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good morning friends welcome to the very last day of classroom setup hopefully i'm done today because today is our last day of prep before the kids come tomorrow i can't wait oh i'm so excited to be back we were virtual all last year except for a little tiny bit of social emotional starting in march and only a couple kids were coming at a time so it was not at all the same and even though we're gonna be masked this year we are not doing social distancing there's no kind of like guide for that and we can do flexible seating we can do small groups we can do all of that so i am just oh elated i have just a couple more things to do setup wise and then actual prep for the first day of school which i count as part of setup we're setting up for the first day um and i'm gonna show you what that looks like [Music] yo first of all i am so excited because i had two bulbs that were out and i only had two extra lights at the back and that is a major glimmer that it just so happened to be the same exact number so all of the lights are working it makes it look so homey and i just love it and the kids are gonna love it the room setup part is completely done okay i just looked over and i saw one more thing i have to do oh my gosh i just remembered one other thing ah okay almost done i don't have the things for that or that yet so let me just show you what i'm talking about so i still haven't got these little book displays they're just gonna be from the dollar store where i know you can't see that but um these are standing up for students to try to give them like some interest in it and then i don't know if i'm going to put these up i don't really know where to put them and i don't want to mess with it right now you know i could just stand them up against the window let's see okay i ended up putting them against the window i think it looks super cute and then i don't have to put any holes in the wall with nails or anything so starting over at the door you guys have seen all of this except for that little gray and whatever colored cart one of my co-workers was throwing that away i think she said some of the drawers are broken at the bottom but i do not care i think what i'm gonna do is set up some kind of organization system for their friday folders i might even put the turn in bin there that way it's easy they can put exit tickets in there on the way out i'm not really sure it's a new room so we're gonna have to play around with what we want the lights turned out so so cute so i had enough to go around twice around the white board and the smart board and i even had enough to go like all the way around each board i just went like that and i got to wrap that twice and then there was so much left over that i got to also put them twice around all three of these windows which is amazing i know it's kind of hard to see in the camera but they look super cute in person and then i just pulled out some books for the first week of school that i'm going to be reading i'll show you guys in the next vlog i don't think anything else over here is different no um that printer cart was the one that i was using because my printer wasn't set up yet so that's gonna be gone i don't think any of this is different my desk area is finally set up all i need to do is get a cord cover and then organize those cords underneath but i'm gonna get a cord cover right here so that it's not a tripping hazard i'm gonna figure out how to make this look less terrible but i love how the plant kind of covers it i was originally gonna hang it up there from the macrame but it's so heavy that it fell immediately like i didn't fall i was still holding it but it wasn't gonna hold so i'm just gonna get a smaller one that's really light that way i can still hang it and it's not like obviously a hazard so here's how this is set up now i'm not really sure where to put my little teacher cart so i'm gonna have to figure out something for that all back here or all my binders for grade book lesson planning writing resources all of that all my curriculum is down here those are books that go with our curriculum like our mentor texts and then the other three cubbies that have books in them are just books that i use for lessons or sel stuff or my nice books that i read to the kids that i don't want them to touch or lose and then i was mentioning earlier that this is where i put stuff for each day right now it's just kind of a mess because i am kind of a little scatterbrained right now and not sure exactly what we're gonna get to so i have things just kind of unorganized right now got my teacher toolbox how cute is this one of my new co-workers put this in my mailbox earlier so cute i love this i love that i have a little workstation now so all of this stuff is things that i'm gonna be doing the first week of school which is actually just two days and then this is where i'm gonna have kids put their book chat books i will explain what that means later these are the mini jenga games for tomorrow we're gonna be playing get to know you jenga again i'm gonna do a first week of school vlog all about the activities that i'm doing so if you're wondering what i'm talking about i will be showing you all of this in another vlog this is my desk area it came and helped me get everything set up so i now have the computer linked to the smart board which is on the apple tv is not turning on for some reason over there so he's gonna come back and help me with that tomorrow i think i showed you the lights already but i just left them oh so homie here is our library i added a sign to the picture books that just says welcome to fourth grade the ones that are on that standing shelf are the nonfiction books that standing shelf was the teachers that i student taught with and he gave it to me when i was leaving and i am obsessed with it that was a great find those are the posters from elementary mitten i'll be doing a whole room tour so if you're wondering where i got any of these resources i will share those with you later this is our calm corner i added this little basket down here it just has crayons a whiteboard and then some coloring pages with some inspirational quotes and then i found some books in my library just some books that kind of have emotions in them these ones are literally emotion books okay my assistant principal just came in my room and said that parents are coming on campus right now to do a walk-around tour so she was like it's time to go i'm rescuing you so i'm gonna leave and i will do the rest of the tour for you guys to show you what we got done tomorrow morning first day of school yay okay friends i'm back i'm gonna show you the rest of the classroom sorry i had to cut it off all quickly last night so let me just quickly flip you around and i'll show you the rest it is the first day of school today so i kind of gotta get jamming but i'm gonna do a whole classroom tour very soon if you guys want to see the whole classroom in detail and find out where everything's from and all of that good stuff okay so i last showed you the calm corner again i'm gonna be making some stuff here but i just haven't had time yet so it's just gonna have to do for now and i will update you as i have that and coming around this wall i finally was able to get those four sheets of paper and i feel like they look good right there and i can only have 34 students i found out i'm not gonna have 36 so that's awesome um i put together our composition notebooks these are going to be for reading and writing workshop they're going to be bringing in some more and then we're going to set up the tab so i'm just going to leave those here for now just have a little letterboard i want my students to know that they belong here i think i showed you guys these these are all the student materials in case they need anything that they don't have at their desk we're going to use index cards for exit tickets they use sticky notes for their reading to jot down ideas i will share with you guys what i do for reading instead of reading logs but that is again not today i never had a chance to make the glimmer papers but again we're not going to do that the first week anyways so i can kind of roll things out as i need to globes we've got our affirmation station of course oh look at this dress and all its glory i love it and then nothing was added to this wall except for the lights which looks like some of the tape came off on top so i need to readjust that and then i was able to get all of our yoga balls blown up one of our custodians had an air compressor thank goodness blew it up in like 10 seconds so we're gonna have to play around with this area i'm not sure if it's too crowded i'm going to let the students decide and i can take things out as needed here is a view from the back of the classroom oh i love it you guys i feel like it turned out so well i hope the kids are excited that blue thing down there is a doorbell it has a little clicker attached to it and then it makes i think there's like 50 different chimes that you can use and that's what i use as an attention getter we're going to create some new ones today i'm going to let them decide based on like tick-tock trends or whatever they want to do what call-in responses we want to do so i will share those with you later probably in the first week vlog last night i did take their homework folders home so i could put a sheet protector in all of them inside of this is going to be their book chat log which i will explain to you what that is in a book chat vlog but basically that is how i keep track of their reading and communicate with parents how they're doing with their reading and help them pick books and all kinds of things like that grow them as readers so i just wanted to have those ready to go don't mind my nail polish i picked off in the shower this one too we're starting to trend people only four fingers are painted and then i also took home my mini jenga pieces i only had a couple that i needed um to make more for because i have more students this year so each end is colored a different color and then i have a sheet that says if they pull a certain color then it's like a get to know you question or prompt so we're going to play that today all right friends that is it for classroom setup we are all set up and ready to go for kiddos today stay tuned for a first week of school vlog and a classroom tour let me know what else you guys want to see down there i will make sure that i link everything that you guys see in here if it is available on tpt good luck setting up your classrooms i hope you have an amazing school year and my kiddos i can't wait to see you you're probably not watching this but if you are i love you already i will see you guys later bye
Channel: Hello Miss Romeo
Views: 5,159
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, teacher vlog, classroom, classroom setup, setup, classroom setup 2021, teacher tuber, teacher youtuber, first week of school, fourth grade, fourth grade teacher, 4th grade, 4th grade teacher, hello miss romeo, hello 3rd grade, hello3rdgrade, hellomissromeo
Id: 4L99X_zom6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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