Clean code challenge - Silicon Valley Season 5, Ep6 🚀

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are you done with your chunk yet almost died because everyone else has done literally everyone 47 engineers finished one not you almost I'm sure it'll be worth the wait how's the coats been coming t-minus Dinesh done I am done coach right over laugh it up gilfs I hear you making your little jokes at my expense turning all the engineers against me but the second these results go up they're all going to see the only thing that matters who made less errors you mean who made fewer errors oh you think you're so clever you know who else thought it was clever the hair right before was defeated by The Tortoise I'm the [ __ ] tortoise go for it oh no [ __ ] tortoise keep saying that can't wait for these results to go up guys no no no we talked about this remember you're both senior management now okay your code will be subject to private review Hey Dude how's it going how's that review going probably done right cause it took you no time counting out the bugs and my stuff cuz I crushed it so hard he kicked my ass damn Walker just [ __ ] tell me just [ __ ] tell me how much you kick my ass but please just [ __ ] tell me I'm not gonna beg I'm not gonna beg please please please please please please just please tell me please fine you just have to swear not to tell anyone okay I swear I won't tell anyone everyone everyone I have a very important announcement to make my code was better than Gil Foyle's so it's official Gilfoyle is a much worse coder than me I want you all to look at him good terrible role model hateful pilot rash [ __ ] says who Danny told me he wasn't supposed to supposed to be a secret but he told me and now everyone's laughing at you ha ha ha ha ha ha Danny the [ __ ] is going on did his code actually have less errors than mine I don't know what to tell you I checked it three times and it's fewer errors congratulations thank you I feel bad for loading in all seriousness that means a lot to me to show you how my gracious winner I'll take you to a nice restaurant your favorite kind of restaurant a mistake house boom get it cuz you suck I hope that book you're reading is for work oh absolutely if you wanna read for fun you should read kill Falls favorite author George error Martin's here that we're all making jokes at your expense is that what's happening as your supervisor I wanted to inform you that there is a first stage okay but if you need blood don't go to Gil fo cuz he's type O type oh they love it they're all laughing at you animated motion picture quick story story oh hey were you guys talking about fix our hit animated motion picture Toy Story no good girl for his favorite actor is bugs Lightyear oh yes playground games Gilford likes to play soccer coos or it could be duck-duck-goose Danny do those qualify as two separate insults uh yeah I believe they do why did he go on because I told the engineers that if you thought you had one which you definitely have not it would take you less than 24 hours to cobble together 200 uniquely terrible insults which you have just done that is why I had Danny tell you you won is that true Danny did Gilfoyle really beat me private on it can't say so we don't know who actually won the code contest no but while you were running around racking your tiny brain for shitty insults I was quietly plotting towards this victory you see it is I who am the tortoise and you are the hairy Arab who can now chortle my balls that's happen why did you do that right after you forced me to set Dinesh up I told the other engineers that if you won you'd immediately insult Dinesh by saying something sexually demeaning or racist and you just did both I see fun at my expense I want to fight [ __ ] mother says in China it have brother black [Music]
Channel: 5hort5ubject
Views: 1,549,980
Rating: 4.8682046 out of 5
Keywords: clean code, silicon valley season 5, challenge, code review, review, bugs, god, fear, american idol, coo, cfo, pearly gates, dinesh, gilfoyle
Id: qNj_sI6qndw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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