1. Introduction to Telco Cloud Basics – NFV , SDN . Architecture of Cloud Network for Telcos

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People call it by many names .. Cloud network , Virtualization , SDN / NFV more complex names like .. Container , Hypervisor , or cloud native networks I am going to discuss all of these along with the real-life examples . In this video we will understand why cloud native networks have become necessity for telecom operators What value and benefits cloud native networks are going to bring it to operators Network function virtualization or NFV and Software Defined Networking or SDN are two pillar stones of this technology . With cloud computing techniques .. Operators can achieve better usage and performance from the network nodes Why we call it as cloud network ... ? why not mountain network......? why not AIR network ......? why not weather network ......? why not earth network......? The reasons are obviously simple The way you cannot control the length and the breadth and the appearance of cloud It's the cloud up there in the sky .. similarly you cannot touch and feel the clouds up in the sky but yet they are always there to serve you Similarly the cloud networks or virtualized networks are always there to serve us .. The term cloud is used to describe some network which is far away from you . You cannot touch and feel this network physically but yet it's there and it's serving you the cloud network also refers to servers networks the data centers that are running on shared resources instead of dedicated Hardware Also the cloud networks are typically convenient accessible from anywhere . They can be used as a private cloud which are accessible within a closed environment within our organization .There are also public and hybrid networks or hybrid clouds which are exposed to external world as well . Other properties of cloud network includes rapid expansion very very high elasticity , On-demand network access and support for scaling and scale out operations Cloud networks are very powerful and going to become mandate for telecom operators They are going to change the way networks are deployed and operated They will change the business model of Telecom , They will change the way customers are enabling services on the fly , This technology is going to become the biggest technology revolution in telecom industry by fueling up more speed of change , More speed of innovation , More flexibility and very high agility . I have prepared this for Telco Introduction . There are four videos which I have prepared out there . The first one is the introduction to the cloud .. what is cloud and why cloud is necessary for telecom operators In subsequent modules , I have covered demystification of various technologies which build fundamental building blocks of cloud native networks This covers NFV , SDN and technologies such as Hypervisor , Docker & Container Why cloud network are required in telecom . Here I am trying to explain you importance and need of the cloud native networks with example from our everyday life I have taken example of packet core network here . You can consider similar example for any other network such as voice core network or volte network or VAS Node such as SMSC or Prepaid (IN) Nodes or any other nodes which is serving out there On screen you can see the animated video on the left hand side where users are using internet for low demand applications such as internet browsing . You can see a guy doing a basic internet browsing on right hand side you can see a GGSN Node for a fixed capacity of "150 Gbps" Now let's assume there is a cricket or soccer or football match tonight , As a consequence what is going to happen . The traffic is going to shoot up . More and more people will start watching the match online and the traffic will start increasing rapidly with more users coming online the utilization of GGSN will start shooting up Ultimately the utilization will keep on rising You can see it on the screen , there is a graph which is showing the utilization .. That's going up More users .. still going up ... still going up ... the traffic is still shooting up and eventually the traffic is going to hit the 95 % percent Users are still able to see the match but there is very less Headroom left for the additional traffic. Now once utilization touch 100% , As you can see on the screen traffic cannot further scale anymore and user will get buffering . At this point of time you can see the red dots on GGSN utilization chart where the user experience have suffered a lot There is a capping which have been done by the GGSN on the overall traffic Now users will start getting the buffering as visible on the handset on the left User cannot view the match anymore due to extreme high utilization on the network here Very interesting example isn't it ... Now let's see what is going to happen if we are using a cloud network out there. Now let us understand what value proposition what Clouds are going to bring it to us . Let's take a similar situation where users are using a cloud native network and it's a cloud native PACO (Packet Core) GGSN at this point of time . Now the match have started up , the traffic and users will start shooting up and eventually reach 90 to 95% Now cloud manager wakes up and analyzed the situation is bad and we need to do something as a utilization is overshooting Cloud manager is actually and VNFM instance which is internal component of cloud native networks and look after the overall health and utilization of cloud networks This includes doing the FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security) doing the configuration accounting performance security , Doing entire operations of the cloud Here , this particular cloud manager will see that utilization is overshooting and it will scale out a new capacity on the fly , You can see there is a new capacity popping up on the screen , Now this is a dynamic capacity which have been created on the fly by this cloud manager . Now that's the beauty of cloud where in like you get the additional capacity on a very dynamic way in a very agile way and as and when it is required the capacities are available Now let's assume the match is very very interesting and it's damn interesting The traffic is still increasing the users are still increasing and we need to have more compute and processing here . With the help of automation and Orchestrator , the cloud networks can further scale up the new capacities by creating a new GGSN at a new location wherever we are having some free hardware available in the network . You can see it on the screen there is a new own demand GGSN and which have popped up and on the fly there is a connectivity which is built for that . Now what is going to happen , Let's understand the role of NFV and SDN here . Now with help of NFV , We create the new capacities and with help of SDN , We create the highways and pathways to provide that connectivity between the users and this new on-demand GGSN Now , with help of SDN , we are able to route the traffic dynamically to this GGSN and with the help of NFV , we are able to virtualize the capacity and we are able to create the new instances on the fly . Now you can see the power of cloud network to handle more traffic much more effectively and in a much more flexible way to meet any dynamic user requirement Now let's understand the true problem of the mobile operators and we will also discuss how cloud is going to solve these problems .. The first problem is the lack of scalability , where we have already seen this includes the problem with the "Scaling-in" and "Scaling-out" of the capacities , we have already seen it in the last example .. Where the capacity is always a challenge With traditional Network you cannot have these dynamic capacities ,But cloud does it for you , This includes handling of the uncontrolled and unpredictable traffic explosion which is usually seen During the patches , During the events , During the Results , During the festivals .. this keeps on happening often on The second issue is the lack of adaptation in telecom domain there is lot of "Inter-OP" testing which is required between the two nodes for making it operational With the traditional and the old hardware , there is always a challenge with new technology such as 5G & the IOT , There is also issue with the new feature and functionality such as the new links or new interfaces which are required in the network Moreover there is always a lot of adaptation required for any new business model which usually gets delayed with the traditional hardware the third problem with the traditional network is the lack of flexibility Where you cannot balance the traffic between two nodes typically voice peaks at say 7:00 p.m. in the evening , Wherein the data Peaks somewhere at 11:00 p.m. in the night , You cannot shuffle the resources between the circuit switch Network and the packet core network that's simply not possible with the case of the traditional networks. In case you are having a cloud native development you can easily move - "The virtual machines" , "The virtualized Hardware" , "The resources" , "The computes" , "The storage" between the circuit code to the packet code in order to ensure the optimum loading and the load balancing of the traffic between various nodes . This will not only improve the user experience but will also save the capex investment . Moreover there is always a very high amount of OPEX (Cost) required in the AMC and keeping SPARES available for traditional hardware I mean to say .. You purchase a hardware from Nokia , You purchase the hardware from Ericsson , You purchase the hardware from Huawei and so on so far ... You need to maintain the SPARES for every one of them , You need to do the AMC for all these hardware . Overall cost of maintaining and running this type of hardware which is a purpose-built hardware is really too too high This cost can also be saved by migrating the entire thing to the cloud native network where overall TCO is really less In last , there is always lack of speed with traditional networks such as slow to change and you know it . One feature will be available with one vendor but not available with another one , With cloud native networks you can easily switch the vendors , You can avoid the vendor lock-in , You can easily get benefits of multiple vendors . With traditional network the old-age Network your time to market for new services is simply too high Your dynamic requirements cannot be met .. In case the regulatory or business teams comes up with the new requirement , it takes a lot of time for you to fulfill that requirement that's simply not possible with the traditional networks You need to have much more flexible and agile cloud-based networks where you can meet all these things , You can do the things dynamically , You are bit more flexible and you can meet all the customer and business requirements Now I'll take you through the another concept of the capacity , The concept is to get the right capacity at the right time .. With traditional networks there is always a manual capacity planning and there is always a manual deployment Now this entire thing ... we are really in-competent to handle the utilizations properly there is always our delayed response to the rapid and unpredictable traffic growth in the traffic .. There are always delays in the supply chain there are always delays in the imports , There is always situation which is getting worse due to Hardware not coming on the site , As we are aware that traditional Network takes much more time to deploy , Much more cost to deploy and much much more manpower in order to integrate . This actually makes the situation really bad Now let's see what is happening in traditional network you can see it on the left hand side we can see the graph which is plotting the traffic and the graph which is also telling you the installed the capacity . Now this staircase , the green one is telling you the install capacity ... and the blue one is the traffic now what we can see out here is with conventional planning and traditional Network .. Actual traffic either leads or lacks the installed capacity Due to this if you delay the deployment your customers are going to suffer due to high traffic if you pre-pon the deployment , You will end up in deploying too much of a wasted capacity you can clearly see capacity being deployed in a staircase model where red sports are showing the customers are suffering with the traditional networks due to high utilization I mean to say you cannot solve the problem of the capacity and the utilization with the traditional network You will always be living in this situation .. Now let's see how cloud brings up some relief and benefit Cloud native networks as visible on the right hand side provides the right capacity at the right time . You can see it in the graph on the right hand side In cloud based Network we deployed generic hardware in advance and capacities are procured and deployed in terms of the software license There are two efficiencies which software base capacity bring it to us .. The 1st one is the speed of expansion the licenses can be expanded on the fly and they are available as and when required , The 2nd one is costing model Basically you can pay as per the used license rather than the deployed capacity Now that brings lot of cost saving and none of the money is wasted on this licensing or the capacities which are sitting idle and there is no wastage of money as usually happens in the traditional networks . The cloud network means the traffic follow the installed capacity very very closely , There is an ample usage of resources , There is a lower planning procurement and deployment effort required .. which will not only save the money but also keeps your customer happy and utilizations are always in control That's the power of cloud networks Now let's understand the basic main problem of every carrier or every large-scale mobile operator .. The 1st issue is the Low ARPU ( Avg revenue per Customer ) , The 2nd problem is the low revenue as compared to the high exploding traffic and the third problem is the multi vendor complexity .. This is a traditional example of a traditional mobile operator .. where we can see a radio from one vendor , The circuit court from another vendor , The packet court from the different vendor and the volte IMS is from some totally different vendor ... Now that brings lot of complicity wherein every new feature function will take lot of time and there is always a challenge in day-to-day operations . With cloud network you can simply download and install the mode and vendor of your choice and you can ultimately avoid the vendor lock-in. These possibilities are not there with the traditional networks , Ultimately the cloud networks are going to help mobile operator to improve innovation cycle , They are going to increase the speed of deployment , They are going to help you in implementing the new features , They are going to give you a better flexibility and ultimately you are going to solve the scale problem Now these benefits of cloud network ultimately leads to the better user experience and a better innovative products leading to the new revenue stream and ultimately help in improving the revenues and the ARPU (Avg Revenue per user) as well the cloud network for telecom operator improves the investment cycle by reducing the TCO and improve operational efficiency Investing in cloud based network rather than traditional network will bring strategic alignment , it will mitigate the risk of the legacy investment , it will improve the return of investment , it will make the network Future proof The typical benefits of cloud network will bring below benefits .. The 1st one is the COST reduction & the uptime , Now there is a better utilization of resources and there is a maximum reuse of resources out there . The second one you are going to avoid the vendor lock-in , The 3rd one you are going to have a better network management which will reduce the OPEX , The next one is improved TCO through the centralization , Automation and efficiency . The last one is the better uptime with standard hardware . The second main benefit which we are going to get is the network flexibility .. Now Network flexibility is going to help you in the scaling the services up and down quickly as and when required , We are also going to help you in "ON Demand Network Resources" . I mean to say you need a network resource .. It is available on the demand .. If it is not required then it will be taken off . the last one is the ease of business .. basically cloud will help you and improve your ability to respond quickly to the customer demands they are going to create new services on the fly and ultimately it will help in the rapid deployment of new services and the innovations are going to improve an increase , Now these are the benefits which cloud networks are going to bring to every telecom operator .. Net-net the telecom Cloud is highly highly programmable , They are automated and ultimately they are making our telecom operator competitive with the OTT zone the agility piece . I mean to say you can compete with the Facebook's , With the Google , With the whatsapp , You get a lever and Nut and bolt and the machinery in order to do the things the way these OTT players are doing it Now let's see how the clouds are being deployed we are now going to discuss the solution , We already discussed the the pros and the cons and the benefits and the issues with the traditional networks and the benefits of the cloud Now let's get into the technical solution piece , how the cloud is going to work .. What is this cloud actually what I'm going to do is .. I am going to show , How we are going to run these networks in the future once these are virtualized on the left hand side you can see the traditional network you can see the traditional rack stacks which are deployed .. Here every rack represents one of-Node or one type of Node . These traditional notes are specifically meant for one function or one purpose . We also call them as a purpose-built Hardware These nodes could be the HLRs , the MSC , the SMSC , the VAS nodes the PRE-PAID (IN) Nodes , they are typically installed in switch room only Cloudification or virtualization is a journey to migrate these purpose-built hardware which are there on the left hand side running in the switch room to the virtualized nodes on the right hand side . Now this virtualized nodes they are running on a generic hardware and they are deployed in data center not in switch room There are few transitions which we have done over here the 1st one is a transition from the switch room to the data center , the 2nd one is the transition from the purpose-built hardware such as HLR by Nokia , the MSC by Ericsson , the packet core by Cisco Huawei , so on so forth like the purpose-built Hardware basically from this the individual vendors to a generic Hardware - such as the Dell - like the HP and so on so forth we are also going to see the transition from the physical device in Rack to a virtual device in a cloud network . In-last will also discuss and use vendor specific software and we are going to transition it to the open source software such as OpenStack . I mean to say from the hardware to the software to the deployment , We are going to do a lot of transition out here The cloud native networks will be basically set of multiple clouds running and powered by the OpenStack cloud managers .. You can see these clouds on the right hand side well in this example I tried to show the migration of physical and traditional HLR or MSC or PGw or Router into the virtualize device running in the cloud Please note : they all share the common hardware which is generic it could be from the Dell from the HP it has to be Generic You convert the HLR into the virtual HLR , You convert the MSC into the virtual MSC , You convert the P-Gw gateway into the virtual P-Gw , You convert the router into the virtual router Now well we have already understood the high-level benefits and the requirements of cloud native or virtualized network for telecom operators , In next video I am going to take you through the journey of the NFV we are going to discuss how an NFV works on the ground and how it is different from the SDN if you want to download this PPT , Please visit my website telecomtutorial.info hope this video presentation is useful for you please feel free to like dislike comment and share please subscribe to my youtube channel for more technical solutions
Channel: TelecomTutorial info
Views: 72,026
Rating: 4.8966789 out of 5
Keywords: Telco Cloud, Telecom cloud, Telco Cloud basics, Nfv telecom, Virtualization, Telco Cloud tutorial overview introduction basics, Carrier Cloud, Architecture in the Telco Cloud, Evolution of Telco Cloud, NFV vs SDN, NFV, SDN, Telco Cloud Native, Cloud Architecture, network function virtualization, telekom cloud, cloud networking, nfv network, cloud computing tutorial, Software defined networking, NFV Solution telecom, nfv orchestrator, cloud computing architecture, sdn and nfv
Id: qB-P3c1i2KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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