CLASSROOM SETUP DAY TWO: Setting up my library/desk area and unpacking

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hello friends welcome back this is technically day one of classroom setup but i feel like yesterday counts as day one because i was moving and like you know that's the that's the first part my room is in absolute shambles yesterday i just pretty much threw boxes in and then put a couple things in the cabinets but my janitor is currently um switching out the long tables that i have which i'm kind of sad about i really liked them so i'm getting i think like triangular desks so what i was thinking about doing first since he hasn't finished switching those out yet is trying to clear out some of these boxes i think i'm going to set up my library first i have an idea but i'm not sure if it's going to work out space wise once the desks are in here so i'm going to set that up first get my desk area set up and the library and then the boxes and then we'll check back in wish me luck this is definitely a lot of work ahead of me but honestly i'm not even really that stressed i feel like i have so much support here that it's gonna be fine and it doesn't have to be like perfectly ready for the first day and i have help coming tomorrow my best friend and possibly one more person is coming to help so it'll get done it'll get done i'm not stressed that much okay just to give you an idea of what we're working with here this is where i'm starting oh almost fell don't mind me there's so much stuff everywhere i keep tripping all right peeps i can do hard things oh my gosh [Music] [Music] okay i'm thinking about doing my library here my idea with these two little privacy chairs is to have that be like a little reading area that the kids can use but then also it makes a little space back here for a little calm down corner it looks like there's not that much space but there's plenty so i was thinking of having like some posters back here with qr codes to like youtube videos for like mindfulness or a little stretching or breathing exercises or just something that would help the kids calm down maybe like a little basket with like some books students can read about like emotions or just kind of like in general to distract them uh maybe like some fidget toys and that way it gives them a space that's kind of like hidden away from everyone so if they're having you know like a rough time or a meltdown or whatever they have somewhere to go where people can't look at them i feel like i would like that so i want to create that for them and then i don't know what to do about these because i literally just bought these at the end of last year and they are already terrible and they weren't even that cheap they were from amazon i don't even remember how much they were but they weren't cheap enough for them to be doing that already so i don't know how to set up my library i think i might just honestly get rid of those like as much as it pains me because they are not that old i also don't want to be using stuff that's going to fall apart so what i was thinking is using these let me go show you i have three of these shelves that i can use i'm not sure if i want to use all of them in the library because they're kind of big but i can also kind of put one so i can do two of them across the wall like they are right now and then maybe one to make kind of like a three walled library area and then i was also thinking of maybe putting where'd it go there's a little table somewhere oh right here putting this little table there with those bleacher chairs around it so kids can have that spot to sit at too i don't know we'll see we'll see i do want to get the library set up first though because the majority of these boxes are books so i feel like that'll kind of take a lot of the stress away once that's set up so all right back to work [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] bye [Music] [Music] uh [Music] okay i just had an impromptu meeting with my team or at least two of my teammates and they are both awesome they were willing to share everything so they showed me like the schedule a curriculum map for the year first week of school stuff homework stuff the curriculum that we use like everything so i was over there for i think like an hour and a half so i didn't haven't got much done in my room yet but that's okay the custodian just caught up with me and said that he took out the tables and i'm gonna be getting these desks instead so little triangular desks um but this is all i have so far so i was hoping to be able to get the layout set up today so i could just decorate tomorrow but that's okay i'll figure out the layout tomorrow morning when i come so right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to get my desk area set up what i'm thinking is moving the desk sideways and then putting it against the white board and having like a little either a table behind it or a table on the side of it although if i do the table on the side then i might not put this against the white board i don't know we'll see and then what i want to do up here in the front in front of the smart board is have like a big carpet area where students can meet and i want to get some kind of like futon or something that i could put either like against my desk facing it or maybe depending on how the desk gets set up if there is an area where i can like face it right here like towards the smart board that would be cool um but i'm gonna have to just play with it i don't know we'll see let's try [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay all of these chords are stressing me out half of them are attached to things over here half of them are attached to the wall i'm starting to feel that panic set in where like i know i don't have enough time to like do everything that i need to do and like little things like this are like making me upset can't cry yet though it's too early uh hate this setup i don't know what to do with the file cabinet i've never used a file cabinet i just ignored it i want to put it sideways like facing out that way this little cabinet can be like flush up against it but then it's it's not going to go flush against the wall because of this but then if i stick it out then there's like an awkward little space you know what i guess i could put my little mini fridge right here and that would kind of take up that space but then it's like sticking out really far where i'm walking and i know i would bump myself on that okay let me play around with it [Music] okay i don't really like that either because all of these cords are not long enough to wrap around the back but i don't really want this over here in this corner because then i don't know where to put this where it's not blocking a window i guess it doesn't have to be by my desk although that makes the most sense but where else would i put it i don't know i hate trying to organize furniture okay my friend nancy that i shared with you guys in like the big news video the one who works here she gave me these and then these and she said she has two more of these so what i was thinking is either putting this one or this one behind my desk which i moved to that and it's already falling apart so i just need to get rid of those those are not gonna work the little white shelves money wasted so i'm gonna put either the long one or the short one behind there and whichever one i don't use for behind my desk i'm to use for my library and i was thinking since i'm going to have three of those smaller ones that i could use those instead and i'm going to be completely changing my library system this year instead of having all the books in bins like this i'm going to be using molly from lessons with laughter's labeling system where all of the books are out and have a sticker on their spine i think that would be plenty of room so i think i think i'm going to use the long one let me see if it fits hold on quick glimmer one of my teammates has a wife who works in cosmetics and he brought over this big old bag and was like my wife gets all kinds of samples do you want any of this look at all these colors oh my goodness i don't know if you can tell this one's like a really pretty green it looks similar to this one but that's periwinkle which is my favorite color this just needs to be shaken how cute come up okay i absolutely love it here that is perfect don't mind all the cords i'm gonna have i.t help me with that because i don't know a solution for this and here's why my desk is probably backwards based on the classroom the flat part of the desk should be able to go against the wall where all the cords are that way it hides it but it's on the opposite side um i mean i guess i could put my desk against the white board still but the only thing is i wanted to have this table over here oh yeah i moved that too don't mind all the mess i wanted to have this table over here so that i could meet with students and then also have an area for myself to plan so i don't want to have the desk against the wall because then i won't be able to well what if i put it against the wall flat and then i put this table where the desk is i don't love that because i like that this blocks like my little area that way it doesn't have to be like perfectly tidy all the time but i don't know if that would be the only way to do it with the cords all right we'll have to see if i do it like that where i put the desk against the wall then that would free up a space over here where i could put like a little like flexible seating area i don't know we'll see also i moved this around and put these little chairs in here i like how that looks nice little reading area super cute still haven't made a whole ton of progress over here i'm not stressed you're stressed okay and then for the little one for right now since i don't have those other ones to put all the books in i was thinking about just leaving it here and using that for all of my fiction picture books because i want the kids to have access to those but i used to have them in these little like hanging cubby things i don't even know what to call them but they were kind of trashed and super mismatchy so i just got rid of them so think about putting those there but i don't know if it'd be too much to like stack them since they're picture books like obviously i'd have them spine out but i don't know we'll see i'm going to try right now because i want to get rid of some of these boxes and all of my fiction books are in a bigger box so here we go [Music] you you okay ignore the books on top right now those i need to sort into where they go for their chapter book bin but i've got bigger fish to fry right now so i'm just gonna leave that but i like how it looks with the picture books so i think i'm gonna go with it okay friends i am done for the day i had to just set you guys down and just kind of get be bopping on some stuff because i am a little bit overwhelmed obviously there's a lot of stuff over here that needs to be moved but um for now i'm going to leave that long table there and then i love this little cabinet here no idea where to put the rainbow cart that has all my astrobites paper and then i found another box of books so i need to figure out where i'm going to put all of those although some of the bins didn't get read very much so i might give away some books and kind of consolidate but i don't know yet we'll see um my globes yay um i put student supplies out here for now i'm not sure exactly where i'm gonna put those but i was thinking of maybe having like some kind of like cabinet or something like not cabinet but like basically like one of those white things that's under my desk over here by the door for student supplies and then put like the turning bin right there so that kids can do it like put their exit tickets and things in before they go out the door hopefully tomorrow i will have all of my desks so i can set up the layout and then i have two friends coming tomorrow one of my co-workers offered to come help me too to put up paper so i i need to go to lakeshore right now and get some paper but i'm not sure entirely still what i want to do because there's so much wall space if i'm going to put paper on all of the walls but i really do want to put paper on all the walls i just don't know if it's too much i don't know not too much like in general to have it but like too much isn't like too much for me to try to do right now but although if i have help it probably wouldn't take that long i don't know i'm gonna think about on the drive i'll probably get enough rolls to cover all of the walls and then if i don't use it i can always return it so we'll see i didn't get as much done today as i wanted to i really wanted to get the layout set up so that tomorrow when i came in i could put up all of the paper and then figure out like where i wanted certain boards to be at but i'm reminding myself that if it's not all done by the first day that's okay back to school night is a week after the first day so parents won't be in here for a while after that and i'm so glad that i got to meet with a couple of my teammates today and kind of get things ironed out a little bit i still have some planning to do for the first week but at least i have a little bit better understanding of how they do things so that takes a lot of stress off too because now that i know i can kind of start planning on my own i also i'm gonna go tonight and make some bulletin boards at home on my little i keep calling it cricket but it's a cameo it's a silhouette but i also printed out some things like some little cards that are affirmation stations for this mirror so i'm gonna get some command strips and then hang that on the mirror or on the wall right there and then the little affirmation station is little hearts and it's like i am kind respected blah blah blah you know things like that so i think i'm gonna put that here and then i have all of these laminated um gosh i'm so sorry you guys my brain is so fried right now i'm doing my best um all of these laminated paper to put on student work and so i'm gonna make a display that was in my old classroom too i was thinking about maybe doing that on like part of this wall and then doing another board right here that way i wouldn't have to put paper right there and i think it'd be okay if i didn't put any paper on this wall because the globes are up there so it's not like you know i need to put anything up there either and even then if i wanted to i feel like a quote above it or something but it's really hard to get to like the cabinets are kind of wide so i don't even know how i would get up there ah that's another thing with the paper i'm going to need a tall ladder uh i just want this to be done i also still haven't decided yet if i want to just do that white wood like shiplap type paper not necessarily like because it's trendy or whatever i know a lot of people are using it right now but i just think it looks so clean and bright and like homey and then the bulletin boards i want to do are like black and then um pops of color for how i want to like the headers i have like a certain like font and like color scheme in my head that i want to use and i think that will pop nicely off the white wood but i also kind of want to do shades of blue especially since i'm going to be doing that student work wall that has the blue paper on it so i don't know and periwinkle is my favorite color and i saw this really beautiful fabric at walmart the other day that i could use for a bulletin board because all of our walls um you can just staple right into ah i don't know i would ask for your help but by the time i post this i'm already gonna have decided so if you want to take a guess at what you think i did down below let me know okay it's five o'clock so i think i'm gonna get out of here go get the paper eat something take a shower relax for a little bit prep a little bit of stiff and then be back here bright and early wish me luck my friends moving classrooms is not fun it's the first time i've done it and it's a lot of work i basically only got things unpacked today and kind of set up my desk area but not even really and the library and that's literally it send help okay i will see you guys soon for the next part of classroom setup send me all your good vibes friends love you bye
Channel: Hello Miss Romeo
Views: 12,554
Rating: 4.9174314 out of 5
Keywords: classroom setup, classroom, setup, classoom setup 2021, teacher, teacher vlog, teacher tuber, hello miss romeo, hello 3rd grade, fourth grade, fourth grade teacher, i teach, beginning of school, school, school year, 4th grade
Id: jOEn5v7MaYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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