Cloudbabies - Happy Rainbow | 2 Hours of Full Episodes!

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[Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies were very busy [Music] this is hard work time for a snack oh hello rainbow hello bubba blue [Music] look at all these shooting stars they're all ready to fling oh aren't they big ones we're going to be busy tonight bubba blue i hope you're ready oh yes i could fling anything here test me out [Music] oh you see we'll fling those shooting stars in no time bubba blue see you later [Music] can you manage that bubba yellow i got this paint for rainbow but it's a little bit heavy to carry why don't you ask rainbow to come over here to be painted oh what a clever idea baba green i'll go and get him right away there you are all shining just in time to chase those rain clouds away i might need rainbows help i'll go and get him right away [Music] rainbow can you come to the cloudy house oh hello baba yellow yes rainbow sun needs you at the horsey hay field oh um just a moment come on this way rainbow sunset right now which way do you want me to go this way i can't be in two places at once you know that feels a bit funny for oh yes i will bobo whoa rainbow you've gone all stretchy stretchy oh sorry rainbow oh hang on don't let are you all right rainbow i feel a bit um different look what is it what's the matter here have a look rainbow see for yourself oh a knot does it hurt not at all that's good good i'm all twistity ovary and and twizzly [Music] rainbow what's happened he's got a knot it doesn't hurt but i think he feels a bit silly can he still fling the shooting stars oh out of the question i'm much too wuzzily tangly to do anything yeah i'm sorry bubba blue you'll just have to find someone else oh um okay maybe baby green can help hope you're feeling better soon rainbow you're it bobo can't catch me bobo chase we'll look after you rainbow won't we bump the yellow i'll paint all your stripes that will cheer you up off you go bye bye rain clouds away you go now those rain clouds we're making a real mess glad to help oh that's me done for the day nearly bedtime bye baba green bye son [Music] that's funny where's rainbow he's always around after a good shower [Music] baby green can you help me fling these please well if you want mother blue but won't rainbow mind he loves flinging stars um rainbow's got a bit of a problem oh i can't reach the naughty bits i don't want ramo to be all blotchy oh not a retired and blotchy i don't feel like me anymore we've just got to find a way to uh not you rainbow maybe we could stretch things no more stretching oh no look i've pulled it tighter i think we need to get him to relax relax how am i going to relax when i'm notified like this oh have you got your flutie too baby yellow [Music] oh better better one last try here it goes can't hold it can't hold it just a bit more [Applause] [Music] we were supposed to be flinging the star baba green i'm trying my best bubba blue it's no use without rainbow we can't flink any of these shooting stars come on let's go and see if he's better [Music] how's rainbow doing bubba blue really needs him for the star flinging [Music] oh my stripes don't know their orange from their purple baba blue we've tried everything there must be something we can do to unnot him for no catchy bogo oh yes i will bobo oh oh [Applause] [Music] sorry oh what just happened is it worse [Music] look everyone hey i'm free i'm all smoothie stretchy yes look at these stripes who's the rainbow i'm the rainbow well done bobo white you fixed rainbow bobo do good bobo do very good [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you sure you're okay rainbow never better all that laughing has really given me my bounce back [Music] maybe you should all try it tickle it was the happiest star flinging the cloud babies could remember without a knot in sight [Music] [Applause] [Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds rainbow was having a well-earned nap as you can hear [Music] rainbow get any sleep before he flings stars ah oh better peace and quiet oh watch out i'm gonna get here no you're not here can you please play in another part of the sky i'm trying to sleep oh uh sorry bobo go now he's just grumpy i am not grumpy at all [Music] [Laughter] okay everyone can we be still please are you sure this is a good place for painting bubba yellow of course it is it's the sky i've got an itchy nose will it take long not if you all keep still [Music] [Music] could you play your chasing game somewhere else please but we've already been moved once all we want to do is play not fair oh they're only playing and we're trying to get our picture painted what you need is a babysitter huh someone to make sure you can play and we can get our painting finished someone fun aha i know just the person babysit please rainbow we'll never get our picture painted with them chasing about and they'd be no trouble look [Music] oh well i will yes on one condition i get a paint and shine before i fling the shooting stars at nighting time we'll do just that thanks rainbow all right i'm in charge what shall we do slime [Music] do you mind [Applause] [Music] stop i can't take this sliding bouncy climate chaser today anymore as i am your babysitter you are going to do what i say go and play over there and if you make any noise it's the naughty cloud for you see i said he was grumpy i am not grumpy [Music] right this is a much better place for a painting let's begin [Music] ow please keep still we can't the hay bale is too small oh maybe this isn't the best place for our painting but where is a good place how about we all stand in front of the cloudy house oh okay what about in front of the stables that would look great well i think we should all be painted in the garden it is so beautiful the cloudy um surely there must be a place we can all decide on cloudy house the stables garden oh dear [Music] what more could a rainbow want a peaceful sky with sun shining on my stripes and tapping on your arm oh hello son what a lovely day it's so peaceful and quiet that's what i want to talk about don't you think it's too quiet no i i don't think so look at fuffer a little star and bobo i've never seen them so fed up well um they are quieter than normal the sky really isn't the same without those three tearing about laughing and playing it's just not the same anymore don't you think well i like it quiet now i can't get comfy [Music] here comes grumpy um having fun not really not since you told us not to grumpy hmm well as i'm still your babysitter and still in charge there's something else i want you to do for me [Music] i want you all to chase me come on chase me come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's more like it [Music] [Music] i still don't know where to paint our picture we all want different things well we may as well go and see how rainbows babysitting is getting gone he'll be wanting his painting shine soon [Music] look [Music] this is the place the perfect place to paint the picture yes high in the sky with all our friends up in the air high in the sky bubba yellow found the perfect spot to paint everyone's picture and nobody looked grumpy not even rainbow [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds it's hot hot hot too hot if you ask me good morning rainbow need to paint i most certainly do bubba yellow just look at my stripes well let's get started then oh no paint left no paint left but my stripes it's okay rainbow i can easily get some more from the paint well well come on then i can't stay looking like this [Music] make way make way emergency rainbow coming through hi everyone excuses just need to get some paint um you can't why [Music] oh it's empty there's no paint left in the paint well what no paint but what about my stripes calm down rainbow we just need some rain clouds the rain water will make more paints well where are the rain clouds can't have rain without rain clouds oh poor rainbow what are we going to they must be somewhere up there i'll find them and round them up and i'll help you me too roundy up [Music] [Applause] sorry bobo but you and don't go too small to round up clouds [Music] back soon with lots and lots of rain clouds let's ride oh bobo no cloudy roundy ups poor bobo and skydonk what about poor me [Music] oh don't play around yups roundy oops round eels [Laughter] [Music] oh cloud [Music] round the up [Music] round you up clouds like greeny bumps [Music] hello cloud babies hi son hi bubba pink have you seen any rain clouds today we most certainly have yes chasing round and round they were made my head spin whoa and they made me drop my polishing cloth which way did they go that's a way thanks bubba pink thank you son cloudy rounds [Music] huh cloudy [Music] hey [Music] cloudy roundups [Music] there they are come on [Music] okay clouds no more playing time to rain hey time to round up some clouds [Music] come on clouds the paint well needs your rain hey come back okay cloudy's chew the paint well [Music] cloudy fun show cloudy bubs [Music] they're back about time i'm fading away hey whoa steady okay clouds time to rain three two one rain oh [Music] hey whoa stay still clouds missed get ready by the yellow oh missed again oh the clouds are all rained out did you get any water by the yellow no there's nothing in the bucket what we need another rain cloud quick i'm sorry rainbow they've all gone oh whoa is me doomed to be dull [Music] a rain cloud well done bobo just what we need my stripes are saved can you rain for us cloud just a little shower too please [Music] cloudy rain for bobo [Music] oh please let there be paint [Music] lovely bright stripes again thank you cloud babies thank you bobo thank you skydonk and you little cloudy maybe next time we round up clouds you can come along too eh [Music] maybe it's time your cloud went back to the others bobo oh bye cloudy [Music] and so everyone was very pleased with bobo especially rainbow i wonder how long that'll last [Music] bilbo [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the clouds are gathering i think something exciting's about to happen i'm still here [Music] hello everyone oh look at all these clouds a storm is on its way yes my first one are you excited for i am i just hope i get to do my britain's stormy show you'll be fine don't worry oh of course you'll be great big storms are fantastic and i rainbow will be conducting it can you conduct me rainbow so i know how to do it later i can try when i wave my arms you rumble as loudly as you can ready ready [Music] oh that wasn't very loud the other clouds will laugh at me if i do that in the stormy show you'll get the hang of it you'll see i hope so oh i need my baton back in a minute [Music] well all right maybe i'll go and have a little snooze and come back when it's over [Music] uh-oh it's okay bobo it's only the storm clouds coming in i hope they like me make noise [Music] bigger noise that's the thunderclouds they're a bit noisy yes and here they [Music] come we're nearly ready oh i love storms skye look funny and sounds funny bobo go now oh but i really wanted them to stay with me maybe i should see if they're okay first perhaps we should all go back to the cloudy house good idea baba pink we can watch the stormy show from there come on don't forget to come back though and be ready to rumble i will rainbow i think thanks sky horses back to your stable now the storm's almost here [Music] the sun is coming closer doesn't it sound exciting wow your first big storm i bet you can't wait to join in i i think so but i'm worried i can't do it of course you can you'll be a great rumbler but what if i can't you can be brave and do your best everyone will love you they will [Music] thanks baba pink now where are bobo and little star fun fluffer good luck [Music] now clouds this is going to be our best performance ever is everybody ready oh well done fuffer stay there and watch and learn i'll let you know when it's your time let the show begin oh come on bobo come out little star storms make the sky look different but there's no need to be afraid positions club babies back in a minute hold tight bobo hold tight little star [Music] [Music] okay puffer [Music] [Music] come a bit closer oh all right take your time great job cloud babies hey clever bubs clever bobo see storms can't be fun [Music] but big clouds make big noise they do make a big noise little star but that's their job just like yours is the twinkle they sound loud but there's nothing to be afraid of shall we all go and see how fluff is doing [Music] ugh [Music] hey music yes it's rainbow's orchestra isn't it wonderful dancy bow ball [Laughter] look out buffer she's nearly in the storm [Music] come on puffer it's your turn now um come on fuffer come and join the storm [Music] [Music] you're doing fine [Music] come little star [Music] see storms really are fun i don't think bobo and little star are afraid anymore and i think fluffer cloud has really loved her first big storm i love storms as the stormy show fills the sky with noise um i mean beautiful music the cloud babies dance the night away [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the wind was all flustery and blustery so hang on to your hats for a bumpy ride hey cloudy come back i need you to give son a shower come back come back here [Music] that's better isn't it this wind was getting you all fidgety my floofy toots always calms you down [Music] [Applause] what's wrong oh my fruity tooties are painty i need to unblock it [Music] oh [Music] stop bifidity buffeting me wind i'm ready rainbow it's time to give sun his shower coming silly wind well there are two of you [Music] it's not fair that's better this wind will have me dry in no time it's a shame rainbow didn't show up [Music] all right let's get started then too late rainbow sorry rainbow we couldn't wait any longer sun was covered in skydos no i'm sorry it's all right the wind was very strong well you got here all right i've got to do better can't be late again ever [Music] having trouble bluetoothing brother yellow yes [Music] it's blocked i know that i need to unlock it this should do the trick um maybe not [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it bobo has fuffer bubba pink has pink horsey i need help too i'll be a rainbow racing machine never be late again well it looks like it's blocked up with blue paint i wonder how that's happened yes i wonder hmm well i'll soon get it fixed stand back everyone there try that baby yellow sounds like someone needs my help bubba pink clown babies anyone me you don't think anyone would mind if i just burrowed the sky horses do you i mean no one's here to ask oh right um oh giddy up well it's definitely blocked with paint i won't be able to call the sky horses with the blocks flooty toots i know we can try and soak the paint off oh i am clever [Music] now that's fast [Music] now that's something you don't see every day oh rainbow look at all this sky dust oh sorry son the sky horses you can stop now is your idea working baba pink um not quite did you just hear something [Music] must have been the wind babies come quick [Music] hello e3 what's wrong i think you need to see rainbow look out what is rainbow doing [Music] why has he got [Music] get me to blue horsey as fast as she can i'll try [Applause] i can't stop them bubba blue we really need you now fluttertooth [Music] [Music] well oh bubba yellow well done rainbow why did you take our sky horses i'm sorry i really really really am i borrowed them because i wanted to be as fast as everyone else i just didn't want to be late for sun's shower again hey look at the sheets the windows stopped oh good i want a nice calm quiet day from now on no flappy windy horsey rides ever again don't you think you should help me clean up the mess in my garden oh um oh yes yes of course sorry bubba green right um where shall i put this lot oh give it here uh hello i'm gonna need someone to give me another shower [Music] so now every time you see rainbow high in the sky you'll know he's giving sun a shower rainbow you've missed a bit oh that's better [Music] it might be time for my wash bye [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are working hard but bubba yellow's got a little problem [Music] you're a bit late bubba yellow we need help with these hay bales sorry clown babies little star took so long to go down for his nap did he go to sleep yes finally [Music] i can't believe you're out of bed again come cloud dancing bubba yellow [Music] oh dear what's wrong about the yellow it's little star he's impossible to get to bed higher [Music] i see what you mean if he doesn't get to bed soon he'll be too sleepy to twinkle at nighting time and i've got so much to do we could help we could i i mean um we could really of course i'm very persuasive um we'll have to be firm but i'm sure between the two of us he'll be asleep in no time that would be brilliant i'm sure together you'll do a great job of course we will oh thank you [Music] come out now little star we know you're here it's time for your nap come on little star come on [Music] come back here right now this is no time to be playing games [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh this is ridiculous why don't we make him think we're playing the game then we can get him back into bed you're far too soft if we do it your way he'll never go to bed well if we do it your way we'll just scare him off well i think my way is best and i'm usually right no you just think you're always right rainbow well you're the one wasting time he could be anywhere by now we'd better go and find him then hadn't we yeah i suppose we had if you'd been just a little bit further this would never have happened what i don't believe it i thought little star was in bed so did i there he is i told you so son son rainbow uh hello baba yellow little star is still out of bed yes well um um we were just getting him ready tiring him out it's all under control baba yellow he'll be in bed in a [Music] here little jiffy stop messing about it's nap time come with us please okay that's the way to do it we'll see [Music] good little star now settle down and go to sleep he's not gonna go to sleep just like that bubba yellow always plays him a lullaby what well i can't sing and i can't play a flutetoot oh but i can whistle and i can sing i think whistling will be better but if you must sing let's do it together after three or one two [Music] what your singing is my whistling it is not you're whistling out of tune i am not your singing would keep the stars awake well your whistling will make you fall from the sky i tell you what it is a lot better than that singing he's gone who has i don't believe it we have to find him come on this is all your fault you know if we'd have just done it [Applause] hello son hello rainbow so you finally got little star to bed thank you so much well what is going on oh it's okay bubba yellow all under control no need to worry little star come here now [Music] this time you watch him and i'll tell him a story i am a marvelous storyteller you know well i think it would be better if you kept a lookout for fuffer and bobo and i stroke his head he likes that stories are better no they're not ah too i'll tell you what story [Laughter] rainbow [Music] right little star now jump in and oh not again you were meant to be watching him i was not you said you would oh we can't tell bubba yellow we've lost him again like this no little star my way's better isn't it buffer no my way then my way is quicker you should do it like this no yes like bobo little star stop squabbling oh it just plays they're playing sun and rainbow bobo is sun a little star is rainbow what they were being us are we like that i think it's time we work together to get little star to bed don't you rainbow i most certainly do son come on little star race you back to your bed i don't think so you two you can both stay here and play good job son shall we let's [Music] see [Music] so little star finally went to sleep and sun and rainbow both learned that working together actually gets the job done i think we should pull his blanket up it looks fine to me he'll be too hot no he won't he will he won't will not [Music] [Applause] [Music] i in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies were doing what cloud babies do looking after the sky time for your nap now little star i've had a lovely sleep but you must be tired after your nighttime twinkling [Music] [Music] sleep tight little star right time to help by the cree [Music] to baba green's garden yellow horsey [Music] hmm that's purple white [Music] [Laughter] are you laughing at my picture book bobo right yes [Music] funny it's not supposed to be a funny book they're my paintings of all of us looky skye dunk [Music] funny bluey bops [Laughter] [Music] oh baby rainbow baby bobo find rainbow baby [Music] rainbow baby rainbow baby rainbow baby hello [Music] rainbow baby [Music] it's me what are you looking for rainbow baby can i help i love looking for things okey dokey right how to find a rainbow baby hmm maybe we should ask rainbow yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh hello you two hi rainbow we're looking for a baby rainbow baby have you seen one now don't you mean a cloud baby nope a rainbow baby hmm well yeah i can't say i have it sorry about that do excuse me i have to get on right then [Music] rainbow baby rainbow baby where are you [Music] rainbow baby rainbow baby hello bobo hello fluffa rainbow baby what do they mean i don't know rainbow baby baby rainbow baby they must be playing a game [Music] hello rainbow bobo and fuffer are still shouting about that rainbow baby oh i know they've been going on about it all day [Music] no rainbow baby are you sure you saw one bobo bobo sure [Music] hello bobo have you finished playing your game now bobo not play game he was looking for a rainbow baby but he couldn't find it oh boy you i know why don't i get you a nice drink of rainbow juice that'll cheer you up bobo okey-dokey and i'll keep looking for that rainbow baby bobo so why do you think there's a rainbow baby in the sky in a book in a book book oh my book so this is the rainbow baby you were looking for oh yes i think i know where the rainbow baby is do you want to come and see yes please yelly babs come on then drink up [Music] let's find that rainbow baby find rainbow baby huh oh hang on i'm coming [Music] rainbow baby wait for me [Music] find rainbow baby really you know where it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hello everyone are we having a party well no we'll find rainbow baby but i told you bobo i've only seen clown babies today that's not quite true [Music] do you remember a long time ago rainbow oh yes i do remember now oh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's you bobo white you're the rainbow baby this is where we found you a long time ago sleeping under rainbow maybe we should call you bobo rainbow [Music] you are so cute and that's how we found you bobo under rainbow night night bobo rainbow night night and that everyone is the tale of how bobo was found [Music] sleeping under [Music] [Applause] rainbow high in the sky up up in the clouds it's the end of another day sun is ready for bed moon is just waking up good evening dears the cloud babies are picking stars from the star tree rainbow has his hands full all right all right settle down what sort of story do you want a scary story hmm well do you know the scariest the heebie-jeebiest the most tummy-turning thing i've ever seen in the whole wide sky tell us rainbow tell us tell us no i can't i don't dare well all right but i won't say it out loud in case they hear [Music] the rain pirates what a rain pair pirates the rain pair pirates sail the skies in their great white ship bobo go find wait rain pear pirates spend all the day and most of the night doing the naughtiest things you can think of do they tickle sun's tummy and eat up all the cloudy pops they do every day rain pear pirates are as naughty as naughty can be you never know what they'll do next boba want to see no mark my words you never ever want to meet a reindeer pirate [Music] candle bobo it's star flinging time do you want to come with us come on bobo oh what's wrong you love star flinging okie dokes [Music] [Applause] [Music] night night cloud babies night night night night bobo [Music] what are you doing looking rainbow pirates [Music] time for bed [Music] baby find rainbear pirates tomorrow [Music] [Music] bobo find rainbow pirates rainbow must have told boba that silly old pirate story of his [Music] go dunk go oh rainbear pirates come on skydonk [Music] vampire pirates go dunk [Music] only me what are you doing rushing round the sky bobo white baby fight rainbow pirates rain pear pirates that's a good game have you tried the garden that's where they bury their treasure come on sky dunk thank you son wow shiver me timbers hello bobo are you looking for something rain pear pirates that sounds fun why not look in the orchard that's where you find rain pears thanks pinky bubs [Music] hello bobo have you lost something vampire pirates i've got plenty of rainbows but i haven't seen any pirates today why don't you ask bubba yellow i bet she knows a pirate song thank you greeny bubs [Music] hello bobo where are you off to find vampire pirates oh that was only a story bobo and a very old one there aren't any real vampire pirates bobo fine vampire pirates [Music] vampire pirates hello rainbow pirates [Music] [Applause] [Music] bobo [Music] bobo [Music] what's wrong with bobo i don't know come on let's find out bobo grape pirates coming there aren't any pirates bobo it's just a story rainbow made up bobo c show us what you saw bobo white there [Music] wow it does look like a rain per pirate ship but it's not come on bobo i'll show you [Music] [Applause] look bobo it's just a grumpy old thunder cloud can you help us son of course want that thunder cloud moved here we go [Music] rain pad pirates gone the rain pair pirates were just a silly story that rainbow made up the ship was just a cloud never worry about clouds bobo clouds are fun clouds can be anything you want come on cloud babies let's show bobo [Music] clouds can be big clouds can be small they can look like a sheep or a ship or a ball a snail or a whale or a sky hearty's tail look up in the sky and oh what a view somewhere over there there's a cloud just for you high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies all look for their favorite cloud shapes and it looks like bobo's found his cloud too boba rain pirates [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds bubba yellow is painting rainbow and bubba green is hard at work in the garden bubba pink and bubba blue are up to something too what doing [Music] it's a lovely surprise for later oh why don't you go and help have a green bobo okay jokes here's a little drink for you and for you and for you bobo help greeny pops thanks bobo you can give the fluffy gold flowers a drink [Music] oopsie sorry skydonk here let me show you in the garden you have to do everything nice and slow remember slow slow slow rain or sun slow slow slow job gets done bobo slow well done bobo that's [Music] great um now where was i red orange yellow green oh yes green oh you don't know your orange from your indigo today bubba yellow sorry rainbow the thing is baba blue and baba pink are planning a big big surprise but you mustn't tell anyone well i'm not one to talk hi bobby ello [Music] could you give us a hand with the surprise coming bubba pink what you can't go now i'm only half painted i won't be long but look my green's all blotchy wait come back i hope no one sees me like this hello rainbow oh no something wrong yes bubba yellow's gone off and left me half painted so i see [Music] well i've got to go i promise to help bubba green [Laughter] [Music] right that does it where are those paints oh rather a good job though i say it myself [Music] rainbow you're a true artist oh i don't need bubba yellow to paint me i can do it myself in half the time [Music] oh yes you're lovely and yellow and you'll do oh and you're gorgeous look son my fluffy goats are almost as yellow as you are that's because you take the time to look after them bubba green you know what i always say slow slow slow rain or sun so slow slow job gets done [Music] oh no i think i've pulled something in my arch i may never sling again oh no bobo no wait egg well all right but be careful to keep inside the stripes bobo painting [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh messy messy [Music] blue you've turned blue how did that happen no no no we can't have blue fluffy gold flowers wait till bubba yellow comes back she'll be amazed brushy brushy bobo what are you doing now whoops [Music] red orange green blue what's going on my fluffy goals are turning all the colors of the rainbow rainbow this is rainbow paint come green horsey let's find out what's going on [Music] i must be done by now bye bye bruce lee brushy hey bobo what are you doing bobo painty bubba yellow was busy so i've painted myself oh with a little help from bobo rainbow beautiful no i'm sorry bobo he's not what look at these splodges and splashes there's pigs everywhere rainbows a mess a mess oh i don't want to look a mess oh quick bubba green paint me properly please i would if i could but i'm very busy in the garden you've got to you must i'm a mess well all right i'll have to clean up all this flushy paint first anything just do it quickly not quickly rainbow what i always say is slow slow slow rain or sun so slow slow job gets done [Music] do [Music] all done how can i ever thank you bubba green rainbow you're all painted yes i am however did you manage well it's not that hard well it did go a bit wrong at first but bubba green came to my rescue well you look lovely it must have taken ages you know what i always say slow slow slow job gets done evergreen we've got a surprise for you we've made you a fluffy gold cake for growing the fluffy gold flowers so yellow oh thank you mmm cake i love cake can we have some now bubba green of course save a piece for me i've got one last job to do [Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies enjoy the delicious fluffy gold cake but where's bubba green slow slow slow rain or sun slow slow slow job gets done quick bubba green or the cake will all be gone [Applause] bobo that's bubba greens [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds it's a very chilly morning just look at that morning mist i hope sun gets here soon [Music] thank you peppa pink thanks peppa pink [Music] oops sorry bubba pig you're in a hurry bubba green i've got to gather in the horsey hay today or the sky horses won't have any supper tonight we've run out don't forget to rain pear snack thanks bubba pink i can help if you like beverly i just need my toolbox thanks bubba blue [Music] that's funny it was here a minute ago bobo white i think i know where your tool box is bubba blue [Music] my tools bobo sorry that's okay bobo white but you mustn't touch my tools this is a cloud catcher not a toy do you want to come and help get the horsey hay in yes [Music] oh that's funny the morning mist has usually gone by now doesn't so normally melt it away yes where is sun let's go and find him baba pink good idea you little fish on and we'll start the harvest come on let's get the sky horses [Music] come on green horsey time for the horsey hay harvest [Applause] i don't think the sky horses like this mist whoa yellow austin [Music] come on baby yellow let's find son [Music] ready greenie pops nearly bobo i just need to put the harvester onto green horsey i'll meet you there okay jokes this way green horsey that's it wait oh how are we going to gather in your hay without the harvester [Music] i suppose we'll think of something come on let's join the others what someone's still in bed [Music] oh it's too cold perhaps if you get out of beds on you'll feel warmer oh sorry bubba pink i don't think i can get out of bed then you need to warm up with some exercises exercises yes i'll play some exercise music to get you [Music] can anyone join in ready when you have evergreen where's the harvester green horsey ran away from the myth before i could put it on him then how are we going to gather in the horsey hay tools tools good thinking bobo it's always worth a look in my toolbox booboo help [Music] sorry don't worry bobo i'll get them [Music] it's no use blue horsey won't go into the mist but i've got to get my tools back boom [Music] has been looking everywhere for that [Music] can i try bob [Music] i've got something my star basket good catch bubble blue but it's not gonna get the sky horses there hey don't worry bubble green i'll get my toolbox okay i'll see how rubber pink and velvet yellow are getting on we still need sun to melt this mist away [Music] but it's even colder out here oh just another five minutes [Music] i'm up i'm up i'm up just in time come on soon i need you to melt away the morning list right you are papa greene [Music] it must be something really huge too big to be my toolbox come on son melt the mr ray then we can cover in the horsey house i'll do my best bubba green doesn't that look cold huh what's the matter with bubba blue [Music] are you all right help us cloud babies we've caught something big [Applause] pull cloud babies pull [Music] [Applause] me yes come on son right here goes oh it's a bit heavy you can do it sam look oh that looks like horsey hey the crowd catcher is pulling it up [Music] my tools [Applause] [Music] look the morning mist is all gone sun you melted it i did i'm all hot pulling up the horsey hay has warmed you up one more [Music] and with the horsey hay harvest gathered in the cloud babies were all ready for a good night's sleep wait a minute where's bobo white left a bit bobo no the other way it looks as though he's got another harvest to gather in clever bobo [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds it's raining a lot there's no work to be done today [Music] what's wrong bobo white rainy i can see that but the rain does make everything lovely and clean well we'll just have to wait till the rain stops before we can go outside but i need to do my jobs i have such a lot to do we all have jobs to do bubba blue the rain is very good for my plants although i've got lots of things to do in the garden we can't just sit here and do nothing hmm why don't we play a game that'll pass the time play game play game like what how about favorite things oh yes i love that game you start babygreen okay um well my favorite thing is my garden what do you like best about it i just love digging and planting [Music] remember when everyone was sneezing and we didn't know what it was [Music] [Applause] but i think my favorite thing in the garden is my watering can i need it to water my plants remember when bobo blocked up all the holes holes bluey bob's fill holes hmm [Music] bobo clever now i think about it that was a bit funny huh mud who could have done that huh rainey we told you before bobo we know rainy rain rain you are funny bobo what about you baba pink what's your favorite thing my favorite thing is my carrying kit it's so useful i can make a mend all sorts of things with it what are you making bubba pink it's a star blanket i'm making it for little star [Music] wow it's so soft it's beautiful thank you do you remember when i made sun his big gloves [Music] oh what are these oven gloves these gloves keep your hands cool so they won't melt the snow come on son try them out [Music] i've made one oh thank you cloud babies my first snowball then there's my polishing cloth and my duster i wouldn't know what to do without them how would i polish sun or dust moon maybe they are my favorite things i think your favorite thing is your reward chart you do like to check that all out jobs are done all right then bubba blue what's your favorite thing my favorite thing is uh rainy rain rain my favorite thing is my tools i couldn't do anything without them i couldn't fix the gate without my hammer all mended do you remember when bobo knocked all of my tools into the hayfield booboo help no [Applause] luckily i had my cloud catcher to fish them all out poor cloud babies pool that was fun i liked your sculpture that was really beautiful [Music] perfect remember when sun shone through it and made all those rainbow colors it's a rainbow light sculpture yes i have so many favorite things to choose from but i think i like my sky paper best i can use it to spot clouds come on then i can round them up okay clouds no more playing time to rain time to round up some clouds [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh chase them yes you do like to chase clouds across the sky don't you bother blue what's your favorite thing bobo rain pears of course it is well i think my favorite thing is my bag it just looks so pretty on me although i do use my paint box every day to paint rainbow and to paint pictures yes that's my favorite thing also my favorite favorite thing really has to be my flooty toot it can call the skytrain and it helps little star go to sleep [Music] oh no look the ceiling quick club babies we've got to catch the water ah bobo now i understand you were trying to tell us about the rain inside trip trip goes rain on our heads on the tables and beds the rain is tripping drop drop drop close the rain on the stairs [Music] [Music] the ring is tripping [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think the rain is stopping hello everyone what are you doing here we've come to see you of course and i always come out after the rain that's why i'm cold rainbow isn't everything clean oh yes just look at my colors aren't they wonderful we are pleased to see you you've made all the rain dry up sun rainbow favorite things yes today you two are our favorite things so with the rain gone the cloud babies could get on with their jobs and bobo was just happy not to get wet [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds it's the end of a long day the cloud babies have been working very hard and there are still the moon beams to collect [Music] time for sleeping [Music] now good night bobo night night [Music] night night cloud babies night night night night night [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it morning already it can't be the wakey says it's still mighting time sorry to wait you close babies i've been tossing and turning all night but i just can't go to sleep give me a minute son and i'll come and sing you a lullaby we all will won't we clown babies huh yes of course we'll all come [Music] go down close your eyes it's time to sleep [Music] night night cloud babies night night night night [Music] clown babies little star [Music] big cloud has taken my twinkling place all right little star peppa green and i will help you move it [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i can twinkle all night long twinkle twinkle all night long twinkle till the morning come on bubba blue back to bed [Music] what's that noise it's sun snoring again we'd better turn him over [Music] ready glow babies one two three [Music] it worked now maybe we can get some sleep back to bed everyone [Music] good morning rainbow have you seen bubba pink she normally gives me my wash and polish first thing in the morning bubba yellow supposed to paint my red stripe today it's a little bit smudged i wonder where the cloud babies are um i might be able to help the cloud babies have been up all night the poor deers are just exhausted but my red is all smudged and i need my morning wash and polish you'll just have to wait now i must get my sleep good night but how will i get my morning wash now [Music] [Applause] oh that's wonderful thank you buffer i just need my polish now [Music] they're done now what about me [Music] better now yes thank you son you're most kind you're very welcome rainbow i told you we could manage oh shall we help the clown babies do the rest of their jobs what a good idea then the cloud babies can sleep all day come on [Applause] [Music] oh come here cloudy this way rainbow i'm trying but it doesn't want to go that way ow not too hard sorry if offer now please keep still you look wonderful when it's done you're looking lovely already puffer don't think so [Music] watch out son you're making me go all spotty here let me wipe it off thank you i think [Music] oh thank you rainbow oh i'm so tired oh i do hope the cloud babies are back to normal tomorrow i'm sure they will be son night night rainbow night night son now how am i going to fling the stars [Music] [Applause] it's almost nighting time we've slept all day oh no we've got to pick the stars and fling them into the sky and what about sun and rainbow come on claw babies there's work to do [Music] i'm so sorry son we all overslept today i'm so sorry rainbow don't worry baba yellow son and i managed oh but i am glad you're back will you be all right to help us with the star thingy tell bubba blue i'll see him at the star flinging cloud and then oh it's bedtime for me [Music] oh still asleep poor boba must be very tired night night cloud babies i can't sleep neither can i hello dears i couldn't help hearing would you like me to sing the sleepy song to help you go to sleep yes please very well then you were working all night long so i'll sing the sleepy song slow down close your eyes it's time [Music] night night cloud babies so the cloud babies fell asleep and everything went back to normal bobo no sleep see oh bow bow cloud baby now oops spoke too soon [Music] [Applause] high in the sky up up in the clouds the cloud babies are hard at work but something's not right in the garden look bubba green this plant's all floppy they all are i know they need a drink of water followed by some sunny sunshine [Music] brushy brushes that's a nice paintbrush bobo dressy bow cloud bow bow no paint brush is needed for this job bobo white we're gonna water the garden with rain from a big rain cloud oh so sad bobo i know why don't you help bobby yellow she's painting rainbow's yellow stripe [Music] don't worry you'll soon be begun stronger then oh just look at my yellow stripe it's so grubby rainbow here's the pot of yellow paint purple uh oh wrong color i must have left it at home oh baba yellow he said i'd be ready for sun's midday shine and you will be i'll go back and get it right away [Music] hey brushy brushy brushy hello birdo brushy bobo cloudy bobo ah he wants to help paint you oh he does i'm sorry bobo i've got to go and get some yellow paint for amber oh bobo sad i know why don't you stay here and keep rainbow company yes baba yellow come back soon [Music] oh hello bubba pink and bubba blue hello son we're off to find a big gray rain cloud to water by the greens garden so could you do your midday shine after it rains please okey-dokey i'll shine after the rain thank you sun now let's find a big rain cloud over there come on bubba blue see you later [Music] oh stop it no it takes your brush is too good to stop tickling why don't you go and paint with it in another part of the sky hmmm [Music] yes shame it's the wrong color bogo brushy brushy well i suppose you could have it but the yellow doesn't need it hey me clown baby now yes [Applause] [Music] so you are don't worry we'll soon have you stronger than peony beans hurry cloud babies we need rain [Music] white [Music] you're a cloud baby now follow bobo [Laughter] [Music] good morning bobo oh and little star white is a cloud baby today he's got a brush and real paint can i see [Music] purple how about painting me a purple sun would be a lovely surprise for everyone perfectly perfect for my midday shine oh yes yes [Music] [Music] ready one two three three i wonder what bobo's doing how do i look how do i look very purple [Music] oh that's looking much better yellow didn't i say you'll be ready for the midday sun bubba yellow i think you should see this how did sun become purple the only purple paint animal was right here where did it go ah yes um well um you see um just what my plants needed just in time for the midday shine here's son [Music] surprise [Music] what happened to your head you can't shine like that look oh oh dear i wish i had an ass bow bow now bobo did this come on we'd better find him [Music] hurry back cloud babies [Music] is that you little star i'm a little purple star oh not you too little star where's that bobo [Music] listen [Music] oh dear bobo white don't you mean bobo purple [Music] oh bobo was only trying to be like us if we weren't too busy to let bobo help us then none of this would have happened and i did ask him to paint me wake up elbow [Music] would you like to help me play rainbow cloudy bobo yes like cloud baby but i think you need to do something first [Music] up in the air high in the sky everyone and everything was the right color to be oh that's a relief [Applause] [Music] high in the sky up up in the clouds it was a very busy morning the cloud babies were going in and out of the cloudy house and they weren't closing that door properly see what i mean what a lot of banging mine's a door bubba pink oh you're right for cloud this door doesn't look very good does it why don't you paint it then i was just going to say that fluffer cloud a nice pink door will be a lovely surprise for everyone i'll go and get some paint right away [Music] oh the doll's all dusty and scratchy someone needs to paint it maybe you could do it good idea for cloud now what color what color would you choose yellowy yellow of course oh no yellow paint i'll have to get some more from the paint well [Music] this is fun i'm going to trick them all bubba blue look at the poor old door it's all scratched this needs fixing you could paint it if you could think for really good color how about blue my favorite color i'll take this to the star tree first and then get the paint [Music] a yellow doll will be a lovely surprise for everyone oh what's little star doing mine mine i saw them first mine what's the matter bobo right mine rain pads no they're not they're mine maybe you should both have them you know share them huh one for me and one for you like that thank you bubba yellow what's that i'm going to paint the doll the cloudy house but shh it's a surprise oh thanks paint well this door's gonna look so lovely and pink [Music] hello rainbow i'm going to brighten up the cloudy house door look what i've got oh very um pink sorry papa pink must go got to be there after those clouds rain so you think i should paint it oh yes but what color green green's a very good color and i've got eternal green paint somewhere the others will love it [Music] what have you got there bubba blue blue paint me and fuffer are planning a surprise you too eh you are all in colorful moods today now come here you cheeky clouds there it looks so much lovelier pink now i better go and fluff up those clouds [Music] pink no no blue is much better one for me and one for you and one for me and one for you huh bobo no sure there the others will love this come on blue horsey time for your rest rainbow look what i've got it's a surprise for the others lovely everyone's painting today oh excuse me bubba green got to go one for me one for me and one for me well done you're both sharing thanks jelly bubs blue that's strange i'll soon fix that [Music] green [Music] yes [Music] green green's quite nice but yellow is so much yellowier beautiful bright yellow huh better have a wash [Music] yellow well i'm just going to have to paint it again [Music] what oh no no no [Music] have you seen the door by mcqueen oh yes i'm glad you like it hi clown babies i got a surprise for you huh that door should be pink green blue it's supposed to be yellow well i don't think it's funny we're not laughing so who is the cloud the cloud told me to paint the doll blue she told me to paint it green pink yellow i only said to paint it you chose the color and we all chose our favorite colors uh-oh that looks like rain [Applause] [Music] look at our door now it's no one's favorite color we'll have to paint it again but which color do we use [Music] bobo sharper well done bobo white bobo clever maybe you should teach us how to share the door bobo white cut up we can't cut the door into pieces brother white so how do you share colors him you have everything you need to put it right you mean you know which color is the best rainbow personally i think i am the best color of all but you're lots of colors just like a door used to be [Music] we did it the cloud babies all agreed the front door had never looked so beautiful their work was done very nice but don't you think it would look better painted orange [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cloudbabies
Views: 4,110,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloudbabies, cloudbabies full episode, cloudbabies playlist, cbeebies, Cloud Babies, Skyhorsies, Cloudbabies song, cloudbabies rainbow, cloudbabies cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids
Id: AL4wkrEXY7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 38sec (7478 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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