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good evening everyone welcome back to the channel so if you're not already subscriber hit the sub button leave a like in the video comment down below ring the little bell all those things if you can do them thank you very much for all very much appreciate it get some light on today's video we're moving this baler out we've got a mowing machine a horse a pulled mowing machine in the back we'll be pulling it out of there as well and we might have a little look at that uh also there's a bob in the back ladder bales buckets bail entwines a whole lot of stuff that needs to come out of here we need to clear it all out and get it ready for making up the pens for the cows carving now i remember putting in this bailout it wasn't easy to get it in now you had to use the teleporter to put it in uh from memory it was a little bit on the awkward side so we'll see how it works taking it out hopefully it's not too bad but yeah we'll just have to see look across the yard we've got a mist or a fog starting to drop it's one of those dirty dull damp days oh i can't wait for the springtime anyway let's get going with this so so well we got a out a little bit tight coming out actually i think it was a little tighter going in for some reason it wasn't as bad taking it out but got it out anyway uh the only casualty we had was we run over a lick bucket an empty like pocket not the end the world so hundreds of them lying around anyway i was kind of in on the wheel i didn't see it but apart from that everything else okay hey now we're gonna give it a hold down you can see there's no residue i was just actually looking at before i started videoing there's no residue has come on just i suppose dust from feeding uh probably steam off the cattle when they're housed inside uh and it's just left that residue on though it's just on the whole bailout so we'll give it a hose down i didn't wash it before and it wasn't that dirty it was a little bit of dust on it but i suppose now the dampness and the bit of dust was there and probably dust from feeding over the last few months has all just accumulated to do this so anyway bit of a hose down and we'll get it get it into the shed we have space now in the machinery shed for us um yeah it's probably the last time we're going to see it until we'll be hopefully building some hay in the middle of june when the weather is 25 degrees and we're all at baskin and glory sunshine and not having to look at this misty stuff let's see so all right so we've got that done and dusted baylor is in and in possession so uh not too bad now what have we left to take out well a few bales of here we left them put them over against the wall just for the moment here we have the habob and we have a mowing machine so here bob can be pulled out easily enough uh it will slide on the floor the floor here is fairly smooth so we can slide it out to the door and if we get it out today i can lift it with the teleporter and we can take it up then and give it a quick hose down so it's not the end of the world a mowing machine then obviously it'll roll on its wheels we'll just lift it by the front of the shaft here and we get it out as well we'll have it out i'll do a quick walk around on it and i'll show you there's a few lovely features on this which it's one of the later or last of these kind of mowing machines before they move to tractor pulled ones or to actual pto driven uh finger bars so it's a couple of really nice features on it and we will look at that when we get it out uh but yeah let's keep moving with this oh by the way my nose is a couple of times here on the ground we had a hair test earlier in the week two cows decided would be a good idea to squeeze the weight alongside the below er they kinda rubbed off one of the reels spun around and two of the tines broke off on the wheel of the the mowing machine so nothing's ever straightforward they also everywhere so it's all part of it anyway let's get these out i just realized that bill was a mile high to protect my heart but now i'm alone if it couldn't break your heart is it really is it really love if it can't throw you apart all right so here bob has got a wash down and just put it into one of the sheds up the top of the yard so to be safe in there while it's dry it just for anyone who's wondering this is a little calf who was sick over the weekend and in the early days of this week now he's well improved you can see he's nice and alert he's just up here getting a drink now and all going well on that front which is great yeah we were quite worried about him early in the week so last item now is to take out is this girl the mccomic uh mccomic international uh reaping mill so we're gonna pull it out and we have a little look at it once we get it out into the middle of the floor here right so pull this out and we'll just give a quick bit of a history lesson on this machine uh we're looking at a a comic international mowing machine a reaping mill repo whatever you want to call it there's a few different names on them uh these were commonly used after the step before this let's say was the working of a side so a man cutting in the crop with a sharp knife on the end of a stick uh so this this was a huge step forward in mechanization they have one of these here and this is one of the later ones there is earlier models than this that wouldn't be just as sophisticated as this but we'll show you that in a second uh some of the the features that's on this one here uh but yeah two horse machine you can see the long shaft is up through the center of the two horses a see there's a breath pulled the front that is tied onto the horse's collars two chains comes down then linking the chains up here to the machine itself and yeah in its current state it's more or less ready to go cut some hey the only thing about missing is the knife isn't it it's uh it's put away for safekeeping and there's also a mowing board then that goes on uh just here at the top kind of pushes the the hay out of the grass over to one side and it just stops it from being cut the next time around or jamming it up but we got this is one of the later ones as i said the earlier one than this you can get them a comic deering version of this here as well which we actually have one of them as well which has been completely restored and painted this one here we use it kind of forgetting the horses used to using one of them and so what we do is we take two horses to take it out in the summertime maybe and uh you take them around the field and use it maybe for top and so if you'd maybe some weeds around that you wanted the top down a bit of grass that you want the top it's ideal for us but uh yeah excellent machine i don't know how common they would have been here in ireland uh i know you had the likes of the pierce they've done a pierce number four here's number eight mowing machine but we have also got some of those that has done uh that has been done and restored and we've used them lots of times as well we've got bamlet machines as well and none of them comes close to this year this here is in a different league than any of those to to use the other ones plug all the time there's always issues with them this eo goes and goes and goes never of any issues but let's have a look at some of the some of the little extras that's on this compared to some of the other all right so let's have a look at some of the controls and this i would see a couple of little extras on this that made them stand out uh you see the lever here for knocking in there the gear which isn't unusual in its own because all machines had to be able to be knocked in the gear but this here just the way it was designed place here to rest your foot either side see little grooves cut out just as a grip you just put your boot forward kick that back knock the machine either in or out of gear so it was very easily done with your bush uh the the other thing then was that when you had this machine in the down position and your finger bow obviously was down and you had it in gear when you come to the end of the cut and you wanted to lift the machine up when you lifted it up you could set it that it would knock the machine out of gear automatically so that was that was something that a lot of the other machines he couldn't he couldn't have it like that so very simple thing to be able to knock it out of here automatically as soon as you left it it meant that rather than have to walk with two levers it was all been done at one it was kind of like a it was a wee bit like an early headline management system i suppose you can call it uh but same same thing then when you push your lever forward to click it and to click it into the down position again it automatically it it automatically started the finger bow back up so very very simple a very simple little thing also it no it's not you can't do it at the minute but there's a foot lever here it's just the way that the whole machine is sitting it's kind of down on its nose but you could also walk it with this foot lever as well so you didn't have to uh you didn't have to to pull this lever here back you could do with your foot so uh yeah very just very well designed machine than that in that regards also then you could adjust the angle of your cut by moving this here so you can see well maybe you'll be able to move the lever you should be able to see it see the way it angles up and down so again another very good feature on them so look at as i said these these machines were light years ahead of the irish built machines this year i believe were built in canada uh by mccormick deering or mccomic international so uh yeah there probably wasn't that many of them around but i don't know maybe there was a toolbox obviously small toolbox here uh with them or with the international ih badge on it so uh yeah it is one of the later ones and then this year then was for a just for a little kind of oil then for for riding or treating machine uh someday we'll see we may with the horses we might plow an acre an acre half a ground here at the yard plough out of the horses cultivated with the horses sold with the horses uh caught up with the horses and and trash it we have done it before but we haven't done that for probably about five or six years so maybe when all this whole lockdown ends and maybe we'll do that and have some friends come over uh or maybe even invite some of you to it i'll see you'll see why it all works out but it's something that we would think to do in the future again uh get a couple of horses going properly and it would be interesting to see and we'd document it all and uh do it the whole way right through uh do a whole like a season of videos on youtube about it so let's see how it all works out but anyway that's the mccormick d-ring i might even if there's enough people would like to see it i might even go through all the the horse-drawn machinery and stuff that we have we have a lot of stuff a lot of it is restored some of it's not uh but yeah enough people want to see it i maybe do a video on it so drop a drop a comment below who knows maybe even dad might even get involved and do a bit of talking about it he would know ten times more about it than me so let's see what happens all right so before we go this evening all lights have something at their latest offering in lights uh they're running a flash sale from 8pm january 28th which is this evening right the whole way through until 11 p.m on january the 30th so yeah the usual they usually run a sale but once a month and uh yeah great deals on there great discounts on on all different lights and light bundles it will be sales always walk just if you haven't seen them before is yes you'll get a good discount maybe on one night but if you were to purchase two lights or like one of these larger lights and maybe a smaller light together it you this the sail is usually the discount is usually multiplies so the more you buy the cheaper it gets basically um yeah so the light they sent out today is this one here it is the freyer it's called uh it's a built for it all multi-colored tactical light uh pro is 360 meters maximum lumen walks out at 1750 lumens so that's it's quite a strong light so we'll open it have a little look at it and see uh to see what it's like so a usual build quality will be expected here uh anything that uh anything that olai's produce is usually very very good it's a little rubber silicone on this one here i'll show you what that's for now in a second so yeah as i say usual build quality uh they're heavy well built it's it's like steel the light itself is steel so it'll take a bit of a bit of abuse if you like uh the light itself has got the magnetic charging so which is uh more or less standard now across the board on most of these rechargeable lights so yeah the the magnet just the rechargeable mind that just clamps on here as soon as it gets anywhere near it it's just a usb connection on it and yeah that's it you're you're good to go a delay then you turn it on here on the bottom just by pressing that button and you can see very very bright light i will do a little bit of a when it gets dark i'd say it'll do a little bit of a test on it and you you can see it in action but yeah very bright light and it's just simple press it turn it on and off there like that so yeah yeah very simple to very simple to use very simple to to operate uh there is a there's an extra little thing on this where you can put this rubble head this little rubber cover over the top of it here and it has actually colored this here we see we turn it on uh there it is there so this is the white the white light and you can then press it and hold it and it should change color so that changes down to red uh and if you just scroll through turns to green again turns to blue and then it should go back to white so the idea of that is that just so you're broke down something happens on the road very usefulness even in founding situations if you had this on you a nighttime something happens cattle broke out in the road any of these kind of things uh maybe a tractor would get a punk shot you know you can change the color of it put it on red stand at the back of the trailer move it around shake it about and people will be warned of the into the uncommon uh traffic be warned of danger that's going on so very very simple a little thing and they could be very very useful in certain situations uh so that's just an added feature that comes on the slide so these are really nice lights i like this light a lot i've used it a couple of times now over the last in the last week or so and uh yeah super light out of it and very very impressive very bright uh but yeah okay so as i say there's a sale on at the moment this light usually sells for 129.95 pounds sterling but at the minute on the sale it's over 20 pounds of saving it's down to 97.46 so that that's a great saving if you wanted to purchase one of them there's also then you can bundle these up with all different light packages i will have a whole list in the description below and the link to go over to the website so you can go into that and check it out but as i said for example the this right here and the i5 t uh light if you purchase the two of those together there's they usually cost 169 uh 95 and they're reduced down to 110 44 so there's 60 quid of a 7 on those so that's kind of the way it is if you buy two lights together there's a huge save but yeah as i said there's an affiliate link below in the description where you you'll also see in the description a a list of the different uh discounts there is at the moment but if you've been through that affiliate link if you're going to purchase a light i do get a small percentage 10 of whatever you spend uh through that so it does help me and helps the channel out if you do that so yeah that's basically it so that is it for today's video hope you enjoyed it at least we have everything ready pens are cleared out reefing mill just has to be rolled out two gates then just has to be stuck up uh three minutes to put the two gears up so it's not a big job a little bit of straw i'm already for for calving so things are going to get very busy over the next few weeks and i will be videoing it as we get on i'll get along with it and i'll let you know how we are progressing um yeah weekend's video will be of the rds system that has been fitted onto the teleporter we'll have a look at that how it works uh and yeah some of the features that is on that uh but yeah that's really it i hope you enjoyed the video don't forget if you're not really a subscriber hit the sub button leave a like in the video comment down below all that kind of stuff it all helps the channel and if you're subscribing or are already subscribed ring that little bell there's a little bell just beside the sub button click on it and it just gives a notification every time i post the video so you never miss any of the videos i put up that's it for today hope you're all having a good week we'll see you at the weekend take care
Channel: gerry6420
Views: 15,634
Rating: 4.9544983 out of 5
Id: 7kYON40xOSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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