Climb out of LOWER MMR With The Highest WINRATE Top Laner NOW - Season 14 Dr.Mundo GUIDE

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yo what is up everybody and welcome to today's video today's video is going to be how to climb out of the lower MMR with the highest RN rate top laner being Dr Mundo now I was very surprised personally seeing Dr Mundo be the highest wi rate I expected it to be high but not the highest but then I started thinking and actually makes a lot of sense and that is because Mundo is one of the weakest early game Top Lane Champions but also has one of the best scaling and that is because the more Health you have the more damage you will do Mundo is amazing at split pushing good at Team fights insane scaling has really good items right now and so in this video we're going to learn how to get through the hardest part of the lightning phase utilizing the fundamentals making our gameplay very structured from the get-go and then leading that into the mid to late game learning how to play macro correctly and learn how to climb consistently with Dr Mundo right now very straightforward in everything he does in terms of itemizations runes and his General kit and I would highly advise anybody to start playing either Garen made the gar video and now we have Mundo which even has a higher win rate than Garen take a look at this in Bron he is the highest win rate in silver he is the highest win rate in Gold he is almost the highest win rate and in Platinum he is almost the highest win rate too so without any further Ado guys we're going to play a game in bronze silver gold and platinum teach everything structured from start to finish reminder to take a look to what's the MMR that you're currently in and to the MMR that you want to get to and we're going to learn to climb consistently using Mundo guys let's dive into it every move you made I was watching you if you are serious about improving and climbing to your design desired League rank you're in the right place I've worked on laying out two courses that will help you in all aspects to improve one is about all the fundamentals for the landing phase and the other one goes in depth on Tempo and a mid to late I've been changer for 7 years and I can guarantee you that this will massively speed up your process and reaching any goal that you have set in mind both courses have a preview video where you can see the style of the videos so check those out before anything you can also always join my Discord to check out some previews all right let's get into the video going into the first draft here the first thing we going to quickly discover is the room page okay so the Rune page is very simplistic you're always going to be taking grasp with demolish demolish is one of the best runes on Mundo because the more Health you have the more damage your demolish broke will do because we're building only HP that's why we go demolish every game then I take conditioning for extra resistances you can take second win in a very heavy poke match up or bone plating if you really need it against a level one Champion such as maybe Riven to get a little bit more defense and then we go overgrowth again because we want as maximum health as possible then we're going to go for Magical Footwear and approach velocity uh magical Footwear is of course that you get the free boots and approach velocity gives you bonus movement speed towards enemy Champions once you've landed a que onto them so if you throw a que onto them not only do they get slowed you also gain B bonus movement speed towards them and then we're going to be running attack speed and double scaling Health rather and that is again with the thought process with the more HP we have the more damage we will do and that is because I'll showcase you in the game as well the passive of Mundo's e is is a percentage of your total maximum HP is also your ad I believe it's 2 and a half% or 3% they nerfed it the bit so 3% of your total HP is also how much ad you get for free so the more HP you have the more ad you have which is kind of a weird thing but that is also why Mundo skills so we're going to go for heart Ste we're going to have scaling Health we're going to run overgrowth we have to demolish everything we just want more health because more Health also more Health also leads to more damage okay so we're playing against a here gar is playing conqueror resolve flesh Knight he's playing the second highest win rate in the for the lower MMR I believe we the highest right then they have a Warick we have a Shen I firmly believe that Warick is way stronger than Shen in the early game in terms of 22 although Shen can be strong it depends really on how he utiliz his W against the gar q and against Works Auto attack and then another thing to consider is that after level six I believe their 2v2 will simply be much stronger what we have to avoid is dying in the early game right we want to be looking to skill we are one of the best Skilling champions in the game we go with a dorance shoot every time and like I said our goal is going to be to skill that means very often that we're playing our late or our lane rather in a trait avoidant type of cell that means we don't really want to look for trades we just want to look to get good Cs and always be healthy enough to play at the bounds that is what we're going to Center our mentality around so being pushed in very often is actually going to be fine for us because we're not looking to fight we're not looking to trade okay so what I want to do in the early game always is try to scout out if I can see where enemy Jung is starting but before we talk about that simply covering our abilities our que costs Health every time we chug it but if we land it we do restore Health back super important to know and it slows them and and does percentage maximum health magic damage your W basically is a thing it will cost 8% of our current health so the more Health you have the more it cost but you you will store damage once you have it running and then if you uh recast it next to enemy Champion you will grain much more Health back if you land it next to a champion if not you only heal it for 50% back our e is a we gain extra attack damage flat but then we also can basically use it on a me right and it gives us the pass because if we control shift over it you see okay it's actually 3 and a half% at five Max Stacks okay so once we have five points into our e then we're going to have 3.4% extra ad you can go either Q or E I probably want to look for Q start simply because I want to avoid training with the gar that has conqueror and Adorn blade and ignite right we go ghosty P I didn't talk about that but ghost is a better room than Flesh on moon though and that's because we're not looking to fight anyway so Garrett pushing Us in I actually don't mind this at all we have a wart we know that enemy J paing to top also because they're B Lane leashed our J paing to top their Jung paing into top that's completely fine and my mentality heading into those liing face guys is surviving and going for perfect s so whenever I get a last hit I'm fine with that here I can AO queue him back as well because he cues into me and into the means but you see I'm not looking actively for trades I am completely happy just farming and playing for that he's going to hit Level Two by that mean so I'm going to be stepping a little bit away that is of course one of the most important things to check and this mean will also grant me my level two they die there we go and now when I have my e you see I instantly have 8 ad because I get the 15 ad and when you last at the me with your e you have a thing that shoots out as well that only happens if you last at the me with your e so we're always looking to last it means with the E I said it three times right there oh he trades a little bit with me there I shouldn't trade back okay all good and now we're going to last it this Min with E and you see we shoot something through him that's only when we kill the Min and now we're just going to que the minion for last it I'm going to drag this one into the turret to just Farm it should be good oh okay alute it then and thus far we've just been farming perfectly is 11 but just because I've been hyper focusing on farming not on trading we're in an amazing position now we got to decide do we upgrade our Q first or our e first very often what I do is I put three points in Q and then I start upgrading my e and that is because your Q is your main form of lity in the early game it's also your main form of damage and then once you have a little bit more health and you can fight back a little bit more then you start putting points in your e because it will also give you the extra damage right so more I usually do three points at the Q and then F Max E okay so the wave is pushing towards the G right now slowly and what I want to do is just only last it at the latest frames so that this waves actually keep pushing to me you see here my main waves right faster but if the gar makes his wave push back into me that means I'm never going to be forced to walk for last and that's what I want right because I don't want to trade so maybe I can bait out gar to e here and if he does so he's going to also push the wave but I take a little bit too much damage actually I got to keep in mind that he's playing with fleshing knite and I'm dead what do we learn that streamer is a piggy and streamer went trading and streamer isn't thinking he's only talking benefit we have is the wave is in a good position it's stuck to my side of the lane and he's still cannot get a resd in that because we have to teleport there's going to be a fight happening in River here so I mean gar might just be a little bit more broken but without coping we are actually in amazing position because gar use both his Summoners he's moving to the river here so he's losing out on the wave and he cannot really set up his reset right now because I'm going to keep this Perma freeze so he's actually losing a cannon wave here unironically without coping this is going to be worth it for me in the long run because Garen still needs to set up his reset now and he hasn't been able to okay use W as long as I get the can I'm happy there we go third Point into Q he has no W right now and so we could look to fight him got a w at the start remember if I press my w onto him I get the full health Q him and look he didn't get a reset guys oh I didn't mean no don't tell me live okay I hit a me I didn't have Target Champion only on okay now I need to hard push this wave so I can set up my own reset again and that is because I want to push the wave into his turet to then make it bounce back into me and so I'm not forced to walk for Lea I could have let it Frozen here but I should have enough Tempo to push out this wave because it's not the Canon wave and I'm going to hit level six on this wave so if War were to gank I can maybe Escape that way you cannot ever die using your abilities so of course 8% missing Health doesn't matter when I'm one HP anyways and now you crash it it's going to bounce back into us and we're super happy we do still have good CS that is our foundation now it may have been solo killed but that will happen to you Piggies as well learn from this because ultimately my Champion is extremely weak in the early game as I just showcased there so try to play completely trade avoidant and don't be a piggy like streamer here but now after first recall I would say that it's almost impossible to die for me if I still play in a trade avoided manner like I have to kind of in in order to die right now and from this position onwards it should just be me looking to farm and scale up okay so the war here has a full tmat and he has 32 CS so he's in both side again he also of course see here he took blue buff after rep buff again verifying that he PA B into top looks like he's kind of 2 oneing the teammates here I mean you should go for the G he did Kill the sh what a goat okay uh let's look to just last it with our q and see if we can okay like I'm not wanting to walk up here because he could trade them to me if he goes for that last it then maybe I can just go for the cannon and else I just want to CU the cannon he's not blocking it so beautiful okay Farm even is win that's a mindset to have as well farming even is going to be a win of course if you can kill your opponent it's going to be even better I'm going to look to try and Q poke him like so beautiful and the more HP he has right the more HP he has currently when you land your Cleaver the more damage will do as well so 215 there it's not always going to be that high it's because of he's full HP so I deal more damage okay and from this point onwards we're going to start putting our points into e because we have more flat Health right because of the items that we've purchased full to HP yeah I can actually fight them I believe think I'm kind of underestimating or overestimating the gar here perhaps but still focus on last hits points in EN now and now we're going to hit it like so so we wave flare everything okay we're 12 CS up we're even in kills and all I'm going to do is keep my focus on the last so autoq this and then just e it throughout the entire wave you see the wave clear starts becoming really really really strong already and this is only going to keep getting better cuz I only have two points e there's a skirmish in River happening but I'm first going to push out this wave and then I can look to move oh they're already dead so this play here I could have perhaps moved but I think it was also I mean two things here I'm not entirely sure I was too focused on actually speaking so I wasn't too paying too much attention Garen did get two kills but I do get two plates here it's not the end of the world for me the only issue is that I'm perhaps have tilted my teammates a little bit with this he does have a shot down right now because he got two extra kill oh there's a war to one thing I haven't talked about at all is my passive I'll talk about it in a second I think I can keep fighting here please not the Vault or ignite we're just fighting here with our q and our ultimate healing the lower HP you have once you cast old the more you will heal so keep that in mind too you generally speaking want to use your ultimate once you're low HP okay it's okay we're just going to push in this wave slow push this right now let this next wave walk up that's the wave we hard push and then we set up a reset we're going to be very close heart already remind you to put points in our e not into our Q anymore and we're going to look to crash this wave and set up our reset so uh two things that I forgot to mention is how our passive works whenever you get CCD you see right now we have like a purple effect around us whenever you have your passive the first immobilizing effect that is hit on you I think I sell this and I actually fully complete it so the first because the the easier I can start stacking my health okay so talking about this the first time you get CCD like a Riven w a Riven Q3 any immobilizing effect a stun a knockup you lose your passive but that first CC actually will not to see you you will lose your passive and you lose like the shell around you and you can pick it up again or your opponent can pick it up and then it goes on cool down and if your shell leaves you also lose 4% of your current health so the higher HP you are the more HP you also lose once she gets cced but Garett has no uh ability to immobilize me right he doesn't have a stun he doesn't have a knock up he only has a silence so he actually cannot do it onto me okay going back to the gameplay right now I've talked about the items I've talked about the game play now I want to really start focusing on in on the game keep farming and I already have my heart Ste and I'm going to keep sailing you see my damage there already he has three kills I have one kill that is what Mundo does to you I put my W on here at the start of the trade cuz the earlier you use it the better okay I got to be a little mindful here because he is old and I do not waiting for my heart suit to come back too and then I have the extra damage from the two okay he's probably looking for the plant I'm going to Har push this wave get my level n get an extra point to my E look at this wave now you see it becomes super significant work is coming into top side he just has a team out long sword so he hasn't recall much yet he's a fat shot on two so they're looking for me here I'm just going to Quee this guy I'm going to bait him to get into the heart steel range because he might underestimate my damage the reason I'm still somewhat safe to fight here because they haven't Recall yet especially the war Shen's old he's ping to go for the old so you see my damage is very significant I'm going to Al here too and I want to watch out this guy get my shut down now I have ghost running and this is where Mundo shines K him get oh well we got both kills and I can already tell you right now the game is over but you see here even though Garen had three kills right Mundo once he starts scaling to like the earlier part like basically already now I'm in a skilled position it's just the early laning phase where he is super weak and that's very often why he doesn't work in the high elos is because you will get like destroyed so hard so it becomes really hard to even do anything like you get Tower do they just force tra onto you unless the match up is somewhat playable for you but if that is not the case you will very often get shut down I only pick Mundo in High ELO as like a last pick or if I know the match up or like against another tank but here you can blind pick it and get away because people do not know how to shut you down how to like consistently keep you down and you will be able to skill because games tend to take way longer than this MMR okay so now we are going to be running boots of swiftness and my next item is most likely going to be Titanic Hydra so I'll go for this first and see how it goes every point of HP that I'm going to be purchasing right now is instantly going to get converted into ad as well so every time I build HP I'll get more ad especially with five sex in my e right now I just got 20 ad for putting an extra point in my e there and you see here Five Points in E the wave clear is instant on the Caster so right now what I want to do is keep playing for the turrets and just expend my lead that way I don't want to play for kills I want to play for natural resources that time res is minute 12 we have our conditioning Rune now unlocked because you get that at minute 12 right this conditioning Rune right or let me this one right okay and see you see right now because of the HP that I have watch this watch this turn it's gone watch my damage I think I'm stronger but I don't have my ult so I don't want to risk a shutdown here because if I give gar a shutdown you got to keep in mind that GAR is not a weak champion at all but but now I have my ultimate and so he will just lose and now I qu him all to e and he dies did gar % a chance there not really this gar had three kills he got two kills in the river there but what do I have I have a lot of farm that's what I focused on I played with the Ling face consciously going in with the mindset that I need to have high CS if you have high CS numbers over your opponent you will always be in a good position we're start stacking our hearts to next item is going to be our tianic Hydra and then we can adapt to whatever is happening it looks like their Syra is a little strong this game the rest is kind of even they have a lot of magic damage because Zer still has some magic damage Morana magic damage I just want to test my damage here too you see here she cced me with her e but I did not get CC because it was the first point of CC that was landed onto me so you see she landed me with e but now it goes on cool down and I will not get C SE so there's the first example of our passive beautiful Mundo's also extremely good at farming camps because the higher HP they have the more damage my Q will do and just look at the damage of my e crazy right okay H I'm just going to recall here I'll have my full oh we're just a little bit short perhaps we should have sold our refill of buts okay I'm not going to do this because I don't have my ultimate I got to be careful because gar does does have his ultimate rather and I just want to Heart push this wave and set up my reset because I'm going to have second item and then we also want to figure out where I want to open up on the map so if Jinn is Bol and Zer is Bol and his wave is already here not that much reason for me to go there I could consider going mid playing for theur c has no flesh I'm going to have old and ghost so that could be a plan um so so as a habit I'll just take this maybe go rep off maybe go mid maybe go top see what's happening on the map and then I'll make my decision we died in B Lane not much to farm in here though anyway so I'll just go to the top wave I don't think anything is happening here or here so I'm just going to go for the top wave put this in the correct spot one very interesting combo you can do on Mundo is you can cancel your Auto teack with Titanic Hydra so you can Auto attack e Titanic Hydra I'm going to Showcase it to you right here so you're going to q auto e Titanic Hydra which is a combo but here while he's running away it's a little bit harder to land but you see here that is a combo that he cannot do anything against you see here now I mean he didn't get much extra items too but it's not even close here look at my ad I have 265 ad now this item does give me 50 ad right but take a look at the Jin 226 ad he is full damage and he has uh Less ad than the tanky Mundo with heart steel all right keep going watch this turn damage now too because I already have 4K HP almost because of all the HP stacking that I'm having that turret is gone 1,200 damage already with demolish and that is because 500 health here 900 Health here then we have scaling Health we have overgrowth so yeah you see all everything is taking up now and all I'm going to be doing is playing s side lines playing camps playing side waves I don't want to play for kills I want to play for turrets and stuff like this if they walk into me then I will look to kill them look here he's going to eat me but I'm not going to get cced why because of my passive and Al e hyra right there they're fighting right here I'm not going to move instead I'm going to move mid and take the third I'm going to pick maler to maybe go top and I'm just going to go mid watch this wave clear okay I missed that way have this one and that one okay sh just took it I'm going to go both defend this and I'm going to play for the B tier two why do I play for tier two that is because tier two turrets give 700 gold tier one turrets give around 3 to 400 gold I'm going to quickly snack this too though because I'm a greedy bastard you can also do e and Titanic hyra at the same time there but it would be more efficient to do auto e Titanic hyra just going to Showcase you guys my damage on the zeri with four kills in with two items wo all watch this Auto e Titanic Hydra one shot that's the combo AO e tianic Hydra right I'm going to Ping this Jin away and to go mid because the reason is that I want to be B my Jin should not be a b I'm going to be bot watch is wave clear one shot so my e one shots wav my Titanic Hydra one shot wve I mean if Jin is going to stay B then I'll just TP to top preferably he went top here mid lane here but it's okay that will do it and you see here my e also one shots so I have my e to one shot waves I have my tonic Hydra to one shots waves like I said I'm not playing for I'm going to be playing my macro centered around side waves Jone camps and um that is going to increase my gold income so you see here we're 186 at 60 Minutes moo is one of the field tanks that is actually extremely fast on the map because of his e because of my attack damage all right and I just one sh this Camp look at my Q damage on this blue buff because of the max HP 500 right there and our e damage is also massive so you see here we TP top we took the two waves we took the two J cams we're taking another wave then we reset we have a next item and then we still want to play bot because the bot still has a two2 tur preferably JY leaves but I have a feeling Jin might die here and that's going to make it easier for me to go into bot now I have a lot of item options I could go hole breaker uh I could build some magic resist because they have quite significant amount of magic damage so I think here I'll go for the magic resist option now pay attention to this I have 284 ad so I'm buying an item with 600 health no ad look at my ID 284 305 Ruby Crystal H gives me 5 ad okay so from a ruby Crystal I can have a long sh as well that's amazing right so now the more resistances that I buy with health the more tanky I will be but the more damage I get also I have 300 ad take a look at Garen 179 I almost have double his ad whilst he's building ad right okay now let's go both and showcase how fast I take the turret I almost 5K HP now we are three items and like I said I'm not playing my mecro to go for kills I'm playing side waves Jung camps and resource like this now CS a minute 18 all right checking quickly if the camp is here okay no Camp watch how fast I take turrets 18 minutes in the game I am three items strong but just take a look how fast this is that's the E demolish is 1.4 and the turret is already gone so if you're enemy team right now how do you do with this because I'm a split pushing tank so I'm already hard to kill I killed them because of my ad I am 5K HP so it's like how do you do do with this they can't kill me I can kill them watch this and auto e Titanic Hydra and watch that guy I don't get CCD I pick up the CC is only 8 seconds now I'm going to hold at lower HP Pro my W2 I want to use my W on a champion right there Auto e and my passive block the Morana Q so I stay alive I can Auto e this wave to ruce it Titanic Hydra GH on and the hard still here and uh Mundo is a very balanced Champion if I do say so myself now I didn't even play that perfectly my Dobby was pretty [ __ ] oh I don't have my passive for oh I still have ghost no oh that's not okay my pass was just about to come back if I had my passive there the VOR old could have landed but I would still have like my passive would have bed it but it's okay we died it's fair enough to them flush on me as well my ghost was running out um next item here I almost have options to everything um Spirit Vis would of course give me more healing but I already have quite some magic resist I think in these type of scenarios what I could just consider is going hole breaker because it's going to give me a lot of HP as well gives me movement speed give me a lot of ad2 and I believe nothing they can do against me if I just move to a s right now because my e deals damage on a turret whole breaker will do damage on turret demolish will do damage on turrets alternatively I could opt for something like an unending despair because I'm already hard to kill I get some more armor actually I want to try this here I think this is going going to be really hard for them to deal with and then I buy a Rubik or a Kindle gem to just just get some um eight extra ad right there cuz that's why I buy it for of course so I buy kle Gem to get an additional long sword because that is a that's why you buy a ruby Crystal 4 so let's see how enemy team deals with the 6K HP Mundo now every level I get I also get extra HP from my Rune still I have overgrowth and uh you see I just one shoting everything so again how does enemy team deal with me and keep in mind I'm going to be level 16 in a second I'm going to heal every even more with my ultimate okie dokie 1K damage with that no biggy all right looks absolutely fine nothing wrong here and I'm just going to go into botland again why because I'm not playing to play for kills I'm playing for these those moments those moments no but I'm playing to expand my lead through natural resources okay one item here one item here two items two items so the zeri and sja are the strongest members I'm level 16 I'm 358 ah yeah I'm just going to go into their base see what they have to say about it I don't have my go though so maybe just cut them off here cuz there's three people here Z here so we have numbers Advantage here I am flanking them from behind I have my passive running if I pick up my passive at this point in the game I will instantly get it back you see here I instantly have it back they picked it up for me well time to ult and uh time to use my w and time to get back to full HP and time to kill that guy Auto Titanic Hydra clear the wave to H oh they're already dead and I'm full HP yeah no that's fine I mean I am ahead of the curve right but uh you see here there's barely any skill expression what is the skill expression that you do okay pick up your passive use your ult on when you're a little bit lower HP but not full low HP and then use your W on Champions okay well that's not hard to do and then you Al attack q and E people and use Titanic Hydra when it's some cool down uh gar that turret might be there but I'm just going to quickly tap it like that hope you have no problem with that and let's keep going 6K HP now uh I see nothing wrong what if we just build warock for a little bit extra HP or Spirit Visage you know what let's go for the spirit Visage okay Al Eat Titanic Hydra and then the fade away que beautiful okay my my passive is up again when we're this late in the game if you ever pick up your passive you instantly receive it back okay thank you very much still BR all right GG first game of bundo let's move on to the next one I rambled a lot about the items what your abilities do your macro and Landing phase next game we're going to Tunnel a lot harder on the Ling phase so we're going to go way more in depth on the Ling phase and then also take a closer look to the macro let's go guys going into the second game here let's do everything fundamentally in the lightning phase correctly from start to finish so the first thing that I do heading into the game game is checking the 2v2 top side they have a volar nocturn against uh udir and wundo and I see my uder is playing with Halo blade so it's a little bit more of the uh ad centered setup right and then my the nocturn has go so no flash on that there volar is playing with grass precision and oh okay doy well the first step that I do but it's subconscious is I always walk out of the Bush to see if they were ever wanting to look to ches me like that there you go it's a good habit too once the Gage drop space like this walk out of the Bush obviously because I want to look for a wart on the tops side jungle but it also makes you SA against their early game potential cheese attempts okay so this game I'm going to be sing Against either Vol bear or Katarina and then they don't really have that much cc to stop me either right they have no dashes here which is good no dashes here which is really really good Mundo is absolutely amazing into their draw for multiple reasons too they are not building any percentage Health um in the terms in like blade King they have nothing that going to build blade through King and they don't really have abilities that do percentage Health damage either it's all flat flat flat flat and flat right so I'm absolutely amazing against the enemy draft here now it looks like UD is Ping to top and I'm placing this word down right here so I also know how noct is Ping and remember guys we're playing our laning face in the early game trade avoidant last game I made a mistake looks like they are invading not much I can do about it and here my goal would actually not be to push the wave because if I push the wave Mundo could or the noct could look behind me this is what we refer to as a map split R off the no is going to go from here to here and the ud is going to go from here to here so since that is the case I actually want this wave to p push towards me because if the wave is pushing towards me I'm not going to be forced to walk up for last hits and it's going to make it safer for me to play it on the early game Doge the volley bar e and I only get two means but I'm all right with that because I want this wave to push into me you see no is going to go here now and UD is probably going to go here no has four CS so only took the rep off he didn't take the Raptors or anything like that I got to be okay I couldn't Dodge that I expect him to use it on the wave so good placement by him let's keep our focus on the game he gets level two his Q can of course remove my path sft but the first Q he does will not stop me it's only when my passive is on cool down he accuses me that it's going to go on cool down and remember guys we are playing to get perfect last hits if I can C him for free I will do it like so when it goes for last hits and other than that all I'm looking to do is just Farm consistently this me and I'm going to be eing cuz it's going to one shot it so I can Auto attack this and I'm tra playing trade avoidant I'm super happy getting pushed in here because getting pushed in does like two things first of all I am not gankable and that is because I'm not forced to walk up for last sets being not forced to walk up for last sets I cannot get traded on because I don't have to walk up if I don't want to I can just let some CS die because it's going to come into my turret anyways and then I'm also not gankable okay Dodge this e here beautiful put maybe two points into Q here so I can guarantee the hit there okay unlucky but I do get this we're 13 he's 11 we're still ahead he used one potion and now the wave is bouncing into him so we're going to be forced to walk up for last H here but one benefit that I do have is that I'm going to have my level four here and UD is Toops side right now so I'm not spting into B UD Toops side right now so I had to be save for early but now I actually have my Jung around me I'm going to eat this one so I don't lose any L hits and on this next wave right here I want to use the pressure of UD being topsite more so to secure crushing this wave I don't want to still I still don't want to look to fight so I'm going to back away here but I use all abilities on the wave there so I'm just going to use this to trade a little bit with my w right there and if he pushes the wave back into me I'm happy he used q and E so that's why I felt comfortable to look for a small trade with my w there I'm going to Auto e this right here get the last one there too that's what I meant and all I'm doing guys is playing for CS you see I'm not looking to trade with him I'm not looking to fight with him if he uses multiple cools on the wave then of course I can look to punish it but other than that I am content with farming even or even farming better right because that is your foundation the better your farm the more consistent you are no 24 CS coming into top side here he's got to figure out that there's no camps so because there's no skull on because there's no camps to play for here he might look to gank me so I'm going to put my wart here and this wave is pushing back into me slowly so I want to cue these means at the latest Fram possible simply to secure that this wave is going to continuously push into me going to que that one and to kill last this at the lightest frames and reminder whenever the wave is pushing into us we are happy because we're not forced to walk up for aets and we are not gankable the only thing we have to consider though that we could get Dove on a slow push but if we keep our HP as high as possible should not be the case now I'm going to put my third Point into Q remember after three points into Q we're going to be maxing our e beautiful and we're just lasting with our oh I didn't see I wasn't paying attention I'm going to go here here simply so that I lose more HP is e is going to take away my passive right but I actually will not get cced and now the only thing I have to be wary of is that they could dive me but in higher ELO they would look to probably dive me here you see in this MMR you won't get Dove that often because people aren't comfortable enough themselves looking to set up Dives like this and so that is just allowing me to skill more consistently put a war there so I can ping there still to get five extra gold which I will and Vol stronger than me right now after first reset I'm going to be very strong myself too okay this is going to crash I'm going to maybe look to cancel his reset to just bug him out okay next wave is going to hit me on level six as well and if I hard push this wave and oh oh I didn't last the Min with my e there I'm level six though so I can look for a trade perhaps should have used my w there so I could do a little bit of smaller trade perfectly with my w he hit level six now too the way pushing into me always good Voli bear or no rather should reset and probably go into B and now I'm going to be annoying here and hold the wave a little bit outside of the turret okay so he cancel his reset and now I hope actually that Vol bear resets I'm not going to cancel him and because if he resets right here it's going to give me enough time to hard push this next wave by q autoing and eating it like this throughout the entire wave right he did cancel his resets here so he's going to stay but it's all good he's no e right now okay if that hit him maybe I kill pressure but still I shouldn't look for kills no top side so let's just push this and reset right now we have survived the early Landing phase which is also the hardest part now we get our Giants belt and we're going to keep stacking HP right here as much as I can okie dokie so I'm going to go for this I believe I will build just like so and 400 for our item now Vol did not reset yet so I am much stronger than him now if he over stays here even a little bit like so I get my movement spe towards him because of the Rune right the approach velocity and now okay I could maybe move here but I think I think my Jung is already in trouble yeah he cannot survive that uh I'll just hold hey where are you going piggy all right let's hold the wave here so that it keeps pushing into me I'm going to drag it back to the center so it reaches with his next me wave and now the wave will just push back into me and that is super good for me no had items UD I believe did not there so that's why the no beat him down too he's taking his rep off nothing I can do about that because I a freeze myself and I'd rather play for myself in these type of scenarios reminder after three points into e we're going to be maxing uh three points into ke we're going to be maxing e he has no potions first thing you do when your opponent goes back to line to check items no top site I want to play trade avoidant but I just want to thin out the wave and keep scaling you see here even though it doesn't look like it I am super happy in the game right now I have a CS lead and that is a win for Mundo if you ever head in CS you are basically win your winning your lane as Mundo I will out skill this Champion you out skill almost anything oh that was pretty bad to get hit by E though his e also 250 damage he could be maxing that ability by the looks of it all right so we are oh I managed to not lessed that I mislick it okay nun is mid so that allows me to okay unfortunate okay that should be it I'm very close to level eight got to be careful of him queuing me there goes my passive but I don't get proed and I'm going to use my w like such I should have used it earlier too careful for the W Mark if we is this guy Faker or am I [ __ ] or maybe both no a he's [ __ ] all right let's Lo in I'm going to ult here I think we taking the third shot touching that think I still win with the w yep game over I instantly know right here it's game over you get a solo kill as Mundo good luck because you are like enemy is already on the timer I am already outscaling them he took a turd shot there so I felt very confident I'm not sure if he is old or not I need 1.4 so I am going to Greed for Two Plates here but remember I can take placees very fast with demolish and uh the amount of Health that I have I sincerely hope he doesn't have TP if he does okay he doesn't have it beautiful one plate and then I'll just go for the wave that's going to give me the 1.4 so I'm going to prepare one minion to also e here so now I'm going to eat this minion like oh wait I'm dead aren't I I leveled up calculated of course just say fundamentals and everything is good um oh my dice wait execute no execute running running from the bear too okay uh go to Broken sum let's go Karina root they are tilted nice all right we got our hearts Ste absolute calculation to the brim and now all we're going to look to do guys is you see now we know once you reach this item you're big papa in town nobody's going to be able to stop you look at this I'm looking very intelligent at the moment currently and next item most likely I can build some antiheal it's not bad here it does gives up quite a lot of Health too and armor which is really good here 80808 well this guy's actually going AP AP AP they have a pretty good mix of damage here I'm not entirely sure where I should go for my second item Spirit Vis is not bad either could also just op for the Titanic Hydra and just instantly get more damage get more kill pressure too let's see here I'm going to just itemize depending on what happens in the game he has no old right now there is his e and I want start stacking my heartset whenever I can my e is going to start hard pushing waves very fast going to make sure I don't miss this cannon cuz else somebody in chat on comments will type minus one I keep saying chat sometimes but I talking to YouTube not to chat okay Mundo no oh fighting Bol that should be Bol as well I don't think he will ever hold me top here and my e is about to one shot waves oh my w it's fine and I going to hard push this W oh I hit it on him I want to hard push the wave actually I mean both of us have ult here right I did Pro hard still there we go hit him and the wife he him too w I mean he has no flashh going have to AME over but that's the thing like here I didn't even need my ult even if we fought him you see my passive was back my old was back I would just keep outscaling him and this is just going to get worse and worse like similar to the gar last game these guyss are like these fights are somewhat close but the longer the game goes the easier it will get for me S strong but so is my team my team is doing all right here and Al to e this I think I can play for perhaps one more plate no is De vol just respawned so I can take this plate take this wave and reset something like that actually going to be just short and maybe the minion wave makes me lose the plate now yeah I miscalculated this Oro take a look at this line it up with the E boom one shot well yeah my moono mechanics might need some practice but it's okay q auto e right there that mean doesn't die but it's okay and he doesn't have a full item yet I'm going to get my bits uh boots of swiftness against Swift those woodness that's not the one that I was referring to and then by this because we get some magic resist I think it's very consistent here because of the Vol bear uh the more H or the more resistances okay let's put it like this if you have a lot of HP but no resistances it is not that good right but the more resistances you have no the more Health you have every point of resistance that you buy is going to be more gold value simply because you already have so much health then paired with resistance it's going to be very hard for them to deal with me right so I just want to sit on a nor magic manal there to never really be able able to get killed by this guy again we have boots of s to now and let's keep on scaling I think next time I level up I probably have enough damage to one sh was with my e cuz I'm going to have more HP more HP is more ad you see I'm very close right now Q Alo e is that disgusting guys I'm a full tank all right that's very good he did take my passive away there all right almost got his foot turn next demolish will take it and let's keep on scaling they are all coming into top side here so I got to be careful the no has six kills no and S is their win condition so armor is definitely a good stat here Katarina isn't is pretty far behind so I'm taking a I'm taking a close look at tap here as well to kind of see what their win condition is you see here level 11 I actually one shot means now with my e on the back line so I'm going to CU this and then Auto e one shot it there we go now we're going to take this turret and keep expending our Le not to kills but through plates reset or plates turrets sideways all that good stuff old here to get close I'm absolutely fine with that he does have a full item now but I want the full turret here I got to be careful cuz this is W mark on me you see here that's whenever he has a w mark on you his second time he W's you once he has the mark he just heals a lot on all here because he Gap closed I'm pretty sure I still beat this ghost now didn't land it oh [ __ ] heart to not even close baby not even close baby I do lose the pl on this turet I'm pretty scared of dying to the nocturn uh so now we have two options we recall and be smart or you flip it and take the turret what would you do I blame I blame you guys you guys told me to do it nobody to me I'm definitely like I don't know trying to find some other thing to blame other than myself so you know what guys I'll take the resp me I I'll be the bigger guy here I'll take it I should have reset I had TP I should have RIS my shutdown now NR is a severe win condition I got to be careful but I'm scaling so Focus we're going to be fine I go Spirit of vage actually do I do I want to finish the spirit of vage I think this is enough time to go for Titanic H right now I'll go double long sword because I want to teamat and I'll sit on this and then I'm going to go for the full Titanic okay I to be here simply because I can get the full turret and that's going to give me oh if you type minus one at this timer you're getting banned that's it okay uh I don't want to see any comments okay okay okay push this outo take this no Vol B and so maybe I get enough Tempo to go for the tier two why are you walking up into me okay Ed did he maybe he didn't okay I don't have old I don't have go so it's pretty hard for me to look to kill anybody here if she face shes me I might be able to kill her so I'm just going to stand here see what she does after this wave she might walk into me get my sweeper on no she's not I do have my Al in 5 seconds um we got to stabilize the game here playing for the sideways playing for the Jone camps playing for the turrets okay she actually went to the wave jarvin is here Katarina is here there's cver there's the old I do get the art BR and that's it I'm not going to look for more no Tim mate and I'm going to utilize the tempo of them fighting here to push out the side wave and perhaps get Tempo to the tier two turret holy mold everybody down he is two full items he's very strong but two people dead no was mid C is mid volar is B it gives me enough Tempo here to maybe look for this jarvin has respawned but jarvin is on a threat only nocturn is uh I did give him a shut down unfortunately we're going to press no and I'm going to be scaling for this remember guys the game might look hard right now but trust me we will scale in this game okay that's the one benefit and security you have playing this champion this guy might not anticipate my damage at all either I do get slowed unfortunately he's ghost I missed my Q if I hit it maybe I kill him what if I hit with the fade away it was so close land on him there please on the Vault no oh if I had tanic Hy I feel like I would have killed the nocturn I think I really miss purchased as well going for this I think my purchases sub optim more here but I learn from that as well don't sit on a spectre Crow just go into food Titanic seconds I would have gotten the kill on the on the no there with having more damage and that would change outcome for sure but it's all right okay volar flesh is pretty good we got half the tier two turret and even though we look very weak right now I'm telling you will be the strongest champion in this game still all I have to do is just make sure I have gold income I'm still level 13 which still in terms of that in a very good position and all I got to do is just farm and we will be fine okay noin is still their strongest member and uh well let's keep playing from that position onward I'm going to move mid here no is here Katrina is here nothing he can do Lieutenant will got Smokey get it okay I'm going to defen also I think it's simply better to do so and I believe en team plays for this two people dead one person here one person here guess what gives me Tempo to play for this macro and Tempo guys one of the most important things to keep utilizing your gameplay and I'm going to use that to get the tier one turret inly right so I'm going to keep my e so I can use it to push this wave volar ising top or Katarina I'm not sure but most likely volar and so I'm going to move top here 1.7 for this I'm going to move here I'm going to Ping him to go mid and he's listening good the reason I want to be S of course is because I should be S Side Lane and my Adat should be in the mid lane H he has no flesh I know that and he arguably also Al does not have all but I'm not sure on that I can't verify that I believe he would have used it that last fight when he died which makes sense right logically for me but I can't verify it he might think he can fight me but I actually see him instantly take the passive okay this move is kind of weird I want to make sure I try to last at this with the E beautiful massive no's coming sa is coming I see two and half items he could look to ult me so I'm going to ult already quue him there and we're fine all good now they all show top so I could consider tping to B here and get massive Tempo because I get the full item here don't have old so I don't want to fight here there is a window for me to look for either s Side Lane perhaps with the teleport because no know but I also don't have V Let's just move V here keep it small uh don't just take the small wins instead of looking for bigger wins here so now we're two have items I'm going to finish this either for the spirit or the hollow Radiance this is 600 hp this is 450 not sure yet let's figure it out I think Spirit V is probably better to stay alive longer and we're going to push this and so all right they're fighting here I'm not going to be moving here simply because I don't have my ult I don't want to fight I want to play side waves Jone cams and turrets right that's where I can get my most gold income even though I only have four kills this guy's two and half items but I also have two and a half items but I have four kills right but I have a lot of farm I'm 10 per minute that's what I'm playing for consistently that is your foundation I keep saying it is one item only so let's check the damage now that's all q auto e Titanic Hydra missed the Q nice combo all right walking away cuz he W proc I probably dead I've go though so maybe I'm able to run away look at that damage is that okay is that damage okay did you see my damage to the Katarina I even missed my combo I didn't do Q Auto e Titanic Hydra I think I did q auto and an e Titanic Hydra at as one Auto Tech but if I did it correctly there I might even one shot her that was me without my ultimate if I had my ultimate I would 2 one them there I'm not going to TP because I don't have ult yet okay now I'm going to TP maybe they fight me we're pushing out this we killed the no who got the shut down Ash did well not the best it's okay and because of this I'm going to pick my team away because they might be overstaying I don't want my team to overstay I highly recommend you do guys do this as well cuz if my teammates die here enemy team also get Baron just just get away no is going to have ult if they die here enemy team gets Baron so I'm going pck them away cuz I tp2 B as well yeah did my best they might play for Baron still yeah I think that Baron is a goner I hope we just heals it I cannot move there even if I move there I believe it's already gone I'm going to play for this turret anyways the next wave try to help my team out there with the p but it's okay perhaps I should have moved but I'm still getting a lot here so it's not the end of the world here we're trading a lot for this Baron Okay and like I said I will still at one point be one of the strongest member in this game watch my damage here if he wants to fight me yeah the Masia on me that's what I thought piggy okie dokie I want to take this wave too CU I'm a gritty little piggy beautiful beautiful beautiful all right we're going to have our third item I can one sh this C she overstays here she she's feeling frisky uh I'm feeling frisky I have my ultimate the lower you are the more you'll instantly heal keep that in mind if I kill her their Baron is pretty much gone she might feel like she can kill me by seeing this HP right are you convinced my guys are you convinced that's only the start though that's only the start though remember this game we really snowballing let's keep playing for gold in come let's keep snow or let's keep scaling I'm going to build HP because that of course gives me ad which makes absolute a lot of sense okay that's a little too late unfortunately we have a shutdown 20 seconds for Dragon level 16 from this means to there's no means please take it oh close okay oh oh that a is tilted I landed a que on her so she's slow but she has old yeah hard to catch that guy I can just hard push this wave though good this wave is here uh ultimate is a pretty long cool down here so we got to be wary of that I can just C poke here 50 seconds from my old so I don't feel too confident fighting this my ultimate is such an important fighting to my e deals one 1,000 damage so I can eat with Titanic Hydra to do like 1300 damage watch this that's like a Smite that's pretty much the Smite okay let's keep sidelining that's all I want to do this okay I don't have old so I'm just going to let my teammates die here there's nothing that I can do about them dying I'm just going to play for my own resources on the S Side Lane and I'm going to pick my team to not go too deep unfortunately I did nothing I can do about that okay and then we're going to recall actually I might keep pushing as well no I'm going to recall I I get too much it's jarvin and CER they are going to keep sieging here I will have ghost and my ultimate if they keep going okay looks like they are very good I'll kill them silver ghost is out her ult is out they don't have shutdown so I don't want to lose or use too much resources for them she walked into Mele range here I'm just going to ghost watch this lie yeah uh your am fades okay uh my team can take the rep off for me I'm just kind to consider what item I would want next I'm thinking of maybe frozen heart is not bad attack speed attack speed attack speed frozen heart is pretty good here it doesn't give me HP but it's an amazing item in terms of stat it's going to give me a lot of armor which is what I need and it's also going to make it harder for them to Auto attack me so yes I think frozen heart is definitely one of the items to go here I want to see if I can f the nocturn with him going for the r buff I believe he's on the rtor right now and then he's going to look for the rep buff or he is moving here oh he killed my team that's is good could be on Mid wave could be on bot wave I'm not sure where he's at that was bot okay I can probably skip this up even though he has four items I am W though yep not even a challenge thank you for the shutdowns my team is to stay alive on the map so that when I split push I can actually pressure so I'm going to undef here can we stay alive on map I carry site if my teammates just stay alive then I can carry so I'm just going to communicate that to them in a gentle way Mundo we can't without you death well they could if they stop dying I'm going to keep pressuring here their respawn timers are a little desynced here oh that's not good I one shot I want shot this turret but uh little delay here that's pretty good Silver's dead that's Mundo some more Mundo some more Mundo he's a mark on me so I can't be kill him I might need Thor Mill actually Thor Mill is the item I should go for Thor Mill and maybe frozen heart too he's a hle breaker okay I will be a skull breaker I'm still 106 per minute like you saw there this this no is f build it's not even a close fight for a f like I'm I'm three items right I'm three items this guy is four and a half it's not even a close fight imagine I'm ahead like imagine I'm as strong as this guy is oh good now I have three 6.3k HP meaning 300 ad uh this aili this ailos with three items has Less ad than the than the full tank Mundo well I do have a Titanic Hydra but uh yeah okay so we can get more levels unfortunately I do have TP so wait my pressure don't get caught we have flesh here we almost have flesh here can I find this guy there he is he's going to look for that I don't like my team walking up here I do have TP but I need to TP before the no old goes basically if I want to TP wow that is so good for the map that is so well done finally my team is a pick for once I'm going to utilize that should just take the map to here they have to stop me they have to send so many people to stop me Vol cannot stop me is that on me okay my turn passive Maybe goodbye okay please defend please defend our end I believe I win the base race if he just defend can he defend he can I think I'm healthy enough here what's going on no I wanted to eat that okay I misplayed it I was too distracted looking at everything oh I shouldn't have looked at my own base I think if I didn't do that we're fine okay I'll just walk with you guys and hold hands they all flaming me for being in sideline I don't think that's the reason we're losing but if my teammates think they need me then I'll just do that is this guy get think me yes it's our bed they have a nocturn and our two things one feeding and the other one is AFK farming okay well I guess I'm AFK farming this game is my bad bro my bed IC come group it's my bad bro it's my bad I'm sorry I'm sorry for trying to win the game I'm sorry I'm so sorry all right let's go with the Bros I'm full buil now I have a potion I have 7K HP 4008 I beefed Juiced buffaloed up this is one kill for the good guys goodbye we got two kills don't let just TP here and end my team can go here I'm going to push out the midwave if they contest I TP both I will end this game faster then you can blink I TP B start oh never mind I'm not to being but okay oh sorry Mundo I'll shut up let's focus Okay C has four items she has anti- heal I can 2v one them though but the only problem is that they have a lot of movement speed I don't have my ghost that's why we need our ghost kind of here doesn't have her ultimate yet either but I'm going to be flanking here I land my Q is that enough no that's not enough to get him but it's okay I think I should also be looking to proc my um passive way more cuz every time I pick it up I get 4% of my maximum health which is massive I shouldn't take means but else I see minus one in Comm so I'm taking that Cannon even though I'm full build well stay stay she has thep we can B one more kill I will end the game move here yes BL holy moly fish oi canoli uh civer you don't want this beef either Vol bear I'm telling you isn't it weird that Mundo out skills of AP Vol Bear yeah so if you struggle with like these Hall breaker split push Champions pick Mundo and get your LP let's check the damage I actually want to see how much damage I did this game see oh oh yeah it's all them bro it's all them I grouped up huh we grouped ONN the guy's like shut your mouth piggy shut the mouth shut the mouth up okay you know what I'm going to give him the honor to just make him feel a little bit better about himself it's all good I just want to see the damage charge here yeah nothing wrong here actually well this guy actually did a lot of damage too right anyways moving on let's go a new game here and this one is going to be super interesting and that is because we're going to be playing against a super strong early game Power House Champion paired with a very strong early game jungler and I have a pretty weak early game jungler so we're very weak in Top Lane weak in the jungle and they are very strong in the early game right now I want to always look for the early game W simply so that I know where Jong was pathing but usually I would do this to kind of decide should I look for priority should I do a second wave crash third wave crash a fourth wave crash when you're playing Mundo we're kind of reversing the knowledge about the early game crashes and instead we want to try and avoid giving our our opponent their preferred crashes now it's still important to know where enemy jungle starts because ultimately we're going to reach a point where the wave bounces back to my opponent I have to push it out right and I want to have a general idea of where eny Jung was at whilst that point happen so I'm going to get my more down anyways and similar to every game I have the room page here I have for the full scaling setup the Bas on level HP I can give him one Q because I'm looking to lose priority anyways and Mundo has actually an amazing leash potential and I'm leashing here only because I am already going to give my opponent priority anyways and I have nothing to really fear for level one against the Sina I can like get zoned away so here I am fine and the reminder that my Q deals percentage maximum health damage so there you go it's an amazing leash for my jungler and I'll throw one more like this and now my J is super happy and I will not lose anything so the sinz I was started for Cole always start this he's playing conquer resol flash TP very stand setup and it looks like both junglers are pathing towards both here miring their path and I don't have to be scared of a early game all of gang and all I'm doing guys is lasting as best as I can keep in mind this is your foundation if you watched Karate Kid where it does like wax on wax off that is us last setting okay all we need to do is just get high CS numbers so that we're going to be consistent in the game this me is going to give him level two or that me either one and so I'm stepping away out of his range because I don't want to get caught by his level of timer well just f f maybe and it looks like he's doing a second Cas and there's not much I can do about it besides maybe holding this wave a little bit cuz you see here third wave is coming and so what I'll do is I hold this wave a little bit with my body so that it doesn't crash too easily and then these cast are going to stay outside of the turret range thus freezing the wave here in the happy spot so that's what you can do when you're on the weaker side you want to put yourself in a position where you can f comfortably well there's no better spot to do that then here close to my turret but the wife is still pushing into me I'm never forced to walk up for lastet S Sina can't really trade into me because I'm that close to my turrets and you see here I'm just able to to last it for absolutely free yep I am all right um do I put two point AQ I think I do because I'm never really forced to tranger with my w anyways and it's going to make lasting like this super easy and here I can Auto take it I'm not going to e because the longer this wave pushes towards me the happier I am so I'm still looking to last it and you see this wave is still pushing towards me is that good yes or no well absolutely yes because I am not forced to trade and I already have a tiny sesl and that is literally because I'm just lasting better than my opponent it's because I play League of Legends chronically but that's what you guys should practice too be get better at lasting yeah I can get a grass BR so I'll look for that trade and he can't punish it because I'm next to my turret so here that Q out to e but he can't jump on me because he would jump into turret range almost got to be careful his Q3 of course with remove my passive and now I have my w going to eat that one and now I fine with the wave bouncing into him a little bit because this wave is like basically this wave is pushing towards me anyway so here I will use my e to thin out the wave a little bit so I can hold it here more comfortably that's what I tried to say okay and last it here again you see here have I ever been forced to trade into sinzo no and so I've had a completely free landing phase thus far here and that is also simply because sza didn't know how to abuse me in the early game right he didn't do a clean second wave crash let use my w here ooh the last Auto attack sucks there but still about an equal Health TR right I'm going to level five a little bit faster than him here I'm going to put the wart here one thing I'm going to be worried about is his flesh but it seems like he's scared of me rather than me being scared of him and I'm going to utilize that effect and I'm actually going to put a second Point into my e here to be a little bit stronger I don't want to fight since out I do just W if I just get this wave in I'm happy and the hardest part of this game is already done for me because then I'm going to get my reset in I'm going to have a enough HP I think at level six I get stronger than his level six right and uh well the strongest part of the game or the hardest part rather of the game has been success F done by me and I'm just going to be able to skill for free right now we held the wave in the happy spot perpetually and that is because he didn't do a good early game Crash and as I always say right you heard me say it a lot your first for waves matter the most well he did not play well with his first for waves and uh that has led me to be in this privileg position right now so that I got the bounce it in the early game I don't even have to top because his wave is slow pushing towards me right now and so I got the Cs Le because he didn't do good early game Crash and I was able to play in my happy spot and I held the wave out side of the turret basically instead of giving him the second wave crash I canceled it right so I reversed on knowledge of the early game crashes and this is also why I will always say that understanding your early game crashes will give you such a massive Advantage but because since I didn't know how to approach the first four waves here I was able to farm in the early game completely for free neutralizing the lane just one detail right that's why your fundamentals are so important now he's going to hit level six here very soon but I'm going to th out the wave here there you go so match at level six I have item lead right now if he fights me he just dies so come get the can me buddy all right do that W and now the way is pushing to me okay don't look and as the more time I cancel his base here the more annoyed he will get simply because right now he is forced to walk up for last hits I've go have top ol of my P but ol of is not level six so here I'm going to do everything I can to thin out this wave so I can hold it here for the next wave and so the more I thit it out the easier it will be me for me to hold there's the Olaf he's a tat check his items first of course kind of gou how strong I am okay I should have used my w a little bit earli on the Olaf I it onto him okay since I still forced to walk up for L they're still forced to push this out and I'm okay with them sharing this because ultimately it's increasing my lead as well compared to his right I my w soon here again is still pushing into me so since Z wants to stay forcing himself to walk up here now the olive is still here too Olive has no flashh yaso moved but not much that we can do here realistically but what I can do as well is just set up my oh what am I going to get ping for that this he didn't ping me he has W well beautiful uh yeah since I was too weak there because he hasn't gotten his res in right so as long as I focus on the ol of there I take out their damage threat since I canot really fight back and happy days and now we're very good farmed we have a kill I can probably sneak in a plate here because since I was going to have to focus on the wave and uh we are just scaling like a monster what he just got teleported there he hasn't been really be farming because whilst the Ola was permanently there he was kind of hesitant on what to do with the wave and all I've done is just been looking to scale and uh farming and now I'm 7cs he's 38 we were very close at the first recall but now the oh I got to be a little careful here are doct oh yeah all right 1.8k for the item he's going to be resetting here most likely I'm going to hit level eight here by these CES and I'm just going to cancel Bas right so and by getting my level eight I'm all right too I think I might cancel space one more time all right just it's just mental now and I could perhaps some my D shoot and just get my Titanic or my my heart Ste already at minute eight that is a super early heart steel and from this point onwards sinza is already outskilled I am only going to get stronger and compared to me he's only going to get weaker I don't mind selling this because it's going to increase my Spike I TP back minute eight I got good CS I got a plate and I got the kill all I've done was utilize fundamentals right I've only literally played with waves I haven't done anything where you'd be like wow that was skilled wow I just consciously thinking with my w now I'm going to slow push this wave allow this next to walk to the turd push it and I'll probably look for a plate and that's how I'm going to expect my lead I don't have to kill the sinza to get ahead all I have to do is just far really well so here by slow pushing okay he's got you're not going to beat me anymore buddy I no whatever reason yeah get off me well my heart Ste is going to Pro again and then I'll just one shot him nothing he can do he wants his Cannon okay the heart is poing back check click on him to see the cool down there's the cool down I'm just short of level n unfortunately I can also Q Alto e him but I want the hearts to preferably q auto okay that works too okay well I didn't get the hearts to but that's still amazing and uh like I said I got a full heart Ste I'm too strong for him to do anything I'm going to take bber plate here reset and we're going to keep expanding and snowballing our Elite as the tank Mundo but like I said if you get through the early game then you're already basically in a position where your opponent is never going to be able to kill you but you can kill them but you are a tank so you're still going to be useful in team fights you're going to have a permanent split push pressure and then it's like how do I deal with this Mundo Behemoth Champion um I probably want this cuz he has anti heals as well I don't I cannot buy my boots yet or do I just instantly go for Titanic Hydra maybe I just do that uh I'll wait for this perhaps I shouldn't because I H no I'm not going to lose anything because he has to push this wave and this wave before it reaches my turret I'm going to get my boots here in a second too and um I remember last game I think I just want to go for AIC Hydra because it's going to keep me healthy enough anyways anill is good against our top side but it's not mandatory uh because I still have enough damage to kill them and since Z doesn't have that much healing in his kid neither does Olaf until he finishes but he's not going for Hydra so we're completely fine here oh unlucky I could move to the GR but Frank I mean I don't really care too much about the grops here I think and I don't have my old so whenever I don't have old similar to almost any champion in the game you don't want to Skirmish and because I don't have ultimate and I want to play Risk or like no I don't want to take any risk right now because I'm already winning so if I just like at this point in the game guys if I just Farm even right I will out skill and I will always be ahead if I but because I'm already head I should also be able to get more side waves I should also be able to get more tur plates like this so as long as I don't go for like 2V1 scenarios I should always be stronger than this since I kill this guy oh I'm probably dead here aren't I I do got my old here too but oh he misses Q I don't [ __ ] holy I am just too lucky I am just way too lucky there I M you can if you want to but I can't really help you since I was out of Mana though so it's only the ol that we have to kill this guy's charging up his mentality can you please not take my Cannon thank you okay uh yeah I misplayed that because I didn't have my ultimate and you see here Mundo super weak without the ultimate you need your old we're just very lucky that all of missed one uh axe because uh whilst I was explaining on what not to do I did what I should not be doing so that's my bad completely oh okay he might have old that oh the heart still broke well get down piggy get down now we get boots of Swift I'll never die again because then I can just always run away with from them boots are such broken boots every time the Olaf lands an AC on me now it's beautiful also keep in mind right every time I build a ro Crystal just keep in mind that I get 5 ad as well it is so ridiculous the gold value you get once you have five points in your even when building HP is just so crazy I don't think there's any champion in the game that has that much value from just buying HP no there isn't like moo that that's just what defines the champion too so now like I always say we don't have to kill this en to expand our lead if he ends we kill him but other than that I want to play for side Wes I want to play for turrets and I just want to look to expand my lead through that because I'm already at anyways and if I just do that uh I I will keep expending my lead without giving the sinza really any opportunity for counterplay here if he wants to trade with me I'll look for it okay and then we're just going to push in this wave I'm going to have level 11 ultimate here so or level two ultimate right because I'm level 11 that's nice the heart Ste is have on cool down I can onot the turret plate here and so if I onot this he's dead afterwards too got my w primed he's going for my passive I should play a little bit more actively towards my passive and there's nothing you can do I still have my ultimate all of is bside this is going to give me Tempo into the tier two tur as well because all of is bside right now so even though I'm one HP I'm going to stay Victor is here okay he did kill my mid L unfortunately that's all good though all of us both I don't think I mean since might have TP actually but he's still dead for 15 seconds so I can get half the turret and if I can't I want to at least get 1.75 gold Victor is still staying here okay if I had grops I would have gotten this tur already well like more than this already Victor could be looking for me I have a pretty big shot down right so is this guy but he does have zos too yeah what did you think what did you think what did you think you'd beat me nobody oh maybe to how you would okay uh 1.75 is what we said we want so we're very good at Farm Jung cam so let's take this and this is pre Titanic Hy oh it's all you buddy it's all you I'm sorry for even considering that oh wait it's not the jungler it's Z why I thought it was Ola for a second it's not all you it's all me thank you my brain just switched there and thought it was that jungler so I thought like he has SM I got a dip but no it's just a little s out okay he doesn't have a full item yet so I'm still much stronger here is he paying attention I'm going to eat the wave like that and all to the heart to W here I'm going to look for a passive there it is and I'm going to ghost here else I don't think I get close and him out now I push this wave push next wave reset I can go B I can stay top let's see what we do depending on what enemy team does right now I'm paying close attention to the map I don't see anybody so even though I want this wave I have onek shutdown now I see Caitlyn I think my best play okay Caitlin M shown I haven't seen all over Victor I can't give my onek shut down so I prefer to there we go very good TP and now I could TP here I'm going to get some magic exist because this Victor is winning pretty hard okay so the things I can play for I saw this B one was very low so I was considering to being there but I don't have my ultimate and Caitlyn is there so he she has a lot of wave C right then I was considering to being to but Victor was there same thing so here it's just better for me to reset and I open back into top why do I open up into top so I can play for this right I can to one these guys pretty comfortably right now because I'm a full item aead and that's all I want to do Okie doie somebody just placed a w there and it was not Victor so it has to be ol of so all of is topside around the Herold might be able to find him and that would be good cuz we give me more Security on this wave too there he is silly frog I just just want to proc as much damage as I can or I'll just kill him yeah I mean that happens too and uh now I pushes the side play for tier two recall go bolt and end the game pretty much there at this point if I play correct M there's nothing they can do anym I'll showcase you how far you can get with correct meon temp on the map so all I want to do right now is get this ti2 turret I don't need to kill this guy it would be good but I don't have to all I want to do is get rid of this turet and that's going to allow me to start going into Bol and then play for that too all of is respawning Victor could be moving into top as well I'm going to Auto e this then Titanic Hydra this I've almost killed this guy we're just pushing W I killed this guy in proxy now biggy I'm going to reset and go bot me bot I'm going say me bot it's a luck support it doesn't matter Z is going there beautiful and now I open t into bot because Victor is stop I get massive Tempo into here I'm going to this this and this is what I mean with Tempo and macro and now I got top tier two right and now I'm instantly going to go both just look at my gold income I just spent 2K gold okay we had like 300 gold coming into the map here right 17 10ish I'm not going to play for this eny team might consider playing for heral well I'm going to get this and this and maybe the Drone camps and the side waves there's nothing they can do about it dude I killed my opponents with E and Titanic Hydra on the wave it's just not okay like they're standing in a wave and I eat and tanic hydrate and they just die second time it happened okay well now we're 1.3k gold shut down to Caitlin 2o and I'm playing for the turrets right but because they want to defend it I get my kills too I'm not getting my kills because I want to play for the kills I'm just getting my kills because I want to play for the turrets that could be Victor no it's Shino please don't kill me Bon all right probably best to recall I have onek shut down I never want to give it to Victor because that's their main win condition he's also playing with ghost and I'm going to recall and where are we going to go after recall guys we're going to go Top Lane right what Lane turn natural resources let's go I want to try the whole breaker this game I really want to try it so let's give it a try I am 330 ad let's see yaso 142 and messy he I have more ad than my ad and or than my mid laner and jungle combined but I am a tank yes yes well I am fed game I know but I do have more ID than them Zer is 150 what about Caitlin what about Olaf well I have more than those two kites as well oh let SK two four I mean okay she's a little bit more than me or than like uh than them to combin I still have 100 more than the kin obviously because uh of my uh full ad items here I have go old 40 and this guy has a full item and I don't have I do have this right but I don't have My ultimate and I never want to risking my 1K to this Victor because that's the guy that's going to be hardest for me to deal with for sure okay I believe he's isolated here you do not go midrange with me that's going to be the last time you do that just by hitting this wave I'm kind of killing him okay I'm getting slowed wait he's doing no damage I like how Mundo's voice is just laughing in that face so loud uh I don't really need my ultimate it looks like yeah I don't know I'm just snowballing from Top Lane there absolutely nothing they can do about it Victor is their only remaining win condition but it doesn't really matter that much my Q lanter is dead I still have my demolish I can use it on next turret k m might be coming wait for this to collapse is it disgusting or is it disgusting it is so disgusting what can you do I mean I I am also really really really far ahead right but I am I came out of that with more HP than I entered I'm going to wait for her to use e I'm so sorry Caitlyn I'm so sorry now we going to take this turret and that is what I mean guys with the correct macron Tempo if I play correctly from this point onwards there's nothing they can realistically do and well it's kind of what happens get out of here well um there's a spider on my wall all right that's nothing not nothing nothing nothing too important okay I just want to test my damage here with demolish too just for uh for for educational reasons so let's take a that look okay so that's demolish that's Hall breaker and I have my E2 anyways that tur is gone okay um I think we should play for Baron at this point in the game there's nothing they can do it's one item two items two items two items but I'm four items and if you are a tank that is ahead of the curve especially Mundo not Shen don't do it on Shen but Mundo Yeah by far my favorite thing to play and this guy has no flashh I can pretty much one shot her almost uh this is like going to one shot her there one Auto attack with Titanic and I mean let's do Baron for me please I'll just end the game real quick if they don't stop me I'm ending the game so they have to stop me enemy team is just like that was H breaker watch is whole breaker uh e Titanic Q Alo e yeah it's just like e Titanic Heart steel Hydra take a look at this all right I want just get whole breaker and everything e Oh no I got my demolish already well that's that's e oh I can almost one shot a turn I think with whole Breer e and demolish I want tank it oh this is so not healthy I am so sorry okay let's end this game we're moving on from this one we're moving on from this one but that's what happens when we full Focus we play with macro Tempo we use fundamentals in the early game and we play Mundo yeah moving on guys we have a very interesting draft enemy team is full ad but we're playing against another s top planer here amazing split Pusher very strong scaling too in terms of One V one which is trundle trundle is strongest level one Champion so this game I'm going to have a completely different approach to the early game and we are always going to be safe and try to be careful right but I'm going to say Brier car starting red uh Mundo or uh trondo can to one US I can't save you trundle is the strongest level one top player in the game period spare with Leal Tempo his Q gives him extra ad and also uh lowers your stats and so in the early game s similar to last game against sinza all we want to do is play trade avoidant try to see if we can get the W into the happy spot avoid his level up timers avoid trading and be healthy enough so that we can play out the bounce and if we are somehow not healthy enough we should base and TP back so that we can play out the bounce always I want to be looking to skill I can buy armor very comfortably into their draft um antio is good into trundle especially if he's going Rush Rous Hydra but he is most likely going to go for BL King still an early uh Bramble could help then and um anything armor is going to do well for me in this game right so probably Thor Mill maybe Frozen art and let's see just how we do okay so I am completely satisfied with getting pushed in and I want to war right here to see if he's hiding in here what the trundle should do and this is what they would do when they're higher ELO is Zone me from the first three meanss worth of XP because of his early game strength but he's not doing so and what I'm going to do here is actually select my e most likely so I can get all three means line up like no i e well I thought it would be worth if I get the melees but that's all right he should all in me here but you see this guy doesn't know how to play his matchup like he should almost go on me there and instantly all in me but the trundle is playing very safe here right and this is I mean this is Emerald M Platinum Emerald MMR and if this guy plays like this you know that is why this Champion has such a high win rate because you're not getting punished in your weaknesses because they also very often don't know how to do it and they're not not actively doing it hard enough right I'm not shading here it's just the plain truth right people have the lack of knowledge of how to abuse a champion level one how to completely dominate the lightning pH that one now he does have 12 CS so he's farming way better they're going to have better foundations right his lasting is much more efficient he's going to hit level three here was probably trying to use that level of ttim there against me so I've lost a little of Lage here especially due to level one missing two melees as well but other than that he's doing a delayed for Crush here that's good for me I'm not forced to walk up for assets and I can just kill here the first four levels as well pretty happy with that this is going to give me my level three and I believe it's already oh she ped herself okay so she's I think she's just tilted at herself that's okay well done two points into Q here go for the Caster got the can of end that c right there beautiful he is level four going to hit this guy once preping the means looks like he wants to go for that not much I can do you see we just to weak in the early game but getting him a little bit of HP down is for me so maybe oh that's not what I meant to do all right he has 24 I have 17 I've missed eight he's only missed one but I did a little bit of damage onto him here so that is good but he does also have a lot of sustain with his W and his pive All Right There He Go is healing play out okay I'm going to try and land my e on to him here there we go w l too for the C rather he can actually Pro my passive with that e that is crazy okay but it's good because now I get the free bounce in I did use my potion there but the beautiful part about getting the bounce in here is simply that I don't have to utilize my TP here and I'm getting through the hardest part which is the early game always right as Mundo your hardest part is going to be the early game and we got through it on scaved right here and are going to be all oh I canel that AO attack and we're going to be allowed to skill okay he's might be going to try and hold this so I'm going to stop him from doing so I'm just scared of I maybe showing up here I believe I just win oh there's the G let's slow her I still have a passive so we should be fine just un lucky that the K is actually here uh I want to get at least the melee me is worth of XP Kiana should be looking to farm again too I don't think she's going to stick around here for too long cuz I'm wasting our time and now we're just going to reset I'm going to lose his CES but that is okay Mundo orry trundle has no potions here and um he's double Longs for coal so no sustain also from like a d Sho this cast is going to stay alive so as always pushing towards me right now I'm going to base thep back with a giant Bel my spe I can get refillable potion why pushing it to me trundle no ghost TR no TP half H and half HP no sustain here bite got their items and Boots so we're in all right position now just put St but it's okay there's his bone plating that Q is massive to to land and now trundle is kind of in an impossible position because he's forced to walk up for lastet but he's down on items the only benefit he has is that he get to get level six faster than me here that's why I'm thinning out the wave as well so that I match level six timer here and now he can't really do anything in fact I hit it faster than him forcing out to e and now I could make this wave basically push towards me and trundle cannot play the game anymore and what I'm going to do instead is see if I freeze I deny the trundle here but if I hard push I will make him lose his wave as well but I also gain more for myself cuz if I freeze I just deny him the wave and that it right but by hard pushing here he's still going to miss a lot of means but I'm also going to get one or maybe two plates here so for me here it's more beneficial to push so I can gain more resources that would be to freeze to deny resources and so here's the one plate he's still losing the kemy and and most of these means and then I'm going to get a second PL as well and here I'm already super super happy with this ear game going to keep do with max range that's why we put three points at the Q simply so we also have that pressure there is his level six which we know he was close to his one potion is probably have to use it we're already very close to level seven and he just hit level six okay he does beat me in the extended fight right now because of Le Tempo because of his ultimate but I have the range Advantage with my q and he it's pretty hard for him to kill me still because I have my uh passive always right there we go he through this next points are going to be in E and we're in amazing position there is a plant in the river right now which which he could realistically go for and if he does so I'm just going to hard push this wave and set up my reset again it is a Canon wave though so it's going to be a little bit harder but I'm going to e through the wave as such always set up your e so I have the fastest wave clear there we go I'm going to queue this can in whilst it's full HP he didn't go for the plant so maybe it wasn't there and we're just farming in as long as we can get wave priority as well the game is super easy for me to play I'm going to try and time my Q's when he goes for lasses because then my Q's are guaranteed right so when he goes for the cannon here there go my is always guaranteed get the plate Harish this wave set up my reset so the E always 2.1k so it's very good to reset here and I'm even going to W here to be a little bit faster and get my res in beautiful super happy with this early game we have two plates we have a CS Le that's all because we got the early game Crash then trundle stayed a little bit too long the wave bounc back into me we punish it well enough and now we're ahead in CS and we're going to keep going from here on out okay we might lose one plate here but I did recall and my timer meaning I Crush wave into St that's J speaking when you want to recall but Tron does have enough Tempo here with his TM to heart this wave and maybe look for one plat simply because of how fast his wave clear is the problem that CH is going to run into by staying for plates here is that he's not going to have his reset and so he's kind of going to be stuck in Lane here as well if you see his side you see mine right now so yes he does get two plates here but it's going to keep him Lan locked he could have either played for plates or could have recall so he decided to go for plates here which is not bad obviously two plates for him is good right but now he's going to get into the issue that he did not reset and I'm so far ahead in resources right now that I'm going to be perpetually pushing him in I get to skill for free so yes he did get two plates but is it really worth it for him because now he doesn't really have any chance to recall because I would get those two plates back right which he doesn't want to do for free so then he's going to be forced to stay stuck in Lane I'm always going to be able to farm for free and the only way he kind of like gets out of this position is if his jungler builds him out and so now I can just simply play for a little bit of pressure as well and there we go he doesn't really have kill pressure onto me okay he's Ting me I just match with the ghost got to D to him oh I missed it I think I'm still fine though this Al out I might win the extended fight here with the ultimate but that was not even close o if I land at Q I probably kill him it's all good chundo is way lower on resources than me nonetheless and there's the plant rer I was referring to earlier and now he's no Mana I don't have Mana issues waiting for him to go for the que and then we okay we miss our Q oh good though he's running out of Mana still I'm going to hard PR this wave probably look for the plant in the river actually no I want to get the plate first and then I also have heart steal so I don't need to look for the plant to River cuz I'll just set up my own reset too there go for it ice Q allo thank you give me the plate than sure and now reset but I don't want him to know that I'm resetting but from ch's perspective he should also set up his own reset and we're completely fine here like I said and now we got through the hardest part which is getting towards our hard Ste we know once we have our hard Ste we're basically stronger than our opponent um because we're simply too tanky and have more than enough damage to kill them as well okay that's a decent trade the Draven is absolutely snowballing looks like cver is kind of trolling by being mid I don't know why she's went to Mid but looks like they are kind of trolling uh they are full ad so we win late don't worry I just want to keep my team mentally in there we two plates are we got three plates here so the turret is pretty close I of course want to go toes for this game we're not going to go for um boots of swiftness we need all the armor we can get and we're going to have a [ __ ] of HP paired with armor okay so he is rushing Hydra so now I'm going to match with uh with thorm Mill simply because me getting an he is going to be better than me getting more damage especially against the champion like trundle if there is a SC here I would love to get it but the trle might be able to hard push this and get my PL so I'm not going to go for the skle I want to push the away but then I'll go for the skuttle okay Kiana's B do I one shot the casters not quite and now it's time to go for the SC oh unlucky o it's okay though even though guys I'm just z00 Z you guys know from past games now how good with heill that I feel very strong right now and that is the thing with Mundo you have a guaranteed late game insurance so as long as we keep farming the way we are we will be a monstrosity so keep that up okay it was maybe thinking that I was doing grubs Okie doie I could fight him but I Think It's Tricky for me to kill him he's going to be One Call Away here from his uh completion thank you very much I got to really make sure that itemize correctly that I can one one this um TR because if he beats me in sideline then it's going to be pretty hard for me to carry this game in general all right we get our boots and we get our conditioning right we have full scaling runes he's going to get his uh Co stacked here ba him to fight me here kind of use ult I still have mine can't kill me maybe I can bait Kiana to come we're going to have to also take a little bit more risk this game I'm afraid simply because enemy team is so far ahead here I can stay it though I'll get my tabis he should have TP maybe I should have got the plate I'm not sure I thought he had TP uh do I oh dra is going Top Line already o I'm going to TP here I am very strong here I have ghost and Al but it's only level 10 old but my team is here too so I think we can actually win the Skirmish vgo is here V should be going to top side it really sucks that we missed that I didn't get the shut down but I might be able to get that one okay I didn't get either it's okay though because I'm going to get this turret and we shut down two of their most important win conditions I wish I would have gotten the one shutdowns even though I am a tank right I'm still going to play selfish because I'm a wing condition as a tank keep that in mind I want those shut Downs I don't want to give them to my teamate if I'm a Shen I want to give it to my team Mundo you want the gold right you see this champ is scary with gold it's okay we're going to get all the remaining grubs because of that and we get the shut down on Brier and on anival so the good thing about that is if my teammates get a Little Bit Stronger it should be easier for them to hold me in the game as well in the sense that if I'm split pushing in both s side they should be a little bit stronger in the 4v4 scenario I'm going to sit in this push and wait for the drav to come here there he is these three items but you should see the to right do I win I don't win he's too strong wait did he not see the heart steel I forgot about that too kind of gave away my position there all good yeah he's almost three items so it's a little bit tricky to kill that guy I'm considering if I should go Titanic or I might still want Titanic I believe I do go for Titanic else I just don't have enough kill pressure also the beautiful part about my team fourman is that they have so much wave clear in their kit aniva has really good wave clear SRA has really good wave clear so I feel pretty safe playing this game knowing that my team will always be in somewhat decent position because they can always clear the waves and that is going to allow me to play the side waves way more accordingly too right so um we're 10 assists per minute that is our foundation we got two assists earlier from the fight we didn't get any kills I would have wanted to play for this but C was there so I moved Top Lane here uh I think we're pretty pretty even in the game just a Draven three items but other than that we're all right in the game I'm going to push out this wave now okay I was saying that I might want to go into bat Lane but oh that's massive I do think I want to go into bot Lane but then chundo will take everything in Top Lane so that's not that good for me I can go both if trle top I need to always get more Tempo on the waves so he cannot like completely take away everything you see the B waves pushing into us as well so now I got rid of this wave and I'm going to reset go B and somebody has to go top okay do we win close but we win that was kind of crazy what happened there I'll go bro just sit on that and then I'm going to go for tianic I want somebody to go top and Ne has to go top I don't have top either to defend it thing is trle will get this I will probably get this though so it's not a bad trade I have okay that's unlucky yeah we'll lose a turret but I I can go top to defend this okay very good and I'm going to go and get this tier one in both lanes so even though trono gets that I might be able to get the trade here like I said I'm down with that I know vle recalling because he's so close to um King that he is for sure getting that right now 1.7k I have this 30 seconds for my TP all an has to do is not die and then it's good F go mid so he's the layed in Tempo and he does not have TP so maybe trle TPS here I do believe enemy team is going to go Bol in here simply because they want to play for Dragon 2 and all we have done this far is play macro good but we are scaling guys you guys know how it goes and try to go top and I got BS beautiful d mid three items vles here he's going to have BL King might not expect my damage yep get away from me little piggies oh how's that happening where are we how are we not able to wave clear we just need to clear waves and then we're good that's good this guy's kind of overstaying I'll go for Leona don't steal my kill please thank you very much I'm going to have Titanic Hydra soon going to give me some more kill oh nice job rer lose a dragon but that's okay all things considered oh no nice okay that was a really good combo Sona too beautiful I'm not getting any of the kills though get away from me this is my way if you're taking my kills I want the kills it sucks it's all good it makes my teammate stronger and I'm already strong so in that regard I'm fine with it but what kills on me are not bad and I want gold so I can carry but we're still very strong we're still very strong not as strong as Draven though in terms of his gold income but he also has 12 kills and a pass that gives him more gold all right we r c is going to bounce back into us we're almost 10 well we're like 12 per minute so we're in a good situation regarding that Draven is almost to four at this point so that is tricky I do believe I want to finish this full Thor Mill and then go Frozen hard most likely I think that was a k flush there that did absolutely nothing buddy I TR only has one item okay I'm going say all we need to do is wave clear and I win Sid Lane can we try and aim for that just Farm waves if we do that the game's over like enemy team can't do anything if we just play for the to push out uh to playle sideways with these guys enemy team needs to make picks they're here chle included but there's not bearing yet it's Herald so I don't really mind that at all I want to keep my Titanic HRA here and I'm going to do Alto Hydra e and with five grubs and demolish that turret is gor drink okay Leon is caught Draven is top so without Draven that Leona for sure is dead I'm going to push this side wave in this guy has no fles Al I saw her use both I like how I can just kill my opponents by pushing the wave to okay I'll take your jungle cams there's nothing for me here else to actually I might just be able to kill her if she geds almost one shotter but not quite but I should be good here this a hit it hit on the Draven stun him oh good flash by Draven I'm full HP he's disrespecting here a little bit nice D use both s so that's good okay well I was still able to almost one for three them there with the two items but pretty good and we got mid everything too I'm just going to get this rep off got to make sure that they get Dash and then we're good my third item in base now too and K might face sh me but she's going to have old she sees me too D is going to be there as well let's back off okay I have this now we're going to go for our next armor item we should back off here we're overstaying and and more armor and now we three items this guy has four items he's a full Infinity actually still item my head I don't know what we're doing here honestly B the K that's what we're doing careful for the DP should walk like this very good oh nice side step they could be on Baron they could be on this uh why are we doing woles oh yeah I'm not sure what we're doing here I'm going to be honest get the Draven I let my Q I can't follow up here though it's too tanky I don't know oh okay J died okay nice all right I even smurfing it now it's only trle I'm not going to chase for kills here I'm not going to take the SC I'm going to push this wave next wave get get the tier two beautiful beautiful beautiful if I had Al I would have probably killed anybody but this Draven did like a 1.4 K crit on me man off car getting I'm I'm B myself damn that car did a lot damage well maybe giving this guy all the kills the exraction guy has kind of helped out because he did carry that team fight really really hard okay that sucks I'll one shot this turn onth less though I want to keep my Titanic for the wave so I can one shot it like that and then the E beautiful you don't want to fight with me buddy these two items now I'm very close to level 16 he might not expect that I still have my Al after a fight like that right I wouldn't okay bro well played he wed me off from even being able to get close I respect that you are a pig though I'm like if trle moves here I'm going to push this if trle he wants me I'm fine with that too tr's mid so I'm going to use that pressure to split push but I hope my end like not my entire team dies so please back off I'm going to SP here that's my best play but they might be able to end because they have Herald too we have a massive issue no I've got to recall I'm not sure if I can defend this because of the herald okay this is as strong as I can get get the herald is still there and they have Baron I got the heral I'm getting the driven almost how my life what the hell I tanked six and a half K damage there that's not even that much I 5 HP okay well we got the herald we saved the base holy moly okay bless that rundo with a lot of armor 250 we need one more armor item maybe this is going to give us HP movement speed and health that sucks the Draven is going to be full built but we can get the Third Dragon they didn't end luckily we're still in here we're still in here oh what a game okay I just hope that my team has not spotted I'm going to Ping here to push out this wave and defend this and they they should not allow to be able to see this this is mine this go this belongs to me I'm going to Ping on the way meot please yes yes yes yes yes well actually the wave was already gone before I arrived no it's not as satisfying that was a really anti climactic I'm going to be honest man I expected way more I'm even drooling a little bit that's right cuz I'm playing Mund right um so how do we win now my any has three items no flash yet on here or cver cver is almost three items too this guy's only one item this guy's going to have three this gu have three this guy's going to be full built it's just a Draven honestly if we kill Draven they have like no damage left Focus Draven only we're fighting without me oh Draven is B so it's good don't I just one one this guy like really hard okay I could have done my combo way better but it's okay I don't have old but now I do I got a spush uh yeah what are you going to think about that yeah what do you think about that huh yeah what do you think about did yeah full build suck my nuts oh that's one of the best scaling champions in late game trle oh yeah yeah but doesn't matter because I'm Mundo I missed my combo Little up on the dven but it's okay he still won nonetheless like pretty pretty easily he got splash down this TR was like oh let me kill him and then he got one sh he's like but that's a tank yeah oh that's Mundo this vehicle is going to be like guys I BL King yeah what now I don't care about your blone king buddy get back to base go back to base you too that guyy has a lot of armor so a little bit hard to kill kind of funny the tank saying oh no he's armor but uh yeah we are Dr shundo with a reason beautiful beautiful Baron is up in 1 minute so we should Recall play Baron S5 now we group up of course we can win team fights flash here flash here flash here Draven no flash and um I want this item and this and now it should be really free for us to just group up Draven no flesh go S5 we have Sona flesh old we have anvia we have Brar this guy's building a lot of armor too three items here three items here she got onas like we're in a really really really easy position now all I need is my ultimate though do they have any anti- heal no they don't yikes bro that's also a reason I think they simply don't why we're going in one V2 though one V3 that's like the only way we kind of can lose that's like the only way oh no I got trapped too uh are they trapped with me or me tra with them though that's a good question yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how did I live oh Stay Stay hello we end we G end well guys there you have it Mundo what lovely Champion good games too oh yeah oh yeah please don't TP bro oo oh you got canceled I just want should Destro the door n this Champion is not okay oh there you have it guys you're going to be able to skill if you play for resources use fundaments in the early game Tempo maker late game you're going to climb let's go Mundo gaming climb with the champion out of low more he is by far the best right now to CL a loader more go abuse it same with Garen though but Mundo is a tad better right now okay good luck guys see you guys in the next one [Music] now I lost
Channel: AloisNL
Views: 70,176
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Keywords: League of legends, League of legends Riven plays, challenger coaching league of legends, Alois_NL Riven, league of legends music, league of legends reaction, Riven Montage, Riven guide, League of legends riven coaching guide, league of legends laning tricks, aurelion sol rework, akali, challenger, how to climb as dr. mundo, fundamentals dr. mundo, dr. mundo op, educational dr. mundo, how to play dr. mundo, mundo season 14, tips and tricks dr. mundo, climb with dr. mundo
Id: p_0OFAo3XQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 4sec (6604 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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