Cloudbabies - Jolly Jumping | 2+ Hours!

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[Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds Bubba green is herding rain clouds this way no no this way or at least trying to [Music] when you finish a green funny greeny Bob's ash Bubba white it's not funny Bobo bouncy bouncy - no I can't no bouncy I'm too busy all Bobo go bounce now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're having such fun I wish I could bounce bounce rainbow son you choose [Applause] [Music] [Music] we can't decide because you're not all here what about Bubba green rainbow and Cerner picking the best bouncer come on bounce with us Baba green no I don't want to why cloud bouncing beats silly oh okay then [Music] we'll see do you think I could what will the little practice do you really think I could okay I think it goes something like this oh oh no that's not right maybe if I try I just can't do it I can't bounce [Music] hello Bubba green what are you doing are you okay yes thank you that's good now I'm cloud bouncing with us which is so much fun please come and play I can't why not I I need the right cloud about some it has to be perfect then let's go find the perfect cloud [Music] barber greens going to choose a perfect bounce and the perfect cloud what about this one buffer green come on try oh I come on Babu green it's not fluffy enough Hey this clowns nice and fluffy it needs to be bouncier don't know why I think you found the perfect clown no I mean no it needs to be white that one's a bit gray [Music] okay so the cloud needs to be all white is that right um yes hmm all right yes fluffy and bouncy it's this cloud we have the perfect out on and then we'll see who really is the best bouncer okay Papa green three two I'll look silly just give it a try you won't look silly it's easy no I don't think I can try green pops [Music] okay Bobo nice bouncing Bubba green that's what I call bouncy hey I can bounce rice again hmm [Music] who's the best crowd today [Music] Green [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds Bubba green was happy he could finally cloud bounce now how do we get him to stop high in the sky up in the clouds Bubba pink is making a surprise for the cloud babies brownies Bubba green you have to wait shoe I love surprises surprises are great surprises are fun lots of surprises for everyone oh I wish you'd hurry up and show us [Music] what is it it's a stocking for you three look this is whose job it is this is what they have to do and you in a star here when the job's done what a fun game I'll get star for putting little star to bed I'll get the star for watering your garden and I'm gonna get star for fixing the stable gate as I made up the game I'm in charge of giving out the stars start my job right away me too wait for me who shall I see first aha Babel Green has to walk to the garden I'll stop there phew I thought she was coming to brush me [Music] come here you big bowl of flow I think pepper green needs some help to win his star don't worry Bab agreed Oh No it flew off I can't water my garden now does that mean I don't get my star well you're not meant to get a star and until you jobs done but that's not fair it wasn't my fault the cloud went away sorry Babu green but those are my rules but if you find the cloud game you can still win a star [Music] cloudy so the rain stopped and that was the day I did my best shine ever good story rainbow oh good maybe she can help me you Baba pings tickles yes Thank You Bubba pink only I've smudged my red and I can't find Bubba you know she's putting little star to bed I'm going there now so I'll tell her for you why rain Thank You Bubba pink what's wrong with Bubba pink she hasn't tried to brush me once today see [Music] hello I've got my star game as little scar DS nap yet no sleepy now little star wanted me well you'd better hurry or you won't get your star but he was merely asleep well you can't get to start until your jobs finished why don't you play him a lullaby on your flute estate I wonder if Bubba blues fix the gate yet by Bob yellow okay little star [Music] oh dear I'm not as shiny as I should be today not like Papa pink to forget my polish there she is Baba pink over here I've got the star game have you finished yet careful bumping glued it I thought you'd fix the gate rubber blue I was going to give you a star I had fixed it it doesn't look like it but I really wanted to get my star I know but my rules say you can't get one until you've done your job sorry Bubba Bubba pink Bubba pig oh she's gone I thought he was going to be a fun game me too but none of us got any stars there you are cloud babies do you know none of you have got to start we know but we would have done if you hadn't messed up all our jobs let's see my clouds away and keep little star awake huh I did that Bubba pink Bubba pig hello everyone Oh Bubba pink did you find Bubba yellow my red still all smudgy and I've lost my sign and I need a brush I suppose Oh No I've forgotten all my jobs I was too busy checking on the other cloud babies Bubba green my BL Oh Papa blue I did miss up all of your jobs didn't I I'm really sorry that's okay Bubba pink but it's all my fault I wanted the game to be fun but I've spoiled everything no you haven't I've got an idea but let's help you do your jobs first it will be 19 time soon and you've still got lots to do come on cloud babies oops after the sky [Music] jobs done and already 419 time thanks everyone so else we've all done our jobs I think we all deserve to get to start oh look it's me putting some Sabet so we all deserve a star and does it's my game I should give the stars out Bubba ping sorry okay then you give them out Bubba yellow but don't forget me hello babies all earn their stars and Bubba pink has stopped being bossy [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies were getting things ready for a cloud picnic very nice too but they needed one last thing it's a perfect afternoon for cloud picnic all we need now is a cloud avatar come on [Music] yummy yum yum yummy yum yum okay I'm coming down oh hello everyone are you having a cloud picnic yes but we can't find a cloud have you seen any well what about those big fluffy white ones over there hurry Bobo wait ah the perfect spot I've only come we know yes can we can we okay we've bought rainbow berry cupcake [Music] wrappers powerful they do love rainbows Bobo but they've got the wrong food to eat today [Music] rain pass [Music] hey Bobo try some rent a pie it's rummy oh oh sorry I'm such a clumsy both he [Music] rain pants sky Duncan gray this guy dunk [Music] [Music] looky more rain tears horsies [Music] wake up cloud babies it's nearly time for something to go to bed we've got to get our jobs done before knighting time don't worry about the pink the sky horsies will soon get is going was the basket of frankerz gone and where Bobo come on he can't have gone far [Music] they're all asleep Bobo wake up cloudy BAPS Bobo wove all of rain pants Kampf did you eat my bear bear Osito Newton's Bobo fed the sky horsies a whole basket of rain pass Oh Bobo white we still got to do our jobs for 4:19 time how are we going to get back I know I'll call the sky train whoa my bag with my fleuti tootin it's gone oh I must have left it at the cloudy house what are we going to do you've got to just the moon pick the stars from the star tray oh hello sky drunk we need to put some to bed help rainbow what is it sky dog sky dog hasn't eaten any rain purse maybe sky Dalton hopeless well only if you're sure sky dog [Music] sky horse donk good job you didn't feed him any whimpers Bobo no [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we managed all our jobs before nineteen time thanks to schedule aren't you clever Superdog one of the stars shone down the night was [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up in the clouds it's the cloud babies playing hide-and-seek yes and everyone always found you let's play again can I play this time hide-and-seek might be a bit too hard for you son you're very big and very bright but I'm very good at games I bet I can hide as well as all of you well if you sure you want to oh yes please my turn to count one [Music] [Applause] got to hide but we're ah perfect ten coming whether or not he found ji-sun oh can I have another go I did say you a very big and bright maybe you just need some crap this son [Music] coming ready or not Oh [Music] 910 coming ready or not [Music] found you son [Music] 9/10 coming video oh you can see me can't you I'm just no good at hiding but I like hide-and-seek we don't have time for any more games I have to water my seedlings I haven't painted bando yet and I've got to fluff up all the clouds sorry son maybe we can play again tomorrow oh if I could just find one good hiding place sky donk ID [Music] [Applause] SkyDome needs to find a bigger hiding place than that subtidal hey that's what I need oh oh they will be surprised I can see you for for cloud time to fluff you up hi rainbow are you Becky Here I am Bob a yellow I think my blues have been faded move on later I can't sing properly you're blocking out the light but it's not me look 19 time already nineteen time but we haven't finished our jobs yet nineteen time whatever I only just started bidding shooting stars do I have to go to bed I'm sorry for fur 19 time does seem to have happened rather quickly today night night suffer but I'm not tired it's funny Bubba pink I don't feel tired either no.18 toy okay little star twinkle now suffer clouds not tired but little star looks very sleepy the something funny about this nineteen time [Music] time for bed see bed [Applause] [Music] bobono for your sleep neither do i Bobo white do you really think it is night in time it must be someone's gotta bet hmm maybe Suns gone to bed too early why would he do that I don't know come on let's go on ask him in his bed then where is he he was really sad about losing hide-and-seek maybe he's gone away what if he doesn't come back don't worry about the pink Sun hasn't gone very far away he's just asked me to come out a bit early today you've seen son where are they I can't tell you that I'm afraid but son says if you can find him he'll come back his sons still playing hide-and-seek yes papa yellow do you think you can find him of course we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've looked everywhere moon but we just can't find him we give up you all give up did you hear that [Music] did you like my hiding place you think so seedlings to water Sun it's so nice to have you back I've got some sleep to catch up on and with Sun out of his hiding place everything could return to normal couldn't it where's night in time gone [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up up in the clouds everyone is working hard to get ready for knighting time well almost everyone [Applause] come on let's go and see rainbow [Music] hello everyone hi rainbow are you ready to swing some stars of course let's get going [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so pretty what's your favorite part of the knighting sky little star loves mu best what else what about our bubble of shooting stars best me too [Music] [Applause] me a little star is nicing time time to start the twinkle and for our babies to go to bed [Music] Pantheon apni little star I've had a lovely sleep but you must be tired after your night time twinkling [Music] sweet tight little star [Music] [Applause] [Music] strange [Music] but bum bum bum bum it was a great staff inning last night labor wasn't I marvelous you earned the shooting stars word but either they make the night sky so beautiful Oh perfect polishing Bubba yellow let's go and show these stripes off yeah little stars going to be a little shooting star little star what are you doing here why aren't you sleeping oh come on let's get you back to bed now go to sleep you'll never twinkle brightly tonight if you don't [Music] shooting stars come with you to stop [Music] little star little star still having his nap boba he'll be out to play soon now hide all the stars the nipples dark a shooting star [Music] hello Bubba blue have you seen the star truth today it's got so many shooting stars on it really we should start picking them soon to be ready for a knighting time okay I'll meet you that after I've woken up little star thanks Bubba pink oh dear excuse me oh it is the early dating type don't worry son I haven't forgotten that you'll soon be tucked up in rows oh goody thanks Bubba pink [Music] wake up little star is nearly time to twinkle but you can help us pick the shooting stars first Oh the shooting stars they've all gone but there are loads of stars earlier what are we going to do thanks little star but there's only one of you and this guy needs lots of shooting stars it's many tons puts on savez and dust noon but we have to find the shooting stars [Music] let's split up and look for them Bubba bleah you looking sky gone Bubba pink you look in the cloudy house on Bubba yellow little star little snow height shooting stars you hit them why little star little still wanted to be little shooting star shooting stars a shiny and special Oh little star you're shining special to slowly cloud babies show me shooting stars I've got to put salsa beds and I'd better get me ready shall we go and fling the shooting stars dead yeah [Music] finished well almost go on with the star climbing little star got to be little shooting star after all all shiny and special and a little bit Wiggly [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds everyone was talking about Sun oh here comes Sun now Thank You Sun beautiful sky yesterday I loved all the pretty colors what colors you know dear your wonderful sunset come on little star time for us to go to bed that's funny I don't remember seeing any colors hello son I'm making you extra shiny today my way of saying thank you you made everything so pretty last night how with your beautiful sunset of course moon and little star said my sunset was lovely too Bubba pink what is a sunset I've never actually seen one you've never seen it's so beautiful the sky turns on yellow pink and pink it always looks just blue to me Oh Bo help thanks Bo Bo white you can water my seed for me if you like watering you should ask me to do that Bubba green I am a cloud alright you can't both do it [Music] Bobo cloud-to-cloud Ebola yes I help you too now where's my watering can Oh Bobo I've got two wards of my seeds with orangey bits around the edges I can't imagine it at all I'm afraid bobby yellow can you help I'm trying to tell son what his sunset looks like he's always asleep so he's never seen it you've never seen your sunset Oh son the sky goes all Armenian purple I know I'll paint you a picture now I just need to paint it blue again oopsie hey that's funny I didn't see any rain clouds boba rain cloud oh come back Ringworld it looks something like this look do I really make all those colors yes soon only your sunset is much bigger the colors go all over the sky it sounds lovely I wish I could see a sunset no Bobo rain cloud hmm what's the matter Shawn he's feeling sad because he's never seen a sunset never seen a sunset why don't you make well now son its morning time Baba Green I only seem to make sunsets when I go to bed in that case why don't you go to bed right now no in the middle of the morning yes son if you go to bed you'll make a sunset in the daytime and because it's daytime I'll be awake to see it oh I can't wait oh snuggly here goes have I made a sunset yet you have to go to sleep first then oh yes but silly me it are not very tired that's because it's not 19 time should I play a lullaby was sleepy I'm much too excited to sleep [Music] why I'm getting sleepy though son nice sleepy Oh keep playing Bobby yellow it's working hmm oh hello Bobo white isn't that Bubba greens watering can Bobo rain cloud now Oh rain gone if you want to rain with your watering can you might need to fill it up first fill with water find some water to put in it [Music] well done Bobby Yellow Sun look you've done it why won't he open his eyes he's asleep Bobby Ellen then let's wake him up never the Sun wake up if son wakes up the Sun sighs what is it here goes away did I miss it I'm never going to see it that's not Walter that's my blue paint a rain cloud supposed to clean the sky when it rains not painted of course I know how to help son come on cloud babies paint well we're going to need some of your very special paint come on tile babies we've got work to do Thank You Bobo white maybe you should put some water back in the watering can for Bubba green okay and I'll just look at the sky the blue blue orange sky look at that the skies changing color it's beautiful what is it so that's what a sunset looks like my son it's beautiful Oh Thank You Bubba yellow aren't you clever you're the clever one said you do this for us every night I do then I'm clever cloudy Bobo rain be beautiful Bobo white you are a wrinkled look you're watering my seeds so Sun finally saw his very own sunset sunset without lighting time you don't see that every day now that's a bad little star [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are collecting moonbeams [Music] moonbeams to make us a washing line man beans for our sky horsie raids new needs to tie up my beanie beans moonbeams because lovely time for sleeping now 19 night's moon thanks for the lovely moonbeams you welcome dears nighty night [Music] nice night pal babies 1999 night [Music] morning time huh baby zoo but it's still knighting time the way kicks up says its morning time it can't be mean still shining so where's Sun he's fast asleep Suns asleep we've got to wake him up [Music] rise and shine Sun waking time I'm not very well what's wrong I'm all shivery livery and I feel funny son you're really cold well I don't like being cold I'm son I should be huh Oh hot sorry Papa pig I think it's a Shivaree livery cold Oh parson so that means some can't shine today we've got to make him better but how let's think hard [Music] oops we need some light first I know learn to help us but I was shining bright Oh last night Bubba yellow dear I'm really ready for my bed now oh but we really need your moonlight very well or shine as brightly as I can no sky dunk hobo nap-nap sky down mid-nineteen time hmm well cloudy Bob Scott cloudy Babs stay there Bobo will be back soon okay [Music] ball now touch sky dunk hello son here some warm rain pirate who make you feel better I hope so hope every prefer all over to help who's doing that I'm I'm covered in jokes sorry right boho songs cause a shimmery will hurry cold and I've got rather wash it color shoot yeah thank you very much no no I had to get one card for you son and here are some flowers I get warm soon present thank you now I wonder who did that [Music] Naughty Dog when I feel cold I bounce bounce bounce until I get wolf you try yoho-o to shivery livery to bounce hey do you mind get warm soon son I wish you would so do I [Music] Oh what are you doing Rover need cloudy Barb's you wait here I'll get them I'm so tired but we need your lights please stay a white man just a little bit longer just so fun sales bets I am trying dear follow me cloud babies sky don't stop still don't don't worry we'll get them out [Music] SkyDome hot it's and moonbeams they make my hands hot - do you think we can use the moon beans to make some hot how can we do that with these knitting needles we can meet moonbeams gasps yes but it will have to be big ones go around son you'll all have to help [Music] I wish I didn't feel shivery livery soon I wish he'd stop sneezing I wish I could go to sleep say moon the moonbeams go son [Music] oh that feels lovely wonderful you know I don't feel shivery Weaver at all anymore shiny Sun oh thank goodness for that well I'd better get up I suppose but I'm going to bed now dears goodnight thank g-man I'm thank you cloud babies it was Bobo white sand sky donkey gave the idea well thank you all up in the air high in the sky knighting time is over but the morning has only just started [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up up in the clouds the wind was all flustered and blustery hang on to your hats for a bumpy ride this wind was getting you all fidgety my flirty toots always calms you down [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's wrong oh my flea teaches all safety I need to unblock it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's better this Wendell have me dry in no time it's a shame rainbow didn't show up alright let's get started then too late rainbow we couldn't wait any longer Sun was covered in sky dose no I'm sorry it's alright the wind was very strong well you got here alright I've got to do better can't be late again ever [Music] having trouble eat eat eating butter yellow yes hmm it's blocked I know that I need to unlock it this should do the trick maybe not [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it Bobo has faux fur but a pink has pink horsey I need help - I'll be a rainbow racing machine never be late again well it looks like it's what with blue paint I wonder how that's happened yes I wonder hmm [Music] sounds like someone needs my help but the pink cloud babies anyone need you don't think anyone would mind if I just borrowed the sky horses do you and I mean no one's here to ask oh right mm OH giddyup [Music] well it's definitely blocked with paints I won't be able to call the sky Hafiz with a blocks flutie toots I know we can try and soak the painter oh I am clever [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that's something you don't see every day down rainbow look at all this sky just [Music] is your idea working babbling and not quite did you just hear something must have been the wind baby hello III what's wrong I think you need to see rainbow [Music] rainbow doing [Music] got a skyhorse [Music] quick get me to blue [Applause] we really need you now Flutie teeth [Music] [Music] well done Bob elo well done Bob a blue rainbow why did you take our sky horsies I'm sorry I really really really am I borrowed them because I wanted to be as fast as everyone else I just didn't want to be late for Suns shower again Hey look at the sheets the wind has stopped oh good I want a nice calm quiet day from now on no floppy windy horsey rides ever again don't you think you should help me clean up the mess in my garden oh and oh yes yes of course sorry about the green right where should I put this lot Oh give it here no I'm going to need someone to give me another shower [Music] so now every time you see rainbow high in the sky you'll know he's giving son a shower rainbow you've missed a bit time for my wash high in the sky up in the clouds it's a very cold boy hope you've got cope into Woolies on today card babies [Music] come on yes you can help us [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby looks great it should have amazed snowy Bub's snowy bupps shinobi bupps great name Bobo hello snowy bats Bobo loves snowy bubs we shall be getting on with our jobs where are we finished we complain snow again good idea by wrapping come on cloud babies Bobo are you calling are you sure okay oh poor sky dog Bobo's playing with the snow baby today oh do you once come with us our usual okay cloud babies let's go would you in SkyDome like to help me fix to pay well Oh Bobo play with snowy bupps okay then see you later zero Bobo loves snowy babbles hi Bobo we're gonna shake the snow and the rain Patties do you want to come with us it's only fun Bobo stay here okay then see you later Bobo hi Bobo would you like to help me paint ma'am those yellow stripe Bobo stay with snowy why don't you help me and then you can play with snowy thanks Bubba think I'm hot hot hot you're right you are hot hot hot hot for a cold cold day [Music] [Applause] naptime [Music] looks like boobers already having naptime look after him sky dunk Oh sunshine brettly today [Music] oh yes I'm hot hot hot today [Music] it's melting quickly the snow will be gone soon [Music] snowy snowy bubs where are you going [Music] snowy bubs god snowy bubs hasn't gone anywhere it's just melted huh when Sun shines our norms the snow it melts like no naughty son naughty naughty soon I can't help it I'm hot hot hot Sun can't help shining Bobo but don't worry when it snows we can make snowy pups again more snow snow now the snow clouds done boulder the snow plague must be up here somewhere why don't we look for it good idea son why don't we all go and look for the snow cloud in the sky tray [Music] everyone [Music] it's no good I think the snow clouds gone away sorry Bobo look II know wow the snow crowd is made of snow dong yes for you bang bang let's show the snow dog - Skyy dong he'll love it don't gone no more dogs Bobo love don't know doc what sky don't call along bye-bye love sky oh what a relief snow donk is sky doc Bobo is happy pants it's snowing again [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are nearly ready to start their jobs after breakfast at it I'm so hungry me too hurry up Bubba green Bobo YUM here you go everyone fresh ones guy orchard silence babble green I love rainbows hmm these are great rainbows bubble dream you can't beat a good rain / right loads of jobs to do today best get started bow bow help bluey BAPS please sorry bow bow I've just got too much to do oopsie thanks Bobo [Music] thank you babe oh babe oh good helper [Music] blue all right then come on right then we need to fix a hottie truck first then help pop a queen in the garden and to jump for Papa Fink and then go go bluie Babs [Music] [Music] listen Bobo first I'm gonna fix these holes with this you try be very careful Bobo well done now I'll do the last one then good as new Bobo help greenie Bub's now all right I'm coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] Just In Time bubble blue can you help me plant this please of course by the green pebble hell sorry Bobo not this time it's too heavy [Music] don't worry Bobo there are lots more jobs to do [Music] Oh Louie Babs fill holes [Music] thanks Bubba blue now to give it a nice drink of water mud who could have done that I think I know I should Bobo how to fix holes in things if you're looking for Bobo he went that way back Shawn find another green sorry about you watering can I'll fix it later [Music] mmm [Music] holls maybe fixation babe a fixie babe a fixie but a pink have you seen bubble anyone sorry Bubba bloom I haven't oh there you are eating my rain hats yummy at least he wasn't filling in any holes Bobo I think the sky don't might be hungry why don't you get him a rain / from the orchard you can still help me later okey dokey bluey bats gun dunk so what needs fixing bubble pink come inside and I'll show you it's got a wobbly leg leave it to me I all right Bubba pink what's happened someone fills the holes in my calendar and soaked Oh No Bobo he keeps filling holes in things poor Bobo he thinks he's helping can you fix this please okay thanks Bubba blue [Music] nice painting Bubba yellow I can't seem to get it quite right what's up who is for Bubba green I need it to water the rainbow trees my watering cans blocked and I can't find any rain clouds don't get my painting wet will you I'll try not to their calendar and table all fixed could I put this on the top please Bubba ping of course have you seen purple anywhere pepper green not for a while hmm [Music] Oh [Music] baby thick Bobo good helper my hose [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh what happened pepper green there was something in the end of the hose it popped out and shielded all the water all over me did you fill in the hole at the end of the hose buh-buh-buh-buh fill hole like bluey bubs it's okay Bobo you we're only trying to help perhaps you aren't quite ready to do clown baby jobs yet I'm not so sure look what you did [Music] it's beautiful I bow made painting yes Bobo you can be my little helper any day [Applause] so Bobo turned out to be a good little helper after living there's a hole you can't sell Bobo [Music] even if he's still filling in holes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up in the clouds it was nearly 90 and Bobo white a little star was still playing [Music] [Music] again again maybe we should stop is nearly nineteen time Babloo and rainbow are already flinging the stars into the sky no later JC JC no catchy Bobo [Music] okay okay hello YouTube what do you think of my poverty pops pop booty pops yes they're my special new flowers popping them spreads their seeds so we can grow more loud aren't they Oh [Music] piggy pop go on then just one more [Music] they bake up nice one big big pop what was that it's Bobo white popping one of my new flowers well time to pop off the bed now come on Bobo Oh keep dopey wasn't little star with you it's time for him to twinkle yes he's right here Oh little star little star where's he gone I know our plants will starve favorite chew that always brings you out oh there you are where did you go big noise frightening little star hide it was a big noise poppity pop stirs make big noises they can't hurt you promise I promise pop won't see it's okay [Music] sorry nothing to be scared okay [Music] and time you twinkling in the sky with the Stars what do you mean Papa blue we fling all the stars into the sky but now they've gone look oh no we can't have lighting time without the stars we've got to go and look for them good idea Bubba pink we'll look for them and find them come on babies [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you looking for the Stars dears yes have you seen them I did see them Oh twinkly and bright but then there was this loud noise and whoosh OH gone men with loud noise like up up now you mention it little star yes it was stars - maybe they're hiding like you did little star don't worry we'll find them [Music] cloud babies I think I can see something [Music] I think the stores might be behind this cloud there we are whoop come on stars times kept twinkling in the sky again stars stars they won't come rob a yellow play my favorite song again good idea little star [Music] there's nothing to be scared of stars loud noise was just a pretty flower going pump [Music] let's get you back to clean places [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh all the stars back in the sky even you little star so with everything in the night sky as it should be the cloud babies went home to sleep night night cloud babies night night night night night you know I think I might pop off for 40 winks myself [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are very busy indeed oh what a horrible noise what are they all love - what are you making better pink it's a star blanket I'm making it for little star yes it was my suggestion to use rainbow colored stars he'll feel it go on Babur blue wow it's so soft it's beautiful thank you hmm I wish I could make something beautiful like that I wish I could fix things like YouTube up a blue hmm I'd better finish fixing the stall [Music] don't Bobo fine treasure treasure Bobo find more ghosts [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello bubble ooh that's beautiful Bobby Elam thank you it is rather beautiful isn't it Bubba yellows really captured yellow horsey don't you think that yellow is just like my yellow I wish I could paint something as beautiful as that you're good at painting things pepper blue like the gays and the fences yes I suppose so well I have to go now my pepper yellow bye Bubba blue [Music] pleasure oppa find more hi pepper green can I fix anything for you no sense above the blue what are you doing I'm putting together these flowers have a pink wants them for the cloudy house the beautiful bamboo green what a superb display quite stunning oh look at all those colors just like mine oh yes yes it's all in the best possible taste I wish I could make something beautiful like you I just fix stuff you can do anything you want to bubble blue I bet you can make something really beautiful if you tried really of course right I better get these to Bubba pink see you later Bubba blue hmm something really beautiful I'm going to try the blue horsey [Music] what's this blue horsey hmm something beautiful no Bobo's oh sorry Bobo I didn't know this was all yours what are you going to do a little shall we try to make something together something beautiful help [Music] hmm not quite right [Music] maybe a little bit more [Music] it just needs something else is there anything left [Music] all gone oh it needs one more thing purple find more here tape my sky peeper it might help you to find stuff [Music] go sky down [Music] perfect how do you like it it's beautiful bubble green how do you like my beautiful thing well it's very oh there you are [Music] look Bubba Pink's blanket isn't it beautiful Wow that's lovely bhava pink so is your painting above yellow Thanks what's this it's fabulous what is it again Baba blue something beautiful cloudy Babs cloudy Babs hello Baba have you seen Baba blues yes beau-beau help Oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's supposed to be beautiful there you all are oh that's interesting what is it nothing it's just something beautiful well it's very nice hmm let's have a closer look [Music] huh son go back well oh sorry [Music] rainbow stunning quite stunning oh my colors it's just so [Music] I still don't know what to choose though it's a rainbow light sculpture yes a beautiful rainbow light sculpture and you said you couldn't make anything beautiful by the blue well maybe I can high in the sky up up in the clouds Baba Blue has created the most beautiful thing the cloud babies have ever seen sorry as long as Sun doesn't move [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up up in the clouds it's the end of a long day the cloud babies have been working very hard and there are still the moonbeams to collect [Music] fine for sleeping now [Music] good night Bubba night-night [Music] night-night cloud babies night night night night Oh is it morning already it can't be the Whateley pheasant still might eat I'm sorry to wake you khlo babies I've been tossing and turning all night but I just can't go to sleep give me a minute son and I'll come and sing you a lullaby we all will won't we cloud babies yes of course [Music] close your eyes it's time to [Music] night-night cloud babies night night night night taking place all right mr. sir babble green and I will help you move it now I can twinkle all night now Twinkle Twinkle all night long twinkle til the morning come on Bubba blue back to bed twinkle till the Morning Calm [Music] what's a noise it's son snoring again we'd better turn him over [Music] ready Claire babies one two three [Music] it worked now maybe we should get some sleep back to bed everyone [Music] good morning rainbow have you seen Bubba pink she normally gives me my wash and polish first thing in the morning Bubba Yello supposed to paint my red stripe today it's smudged I wonder where the cloud babies ha I might be able to help the cloud babies have been up all night the poor tears are just exhausted but my red is all smudged and I need my morning wash and polish you'll just have to wait now I must get my sleep good night but how will I get my morning wash now [Music] [Applause] thank you Father I just need my polish now [Music] they're done now what about me better now yes thank you son you're most kind you're very welcome rainbow I told you we could manage Oh shall we help the clown babies do the rest of their jobs what a good idea then the cloud babies can sleep all day come on oh come here cloudy this way rainbow I'm trying but it doesn't want to go that way [Music] sorry faux fur now please keep still you look wonderful when it's done you're looking lovely already father son you are making me go a little spotty here let me wipe it off thank you I think oh thank you rainbow oh I'm so tired oh I do hope the cloud babies are back to normal tomorrow I'm sure they will be some night night rainbow night night son now how am I going to fling the stars [Music] [Applause] it's almost nighttime we slept all day Oh No we've got to pick the stars and fling them into the sky and what about some Amanda come on Club a bees there's work today [Music] I'm so sorry soon we always lands today I'm so sorry rainbow don't worry about a yellow the Sun and I managed all but I am glad you're back will you be alright to help us with the star free me tell Baba blue I'll see him at the star thingy cloud and then Oh it's bedtime for me [Music] ah [Music] Stella see poor Bobo must be very tired night-night cloud babies I can't sleep neither can i hello dears I couldn't help hearing would you like me to sing the sleepy song to help you go to sleep yes please very well then [Music] [Music] night-night cloud babies so the cloud babies fell asleep and everything went back to normal they have no sleeps Oh Bobo cloud baby now oops spoke too soon [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the pink is making a moon rock cake for moon what do you make what to bake I'm going to be mu rock cake moon shines so bright all through the night a moon rock cake keep her awake the splashes rain pad use some cloudy pops enough Sun moon rock nothing bad oh [Music] no hi pepper pink what's wrong I was going to bake a special moon rock cake for moon but I've run out of moon rock I think I might be able to help I saw some moon rock on a cloud this morning I'll go and get it for you Thank You Bubba blue maksoon bevor pink there's lots of room up here blue horsey babba pink will be pleased shoot out of my way you naughty cloud shoo or I'll chase you right that's it [Music] okay blue go see your tires let's put this down that's better [Music] good when play horsey it's gone now let's get that moon rock back - bummer thing oh it must be a lot woman it's not there either let's check the others oh no it's gone I'm going to have to tell Bubba pink [Music] did you get the moon rock um well the thing is I did but then I lost it you lost it so I can't make moons cake after all maybe we'll find it if we look for it together two claw babies are better than one good idea Bubba P oh dear bLUE HORSE he must be tired from all the cloud chasing let's get the sky training stat come on hi Bobby Li we're just off to find some me rock oh okay [Music] now I now I put the moon rock on a white cloud there I think it's that one [Music] [Applause] nope not here think hard Buffalo what shape was it it was sort of flat like that one [Music] we better hurry up it looks like there's a storm coming there it is it's that one and this time I'm sure let's go [Music] have you found it yet Bubba pink no have you no are you sure you left me work on this cloud Babar blue this is the wrong cloud come on we've got to find that new rock huh where's the SkyTrain god we must have moved in the wind so no sky trade and no sky horsies [Music] [Applause] so you want to get me some Mira I lost it and now is a girl out with no way to get home stop my fault huh hello Baba yellow where above a pink and Bubber blue they went to collect new rock ages ago there's going to be a big storm soon perhaps we should go and look for them good idea Bubba green pepper pink yes it's getting late and we still got our job to do before nineteen time what are we going to do I don't know no one will see us in all these clouds I'm sorry birthing but if we work together I'm sure we can get out of it you're right Bubba blue let's think of a plan how about we make a big noise we won't be heard over the Thunder we need to send a signal we can't send bits of white cloud into the air yes someone is sure to see them against all these dark clouds [Music] we've looked everywhere where can they be what is it Bubba cream I thought I saw something but it's gone now look what's not I think it's a signal come on let's follow them [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought we'd never find you what happened we were looking for some moon rock on a cloud and the cloud moved away from the SkyTrain and then we were stranded moon rock I'm sure I saw something earlier I'll call the sky tree and we'll have a look on the way home I'm glad you're safe [Music] it's coming our way [Music] got it thank you both agree I think I still got time to make me a new mug cake [Applause] we've got something for you moon because you always shine so brightly Falls oh thank you papa pink it's absolutely delicious so Papa pink made moons moon rock cake after [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cloudbabies
Views: 3,173,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloudbabies, cloudbabies full episode, cloudbabies playlist, cbeebies, Cloud Babies, Skyhorsies, Cloudbabies song, cloudbabies jumping, bedtime
Id: HI0V9aGHrts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 38sec (7478 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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