A Day in the Life of a Teacher - TEACHER VLOG

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and this morning we have a field trip we're gonna go to the planets here you this is not a good look for me all right it's time to come to carpet hi ho hi you guys are ready to rock and roll this morning good morning pal and DSCA why the first word is what cookies so can you clap to the word cookie so you'll color in two hearts you'll color in two hearts for your syllables can you go ahead and do that now now here's an old tale of two boys who got themselves into more trouble than bear cubs in a candy store I like it so well I've asked my friend John to help out by drawing some pictures okay we're all buckled in we're gonna get it going in here through you guys ready [Music] good morning oh this morning I'm just packing lunches and getting ready to go it's about seven o'clock and we have a field trip today so that's a little bit crazy so I'm going to try to get to school a little bit early but I just thought I would take you guys along with me on my date today day in the life of a teacher kind of give you a behind-the-scenes look at what we do so I will pack lunches and of course grab a coffee and well grab a copy at Starbucks and then head to school so I will see you guys in a second I'm also gonna show you'd like my Fitbit how many steps I thought that would be kind of a cool element to see how active teachers are in the day and now we do have a field trip so we are probably going to be walking a little bit more but it'll kind of give you an idea of how many steps we actually get in in today so I just packed lunches I'm gonna get my shoes on government bag and head out the door this is all spirit week stuff spirit week is next week that videos gonna be fun stay tuned that and lots of fun stuff come in the channel hi I'm Elizabeth and I'm a kindergarten teacher in California it's like probably 40 degrees this morning which is really cold for California and this morning we have a field trip we're gonna go to the planetarium this is not a good look for me clearly the Sun is not in my favor today okay there we go so we're gonna go to the planetarium today we've been learning all about space and stars and planets and so we have a local planetarium that we're gonna go check out and the kids are probably gonna have a blast some of these kiddos it's their first time going to to the planetarium which is kind of fun and then after that I have a 34 three class that I teach I've had a lot of questions about like what I actually do because I say I'm a kindergarten teacher but then I teach third and fourth grade too so I teach a kindergarten class in the morning and then I team teach it with another teacher and then she comes in in the afternoon and I head up to a third and fourth grade class third ela class and I teach them ela so we're so you'll see that a little bit today because I go up there and teach English language arts to a bunch of third and fourth graders I love Kara garden because they're still in that like creative play phase where they love to pretend play and roleplay and reenact and so we have a lot of fun in kindergarten but I also love third and fourth grade because they're a little bit more techie they can handle a little bit more of the digital side of things and so because we are a one-to-one school we get to do a lot more with like technologies so they really love that side of it so I get like the best of both worlds team teaching two classes so next year probably won't be like this I'm really trying to soak it in while I have the opportunity to hang out with third and fourth graders next year I'm probably just gonna be with kindergarten nothing is higher percents and stone yet but I will keep you posted on that oh man this line this line is long okay I'm gonna go in today cuz there's literally 15 cars y-ye Mustafi the scurvy okay thank you money is the Starbucks line solo do you hear that there's something going off in the classroom awesome it's so suspenseful it's coming from the tablet tower one of those students tablets is going off mr. alarm well good morning so typically what I do I don't typically get to school this early because I normally have my munchkins but if I do or what I do I always come in open the blinds we have awesome windows in this classroom let in lots of light which I love but then I come in and I step up my computer that's typically the first thing that I do because I keep my to-do list on my computer now we don't have death I mean desks I say we don't have like official desks our school would kind of took those away a couple years ago and so the reason for that is because we really that the administration was really trying to encourage the teachers to get up and walk around and so I'm going to set you down here but um Hank actually works out okay real quick might eat my shirt says teaching is my jam and I got this from Piper James designs off of Etsy and normally I can't wear shirts like dress down like this only on Fridays because it is a Tuesday but because we have a field trip I can like dress down a little bit and so that's what I live and I love it because teaching is my jam so you can go check her out I'll link her down below I am I'm focused right alright so typically the first thing that I do is I sit down and I pull up my to-do list for the day and like I said I typically I just let me show you my desktop because I just typically keep all of my little - duze on my desktop I need to plug in my computer though cuz it's gonna die okay so I'm going to show you my desktop it's nothing fancy but you can actually get these desktop organizer flippy around Tara so the background is this part and then I just used the little sticky notes app and it like populates and so I just put little sticky notes in each one of these boxes like you can move them around and stuff you can find this in my TPT store if you wanted to download it for free I have I think the entire year of 2018 and then I just it's just a picture you set as a background anyways so I typically keep all of my - dues and I actually I'm doing pretty good today I don't have a lot of - dues I do need to send a parent out I do need to send a pet reminder out for car seats and shirts and then we use a scuba tee backpack and I always put that because I have a tendency to forget if I don't so this is our scooby-doo backpack and inside Scooby do our scooby-doo treats and so we bring this little guy along to help the kiddos stay motivated to obey the first time so I'll put him there and then I also need to get okay it's a hot mess over here what happened I also need to get field trip we print out all of the field trip permission slips it's like paperwork for the field trip when we go like the consent forms so I need to grab those but I'd pre print those and so I can just grab them and I only have two drivers today so I will put those in here and we are ready to rock and roll all right so that's pretty much it for the field trip so the plan is to get to school will do carpet time circle time like we normally do and then after a circle time we have snack time and then we're gonna leave about 10 o'clock so typically at 10 o'clock we would be getting ready for recess so what I might do is have them all be out for recess and then I have to get all their car seats loaded and I have parents who help with that thank the Lord because when you have 15 little car suits that you got to get loaded into your cars by yourself that could be a little bit of a chore on a job so when the parents get here around 10:00 the drivers probably take the kids out for recess and then I will work with them to get the car seats loaded and then we'll try to leave between 10:05 and 10:15 somewhere around there so the kids won't get a ton of recess this morning which I hope is okay we did have a rainy day recess yesterday and let me tell you I got a little crazy not gonna lie that yeah that's all I gotta say about that we're not actually eating on the field trip today we're gonna come back and the kids will eat here but by the time I get back my schedule has me upstairs with third and fourth grade so we're gonna see how that goes so right now I have four hundred and thirty six you can't really see it four hundred and thirty six can you to four hundred and thirty six steps and we'll see we'll see how many I get by the end of the day I'm guessing somewhere around seven thousand maybe yeah probably seven thousand I mean the planetarium we're gonna go and like sit watch the stars inside so we'll see how that goes I'm not gonna be like very active during that time so unless I'm like in the sheet going like that which that's not gonna happen typically when the kids come in they pull out binders let me show you so they pull out and here's one right here perfect so we have binders has our name on it so I can't really show you these are their binders and we've color-coordinated them with dots I can't really let me see em I'm so yeah because they all have names on I'm second place you're their name okay here's mine I'll just cover his name so this one has a green dot and then we have ones that have yellow dots so the yellow dots are handwriting green dots are math and language so the math and language look like this where they have math worksheets and this late in the year we're already on page 133 in math some kids are a little bit different depending if they've missed school a shirt or and we're about the same in English language arts is a couple pages here but basically what they do is they come in they get unpacked they can unpack they can have other stuff in fact those are all sleeping bags because yes we do have we still have like a quiet time I'm in the afternoon and they come in they unpack and then they sit down and they get their binders out and they do two language and then they flip back to the math and they do two math and then once they're done with that they put them in the file folders that are here each student has this is kind of messy because it is the end of the month but each student has a file folder with their name on it their name is right there it's backwards because I don't want you to see their names but then after they fill these at the end of the month which it'll be like this week because it is the end of the February we put all of their work in a little we put all of their work in like a little Gallants not a little oh it's like pretty big pretty big gallon sized ziploc bag and um and we said at home and that's how we send on home all their work and stuff so that system has worked really well and that's something that my team teacher has taught me and so we use that in the classroom and then after their morning work typically because some of the kids kind of trickle in a little bit late so I typically weigh our schools school starting time is 8:30 and so after most of the kids are here like if the kids get here around 8:15 they work until about 8:30 8:35 and then once everybody is pretty much done with their morning work we will go ahead and transition to carpet time and so I have my little bell which I've shared in other videos but I put this little lanyard around my neck sometimes it's just sitting but I just basically hot glued this doorbell to my neck not I hug Lou this doorbell to this lanyard and then when I press this that goes off and it's the fury Elise and it's pretty long so the kids know that they're supposed to stop what they do they're doing put everything away and then they come and they sit on a carpet on the carpet on one of these stars those are called sit spots you probably heard of them but they're awesome you can put them in the dishwasher I've heard and they have really really lasted like really impressively well we've only had one casualty where a student drew on it with like a crayon or something so tomorrow is our 100th day of school so we have all these bags right here all these bags down here our little on 100th day of school goody bags so the students are basically let me just show you so the students have basically there aren't any names on it cool they basically um chose 100 items to put in the bag and they made sure that all the items were like the same so like they could do 100 buttons 100 gems 100 q-tips and then they have to write three clues to basically help us guess what the what they are so that's one thing that we've been kind of collecting and tomorrow is the 100th day of school so I maybe I'll talk about that a little bit I don't know basically all I do for that is I just print a bunch of activities and these are already prepped ahead of time let me put you here okay so these are like printing grab activities that I put it ahead of time and then anything that's required for that activity I just stick in the bag so these are like tally ties so the kids are gonna use tally marks and put them on and then they'll put the tie on some of this stuff I made some of this stuff I got off of TBT some of this stuff I found on blogs on Pinterest this is a dip in dot so they're gonna take a q-tip and dot the number 100 we're gonna do necklaces where they string fruit loops onto necklaces we're gonna do 100 days smarter hats so the yellow thing is what they put around their head this blue thing is the front of the Hat and then they cut and glue all of these pieces around the Hat to count to 100 these are like my favorite how cute are these little gumdrop gumballs I guess not gumdrops but they just use daughters so I just put all the materials inside the bag so that I can literally just grab and go because it's a crazy week with the full trip I just prepped these ahead of time and stuck them all in a bin and like I said earlier I team teach so a lot of times we my team teacher and I we talk a lot about what we want to do for the upcoming weeks we actually have a meeting every Monday and sit down and we just talk about like what the plan is we go over a creek ulam we go over kind of what the scope and sequences for the week we look ahead because like I said we have a field trip and a class party this week which is a little bit of an anomaly we don't typically have that but then next week the entire week is spirit week which a little bit I'm a little bit nervous about that um it's gonna be fun but it's always crazy because every day you have to come up with a different chair for your class and we've got kindergarteners so as long as they're cute which that's just like a default I think we'll be good so I'm gonna send a few emails on my computer and I don't think you want to sit and watch me do that so I'm gonna put the camera down but I will see you in a minute and probably when I get my kids all right so it's just about 8 o'clock my coffee is a little cool I'm going to heat it up real quick and then I'm gonna get ready for my munchkins monkey [Music] all righty the time has come I gotta go get my killers I'm sorry to set my camera down and days later all right come to carpet good job yeah all right give your friend a high five and say good job pretty please you guys are ready to rock and roll this morning good morning Kyle do you wanna sing with me yeah yeah morning how are you it's so nice of you to be with me today good morning how are you howdy how do you do hello good day all right well do you guys want to hear something exciting yeah today today's the day that we got done I feel [Music] [Applause] so exciting so I'm looking for quiet hands raised somebody raise your hand and tell me what is one thing that we need to remember as a rule when we are going on our field trip and the first word is what cookie so can you clap to the word cookie so you'll color in two hearts you'll color in two hearts for your syllables can you go ahead and do that now flower so let's count the syllables by saying the words clap with it how many syllables so can you color in two hearts next one number four what would is this way okay so count it out three stop every now here's an old tale of two boys who got themselves into more trouble than bear cubs in a candy store I like it so well I've asked my friend John to help out by drawing some pictures who is this Hey aybe and is the old or zeong yeah he's young now this looks like a different time huh when we go home we have a car that we write in but what do they write in okay like a wagon yeah and the horse is pulling the wagon there's their wagon doesn't turn on like a car it make it's pulled by a horse and what do you think is coming out of that chimney right there why do they have to light fires it's cold and how do you think how do you think they cook by a messiah yeah by using the fire when we cook we just pop our food in the microwave or yours I should end I made it let's all clap together I should be a ripe old age of 92 at long last resting under a gravestone that reads Lincoln's playmate for the truth is Abe and Austen ever do meet again but like he promised Abe doesn't forget Austen and one dark day in the midst of the Civil War or so the story goes Abe will be heard to say he rather see Austin gollaher again than any other living man if your name starts with E go line up Shh if your name starts with L go line up if your name starts with G or s or J if your name starts with a go lineup if your name starts with K go line up and that's it yeah we're gonna have so much fun all right one two three four thank God five six seven eight nine ten let's go alrighty and I need my caboose the person 3 end of line to turn off the lights and shut the door let's go oh it's really cold out today so this is my break I have about 10 minutes I just dropped the kids off at recess I just go to the bathroom and everything during this time typically so I'm going to just kind of lock up the classroom go load car seats up and then and we're gonna head out to the field trip and I looked at my Fitbit earlier I have 23 no you can see that but I have like twenty almost 24 hundred steps already which is cool fun thing about being a kindergarten teacher is you're jumping and doing with your own walking around um but yeah so we're gonna hop in the car get loaded up and then head over our tour starts at 10:45 that's when our check-in time is actually our store actual tour starts at 11 so it's just about 10:05 right now and then um we'll have our trip I don't know how much filming I'll be able to get done probably a little snippets here and there and then when we come back I got a jam up to third and fourth grade to teach an ela class up there so alright guys we'll see on the road okay we're all buckled in we're gonna get get go in and hit the road you guys ready now I want to tell you about this big machine in the center of the room this is what we use to make it look like we're outside at night and this great big machine right here well it has great big name this great big machine right here is called the spits a 3d star ball projection system but you know what to say so most of the time we just followed the star ball you can fit all the planets in the oxide - some would still have lots of room to spare turn the backlight on so heavy all right that's a real asteroid right to state did you guys have fun yeah okay so I'm in the third and fourth grade class now I just had lunch we got back a few minutes early which gave me some time to eat to actually eat lunch normally on field trip days I don't eat lunch every week and third and fourth grade we do a book study but we are reading the house that Jane built which is a really inspiring story about a young woman who built a house for children in need the students are working on writing about a charity that they would create if they could there are several short stories that we read this week about other students other children their age that have created charities and stuff so you'll probably see a little bit of that today lots of reading we're gonna do reading groups and then we're gonna do at the Google classroom assignment for rooted in reading and then we have speech meet practice today so that throws us off a little bit of what we normally do but after a third and fourth grade then I go back to kindergarten and finish out the day with kindergarten so I'm gonna go pick up third and fourth grade from recess now and then we will get started okay you guys ready let's go today's to-do list is read series three read theories then we're gonna do Google classroom the house that Jane built you're gonna work on that in the Google classroom just continue working on it if you're already down with director drugs that's fine after you're done with that we're gonna start a Quizlet for your history quiz at 1:20 and then after you're done with the Quizlet for 15 minutes we can practice for the speech meet okay and that is our day jane is a person that when she's very young she had this experience with her dad and what happened somebody tell me help me out other people didn't like didn't sleep on the streets or anything so she was this really wealthy to do she came from this really wealthy family and she went with her dad to a place that really had an impact on her life she saw people who were poor who had no food and what did she decide she decided a very young age what yeah she saw a problem in the world and what did she do she decided to create a solution yeah okay so I'm heading back to kindergarten now my Fitbit says I'm just at 6,000 steps right now on my Fitbit it's kind of dark sorry but I'm heading back to kindergarten and then I'm just going to finish out the rest the day I'll probably do some reading assessments with them and they have a station time in the afternoon okay ready can you all righty the day is done whoo so it's warmed up here a little bit actually it's kind of nice I'm not driving obviously um all right so towards the end of the day I did some reading assessments there wasn't as much academics that happened today just because we did have the field trip but typically in the mornings we also do reading groups so during after like our recess morning recess we'll come back in and we do reading groups together so tomorrow is 100th day of school oh I'm gonna be dressing up as an old woman pretty excited about that I told the kids that they may see somebody come in that they don't know a new visitor we always do a bunch of activities and games I pretty much am ready for the 100th day of school party I prepped for it last week a lot of the parents and stuff volunteers is the nice thing and I was probably the same thing in public school but other the parents are volunteering to bring in stuff for the for the party I like working on to brain cells hear people and so they'll bring all of their stuff and some people have already kind of brought stuff in I'm gonna go get a coffee and then I gotta pick up my kids from school and it's Tuesday which means tonight I have an online collaborative class and then my mother-in-law is cooking dinner for us thank you so that will probably wrap up my day tomorrow morning I'm gonna get up and dress up like an old woman I'm probably gonna talk in an accent most of the day of the day and so hopefully be looking out for that video cuz it'll be funny so anyways alright guys where are my keys I'm gonna go get a coffee see you guys in the next video bye can I have an iced grande caramel macchiato with extra caramel you got it what else for you um and grande iced water and a grommet ice water anything else that's it 475 in the window thank you Thanks I forgot to mention that I am literally almost at seven thousand steps look six thousand nine hundred and eighty two I don't think you won't see it can you see it I don't that you're gonna I'll you can see it but at six thousand nine hundred eighty two steps [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Kinderhearted Classroom - Elizabeth
Views: 621,840
Rating: 4.8890142 out of 5
Keywords: #Day in the life of a teacher, #teacher, #teaching, #iteach, #teacherspayteachers, #pocketfulofprimary, #teachervlog, teachingvlog, #100thdayofschool, #homeschool, #preschool, #teachingprofession, #sahm, #kindergarten, #kinder, #primaryteacher, #stayathomemom, #homeschoolingparent, #student, #primaryclassroom
Id: Pmzb_2cWoP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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