A Roomba that CAN FLY!

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hi I'm Peter Schiphol and the house I'm staying in is very very dirty like this what is this like this Oh disgusting why is this on the floor hey William why are you all so dirty what why is your help so dirty it's not that bad what I thought I'd do my part and try to keep the house clean because I'm not paying rent in alleys kind of expensive so have fun Amazon to see what things I could find to keep the house a little clean my friend's house is hella dirty hello kitty no no I wanted would you look at these I found the perfect robot right my price rate of $69.99 add two carats a couple days later the package showed up it's kind of smashed up let's check the door bolt footage what's a sick-looking Roomba oh look at that it's working we quickly realized the Roomba Cannell clean one floor at one time this is failure I think we need to improve this invention using terrible we're gonna cover up this little doohickey here I taped over the stair sensor to make it go downstairs [Music] my son my son what have you got I was hoping to get it to tumble down the stairs clean the bottom floor but it kind of got a little hung up I can think of a few solutions like waiting for it to clean the floor then moving it up and down but that's too much because there's too many floors it was like first floor I end up counting 46 and that's way too many rumors to buy but I do have a third option what if I could fly between floors free wine we have to go back before we can go forward so few weeks ago we actually word this Roomba off of Amazon to Peter I'm full a stuck-up 900 oh it's so plastic and cheap [Applause] that's a tiny suck hole in a vacuum I think it's making more than that's what it is [Applause] what did you get for me sucker boy it picked up zero of the pellets so that's terrible but okay we were actually pretty impressed with how well this cheap Amazon room boa thing really worked it's a lot lighter than the normal commercial Roomba now it's time for Sam to add some of these components he's just gonna go ahead and make it a tricopter out of this using some amazon ducted fans blowing off plastic reveals that well you can actually screw these things anywhere and it's basically done at this point Sam has been meticulously working on this for the past two years we're gonna plug it in down see if it explodes this is the first inaugural hopper test and here goes all right Sam you hold the battery here we're just gonna try to see if it can hover if it hasn't thrust the lips off [Applause] it needs to be tuned let me tune it real fast so it needs the rudder we don't have a rudder yet let me just take the chatroom hang on to it so this is a tricopter track otters have basically three and the way you control y'all with three another thing one really cares is you have a little tilt II rudder thing I'm just gonna take this to my controller [Applause] okay this tape isn't working let's add the rudder control y'all main thing I'm gonna cut some light fly to make this rudder control direction thing this is my awesome near cup fly here's some tape for some hinges this is we're gonna work pretty well then this is gonna give us all the auto you were really gonna need got a hot glue this thing on because hot glue is the best thing ever and plug in some more like trying to heat he's here now we got the all y'all alright so now there's a rudder servo so that should control the young action so it shouldn't spin around anymore let's try [Applause] [Applause] oh we can fly good job Sam you did it it floods all right now I'm trying [Applause] it works this is awesome let's go get some reactions that's the house party it is not time to interrogate my friends that is a YouTube house to mention party yay hello fine canadian mails how much would you pay for this home cleaning technology how much was retail for the original room 39 dollars in amazon $69 No [Music] I'll give you 20 bucks in labor $89 how much were the fans in actual cost they were expensive probably around $200 electronics goody dollar Roomba 180 do I need to explain economics to you hello fine American male how much would you pay for this innovative home cleaning technology that's awesome aerial vehicle well I assume you got this right off the rack at Menards or something right that is an insult this is a custom prototype honestly I would probably honestly pay 500 bucks for this $500 sounds pretty good this is pretty awesome how much would you pay for it I would pay a little bit more than too much money very good this is coming to your house you'll get where the prototypes very soon do you know where I live I will find out hello fine sir how much would you pay for this innovation of aerial technology and home cleaning stuff man I would I would do like $4.99 is that $499 $4.99 okay I will consult China on that and we'll get back to you thank you thank you I'm very interested [Music] [Music] whoops it looks like I left Williams we saw her done any real-world testing so I need to find a test subject and we're gonna actually see if the Roomba can actually clean because we've only done demo so far let's go let's go upstairs how would you like to cereal yeah oh oh that's a few like stereo that's my milk all right I hope you enjoyed the video flying group my seventh success coming to a store near you I'm sure to smash that like button subscribe and let me know are you everything's gonna see what we do with the room double o for all you still wondering yes this is like a legit room but unlike Michael Reese's Roomba if you look under here look under the hood look at that that is some epic cereal inside the box Peters people can make absolutely anything like he's a genius in everything that has to inflate and he's an idiot in everything else because we put all joints in the one category [Applause]
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 2,622,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roomba, Irobot, flying roomba, roomba hacks, self cleaning robot, cleaning robots, robot vacuum cleaner, robot vacuum, screaming roomba, chinese robots, battle bots
Id: wA2yIVFb2lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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