John Ratcliffe on latest indictment in Durham probe

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this is the biggest news that didn't get reported that we find out that there was no collusion between trump and russia that it was created by hillary clinton in a campaign in july of 2016 that the cia director john brennan that the fbi director comey and the president of the united states barack obama all knew about that and was never brought to congress who who has withheld this information credit to director radcliffe for that transparency of releasing it to the house and senate that was gop house minority leader kevin mccarthy on this program back in october of 2020 after then director of national intelligence john ratcliffe declassified notes confirming that the steele dossier was completely fabricated by hillary clinton's campaign john ratcliffe the man who exposed this and other russia lies joins me right now congressman uh director it's great to see you thanks very much for being here and thank you for all of your work all of these years john well you as well maria you've been an important part of getting this story out to at least some of the american people and i'm glad that you know the developments that have happened this week that some of the american people are getting to see some of the information uh that i saw as the director of national intelligence that was was so important and it was so important for you to get this out there is a now a third indictment we'll show those three indictments on the screen right now and then i want to get into the two most important items that you declassified you declassified these things before the election of 2020 and you also uh identified what specifically happened let's talk about john durham's handwritten notes and what they say this was one of the most important things that classified john brennan's heart just listen to me john brennan's notes and they were handwritten notes and we're going to show them on the screen right now tell me what they said yeah so let's start at the beginning you know we talked about this i talked on this show with you about many things as a member of congress but when i became the director of national intelligence i said listen i want to see all of the intelligence about this supposed russian collusion and what i found was and as you're finding out is there was of course no russian collusion between the trump campaign and russia but what i did see in intelligence documents some of which i've now declassified that there was collusion involving the clinton campaign and russians to create a dossier and so what john brennan's notes reveal is you know we talk about these indictments igor danchenko is now the third person to be criminally indicted in connection with the steele dossier uh for peddling something that that was uh known to be false to the fbi but what's important here is john brennan's own notes reflect and the and the the other document that i declassified showed that our intelligence community and our fbi knew this ahead of time that hillary clinton we had specific intelligence that hillary clinton was creating a plan to vilify donald trump to falsely accuse him of ties to russia and the intelligence community and the fbi knew this and president obama vice president biden were briefed by john brennan and james clapper and jim comey in early august of 2016. and john solomon's earlier point was right it all should have stopped at that point everything related to the steele dossier was known to be untrue but yet it was the predicate for moving forward with an unjust unfair and ultimately now everyone accepts a criminal criminally negligent investigation against the trump campaign it was a crime to investigate donald trump because there was no probable cause as fbi director uh christopher wray has admitted under oath there was no probable cause for those fisa applications because they used the steele dossier and it was full and it was phony so to underline john brennan's notes he has a he says there was an exchange and it shows us that hillary clinton has approved a plan concerning u.s presidential candidate donald trump and russia and tying him into a scandal there from then then you have the cia telling the fbi this is the second most important document that you declassified and this is what's called a ciol this is a counter intelligence operational lead it's the cia telling the fbi we have this information hillary has cooked up this plan against donald trump you need to investigate it tell me more yeah so why it's um unfortunately what happened there is the cia because it can't use our intelligence authorities uh under the law can't be used for domestic purposes and it and then because this involved hillary clinton's campaign and people associated with it a referral had to be made to the fbi unfortunately as you see from that document the referral went to disgraced fbi agent peter strzok who had uh just weeks before receiving that referral had sent text messages promising to f trump to stop trump to make sure trump would never become president so as you as you uh said earlier the person who was supposed to be investigating the fake steele dossier before john durham ever got involved was peter strzok and instead what he did was bury that part of it as it related to hillary clinton and instead took a dossier that he knew to be false used it to get a fisa application that he knew to be illegal and used it to perpetuate an investigation that went on for four years that misrepresented everything to the american people and that's why everyone associated with the steele dossier with its creation it's peddling to the fbi and its use with by law enforcement authorities against the trump campaign illegally is in criminal jeopardy right now so do you think that that is what john durham is looking at do you think we will see i know that potential indictments well i know that i know that maria because as you as you know many of the documents that john durham is using are documents that i gave him so i declassified the documents that we've talked about but i give john durham over a thousand other uh documents that have not yet been declassified that i know include intelligence that goes specifically to this criminal activity that would be the basis for further indictments and you know again what happened with the steele dossier a grand jury is saying was criminal in nature and i expect that all of the folks that are involved uh with creating it and peddling it falsely uh would be in in in jeopardy and i know that that's what john durham is looking at and as i talked about um you know this goes to the to the highest levels of of our government in in in the government agencies involved and we have pictures of meetings in the oval office with president obama and john brennan when we assume john brennan told president obama that he had this information we're going to show those pictures right now of the oval office where president obama joe biden were briefed by john brennan saying hillary clinton has cooked up this plan to ensnare her opponent donald trump and this was way before uh inauguration day of donald august of 2000 2016. august 2016 yeah august of 2016 right and these three years we don't know if they were august september or october yep well the the briefings occurred in august of 2016. so several months before the election and again um peter strzok and folks at the fbi knew that the steele dossier and was was was a hillary clinton creation and as the dancehenko indictment reflects maria not only did hillary clinton commission the creation of the steele dossier people that worked for her served as the sources for that information pr executive one who has been identified publicly as a as a gentleman named charles dolan worked for bill and hillary clinton served as state chairman of their campaigns was appointed by bill clinton during his administration and worked for the russian federation he was a source of the information some of the most salacious allegations against paul manafort and about donald trump and the ritz-carlton hotel so all of that was make-believe it was bogus and folks within the law enforcement community particularly were aware of that and yet used it illegally and peddled it for a great period of time for political for a political purpose which is just um uh not only inappropriate but as you're finding out uh criminal as well and i expect there i said a long time ago to you maria i expect there to be many indictments i haven't backed off of that um and i continue to think that there are going to be many indictments based on the intelligence that i gave to john durham and that i have seen yeah and what happens to all of your colleagues on the left who attacked you throughout the years that you were trying to educate and inform the american people adam schiff saying that there was collusion in plain sight he saw what you saw as a congressman he saw what devin nunes saw as a congressman on the intel committee how did he come out and go on msnbc and cnn and say there was collusion in plain sight and what about mark warner attacking you repeatedly as you were informing the american people throughout 2018 2019 and 2020. not only in that time frame as a member of congress but as the director of national intelligence i briefed mark warner i briefed adam schiff i shared this information with them and they knew that it took they knew that it was true they knew that i was being truthful but they were concerned about winning a political election they wanted joe biden to win in 2020 and wow so that's the that's the reason that they came out um the way that they did look you know uh the intelligence speaks for itself grand juries uh take the actions based on the intelligence that is an evidence that is provided to them you know at the end of the day the truth will defend itself and it and it is in this instance it's great to have you this morning and thanks very much for all of your truth telling john good to see you john ratcliffe joining us this morning we'll be right back stay with us
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,819,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john durham, russia probe, russia investigation, donald trump, durham probe, hillary clinton, peter strzok, john brennan, james comey, John Ratcliffe, director of national intelligence, dni ratcliffe, fox news, fox news media, fox news channel, fox news network, sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo, sunday morning futures, maria bartiromo, russia, trump, national intelligence, indictment durham, indictments, indictment, john brennan cia, robert mueller
Id: vQNl8PpcSHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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