Clean Your ROOMS !!!

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- Hey guys, before we watch this video, I've got some big, big news. So make sure to subscribe to "Tic Tac Toy Family" and "Tic Tac Toy" because once we get 2 million subscribers on "Tic Tac Toy Family" and 5 million subscribers on "Tic Tac Toy", then we're going to do a huge meet and greet. And we'd love to see you there, so make sure you subscribe! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (calm music) - Keep going all the drawers empty. - All of this was in my dresser. - My goodness Addy! - Yup. - Today, we are tackling something that I have wanted to tackle for a really long time. And that is going through the girl's rooms from top to bottom, one into the other end, to the dressers, to the closet, the bathroom, and doing a major, major, clean out and organization day. Every time I've walked the girl's room for the last six months, I feel panic attack inside of me, because they are so messy and just cluttered. And I just, I can't even take it. So I kept telling myself this summer, we're going to take a full day and we're going to do it. And before you knew it, this summer, like almost over, so I found a day this week to do it, and I have to tell you, I have been trying to psych myself up for this day mentally all week long, because I know it's going to be a long day and it's going to be an exhausting day and it might be a little bit painful, but we're going to get these rooms cleaned. - This is what was in my dresser. - Got it all emptied out Maya? - Yes. - Every article of clothing. The first thing I wanted to do was have the girls go through all their clothes because we have quite a collection of things we've used for different videos, things have used for various projects, and I'm sure a lot of this they've outgrown, it doesn't fit them, maybe they're stained or dirty, we're done with them. So, we're going to go through these clothes and clear out and donate. - I just found this. - That you haven't worn in a long, long time. - Cause it's not for summer. - Okay, so Maya, we're going to go through these and we're going to purge, more than half of this we're going to donate, got it. - More than half!? - So for example, you wear this on Halloween but I don't think you've worn it since then, I think we can donate that. This has a hole in it, we can get rid of that. - That's my thumb hole. (Laughter) - Your thumb hole? - I made it in kindergarten with my mouth. I wear this all the time with my thumb hole. - Oh, Maya. (quiet mumbles) - So that's a keep? - Yeah. - Okay, if that's a keep that's fine, but we have to find a lot more that we're willing to get rid of. This, we're going to donate that, these are old, we're going to donate these. Let's put that in the donate pile. I know, they've served you well. - I forgot about this, this is so comfy. - You can donate that. - How about this? - You can donate it. (upbeat music) - Alright Maya, I think you're putting more clothes on than we're getting rid of. Let's go back to your room. Addy you keep working girl, Maya and I are heading back to her room to continue going through her pile of clothes. (subtle humming) - Aw, you taking some of Addys pants? - Yeah, its time of the month. - I think Maya's pile of clothes is growing more than it's shrinking, so I have to work extra hard over here, while she continues to try on Addy's clothes, that Addy's is getting rid of. One of the reasons I decided to blog this experience today is because I needed the accountability. I knew if I was going to do this on my own and I wasn't making a video, that there was a good chance I would just tire out and give up and I'd leave a giant mess in the room and it's there for a week. But now that I'm filming it, I know that I have to get this done, I have to get these rooms finished today, so we can show you an end product and it's just gonna give me that extra motivation to get through this as quick as we can. - I told them I, if you say no for me, no to me for this one. - Dressy, dress! - Which we used in a celebrity, like toy cafe. - Oh, we did use that I remember that video. - So can Maya have it? - You want it Maya? - Dressy. - Sure. (laughter) - Dressy, dressy, dressy. - I like this dress for church. - That is a pretty dress for church. (overlapping chatter) - Maya, how many layers of clothes do you have on now? - Pants, shirt, and dress. - Okay. (laughter) (upbeat music) Maya, I lost you, back with me, back with me, take my hand back to your room girl, no more clothes for you, you've got plenty. Alright, now you need to help me get all these dresses back on hangers. The good thing about having a big sister is you've got a lot of hand me downs, didn't you girl. - Got this one. - That's another one from Addy. - Pretty. - Now that we've got most of Maya clothes done, we have, this is her closet, guys. And this is what we have to tackle soon, not to mention we haven't even done the rest of her room yet. I can't bring myself to tackle the closet yet, that's just a little bit overwhelming, so we're going to tackle Maya's loft bed, this desk area right now, because she's got a lot of stuff on it. Now, one question we get asked all the time we get lots of emails about is, where do we get the girl loft beds? A lot of people love 'em, they are a lot of fun. And then I'll tell you another, from "Pottery Barn Teen", we love them, absolutely. But the one thing I will say is that it has a lot of open storage for kids. Like all these shelves, and open storage is fun, but, it gets pretty messy looking with kids, just piling stuff on there. So that's the only thing I would caution you about is the open storage is difficult. So you gotta get up and come help me girl. (chuckles) Up, up, up, up we go. up we go. (chuckles) (upbeat music) As you can tell, Maya is not a big fan of cleaning out and organizing her room. (upbeat music) A bracelet that got melted. - Yeah, a rubber band bracelet. - We can definitely throw all that away then. Okay, look, you have a jewelry box. - Yup. - So I want you to gather up all your little pieces of jewelry that you have sitting around and let's store all those inside there, Okay? - Okay. - This is the kind of stuff that starts to drive me crazy. We just have bins filled with, brain quests, a yellow sock, a little mouse, some flashcards, all little just like sorts of stuff, and these things drive me crazy. What is all this Maya? - I don't know. - You don't know? Can we sort it out? - Sure. - Maya is a little bit of a pack rat, are you a pack rat Maya? - I have no idea what that means. - You have no idea what that means, that means you keep everything. - I guess so. - You guess so, we could, we could say she's sentimental. We'll say that instead of a pack rat, you're a very sentimental person, every little thing has value to it. - Here my book is. - And we have a hard time parting with things. - I've been looking for this. - You've been looking for that, well you found it! - My stickers, here they are, I finally found them. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Do you know what this is? - No. - What is this? - I don't know. - Yes, you do. I want you to really think Maya, for example, do we really need these little bracelets? - Yup. - Do we really need this little bag? - Yup. - All these little things, really think about what can we get rid of. - Nothing. Nothing. - Nothing, I don't think so, girl, you got to get rid of some of this stuff. This is where Maya and I are very different. As I said, Maya is very sentimental and she likes to keep everything and every little token of little tiny toy has some important meaning to her. And meanwhile, I'm the complete opposite, I am a purger, I'm just not very sentimental about objects and I'd much rather get rid of things, almost to a fault. To the point where I will just purge and get rid of stuff, and then I'll end up needing it again and I'll have to go buy it again because I needed it when I shouldn't have purged in the first place. So, I'm trying to be aware that we're different, I don't want to throw away things that are important to her, but at the same time, we need to clean up this room. Wait, wait, wait are you keeping yarns like old pieces of yarn? - Yeah. - What is this? - It's Rapunzel hair, see, I tied Rapunzel's hair color string to this, and it's Rapunzel's hair. - Okay. - It's jewelry. - Okay, we'll keep it. - Trash my to jewelry. - Alright, we'll keep it I guess, we're recycling and reusing. I'm gonna step out of Maya's room and go check on Addy real quickly. Addy, how's it coming girl? - I see a bug. - You see a bug? - It's right there. - Oh, there is a bug. - Bug, bug, bug, where? Buggy buggy. (Maya screams) - What is it? - It's a mosquito looking bug in my bow. - Okay. Let's see here, let's see. (Maya screams) - Yup, there's something in there. Yeah, is it even alive? - I don't know, but whatever- - See this is our problem, this probably set in here, set here so long that we have a dead bug, in your hair bow. Bug's going bye bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Addy, do you have a garbage bag in here? You need a garbage back too. - Yep. - Okay, you've got one? - Nope. - Okay, I'm going to get you a garbage bag and I want the garbage bag filled. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) How's your room coming? - Good. - I see you found a ring pop. - Yummy. - You have a blue mouth now, you know that? - Yeah. I think in this drawer, I'm going to be like, put like craft supplies and my journals and stuff. - Your shelves over here are looking really good too, Eddy. You've got those really cleared off. (upbeat music) What are you doing in here? Back to your room, back to your room, we have a wandering Maya. I've moved on to attempt to tackle Maya's closet. And honestly, this is a point where I'm feeling like what in the world did I get myself into? We are three hours into the cleaning process and there's just so much more to do, so much more to sort through. And I'm so tempted to just kind of pile everything in and walk away and be done with it. But I'm trying to motivate myself to keep with it and let's get this done and let's do it right. But let me tell you, it is hard right now because I am wanting to be done. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) I have this big storage shelf over here in Maya's closet that we actually used when we did our Toy Makers Studio, and I have all of our toys sorted by category, so we have like our "OMG pets" in here, we have a big container of "LOLs", we have "Cloudlees", so I'm doing my best to keep them organized, but still have them accessible for when friends come over and they want to dig into all these fun things. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Yep, here's another thing, we used to been just stamps for an escape room video, but we don't need stamps, do we? We don't need all these stamps. - Some can be used, like look at this. Stamps for art. - So for art projects. - Yeah. - Okay, well maybe we can save the stamps in our art bin downstairs, that does that work? - Yay. - Alright, stamps go in the art bin and repurpose them! (upbeat music) Apparently, Colin has decided to join the cleaning action, which of course is super helpful and that's just what we need is another four year old walking around the room, making more messes as we clean up the messes. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Are we going to clean your room next? - Yeah. - Yeah. Oh goodness. Colin's room actually isn't nearly as messy as the girls, your room's not as bad is it buddy. - Yeah. - No, it's not. (laughter) Colin, we just picked all this up, buddy, we gotta put it back now. Back up here, come on, no. come on, no. You're making a mess. - No mom. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - We finally did it guys, it has been five and a half hours since we started cleaning the bedrooms and it's done. (cheerful music) (cheerful music) I'm going to show you a quick tour of Maya's room and then Addy's going to show you a tour of her room, I haven't even seen the finished product yet because she's been working so hard. Check out how clean Maya's room is right now, I don't think it's been this clean since we moved in, probably. She's got all of her favorite things displayed here. And the part that I still can't believe is the closet. Guys, it isn't perfect, but it is about as close as to perfect as this closet could possibly get. She's got all of her clothes organized, books organized, some toys up here, it looks amazing. And I'm officially exhausted over that, but I am super excited to see Addys room so let's see. (knocking on door) - [Together] Welcome to my, room. room. room. - Wow. Addy, it looks so good. So, so clean, we've got a lounge section over here now, and she moved her dresser over to this corner, Addy this is looking pretty good. - Yeah. - What's your favorite thing you did in here? Or what took the most time? - I think, the desk. - Organizing the desk? - Yeah. - Well, it looks pretty good Addy, I'm proud of you girl. Addys dresser used to be right here but she's moved it, Addy tell us what you're going to do in this spot. - Well, later on, I won't have this, the bean bag chair there and I'll put my gaming set there. - That's right, for your gaming channel. What's your new gaming channel called? - Yes, it's called "XOXO Gaming", so you could just go scroll down to related channels, and "XOXO Gaming" will be there, please subscribe. - Addy has been dying to have a gaming channel and it's really all her, like she's doing it, she's planning it. And I'm pretty impressed, she's doing a pretty good job, it just started so make sure you've subscribed to "XOXO Gaming". And what type of gaming are you doing on it? - ROBLOX gaming. - Your favorite, huh? - Yes, my favorite. - Good job, Addy we got it done. - Yes! - It took a long time, but we did it. - Yeah. - Does it feel good to have a clean room? - Uh huh. - Always feels so good. - I know. - Alright, what are we gonna tell our viewers? - [Together] XOXO, bye! bye!
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 4,597,511
Rating: 4.8983169 out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, cleaning, cleaning rooms, cleaning kids rooms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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