CNN, MSNBC are racist: Mark Levin

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you know i do things a little differently here i do things a little differently on my radio show and other platforms and that's this i don't just comment i don't just observe i get dirt under my fingernails what do i mean by that i'm an activist and i'm mission oriented i'm an activist and a mission oriented eight months ago before the release of american marxism i got on the radio and here and i made it clear that we had to build a movement we had to build a movement to confront these various aspects of american marxism critical race theory and the destruction of our classrooms the de-growth movement under the rubric of climate change and the the war on capitalism this transgender movement and so forth that these were destroying our country we looked at other issues too of course open borders and the the attack on separation of powers on the independence of the courts and on and on and on this is the modern day democrat party it is the the model through which american marxism represents itself and you can see the media today the media today celebrate defend and promote these various movements critical race theory first they deny it exists and then they say what are you scared of it why cancel it same with the uh the the degrowth movement the world on capitalism and on and on and on and so we have people politicians in washington we have hosts on radio and tv are trying to figure out what happened this week in the election well what happened was this a movement was building very very quietly under the radar millions and millions of people were involved millions of people who read american marxism who listened to talk radio millions of people who've had enough of what's going on in washington and the personal effect it has on them whether it's inflation the price of groceries the price of gasoline and this talk about fundamentally transitioning our economic system to something else and this talk about white racism and white supremacy day in and day out people are sick and tired of the whole thing now there were two things that could have happened we could have rolled over we could have rolled over it been in a fetal position and let that happen or fight back and push back eight months ago it seemed that many of us were prepared to surrender many of us were what was me many of us didn't know what to do but we galvanized and we rallied this is something we talked about on the show day in and day out it's something i've talked about on radio day in and day out even if we have certain differences among us those of us who love this country those of us who believe in its founding those of us who believe in the declaration of independence and unalienable rights those of us who believe in the constitution of the bill of rights we had to come together we had to unite despite our differences despite if we're in one party or another or no party to push back against these american marxist movements that had been leaching into our kids schools leaching into the media leeching into the public square or they were going to defeat us that we had to claw our way back one election at a time one battle at a time one school system at a time that's what happened last week that's what happened last week and i might add with no help from washington dc in the establishment this is a grassroots movement grassroots movement the reagan revolution was a grassroots movement opposed by the republican establishment it took reagan three times before he became the nominee and one of the most successful presidents in american history the rise of the tea party movement when i wrote the book liberty and tyranny they came out simultaneously the tea party movement which gave a majority to the house republicans almost took over the senate as well and was opposed and fought by the republican establishment and their uh and their surrogates in the media the trump revolution which completely changed our politics still opposed by established republicans and the so-called never-trumpers and so forth now we have this movement you and i we are part of this movement we're not just observers we're not just commentators looking back 2020 over our shoulder to well what happened last week we know what happened last week we were personally involved in it what happened last week is simple we are not going to allow this country to fall to these american marxist movements why do i call them american marxist movements because they're founders they're scholars they're pseudo intellectuals they're advocates they're activists they call it marxist movements we saw what happened two summers ago in our streets to our cities we saw what they did to our police forces from sea to shining sea we saw how they tried to overturn this country turn it inside out turn it into a country we would not even recognize destroying it from within and when we had an opportunity to push back we push back we push back in our school systems we're pushing back with this monstrous bill that biden pelosi and schumer want to push through that will fundamentally alter our government and our economic system we are pushing back and we must continue to push back these american marxists they're awake 24 7 trying to figure out how to sabotage this nation we have to continue to be resolute fantastic election night the other night from virginia new jersey new york pennsylvania texas colorado kansas throughout the country school boards local sheriff's elections big victories but they're just victories last week we need to build on this we need to go on offense we need to put them on their heels they need to respond to us have you seen the media the media have now turned on quote-unquote white women in the suburbs two elections ago they couldn't slobber over them enough because they were voting for biden they thought well now in virginia and in new jersey they didn't they voted against the democrats in order to protect their children their flesh and blood from this american marxist movement called critical race theory what do the media say oh these are racist white women in the suburbs now everybody's racist of course but the racists the people who push critical racist theory they're the racists the people in the media especially msnbc and cnn racist professors racist activists racist hosts day in and day out and what do they do righteous people who believe in diversity who have no problem with people of other faiths and backgrounds and pigmentation and so forth you are the ones who they demonize and attack and one other thing about what took place last week the relentless attacks on donald trump they completely backfired terry mcauliffe the former bag man for the clintons terry mcauliffe could not say donald trump's name enough and for most of the campaign almost right up to the end he was running against donald trump nice try terry guess what you lost and donald trump won donald trump won your attempt to turn this into a trump race you lost now glenn younkin and the team over there ran a fantastic campaign as they did in new jersey as they did all over the country we must embrace this country our founding our patriotism push back against what's taking place and that's exactly what is happening i want to remind you albeit briefly of what i said in the first chapter of american marxism which has now sold almost 1.2 million copies during this summer during the lead up to this victory where millions of you have read it have passed along the message have been the paul reveres the paul reveres throughout this country under the radar unrecognized by the establishment politicians in washington but you know who you are i know who you are first chapter american marxism american marxism has made great progress toward instituting its goals over the last several years if it is to be defeated as it must albeit a daunting and complex mission its existence must first be acknowledged and labeled for what it is the urgency of the moment must be realized in the emergence of a unified patriotic front a previously docile divergent and or disputatious societal cultural and political factions and forces which have in common their belief that america is worth defending must immediately galvanize around and rally to the cause we must rise to the challenge as did our founding fathers when they confronted the most powerful force on earth that's right the british empire and defeated it admittedly in numerous ways today's threat is more byzantine as it now inhabits most of our institutions and menaces from within making engagement difficult and complicated nonetheless i fervently believe america as we know it will be forever lost if we do not prevail well guess what red-blooded americans of all colors and all backgrounds who love this country whether born citizens or naturalized citizens or soon-to-be naturalized citizens have had enough and we are standing up to this not because washington says so not because certain media are reporting on it but because you are taking matters into your own hands and you will continue to be trashed by the corrupt media in this country you will continue to be trashed by the corrupt democrat party in this country as well as other establishmentarians but keep up the fight we've got a long way to go a long way to go not just in our schools but in our corporations in our colleges and universities defending the police defending the military securing the border getting our constitution back fighting off the effort to destroy separation of powers and the independence of the courts this is our mission these are the forces that we are up against and i could not be more proud of you the american people who are saying this is my country regardless of your background in your race and i'm going to defend it and look at who won in virginia a white governor a black lieutenant governor and a brown attorney general and guess what the media in this country are calling them racists racists well let me tell you something the media in this country are racists they're bigots they're anti-semites they are liars and they are corrupt there's almost no difference between the media in this country and the hard core stalinists on the left of the democrat party the aocs the pressleys the talibs and the omars they're one and the same they have no disagreement on issues or tactics or anything of the kind we demonstrated last week and we will demonstrate going forward we don't need them we can go around them above them and under them but we don't need them hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 317,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: election, election day, gop, mcauliffe, virginia, virginia election, virginia governor, virginia governor winner, virginia voter, virginia winner, youngkin, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network
Id: JdM-kagWsU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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