Terrifying Discovery In Remote Abandoned House In The Woods

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what is up explorers we are back on another abandoned Adventure we're in North Wales and we're about to head inside this absolutely amazing time capsule viewer discretion is advised there is some stuff in here that is going to knock you sick absolutely vile stuff but we're gonna film it we're gonna see what we can see and it should be a good one so uh ready to go in it's obviously gonna be a good one today we head into the Welsh mountains to explore Rosie and George's three-bedroom abandoned Farmhouse this Stone belt family home has been left abandoned for over a decade for unknown reasons we couldn't find any history on the property or the couple that once occupied the home but what we found inside was truly disturbing inside we found the house is completely filled with the couple's lifelong possessions from clothes still hanging in the wardrobes food still sat decaying in the fridge and even the family pets in one of the most bizarre situations I've ever come across join us as we take a look inside and see what remains [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] now this is like a pure hoarder's house but there is so much left inside as well that we want to check out be careful with the floor there I mean yeah it's a bit dodgy you know tell everyone who comes through as well there's so much left inside in this place we're gonna go straight in the living room here everything's left inside here check out the cabinets literally full isn't it all the China still in its place as well ribbons the ribbons for for like cattle I think first second and third a little trinkets or glasses on the side old Welsh dolly I'm in it it is literally full look at the little sheep on the uh glasses here so cool but over here look you can see how they were living absolute hoarder bags of rubbish all over the floor we've got dates in them two thousand two thousand 23 years wow old dog rusted away can I get over there or do I have to zoom in I think I'll have to zoom in look at this guys I just said sorry for being rude I thought you've been with me Adam Scottish there we go back in the house literally well done holy sweets it's completely full soft men's spearmints [Applause] cat food doesn't smell too bad in this bit no it doesn't there is here are you correct yeah look at this guys just completely full glasses that would be a mask so this is dining room we've got the dining room table here for the old sofa stepping over everything there's some newspaper from 2009 that's crazy all the cobwebs hanging down wow oh look at the sewing machine checking this out crazy look in the microwave there's a hammer in the microwave okay I'm gonna have to see this coffin you're never alone Jesus poster where's the coffin all right open it it's yeah oh wow look at it Oh my days rest in peace on there yeah have you seen the back the back yeah I'm gonna oh is that skeletons yeah it's a shoe there's one got in has it it's actually a whole sheep oh no way they're slow cooking a sheep skull [Music] oh man um Oh my days look at that they're like organized like that they want they oh look in the bucket then yes there's about four feet there well the hell has been going on here are you hungry by any chance no not now I just lost my appetite it is really bad there's just so much to see in here as well isn't that it's hard to it is oh let me see down here what we got down here more schools what is going on guys more skeletons yeah I think this is what they use Slaughter the Sheep looks like it doesn't it maybe looks a bit deadly doesn't it yeah it sure does oh the fridge is full oh no no no no just like crispy pancakes and oh it is full though I was about to say is there a sheep in there there's fish in there so no wonder the place stinks look at all these needles diabetic yep ah that's cool just place this fall isn't it it is so much in here why bro Oh my days but look at the the light in it that's creepy isn't it like why are they all in here they're all like placed in places as well he was laying right here weird that's it is freaky all right guys like I was saying do you want to try and see as much as I can but with it so crowded in here with stuff everywhere it's quite difficult to just focus on one or two things so I'm just going to see what we can see and wing it pretty much binoculars and I think on there old telephones we're usually more organized when filming guys but there's a few of us here today but Dale oh my God hey wait till you go upstairs why it's absolutely shocking right shocking shock value like 10. I don't even know if you're gonna be able to put it on YouTube really I swear to God mate I've never ever in my wife to you anything like it how about this all right let me have a let me just look downstairs first and then I'll head up I got fur on it yeah build alarm clock Panasonic crisps old phone there you know checking out the living room yeah nice thank you that's creepy and in itself two sisters on the bench there oh these are just full of clothes an overall sofa rubbish Throne everywhere in here more personal bits a diary checking out the Diaries from February 1981 wow all handwritten raining again terrible weather all the time still raining floods so she's having a right moaning here from 1981. um put that back in there oh my God have you seen upstairs floor feels yeah it's a bit what this is very small it's a good reason for it let's check it out oh a bit of fresh air is it proper bad up there bro come with me I'm gonna look now pull rubbish behind the door here I don't want to rush up there though let me check this room before we go up any further oh who's that creepy [ __ ] everywhere what's she up to she's seeing things bro look at the old toys that's vintage that is wow no it's so weird isn't it because you've got all the rubbish everywhere mixed in with the weather was killing them sheep downstairs yeah uh strange people around it though in the back room yeah look at this guys jigsaws a paint oh I've had something similar to this whole painting oh my God they're literally stuck to that put the old yellow is that game Vibes in here a little collage that they've made that's cool there is yeah got the old bottles Bibles is it oh a spider in there mate I turn the page massive spider but it's cool to see these old books oh wow look at the artwork there dale yeah it's cool isn't it yeah this they've got a breeze block is that a booby trap oh yeah there's a breeze block hanging from that rope above the window that's proper random in it it looks like a booby trap so if you open that window is that going to drop on your head oh yeah that looks like Mega rolled in the corner or something like an Old Railway yeah look how cool this stuff is in these boxes now proper old vintage toys all Christmas cards in here no that's well cool oh they are the scales scales of Justice on whoever killed those sheep oh check this out guys old bathroom you still got the washing hang in there is this floor gonna be safe no idea it doesn't feel it oh I'm risking it here oh the bathroom's quite tidy check this out guys the old heaters the Bath's not looking too shabby we've definitely seen worse but look at the old washy Bowl here that's cool talc Imperial leather wow that's not bad condition actually guys I'm quite happy to find that that's pretty cool but yeah now we've got a Saturn I know this vids a bit all over the place it's not the usual vid we are with a group we're with Dutch airbags who have come over from Holland women with exploded who's come over um there is two explorers that we don't know here but this place is just so crowded as well so much stuff inside it's a bit it is a mad one it's not our usual chill video Dale no it's definitely not there's cobwebs in my eye because I forgot my hat but this is absolutely disgusting I'm loving it though me honestly I love the Old Farms heading up now guys check this out all the clothes on the staircase here Yeah Christmas hats heading into this bedroom first I'll check this out there look down there I'm gonna look in a second I'm trying to not look as much as I can I'll look at it last oh bad just completely full of everything I'm not even gonna tell anyone oh my God nice views out the Windows though 2010 on this calendar okay uh I've just seen what he's talking about let's just have a look around first because it is quite disturbing oh telephones artwork it does smell as well wait what's this looks like a snooper cue it does look like a dead mini snooker Cube doesn't it yeah I think it is that's cool I'll park a pen as well look still in its case shotgun shells I wonder if there's an old shotgun knocking about then I know I was thinking that wouldn't surprise me I can't get in these drawers I'm trying oh loads of paperwork here banking Rosie's house mate Rosie yeah I've just seen her name Rosie there's one here saying George Rosie and George sure it wasn't Jim ah these are just all like notes and stuff all Rosie's dresses and Sunday bests all in this wardrobe what how cute yeah it's nice isn't it I'm gonna look now is a cat in a tub that hasn't even decomposed so it's obviously been pickled or what would you do with it I think it's just been sealed up and I think someone's been in like recently and just like runs up the places yeah but there's no point in me putting the camera on it because I'm going to blur it but it's an actual pet cat it's Ginger it's not even decomposed it's in some juice in this tub like they all said it looks like it's recently been opened but it must have been here 13 13 years because 2010 is the last day it's literally not even the worst thing in here mate well we'll see won't we oh maybe you'll have to go now have you been in there I had a look I think you can't go in there there's a single bed it looks like a kid's room and there's been bags all over the floor it does make you think like where was all this stuff when the people lived here because there's literally no room for it all there's like toasters in here dog food which they don't need anymore is that Georgian it does look like it looked George and Rosie look at the old portraits no that's Victorian times mate yeah they were alive in Victoria while she was but they're cool aren't they got the old typewriter next to the bed here oh look at this top trumps trading cards sports cars oh yeah they're in good condition as well that's great it's like quite retro yeah Brothers Deluxe but wow so cool just a single bed like I said then there's just rubbish everywhere oh what's this look at that hanging on the door there the old pearl necklace so behind this door a full magazine collection a bird's nest in a handbag that's cool that's cool to see I love the old dresses mate yeah they always look really nice on little figurines in here a newspaper from 1953 the coronation one look at this guys there's so many addresses I've got to be careful well beneath the bed is completely and they like this they couldn't put stuff under there yeah no it's crazy to see it all laughing I shouldn't say that really because some people have like milk mental health issues and that but this is yeah this is the most insane house I've seen it is one of the messiest isn't it for the stuff that's in here as well yeah all right so I'm just gonna head into this looks like the master bedroom doesn't it isn't that weird that they've put a wall over the oak over there that's strange that whole boiler in there or something old newspapers in here still still with the bags of rubbish so that's what's crazy isn't it it's quite a nice big room as well so it's such a shame during the 16th 1990 1919. got the wallpaper that's peeled off here mate all the magazines and the cupboards here crazy newspapers hey all the ornaments and pictures it was 103 years ago 104 years ago yeah 104 years older people yeah yeah that's absolutely insane and look at it it's mint condition isn't it 104 years old and still looking like that might as well Britain's magnificent and Atlantic Air Triumph that's cool that's uh World War one isn't it 1914 well it looks like this is where the cat slap me look they've put the blanket in for the cut to sleep in there [Music] open it oh nothing thank God nothing but it's like a lot nice little dresses there what's over there mate it's strange with the bags of rubbish isn't it yeah definitely weird old suitcases we had to go in the middle right now yeah old suitcases on the top there as well is it that's cool look at the clothes hanging in the wardrobe still bro in a house like this it's crazy isn't it it's like wow I was saying 104 year old newspaper it's giving me the feel it's gives me a headache for the smell oh my God June 1995. oh my God I know I've seen it look at all these hand written Diaries so she's cut the diary for a hell of a long time because in the other one it's 1980s now we're up to 1996 with the Diaries shall I have a look there mate I wouldn't okay guys so similar to downstairs we have another cough in here but inside this coffin there is a decomposed dog you can see the fur you can see his eye sockets it looks like um what type of dog are then with the dead fairy ones bless it like a little collie type dog yeah like a spaniel that's it it's got curly hair yeah that's really [ __ ] sad about me and it's just in the little coffin why didn't she cremate it why didn't she bury it yeah close that up I feel like going outside burying them I'm not looking like no it's a mad one that isn't it look at her shoes just covered in Bird poo there there's a mountain appeal there as well it's a shame to see a house like this isn't it all the clothes thrown over the bed there like we said the pet dog under there but it's not even sea or chut mate I know magazines on the side like we said Rosie's clothes hung in there hey there's another coffee there's another dog in it Oh my days it's a skeleton Oh my days it's a little puppy yeah it's only a little one it's more decomposed that one so it's obviously been there longer mate guess when it died 1998. Bob it's Bob it's got the names on the coffins so that dog's been there in 1998. wait why have they got him under the bed obviously couldn't let go so that's Bob who died in 1998 and this is ah Jeff Rey Shelly Shelley mate 1998 again how weird is that yes isn't it I'm putting this one back yeah I put it back bro we found this one here so so she's obviously keeping her dead animals in this house died in 1998 but the house was abandoned in like 2010. so that is a bit weird that is one of the strangest things I've ever seen made these suitcases down here I've probably got stuff in as well yeah let's not go in there all right we're gonna head back down now actually yeah have you seen the dogs in there in the bedroom they have dogs in me they're on the in the middle of the floor yeah ones like you'll have to go around the back of the bed for one as well [Music] what's that this is not normal it's not isn't it they've been killing and eating animals in the house you think I reckon they've killed all the sheep in that room down there and just scramble them I honestly do I think they've killed all the sheep in that room with the chainsaw or whatever and then because look at all the bones they're all piled up yeah 30 animals with a chainsaw oh there's some mad rituals yeah something like that because they're all organized aren't they free for a minute even if I breathe in the dirt the animals are all organized they're not there are piles I mean they're all piled up there's a chainsaw sat next to it it's a strange one in it it is strange it's so Grim yeah the Grim house well we found we found out the owners are called Rosie Rosie George yeah I haven't found the name of the woman yet it's crazy yeah it's my best life this people were up to and what they did in their life but that's they were up to something it was definitely something okay Explorer so we're down in the back room now where the the Sheep carcasses are sheep skeletons very odd that these are piled up in this room here but I just wanted to come in and check it out and see what we actually had in here without going on about the gruesome stuff there like there is all old Tools in here it is pretty dark in this room as well guys but you can see all the vices old equipment old rope there but it's so strange to see that piled up but check this old dresser as well so much left behind in here obviously the whole house is full it is such a strange place you can see the old uh is that copper it's gone blue or brass handles there with all the detail in them we can see just old bits and Bobs really this would have been George's Workshop once again more skulls there I don't really feel like this is gonna be animal cruelty or um like anything sadistic rituals or anything I do believe that they were actually using this as food so any animals that they wanted to scram that abroad in here and just strip them of their me and at the nothing sadistic I don't feel really guys oh baby bath there saying that I'm looking in the fridge and there is another skeleton in the fridge it is very much like Ed Gaines Vibes like Dale said I didn't really want to get that Vibe but very very strange oh touch my nose very strange how it's all piled up in here as well um just so much to see in this place really it has been a bit of an all over the place video which I'm not really used to doing quite methodical really just with so much going on all the equipment all the possessions the dead animals everywhere explorers everywhere it's been a bit of a Mad one right we are gonna head outside there is some old vehicles I want to check out as well um so we're gonna head out and I'll see you there in two seconds guys [Music] okay guys so we're outside and we're just gonna head down the side of the house here as you can see it's getting pretty dark outside now but check these out it's a nice old Vehicles just sat on the drive you can see they're completely covered in Moss oh I'm all caught up in Thorns look at this guys is it open no it's not open but you can see it guys another one in the back here a Lada don't see many of them knocking around in the UK anymore but pretty cool to see anything can we get in oh we're in TV in here and look at this anyone that used to own a Larder give you a nice flashback here but it's quite roomy in here as well I'm not gonna lie much more roomier than modern cars nice though let's see if we can see it over wow last text 1995. you can see there at this guys nice plain dashboard you can see on the windscreen all the green mold looks like algae looks like we've been on the water for 10 years in here but crazy to see nice fine though nice to see the old cars cool place eh bit creepy though I reckon this sauce cut up a few sheep no it's definitely the chainsaw in it oh maybe then maybe it's a crazy place though yeah it's proper crazy isn't it like Wrong Turn bro right guys so there you have it creepy house in the middle of the Welsh Woods dead animals pets absolutely everything Mysteries complete hoarders house you can see the state like it was lived in as well crazy it's proper throwing me off I reckon it was lived in like that yeah definitely it's all right guys we are off to the next one it's gonna be absolutely amazing make sure you subscribe hit the like button if you like this video and uh all that stuff yeah see you next week guys should be a good one foreign [Music]
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 1,392,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk, abandoned places 2022
Id: 7-E7ePVwqEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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