Greg erupts on Juan in heated argument over Democrat run cities

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after another week of searching crime and Anarchy across America president Trump tearing into Democrat run cities and vowing to stop leftist mobs these cities it's like living in hell Chicago is an example it's like worse than Afghanistan they're anarchists the big thing they want is they want to really destabilize our country and we don't let them they've created bedlam they've destroyed very important things I mean you're also talking about statues of George Washington Abraham Lincoln they'd like to get Jesus we're gonna get tougher and tougher and at some point there's gonna be retribution because there has to be these people of vandals but they're agitated but they're really it terrorists in a sense the president isn't the only one fed up with what we've been seeing a Chicago activist calling out black lives matter for not focusing enough on the gun violence plaguing his community the entire nation should be outraged when a three-year-old is executed on the streets of Chicago and a thirteen year old young young girl was killed on the west side Chicago as well it makes no sense to me if we can see you to stand up against the system but we will not stand up in our own neighborhood meanwhile sleep with Joe Biden under fire from the left for not embracing the radical defund the police movement political insiders are worried the Democrat base will reject Biden if he doesn't get on board all right Greg what did you think about the president using the phrase terrorists when talking about the agitators and the looters I don't know I mean I I I don't think words are enough anymore I think that there needs to be some kind of action and I'm not sure what it is but that what I find interesting is the gun violence in Chicago is a reality what you're seeing going on in America is a racial hysteria so why is one gaining attention and the other isn't and I believe that the worst thing a black community can do as a whole is take advice from coddled white over-caffeinated overeducated under experienced left-wing individuals because look at the consequences the black on black crime or the gang violence and the gun violence ignore but everybody's running around tearing down statues so I want to end the race war that we seem to be experiencing today I'm gonna blow your mind with this okay there are more differences and conflict within white then there are between whites and blacks there are more conflicts and differences between whites than there are between whites and blacks when you look at those pasty white wimps out there running around vandalizing and destroying property I realize that I have absolutely nothing in common with these laughable losers and in fact when anybody looks at the TV they realize they have no nothing in common as a white person with these failures so it's insulting to me and it should be insulting to every white person that you are you think that race binds us it doesn't bind us I have more in common with black winners than white losers and that's the truth of all human beings we have a weak what ties us together is achievement and not grievance so white winners and black winners are on the same side and stay away from the white losers because they are poisoning the minds of everybody that will end racism if all the winners of every race and color join together and laugh at the losers yeah I like that idea why Williams we talked about it yesterday BT founder saying that a lot of black Americans just laugh at these as Greg would say pasty white losers tearing down statues and canceling TV shows because they think you know that that doesn't mean much well I'm here to defend my white brothers I think this I think what's going on here is President Trump is desperate his poll numbers have cratered and when he was asked last night on Sean Hannity's town hall meeting you know what's coming next what's your message what's your agenda he really didn't have much to say since he's experienced he's great everything will be great so what he does Jesse as he takes a few instances of looting or bad behavior and he blows it up suddenly cities are war zones Afghanistan suddenly these people are terrorists they're so powerful they're threatening our socials fabric I mean the reality is that his message I think if you live in Minneapolis Minnesota you'd probably agree that it did let me just say because everything's on fire and it cost a billion dollars in damage now look that you you can keep showing the same footage again and again and again but here's let me just say it's real trust me on this don't trust me listen to the Wall Street Journal in their lead editorial this morning they said Trump is headed for a historic loss as millions of Americans are close to saying that they can't risk four more years of this they can't stand it they're talking about suburban nights they're talking about women they're even talking about seniors abandoning Trump and I think that's why he's engaged in this kind of horrible imagery and language because he doesn't have a message he didn't he's not killing people in Chicago he's not looting one these things are actually real they're not fantasies true he could do a better job he could do a better job facing these problems we agree with that but you can't lay those problems on him as somehow he's conjuring this stuff up in order to win an election this stuff is real people are suffering wad they're suffering in Chicago they're suffering in Minneapolis they're suffering in New York they're suffering in Atlanta they're suffering in Dallas or suffering in California and you go isolated incidents wake up one you got to wake up to this and start it started helping your party face the truth well I think the truth is we've had black on black crime in this country for a long time and I think the incumbent is Donald Trump if he was about healing reconciliation if he was doing something to deal with those problems maybe he'd have a better case maybe he'd have something to say about bringing Americans together but he doesn't have anything less reason to the president has to a police reform and the Democrats rejected it and he's offered him to help with the National Guard and you guys attacked them for me all right Emily what did you think about Greg's idea about the winners getting together against the losers that were you did that provoke thought in your mind yeah I'd like to be on the winning team as always I'll weigh in though on this larger conversation this is absolutely the Democrats blaming America for the problems that they have caused the reason that they want to make it about federal reform or federal action is because it makes it the country's problem not theirs but the country didn't cause these problems their policies did so when we talked about Chicago and the fact that this month they had the most violent and deadly weekend and day in their 60 years of keeping track of violence that is the predictable result to the multi-factor rot under democratic policies horrible public schools and excessive poverty the inability to break out of dependency programs cycles the food insecurity all of those things that is because of Democratic policy and it has festered all of those factors under the decisions that these Democratic local and state leaders have been making and when they sit around and say Oh America needs to change it's because they are deflecting away from the fact that their policies need to change you guys know I'm a Californian I was in junior high in the Richmond Public Unified School District in 1990 when in the middle of the year it went bankrupt and you know what happened after that the predominantly black city of Richmond had that credit rating affected because of the bankruptcy and the entire school district changed its name because of that and that kind of systemic rot that's the tip of the iceberg of democratic policy rot but at that time that's one school district that got bailed out by already bankrupt California now every year there's about 50 that is the rot I'm talking about it and it's Democratic policies so Dana how does the president match up against Democrat mayors and governors it's the similar thing to what we had with kovat 19 were kind of brawling with with Cuomo and stuff and now he's brawling with Democrat mayors and governors over the Rye in the end the chaos does that work for him politically in your opinion well with some people yes but let's take Michigan for an example obviously he has had a little bit of a tussle with the governor there governor Whitmer she was not necessarily covered in glory herself but recently if you see the feedback from Michiganders a significant portion of them felt that the president was singling them out and being mean to them for political reasons rather than on the merits not saying that that's true I'm just saying that's how they felt so I don't know politically if that's necessarily working but one thing that the president can do and he's shown he's willing to do this before he can convene a meeting he's really good at that and he's not ideological so he's like he'll meet with anybody he'll listen so instead of I mean I think he should call out the local governments we're not doing enough but I also feel like that call out should come with some reaching out and what if he called up mayor Lightfoot and said I'd you got a problem I'm here to help what do you need from me how can I help you I asked you what do you have to in 2016 I said what do you have to lose Here I am I'm here I'm we're willing to spend money look at all the money we're spending lots of money on coronavirus response I'm willing to help you on the security front I think the people of Chicago deserve better they need to be protected and safe and if you need federal government help I'm here to help you what would it take and if she does not take him up on it then you can go more political that's just an idea
Channel: Fox News
Views: 4,352,001
Rating: 4.79 out of 5
Keywords: the Five, The Five democrat run cities, democrat run cities, democrats, violence, city violence, statues, monuments, the five monuments, greg gutfeld juan williams, dana perino, emily compagno, fox news the five, greag gutfeld reacts, greg gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld reacts, jesse watters, juan williams, the five, the five fox news, the five greg gutfeld, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, trump democrat cities, trump hannity town hall
Id: iyubHMx4qDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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