Cloudbabies - Finding Fuffa | Full Episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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pie-in-the-sky up in the clouds no one's better at playing hide-and-seek than father cloud you'll never find me [Music] 910 ready or not here we go anybody find me wet Oh alert in the big blue sky [Music] can anybody find me we're all alone in the big blue sky all right Foofa yes I'm playing a game what's kind of game hide-and-seek I was singing my hide-and-seek song well he sounded like you were lost [Music] hello son have you seen the cloud we play Heidi see geez that's my favorite game - no I haven't seen further have you look near the cloudy house thank you son [Music] [Laughter] can anybody find me where am i all alone in the big blue sky [Music] yeah let's look in the orchard again [Music] can anybody find me we're all alone in the big blue sky ah I will mine it's okay bye-bye yellow I'm only playing well you treat me you sound tonight you are lost all something I was just singing my heart and seek some hide-and-seek oh I never I'd I like everyone to see how beautiful my colors are try looking in the horsey hay field thanks babe oh thank you [Music] can anybody find me we're outside offer are you okay don't worry we're coming you you're all covered in horsey a hmm we thought you were in trouble I was just singing my hide-and-seek song better be going bye [Music] have you seen puffer cloud we could give you a little clue thank you in the big blue sky sorry maybe this way anybody find me [Applause] [Music] in a big blue sky [Music] I'm lost [Music] is for for cloud all right yes she's played hide-and-seek [Music] there's fuller again Hough is still playing hide and seek [Music] please help no find me what am I oh and the big blue sky hey thank you I really was lost okay now how do we get out I'm not sure [Music] that's some light little star and Bobo we're coming [Music] [Music] come on follow me [Music] look what's that twinkling in the cloud over there yes it's little star thank you what were you all doing in these big thick clouds anyway finding sofa I was really lost I couldn't find my way out then we tried to help come on let's get you all home [Music] and you will know the way [Music] we would have come to look for you earlier but we thought you were still playing I'm sorry I won't play tricks anymore actually the cloud babies no father will always play tricks but they'll be there to help her and everyone else if they get stuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are making the sky horses stables extra special but Bubba blue isn't exactly helping great come sure the sky horses now yes [Music] not the you dunk sky dog sleep with Bobo [Music] guy dunk I think he likes a new stables as much as the sky horses do Bob a pink you just give me an idea Bobo come here that's the last one now we can start making sky dog is very young kennel sky dog it's hard to be surprised remember oopsie click sky dogs coming sky don't see surprise quit Bobo go and stop him [Music] looky rainbow to rainbow sky dong hello Bobo hello sky dark sky don't stay here hi dunk Bobo come back I was just about to get some beauty sleep I'd really don't think that oh well come on then sky dunk it looks like it's you and me you can help me draw the shape of the door yes Bobo draw clever Bobo [Music] really good probably it's kind of we'll move it where is he here's guy dunk want some of this oh come on sky dunk I meant to be looking after you oh how about playing the funny faces game yes what about this one hmm now what did I put that piece of roof Bobo help thanks Bobo all done that's great good job Bob a blue well done Bobo get sky dunk okay Bobo you get sky dunk and we'll take the kettle to the cloudy house ready for babies and [Music] hmm you know it just needs one more thing what stop father yellow a bit of color sky donk sky dome Oh Bobo thank goodness you're here sky donk is impossible to please don't come with Bobo oh please sky dunk dunk [Music] it will be 19 times June cloud babies there's lots to do shooting stars to pick man's a dust and Sun to put to bed hmm come on cloud babies [Music] come on Bobo it's time to go to bed say night night sky dog sky dog not come with Bobo no Bobo sky dogs and sleep here now in his new kennel home night-night dog come Bobo [Music] [Applause] [Music] well SkyDome [Music] [Music] he's gone who's gone Bobo he's nothing he's cops don't worry God babies we'll find him maybe Skaar don't seen him come and see [Music] cloudy bumps we wondered where you were buh buh-buh-buh sleep with donk sorry Bubba green all right but sky donks cattles not it's ruined Oh sky donk I'm really sorry hmm were they gone [Music] don't worry we found them so Bobo and sky dog decided to stay together after all who needs a kennel when you have a very crazy slightly smelly basket [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are collecting moonbeams [Music] moonbeams to make us a washing line man beans for our sky horsie raids new boots to tie up my beanie beans moonbeams because lovely [Music] [Applause] time for sleeping now 19 night's moon thanks for the lovely moonbeams you welcome to you nighty night baby [Music] morning time cloud babies ooh but it's still knighting time the way kicks up says it's morning time it can't be moon still shining so where's Sun he's fast asleep Suns asleep we've got to wake him up [Music] rise and shine Sun waking time I'm not very well what's wrong I'm all shivery livery and I feel funny son you're really cold well I don't like being cold I'm son I should be huh Oh hot sorry Papa pig I think it's a Shivaree livery cold Oh parson so that means some can't shine today we've got to make him better but how let's think hard [Music] oops we need some light first I know man can help us but I was shining bright Oh last night Bubba yellow dear I'm really ready for my bed now oh but we really meet your new lights very well or shine as brightly as I can no sky donk open up snap sky down mid-nineteen time hmm we're cloudy Bob's gone cloudy Babs stay there Bobo will be back soon okay [Music] ball now touch sky dunk hello son here some warm rain Peggy who make you feel better I hope so hi every prefer all over to help who's doing that I'm I'm covered in juice sorry right Bo songs cuz a shimmery watery cold and I've got rather slushy watch it color shoot yeah thank you very much no no I had to get one card for you son I'm here or some flowers I get warm soon present thank you now I wonder who did that [Music] Naughty Dog when I feel cold I bounce bounce bounce until I get wolf you try yoho-o to shivery livery to bounce hey do you mind get warm soon son I wish you would so do I [Music] Oh what are you doing robo needs cloudy bubs you wait here I'll get I'm so tired but we need your lights please stay a white man just a little bit longer just so fun feels better I am trying dear follow me cloud babies sky don't stop silly don't don't worry we'll get him out [Music] SkyDome hot it's and moonbeams they make my hands hot - do you think we can use the moon beans to make Sun hot how can we do that with these knitting needles we can meet Moonbeam star yes but it will have to be big ones around Sun you'll all have to help [Music] I wish I didn't feel shivery livery soon I wish he'd stop sneezing I wish I could go to sleep see me soon my to moonbeams go son [Music] oh that feels lovely wonderful you know I don't feel shivery Weaver you at all anymore shiny Sun oh thank goodness for that well I'd better get up I suppose but I'm going to bed now dears good night thank you man I'm thank you cloud babies it was Bobo whites and sky donkey gave us the idea well thank you all up in the air high in the sky knighting time is over but the morning has only just started [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up in the clouds the cloud babies can't wait to start their jobs I hope they wash behind those ears hurry up everyone busy day today I know I have to paint rainbow stripes and I've got digging to do bye Bubba blue haze evergreen wait for me come on time to get out [Music] time to get out now Bobo oh oh oh no sorry blue hole see I splashed you oh I've made it worse [Music] splashy dunk hey fans pinky box please flashy doll yes he's lovely and clean now and so are you [Music] Oh me nah see how did you get so lucky [Music] that tickles my blue stripe is so ticklish today Oh Bubba yellow there's a little something on your horse [Music] oh sorry yellow Jose come on let's go and get you cleaned up hello what about me [Music] huh look at all this muck son oh thanks Bubba pink I'll shine extra brightly help come on pink horsy there's lots more to do [Music] oops hold still pink girl's name they're all gone oh dear what's happened to your walls 'yes yes yello-ha see it's a little bit mucky so with blue Hulsing hmm so it's mean horthy and so is pink ole say now never mind let's get them cleaned up did you hear that blue hole she bath time splashy dong yes Bobo they all need a bath just like the one you had done now where's Foofa cloud we need some rain here I am fathe can you ran into here please we do want to give the sky Hall she's a bath ok I'll try thanks buffer [Music] okay sky horsies who is going first Oh Bobo rose sky horsies it's only water come on green horsie bath time is fun come on pink Jose you'll like it this yummy horsey hey for clean horsies God blue hole sing oh okay who's next [Music] [Music] hmm you smell lovely lovely and clean [Music] okay it's green horsies turn come on Boone horsey time for your bath buh-buh-buh-buh-buh you and your splash me I've had your bath it's green horsies turn now come on green ha see there's nothing to be worried about good I knew you could do it well done green horsey that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] green horsey comeback green Aussie don't be scared that's it look at all this muck you'll feel much better after a nice bubbly bath I'll be with you all the time okay everyone here we go what I mean are you going to join me green horsey come on climb in it's fun see is not so bad after all [Music] first time is fun for everyone last everyone is squeaky clean there's nothing like a good bath and I think someone's going to need another one [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the clouds are gathering I think something exciting is about to happen I'm still here hello everyone oh look at all these clouds the storm is on its way yes my firstborn why are you excited for fun I am I just hope I get to do my bit ins dong a show you'll be fine don't worry oh of course you'll be great big storms are fantastic and I rainbow will be conducting it can you conduct me rainbow so I know how to do it later I can try when I wave my arms you Rumble as loudly as you can ready ready oh that wasn't very loud the other clouds will laugh at me if I do that in the stormy show you'll get the hang of it you'll see I helped sell whoa I need my baton back in a minute [Music] well alright maybe I'll go and have a little snooze and come back when it's over it's okay Bobo it's only the storm clouds coming in I hope they like me [Music] that's the thunder clouds they're a bit noisy yes and here they come [Music] we're nearly ready I love storms sky look funny and sounds funny though they go now oh but I really wanted them to stay with me maybe I should see if they're okay first perhaps we should all go back to the cloudy house good idea of ever think we can watch the stormy show from there come on don't forget to come back the offer and be ready to rumble I will rainbow I think thank sky whole she's back to your stable now the stones almost here the Sun is coming closer for fur doesn't it sound exciting Wow your first big storm I bet you can't wait to join in I I think so but I'm worried I can't do it of course you can you'll be a great rumba but what if I can't you can be brave and do your best everyone will love you they will thanks Baba pink now where our bow bow and little star have fun sulfur good luck [Music] M now clouds this is going to be our best performance ever is everybody ready oh well done father stay there and watch and learn I'll let you know when it's your time let the show come out little star stars night sky look different but was no need to be afraid positions love babies back in a minute [Music] is a star [Music] [Music] okay for fur [Music] [Music] come a bit closer firfer oh alright take your time [Music] great job babies clever BOGO say stones can't be for big clouds make big noise they do make a big noise little star but that's their job just like yours is the twinkle they sound loud but there's nothing to be afraid of so we all go and see how others do it [Music] music yes it's rainbows okay strap isn't it wonderful see Bob I got buffer keep nail in this storm see see Baba come on let's all go and save for fun [Music] come on father it's your turn now come on father come and join the storm [Music] go on forfeit you're doing fine lava [Music] Oh brilliant father come little star [Music] see Stansberry are fun I don't think Bobo and little star are afraid anymore and a thief puffer cloud has really loved her first big storm as the stormy show fills the sky with noise and I mean beautiful music the cloud babies danced the night away [Music] [Applause] hi in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are getting busy you see there's a warm wind coming which to a cloud baby always means [Music] these clouds are ready to rain it's the washing time [Music] I was behind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's great mr. star but the ring stopped look don't worry little star puffle will help you out won't you fall first let's get that blankie clean here you go little star no babies the warm wind it's nearly with us oh it's on its way thanks son right let's pick the wash ready for the world winter dryers [Music] [Applause] [Music] all baked Oh my blankie hope to die poor little star don't worry Lisa star I know the perfect drying place your blankie it's just by now all we have to do is wait it'll be as dry as suns elbows once this warm wind comes thank you rainbow oh here it comes [Music] that warm breeze feels so good fur sex are drying our washing and my blankie the washing will dry in no time in this wind the washing line snapped [Music] [Music] oh no don't let me bother late I've got you [Music] this looks fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the way you wind away from window [Music] flappity flu little star [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry little star the winds too strong [Music] oh look at you flying your kite take my hand [Applause] you [Music] can you feel the wind of course I can feel the wind no it's not too strong oh yes yes we made it but what about our washing oh here it is how are we going to get the washing back home there's too much for skylersays to carry I know how sky tray [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoops well at least this washings nice and dry [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong little star it's that wind it took away little stars blanky terrible business I thought you were holding it mean though well I was but the wind was too strong just like it was too strong for our washing line don't worry it'll stop the cloud babies will find your blankie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well did you find blankie no I'm afraid it's gone we don't know that for sure by the green but we've looked everywhere oh we can't find your blankie anyway little star I'm sorry blankie where did you find it buh buh [Music] buh buh still sleepy oh look I left the window open [Laughter] [Music] hold that blankie tight little star [Music] because you never know when the next one [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the wind was all flustered and blustery so hang on to your hats for a bumpy ride [Music] [Music] this wind was getting you all fidgety my flirty toots always calms you down [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's wrong oh my flea teaches all safety I need to unblock it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's better this Wendell have me dry in no time it's a shame rainbow didn't show up alright let's get started then too late rainbow sorry we couldn't wait any longer Sun was covered in sky dose no I'm sorry it's alright the wind was very strong well you got here alright yeah I've got to do better can't be late again ever [Music] having trouble et tu t'en butter yellow yes hmm it's blocked I know that I need to unlock it this should do the trick maybe not that's it Bobo has father but the pink has pink horsey I need help too I'll be a rainbow racing machine never be late again well it looks like it's watch out with blue paint I wonder how that's happened yes I wonder hmm [Music] stand back everyone [Music] sounds like someone needs my help but the pink cloud babies anyone need you don't think anyone would mind if I just borrowed the sky horses do you I mean no one's here to ask [Music] right and Oh giddyup well it's definitely blocked with paint I won't be able to call the sky Hafiz with a blocks Flutie toots I know we can try and soak the painter oh I am clever [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that's something you don't see every day down rainbow look at all this sky just [Music] is your idea working babbling and not quite did you just hear something must have been the wind nah baby he'll only three what's wrong I think you need to see rainbow rainbow doing [Music] I'll try [Applause] we really made you now Flutie tips [Music] [Music] well done Bobby Ella well done Bob a blue rainbow why did you take our sky horsies I'm sorry I really really really am I borrowed them because I wanted to be as fast as everyone else I just didn't want to be late for some shower again Hey look at the sheets the wind has stopped oh good I want a nice calm quiet day from now on no flappy windy horsey rides ever again don't you think you should help me clean up the mess in my garden oh and oh yes yes of course sorry about the green right where shall I put this lot Oh give it here no I'm going to need someone to give me another shower [Music] so now every time you see rainbow high in the sky you'll know he's giving son a shower rainbow you've missed a bit time for my wash bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cloudbabies
Views: 2,036,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloudbabies, cloudbabies full episode, cloudbabies playlist, cbeebies, Cloud Babies, Skyhorsies, Cloudbabies song, cloudbabies fuffa, cartoons for kids, cloudbabies full episodes english, finding fuffa
Id: aw4MlblU0OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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