Clue: YouTubers Edition!

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- I just Sherlocked the (beep) out of you. How do you feel about that, Tommy? - Maybe I was distracting you. - (beep), you anti-Sherlocked me. (steady bitmap music) - Smosh created a board game not click bait, into parentheses, you will cry. Guys, welcome to our very special, very unique series of YouTube-themed board games. How do you guys feel? - I'm a little hungry. - We have, well, I didn't create it, we didn't create it. Our lovely team (indiscernible) created this game. YouTuber Clue! - Yeah! - Dude, this is so sick. There's no murdering happening, surprisingly. - But it's career murdering. (guys gasp dramatically) - Instead of guessing the crime based on a person and a weapon and a room, we are guessing the cancellation based on a room in this YouTube mansion with all the ridiculous tropes. We got the oversize bedroom, the living room with $30,000 couch, a Peloton gym, you know, the works of a YouTube mansion. And we are guessing which YouTuber got canceled for what reason. - Who do we got, Courtney? - Shane Dawson, Tana Mongeau, Jeffree Star, James Charles, Jake Paul, and Tati Westbrook. - Oh, Jake Paul, my favorite boxer! (all laugh) - And the cancellations, the weapons of cancellation, I love this very much; problematic tweets, ripped off content, (beep) talking their fans, #ad for harmful product, bad apology video, (all mumble) and public break-up. Ooh! We roll the dice, try and get to specific rooms, and when we get to a room we can guess who and what happened in this room. - And how. - If you like these kinds of videos we do a pretty quirky, pretty crazy, subscribe, please! - So quirky. - So we have the official cancellation with how, where and who in here, going in this envelope. If you make an official accusation and check the envelope and you're wrong, you dead, you out. - Yep, you can still play, you just can't win. - You start, the red piece starts. - [Ian] Oh. - Everybody knows that. - Tommy mongoose. - Tommy mongoose. - I love that. - You made that up. - I'm egotistical, that's why I love it. (Courtney laughs) - This always happens to me in Clue, I always under-roll. One, two, three, four. - Ooh! - Oh. - So you have to make it to the door to get inside, so that's why. - Yeah. - Watch me get in this 10 car garage before you, Ify. (cluttering) (cats screaming) Six. All right, so I go one, two, three, four, five, six. (guys all groan) - Ah, Ify will get there before you unless he rolls a two. - Oh wait, no I still would've been. - [Tommy] Yeah, that's correct. - But I would've been, but I could be here. - You could be. - I wanna be there. - Oh, come on! - I don't wanna compete with Ify for a 10 car garage. - We're not doing this on turn two, huh? (guys all chuckle) All right, let's see, oh! - [Courtney] That's a roll, baby! - [Damien] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Boom, I'm in the oversized bedroom. - Whoa! - We're also playing a house rule where because this is all digital, we are not going to warp someone else's piece to a room when they were accused. We think it's just gonna make the game flow a little bit better for ourselves. So, I would like to make my first accusation. - Yeah, 'cause the real accusation would get you kicked out, booted, cooted! - In the oversize bedroom, I believe that none other than Tammy Mongoose was canceled for using a hashtag ad For a harmful product. - I have one of those cards. - You do have one of those cards? I would love to see. - But you see, that's how we did it when we play real Clue. - Wow, it's all coming together. - Did you know that in Europe this is called YouTuber Cluedo? - I did know that. - That's a specific joke and I love you very much. - Seven! - Seven! Whoa! - Seven. - I'm gonna say James Charles was canceled by problematic tweets in the walk-in closet. - No, you gotta do oversized bedroom. - Oh, I gotta do oversized bedroom, so oversized bedroom. - I have one of them. - Oh! - Oh. - Okay. Thank you. - You're welcome. - Very disappointing. - I know. - That was- (Courtney and Tommy laugh) A gun! - I feel like a beautiful roll. - Nine! - Wowee! - I really wanna go to the gaming room. - [Damien] You should. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Okay. I'm gonna, I'm going to throw a guest, guys. Oh, don't look! - That was up, I looked up. - Tana mongoose was canceled via ripped off content in the Mountain Dew gaming room. - So it would be me first, right? - Mm hmm. Secret, okay, thank you. - Those are my secrets. - Wow. - [Iffy[ One, two, three. - And now I'm in here. So now it's time for my suggestion. Tana Mongeau. - Mongeau! (laughing) I love that! - Tana Capulet. - (beep) talking their friends, fans in the 10 car garage. - Nope. - Ify, I gotta be honest with you, my guy. I don't have any of those. - Okay. - Yeah, okay I got one of them. - Wowie caboodles! - Well, I guess I don't need a role anymore. - Unless you want to go- - Do it for funsies. (laughing) - Eight pretty good, my guy! You can even go to the other door. - You know what I will. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! - [Courtney] Good job, man! - So it's gonna be my guess. It's gonna be my guess that Tana Monjeau was canceled for in the living room with a $30,000 couch. - I was- - Canceled for what? - Yeah, she was canceled for (beep) talking her fans. - Ian, I have not a single one of those. - Oh no. - Do you have something Tommy? - Yep. - Oh, Tommy has something. - Here you go Ian. Did you get it? (mumbling) - You guys are about to see some amazing deduction for- - That's a cuatro right there. - Peloton- - Guess, it turns out they're more YouTubers in this game than Tommy Mongoose. So, I'm actually going to guess that Jake Paul had a public breakup in the Peloton gym. - Nope. - Courtney, do you have any of those? - No, no, no, no. - Do you think YouTubers get mad at us when we make these? - I bet they're so (beep) heated and cheated. - I don't know if we're on their radar. (laughing) - They're like who? - Seven again. - The worst Zac Efron movie? - [Ian] I think I can make it one, two, three, four, five, six, counting up. - [Tommy] Sure can. - Interesting, you didn't go towards the Peloton. - [Ian] No, I wanted to go to the rotating potato room, which is what my- - Rotating Instagram photo op op room. - Jake, this is... (knocking) either a great strategy or a horrible one. I'm going to say basically what you just said, 'cause I want to know what Sheba showed you. - Sure. - So that's going to be- - I'm a born leader. - Jake Paul public breakup, but this time in the rotating potato room. (laughing) - Okay. I have one. - I'd love to know. Okay, that's great. - Did you say who? - No, I said what? I said, what I thought. - Interesting. - You said why, that's why I got. - Interesting, I just Sherlock the (beep) out of you. How do you feel about that, Tommy? - Maybe I was misdirecting you. - (beep) you anti sherlocked me. - I got one, two, three, one, two, three, four, five. Into the swimming pool. - Into a glass swimming pool. - So I think Tana Monjeau, glass swimming pool with (beep) their fans. - Ethan, have you any, I don't know what. - Ethan, I haven't any of your clues. - Courtney, I have one of your clues. - Or more, but I will show you one. - I'm not gonna roll, because I'm just take the secret passage. (shouting) - I should've done that! - You could do that? - Of course, if you're not hanging out in the gym. (panting) - No don't, Peloton! - All right. The assumption that I will make. Gonna say Tati Westbrook. Bad apology video in the Peloton gym. - Hmm. - I have no clues. - Ify, I have one of them. - Ah - Yeah, yeah. - You know what that means? (mumbling) - Nobody's gone to the honey room, huh? - We all know what happens in the honey room. - The smart kitchen brought to you by honey. - I'll just go, yeah. - There hasn't been any attention on Mr. Shane Dawson. So, I'm going to throw it out there. I think Shane Dawson was making problematic tweets in the smart kitchen, brought to you by honey. You get 10% off with co promo code cash. - Ethan, I have one of your clues. - Okay, thank you, get it. - Roll the best number of all, we all know who's at nine. - I am going to be in the rotating potato room, brought to you by one rider. I believe that Jeffrey Star ripped off a bunch of content. And I think Jeffrey Star did that in the rotating potato room. - Oh I do. - Okay, one of these days I'll make a clue that makes it past you. - Wow. (laughing) - Set A. - I'm just gonna scoot on over into the walk-in closet. I'm in the VO booth.`` - Catch me there. - The Shanest of Dawson's ripped off content in the VO booth. - I have nothing. - I have nothing, congratulations. - I have a clue, but I don't want to give it to you. But I have to, you have to. - So here you are. - Thank you. - Confirmed. - Wish I could know what that was. (mumbling) - Eight. - Say eight! - You okay? - No, six, seven, eight. (clapping) - She knows how to walk. - So, I think Shane Dawson did a bad apology video in a 10 car garage, which isn't far off from reality. - It is funny, How many of these line up, where you're like, I've seen that. - Yeah. - I have nothing for you. - What? - Yes. - Nay. - Why? - Courtney, you will get not a single thing out of me. - Oh, but Courtney don't you worry. Courtney, I've got ya. - Oh! - Oh, hells yeah homie. - Oh! - Thank you. - You're welcome. - I'm going to return to the 10 car garage. - Whoa, hold on. (indistinct) - Yes, Shane Dawson as well. - Jeez. - Bad apology video as well. 10 car garage as well. - He! - Thank you, okay. - Man, I'm so unsure on the location. - Yeah, the location- - That one's tool- - I'm absolutely stumped on the weapon. - So now I'm in the Mountain Dew gaming training center. Tati Westbrook, doing a good old public breakup in the Mountain Dew gaming training center. - Tater Tati Westbrook. - Ian, I don't have any of those. - I do not. - I have something. - What, what? - Don't tell anyone. Is that enough tea for ya? - Yeah. - A five, damn, one less than I needed. - I'm going to go, one, two, three, four, five, and I will bide my time and get stronger. - I'm going to stay in the walk-in closet I think though. - Or don't you have to leave it and come back to make us- - You know what, I don't think we've done enough- (indistinct) - One, two, three, four, five. (laughing) - I'm going to say Shane Dawson, public breakup and the pool. What a delicious break up video that would be. - What a tasty, tasty, yummy yummy video. - It's like, we've got some bad news. - My guy, I have nothing for ya. - Wow. - Nothing. - I may have something for you. - Oh! - Oh! - Gosh. I keep forgetting, I can't like be like, "Oh, I didn't look at, at that time." (indistinct) (laughing) - Eight. - Eight. - Said Eight! - Peloton gym. - Peloton gym. I think it's James Charles ripped off content in the Peloton room. - I see what you've done there, Courtney. That was really clever. - If he has offered up his (indistinct). - Too, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Then I'm just going to opt to go to Peloton, or I won't be able to make an accusation and right now I need it so I can make it some serious accusations. So I will say Jeffrey Star (beep) talking their fans in the Peloton gym. - I sir have a clue. Whoosh. Protect it with your life. - Delicious, I am more pleased than you could believe. - Oh, no. - Grips. All right. (laughing) - This is rough. - It's eight! - It's eight! - I'm going to go into the walk-in closet. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. I'm going to guess that it was Shane Dawson talking (beep) talking their fans in the walk-in closet VO booth. - If you can believe it, I have one those. - Uh oh. - Oh my goodness. - You wanna see which one it is? - Yeah. - There is a real, there is a real scenario on these cards. - Mm hmm. - I wish I could actually guess it, because it is real. - That's in the middle East. - Ah, Israel. - Oh. (booing) (springs) (laughing) - Hey. (laughing) - 10! - 10! - I guess I'll go to Peloton. - I don't like your clues. - Shane Dawson for shoot talking their fans in the Peloton. - I'm just trying to get that info. - Nope. - Shane Dawson (beep) talking Peloton. - I got nothing. - I have nothing as well. (suspenseful music) - I have nothing. - Whoa! Are you brave? - Wow. - Are you brave enough? - Actually, I'm going to be, I'm going to be like so random here. I'm going to do a hail Mary. - I mean, isn't it just like confirmed? - Yeah, yeah. I'm going to say Shane Dawson (beep) talking his fan. This is my accusation, by the way. It's a big one. Shane Dawson was (beep) talking his fans in the smart kitchen, brought to you by honey. - Oh. - Oh. - I can check and see if you were right. - I can check and see if you were right. (dramatic sound) (laughing) - Oh no! - No! - Oh man, I should have gone with my gut. Should have gone with my gut. - Oh dude, this is so easy. I got it. - Okay, what have we learned here? - Wowie, zowie! - Seven. - One two, three. I'm in the gaming center now. - Wow, hey gaming center. - Brought to you by Mountain Dew. - Mountain Dew, piss. - Piss? - Yes. - All right. So, I'm going to say Shane Dawson. I'm going to say hashtag ad for harmful product in the gaming center. - Got nothing. - Okay. - Good, good. - Seven. - Seven! - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. In the swimming pool time. Woo hoo, okay, okay. So, I think Jeffrey Star actually, no. Actually- (laughing) - It's hard to see. It's really dark in the pool. - I think it's Jeffrey Star in the pool, via- - Wait, you moved my piece. (laughing) I'm yellow! You just grabbed the closest piece to you? - So then fine. Jeffrey Star in the 10 car garage all tracking because of (beep) in their fans. - I have nothing for you. - He's shipped chip dude. - Oh my God. - Oh my God, right? - Oh my God, I cannot believe it. - Can you believe? - All right Ify, finish this game, Ify. - Yeah, I'm gonna accuse. - You're gonna make a proper accusation before even checking? - Are you gonna ask a clue? - No, I'm gonna make an accusation. - Oh! - He's perched! - Nanny! - You see all of us have been making moves, asking clues, but it wasn't about the clues that I was asking. It's about the clues that you were asking. - Whoa! - Ah! - That's how you play the game? - The process of elimination made me figure out that it is indeed Shane Dawson (beep) talking their fans in the 10 car garage. (mumbling) - I'm going to be shocked if you're right. - Are you L right now? (dramatic tone) (cheering) (clapping) - Damn. good job Ify. - Yes. - Good job. - So that was YouTube Mansion, AKA YouTube, CLUE, AKA YouTube Cluedo. And we got to the bottom of that case and figured it out. And can't wait to see this actually happen. - Yeah! - If you enjoyed that, and make sure you hit subscribe, hitting that bell, so you know, when we're dropping new stuff. And if you like this, you can click there, it's gonna be a cool video right there, and click right there, there's another cool video right there. But yeah. Thanks for watching, thanks for hanging, and thanks for playing.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 318,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Clue: YouTubers Edition!, youtubers, drama, youtuber games, youtube board game, clue, cluedo, youtube drama, tea, 2021
Id: EdYIV5mzlRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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