but she's not Rosanna mm-hmm but she's not Rosanna no the [ __ ] Roseanne Roseanne is Roseanne Barr Rosie is Rosa yeah yeah that that that's Roseanne yeah shado weren't sure what was Rosie O'Donnell in now she she was a stand-up comic in the late eighteen or late nineties and she had her own TV show but then she came out as a lesbian and then got [ __ ] canceled just like Ellen Ellen TV show yeah then she tried to do like a Lifetime movie where she tried to do the whole Forrest Gump thing and it failed miserably so that's this inventory I'm just gonna hop in yes please I don't yeah we're good we're good reason to have any more she was I never imagined I never imagined whenever we were singing this game from like part one then like a year and a half we talked about Roseanne Barr and Donald seriously somebody's bringing up Reba the dead I wives Reba cuz my mom likes you and I'm yeah no no I'm gonna disagree on Reba / Roseanne we don't know Reba's no good I don't think so mm-hmm what you like WB WB 33 when it was WB 33 for the changes to the CW I know what the [ __ ] right oh my god we gotta use it Nami boy that that that show lasted for like eight thousand seasons - what what what did one tree hill was on ya ever yeah god no that wasn't a show that happened my my my mom really likes WB those we used to watch it we used to watch like grounded for life and Reba and all those shows there was along with amanda Bynes whatever it was [ __ ] called what I what I like about you yeah like about you I was like a trout and I remember I like I would always sit through them so I could watch The Simpsons because it would always come on after some show they watched it be like [Music] wow yeah we had we had a conservative okay I mean I did too but I don't know I guess my family isn't really my family didn't really view this amazes like cartoons like Family Guy South Park especially yeah I wasn't Family Guy he's none of that yeah I did anyway I would just wait till they went to bed and go on Adult Swim and watch like Family Guy Inuyasha see we had we have dial-up so I had no options I couldn't even watch YouTube when it was new oh no my parents would legit call me and be like The Simpsons is on so there we go watch it together my mother was like oh never seen yeah I think 50 is the highest we've ever seen my household was a big like HBO fan so it was like The Tracey Ullman Show like mr. B missile again then there's also like Seinfeld and the one in Seattle Frasier Frasier yeah yeah this big Frasier is a big Frasier household Frasier is good I would watch Xena and Hercules oh my dad would watch Xena and Hercules all the time and I watch sometimes now some good [ __ ] yeah I'd actually watch that now as an adult like I think it was actually good who wasn't Hercules having Sorbo Kevin's Oh God he's a giant right-wing [ __ ] now apparently most famously he's been in God is not dead recently yeah I'm just I don't want to get too much into the weeds here but the thing I loved most about the guy's not dead movie is that Kevin Sorbo plays of raging atheist professor at the end of the movie he dies and all the Christians are happy good I wish I was making that up that's what happens he died like a car hits him or something he dies in the middle of the road getting out like a humiliating death yeah it's insane I can't believe it [ __ ] hilarious just watch the trailer don't even watch the movie if you're you just out at the end of the stream watch the trailer for God's not dead it's the greatest thing ever the trailer there's a / - right I like the entire premise of the movie is like they're like this raging atheist professor like has some class hates God and the mill and like in the first thing it's just like any Christians in here you're all stupid I was just like I would never sleep that never happened and I said a bunch of sheets of paper and made them all right down oh no hello okay sorry okay female hi he made them alright now what god is dead that's right yes yeah the first day of university for me did you guys know do I want a super liberal University and I took like philosophy classes and stuff and I never heard any of that ever no one wasn't anything like that when I came out and somebody came to my doors was like hey you have to sign this now and it was said God is dead and I was like oh okay it's part of the ritual that's why they did that to you yeah exactly yeah so you really asked for it yeah exactly I deserved it yeah I deserved it yeah I'm on the mailing list now wow that's embarrassing it was embarrassing right crash crash crash crash crash crash yes this is a real movie this is a real movie that got a sequel by the way I haven't seen the scene well sadly oh well the sequel looks just as hilarious cuz it has like you had that chick from Sabrina the Teenage Witch are you sure yeah right was like the Supreme Court over something I can't remember what it was but something oh no I had no idea yeah that's not bad just like oh no no no she probably hates me no no that me you and Kimmy need to watch the sequel with Gary yes we do oh god that would be great I need to come over Jake yeah you could come over for it for sure cuz i we watch the first one in Portland with two of our friends Kimmy and I it was like our big plans like we came over for Halloween and we're like what should we watch what's the what's a scary horror movie we could watch and we want you to God's not dead scary scary movie we could have a thing yeah it's like that or like hostile or something like here's a guy getting his dick ripped off here's God's not dead oh god no not that one oh god no has anybody ever seen hostile - I have yeah unfortunately Wow another 50 Jesus it's cuz I've got I'm smite as a bonus against unholy and I've got a lot of damage Oh a movie I watched just the other day was the witch I don't think I heard that one the Vivek yeah dude it is creepy as [ __ ] like hate it I hate it really why'd you read it I think it was scary and they go suspenseful thought I was like poorly acted poorly directed what like poorly shot I hated it shy were you in a bad mood when you saw it no I've seen it twice I thought in theatres then at a friend's house when I was maybe under the influence of some stuff when I usually like stuff but now crazy to me because like Ames I was like this [ __ ] sucks there's very few movie movies that actually scare me the witch like creeped me now I wash it with headphones to clarify okay do the sound design in that is [ __ ] phenomenal like it's I ate I disagree like I saw it in theaters in like maybe like the speakers are [ __ ] up but like there's only dudes like surround sound kind of sounds there's just like I don't I'm not immersed at all this sounds like [ __ ] everything's flat really that's what they're going for like what a lager they going for like a weird like disassociated feeling like I don't understand what's happening opposite of what I experienced like I felt like things popped out at me and like everything was perfect like at certain times would be extremely quiet with the entire purpose but it wasn't like just cheesy jump scares it wasn't like that it was like I will say I love black villains I love that little goat yeah just the whole I don't know it's just I was on edge spoilers when they could open the baby in the beginning I was like oh [ __ ] that's pretty intense but other than that like no I thought the entire movie was a giant drag everybody keep slotting it as this like new horror or horror masterpiece I thought it was [ __ ] great I don't know I didn't like it at all I don't know it missed the mark with me like them I mean I can see why like it's definitely for everybody like I can totally see that but I don't know like one of the issues I would understand is like it's anglo-saxon sort of you know terminology like it's it's not traditionally how we speak it's you know basin so yeah so I think the dads were like gotta roll with how he sounds he's like yeah yeah guys should start up an ASMR channel he'd agree you know God what are you saying I don't know I really enjoyed it personally I think we've turned John back into a bad streamer again acting the part okay sorry I just haven't seen it so I don't have any input thank you I would recommend it John I don't I don't know like I said like I think it's it's definitely an acquired taste I literally the only person that I've met they didn't like it so it's probably a good movie just enough for me that's fair it's a bad movie though now that that's where you [ __ ] up the main character I don't know if you like this girl but like wait first of all have you seen split yes oh yeah she's okay the meeting split isn't I loved her as an actress and like her alive that was actually her big break was the witch that was like her first like big movie yeah the Vivek yeah mm man I got I got a lot of hate I hate saying hate but like I got like actually emails to my business account from people that heard me say that I liked the movie split and they're like this is this is really bad for people with they don't even see it I didn't see it it's like I actually think that you know the person with GID is actually very sympathetic and like I feel bad for him yeah that's like that's a big part of the movies how the sympathetic they made him yeah and like the big thing in valleys like it's an actual thing it can physically affect you yeah like the one that I can understand it's like somebody say like they you know with one certain personality they make people with mental illness out to be like quote monsters but yeah like I don't know I feel like it does a good job at differentiating where reality ends and and the fantasy begins I don't know yeah I thought I thought it was respectful I thought was great and then it's unfortunate but like I have a friend that has it and like one of his personalities he has mental health like dips and stuff so sometimes he gets like [ __ ] crazy and then other times he seems to be alright like sometimes he's more aggressive than usual and that's like one of his personalities was right guy and he yeah all the time absolutely obviously it's a bit of a troll yeah like it's that whole thing like the game jam that they did to try and not have horror games that mental hospitals anymore right yes yeah yeah yeah that's so that's so going on five years I think yeah and I can totally sympathize with like you know the concept of not wanting to stigmatize people with mental illness in that regard but I mean at the same time I do feel that there is a way to do it tastefully yeah I think split did that yeah yeah I think this split nailed it like it was I don't know it did everything that I think they should have done correctly yeah I liked a lot I'm wanted the M night Shyamalan come back to but I didn't think it would happen so I'm glad man who oh really good performance split yeah oh yeah fantastic like you could tell what personality was from like you know he's great yeah I like before you even said anything just by the expression on his face yeah herculean acting okay that's a big word that's a five dollar five dollar if I ever heard one that's a five dollar her word a fiver heard one Wow james mcavoy got his like start if i recall he got his start in two different shows shameless the british version yeah the british version and then Band of Brothers he was like one of the extras that The Band of Brothers has a lot of like big-time actors that were like bit players like they had Tom Hardy in one of the parties on there right yeah the guy who plays Moriarty in Sherlock is just a bit character in that they have a lot of like big-time actors in there and I could do something oh no who played Moriarty in the I can't remember Downey yeah who cares Oh in Robert Downey yeah and the Robert Downey ones is I is that the movies you're talking about no I'm talking no I'm talking they're talking about um TV shows like the BBC sir oh oh okay against uh Benedict yes what's going here's our care what's their dodge thirty-five I mean maybe chase if I try they do dodge a little bit better in champion level maybe I should just heal them apparently crap I mean I'm getting beat up but uh Jake's got it an L thanks Nick so Jake that was not my why does it keep doing that I don't know I turned when I could let her off it could be it could be parsec I think it is have you seen the American shameless yes yeah I have what do you think I'm not up to date on the new season I and we've had this conversation before I I'm not as big of a fan of the later seasons but the first like two or three seasons first four seasons I really liked yeah in particular this late season is really good okay it's it's it's we're all good I I suggested okay good yeah I'm glad I don't know I I felt like they probably could have ended it a while back oh yeah but Showtime Showtime and they said they're only show they have left yeah like the thing with Showtime is that like they they have a great like most of the shows have great premises that really should only last there we go like Dexter like make you go for ten we want a decade-long show yeah this needs to last forever like like Dexter's like the main culprit of that yeah Dexter ship ended after season four yes agreed weeds all right we're only uh we'd sort of ended when she left a rustic yeah it should have ended what season 3 season 3 yeah her leaving on that segue yeah I shouldn't like series finale done I agree what have been like great that was a fantastic show what surprised me that was what was in mind with for it and the show times like no you keep going yeah you keep going this is making us money mmm speaking of making money I am I want to see somebody subscribe right now whoa pressure [ __ ] the pressure is on anyone only anyone can be a winner Oh No thank someone for the bits right now the next person to subscribe each one of us will see a compliment about them oh wow okay and that actually is kind of fun and if you donate bits we'll see something mean about you how about that let's get crits oh yeah there we go there you go that sounds good I like it there we go let's do beating the [ __ ] out of these gargoyles they're not very menacing are they the gargoyle show the cartoon chefs Zach I bet your food tastes like [ __ ] yeah tastes better than your cheese the [ __ ] off Krane was just waiting to drops me 1 1 0 1 yeah nice numbers [ __ ] chef Zach 1 1 0 taken I don't think so [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] shot did you do you guys know it's weird I discovered this recently there's like this like cam girls out there that have like a financial DOM aspect to them yeah like yeah that's right give me your mind you can't help yourself give me oh my god why that's great it's a scam holy [ __ ] alright ok thanks for the five dollars yeah yeah you're gonna open your wallet for me again aren't you bad boy it's just like what the [ __ ] right all our donation here and be lit this is such a scam take all my money she'll be nice next time I swear no I saw a documentary about these two girls that works is like coal girls and they say that sure they call them for people take coal off and be like I just want you to destroy my wallet just take whatever you want just that's insane to me that's so weird I can get some S&M stuff but that it's just like you're just you're literally just giving them all your money you're just making your life worse they're just commenting on how you're getting the money I'd rather I bet your dogs are amazing I bet you're cute late the dog in an adventure bed sure I like the color yellow done in 1945 holy [ __ ] you're too old to watch this oh your dad died in World War two so we knocked up your mom great did your great did your great grandson buy those for you yeah real cool why Johnny who is the war Jesus okay you guys get out some aggression here you should be called cuddly yellow dog okay drop because they're like oh you guys are trying too hard mm-hmm I like my streamers to be boring just like me I know I could be doing damage to them but I'm just trying to keep our stress levels a little more manageable hey yeah if you guys donate bet you get insulted so watch out yeah that's so [ __ ] off that's the deal it's a limited time offer the next uh until we're done with the dungeon probably the next 15 minutes yeah basically if you donate beds to get [ __ ] roasted how about that mostly based on username yeah it's really all the information we have a shitty username if you're gonna donate blood lols subscribed getting your money you bike giving me your mind don't you like laughing out loud yeah thank you so much lols I think laughing is fun yeah I think here especially when there's a Z at the end of it thank you bleh you're so unfazed by all the things that happen in life you're just a Coulomb right yeah we could all be more like blood lols to be honest I feel black I feel blame on Days don't say it my comic that it oh my god they'd literally never make that joke oh my god 10 damage paralysis yes they do bunny okay you haven't read all of them have you so you can't know I haven't yeah because making statements about quote all of them yeah my Gilbert is not I can't why are you defending Dilbert because if all the comic strips to attack you pick Dilbert see Cooper yes cuz Dilbert sucks oops it's lovely it's charming that's complimentary you've ever been to new medic okay cool yeah oh I've been playing Pokemon for so long oh I'm so [ __ ] retro with my [ __ ] games cool yeah did you move a truck to find you huh huh is that how you got your [ __ ] name alright then we got a pause they oh oh [ __ ] weed piece of [ __ ] oh I watch some anime once and then I made a [ __ ] twitch name great awesome really good that's a great name how about a let mr. Pumas is fine Taylor I'm not gonna say anything he's gonna [ __ ] ban e we can't say about brown gamer 93 you're younger than I am Oh grouse okay so we can do that's it okay let's can toast toast boy just yep tell me did you ever talk about toast no no I missed it nobody remembered toast boy just like in his real life I like toast yeah let me see I just wanted to sorry I just wanna check it cuz I completely missed it yeah it's toast boy with a bunch of numbers he tipped five dollars yeah I fixed it just toast boy tips five dollars so again so many for my monies yeah [ __ ] you okay oh my god okay I'm good toast boy what's so great about toast huh you ever had any real food right with too poor to afford real giving am I to me more like milk toast boy got him not spicy enough evil bone saw congratulations just the same thought as me well we already know I'm crazy on us [ __ ] we only have here I think so I think you shoes wind Karen Craven cuz this is a crazy bleed yeah that's bad sure alright what's up like even though he doesn't need any health really that's like 20 damage blood it riles no we could do 19 man Bush who was inspecting the bleeds one me so this is the only night time in Bush we have so we should use it right yeah cool what we decided to do that okay so we have six respite points do we want to do zealous speech to just clear out stress yeah sure her pitch if you're a little slow in the pickup there the whole point is that John is being like the financial dumb here again that was the premise that was hey Kermit Jeff you should you should donate some bits so he can be mean to you by some shots for you now some bits I can tell you we can give you please I need this impromptu leapfrog [ __ ] weekly prize fraud worst come on I mean I don't know if I can be mean leapfrog stupid Craven a deal's a do way better you got it you got it you got a rough leapfrog [ __ ] Ozzy piece of [ __ ] yeah go to [ __ ] New Zealand then I'll actually like you your [ __ ] leave person I think the dango hates your baby you know we actually don't need to look roast leapfrog thanks to that whole the in the ozone layer I'm fine upon the Barbie yeah a [ __ ] shrimp on the barbie Bobby man said in life this is a knife [ __ ] douche get funnier yeah he wants the line really it's a place that human beings are supposed to live it wouldn't look like scorched earth now would it that's a very good point true that's why it's England's prison my stinks thanks for subbing for 11 months I like laundry hey it's the necromancer lord she says cool things that we're all right guys we got pay attention because this is a this is a fight well careful spicy fight yeah he does damage he does do damage yes he's like quite a big DD boy yeah you always start them I'll sit on the [ __ ] out of them if you want we probably need healing no okay Brown gamer again oh thanks thanks for the vets Brown gamer 93 and is it brung as a poop yeah sirs your your your bad of games your poopy sir bad thanks for gifting a $5 sub to curb its yeah it's the way almost a compliment Kurt Jeff I don't want to compliment I mean I guess it deals like what the what the plan is now who do we complement no we're supposed to compliment subs so exotic and interesting I like Jake can come up with wow karpachev thank you so much for the sub we really appreciate your bad and you're controlling ownership a scholar and a gentleman mm-hmm that's why you're called the sir bap oh uh let's see I got a tear through these guys who you know Ches for like who you know careful I can say it burn come on but by you know kaze are you gonna give me all your money the [ __ ] is wrong with you why'd you donate again stupid idiot you know you can donate as much as you want but you'll never actually be Japanese you're always be apathetic wait gaijin and you'll never forget that more for they will never accept you they will always ask you when are you going to leave because you will never even leech off you you could live there for 30 years and they'll still treat like a tourist that's true they will never they will never accept you Japanese will have a relationship with you Jesus Christ unless you're like by one will always ask you whether or not you can use chopsticks over there believe me they will always offer wait for what forgot you lived in Japan yeah Jesus was it yeah it was great extremely family is great oh my god stop you keep something that could tank is dudes Mew medic cheered and they said [ __ ] you [ __ ] tumblr with me Lord hood go save some lives or some [ __ ] [ __ ] loser or something save some lives or something you know the day yeah won't you do that yeah got him [ __ ] can we please that was just the cherry on the top hails noon I'm hey Olson I've been watching the entire stream because I'm Wednesday night it looks like sneeze and like slap their face against the keyboard when they made their username it's true how the [ __ ] do we say your name yeah hey ha hey les new name oh yeah an old man alone on his death bed your name I see - yes heal a bit donation I feel like we're not making any progress we're not he keeps summoning these guys I mean - like can I start one of them or you'll together I think we I think we're good on health for now you owe me I do damage yeah I could hit him he's be started yeah so you could try to stun his bodyguard and it'll break the bodyguard all right yeah yeah okay this is one this so host on em if you stand it'll-it'll break through it oops oh well that's okay I mean he just with they've got all these tanky ones damnit like I mean I'm only doing seven he's that 70% protection that's huge [ __ ] who else Mathias gamer Panda I bet they stream or have a YouTube channel and they're like subtly trying to get their name into the stream I bet third those type of people I had like sifting like ten layers of subterfuge to figure out there promoting themselves hey you know I'm gonna go try and is after this stream what is [ __ ] pandas Wow yeah that was too far okay I hate games how dare you how dare you [ __ ] dare you the whole calling yourself a panda things are kid Matthias your parents are dumb especially got the word math in it yarn oh wow let me guess you're no good at math either I'm shocked ma'am I think some my favorite air kazoom thank you for the tip y'all Texans suck at roasting what the [ __ ] is your name [ __ ] Erica's Erica's um why are you come on [ __ ] why is the mcat place you just bought backwards doesn't even mix it doesn't make sense forward or back what language is that well I come from Colorado get [ __ ] just do people in Colorado have their own language the MS Lowry Nance true because there is a direct representation yeah yeah pap Kim thanks for subscribing uh yeah Pekin I hope you take a nice nap soon nice and the aptly nice and the Appy I hope it's a great nap and refreshed da 1945 can I have Jake roast me Jake's car looks like let's get off to a young man Jake roast them Jake you're oh yeah sorry Jake and moving for you here too long what the [ __ ] where's my nice thing that what are you talking about I sucked oh yes I did I didn't see anything yes you [ __ ] you should you say something nice to me right now all three of you Jake I'm sorry there's literally nothing we can say nice about you Jake there's nothing let's empty wait I'm sorry say something nice god damnit those were the rules okay let me think Jake I guess David cage games are all right in my book I don't like Kate David cage games say something else Kevin's my favorite nice things god dammit stop making fun of me I bet if you had a kitten the kitten would be cute yeah okay everybody on this stream right now you are by far their youngest it's true that's true yeah there's a very good chance I will dock treatment I would say right of everyone here on the stream you look the most like Chris Pratt that's correct that's true wait which wait hold up this there's there's a qualifier here it as to whether or not that's a compliment are we talking about like Andi Chris Pratt or are we talking about star-lord Chris Pratt yeah yeah yeah yes can you please kill this guy yeah oh my god can we please [ __ ] come oh my god hang on hang on hand oh okay hey hey listen in a we take back every bad thing that we said about - thanks for the sub yeah you're great thank you is so great after you explained how yours a name is pronounced actually you think it's a good username so good job also Donnie or [ __ ] douchebag and I hope you die Wow we can't we can't violate the Twitter Terms of Service please hopes and I hope you get the cold that I have right now and it kills you now guy now okay guys we hope you stub your toe at 3 a.m. and land there's like a small cup and then the cut gets infected and then you have to amputate your leg and then the blood loss causes you to die oh damn it is it pretty pretty elaborate Wow Jake fine fine you know cause a donated more bits they said they wants to get creative we gotta stop now we have to stop yeah we have I hope you're carrying the shopping home with you and you hold the baby bags for so long you get that weird thing where your arms go all shaking it's really unpleasant yeah I hope you makes you look and it makes you look weak it was like oh it's just it's just soup I hope you hit your elbow like a counter corner oh [ __ ] meanwhile we're kind of in trouble when we need this we need to really as much as I love the bit spam and all that okay we need to concentrate guys sorry sorry we made at me all the way here it's just he keeps like we need to back line this guy yeah I'm thinking like you need to a Bissel every turn just keeps laughing cuz made that base lap yeah and like ooh I mean take if you want to keep healing that's fine but if you want to tack like at this point go for it I think yes all right good time image time for the real Jake to come out who is the real Jake kind of us know is the healer that attacks people yay thanks it's trying to keep the stress under control a little bit welfare this boss fight doesn't have unique music it's just the same old generic [ __ ] music all right start the game that's what we both think Oh are we did did the game send us bits are we roasting don't touch me idiot [ __ ] off do you want to set a pre post again yeah yeah do it take a lot of damage and pan getting [ __ ] up will heal you okay I should probably heal yeah this is a little bit heels for you damn tasty jakers don't please tell man you tasty damn tasty jakers oh they're gonna all there buddy going each other how cute oh I'm sorry okay as much as I'd like to hit them and everything I'm gonna try to keep us from me I'm gonna do it I haven't cuz I've gotten afflicted yet Wow these Blackhawks fascinating in terrible Wow what ladies what the [ __ ] I'm just talking a little bollocks anyways just like what the [ __ ] is sit on about it's funny cuz like me and Kraven are both marked and we're not getting hit yeah they're not attacking us I'm fine this is fine we do not have a pull move but I'm pretty sure necromancer Lord level five has high move resist anyway so no your your back attack does more damage than mine does right it should it can do yes yeah so how about I heal you and you attack this [ __ ] I think I think for the past eighteen weeks every single week somebody's come in and said I didn't know you could play this co-op yeah Chandler's right on the ball with the command it's like here's the article no she has that saved on a [ __ ] word document yeah alright ctrl-c ctrl-v enter okay I cheated a lot when I played poker when I came up with a rule where people weren't allowed me to weren't allowed to warn me of what type of book 1 was or what moves ahead every five seconds somebody would be like Oh dragon tape hmm you want to heal or you want me to attack him you attack him I'm fine I've got 40 percent protection bonus hey crudo myself that's cool Wow Taylor uses bookmarks was this 2008 sorry I've arrested you for the bits Taylor I had to get one in i roasted her congratulations yeah you're right I'll Chris okay it means that there's Craven I'm gonna just move for him somebody came into my stream earlier and said that I sucked at Slater's fire I was like good this means like I'm getting places oh that's why I say to that person certainly says in-game characters salty it conscious a fan energy what Oh apparently I'm gonna few Civ well that's true tonight yeah hello madness my old friend no please done okay why don't they attack me what's going on I know right besides do I smell uh what you won't let me smoke do adversity is fine I talking about me I guess I'll just see it stress Hill Jake say don't can't do anything else oh my god thank god they're not bodyguarding here so stupid that's so dumb Oh Jake you can get the kill here are you guys want me to heal please kill him yeah you guys want me he'll kill me no I thought you guys always have rolled with me not healing like what are you doing what are you doing this is my character thank you so powerful since you are inside my turn yeah somebody had to [ __ ] do it finally I get to decide what I want to do it my character why is the voice bein here cuz you're being a douche I was gonna heal and you said no I should go that's what I should do I understand I don't do anything else so Jake there's a reason you live in a big house all by yourself because because it's like being friends with Chernobyl it's like a radiation of just [ __ ] patience waiting like a little [ __ ] okay so no have you seen Grey Gardens I have not what's up oh no this is gonna go ever go over everybody's head damn it ray Gardens is jake by himself Ron if you might get something chat then good for you good for you for reading I wish I was there it's really funny mr. crazy thank you I know what I'm doing mr. crazy [ __ ] up my god mom give me a second so I keel Craven was that what it was yes JL Craven alright [ __ ] it's not fun if you'll play along please die please evil bone saws correct but it's actually based off of like an actual thing bozos old lady and her niece live together and went [ __ ] crazy lived with raccoons toast boy six for seven says lawless is my first time viewing them on Twitch I will definitely be back to view future streams I've enjoyed it so far see this is why we do this for toast who paid them yeah you have a channel you want a pimp or something now yeah you know what other streams I like my own ice cream from what I'm streaming this game I'll be sure to play it a different way than you guys are playing it hey when I streamed this game yesterday and we'll be streaming it tomorrow that didn't happen to me I would love to hear your input oh we got hell's hairpin a Hellion low light item that we will never you chose boy because this is your first stream right and you don't know who we are which one of those do you like the most and aw yeah who do you like to the most how did you find this yeah how'd you find us and who's the back am I the best am i the berries oh we got the bring in the wolf coming in ooh next stream the door alright Jake we gotta get rid of your oh [ __ ] first you chance disease I'm here because of Johnny watches YouTube darn alright I'll ever toast boy I want it ok ok ok dammit Wow Apple Cup G coming at ya Jake finally show that's what that's the most energy we've seen from Jake and whatever five weeks maybe what was a [ __ ] what was what was the last name I gave my big dummy dumb face big dumb face yeah why why because it's it's success all your male characters you like best person ever than the woman you're just like the other female character you have is we've fan 69 it's like you don't like Elliman you don't like women mmm-hmm then there's a one female character you haven't called Jake oh yeah you gave the female what a [ __ ] middle name what I don't get it Jake yours looks so proud after you do anything in this game you always like lean back in your chair you're like yeah I did it that what was that that costs a lot of money that was an abomination finger there already so yeah all right guys thanks for watching bye um trash you don't want to name it being trash I knew it I knew you're gonna go this route anyway so this is cinahl's last stream with us be back next week yeah okay well thanks guys for for coming my three coho buddy Sinnoh mr. Craven and Jake starting with Jake where where can people find you if they want to see more of you you can find me a defense of Jake on YouTube and twitch I stream on Saturdays 7 to 10 p.m. central and I'm going to be expanding that version Wow powerful stuff guys and then we got Sinnoh up in the upper left so no hi everyone i stream everyday over at TV / - no beats for at least 5 hours sometimes I take Friday's off for my own mental health sometimes I don't and the stress is killing me if you like slate aspire you'll probably like watching me and mr. krei zijn hi you can find me on youtube in on Twitch mr. Craven I'm both I post and stream whenever Neto also real quick if you like Mass Effect and you want to see a totally awesome amazing chant like to a channel stream it that's what I'm gonna be streaming next I feel like games actually mean something drink if you want a rich narrative come see offensive Jake but don't even [ __ ] say that [Laughter] alright guys considered a death threat if I say I want to die mmm I don't think so all the time yeah ok do we want to raid definition he's streaming dark cloud to actually like the game so yes I'd like dark lot a lot all right all right guys everybody read definition all right guys all right guys what's up guys thanks that's definition here um yeah actually actually got three followers right after on Fridays what yeah what what time do you stream on Fridays somebody didn't hear in chat Oh sometimes I stream at my normal time which is 3 p.m. est no 4 p.m. est and sometimes I take Friday's off because I need a [ __ ] break but every other day I stream all the time okay so we're leaving anyway sorry [Music]
Channel: John Twolfe
Views: 9,084
Rating: 4.8693876 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: aoICdZ8xHrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 42sec (10902 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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