cleaning my extremely messy room... again

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everybody it's what's up welcome back to my channel today I'm doing another video on me cleaning my room really seemed to like my first cleaning video and that video really inspired me to try to keep my room clean sorry I look like death I just don't feel like putting makeup on on a serious note real fast I have kind of hit a really bad wave of depression lately so when I go through those waves of depression that I get in my room turns into this it's not an excuse to have a dirty room but a lot of people don't understand that when someone is going through something such as depression or whatever when I'm in my room I don't feel like cleaning I just want to lay in my bed and feel sorry for myself so when I get really sad or really depressed my room it turns into this just huge mess that I don't know how to control and the only way that I know how to help with the way I'm feeling is to clean it so that is what I'm going to do today I'm going to clean my room again you're gonna watch me clean it and I'm gonna rearrange some things in my room as well because I am getting a new bed in this video because this video is sponsored by Lowell which I'm very excited about I've always wanted to be sponsored by them I'm very very very excited to get my new bed and put it in here and take out my old one which is actually my grandma's bed but we'll get to that later so I am gonna go get my coffee and then we're gonna come back and we're just gonna start cleaning this mess I have my coffee and two bags one for trash one for donations I also wanted to say it real fast in my first cleaning video everybody was saying that my room is just a cluttered mess because my bookshelves I collect books every single book on my bookshelf will be read or has been read multiple times I like collecting physical books so this is not a cluttered mess to me my books make me extremely extremely happy so I will not get rid of them I also have a reading channel I'll put the link for it down below so I guess first I'm just gonna show you what my room looks like when you walk in here is what this big pile mess there's my extremely messy bed [Music] closet closets not that bad and then my shelves which I think are pretty organized and I'm not doing anything with all of these clothes are clean as well I just never I just did the laundry and put it on my floor and just never put them up so yeah let's just go ahead and do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my cat is sitting in my dirty clothes in the hallway siggi you comfy [Music] [Music] the room is semi clean now I just have some stuff in the corner the floor is clean now I just gotta take my old mattress out and put my new one in my mom just had back surgery so she can't really help me too much to pull the mattress out so we shall see if I can do this by myself [Music] this was what was beside my bed so now I've got to get all of this up and then I'm gonna vacuum and bring in my new mattress [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this feels like I'm literally sleeping on a cloud this is amazing [Music] [Music] so like I said this video is sponsored by Lowell who sent me this amazing luxury memory foam mattress I love it so much it's the most comfortable mattress I have ever laid on these memory foam luxury mattresses are normally way over a thousand dollars and super expensive but this one's a full size and I believe it's under $900 so that is a really really good price for a luxury memory foam mattress I obviously don't have a box spring and it's so comfortable even just lying on the floor I don't feel like I'm laying on the floor at all because this is so fluffy and comfortable as most of you guys know I'm trying to move out of my parents house at the end of this year beginning of next year and one of the big purchases that I needed to make was buying a new mattress because as you guys saw my old mattress was really small and it was actually my grandma's so I needed a mattress and this one is absolutely perfect the Lowell mattress does come with free shipping so all you have to do is pay for the mattress and that's it you also have a hundred night trial so you have a hundred nights to try out the bed and if you don't like it then you can return it for free you don't have to pay to return the mattress it's completely free it was extremely easy to set up this mattress as you guys saw I'm a hundred and twenty pound girl and I was able to pull it up the stairs and do this all by myself it was super easy just unroll it and do it and you guys could see how fast this expanded and in the next 48 hours it's actually going to get a little bit bigger than this so if you guys are interested in getting your very own memory foam luxury mattress then just check out my link down below and you can get a hundred and fifty dollars off the mattress guys that is so much to get off your mattress so if you're interested click the link down below [Music] okay guys I'm officially done cleaning and redoing my room so let me show you so we walk in and here is what it looks like it does give me a less floor room when I put my bed this way instead of keeping it to the side but I do like it better just because this bed is bigger and the cords everywhere it doesn't look as good with the cords hanging everywhere but I need to charge my laptop so yeah this is what it looks like my room is clean I love my new bed so much so thank you lo so much for sending me this amazing amazing mattress that I needed so much and I'm debating on if I should just go ahead and buy like my headboard and everything like that but I think that I'll just leave a little bit of space left in my room so I'm not sure yet here's what my cart looks like I need to clean my fish tanks but that's about it I hope you guys enjoyed this video of me cleaning my room again if you guys like these types of videos then definitely comment down below and let me know having my room clean like this makes me feel so much better mental health wise and I think and I urge if you're feeling the same way that I am and you're going through like this depression a wave of depression or you are sad in your room looks the way minded I urge you with your clean I promise it will make you feel a little bit better even if it doesn't make you feel tons better I hope it will just a little bit follow me on my social media if you guys would like to I do a lot of like behind the scenes type stuff on my Instagram and Twitter and I have a pa box if any of you guys would like to send me anything I've gotten a couple letters and I absolutely love them so if you guys would like to send me a letter or package drawing then you can send them to my Pio bot but I hope you guys enjoy this video and I will see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Alyssa Nicole
Views: 62,513
Rating: 4.850369 out of 5
Keywords: lull mattress, cleaning my extremely messy room, cleaning vide, cleaning my room, marie kondo, cleaning, messy room, my life is a mess, depression
Id: iVE13Fnyrx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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