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good afternoon everyone welcome back to the channel so today's video monday first day of the week we've got some preparations to do for our calving season a little bit darker in here turning around it might be too bad uh yeah so what are we to do this is a feed barley so it's barley was grown on the farm uh treated on the farm and stored in the farm so this is one of the products that we feed to our beefing cattle and what we want to do is we want to move that this barley behind me which of it's probably about 35 tonne of it i'm going to put it in next door here why well last year if you remember uh we're always a little bit tight for space especially uh when calving season is going on and that's how we cleared this out we were able to as the cows were calving we were able to put ten thousand calves over here uh we bedded it we set up a feeder in it set up water in it and walked out very very well we were able to keep the ten of the cows and calves here and it was great bedded area for them to for them to stay so gonna get it ready hey now there is a few other things that we have to move uh we're just going here we look and see [Applause] one being the tractor there is also some minerals and there's a bag urea here as well and a couple of empty bags as well so a few things that we have to move around 3650 i am going to take it out we're taking it out now we'll just hose down because hopefully the weather's good i'm going to use this uh in the next couple of days to put out a wee bit of slurry with it so er yeah so we'll take it out now we'll wash it down we'll get it hosed down and that'll be that done and ready for just hook the tanker on to us a walk on it will be starting very very soon uh i know i'm saying that this about six weeks but it will be starting the next week or so so uh videos will be coming on that as soon as it starts weather-wise a lovely day today nice and dry a forecast was it was for snow but hasn't arrived just yet also forecast for very cold and windy weather it is quite cold it is quite windy but it's dry and if we could stay like this for a few days get a bit of frost be fantastic we might get a we might get a bit of slurry done on some early graves and so fingers crossed for that later in the week um but yeah right let's get moving some of this stuff get the 3650 out we'll get a hose down and get cracking on these few jobs oh watch out for a little bit later on the video we've got a package from our irish a youtubing farming friends in france a farming life at the forge they've sent me on a little box of goodies so i'll be opening that a little bit later in the video and show you what they've sent me so [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so i guess you could call this a case of me showing off adrian from my family farm and farmer p again so now so power hoses out just getting some of the dust blown off or it get our tidied up now for a little bit later in the week when hopefully whether we met him we get the slurry tanker on it uh get get the tractor warmed up get the cubs blown out of all and uh get a bit of nice footage of her in action um yeah a bit of voice over now just in this part of the video also gonna have a bit of a voice over a little bit later on just rather than putting music in it seems to be prepared by a lot of people so we're going to try and keep doing that and also gives me the opportunity now just to make a little bit of an announcement you may have noticed over the weekend that i had no video up i usually try to video up saturday sunday around that time and i had done this weekend because i was a little preoccupied uh preoccupied because myself and my better half suzanne welcome to our second child into the world uh on friday so beautiful baby boy weighing nine pounds a great little fella and we are absolutely delighted mother and baby are doing very well and uh looking forward to getting them home now no visitations or anything like that due to covert but uh yeah this cover time has not been all bad all right so 36.50 is done looks a bit more respectable a little bit less dust on it uh windows instead i've just hosed it down i haven't sponged it or anything so a bit later in the week before i use it i may i may just do the windows give them a bit of a sponge down and it'll see that they can see out of it anyway uh what have we left to do here before we can start transferring stuff pilots removed another pilot to be moved a couple of bags here get all that barrel i'll pull all these out of the way get them all moved and we start transferring this across there's east enough pilot barley still there's probably around 40 ton i would imagine still there so uh yeah better get out of it uh it's just starting to snow a little bit i hope it doesn't do much snow that's all we need anyway let's keep going and get this done okay so kind of a speeded up voice over here uh just watching me now moving a couple of pallets out of the way fairly straightforward uh the second one i'll just drop it off had to get the bucket and what i'm doing here is just gonna just tighten up the feed here to have as little as possible of the two feeds mixing when i start throwing the barley in over the wall which i'm doing now uh yeah so a couple of different wee bits of angles here that i've just set up the camera as it was transferring it across [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so all right so we're getting on fairly well we're about two towards the way through us which is the good news bad news is there is not a hope in hell of this corner holding all the barley that's in here completely misjudged uh what is in here uh i put a figure of around 40 ton maybe 45 ton on it but no it's way more than that there's i'd say there's 60 ton here and that collar just is not going to hold 60 ton and yeah it's quite hard to judge it because uh we've we've treated this barley going in uh with a couple of different products and one of them being water in the treatment of it and in treating them with water once you actually get it in and sitting in place eventually it does two things uh it's kind of insane slightly so it it when it sails then it will it does drop down and so it compacts itself a little bit and then it sets in such a way that you're really having to dig it out of there so a great job the treatment of it it raises the protein but that's the downside is that uh you have to you have to dig it out of it uh it does dampen the collar down a little bit too so by looking at it you might notice that it's a little bit darker than how your conventional uh rolled barley looks in the shade but yeah completely mischarged just not an open hell of of at all fitting and what you can do i'm going to do is i'm just going to put in everything that i can get in there i'll get it tighten it up and i can use the way then that's what's left like there's not going to be that much left we're not going to need we don't need that shed we're not going to need this shed for about it it could be three or four weeks so at that stage it most of the barley then in here will be all used up uh because we are going through ah we'll try about maybe 600 kilos of the day so yeah there'll be a good hole in it by the time it but the favor comes around to needing this shed four thousand calves and but yeah look at it it will be another bit to have done and dusted beforehand so i'll finish off i'll probably put in another maybe half a dozen buckets here i'll tidy it up i would never look at it in the far side then uh when when i have it all in there all right so done and dusted we've got this moved now you can see we've got about 20 ton or just on the 20 ton here that's left uh no it looks bulked up fairly well but i have ruffled this all up so it's it's it's going into larger bounds than it was it was heaped away up uh at least halfway on the the timbers at the back but in ruffling up and it was all fell down you can see now the damp area right the whole way across and i come down along here then at an angle down to roughly to where the h iron is so yeah a lot of the material now is in the fast side we'll look at that in a second um we're not going to need this i'd say for about six weeks so we have plenty time to use away at what's in here behind me uh what we usually do is once the cows start calving we fill up the creep area in the back of the the calving shed so we'll be able to put 24 thousand calves in that uh maybe even 27 uh if you really want to pack them tight so in in those three pens and the oldest calves once they fill up the oldest cows and calves come over here then and they're a little bit older this here wouldn't be just as sheltered and they're able to withstand a little bit more in the lines of cold weather so that's the plan anyway walked while here over in the side now there is the pile of stuff a lovely big pile of stuff it's it just butted in nicely to the feed on the far side and yeah not too bad leaves plenty of space we will have to get means me a little later in the week so what i'll do is uh when the maze meal is used up i'll tidy it in a little bit on each side and should work out 100 all right so that's that done and dusted hey next up we're going to open the package that laura from farmington ford sent me and we've a little look at that so let's do that now so as i mentioned laura from farming life at la forge uh has sent me over a few items in a in a package that a backstory to it is that a number of weeks ago she asked me had any interest in some john deere parts that well in one of their farms that they have uh it was in one of the workshops in the farm just on the shelf and they were no good to them they have no journal ears some of the pirates are probably there for quite a while so she asked me any interest in them is if i had she said she'd send them over to me and if i could get used to the modern good so she sent them over here they are a box has arrived safe and sound so i'm going to set the camera up here now kind of i'll stick it on something here at the tractor and we'll flip it open and see what has she sent all right so let's flick it open and see what we got in here uh right so plenty of uh john deere boxes anyway it looks like some filters uh that there is a diesel filter now i don't know the part numbers offhand for uh air tractors but i'm sure it'll fit on some of them yeah i know they are fairly similar on them all hey this here looks like an oil filter so yeah genuine oil filter yeah let's see what else we got [Applause] and i've seen it i guess that's opened [Applause] and this here is oh it's the head of a gear level so yeah ahead of the gear level uh i've looked back itself for 20 series yeah it's over 20 series john deere [Applause] a lot of different bits and pieces uh this here is let's flick it open and see what this is uh oh there are filters for the cabin so cabin filters so it's all all this stuff here from what you see it's all suitable for for my machines another diesel filter so again something that i could use air filter for a 20 series or a 30 series actually two air filters for them so both of them are suitable uh and then we have a couple of other filters here these botox are the same uh what are they off now they could be hydraulic filters just have to check on that and here they're suitable for air tractor and there's two of those as well so yeah everything is is stuff that can be used so absolutely brilliant a big thank you to laura if you haven't checked out her channel farming life at the forge a brilliant channel go over and check it out her latest video is a super video where her mom dad and herself all talk about their move over to france and lots of other questions in the question answer video it's a bit just over half an hour long so if you're looking for something to watch get over there and watch it i'll put a link in the description below go check them out brilliant brilliant channel hey and again supporting an irish channel over in france farming in france so brilliant so thank you very much laura so that's it for today's video hope you enjoyed it uh if you're not already subscriber don't forget to hit the sub button leave a like in the video comment below all the paintings all have the channel and they're all very much appreciated so leave a like for me uh yeah so later in the week hopefully 3650 will be out let's find another story see what she's made of see how we get on so see you then take care
Channel: gerry6420
Views: 15,968
Rating: 4.9813604 out of 5
Id: 8VAi5elLtQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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