VLOG | first week of school, how I lesson plan + more!

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to my channel if you're new here welcome my name is madison i am a second year second grade teacher thanks so much for being here today's vlog i thought i would start off a first week of school vlog so it is currently monday august 23rd and tomorrow tuesday is our first day of school so i'm very very excited to start off this vlog i know you guys love these vlogs where i show you guys the first weeks of school if you didn't already see it i did post a weekly vlog last week which i will have right here in the cards for you to go watch i took you with me through the entire week um last week was the first week that teachers came back so um just a lot of pd teacher trainings classroom setup meet the teacher and all that so if you're curious what that first week for teachers back it looks like definitely go check out that vlog and yeah i'm so excited to start this so as you see i'm currently in my classroom um we had to get here really early to the school this morning at 7 45 because we had staff pictures so um we were just outside taking like whole group pictures and our like um grade level team pictures and then i'm about to go take my individual picture and all of that so i'm wearing this super cute dress from teacher style box and it's so freaking cute let me show you a little bit better view of it so it is this really cute like blue and white stripe so yeah it was perfect i thought for picture day and then i'm just wearing these super cute sandals i got some questions on them on my last post um these are just from marshalls so i just got a new lanyard this is from amazon i think the brand is called thread for thread i'll have it linked down below so i have a lot to do today to get ready for the first day of school tomorrow i cannot believe tomorrow's the first day of school i've already done a couple things i have my little air pump right here because i blew up these two stools just these two little target dollar spot stools i thought that'd be cute just to have over here and during independent reading time they can come and grab one they're pretty small smaller than i thought so they'll definitely have to be careful sitting on them hopefully they don't pop or anything then i just made a to-do list on my phone so i'll kind of give you a rundown of the things that i've left to do today before kids come tomorrow so i need to print a few more class jobs because if you guys saw my classroom set up if not i'll have it linked right here as well um i have this like class jobs thing over here but it only came with a few that i liked and i'm going to print off a few more um i need to do our sound wall so over on this cabinet wall right here i'm going to do a sound wall so i will show you guys what that looks like i need to assign cubbies so i bought these little dry erase dots that i'm going to put on the inside of their cubbies because last year i only had them numbered and my kids would forget their numbers i would forget the numbers and i was always like who's cubby is this whose backpack is this so this year i just want to put a little dry erase dot on the back wall so i can just write their name in it and they'll know um which cubby is theirs really easily so i need to do that but i'm still waiting on my roster to come in so we got our class lists last week which is really exciting and i think i started out with 18 but then now i'm down to 16. i've lost a couple kids just because i think the system is really backed up right now some kids are moving schools some kids are just now signing up and stuff like that so they have a lot of like moving around to do before the first day tomorrow so i'm hoping by the end of today i will have my like complete class list of course it always changes kids leave and some new kids come um but hopefully by the end of today i'll at least know who's going to be in my class tomorrow and then i can like assign cubbies and all that i also want to do their supply bags i'm really big on individual supplies i also have um community supplies but i like to give kids their own crayons markers glue sticks scissors and pencil and dry erase marker and eraser it's just a personal preference for me it's so much easier than saying like okay everybody get up and go get this or you know like passing out supplies i like just them having their own little supply bag on their table that they can reach in and grab whatever i need for them to grab out and it's more sanitary they just keep track of their own stuff i need to go over our first day schedule tomorrow make sure i already planned which i'll show you our plans for tomorrow the first day um but i need to kind of just like go over the schedule and um make sure that i know exactly what we're doing i want to pack some gift baggies and stuff like that for my kids so i have a bunch of stuff in my car that i need to go grab just like um candies i have some poppets just like some goodies to put in bags for them so i will show you that i just finished um decorating this wall over here which i'll show you in a second that was another thing on my to-do list and yeah that's pretty much it so it's all just like a bunch of little stuff nothing like huge i did all the big stuff last week so again go watch that last week's vlog if you want to see like how i was preparing setting up my classroom um and with the teacher's name and all that was really fun to film as well so yeah i am going to go take my individual picture and then i will check back in with you guys also this is the wall i was talking about i originally had a tapestry up here and i did not like it it just it looked so crowded um don't mind those those are gonna be the sound wall cards so i got these from my amazon wishlist someone sent them to me so thank you so much my amazon wishlist is always linked down below then um these two are from five below and i originally ordered a little wall shelf but you have to like drill it in the wall and obviously this is cement can't do that i tried hanging up with command strips and it wouldn't stick but i was like you know what this is cute enough so yeah i just wanted to add a little bit of something um this sign just says like in our classroom you are all those things so i thought that was perfect very cute little addition to the wall [Music] all right so this is our sound wall i found this on tpt it's just the val valley because in second grade we learned all different types of vowel types so um i thought it'd be cute to do like some like rainbow pastel sticky notes underneath each of these i'll put a little example of what i want it to look like up on the screen from the tritone teacher she's the one who gave me that inspiration so eventually it'll be really colorful up here but yeah i like it it's simple not too overwhelming easy to understand i'll like we'll go over each of these file types throughout the year so they'll know what to look for so i've been getting a lot of questions about this desk over in my little teacher area back here so i thought i would go ahead and talk about it this is my favorite addition i think to my classroom by far sorry the lighting's bad but this is a standing rising desk from flexi spot do you guys know i used their rising desk last year the portable one that i had over there it was black and i used it to virtual teach on but this is a new addition so i decided that i really wanted a spot where i could just have all my stuff and that way kids couldn't get to it and that little desk over there was not enough so i am so grateful to have this nice big flexi spot desk not only is it super convenient to have but it's also adorable i mean this is literally the cutest desk i have ever seen so freaking cute and not only is it cute but it's functional it also has settings so that you can set it to go to your height that you need and the great thing about it is that they have preset settings so for example my setting right now is set on low that's one so that way i can just pivot my chair over to it and keep it low but if i ever wanted it to be higher then i could just press that two and it could rise a little bit higher three even higher and as you can see it goes super high which is amazing and four even higher so it can be a standing desk if you wanted to like i said this is the flexi spot aspen standing desk as you can see i love it so much i just think it's the perfect addition to my classroom it would also be great in a home or office one of my favorite parts about this desk is that it also comes with a usb port to charge your phone or other usb items and i love having that right by my desk to charge my phone it also has these super wide soft closing drawers where i can store all my teacher things that i don't want my students getting into throughout the day i can't say enough good things about this desk i know you guys would love it so if you would like to check out this desk you can check out the link in the description down below guys i am so excited i got a package and yesterday from my amazon wishlist and i cannot be more happy about it it is from maria potter so if you're maria thank you so so much she sent me one of these letterboards and you guys i have been just waiting to buy the bullet and buy one of these um i just always knew it wasn't like a necessary purchase like it wasn't something that was on the top of my priority list so i never bought it and so i am so grateful when i saw that i got this in the mail i was so excited because i have been thinking about just buying it myself recently so maria sent me one of these really sweet notes she said hey girl i absolutely love your channel i'm a kindergarten teacher going into my sixth year of teaching and i love watching your videos your classroom setup and day in my life videos i hope you have a great school year so thank you so much maria you are a saint for teaching kindergarten if you guys saw me on instagram you know kindergarten is that one grade that i always say i will never teach i think you guys are just heroes um but yeah so excited so i was just thinking actually yesterday before i got this in the mail that i really wanted to make like a first day of school sign or picture or something that they could hold um which i do have one on my tpt so i was just going to go print that one out so if you guys are looking for a first day of school sign i have one on my tpt that you can print out um but i wanted to do something different this year since i used that sign last year and so i'm just going to use this as my first day of school signing so it just comes with these like little letters that you just put onto this felt board [Music] the next thing on my agenda is to make the tags for their little cubbies put their names on so i ordered these little dry erase dots i did not realize how big they were i'm the worst guys i never read like measurements or descriptions when i really need to but i figure that's okay because then i can cut out like two or three dots out of this one and it's just like a peel and stick and they're dry erase so that's what i'm gonna do so it comes with 10 dots um but i'm probably going to cut out two out of each one so i'll have 20 dots total which will be perfect because that's about how many kids i'm expecting to have this year right now i only have 16 on my roster so i really hope that i really hope that'll get updated soon [Music] [Music] all right i am getting their goodie bags together so i just have a bunch of stuff um from the dollar tree candy pencil sharpeners erasers glow sticks pencils and then i have their little puppets and then i'm going to put these little tags on it that say you're officially popping into second grade i forgot i'm also going to be giving each one of them a book since i had these sitting out on meet the teacher in heights and not all my kids came i'm just gonna put each one of them in the bag [Music] [Music] [Music] all right they're all ready and they look so cute and so right now i only have 16 because that's all that's on my roster um but i figure if i have more kids show up tomorrow during my planning period i can make a few more bags i have some extra bags over there um and some extra um gifts to put inside so yeah but for now i'm just going to keep them all back here i don't put them out on the desks just because i don't want them getting into them when they come in it's just too distracting and i don't want them playing with the puppet all day so i just have them back here so it's like exciting they can see them all day um and then i give it to them as they walk out the door and i purposely staple it shut and i tell them not to open it until they get home so they don't play with it and lose anything on the bus [Music] all right i put up all of the dots with their names on it i'm going to wait to add in the rest honestly i'm just not even going to have like permanent spots until the end of the week this will just be for tomorrow so they know where to put their bag tomorrow but i'll tell them that their permanent spot will be decided on friday because i'm sure i'll have more and more kids coming in throughout the week also i'm so mad this picture frame will not stay up everything else has stayed up perfectly fine hasn't fallen once this one i've literally put four command strips on and it will not stay up so i don't know what to do anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] all right i decided to add some border it's kind of hard to see but it's just like these pastel rainbows i had a bunch of it left so i was like hmm where can i put this around the room to make it cuter and i don't have anything back here i might end up putting something like using this um whole cabinet area as like a bulletin board i had my classroom birthdays on it last year but if you watch my classroom set up i have those over there now and so yeah i just thought that would make it a lot cuter i also added the border to my smart board just on the sides and i also added it to my door out here i went ahead and set out our back-to-school morning work tomorrow i'm just gonna have this sitting at their desk so they can color it when they come in and then it just has a bunch of kind of just fun activities for them to work on i like giving them this in the morning especially while i'm greeting talking to parents talking to students and stuff like that um and just like trying to get everyone settled i want to give them something to do at their tables and this can be worked on throughout the day so we can put it away and then um i can always say you know if you finish early you can go back to working on your back to school work packet i have officially decided that this is going to be um my safe seat the safe seat is something that is universal at our school every single classroom has to have a safe seat and it has to be called a safe seat it can't be called anything else our principal just wants us to have that be a universal thing every classroom has it but i'm not done adding to it so first i'm going to keep this here um just to make it a little bit more comfy cozy instead of just like a chair that like it kind of seems like it's like a punishment because it's not supposed to be used as a punishment it's just a place where a kid can go to calm down or gather themselves or whatever it may be so i thought it would be nice to have just like a comfy little chair that they can kind of lounge in they can rest their head and then over here i have some colored pencils the behavior reflection is only if it's you know something that they did wrong that i want them to reflect on over here other than that i just have blank paper that they can just color on i have a little safe seat sign and then i just sent to the print shop a bunch of mindfulness posters so i decided i'm going to cover this right here with a bunch of mindfulness posters and breathing techniques and stuff like that that they can look at and read while they're sitting here at the safe seat and guys i was just too lazy to do anything with this bulletin board this year i'm just going to keep it as my miss campbell bulletin board i have a bunch of pictures that i want to put up there and so i need to print those out first and then i'm just going to again have this full of just like pictures of me and my family and stuff like that because my kids loved looking at those pictures last year so i'm just gonna keep it there okay i put like extra two command strips on this and so far it's been like a couple hours and it still hasn't fallen i don't have high hopes i'm i have a feeling i'm going to come in tomorrow morning and it's going to be falling down again but fingers crossed it stays up also guys i was laughing because someone pointed out to me in my last video that i have science spelled wrong i put two c's and that will need to be fixed eventually but today is just not the day i have this setup area already we're going to read first day jitters tomorrow over here this is what we're going to use for a morning meeting time so in the morning we're going to have one student go over the calendar whether days of the week and our classroom jobs so they can have one of these to point with this guy right here this is our mascot and we are going to use this as a talking tool so they can pass it around and whoever is holding the lion is the one who gets to talk this book display is all beginning of the year type books so i really love that i can just go here every single day and pick one and it's all about kind of like classroom or family or beginning of the year themed i won't be putting any objectives on this board yet this is our objective board i'm going to wait until probably next week once once i have like a better grasp on like what we're learning i also went ahead and put up this cute little tassel up here i don't know i'm just like but doing the most tiny things that are not necessary right now but sound fun to me and i had this tassel it's from amazon just sitting on my desk i'm like i need to put that somewhere so i decided to just hang it up top on the whiteboard i think it looks really cute [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys it's a couple hours later it is now going on three o'clock and i have been here since 7 45 so i have done a lot honestly the time has just flown by i can't believe it's three o'clock um i've just been working working trying to get ready for these kiddos tomorrow and i am ready there's literally nothing else i can really do um my class list is still at 16 and i think it's staying that way and of course i could get students added in the next like couple weeks but as for tomorrow i think i will only have about 16 kiddos in here which is great i love a small group um but that also means that i'll be getting the next like few like new kids because my teammates they both have like 18 um in their class right now so yeah but everything is ready to go you guys i'm just like looking around and i cannot believe that these kids will be in here tomorrow it seems like yesterday was the first day of school last school year i honestly remember it so well we were virtual teaching and i remember the first day of us coming back in person too and so it's just crazy that it's already been a whole year and this is already my second year of teaching so it's true when they say that time does fly by and it's like enjoy these first years of teaching because they fly by and i know before i know it it's gonna be my third year of teaching next year so yeah i'm just really excited i cannot wait to bring you guys with me throughout my entire day tomorrow and just like tell you how it's all going i'm definitely nervous but i don't think it's really kicked in yet i know tomorrow morning i'm gonna be really really nervous um because it's always just like you never know what to expect you never know what the kids are gonna be like how your like class um is gonna like work as a whole just how the day is gonna look if we're gonna like get to everything it's just a lot and so i can easily get stressed out like anxious the morning of but i'm trying to just like tell myself it's all exciting nerves like i'm just excited so yeah let me show you around the room and show you what the kiddos are going to walk into tomorrow so this is our front door got some boxes that need to be picked up and first thing i have our sign first day of second grade and then i gave um six of my kiddos these name tags at meet the teacher nights so anybody who did not get one i'm gonna let them grab one on their way in so they can wear it throughout the day with their name on it then panning over this is what the classroom's looking like so starting on this side we have our cubbies and tomorrow we're going to fill our supply bins which i will show you at the end of the day um after we fill those one kiddo brought his backpack to meet the teacher so i told him he could just leave it here so that's in his little cubby then over here that's our headphone station we have our little decor wall that's hopefully going to hang on and then i'm going to let my kiddos pick their seats tomorrow morning because i kind of want to get a feel for like where they want to sit who they sit by and then i'll tell them how they you know interact that day will determine if they're gonna sit by them again tomorrow so yeah they're gonna come in they're gonna eat their breakfast they'll have this little packet to work on i showed you before they can just color it work on it they can mingle at their tables then over here we have our safe seat and it also has my computer because it hooks up to the laptop then over here we have our whiteboard i have all the kiddos gifts ready this is my little section back here also i wanted to show you guys i got a new backpack it's so cute it's from target i love it so much all right and that is it that is the classroom tomorrow i will show you guys all of our plans for the day either in the morning i'll tell you or at the end of the day i'll like recap and tell you everything we did that way i can kind of tell you like how it went what we ended up doing instead because you know that always happens and all that so yeah i'm about to head out and go home and i'll see you guys in the morning on the first day of school good morning everybody happy first day of school i just got to school and i have about a half hour until kiddos start showing up i am so excited i feel so good last year on the first day of school i was like an anxious mess in the morning and it was just like a really hard morning for me to get past the anxiety but i woke up feeling great i got a good night of sleep i brought a coffee with me i am just so excited to meet all of my kids because i only got to meet six of them at meet the teacher night and i just i feel really good so let me show you my outfit i am obsessed with this outfit this is a cute little jumper from a brand called up west and i love it so much i have a cardigan from them as well that i'm obsessed with i love the little slits down at the bottom it's just so flowy so comfy it's so easy to move around in and yeah i just think it's perfect for the first day of school the calm before the storm all right guys it is my lunch slash planning period my schedule's a lot different this year as i only have one break during the middle of the day but it's a really long break it's like an hour and a half long um i just have to pick them up from recess and bring them to specials in between but i thought i would update you all i'm tired it has been a very long crazy energy filled day and i am really sleepy but it's all going really well i do have a really good class they're just very high energy and last year my class was like really quiet and shy and this year's class is the complete opposite i mean half of them don't know each other but it's like they all already are best friends they're all just like can't stop talking at their tables and so yeah we are definitely gonna have to work on some more management of like the talking and all that um but other than that it's gone really well they're all really sweet overall a really good class so yeah that's good i am only missing i think one student is absent so other than that i only have 16 kids total so i only have 15 here right now i assume i'll probably have up to 18 by you know next week even but maybe not who knows maybe we just have low enrollment this year but yeah so i am on my lunch break right now although it got cut really short because i mean it took us so long to get out of the classroom just to go to lunch just because you know we're going over the expectations of like getting in line and walking in the hallway and going to lunch and all that and so it took a while for us to just like go over everything and i made them wait you know i said you know i'll wait for you guys to be totally ready so yeah so far so good i'll show you guys some stuff that we did today so the first thing we did we had this morning slide out and they just came in they ate their breakfast they put their backpacks and their cubbies and then we just had that packet that i showed you guys um just for them to kind of like work on there's like word searches and stuff that they're working on then at around 7 50 i got their attention and i had them throw away their breakfast and put up their packets and we started a little slideshow about me so i just introduced myself and i told them a little bit about me show them this picture me when i was seven i talked about my family i showed them nala girl we talked about their pets i showed them my baby niece we talked about all of my favorite things and this was really fun because we went around and kind of shared our favorite things then um this slide is the one that took the longest i didn't plan for it to but we just got in like a really good discussion all about like how second grade is different than first grade and kindergarten and all that they'll learn in second grade so these are a few things that i wrote down just after a full year of teaching second grade these are like the things that really stuck out to me and so we talked about what it means to be more independent what reading stamina means and all that so that was a really good discussion then we had a room tour so i let them just point to any spot in the room and i told them about it since there is a lot going on in here and i saw them all morning kind of just like looking around the room trying to figure out what everything was so yeah we just went around and i told them what everything was in the room then we went over our classroom expectations so we talked all about rules why we have roles in the classroom what roles they would want in the classroom and then our classroom word this year is respect like i said which we have up over there so we talked about each one of those letters what each one of those letters mean and then we just talked about why we have rules and then we talked a little bit about procedures i didn't go over every one of these procedures but we just talked about like why we have these procedures in the classroom and we actually had a boot camp this morning is what they call it to where each one of your classes goes out to the buses where our principal talks all about like our bus procedures and then we go to the cafeteria they learn about the cafeteria procedures and roles and then they go outside to recess where they learn about recess rules and procedures just so they can learn about it before they do each of those things and so before we got in line and headed out in the hallway i really wanted to talk about our procedures for hallway time so i used this to kind of like guide that and i like checked off lining up in hallway after we did that then whenever we came back we did a fun game and we all came to the carpet so we talked all about like how important it is to come to the carpet every day and how to come to the carpet and i basically just had like one student at a time come to the carpet and like show the class what that's supposed to look like and we played the name game so the name game was really fun basically i mean you guys have probably heard of or played this game before where i say my name and then the next student has to say my name and their name the next student has to say my name that person in front of them's name and their name and then you just go along a line and so the person in the back has to say everybody's name but it was actually really fun i was worried that it was going to be like too chaotic but they all thought it was really fun and i think that's just like the best way to learn names because you have to say everybody's name over and over and over again and so by the end of it i feel like everyone had a pretty good grasp on what everybody's name was but yeah that was really fun then after the name game we read first day jitters i love that book so much if you haven't read it you definitely need to it's so good and my kids were so confused there's a little twist at the ending i won't spoil it for you but um my kids were so confused at the end and so we talked all about like what the ending meant and why they put that ending in there and all of that and then after that we did a little writing activity so i just printed this out it's my first day feelings and it says on my first day of school i felt and then they could draw a picture and then write at the bottom all about how they felt so i really just wanted to do that to one see where they were all at with their writing i wanted to like walk around and see um just how they're doing with their writing skills and um also i wanted to practice that like table work time just so they could get used to not talking and actually having to quiet down and get to work so yeah we did that for about 15 minutes and then after that we lined up and we went to lunch oh i forgot to tell you before we came to the carpet um whenever we came back from the boot camp we did a quick supply sorting so basically i had each one of them go in their cubbies and grab those supply bags that i showed you yesterday and then they also grabbed their backpacks they brought it back to their tables and i had them go through and put in their pencils crayons colored pencils and all of these things into their supply bag and yes it was a little hectic and i had to like walk around and help every single kid pretty much but i feel so much better knowing that now all of the supplies everything that they will need are in the supply bags in their cubbies and i'm even thinking about getting one of those like white bends in the middle of their tables and putting their supply bags in it just so they don't have to go to their cubbies every time to get it because those transitions are what take the most time it is 11 40 and they are about to head out to recess and then i just have to pick them up from recess at 11 50 and take them to specials and they have art today and then they have specials from 11 50 to 12 40. i have my schedule over there to 12 40 and then we will come back here and school gets out at 2 30. so we'll have about two hours a little less than two hours to finish off the day and basically what i plan for the end of the day i have some team building activities that i want to do i have to kind of wait and see like how amped up they are after specials and recess and lunch because that's just like a really long break for them so it might be hard to kind of like reel it in like bring back to school mode but i had some fun games in mind the first game is the telephone game because i love that game i think it's really good for team building um we get like a big circle or i can keep them at their desks i'm not sure how i want to do it yet and i'll come up with a sentence that i'll tell one kid and they have to whisper to the person next to them and if they get it completely right at the end of the chain i'm gonna give each of them a piece of candy but if not i don't know i might still give them a piece of candy just for participating we'll see um how they do with it but if they don't get it right it'll be like a lesson on team building and just like having to listen to one another and all of that um another game is find someone with the same so i can say like find someone who has the same favorite food as you so they can like stand up and go find someone who loves tacos and then once you're like with that pair we'll go around and share what their favorite thing was that one i'm not sure if i'll get two because that sounds a little chaotic but it is on my list and then the third game is called finder finder and this one sounds really fun so there's really no academic anything to this game but one student you pick to go out in the hallway and they're going to be the finder and then once they go in the hallway you as a class decide on like a certain object that you want them to find when they get back into the classroom so let's say they need to find the pencil sharpener when they get back in the classroom you have to describe the object so like find something silver or whatever and the closer they get to the object you clap faster and faster and faster and like the further away they are from the object you clap slower so that one sounds really fun also but again could be chaotic depending on the group so i'll kind of just have to wait and see but those are three games that i had in mind we might only get like one possibly two of them when we come back and then i have a math activity that i want us to work on i have um just kind of like a show what you know packet because i am really interested just to see where they're all at with math so um i think it'd also be just a good time to practice independent work at our tables and i might let them work around the room with a partner if they do well but i just found this um i think this was just is this on tpt maybe um it just says show what you know and the first page is like really really simple just like three plus one six plus two um but that's important for me to see if they do know that and the second page it gets a little bit harder a little bit higher digit numbers and then the third page it's like double digit numbers which i'm not expecting them to know how to do but sometimes kids surprise you and they end up knowing more than you would think that they would know and then the last page is just fill in the missing numbers which is always good to see if they know their number since um and all that so that is what we're going to work on as well and i like giving them the opportunity to work with partners on things like this so they can find a spot around the room and work on it a little bit together and then i know the end of the day routine is going to take a while so i mean it's going to take at least a half hour probably to nail down the end of the day routine which is just they have to clean up their own spots they have to pack their bags stack their chairs line up and then we play a game of magic trash which i'm sure all of you guys know what magic trash is but if you don't i just have to say it because everybody needs to know what this game is magic trash is where you tell the class that you are going to pick a piece of trash from the room and whoever is the one that picks up the piece of trash gets a prize like a piece of candy or whatever and we played this every single day at the end of the day last year and it gets your room so spotless because i'm looking around and i just see like paper and like straws everywhere just like little things on the ground so you just have to like go nuts you can either have the whole class play but that does get a little crazy last year i would say okay i'm gonna pick three to five friends who are standing in line quietly to play magic trash and then i would just have them go around the room and pick up stuff and sometimes i honestly would just pick a random winner maybe someone who picked up the most trash i don't know um but yeah that is like key to do at the end of the day to clean up your trash in your room it's the best so i'm just going to have this slide for them to look at as we do our end of the day routine we'll just clean up the room and that'll pretty much be it so i'm going to chill i only have about seven more minutes before i have to go get them from recess and bring them to art but then after that i have about 40 minutes so i'm just going to get some work done i want to plan for tomorrow one of my goals this year is to really utilize my planning period which i did a pretty good job of last year but i just want to make sure i'm doing that again this year and so i have not planned for tomorrow only because i just like to see how the first day goes and that really helps me with my expectations for how tomorrow will go and what all we can get through and i knew there's gonna be a lot of stuff that we didn't get through today that we can fit into tomorrow's schedule so i just wanted to see how today went um so yeah that's some um stuff i'm gonna do on my plan time i'm gonna eat my lunch when i get back because i don't have time to do it right now and then yeah i'll just catch up with you guys later and give you an update on how the day is going all right guys it is the end of the day i feel like i look exhausted my makeup is like rubbed off from my mask but guys the end of the day went so well i swear it went better than the beginning of the day i was really nervous them all coming back from lunch recess and specials that they would be like crazy but we came back we had some independent time we did math and then after that we pretty much just packed up and i gave us like plenty of time to pack up i gave us like 35 minutes to do it but i'm glad because it literally took us to the last minute just because i was going over just like procedures and expectations and stuff but it went really well and yeah i just left them like feeling so good and just excited to see them all tomorrow and yeah i just i feel so lucky i just i love them i'm such a good class but anyway i just sat down and i'm going to assign some seats because the seats that they're at now ain't gonna work they did pretty good today but i noticed a lot of the chatty boys chose to sit together and then like the chatty girls sat together so i just had like two tables that were talking all day so unfortunately i have to split them up i know they're gonna be sad but i did warn them this morning i said how you back today it depends on where i set you tomorrow so they knew um so i'm gonna go around give them all new spots by the way i'm just using my cute erin condren planner it comes with this chart paper so i just went ahead i'm gonna cover a lot of their names but i just went ahead and wrote it over on this one i went ahead and gave them all new spots i just used these hello my name is nametag signs from the target dollar spot they are sticky on the back and dry erase so i just wrote on them with a dry erase marker i'm really hoping these aren't gonna be too hard to get off the desks but i hope they're hard enough to get off that the kids can't just like rip them off and then yeah i just rode on them with dry erase markers so if i need to move any kids i can always erase it as you see i also put these bins on top of their tables and i decided the little supply caddies that i had them filled today i'm going to keep them in the bends so there's three people to a table only two to a table at that one and so i figure i can just keep them right here that will help me stay a lot more organized and it will minimize the amount of times the kids have to get up and go to their cubbies to get the supply bags because i hate transitions they take so long and it just disrupts the whole day so yeah that should hopefully keep everything at their table that they would ever possibly need so they don't have to get up as much all right i am done for the day i'm about to head out i have an orange theory class unfortunately at 5 45 so i got to go home pretty much just change and then head back out and i'll check in with you guys later hello everybody good morning a happy wednesday so i am actually the worst because i didn't even end up going to orange theory last night because i just i knew i was gonna be tired but i thought i would still be able to go but i just could not get the motivation or the discipline to go so i literally was like you know what i deserve to have a night off i just i was so tired from the whole school day i also suck because i haven't vlogged all morning and i'm already on my lunch period and it's 11 30. it's been a really good day so far and i just like can't believe how different today has been from yesterday i guess i should have known that since yesterday was just the first day of school the just like nerves the excitement all of that was just like on another level um but today it was crazy they came in and they've just been like so sweet and quiet and i don't know they've just been behaving so well and pretty much all day has been really great and i feel like now that they kind of know my expectations better and they know kind of our procedures and all of that it's just gone so much smoother so yeah it's been a really really great day i still have such a small class though so i'm not getting too excited because i could be getting like five or six more kids in the next week or two who knows um and you guys know how that is when you get a new student let alone five new students it changes the entire environment of your classroom i'm about to eat i am starving so i'm going to eat and first i will show you guys some things that we've done today so this morning before we did anything i decided i wanted to make a class contract you guys have probably seen this before on instagram i just thought it was so such a cute idea um i just got this brown paper came in like a roll from the target dollar spot i think last year so this morning we just started off by talking all about like why we have class rules and what roles they want in the classroom so we just went around i had them raise their hand and say rules and so they came up with every single one of these which i thought was so nice and i'm going to end up putting the contract right there on that cabinet in just a little bit we've had a pretty good day and they've been beating me and teacher with students so that's always good and they have more points than me pretty much we went over all expectations when it comes to morning meeting we came to the carpet and we did our entire morning meeting we also did some team building activities so we played the telephone game we did find someone with the same and then we played that fun finder finder game also you guys i was able to update my safe seat area i told you i put a lot of copies into the printer and so i put all of these just like mindfulness posters over on this wall so if they come over here and have to sit in the safe seat they can look at all those let me show you my outfit of the day right i am wearing another piece from my teacher style box i am wearing these super cute express pants they're this like white just like really comfy stretchy material they're like more relaxed at the bottoms have pockets on the back and i just love how like high-waisted they are i thought they would be so cute with like little t-shirts wearing my same sandals that i love and then i'm wearing my i am here for the kids shirt this is from the right stuff chicks and yeah that's the fit so it's been a really good day i have my coffee which i needed desperately this morning when my alarm went off at 5 30. i did not want to get up at all so um i needed my coffee and it has helped me really just get through the day i'm about to sit down eat my lunch and then i have to go pick them up and bring them to specials in like 20 minutes also real quick i thought this was the cutest thing one of my kids came in this morning and she was like i brought you an apple so cute she was like on the first day of school i always bring my teachers an apple and i forgot to bring it to you yesterday so i really wanted to bring it to you today and i just love how she put it in like this giant ziploc bag kids are just hilarious it is the end of the day i'm so ready to go home i've actually been here for about an hour um since i dropped the kids off but i just had so much to do i've been over here at my desk just planning because planning this year has looked a lot different than last year with last year being virtual our district basically had all these virtual learning resources on schoology if you guys have heard of that and it actually looking back was really helpful because it was basically all laid out for us in like powerpoint slides and so i literally just would like pull it up every day and it was super easy to plan so now they took that away and we just have to go back to planning from the book which most teachers do they just plan from like a teacher resource book um but it requires a lot more planning so i'm like i gotta stay here a lot longer so i've just been trying to like get it together and figure out what i'm doing these next couple days and me and my team have just been talking trying to figure out if we're starting um teaching real stuff yet because the first week of school usually is just like a lot of procedures and expectations you don't teach a lot of content but we're getting to the point where we're starting to get ready to start teaching content so yeah i've just been staying after school to work on all of that but it's 3 45 i'm gonna head home i have a pier bar class at 5 30 and i am determined to actually go today yesterday was my one and only cancel that i was allowing because it was the first day of school it was exhausting but i'm staying on track now i'm going to beer bar tonight and yeah i'm going to end up this vlog here because i was editing it and i was like wow this is becoming a very long vlog for only being a couple days long so thank you so much for watching this vlog i hope you enjoyed if you want to see more vlogs like this give this video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe so that you don't miss any future vlogs i vlog every single week sometimes it'll be a week-long vlog sometimes it'll be just a couple days like this one depending how long they end up getting but either way thank you again for watching and i will see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Madison Campbell
Views: 71,155
Rating: 4.9539347 out of 5
Id: Cl2h6vi5MQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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