CLASSROOM SETUP 2021 * final days* | Work Week in My Life Vlog | Boho Rainbow Classroom

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welcome to day five of classroom setup i think it's day five my hair is different i actually got it done this weekend if you guys are wondering so this morning i actually have a staff meeting for an hour um and then when i get back i'm going to be focusing on my cabinets today and if i have time then i'm going to go ahead and start setting up my library as well if you are just joining us this is what my room looks like so far if you've missed the other days of setup and would like to see how i set everything up you can look down below my description box i'm gonna head to my staff meeting and then i will be back to finish this i'm like so not used to my yellow hair i think i need to go back and tone it it's kind of yellow but anyway i'll be back i could not vlog today at all it was just it was a very very busy day um and that's what i was anticipating that's why i always go in for classroom setup a little bit earlier than everyone else and because i always anticipate this today was the first day back for the entire staff so there was like a welcome back meeting and just you know important information that was presented at the staff meeting obviously so that took up my morning and then when i got back there was just a lot of like people coming in and out of my classroom and that goes for everybody right because we're all catching up and touching base with each other and you know just talking about i guess logistics and stuff as to what to expect you know the upcoming school year and then i had a team meeting with my new team in the afternoon so there was that and then i had to go back and forth between the work room and my classroom to you know print things that i had accidentally printed wrong or had forgotten and then i needed to laminate and all that so there was a lot of like back and forth back and forth i wasn't in my classroom the whole time and then a lot of the times there were people in my classroom so um like at one point i had a custodian in my room fixing all the heights of the desk because they're all different levels so i wanted them even and so that custodian was so gracious and lowered them all for me so that's why and before i knew it was like five o'clock so i didn't vlog at all but what i did was i took a little like panorama of my classroom and what it looks like as of currently and so i figured i would just like tell you guys what i did so starting in my teacher corner that's like the only corner that's pretty much set with the exception of my cards like i still have my cards at home they're you know right here it's actually like right in front of me and then i have some carts in my car that i haven't unloaded yet i'm going to get to that probably by thursday friday is open house when i meet the students and the families okay so the t-shirt corner is pretty much set the front of the room looks pretty good they're just like little things here and there you know like that kind of if you're a teacher i feel like you know little things here and there like for example i made a mistake on the schedule cards i didn't print out math and i printed out something else like twice so i need to redo that i was actually able to get like these little light bulbs they're really really cheap so i was like okay i don't mind spending that um i know in a previous vlog i was like it's fine i'm not gonna spend any money but it was really cheap on amazon and they were having a flash deal so i was like okay i'll just get it so those came in today just now i opened my door open that put the batteries and i'm going to bring that in tomorrow put that on i did my flip calendar and then i did the you know hand signals the level of understanding voice levels and then mask safety rule procedures i put on the other side of the whiteboard so i was able to get that done as well i still need to put the student names on the birthday display at the bottom of underneath the smart board and then i need to do the be brave people bu my cabinets i got you um thankfully it took a while i emptied everything out um there is one cabinet where everything was just like thrown in um there were like papers everywhere white boards were just like thrown in um old student work from i don't even know when so i took all of that out emptied everything out took out my resources from my boxes but yeah so i was able to start organizing by the sink the cabinets above the sink that's all gonna be like my supplies so the students bring in like clorox wipes tissues all that stuff that's gonna go there above the cubbies on that side of the wall i was thinking of housing my social studies and science curriculum stuff and then some of language arts there because you know those subjects subject areas can be integrated and then on the other end of my room by my teacher table my small group table that's where all my math stuff is because right next to it you're you'll see like this clear cart right guys so that clear cart is where most of my math manipulatives are so i just figured i would put all my math there and then my stun bins are kind of just like hanging out on the desk because i haven't really figured out where i want to put those yet i don't think i'm going to be using those this year just based on the expectations that we've been getting that's been like trickling um that admin has been kind of like disseminating i'm going to probably have to put those in storage somewhere and then everything in the center of my room though there's one box that is for donation so there's like a station in our school where all the teachers can put their things that are up for donations that we can like swap or get rid of and then there's a box of like empty bins that i don't need anymore or like containers so i'm going to be donating those as well then there's a box i have to take down to the math specialist because i think those are like math manipulatives that were for second grade so i need to return those because that was just hastily packed away when you know schools just randomly shut down in march that year so i'm pretty much done i haven't gotten to my classroom library yet that is my priority tomorrow i'll see you guys tomorrow good morning today is tuesday and it's five minutes until nine i have to head off to a staff meeting and won't be back until 12 in my classroom so i'll catch you guys up then [Music] [Music] i'm so blessed this year i only have 19 students i was able to space them out so i just have them vertically in rows for now and as we continue getting guidance as time goes on we'll see if we can phase out of this okay my classroom is pretty much done um my library classroom library is looking very sad right now because this is the first year where i'm not going to be using bins because of the space that the bins used to take up it filled out my library a lot more nicely but there's a lot of bare space um but i do have to keep in mind that i do have a lot of books at home um in my office that i brought home for virtual so i need to bring those back that i will do tomorrow because those are still in my house but everything else is all set so now i'm just getting ready for open house i just need to assemble the folders and i'm going to hand out to every family and now i'm just like laminating last minute things like labels um where i want all the supplies to go and i'll show you guys that like how i set up open house um when the time comes but right now i'm just going to laminate and cut but decor wise my classroom's pretty much set i still feel like this has been the theme of this classroom series i keep saying that i'm going to do one thing and i just don't do it i still have to put up my be brave people to you i will do that it's not priority i still need to put up my student names under the birthday display but again i'll have to wait i like finished my cabinets i'm so excited i am very excited to start looking at the curriculum and start planning for that i feel like this video is just going to end up being a work week in my life vlog instead of like a traditional classroom series here i'm going to go straight to the salon um afterwards after rushing home without my furry views out first to get my hair toned to cancel out some of this yellow brassiness so i'm just labeling all the big like community supplies on the crate seats in years past i actually had parents organize the supplies for me in the cabinets but i'm trying to get them in in and out as efficiently as possible this year because of well you know everything safety and all that stuff so instead i'm just going to have them drop it in the crates with these labels here so we've got like paper towels bags like tomorrow's going to be straight up prepping for open house i did this cart here the cleaning cart my bulletin boards are complete i changed out remember how i said i messed up i accidentally printed the australian one i changed it so see the letter z there um i did these today's seating guest because we can't do full-blown flexible seating so i'm thinking like maybe it can be i don't know like something they earn or just one person per day assigned so i have to write the date the student's name so i know exactly where each student was sitting to go with you know just the precautions and regulations that we're supposed to have in place that is the front of the room i still have not done them be brave people be you guys nor have i done the birthdays i'm gonna save that for last i'm just so happy that my cabinets are finally organized i'm so excited those are all the student laptops and yeah i'm just very very happy good morning i just spent so much time racking my brain on how to arrange these student desks and it just drives the insane coming from the teacher that does flexible seating um at first i had them in vertical rows because it's like you know it was communicated that we are doing our best to do three feet nose to nose distance um and you know what the teacher feels comfortable with but also i'm trying to take into consideration my families too because like we've all had different experiences during the pandemic we all have different comfort levels and so some parents might be coming in you know really anxious and then some families might be a little bit more you know relaxed so i don't know where where where they're coming in so for open house for example if i have them together in groups um i know for like some of the classrooms it's inevitable like they have to do groups because they can't fit the number of students and bodies in there um so i don't want families walking in and thinking oh my gosh and then panicking you know that's the last thing that i want um but then also i don't if i do like vertical just like straight up traditional vertical dust i also don't want families coming in going oh my gosh you know so i'm just ah and i've been talking about it with my teammates what they're doing and they're all having the same struggles as well so like i literally spent so much time every single day just moving dust around and i had them in vertical rope columns and then i swapped seeing what my teammate did um they're still facing all one direction and i'll show you in just a moment and you know what i'm going to just tell families like just like what i did last year you know like we are a team we need to work through this together we're going to navigate this year together and you know if i find that parents are okay with this setup then i'm going to keep this way because i feel like it's safe um but if they're more flexible and they're okay with putting them in groups then like you know as we continue getting guidance from cdc and school you know our school district um then we'll make changes um as needed but the priority here is to keep everybody to keep up the students the teachers families everybody safe um anyway i went to get my hair toned i don't know if you can tell in the video but now the bottom part is more ashy but now it's like driving me nuts because my stylist did such an amazing job like she did exactly what i asked her for but you know how when you go online shopping for clothes you just don't know until you try it on so i feel like that's kind of what it was with the hair and so like now i'm regretting it because i feel like the warm tone the red copper tone went really well with the yellow but i'm just not a fan of yellow on me yellow blonde so that's why i wanted to get a tone to get ashy but now the ashy cool tone clashes with the warm tone on top um but again my stylist i love her and she did an amazing job um so but now it's like it's you know me like i need to like try things out and stuff so i think i might go back later after giving my hair some time to breathe um to ask her to change the top part um to like a cooler tone so maybe like a dark you know like what's down here so that it's all ash like ashy versus warm cool ash um anyway that has nothing to do with classroom setup sorry guys so okay let me flip you guys around do you guys see how i got this idea from my teammate like she's kind of like a you almost so there's still so nose to nose that's the regulation right nose to nose three feet distance so imagine the kids sitting here nose knows there's three feet between them um so i did that for now but i'm gonna have to stick with this because i do need to turn in a seating chart this year that's the that's what has been asked um so i'm going to put down name tags which i'm not going to show you obviously for confidentiality and then um after i figure out the desk arrangement like where the students are sitting then i can put together their box i'm providing boxes for them to put their markers and their crayons but if parents happen to buy personal pencil boxes or pouches for their kids then i wrote on the directions that they can use that and then if they don't want to use the container that i'm providing them with they can just leave it on their desk so i'm going to number all that stuff based on student number um and then i need a number their book bins which isn't pressing because i'm not opening the library right away we have to go over routines for that pre-covered i was like that too i never opened my library the first like two days of school transfer all my books i was able hubby was able to help me load the books into my car because i'm not able to lift that on my own and then our awesome i guess computer specialist i.t guy he's gonna help me lift put on a cart and drag it into my classroom and i'm gonna load the rest of my books into my classroom library and we're almost there you guys okay thank you for listening to me ramble [Music] [Music] one thing i really didn't like about desks was they were always shifting so i used their student numbers i actually had carpet seats sitting dots which i'm not going to be using this year where they're discouraging congregating on the carpet so i just put the student numbers based on their student desks under their desk as kind of like a placement holder so they know not to shift but also it's easy for me too to see their student numbers as well so as you guys can see they are numbered so the markers are going to go in one and crayons are going to go in the other all done now i just need to get my books from the car okay let's do a quick check-in on my list that i made okay so we did name tags that's my list so i'm just going down and checking everything off [Music] i wasn't able to fit the bottom part of the rainbow here as you guys can see because this is actually not the cart from michael's i got this from home goods you know what it's not a big deal because i never put subplant i always put sub plans i lay them out on my table for the guest t-shirt and then things to do for me personally is basically things to copy so um it works out beautifully but i am going to save these just in case in my teacher's space but i am loving how this turned out i love it so much [Music] i'm exhausted it is officially one o'clock i just sat down to eat i'm pretty much done you guys this is so exciting so the only thing left that i have to do physically in this room is finish unloading the books from my bin into my library shelf and then i'm done and guess what guys i got the most exciting news ever so i actually got a student added and i can't share too much obviously because of like confidentiality but i'm so thrilled because i know this student and i'm just so excited so now my class roster is 20 which is the perfect number so the only thing i have to do now is because i re i printed everything out like the class list and all that stuff and name tags and you know you saw me get the bins and containers ready i just need to do i just need to make it for that student and unfortunately the number that that student receives is not going to be based on alphabetical order because it just added at the last minute so i don't want to shift everything you know so i'm just going to um make that student number 20. i am just so thrilled even if it may not seem like it because i'm just like drained there's just so much work it's so much work if you're not a teacher it's um just it's a lot of work i don't know how else to say this but if you're a teacher you know um it takes days and it's not about like i know it probably took me longer because i did a little bit more you know decor um but even just thinking about like student supplies the library your manipulatives all that stuff so i'm really happy because i'm pretty much on schedule today is wednesday and half the day is over so once i get all that stuff situated for my last student i'm really going to focus on planning for the first week of school starting to look at the curriculum and all that stuff friday's open house so i still have like a little bit of today i'm anticipating that i probably won't get too much done today because i am planning on leaving at four i do have a cookie order pickup that i'm gonna pick up today so i have to leave on time all of thursday i'm just focusing on first week of school getting my resources ready and then bringing my last two carts to school so i'm gonna have my black cart behind me and then my white shelf right next to my desk it's gonna be perfect so excited um so yeah that'll probably today is probably gonna be the last part of my classroom setup i will do a separate video on a classroom tour and that'll probably that will actually not probably that will be my last video in the classroom because i don't i don't vlog in the classroom you guys know that i've been on youtube for quite a while now and my channel has evolved and i'm not a t i'm not a teacher a vlogger my stuff is more lifestyle obviously i still talk to you guys about like my work week and what i'm doing in the classroom but i don't do any of that in school because my job and my priority is to focus on my my children in the classroom that's my number one job and then when i leave school then i'll like you know update you guys on what's happening and ideas and things that i'm doing in the classroom and yeah so now i'm rambling because i'm tired i'm going to eat i'm so in love i know i keep saying that i feel i feel like this is by far my favorite classroom setup guys with the exception of social distancing obviously like if the if i could get rid of the pandemic that'd be great um but yeah you guys know what i mean so i bought this slipcover because the year that i had this when schools shut down that year brought a lot of wear and tear to my sofa so i wanted to preserve it um i got this slip off amazon and it fits perfectly and it's so soft it's so soft and that way i can take it home regularly and wash it to keep you know everything clean and everybody safe so now my classroom is officially done this is the view from the back it's officially done minus my teach two teacher cards that i need to bring in but you know that doesn't count that's just my stuff so yeah this is the room this is it this is the front of the room back view here i am in love and love and love i can't wait to turn on those lights i strung them up top and um now i just need to remember how i said because i got a new student i need to restuff these folders and then that is all for today i am closing out today because tomorrow is going to be my final portion where i just show you guys um me bringing in my black rolling cart teacher cart and then my white rolling cart as well those are the last two final things and i will close out this video here for today i'm signing off because i'm just going to stuff these folders and then what time is it i don't even know what time usually i wear a watch but i didn't wear it today so depending on the time i'll stay to start making copies of like first week plans or just like wrap my head around that if it is four then i'm actually going to save that for tomorrow and then just leave happy friday i am just over the moon and clearly t-rex is too he's just like going nuts but anyway i did not get to vlog the rest of the week so like thursday including today i didn't vlog anything um in the classroom for setup because i was so busy so so busy trying to get everything in place i wanted everything to be perfect for open house because so many of these i mean just you know like this past year has been crazy and i really wanted it to be extra extra special for my families and my kids and i just hope they were as excited as i am and i was today and it was just i was so happy i was so happy i'm not gonna lie i was a little paranoid because there are a lot of people and you know my families and my students were so sweet and so responsible and just like they're just amazing um but inevitably there's just a lot of people right a lot of people on open house so it was pretty jam-packed so i'm a little bit nervous and paranoid about that but aside from that amazing like so amazing i just have no words i'm so in love with my kids i love my families i was really excited because i know all the new kids in my class because i was on a secondary team and obviously like last this past year we worked really we were really tight-knit team we you know planned everything together so i was familiar with the students and then my kids from last year i was just i could not contain myself i was jumping for joy and hopefully i didn't like scare anybody with all my energy but i just like i i was just so happy and some of them were i think parents were keeping it a surprise until like literally the second leading up to coming to my door so it was so cute i love them so much i can't wait oh my gosh um so anyway i'm just coming on here to close out this vlog i love the classroom i love how everything turned out i love my students i love my families i'm ready for the year i'm super excited i did not film a classroom tour i don't think i'm going to because i'm just tired and like i said i just i'm not i don't really i'm not a teacher to you where i don't vlog in the classroom so i just did like a quick informal tour on my phone and i'll share it to like my instagram stories so if you are following me there then you'll see it but yeah so i hope you enjoyed this classroom setup series and i am going to be going to a mountain bike park with hubby this weekend so i want to do i'm going to do something to fill my cup so that i am happy and energized and ready for the first week of school have a wonderful restful weekend i will see you guys very soon thank you for coming and thank you for trying to do anything to make me smile [Music]
Channel: Janice Wan Vlogs
Views: 4,448
Rating: 4.9797978 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, vlogger, lifestyle, lifestylevlog, youtuber, dayinmylife, dayinthelife, weekinmylife, weekinthelife, workweekinmylife, workweekinthelife, youtubechannel, wholesomevlog, wholesomevideos, wholesomevloggers, dailylifevlog, casualvlog, cozyvlog, washingtondc, classroomsetup, classroomsetup2021, classroomsetupelementary, bohorainbowclassroom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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