Clawfoot Tub Refinish

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well the fun has begun today this is day one we went and we bought this wonderful old almost hundred-year-old claw tub and it was a lot of work already we put six hours into this tub on the outside what we first did is we came in here's the mounting brackets for each of the claw feet and we've taken those off it was a huge wrestling match to take a wire brush and literally grind though down we've used a wire brush that we spun to clean out all of that all of the grooves for the brackets for the tub we've also got a sander and electric sander that we're using we're actually grinding through all the rough to start with the outside of the tub was brown and peeling we ground through all the brown we got down to a white coat and now we're grinding through the white coat but we're going to take every bit of it off right down to the original base of this tub she's she's a lot of work but but I tell you what it's a lot of fun knowing the history that is behind a tub like this we took all the hardware the drain off the tub and and all the the faucet in the tub overflow we took that off already today just to give you a look at at the coffee that come on the tub that's how she originally issues rusty and she's full of paint and but we'll we'll take all that off every bit of that paint is going to come off and and you can see how the brackets are for the for the coffee we had to lubricate them in hammer them off and we'll have to put new screws and brackets and everything on but in the end everything I think will clean up just wonderful you can see the old faucet that we took off we're gutting it or take it down to a base one all the faucets all the way down to every single screw the drain to come off of the tub as well as the tub overflow so it's been a lot of fun I'll tell you so far it's a lot of work but but when she's done I'm gonna be proud of this thing and what she's going to look like we're gonna put a lot of time into this and make it look nice also what we're doing today is I've taken each one of the Quaffle exasperate a stripper on it's a spray-on stripper premium buy clean strip and and we're just letting it sit out here for 15 minutes and we're going to take all the old paint off the claw likes and when we paint them we can see a little more definition rather than just put another coat of paint over the top of them and we're going to get all the rust off I'm seeing them down and make them look real - but that's going to be another project for this afternoon okay you can see the cloth feed what we did yesterday we spent three hours and we stripped these about five times we strip them get some paint off and rinse them off strip them again and they came out pretty darn nice once we were all through we sanded it down we've also put a primer coat of white on the claw like so but they look really nice at this point and and now we'll move on and put a coat of of poly glass on them and we've chosen white for the legs although I've seen in the past where other people have painted them in different colors from green to beige to other colors but we'd like to stay white with the coffee we think it looks more traditional and looks nicer and we got the clips also that hold the claw legs on one of those of course was broken we had to we had to go in to order one online there's the broken one but have to wait a few days for the new one to come in was tough to find but we found it interestingly enough what's amazing about these qualified legs is there some of the cloth legs are taller and tight than other ones are and that's they have to be put on the top of a specific way the two of them need to be the shorter ones need to be put on the side of the tub with a drainage so you so the water flows downhill into the drain otherwise the water would stand in the corner of the tub if you put the short legs on the on the backside of the tub where you sit anyway that's the update on the claw feet okay now that I've got the claw feet primed I'm going to be spraying those with a mega fast poly 320 M will probably do that later on this week but I wanted to after getting the outside of the tub completely sanded down go ahead and spray the outside of it what we're doing right now on the outside of the tub is we're using a product by nap Co it's a called poly clean tub and tile prep it's essentially an assets soap that we run on the inside the outside of the tub - to clean the tub take any paint residue soap residue anything off that that might hurt with the adhesion of the of the poly glass now that has already been done to the outside of the tub also there's other product here this is our primer this is called gorilla grip primer there's some spendy stuff about a hundred bucks a quarter for this and it's a chemical bonding primer it's a wipe-on primer and that assists in the adhesion chemically between the the tub itself and and the poly glass that's getting put on now the the color that we've chosen for the tub is a Kohler color it's called Kohler almond and that's this purple jug here so we're using poly glass mega fast 320 this is a product that once it's sprayed on literally dries between coats in about 5-10 minutes and we can go ahead and put multiple coat after coat after coat on till we get the finish that we're looking for but the tub totally cares in two hours you can shower and in the tub after two hours of spraying stuff on and I haven't seen anything that is on the market today that will dry that fast that I've seen so we're really happy with this product because it also doesn't yellow and it also doesn't crack and peel like for example a lot of guys will go out to the local hardware store and they'll pick up an epoxy paint of to roll or spray onto a tub well the apologies are all nice and and all but after a year that yellow the tub starts cracking and problems but but with this mega fast poly glass so we don't have any problem with that at all with the poly glass we add a catalyst in which is essentially a catalyst as a hardener make the outside of the tub have a very durable surface and also we run some thinners in with the the paint which is required to get the finish to look the way we want and to go on and the thickness that we want we a lot of people will use a cheap thinners like like a regular lacquer thinner out of the hardware store well that's not really the proper thinner to use you should use these filtered appropriate thinners this is a medium speed thinner here and and that is used for a based on the temperature that it is out right now in the level the medium speed dinner works well for us so those are the lineup of products that we're going to be using on the inside and the outside of the tub I told you that the outside we're going with a Kohler beige I had phoned or a Kohler home and excuse me I had found some beige paint while I was grinding through all the layers of paint on the outside of the tub and this seemed to be very period-correct with regard to the color so I decided to go ahead and use this almond for the outside the inside of the tub we're going to be using a regular pure white but once these products are all mixed up and put on we're going to be applying them with an HVLP sprayer we have a triple turbine hbl HVLP sprayer by turbine and it puts on a beautiful professional finish just like an automotive type finish on what your Springs so we're about to go ahead and do it and spray the outside of that tub will put at least three coats probably four to five on really before it's all done enough really get that tub looking nice so here we go okay we have the garage all plastic off here and we ended up putting five coats on the outside of the tub today she turned out just beautiful it's that Kohler Kohler almond color that that we decided to go with and now that we've we've got it sprayed we're very happy we try to keep the area's clean as possible we plastic lock off everything and cleaned the entire area to keep all the dust particles out for when we went ahead and sprayed this thing I noticed that most of the people I've seen online they don't go to the extent of have taken off the legs and sanding them and polishing them up like we're going to I believe I've already said it but the we are going to make the legs a pure white to match the inside of the tub so we think this is going to look absolutely beautiful when it's done it's already dry to the touch after the five coats we've started about three hours ago and we get plenty of dry time between each coat before we put in the coat on so very happy with the finished product okay now that we've refinished the outside of the tub what we want to do is refinish the inside of the tub optimally what you'd like to do is that is keep the tub in its original state if at all possible but we're talking about a hundred-year-old tub here and there's imperfections so in the case of this tub we try to clean it at first and found that the pan was a little bit thin in the bottom of the tub and it started to show through some of the metal so we're going to go ahead and refinish the entire tub and just make it look brand new again now what we first have to do is sand the whole tub down and then once we fill all the scratches and divots we'll have to sand it down again what we're using is a water resistant repair filler it's similar to an auto body filler but it's water resistant and we had a cream partner to it that that we mix them together two parts together and we get our filler that literally dries in five to ten minutes this has been out here for fifteen minutes it's already rock cards so but once that's been put on to fill any scratches or low spots we will sand this down and then we're going to go ahead and use our assets OPA ghin to re clean the tub and then of course we're going to use our chemical gorilla grip wipe on primer to prime the job to get it ready to spray so that's what we're doing now and that'll take several hours to do that and then we'll be to the point where we can go ahead and start refinishing the tub I wanted to give you a look at our HVLP sprayer the triple turbine from turbine products com a little spendy piece but they all are and but it's a wonderful piece to work with we've got the whole area all plastic going and got it as clean as we possibly could and what we've done is put put two coats on the inside of the tub already and we're letting it dry a good bit before we go ahead and put the third and fourth coat on and the claw feet as well and spraying both sides of the claw feet so we get a nice finish on those so there's no rusting in the future for many many years to come so what everything is going good no problems at all and I'll show you the finished product when we get done okay we have spent the majority of this entire day refinishing the inside of the tub it's been a very large project what we've done is I take in our time we put one coat on in time a total of about five coats and with plenty of dry time in between I just wanted to build up a sheen on this and make it look very nice which I believe we've accomplished that the the heater is going to be put on it tonight and she's going to dry all night I just wanted to totally cure you know you can shower and in two hours but but realistically I want a really hard hard surface to this that's going to last for a long period of time many many years and that's why I'm just putting the heater on it tonight after that tomorrow morning we'll take a buffer and I just lightly buff it out to bring out even more the sheen that's in the tub and then the legs being all finished now we can install the legs on the bottom of the tub and install the the tub drain the tub overflow and the new top faucet that we have and really finish off the look of this tub so I'm very proud that we've Britt brought back this vintage 1925 tub to a wonderful condition the refinishing products that we've used our top-of-the-line it's not out of your local hardware store its top-of-the-line stuff and we've taken our time and we have done this right so whoever gets this I believe is going to be a lucky owner and I think they're going to be happy with this tub so we would go and have a good night okay well we did this morning was went ahead and put the for applause aid on and I put the faucet on in the drain system and they overflow you can see the drain system we put on and they overflow that's that kingston brass that's a really heavy brass coated with the multiple coats of chrome it's a good quality item that i purchased how i got a period-correct faucet on with hot and cold and the butterfly overflow cover and then they also a vintage a rubber drain stops so i think that's pretty cool but happy overall that turned out really nice and i don't have any problems with it at all it's been a long project it's been a tremendous amount of work and like any hundred-year-old tub it's not perfect but and they never are when they're 100 years old but but we've restored it to look beautiful again beautiful and this will look beautiful in someone's home
Channel: Dale H
Views: 24,009
Rating: 4.7073169 out of 5
Keywords: Solution Pro
Id: zj-2QRZIafE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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