Cloudflare Account Executive Records Her Termination Call...

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[Music] hey Britney hi yes I'm so sorry my name's Rosie I'm just uh joining the call um nice to meet you I'm on the HR [Music] team hi Britney hi thanks for meeting with me and Rosie um we have an important meeting today we finished our evaluations of 2023 performance this is where you have not met CLA our expectations for performance we've decided to part raise with you yeah I'm G to stop you right there um so I started August 25th I've been on a 3mon ramp and then it was three weeks of December and then a week of Christmas and then here we are um I have had the highest activity amongst my team um since I've started I have had three contracts out done a really great job managing my deals up until the very end that decided not to close last minute um so I don't think that that makes a lot of sense for me in my cloud flare Journey here so far also um every single one of one I've had with my manager every conversation I've had with him has he has been given me nothing but I am doing a great job I have had great activity I have really great meetings I'm picking up the products very quickly and um things have been going really really well I make really great relationships with my clients um so I disagree that my performance hasn't been um I haven't met performance expectations um when when I certainly have just because I haven't closed anything officially I hear you um also why are you doing this and not my manager not you know we've never met so this seems a little odd that my manager has no idea that this has been happening and the director has no idea that this has been happening so I'm just definitely confused and um yeah I would love like an explanation that makes sense 100% um real quick let me carve out the the two threads um a ladder of why I'm on this conversation I'll I'll put that one the second half and Rosie might be better to explain the process of who's giving this information and the prior piece which is your uh feedback and and notes about your performance so me add a little color context to that so um just for clarification you are not being singled out in this your peers are also being collectively um assessed on performance this is a collective collaboration for cloud flare so I just want to clarify that piece I won't be able to add any kind of specific on numbers or wait yeah no can you explain for me why Britney Peach is getting let go the I won't be able to go into specifics for numbers wait why though I just started I've been working extremely hard just because I haven't closed anything that has nothing to do with my performance on a three-month ramp with just one month with two major holidays in the middle I don't think that has anything to do with why I should be let go if that makes sense so I really need an answer and an explanation as to why Britney Peach is getting let go not why Cloud Flair decided to hire too many people then are now actually realizing that they can't afford this many people and they're letting that go if that's the real answer I would rather just you tell me that instead of making up some and telling me that right before I lose my job from someone that I've never met before if you can respect that yeah I can totally respect that and I don't think Dom or myself today is going to give you any Clarity or answers that's going to um meet the expectations that you're communicating to us Britney so I can't speak to so am I getting let go for no reason if you guys can't give me a reason I'm happy to follow up with you separately to give you the data that was Cali ated I'll need to speak with um Revenue leadership specifically to see if we can get that for you but do you share that in our meeting I cannot share that with you right now unfortunately yeah it's understandable how you feel and your frustration cannot stress that enough I have been working extremely hard sorry I just knew that this meeting was coming after knowing what's been happening with my peers and how extremely frustrated and upset everyone is um I know you guys must not be able to understand that given in the positions that you are in and it must be very easy for you to just have these little 10-minute 15minute meetings tell someone that they're fired completely wreck their whole life and then that's it with no explanation that's extremely traumatizing for people if you can imagine that and I don't I don't think that this is it's it's just very very shocking very very shocking I've like really given my whole energy in life over the last four months to this job and to be let go for no reason is like a huge slap in the face from a company that I really wanted to believe in can absolutely understand how you feel that way why you feel that way and I'll be honest with you there's nothing that we're going to say in this call and the time that we have that's going to undo the way that you feel right in this moment and I personally will do everything that I can to give you as much specific information as I can after this call I can't make any promises um I understand where you're coming from I can tell you that Domin I do care I understand the feeling that you have right now um and I can't change that so I'll just be honest but why can't so but there you guys have still not given me a reason why I'm being let go despite constant positive praise from my manager great meetings that I'm having um the amount of activity that I have has all been positive I have not received any negative inclination I have not been put on a performance Improvement plan um nothing so and I I cannot speak to what your manager has communicated to you directly but that should be the indication for Performance Based on your attainment and leading indicators of data that is that is the rationale but I've been here for only a month after ramping and that was during a holiday so I don't understand what those can you explain what those performance metrics are or is that just like a a a vague term to give to everyone that you're speaking to today I'll say that the the performance indicators and performance metrics are well they are we're not able to go into specifics and won't there's no situation where we will be able to go into even know do you guys even know like why like who you're talking to each day like every single 10 15 minutes do you guys even know who you're talking to like why you're letting these people go when you don't even understand like the kind of work and everything that they've put in I hear you and what you're saying it just doesn't make it it just doesn't make any sense that you guys have still not been able to give me a reason why I'm being let go just from a process perspective your questions are valid this isn't going to be the form and the situation where we'll be able to go into the detail that you're looking for then but then when if it's not right as I'm getting fired that it's certainly not going to be after when I'm no longer part of the company yeah so I don't think there's anything we can say in this moment or today Britney that's going to change the way that you feel and it's under again like understandable on taking notes and feedback and we'll Circle back yeah I know you did that for too of the meeting um not going to change the outcome of the situation today so it may be best if we I do get into more of the specifics of what the next steps are um because I think it's clear that you have questions that we cannot give answers to and if you'd be open to it I'd love to move into what the next steps are so that you're not um any further blindsided than you already feel okay thank you d um okay and I'm again I'm really sorry that you're having this experience and feeling this way um one of the things that you want to confirm is your personal email address because that's where um all shout out to Britney for Having the courage to record the conversation and publish it publicly on her Tik Tok since she post posted it a couple days ago it has went absolutely viral it's all over social media it's all over my LinkedIn it's all over Reddit it sparked a lot of conversation in the tech sales Community about how companies hire fire and let folks go Cloud Flair should be absolutely ashamed with this entire video with how they go about laying folks off the fact that Britney who's only been there for five months 6 months I think she was hired at the end of August so if she was hired at the end of August she probably had 3 to four weeks of sales training and then as she mentioned in the video she was in a ramp up period so she's not on a full quota but a ramp up period where she's learning the product she's learning how to have conversations she's in the sponge mode where you're learning as much as possible that is the hardest part of starting a sales job is at the start when you're trying to figure out what the heck am I doing here that the stage that she was still in and as she mentioned a couple times there was two major holidays in there Thanksgiving and Christmas and then they fired her at the start of 2024 she met with her sales manager several times and her sales manager told her she was doing a stellar job now she's being Let Go by two people in HR it was probably an outsourced HR company they hired to do the firing two people Britney has never met before never spoken to before they hop on a call without providing any justification as to why she's being let go Cloud Flair should have had her sales manager deliver that message and provide the reasons behind why she is being let go this is completely embarrassing and Cloud Flair I think is a complete joke of a company just look them up on Google guys look them up on Reddit they've done things like this in the past it doesn't seem like they learn from this and I checked out Matthew Prince so Matthew Prince is the co-founder and CEO of cloudflare and he seems like he hates salesp people just look it up on Google anyway I looked at his LinkedIn and he actually reposted a post from cloud Flair's LinkedIn page of job openings that actually included sales openings just really toned deaf why would you go and post that you're looking for salese you're looking for people to join the company when you just laid folks off when you just laid someone off who is still in ramp and is still learning guys it takes a really long time to learn a product when you're in Tech it takes six to nine months to actually figure out what the heck you're doing it took me like N9 months to figure out what the heck am I doing here at IBM what am I selling n months she was go within six within six months that's absolutely ridiculous and her sales cycle at Cloud flare is 100 days she was not given an opportunity to be successful in the role her sales manager consistently told her she was doing the right things in the role then they have two people that probably don't work for cloud Flair deliver the message that oh Britney sorry we're letting you go today and we're not going to provide you the reasons why completely embarrassing completely ridiculous and this is probably the norm in Tech right now guys layoffs are happening all the time and companies only care about themselves so the company you're working for even if you like it I love my company I BM doesn't care about me does not care about me whatsoever just really really disappointing I know it's a conversation that a lot of sales people are having right now they're getting laid off they're not getting told why they're get they're getting laid off within a couple months because the company was bad and they didn't forecast correctly and they over hired it's completely ridiculous if I was Matthew Prince I would keep everybody on board or as many people as possible on board especially if they're in the ramp period And I would just decrease my salary I I would want to know from him like what did you do did you decrease how much money you're making during this completely ridiculous really disappointing I think that Britney's going to get a job pretty quickly I think she handled that conversation really well she took charge of the conversation she seems like a very talented salesperson so she'll be fine it's just super disappointing guys that this is this is what's happening in Tech it's what's happening in Tech sales just poor business practices not enough consideration of the Optics of how you go about doing a firing or doing a layoff completely ridiculous let me know what you think in the comment section Below guys and we're going to continue to do videos like this exposing companies out there who are just awful I would not recommend working for cloud flare at all they're probably awful to work for just looking back at the past this isn't their first incident like this and this Matthew Prince guy seems like an absolute joke thank you so much for watching guys have a great day today and make sure you vet out the companies you're applying for because if you go on rep viw I don't think cloud Flair has great reviews thanks for watching guys we appreciate you
Channel: Matt Macnamara
Views: 27,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech sales layoff, layoffs, tech layoffs, layoffs in tech, mass layoffs, tech layoffs 2023, layoff, career advice, job cuts, laid off, cloudflare layoff, cloudflare layoff video, tech sales, tech sales career, tech sales career path, account executive, b2b sales, account executive job description, sales, sales account executive, account executive training, what is an account executive, saas sales, software sales, account executive job
Id: ZR3umpMSt9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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