Clinically Dead Man Travels to the Afterlife and Back With a Message From God (NDE)

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i'm dean braxton and i have a story of dying and going to heaven i was working in the seattle area working for the county there king county and i was a supervisor in the probation department of the juvenile courts so i was loving my job i enjoyed working with adolescents i used to say all the time i would do it until the day i died and then i died may 5th 2006 i ended up with a kidney stone that got stuck on the right side i had kidney stones before so i knew it was a kidney stone right off the bat i thought i could probably wait it out or go through it and it would kind of like the pain would go away but that time it didn't go away and i remember going into the emergency room and just kind of like nonchalant say hey i got a kidney stone it's over here and i knew what they would do because i've been through the procedures before and i knew they would take me into a room and they would give me morphine and the pain would go away i also had a kidney infection and they gave me antibiotics for that kidney infection and they decided they would keep me overnight and they would do the operation and so that kept overnight gave me antibiotics the operation the next day went pretty smoothly they broke up the stones but they also what happened and they found out later on that i was one of those persons that the antibiotics they gave to didn't really impact the infection that i had so when they broke up the stones the poison went into my bloodstream and i became what you call septic and everything in my body started shutting down not just my heart and my lungs according to the medical records i was considered clinically dead for about an hour and 45 minutes but one of the things that really got me is even the process of even the dying piece when it really came down to it i knew i was dying i was surprised how much fear i didn't have i'm born again a christian and i knew that you go to heaven when you die and i was looking forward to it even when i realized i was dying and i said to myself i'm dying and all i could say after that was i'm going home i remember leaving my body and really shooting through the hospital floors and even going into the blue sky and i remember going into outer space and it was really fast i used to always try to figure out how fast it was and i do read my bible and i remember reading this one scripture says to be absent from the bodies be in the presence of the lord and all i could say was that was it that was it that was it that's what really happened i was moving that fast i always say faster than a person could blink their eye by the time the top eyelid hits the bottom one i was already in heaven that's how fast it was as i was going into that realm and i remember seeing before me that they saw like a light at the end of the tunnel because it's really dark in this one area there and i can remember it wasn't a light just like at the end of autumn to me it was like a window it looked like a window i'm not saying it was a window but that's the best way description i could say as i was look going toward this light that was before me it looked like a window i remember when i came in through that window oh man everything was right there was nothing wrong it was peace there was nothing that would agitate you there nothing that would get on your nerves and the thing that got me more than anything else that i fit i didn't know how out of place i felt before until i went through this experience because i went in and i fit i knew i was welcome there everything in heaven was welcoming there everything i'm not just saying god almighty or jesus christ or the holy spirit i'm saying everything in heaven literally was glad i was there and i felt it by looking at everything around me there was trees there i felt welcome from the trees i um looked at flowers they seemed to welcome me everything there was so glad i had showed up one of the things i wanted more than anything else and i didn't even know this desire was on the inside of me until really i got there and that was i really just didn't want to be in heaven you know i wanted to see jesus christ i wanted to see him face to face that was so important to me heaven's not heaven without the father and jesus they make up heaven you know and i came to understand it's not a place you want to be it's a person you want to be with so as i was going through a forest there was a force before me a bunch of trees in front of me and i knew jesus christ was through those trees and i remember thinking that i got to go through those trees to see where he is then as i was going through those trees behind me they parted before me and i felt like they were saying on both sides of me he's going to see the king he's going to see the king he's going to see the king that's what i felt like they were saying i wanted to be where jesus is so i was really concentrating more than anything else on being where he is and when i came through i remember coming out into this clearing but it was a wide open space and i saw jesus he was more to the left of me and he was looking at a bunch of some angels and some what i call redeemed people that had been on the planet and left the planet and went to heaven and i can remember coming up to him and seeing him and the first thing i did i didn't stand up and really approach him i got so close to him and then i went down on my hands and knees and i was looking at his feet when i say i was looking at his feet he was still facing the multitude of the crowd before him and there was millions of them billions of them really you know i was looking at the side of his feet and all i could do is i kind of raised my head up enough to see part of his legs never really his face at that moment and all i could say was you did this for me and everything inside of me everything about me at that moment knew that the only reason i was in heaven is because of what jesus christ had done everything was so grateful in my being that he had done that for me that the next thing i could only do was say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so i'm thanking him and as i'm thanking him i stopped and then i said the only reason i'm here is because of what he had done mentally i knew he had done it for everyone but personally i took it on as so personal that you not only died on the cross so that i could be here but you created all of heaven just for me i don't want to say i was being selfish because i wasn't but that's what i felt like he had done it just for me for then i started looking up his body i looked up from his feet to his ankles his ankles loved me i saw his calves they loved me i saw his knees they loved me everything about him i looked at loved me his hands they loved me and then i got to his face and he looked at me and this is what really one of the things that still to this day is is one of the things i'll go back to every once in a while and just grab he looked at me like i never ever disobeyed him in my entire existence you know that really got me and then i thought about it later on that when he said he forgive you he forgets it you know i read the bible and the bible even says that in the eighth chapter of hebrews and also the tenth chapter of hebrews it literally says that when god forgives you he forgets it i experienced that look from jesus i knew that i was the eternal being that i would never die my body died but me the real person on the inside of this body will never die the love he had for me would outlast me it can't outlast me because i'll live forever after that engagement with him and he downloading some things inside of me i call it downloading like a computer he looks at me he says no it's not your time go back felt like that that's how he says it i was kind of okay with it and i remember i didn't go through the force after that to go back to where i came into heaven i went over the forces it's like i i flew over it there is not really flying you can literally say i want to be 10 feet above the surface there the best way i could describe it to you that read your bible is like when jesus walked the water and there's no fear so you can go as high as you want but i remember going over the trees and going back to that place and when i got to the place that i was going to leave out and it wasn't like there's a door there that opened up the door and you go out it was just like i knew the next step i took i would be out of that realm and i remember standing there for a while and i sensed my body wasn't ready it wasn't ready i was so joyful that it wasn't ready so so i remember turning around saying yes and the force was before me and i knew jesus was on the other side of the forest but i felt like i could literally go to the left of the forest and as i'm going to the left of the forest oh man all of creation is so joyful i saw mountains and they were beautiful mountains they looked like ocean waves moving because they could move and as they were moving it looked like the ocean waves going past me but they were really mountains going i just oh man this is so wonderful and i'm enjoying it because to be honest with you i thought i was going to stay i knew i had to get back to jesus so i came back to jesus this time around the of this side of him and for whatever reason i went behind him and then came back to the same position i did the first time and i bowed down again before him and then he said some more things to me talk to me a little bit more about things there and i remember the light that was coming off of him i didn't say this the first time but there was this great light that was coming off of him and it was wrapping itself around me after that engagement he looks at me again he looks down at me again with these beautiful loving eyes he says to me again no it's not your time go back the second time i said oh man i go over the trees again i get to that edge part of where i came in at and it looked like i take one more step and i'm out i get ready to get out and all of a sudden again i know my body is not ready and i'm thinking yes i am staying so the next thing i do is this time instead of going to the left of me i go to the right of that force and i experience so many great things it seemed like that side was more of the liquids like the water the seas the rivers i don't know why they were over on that side but they were on this they were more blue but that blue like we would say blue because the colors are there are more vibrant than you can imagine i travel through i see sayings i experienced some things i've seen a lot of different animals on that side you know there's a lot of animals in heaven and then i get right back to jesus and this was oh man they were always there i don't know why i didn't recognize them here again i go back to the same spot i went to before with jesus and i'm looking at his feet then i look up and on the other side of him i see my family i see my grandmother mary standing out front she's on a group over on this side over here and she's standing out front and then behind her were other relatives and then behind them were relatives there was generation after generation of all those that had a connection with jesus christ and the father and they came to greet me in now i know they were there the first time i was there with jesus i know they were there the second time i was jesus i didn't focusing on them at all i focused mostly on jesus but this time for some reason i focused on jesus then i focused in on them sometimes people say what did they look like it's hard to describe people in heaven because there's no time i tell people they were shiny they had a big smile and pure joy and then i thought later on i said to myself wow i got to see my entire family in heaven smiling and i thought i've never seen that on the planet and enjoying each other so much i didn't know that family was that like that and heaven and i thought we were all the family of god and we all would see each other and that would be the way it is but you guys the reality of it is family's important to god and i came to understand that there was people there that i didn't think would be there i thought they didn't go to heaven because they didn't meet the criteria i had for them they met god's criteria but they didn't meet my criteria you say what does god accept in jesus christ as lord and savior you know that's the criteria that god is asking so here it is you guys my family comes to greet me in jesus downsloads a lot of stuff in me i get to experience what it's like to be in heaven and all of heaven coming together and and praising and worshiping god but after everything all that all of a sudden jesus looks at me again and he says with a command strong command no it's not your time go back i felt like all the creation that was in front of me moved out of the way and said he's not talking about me he talked about you i felt like a soldier you know i used to be in the air force i felt like a soldier i felt like i went yes sir you know that type of thing and then i got rather leave i felt like he was saying i need you there more than i need you here that's what i felt like he didn't say those words but that's what i was feeling that's what i was sensing and my grandmother mary is there and she looks at me as he's saying this and she says bring as many of us back with you as you can and she's talking about my entire family here on the on the planet earth so i bowed before jesus like this went over those trees again got to what i call the edge of heaven took a step and i was out and headed back to this round and i was sad i felt like a baby crying really hard i remember coming into the hospital room hovering over my my bed where the body was they had really stopped working on me and started putting things away the doctor even said he was signing the death certificate at that time and i remember i don't know why i did this i looked at my body it was down there i looked at it i came in and hovered over it and then i turned over and went into my body like that and the doctors also hit the the you know heart monitor go beep beep beep beep beep started beeping they started coming back over there they intubated me put the tube down my throats you know what that's all about they get me breathing again and and all that type of stuff you know i didn't really want to come back but i felt like he was saying i need you there more than i need you here and how did i change i look at things from an eternal point of view i don't have the same grasp as i did before on things and what i mean by that holding on to things it's not that i freely let it go because i know we need them here on the planet but if they go i don't grieve them my wife could probably tell you more of the changes because she saw the the difference for me but that's the story and there's a lot more i could say um but that's the story that i get to share with you i hope you enjoyed it i i had a good time telling you [Music] the skyline
Channel: The Other Side NDE
Views: 4,210,563
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Id: LvnHIC8Csdg
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Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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