CLUE 1985 Filming Locations and Visiting The Witch House in Beverly Hills

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is this is pretty crazy to look at it's actually really windy today straight ahead all the way down there is beverly hills so we're high up in the mountains on franklin canyon drive it's a very wonky road no guard rails single lane and a really really really steep cliff see that down there in the bottom right hand corner of your screen those are cars i am high above them with no protection that's insane can you see him getting out of the car it kind of puts things in perspective doesn't it we found he's somewhat strange abandoned building every now and then a movie comes out that you remember you remember where you were the first time you saw it you remember who you are with possibly you might even remember what you were wearing or the food you were eating 1985 a movie came out called clue starring tim curry didn't get to see it in the movie theater instead i watched at one of my dad's friend's house with his family in a trailer in a place called mcdonald pennsylvania just like many of you who are watching this clue has to be one of my all-time favorite movies it was based off of a board game and if you remember i think there was three different endings that kind of all played together whenever you buy the dvd or the blu-ray or if you were lucky enough to have it on vhs but if you were lucky enough to see it in the movie theater supposedly from everything that we read online depending on which movie theater you went to see the movie clue you would get a different ending how cool is that that's like some william castle gimmick kind of thing that we absolutely love and we really wish we really wish that they would do something like that to this day they don't which stinks moving out to los angeles i really wanted to track down the filming locations to the movie clue and we did and it turns out that there's two filming locations that you can actually visit one of them is a road the other one the house isn't even there anymore because it's been burnt down no that house that's right there behind me it's just a fun abandoned house that we found along the way the road that i'm walking up right now was featured in the beginning of the movie mrs scarlett she was her car was broken down on the side of the road and in the dead of the night christopher lloyd's character comes driving up beside her and offers to help her you know do you need a ride it turns out they're both going to the same party believe it or not on hill house we drove up and down this road trying to line up as best as we could now it's a very dark movie very dark scene and yes i know these trees are creepy but that's not why we chose it this right here what you're looking at is pretty much the longest straight stretch that we could find here on this this road actually and it just looks creepy in fact if you watch the movie very carefully you'll see christopher lloyd's character take a little bit of a turn before he you know gets that straight away right down to the broken down car i wish a car was coming right now because of the little curve that comes right there down towards us and right over here in this area right here this is where mrs scarlet would have been broken down at [Music] wanna lift yes please thanks i'm late for dinner date me too where are you going let's see hill house off route 41. wait a minute let me look at that that's where i'm going i got a letter like this we did everything we could including taking that clip and raising the contrast making it brighter so we can see if there's any you know signifiers around this road that we can line up and found absolutely nothing the only thing that we had to work with was a you know straight stretch of road and a little bit of curve i think this is it it's got to be but it is here on this road where they filmed that scene so rock on so right off that road is a trail here behind me that i saw i had to have to explore because i don't know what it is when i see a little set of stairs in the wilderness i just have to go okay bye oh we have been talking about getting a little bit more exercise and since we moved out here so let's go explore the wilderness i don't know how much of this we're gonna actually do it'd be kind of neat if once we got up to the very top it does yeah this is rather beautiful man am i here back home what in st louis well i grew up in the country i mean later on yeah i moved to the city but i grew up way deep country in a place that was undeveloped my nearest neighbor was miles away so i often played in the woods i don't think we were properly prepared for this little bit of workout so we're probably just going to walk up to the top and then go back and then go back and then go over to where they filmed the house scenes but a little bit of exercise that's rather steep it is we're very high right now man look at that tree and it just keeps going i said we would go to the top and stop and there's you can go this way or that way oh that is so pretty right you see that in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen it's like a a nature tunnel if you will let's take a look back down where we came it doesn't look steep from here but if you get close to the edge yeah that's pretty crazy yeah pretty high this is like the perfect setting for a horror movie there's lots of bees you're absolutely beautiful in the sun with your hair your hair is really glowing no hair who it is as much as i want to explore this i don't have the proper shoes and i'm out of breath another time another time i'm very much looking forward to coming back here little bounce of exercise each and every time before you know it we're gonna be running the canyons like so many other things when it comes to hollywood and making movies so much has changed since 1985 when clue came out but these gates right here at one point led to the house the mansion from the movie clue sadly there's really not much that we can do to line up shots because the house burnt down but this turn right here the beginning of the movie tim curry pulls up to the front gate to feed the dogs and open up the house for the guests and he stops right here at this gate about this angle to input the code [Music] for the most part these pillars that are on both sides the designs and the stone work are identical to whenever they are here filming obviously if you look straight up that driveway they're rebuilding the house but this is it man crazy right if i'm not mistaken the clue house burnt down in 2005 so it's taken this long for them to rebuild this house it's now 2021. so much has changed behind me once you went through this gate there was a long winding driveway that led up to the house it's technically still there well i mean you can see the route that the driveway took and just looking in there now and i'm going to show it to you in a moment and like a a zoom shot there's some garden-like stone structure that's still here you can see that in the movie as well walking up closer to the gate you can see the pathway that the driveway would have taken off to the left and then swung around to the front of the house but you see in about the center of your screen if i zoom in here you can see this rock formation that's still here [Music] [Music] so the house burned down in 2005. there was some construction at the time and that's what they think ended up causing the fire which is a shame because it was a massive mansion but only one seam inside was filmed there it was the ballroom the scene and of course the exterior shots of that really long winding driveway plus the gate everything about this property is beautiful you see on top of that roof right there get a closer look at it see it it's a bird house the property that this house sits on i'm sorry this mansion it is massive i mean talk about land right i really wish the house still was here sad that it's not excited to see what they're building what it's going to look like when it's done but thinking of this house and remembering the movie and how massive it was it got me thinking of another unique home here in los angeles that i want to show jessica it's the witch house she hasn't seen it yet she does not know what she's in for do you guys know with the sun starting to set our creepy adventures brings us to the corner of walden and carmelita pretty much in the heart of beverly hills all right jessica it's time to introduce you to the witch house here in beverly hills i can't believe this exists right this is amazing everything about this place is beautiful it's like out of hanzo and gretel it reminds me of the old hag's house well i mean the old hag didn't have a house but at walt disney world in orlando the snow white and seven doors mine train ride has a snow white's house at the end of the ride and it's very similar to this actually and you see the old hag outside the door being all you know which is cool and it really reminds me of this but i can see hansel and gretel i can see a lot of villains in the middle of the woods and i want to live here oh my god i want to go inside maybe someday man so what's the story of this place well when it was originally created it was a wardrobe department if you will for a movie studio when it wasn't needed anymore it was moved here to beverly hills where it currently stands and now it is a private residence a spooky private residence it had a few different cameos in certain movies i think clueless well that's the only one that comes to mind but it is on the national registry for historic landmarks here in california we need to own this place there's two people standing in the koi pond cleaning it but you just kind of gotta get close you see all the fake birds i've always heard about this place never got to see it until now what's really really cool is that throughout the whole perimeter of the fence there's like wrought iron vines that real vines have grown over so at first i didn't realize that they were fake i mean it's real wrought iron they're fake vines but because everything's just like weaved into itself and there's so much detail and i can't wait to see this place during halloween oh i gotta come and do a photo shoot here or something i'm totally gonna dress up sometimes you gotta look really closely there's a berry bush here with a sign that says please don't pick the berries and you guessed it it signed the witch what'd you find over here well these are real oh the thorns the whole yeah the bushes these are all real so uh there's some fake birds which i love but this this is real these are real flowers and stuff and i i touched it because look at that it didn't look real and it is it's very very real that's intense isn't that intense i did not want can you imagine being you know climbing through that oh that would hurt that's a big no from us no no it is a privately owned residence and you know what i don't know if they open anything up for halloween but here's the mailbox and if we go all the way down jessica got excited about this but i was on the other side of the property you see the turtle down there in the grass walking over to the side of the building the entrance here just look at that see the door with the spider web on it how freaking beautiful is that everything about this place these are real this should be our home jessica pretty much every angle you look at this place is just outstanding all of the detail of just the yard alone and the house i'm geeking out really hard and uh you can't tell because i'm wearing a mask but i haven't stopped grinning since i set eyes on this property and it might be my lifelong dream to make friends with whoever lives here how badly do you want to live here okay i might sell like a toe or something if they said if you chop up your pinky right now you can have that half i'd be like which one do you want everybody always comes and checks out the front of the house to get pictures but just look at how intricate and how beautiful and spooky and witchy the back alley is behind the place we have to get inside this house we have to do a video if the inside is as creepy as it is on the outside i'm gonna lose my my gourd
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 58,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clue Movie, Clue Movie 1985, Clue Movie Tim Curry, Clue Tim Curry, Clue Movie Trailer, Clue Movie Reaction, Clue Movie Ending, Clue Movie Clips, Clue Movie Soundtrack, Clue Movie Review, Clue Movie Full, Clue Movie Scenes, Clue Movie Bloopers, The Witch House Los Angeles, The Witch House Beverly Hills, Tim Curry, Tim Curry Space, Tim Curry Pennywise, Tim Curry Legend, Tim Curry Interview, Tim Curry Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tim Curry Stroke, Tim Curry Cameo
Id: 3Bm5M1qaEMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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